Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 20, Tuesday, December 17, 2013: And the Award for the Best Couple goes to -- José Luis and Refugio!

The Old:
Montserrat reflects that Alejandro should have married María -- she is the perfect match for him.

The New:
Juventino is pulling on his boots and muttering to himself:  he can't believe they didn't kill the capataz...and nobody said he was coming with another guy.  He stalks away, presumably up to some off-camera mischief.
[The cry goes out through The Patio:  Hide the fruit!]

José Luis sees Alejandro and María riding away and seizes the opportunity to check out the big house.  Refugio, who now has a red bandana wrapped around his wrist in an unpleasant echo of the late and unlamented Gabino Mendoza, warns his friend to be careful.  (Save your breath, Refugio.)

Sneaky, sweaty-faced JL slips into Alejandro's house, and peers into a room or two.  Then -- busted!  Rosario appears on the scene and questions his presence.  He introduces himself as Antonio, the new capataz.  When he hears that Alejandro is out, he says he'll return later.

On the Waterfront
Dim Dim sits on the seawall and stares out at the water.  His friend Adolfo appears wearing what looks like an orange prison jumpsuit.  [A closer look reveals a slightly mismatched orange polo shirt and slacks.  The prison uniform will come later, I'm betting.]  Adolfo reports that after Graciela's attack, Josefina was ready to slit her wrists, just as they hoped. And he, Adolfo, did his part to plant the idea of a secret marriage.  Dim says he can take it from here.  He bolts away with more energy than we are accustomed to seeing in him.

That Night at Josefina's
Dimitrio feigns horror at tragic-browed Josefina's pain.  When he offers to set Graciela straight, Fina walks right into the trap the mean lazy bastards have set for her: their only hope is to get married in secret, she says.  Dimitrio shows a certain modest reluctance.  Well if she insists...

Montserrat Fails to Get Permission to Use the Phone
She goes into Alejandro's office, picks up the phone on his desk and calls daddy.  He sounds chipper.  Things seem to be picking up at the hacienda (after Alejandro's infusion of cash).  He invites the newlyweds to come to dinner on the weekend.  

When Montse hears Alejandro and María come in (they are bantering happily about their ride), she ends the call to daddy.  

Now Alejandro sees that Montserrat is in his office.  Why?  She called her father.  He believes her but he doesn't trust her.  She is not to use the phone when he isn't home!
[Seriously, dude?]

Oh, by the way, would she like to have dinner with him tonight?  Only if María isn't with them.  In that case, he'll have a tray sent up to her room.
[Again -- seriously, dude?]

In the kitchen, María wonders what to wear for dinner tonight. Dominga tries to discourage her from competing with Montserrat.  María retaliates by talking about the young and handsome new capataz.  And his friend -- ¡ni se diga!  But Dominga shouldn't get her hopes up.  From all the time she spends in the kitchen, she reeks of garlic.  María emphasizes her point by wrinkling her nose in disgust, allowing us to reflect that on such a nose, a wart might feel right at home.

Rosario tries to bring the Newlyweds together:
Rosario, on her way to Montserrat's room with a supper tray, stops to tell Alejandro that his wife would have liked going out with him this afternoon, even if she didn't come out and say so.  His face brightens.  He asks Rosario to try to get close to Montserrat and let him know if there are things she needs.  By the way, where is Rosario from?  From here, but she was away for many years -- in a place she'd like to forget.

When Rosario delivers the tray to Montse, she remarks on how sad the señora looks.  She contradicts her when Montserrat says no one likes her here.  She, Rosario, likes her -- all she has to do is look in her eyes and she knows Montserrat is a good person, a person she can trust.

Then Rosario says rather daringly:  "Everyone around here thinks that you don't love the boss; but I know you do."
Si no fuera así, no se pondría tan celosa de María.
(If that weren't true, you wouldn't act so jealous of Maria.)

Montse denies this.  Rosario only smiles.  But she encourages her patrona to get gussied up (póngase bien bonita, make yourself very pretty) and come downstairs to dinner.  Let her show that María who is the real lady of the house!

A brief scene in La Escondida
Refugio hasn't quite forgotten Esmeralda.  He calls and updates her on his latest misadventures.  Esmeralda is pleased to hear from him, but she can't talk long.  She has a pole to twerk around.

She Knows How to Make an Entrance
Montserrat saunters into the living room in her short, form-fitting white lace dress, her golden hair loose and gleaming.  Alejandro's eyes widen, but he catches himself.  Montse may have changed her mind, but María and the new ranch foreman will still be at dinner with them.  Husband and wife smile cynically [but OMG, how beautifully] at one another.  He can have the whole staff at the table if he likes -- whatever makes him comfortable, she says.  He replies that he can sit with humble folk as well as snobs and those who are insufferable...

¡Buenas noches¡

Montserrat freezes at the familiar whiny voice.  She turns and sees the sharp sweaty face with its permanent five o'clock shadow.   She falls in a dead faint right into Alejandro's arms.

Everyone bustles around, confused.  Montse comes to and looks directly at José Luis.  They both appear stunned.

José Luis excuses himself -- he will return the following day.  Rosario hurries off to make tea with honey for Montse. 

María looks unhappy that Montse is the focus of attention.  She complains to the Dominga that no one even noticed her special outfit.  She is irritated when Rosario and Dominga speculate that the fainting spell may be a sign of pregnancy.  They haven't been married that long.  And besides...

Besides what?


Rosario raises her eyebrows and exchanges a look with Dominga but says nothing.

Alejandro settles Montserrat in her bed.  She asks about the new guy.  "That was Antonio Olivares," he tells her, "the new ranch foreman."

In The Foreman's House
Refugio is enjoying his supper when José Luis returns and reports what has just happened.  His appearance certainly shocked Montserrat.  Maybe she thought he was dead? He is going to find a way to talk to her tomorrow and help her escape.  He doesn't want her spending another day in that house.

María tries again
María sidles up to Alejandro as he stands, pensive, outside his house.  She reproaches Alejo for failing to notice her special outfit, a lacy white shirt over a pair of jeans, a flower in her hair.  Te ves muy bien (you look very nice) he mumbles without really looking at her.
[Yikes.  Now he really is sounding like her husband.]

She reminds him that Don Benjamín's (only) friend, Joaquín Arechiga, should be coming through with his family any time now for their annual stay in the country.  He's going to be shocked to hear that Benjamín is dead, and very surprised to find out that Alejandro is his son and only heir.

