Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #45 Mon 12/9/13 Tito has nine lives – how will Jose Luis explain this new lie?

 The old – Jose Luis and Oriana are fighting, so Tito runs to her rescue. JL kicks him viciously, the dog screeches, Alina screams, Oriana is shocked.

The new – Alina runs to the dog, calling her dad a bad person. JL takes Tito and rushes out with him, saying he’s taking him to the vet; Oriana hugs Alina, who is crying her eyes out.

At Casa Bonita, Cesar and Ruben are talking about Raquel’s strange reaction after Manolo left. What was that all about and is it somehow related to Ines and her sudden departure from Paloma’s house? Cesar remembers his mother’s harsh words about Ines, but Ruben doesn’t think they should take her into consideration - she’s Madhilde, of course she’d say something bad. The talk turns to Cesar’s new job in the design department at the plant – Cesar is very happy, he’s finally found his calling.

Raquel and Lucina are fighting (what else is new?). Raquel is upset because Lucina gave Manolo the gun