If Arechiga invites Alejandro to a party, he should definitely go.  And take his wife.  But on second thought, Arechiga might embarrass Alejandro in front of Montserrat by treating him like a lowly worker.  Imagine!

Montserrat Pumps Rosario for Information
Rosario asks Montserrat if she could be pregnant.  Montserrat thinks not -- or at least she hopes not.  But now she is curious about this new ranch foreman -- she learns his name is Antonio, and he arrived today from Aguazul.  Alejandro hired him.  He is staying in the foreman's house, just behind the Big House.

Montserrat is feeling soooo much better now after her tea.  Rosario can go.

María Tries Another Tack
She asks Alejandro what a man looks for in a woman -- and she is talking about a serious relationship.   He thinks and then answers: the couple should get along well, there should be affection, companionship, love --

María points out that his relationship with Montserrat has none of those characteristics.  Why?  Because she isn't like them!  She is a frivolous woman who would never be interested in the things that matter to their kind -- the ranch, the horses, the harvest.

Is she saying he made a mistake in marrying her?  Okay.  He did.  Is she happy?

"Then divorce her!" says María triumphantly.  "Let her go back to her family -- that's where she was trying to go when she ran away!"

Alejandro contradicts her.  Montserrat wasn't going home.  She was going to...

He falls silent.  

"She was going to run away with another man, right?"

[The Patio has had enough.  As with a single voice they cry out: ShutUpMaría!]

Fortunately, Rosario interrupts the conversation at this point.  Dominga wants to know if Alejandro is going to have dinner.  He's not.  Is Montse better?  Yes, she's in bed.  Then Alejandro will take a walk.

María wants to tag along.  Not this time -- Alejo wants to be alone.

Knee-high boots and a nightgown.  It's a look.
Montse slips out of her room, passes through the dark hallway and out the front door of the house.  She goes down the steep front steps and then walks around the back to the ranch foreman's house.  She raises a hand to knock...

Refugio opens the door.  José Luis is standing behind him.  Montse rushes into his arms.  She had to know it was really JL -- they told her he was dead!

They kiss.  She cries.  She wants to know how he got there.  He tells her to forget that -- they need to leave together the next day. She insists: how is he the capataz?  José Luis says it was just a coincidence -- he's a lucky dude, is all.

Maybe not so lucky...
Montserrat tells him that he has to leave.  If Alejandro finds out his identity, he will kill him.

Meanwhile Alejandro is having one of those 
eye-->mind dealies:
Montse accuses him of murdering Bruno Gamboa...of having JL killed...murderer! murderer!

He shakes his head despairingly.

He would be even more despairing if he could hear Montserrat repeating the same slander to José Luis.  JL doesn't know how dangerous Alejandro is, she tells him.  He is an aggressive man.  He hates José Luis.  And he is going to kill him!

All of this just makes JL more determined to take Montserrat away with him.  They still love each other, right?  They can leave the following night.  They'll cross the border together and start a new life.

Montserrat says that is impossible.  She didn't realize before how powerful Alejandro really is.  There is no place they can hide from him.  He would hunt them down and kill them both. 

Even if JL could protect her, her family would still be vulnerable.  He would squash her father just to get even with her.  

Who owns Montserrat?
It is time to accept it -- this is her life.  She is married to Alejandro.  Yes, he bought her.  But he bought the whole family.  And she agreed to sell herself.

JL refuses to believe this.  She was coerced.  She is his!

Ya fui su mujer, says Montserrat quietly.  (I was his woman.)

JL stammers momentarily.  He thought that she...  Then he stops himself.  "It doesn't matter."

Montserrat knows him.  "It does matter."  

And nothing is as it was before.  There are so many things that tie her to Alejandro.

JL tries again to convince her: she can't stay with someone she hates, especially when she is in love with him.

Montse looks fixedly at JL, holding his face in her hands:
Sólo Dios sabe cuanto te amo.  No me voy a ir contigo -- ni hoy, ni mañana, ni nunca.
(Only God knows how much I love you.  I'm not leaving with you -- not today, not tomorrow, not ever.)

He sinks to the floor and leans his head onto her breast, his arms wrapped around her.  He begs her not to say such a thing.  

But she is adamant.  She only came to tell him he must leave.  He can't continue the lie.

He tells her he isn't going anywhere without her.

She leaves and he collapses into sobs.  "She slept with him," he tells Refugio.  But he knew that would happen.  What he won't accept is her refusal to leave with him.  

He is going to take her away even if he has to kill Alejandro to do so.  Death is the only thing that will separate him from Montserrat.

Refugio and José Luis, both shirtless, sit very close on the floor.  Refugio puts a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder.  
[A jaded voice on The Patio whispers: Oh just go with it, boys, and let Alejandro and Montserrat get on with their lives.]

An Intimate Moment with Graciela and Lauro
Lauro spoke to Montserrat today.  She sounded fine but a little homesick.  Graciela is miffed that her daughter didn't ask to speak to her or send her love.  (So miffed, in fact, that she removes the cucumber slices from her eyes momentarily.) And she refuses point-blank to visit the Almonte hacienda.

We are treated to a Graciela eye-->mind dealie:
...Almonte hacienda...Padre Anselmo recognizes her as Ben's lover...she hisses that her affair will be buried with Benjamín

We know why she won't visit the hacienda, but Lauro doesn't.  He pouts.  She carefully replaces the cucumber slices on her eyes.

Alejandro Sits in the Darkened Living Room
Montserrat enters the house as quietly as she can, though we can hear the noise of her boots on the floor.  She climbs the stairs, enters her room and slips under the covers.

Alejandro follows stealthily.  He switches on the light. 

"Where did you go?"


Alejandro learns more about José Luis.  JL insists he won't leave the hacienda without Montserrat.


This was a very strange episode, don't you think? Montserrat talks about Alejandro as if he is part of the Russian mob.

Is she demonizing Alejandro as a way to get rid of José Luis?

Is Rosario right? Is Montse really in love with her husband?

Is María ever going to ShutUp?

I have to go put some cucumber slices on my eyes right now. See you all later!


Thanks for this great recap NM. From Monsi POV Ale is like the Russian mob. He buys her, rapes her, knows she hates him, keeps her in an isolated place, and won't let her go. At this point if she does fall in love, for me it will feel like Stockholm syndrome.

Unfortunately, I can't think of anything but death that will silence Maria.

I've been traveling and haven't had access to the internet. Thanks to UA, Eli, EJ, NM, and AN for your recaps.

Diana, my prayers and with you and your friend during this difficult time.

Thank you for the much awaited recap of such a great episode, NovelaMaven.

I agree with Karen, Montse DOES think Ale is the worst, she thinks he's capable of murder.
I found it strange that she didn't mention Ale forcing her - was she trying to keep JL calm or she doesn't really see it as a rape?

That short glance between Montse and Ale before Jl showed up was the best! These two actors are dynamite together, that short exchange had a little bit of everything, it's like she was provoking him, taunting him with her presence.

"sharp sweaty face with the permanent 5 o'clock shadow" - well said, Bravo!
Later, when Montse falls into his arms and kisses him, all I could think of was: Oh, God, this guy has been sweating it up for how many episodes and now prim and proper Montse is all over him.

Refu&JL - best couple, indeed! The director should really be careful with all these naked scenes of the two of them.

Was anyone surprised that JL didn't agree to let go of Montse? What does she give these guys to keep them so smitten with her?
I did feel sorry for him because he went through a lot to find her, but in her state of terror she kind of had no choice.

Gracias for the awesome recap. I really enjoyed it.
ITA, this episode was a bit confusing. Montse, who claims to be in love with JL, still won't run away with him. I think she is confused. She says she hates Ale, but she's jealous of the time he spends with Maria. She says JL is the love of her life, yet she doesn't put him first. Maybe she knows that the love she feels for JL will not be enough to get them through the tough times that lie ahead. I did not watch AR, so I am wondering how montse is going to forget about JL, since she says she lives him so.

A strike against Ale. First, she can't use the phone. Then, he puts ShutUpMaria before her, when Montse's request to not have ShutUpMaria at the dinner table is denied. Ale had taken a step forward in the positive direction, but just took two steps back with his stupid, childish behavior. He lets his anger get the best if him. I hope to see him mature and become a better husband.

ShutUpMaria...that is all I care to say about her.

Thank God for Rosario. She is the voice of reason in that house. I think she will be the driving force behind Ale & Montserrat's relationship.

Can't wait to see what happens. Will comment more later, I must sleep!

Hasta pronto!

Thanks, Novelamaven, for another snappy recap.

I am wondering where this plot is going to go because the storyline was quite different in Amor Real. By the time the onetruelove and his new BFF escaped from prison, a couple events had happened that brought the two leads together. When the onetruelove and BFF arrived at the hacienda, Matilde had already fallen in love with Manuel. Manuel, like Ale, was a flawed galan, but he and Matilde became very close and loving and were sleeping together in Matilde's four poster canopy bed...muy romantic. . Rosario (not to be confused with Osario, my evil twin) was always trying to bring the two together and block the housekeeper's constant pursuit of Manuel. Likewise, The housekeeper treated Rosario very badly , and Matilde often came to Rosario's defense, so a strong bond formed between the two. This story worked perfectly set in the past. Men were the lords and masters . AAlso,the hacienda was isolated, and communication was not easy. I am having trouble accepting the premise set in present times.

[The cry goes out through The Patio: Hide the fruit!]

And we're off! with another rollicking recap by NovelaMaven. The episode and the resumen were both great.

"Seriously, dude?" Yes, Alejandro is not doing well in his reform program, but Lordy, is he gorgeous!

And I agree with Aunty Ann that the pre-dinner scene when he and Monserrat were teasing/taunting each other was dynamite.

But back to some more of my favorite novelamavenisms.

"on such a nose a wart might feel right at home."

"...can't talk long. She has a pole to twerk around."

[Yikes. Now he really is sounding like her husband.] So true, sigh.

José Luis and Refugio, on the other hand, make an adorable couple.

I'm loving Rosario's kindly meddling and I'm seriously addicted to this novela, just as I was to Amor Real.

Lots of differences, but still a compelling story and cast. Thanks NovelaMaven. Just great.


NovelaMaven: One of the best gifts in life is the gift of laughter and you made me laugh deeply and often. Gracias! I loved every word - clever, biting and insightful all.

"And the Award for the Best Couple goes to -- José Luis and Refugio!", "The cry goes out through The Patio: Hide the fruit!]", "María emphasizes her point by wrinkling her nose in disgust, allowing us to reflect that on such a nose, a wart might feel right at home", "she can't talk long. She has a pole to twerk around" and "eye-->mind dealies" were fantastic!

But my favorite was "Refugio, who now has a red bandana wrapped around his wrist in an unpleasant echo of the late and unlamented Gabino Mendoza". HA! I believe I was one of the few who did not find anything enticing about the Gaby character or actor! Great line.

I was trying to think how I would try and capture how I am feeling about Ale and Monse's situation but Karen did so perfectly: "From Monsi POV Ale is like the Russian mob. He buys her, rapes her, knows she hates him, keeps her in an isolated place, and won't let her go. At this point if she does fall in love, for me it will feel like Stockholm syndrome." You are always on point amiga.

But you are right Adriana Noel, Ale and Monse's chemistry is on fire - I think Angelique Boyer is doing a credible, mesmerizing acting job here.

To answer one of your questions, I don't think Rosario is right (at this point). Monse does not love Ale - there was an attraction early on but too much has happened. With JL's return, her sorrow is compounded knowing in her heart they will never be together. I thought their scene was very touching (am I alone here?)

AuntyAnn, ITA that Rosario is indeed the voice of reason (and of kindness). She is quickly earning Monse's and Ale's trust and with good reason. Susanlynn, you had me laughing with "Rosario (not to be confused with Osario, my evil twin)". Good one!

Missing Esme and glad we got to see her however briefly. Graciela? Nope, didn't miss her as much.

Looking forward to the Dimwit and Jose storyline. This should be fun...

So, Ale is going to find out about JL so soon?? I thought they would play this out a bit...

Really enjoying this but the recaps and comments are even better.

NovelaMaven: thank you - you brought a smile to my day!


Ahhh Judy. Our comments crossed and I see once again we are on the same wavelength! We loved so many of the same lines. Agree that NovelaMaven hit it out of the park once again.


Yes, I laughed when I saw your comment coming in after mine. We read with the same eyes, amiga!

Great stuff! I picked the same fave lines as everyone else.

Monserrat hasn't had time to actually fall in love with Alejandro, so her plea to Jose Luis to leave makes little sense. Her fear of Alejandro could be real; remember she's only 19 and has no money of her own. Will he confiscate her jewelry and put it in the safe she doesn't have the combination to?

I suspect she kept quiet about the rape due to a perfectly reasonable fear of what JL would do if she told him.

NovelaMaven! Thank you so much for your joyous clarification on this interesting episode:

I called it! From romping buck naked in the river to moonlight confessions in a haystack to this shirtless shoulder to shoulder cryfest/caress these dudes are bringing the tenderness man! I agree with the patio!

And Maria. Gosh she works that middle nerve! B*tch! How about ShutTheF***Up Maria! Uuuuuf! But you know what she is actually taking advantage of a role He has created and enabled by inviting her to share their home and table. What kind of idiocy is that?

And Rosario is playing the role with Montse and Ale I had hoped for and which I knew many of you novela veterans knew about--thanks for letting us speculate. It would have been hard for me to keep quiet!

Finally NM thanks for helping me understand the last scene with Montse and JL. Loved the line about his whiny voice! He is sweaty and whiny and sneaks around like a cock roach ever since this thing started. AB truly portrays her deep and hopeless love of JL but I just ain't feeling it! Oh well.

This whole thing of a man "making a woman his" is this cultural or a novela thing? One stroke of the magic pen and a man makes a woman his own? Kinda sexy and silly at the same time. And did she say he forced her? And why is she refusing to leave with him. . .because she thinks he is a raging mad man who would slaughter her whole family or is she implying the sex has something to do with it?

Thank you so much again NM and I look forward to all y'alls witty and indepth takes on this.


Dear NovelaMaven,

Oh, how I laughed at that title! And I kept laughing and loving this recap throughout. So many lines funny lines--Hide the fruit!--and other wonderfully observed details and with your smart, insightful POV the best thing of all:

J-L's "sharp, sweaty face with its permanent five o' clock shadow."

The way that Montse and Ale smiled at each other cynically "(but OMG, how beautifully)"

Just to name a few of my favorites.

Maybe Refugio and J-L should spent an evening in the capataz house watching Y Tú Mamá También or Cold Mountain together or something? Might inspire them.

I love the way María thinks that it's her vast knowledge of ranching that can make her attractive to Alejandro.

Thanks again to NovelaMaven for such a wonderful stylish recap and to all for interesting comments!


Novela Maven, "Knee-high boots and a nightgown. It's a look." Thanks for that and a fun recap!

I found Montse's conversation with her father to be so pathetic because once she hears that things are better with her father's business due to Ale's cash, she feels that she is stuck with Ale still due to that obligation. She is still between a rock and a hard place. AB did a great job in that scene as well as the rest of the episode.

Ale angered me when he put Maria before Montse. I am hoping Maria keeps getting on his nerves so he does send her off to another job.


NovelaMaven: Thanks. I missed the part about Don Benjamin's friend coming for a visit. That should make things even more interesting.

Isn't it interesting that Graciela now professes to hate the country, yet she found her way out there when she was Benjamin's mistress.

Well, patio pushers, Montse and Juan Luis just seem like a great big mismatch gone completely out of control. He's her high school crush, and I'm not feeling the love, just the pain.


Fabulous recap, NM! And I laughed at the title. I think the director is having fun toying with us with these homo-erotic moments between JL and Refugio. I don't mind the gratuitous double shirtless scenes.

As for Monse turning down JL's request to flee, I thought it was a sensible/mature decision. In addition to the reasons Karen mentioned, why Monse would believe Ale to be a dangerous enemy, she also keenly feels responsible for making sure her family (really her father) is ok. When she first agreed to flee with JL, way back when, I thought it was rather foolish, considering how concerned she was about her father's health. Plus, we all know Monse is too high maintenance to survive being on the run, living in squalor, trying to cross the border, and living as an illegal resident. Hopefully, she's starting to realize that about herself. Like Adriana, I feel bad for JL because the dude has been through hell and back because of his relationship with Monse. But when he got involved with her, he knew that her powerful family would very likely do all they could to separate them, and they (her mom and bro) did-- framing him for murder and theft, and slandering him. Now he has to find a way to deal with that, cut his loses, and get his butt over the border or to a new town, far, far away.


Having said that I think it would be foolish for Monse to flee with JL to an uncertain future, I also don’t like the situation she is currently in with Ale. She is his prisoner, and she’s indebted to him because of her father. This is a very unhealthy situation. Sure, we know that if she put in a little effort and showed more interest in Ale, his life, and the ranch, he would melt like butter. But why should SHE make the effort? He’s the one who has treated her like a prisoner, and disrespected her by forcing himself on her, and moving in a woman who clearly has designs on him. HE should be making the effort to woo her and make amends. And so, we are at an impasse. I did enjoy their banter just before JL came in and ruined it all. They were using irony and sarcasm, but they were definitely flirting and enjoying it.

Vivi, I agree with you that Montse has no reason to "like" Ale right now, but she feels she has to stay with him to protect her dad.
I don't think she's considering how difficult a life on the run would be, but JL SHOULD, especially after he talked with Refu about subjecting Esme to such a life.
If Esmeralda, la cabaretera, can't do it, how can Lady Montserat?? Blinded by love? Foolish?

I'm beginning to suspect the producers chose this actor to play JL because they knew the true galan of the story would do a lot of stupid things. Picking someone more likable to play JL would have really made it impossible for me to root for Ale and Montse.


Good Morning NovelaMaven:

Delightful, fabulously funny recap! I too liked the line "hide the fruit" and "the boots and nightgown, it's a luke" ; )

I really think Monse is starting to have some feelings for Ale, despite what is happening/has happened to her. Monse is still wanting to bar Maria from the dinner table, and she is jealous whenever Ale goes off with Maria, despite her denials. What Ale is doing to her is wrong, keeping her prisoner, not letting her use the phone. I think that has to do with her latest "escape attempt". If he just could have heard that phone call to her Papa, it would have broken his heart. I think Rosario called it as she saw it.

I really like Rosario, that woman is such a voice of reason, ITA! I wish she and Lottie would meet some time, they'd put Gracie in her place!

Still not liking JL. I do feel sorry for him, for being unjustly accused of something he didn't do, but I'm not feeling the love with him and Monse, I noticed she kissed her at first, but not like in the beginning, it felt more like a goodbye to me. She is trying to be firm with him and he just isn't getting it. I wonder what he will do now. About demonizing Ale, I think she is doing that to drive JL away, cause we know about his lack of avocadoes. I really think she knows this.

Monse, to me, isn't about the money. I think she would be spunky enough to cope with living in reduced circumstances, I think her motive here is to protect her Papa, and no one else. She could care less about Gracie or Dimwit, she only really cares for her Papa and Lottie, she would do anything to protect her Papa.


No, she isn't about the money. However, she doesn't have the skill set for wilderness survival. I don't see her shrieking at it (like that stupid chick in the second Indiana Jones movie) but I could see frustration at being unable to cook over a campfire or having to relieve herself in the woods.

What she should do now is get herself some ranch-appropriate clothes and take her proper place as the patrona of this estate. She needs riding practice, for starters.

It just occurred to me that the first time she actually goes riding Maria might put a burr under the saddle. I've seen that as a murder weapon more than once.

High maintenance doesn’t mean being money-conscious. One of my best friends from high school is high maintenance. We still kid her about the backpacking trip we took junior year of high school, when to our shock, she pulled out her battery powered curling iron, so that she could curl her bangs. I kid you not! LOL! She’s one of the most down to earth and generous people I know, and she’ a cop now…but she’s still high maintenance, and flashes her badge and gun in her perfectly manicured hands.


I agree she does need riding lessons and the sooner the better.


Lol, you friend sounds like a hoot with the manicured hands and the badge and gun. I think once Monse really gets into the day to day working of the hacienda she won't be so high maintenance. I don't think she's got the clothes for it either, but, not a spoiler, I think she'll get with the program. I really liked it when she and Ale went with the Padre and Monse met the people. I think she is really willing to help them and would love to be given the chance to work on that project. She had some really good ideas and she was really good with those little kids.

NovelaMaven, this was a wonderful recap, filled with rich details and excellent snark.

The mention of Gambino Mendoza was timely. I often think of him when Juventino is up to his tricks and casual cruelty, trying to decide how the two villains stack up against each other.

I won't re-quote all the great lines already mentioned, beginning with "hide the fruit!" I wondered if Montse didn't have some other footwear in her extensive wardrobe--something that wouldn't clomp on the floor when she returned to the house.

Thanks for the fun recap, NM! Enjoyed all the clever comments.

I agree with Mads. I think Montse has feelings for Ale, even more so since the 'forced sex' episode. JL is her first love, but perhaps not her best love.

I'm so angry that the meddling mothers don't seem to get much if any punishment for all the pain and suffering they cause. The last novela with Rosario in La Tempestad still has me fuming. Seeing Montse Mama enjoying her cucumber rest has me hoping she gets an anvil. Are all novela mamas protected? Even the evil ones?

Marea Primavera

Hahahahahaaa! What a funny title. NovelaMaven, thank you for the exceedingly clever and amusing recap. I think my favorite Mavenisms have already been mentioned, however my California sensibility did have a wink and a laugh at "Seriously, dude?" Because that's just what I was thinking last night while watching the episode.

And yes, I also said "ShutUpMaria!!" Dang, that girl's voice is like fingernails on blackboard. She's such a little snot, wrinkling her nose at the hardworking Dominga. I'm so glad Rosario finds her exceedingly annoying. I think Maria the annoying twit is more high maintenance than Monse.

So Ale finds out about JL so soon? That's got to be a teaser, yes? Surely they will stretch out the charade a bit longer.

What ever happened to Tia Lottie moving into the hacienda? Monse needs to add another member to her team.

Good morning out there on The Patio!

Thank you for your kind words and thoughtful comments. Here's what I've been mulling over:

If we see Alejandro as a rapist, then it is almost impossible to be sympathetic to him.

But what if we assume the narrative point of view --- that he was acting within his rights as her husband? (yeah yeah, I know)

Because, my friends, the behavior that we consider marital rape is not framed that way in the story. It is not among Montserrat's litany of reproaches to Alejandro's face or behind his back. She doesn't say to Rosario or Padre Anselmo or even to herself -- Él me violó or él me abusó.

I think the writers want us to see these two as lambs intent on tearing each other apart while the hungry wolves -- Juventino and María on the hacienda, Graciela, Dimitrio, and Pedro in Aguazul -- prowl around them, ready to pounce. That is the central irony: the two innocents deny their growing attraction to one another and continue to wound each other.

José Luis is just collateral damage or as Pasofino referred to him, the high school crush who, in retrospect, is seen as an unfortunate adolescent mistake (like, say, blue hair or that tiny tattoo where nobody will ever see it.)

Just a theory. Have at.

Dearest Novela Maven:

What a terrific recap. I am not original in my love of this next section but I have to quote the whole thing here:

"But Dominga shouldn't get her hopes up. From all the time she spends in the kitchen, she reeks of garlic. María emphasizes her point by wrinkling her nose in disgust, allowing us to reflect that on such a nose, a wart might feel right at home.

Sister, can you write!

As to the questions you posed:

1. ITA with all who say that Montse believes/fears Alejandro is all powerful. He won't even let her use the telephone, for heaven's sake. Right now, she believes he is a murderer, and from her point of view, he could easily kill Jose Luis.

I am not a fan of Alejandro's troglodytic behaviors, and I think they contribute strongly to Montserrat's understanding of her husband.

2. Is she demonizing Ale...Yep. I think so. She is so confused that JL's appearance, however romantic, must seem to be quite a burden. To me he feels more like her stalker than her one-true-love. Making Ale seem (even) worse than he is could possibly scare JL out of harm's way.

I do not think Montserrat knows 'her' Jose Luis very well.

3. Is Rosario right? No, not yet. The two leads have chemistry and if she ever leaves her room she may come to appreciate Alejandro's competence and other qualities. As a few more misunderstandings get cleared up and she discovers that he did not murder Bruno Gamboa, she may begin to move this way.

Furthermore, she has no idea that obsessive and possessive Jose Luis is an accessory to murder. THAT will not go down well with our prim Montserrat.

4. I think Maria will only shut up after the ACME anvil hits her on the head. She has already moved into serious villain territory by conspiring with her uncle to kill Montserrat.

Thanks again, Novela Maven, for a rocking recap. I love the title and I think Jose Luis and Refugio are well suited to one another. Neither one of them has three digits of IQ points to rub together and they are both ruthless opportunists.

Elna June


NovelaMaven - Thanks for a fantastic recap. My favorite: "Hide the fruit!"

Poor Montse sees the idyllic love with JL just can't be, too many stones weighing them down - like her possibly being pregnant by Ale. Plus I do believe she thinks Ale is behind all JL's bad fortune. She doesn't want to be responsible for Ale making it even worse for JL. But how can JL leave her there, if he believes she's with a real bad man?

I got so angry when Ale told Montse not to use the phone. Excuse me? Ale needs to listen to himself and realize how much an ogre he can be, just like Benjamin.

So both men had to be shirtless when Montse came to JL. Yep, the producers are having fun with us, but I don't mind at all. Bring on more skinny-dipping on the run.


I totally agree with you about the Monse and the "husbandly rights" cause she sure would use that against Ale any chance she got. I think the writers purposely wrote it this way, to give us lingering doubts. To me Monse is more upset about not being able to use the phone or go anywhere than what happened between her and Ale. Ale is starting to feel the guilt I think of what he has done, and he does need to work at getting Monse's forgiveness and to get the rest of the story, about how he was never involved in JL's "death". At least JL admitted to her that yes, he was "dead" otherwise Monse would have felt that Ale lied to her yet again.

I know this is out there, but I really think under different circumstances, Ale, Victor, JL and Refugio would make good buddies. I think Ale and JL are protective of Monse. They may not seem as if this is a fact, but I think if push came to shove they sure would protect her.

I forgot to add that both Ale and JL are victims of Gracie. That at least they have in common, besides Monse that is.

Marea Primavera, are you new to novelas?

Meddling mothers who do no lasting harm sometimes get off easily but the really toxic, controlling ones get their Karmageddons in the end. I think Graciela will pay and pay big for what she's done here. We have a weekend feature on the subject and an equivalent article on controlling fathers.

I'll do another one in a few weeks. There may be enough entries by now for another Dirty Dozen.

NM: Such a great recap. Only a few minutes at lunch to read and comment, but what a great lunch break you gave me!!

Everyone already commented on all your great many to pick from. I'll also agree, bit disappointed in Ale. Little Pride and Prejudice going on here? He needs to stop being so darn defensive and proud and maybe be the one to give a little. No phone? What, she a prisoner. Not cool at all.

Though I agree or main twosome have screen chemistry in spades even when arguing, I am getting a kick out of DimJo. I am wishing so hard for a total reversal here and have Josie become a powerhouse, with a new attitude and look, a cowed and awestruck Dim and Graceless left in the dust. After the disaster that was CI, we on the patio who watched that drech until the end deserve some truly fun plot lines to savor.


Madelaine, in AR Alfonso arrived after things had settled between Mathilde and Manuel and he came to see that Manuel was a decent man. The events here are playing in a more rushed manner so there was no time for Alejandro and Monserrat to settle their differences and be the lovers we want them to be before Jose Luis arrived.

And then there is Alejandro expounding on the qualities he looks for in a woman. Puh-lease. Such a hypocrite! Montserrat's most important value to everyone except, perhaps -- perhaps -- her father and her friend Nadia, is her beauty. And yet physical beauty is nowhere on Alejo's list.

It reminds me of a line from the W.B. Yeats poem, "For Anne Gregory:"

"I heard an old religious man
But yesternight declare
That he had found a text to prove
That only God, my dear,
Could love you for yourself alone
And not your yellow hair."


I haven't read the recap or comments yet, so someone may have addressed this, but catching up with yesterday's comments, AuntyAnn posted this: "I can't wait for Ale to find out that his "best friend" wanted to have Montse killed." What does this mean? AuntyAnn--not Victor?!

I assume AuntyAnn meant Maria, no?

Montse is jealous of Maria! I wonder if this the reason why she doesn't want to escape with JL.

Yellow hair is useless without a pretty face. Don't ask me how I know that.

Nannette, I think "best friend" meant Maria.

NM again thanks for your thoughts about the framing of this tn. Since I have to rely on the recaps, I don't have gorgeous SR to make me forget what has happened as the writers seem to be trying to do; and I find very troubling. Our discussion last week makes me think that Monse, who is 19, may not be aware of the fact that she was raped. And the cultural difference between the US and Mexico about martial rape lead me to conclude the writers threw that bomb out there and think if she doesn't say anything, the audience will forget that it happened at all.

EJ noted some other disturbing qualities about our flawed galan and just like you observed NM Ale's list of female qualities is bogus. His love for Monse is misguided. It's hard to believe in love at first sight based on his behavior. He really doesn't know Monse just that she is beautiful and as many married couples (and other wise folks) tell you looks fade so you better be with someone with character.

Not being able to view the tn removes the charisma factor and the chemistry in the show but it also leaves concerns about another tn not dealing with domestic abuse/violence. And while I know this is all make believe, I also know from my work in media studies that people enjoy characters from fiction in real-life ways all the time.

"Montserrat freezes at the familiar whiny voice." Perfect!! Because I think JL gets whinier when he talks to Montsy. He has this sing songy up and down thing that is. so. irritating!

A great recap on a confusing and action packed epi.

I have to say, I'm totally hooked on this TN. I loved the look on Ale's face when Montsy came in the room. Maybe Montsy will trust Ale a teeeeeeny bit more now that she realizes he didn't kill JL in cold blood. But who knows--she may still think he killed Gamboa.

Seriously, dude? Was perfect.

Thanks so much, NM!

And ISTA on the bogus list of what Ale looks for: Companionship?! Really? That's what he thought of when he saw Montsy on the beach that night? "She'd be a great companion".

Yeah, right.

As UA noted, in Amor Real, the two leads had become close and were sleeping together by the time her first love arrived at the hacienda. The first time Matilde was able to sneak away to talk to Antonio , they met in the chapel on the grounds of the hacienda ,and she cried and told him that he would not want her now because another had taken her virginity. Antonio told her that it did not matter to him because he loved her for her soul not her body. It was very easy to feel for the first love because he was such a good guy who had been unfairly framed and imprisoned due to the mother going to the commanding officer and wanting him away from her daughter. It was easy to be sympathetic towards him. JL is just not arousing any sympathy in me.

Last night, it looked to me as if AB was leaning away from the actor playing JL.

I guess you never forget your first love even when you start to realize that person is not right for you . At nineteen, Jl might be Money's first and only love.

P.s. As I was peeling an apple and an orange today, I had a sudden! secret smile on my face,


Thanks. I like the info on what has occurred in the previous versions as they happen. So this part of the story is different compared to what happened before. I swear when this TN is over, I am buying "Amor Real" and "Bodas de Odio" to get a feel for the previous versions.


synecdoche: a figure of speech in which a part of something stands for the whole. Here, "yellow hair" stands for "beautiful woman with yellow hair," -- as you already know, of course. :)


Yes, you are right about the insidious influence of popular entertainment -- and especially that most intimate drama of all, the telenovela -- on real life. It is worrisome when an evil like marital rape is glossed over as it is here. Beautiful sympathetic players make unacceptable behaviors seem acceptable.

For me, the best antidote is an open discussion.

LOL, Katy! Ale certainly was NOT thinking about what a great companion Monse would make when he first saw her on the beach, or even when he wooed her. He was dazzled by her beauty, and he desired/wanted her. Since he really hasn’t taken the time to get to know her, I don’t really feel like he’s moved beyond the desire/infatuation phase. So neither one of them is “in love” yet, IMO.

I believe in lust at first sight that turns into love at second sight...if you are lucky. Otherwise...not so good.

That night on the beach when he turned to see Money hugging him, I do not believe that Ale was thinking "Wow, this girl looks like she has a strong character." Do you remember Novelamaven's interpretation of the face>eye>mind connection...."cute blonde on the beach, > cute blonde> blonde.

Duh!!! Thanks guys. I forgot Maria thinks that she's Ale's best friend (and true love).

OK. I'll give Ale a little mroe credit. I think in the few months he wooed her, he saw how loving Monse is to her father, aunt and friends, how loyal she is to her family, that she has a strong personality, that she's intelligent, and that she carries herself with class and grace. He also observed that she's kind and polite to all (not just people of her own class), and that she is passionate about enducation and opportunities for the poor. All of these, I think, are qualities he wants in a wife. But is it love, yet?

It seems like all those qualities he observed in her were wiped from his mind when he realized that 1) she was in love with someone else; and 2) she knew he had made a deal with her mother and paid her family debts. Now he thinks she is a vapid, spoiled, arrogant, and easily bought.

Novela: Loved your recap. Very funny. All my fav lines have been noted by others. Especially, love the “seriously dude.”

I was also thinking “shut up” when Maria was talking to Ale. That woman makes my ears bleed.

I wonder if Ale thought Mons’ objection to Maria sitting at the table was a class thing.

I think Mons was brave to walk away from JL. I also agree with Diana that it was a touching scene.

I wondered if the writers knew they are giving out a major gay vibe with JL and Ref? I see a lot of you think it’s deliberate on the show’s part.

Love the scene between Ale and Mons when she comes down to dinner. There aren’t enough scenes between AB and SR. They are awesome together.

UA: “(like that stupid chick in the second Indiana Jones movie)”—Thank you!!! I hate that character. She ruined the movie for me and not only because I was bitterly disappointed not to see Marian.


Okay Y'all here are the ratings for our TNs for last week according to

"Por Seimpre Mi Amor: 2.8 million total viewers

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo: 3.0 million total viewers

Mentir Para Vivir: 2.8 million total viewers

They don't list CI for some reason in this lineup. Zap2it uses the Neilsons and according to that we are gaining viewers a bit only +2 per TN, and Uni is the #4 network right now against the BIG 3 as in ABC, CBS, NBC. That isn't bad at all.

Also there was a survey done in Mexico of who people down there liked as far as male and female stars, this was done by a reputable survey institute called "Gabinete de Comunicacion Estrategica" and guess who the top two were? AB and WL. Hmmmmmmmm.............

Mads- Thanks. I'm surprised MPV held on to that many viewers in the 10pm slot. Usually there's a huge drop off at 10pm for any network. I'm sure Uni wants to get beyond being #4, and there are times/nights/weeks when they have hit the #1 and #2 spot. It's hard to find ratings for the 7pm slot, because it's not primetime.

About the difference between AR and Robo when it comes to the leads' relationship when "the other guy" arrives:
Matilde lived in the 19th century and had the mind of women living in that era - once married you stayed married. So all she could do was try to get along with her husband, make the best she could out of a very bad situation.
Someone already mentioned this I believe, but Matilde was nothing like Montse: a quiet, shy girl, not exactly the spitfire that Montse is proving to be. After sleeping with Manuel, abuse or not, a woman with Matilde's education would have definitely thought she had no way out.
Besides, Manuel was hot and she was pretty much trapped in his house and after a while, under his spell, too.

Montse lives in the modern era, she already slept with JL ( a change from the original that I welcome) and it's natural for her to think about a divorce all the time. If she had fallen for Ale so fast, it would have looked like she was cheating on JL.

Ale and Montse had two months of non-agressive courtship to get acquainted, but the writers chose to flashforward through them instead of giving us some bits and pieces - you CAN fall in love in two months, but as it turns out right now, the two of them never really talked about anything meaningful.
Of course that after Montse found out he "bought" her just before the wedding, all closeness became all the more difficult.

I was talking about ShutUpMaria giving the go ahead to her tio Juvie to have Montse killed. Sorry about the confusion. You also bring up a good point about Ale thinking that Montse didn't want ShutUpMaria at the table as a "class" thing. Maybe he doesn't realize that Montse is somewhat jealous of ShutUpMaria. Maybe Ale does not see Maria as a threat because he doesn't think of her from a romantic view; just a friend. Well, he needs to WAKE UP before it's too late. I would not put it past Maria to trick Ale into a compromising position. Not a spoiler, just speculation. I really hope that is not the case.

ITA, there needs to be more scenes with Ale and Montse.

Vivi in DC:
ITA with your comment about how Ale got to know Montse a little bit; how she cares for her family. But a lot of that changed on their wedding day when they both learned SOME of the truth.

I am waiting for Montse and Ale to really get to know each other, and to stop drawing their own conclusions to the mess that Graceless has produced. I really think that Graceless has a lot to do with Ale's new stupid attitude. I think it really hurt him when Graceless kept calling him a bastard. Now his attitude is; "I'll show you! I am no bastard" Now he thinks that if he throws his weight around, especially with the rich folk, they won't push him down, but be afraid of him. He has to remember that respect is earned, not bought. He had the respect of everyone from the hacienda before his inheritance, when he was poor, not after he became 'el patron'. Graceless really did a number on Ale. She planted a seed in his head that won't allow him to fully open himself to Montse. Hopefully, with time, all of this will change. Why? Because I am a romantic fool, and want to see Ale & Montse have some happiness. They have both suffered because of Graceless, and lets not forget Dimibrow. BTW, I am loving this TN.

Back to work...hasta pronto!

I would certainly not put it past Maria to create a compromising situation.

Alejandro has no idea what a dangerous path he's walking with her. Nothing he has said so far is making her back off and I have the feeling that no matter what he says to her it won't work.

Two things:

1. How can she escape with him? She doesn't have the clothes to run away. She only wears dresses and hooker heels. She can't sneak down railroad tracks. Also, she's blonde! I've been to still ain't the dominate hair color there.

2. That being said, if I was Jose Luis, I would grabbed her by her long blonde hair and dragged her out of that place. He went through a lot to get to her and she would be coming with me whether she liked it not.


P.S....Still no prepositions. Waiting....but none.

AuntyAnn: I agree that Ale is being clueless re: Maria. Maria’s blatant dislike of Mons and her treatment of Rosario should be a big red lit warning sign that he should be cautious where Maria is concerned. He's being very naive, thinking that he can convince her she's just a friend/sister to him.

Cynderella...I tried to give you a few prepositional phrases concerning Amor Real, just to hold you over until Ale and Monymony were finally able to provide their on prepositions. Manuel and Matilde eventually started doing it like bunnies because Manuel was a master seducer and was able to introduce his young and innocent virgin bride to the rapture of Amor. They did it in Matilde's four poster canopy bed (H-O-T....I want one of those) , on a picnic blanket outdoors , against the carriage, in the supply room....etc. note : Matilde ALWAYS wore skirts.

Don't you think that in real life guys are sometimes oblivious to women who are after them ? I've seen it.

Yes. I KNOW PERSONALLY KNOW that men are oblivious when a woman is after them. I don't want to be direct because I am from the old school. Sometimes I wish I was a guy so that I can be blunt. I would like to say...hey I like your buns and would like to squeeze them. I'd get slapped all the time if I were I guy.


Susanlynn, I remember Matilde and Manule doing it during their picnic so well, it's almost like it happened to me :))
Matilde was very flustered they're doing this in broad daylight and outside!!! I guess that won't be a problem with our Montsey... if Ale ever decides to "make her his" out in the field, she can just say: "mi Jose Luis" already made me his in the great outdoors. hehe

About the skirt wearing situation... Montse IS wearing them, also, and a lot shorter, too. Easier acces in times of necessity.

Also, about M&M doing it everywhere "on a picnic blanket outdoors , against the carriage, in the supply room" - that is always hot when it happens in a telenovela de epoca, but in present times doing it in the stables or in a car is not romantic at all.

Protagonistas these days need scented candles and dim lighting. I'll never forget a laugh out loud moment in Marido en Alquiler when Rafa, moto shop guy, takes his novia to his office for some loving and in the next scene the place is filled with white, romantic candles - the guy probably had a stash at the office, just in case.

Adriana Noel..Ha. .. We wish it were us on that picnic. !!! Pass the potato salad, Manuel. do you remember that Matilde was so embarrassed to do it outdoors because someone might see! and Manuel teased her with "Who will see us...the birds ????" are TOO funny. I like your style and your honesty...bravo.

The danger of trying to get it on out in the open these days-- someone is always around, they always have a cell phone to record stuff, and you WILL end up on YouTube.

Susanlynn, THANK YOU for not saying "pass the fruit salad" - no more fruits for us for a while, I guess.

Vivi, it's so NOT fair, right? The phones, the ipads, the iphones, facebook, twitter, instagram... too many risks of having your nookey nookey plastered all over the Internet just in time for Grandma who just got a laptop for her 70th birthday to find the incriminating video while she's setting up her online dating account.
Technology might truly be the end of spontaneous romance!

Cynderella, a million years ago, when I still dated (I'm not that old, but it still feels like I haven't been on a first date in ages), my girlfriends and I always made up lame pick up lines and tried them on high school classmates we knew more or less to see their reactions.
It worked every single time! And believe me, we were not that imaginative, on the contrary, we did the best we could to find the most idiotic things to say just to see how far a guy can go to get some.
Of course if a guy asked for our phone numbers we ran for the hills, but it was all about the chase and the afterwards giggles for us.

Some men tend to be oblivious when women want them, but in my experience, a woman usually knows when a man wants her. The sad part comes when she thinks the man wants her and that is not exactly the truth - not too great when that happens.

Adriana Noel..there is something to be said for living in the country . Manuel had lots of open spaces...and no technology to worry about. You are right. Technology has it's downside.

Susanlynn: I agree. Men can be so oblivious.

Adriana: "The sad part comes when she thinks the man wants her and that is not exactly the truth - not too great when that happens. " that's actually happened to me--a long time ago and I still feel like a fool.

Here's a first. My prove you're not a robot password is all numbers.

Cynderella Novia de Victor Hugo Cabrera ! Hee Hee Love your comments! :D


This comment has been removed by the author.

Nanette - it happened to me, too. And the sad part in my case is that I still have doubts sometimes...what if he did like me? :))

Susanlynn - the countryside has never stirred my interest when it comes to amorous affairs... I'm a Virgo, we're freaks about stuff like that.

Adriana Noel:
"Easy access in times of necessity." That line made me blush and laugh at the same time.

ITA with everyone, men can be so oblivious sometimes.

I felt a little sorry for JL, but I just don't feel any chemistry between him and Montse. And in a TN, the viewer wants that chemistry. It makes it hard to be on JL's team when his whiny voice starts begging Montse to leave with him. It's kind of sad though because he did go through a lot to get to her. But I don't think it would work once Montse found out about the dead official, and the real capataz that they buried.

Still confused about how this will work, especially since it is not following the same timeline as AR.

Back to work...hasta pronto

Aunty Ann, if we think about it, JL has stopped being an innocent victim a long time ago.
Yes, he has been framed and maybe it was ok for him to run but he just buried a guy - you're right taht Montse wouldn't like that and JL knows this, too, since he didn't mention her this part.
Funny how she has JL on a pedestal and she thinks Ale is a criminal.

Great comments and discussion today. I have really enjoyed re-reading the recap and reading the comments.

I like how the protagonistas are not perfect. I like how JL is not completely sympathetic. It makes total sense to me that a young woman would fall for a handsome but flawed naval guy and think he is the cat's meow. That sort of "love" happens all the time and it is very realistic. AB is a good actress and I look forward to her coming to understand that JL is not as great as she thinks and that Ale is not as horrible as she thinks.

let's just say that Jl is not a good decision maker ; therefore, I would not want to hitch my wagon to that star.

I like the strong, silent type. Hello, John Wayne ;goodbye, JoseLuis.

Sylvia...If you like imperfect protagonists, you are in the right place.

Just looked out the kitchen window and saw a big, full moon, out for the moon loonies tonight.

Thank you for the wonderful conversation today. I agree that this novela is engaging and the acting is outstanding.

As for people making bad decisions and taking advice from the wrong sources -- that sounds almost like real life.

[All of which is not to say that I am over DamFab, not by a long shot! That smile. Oh my.]

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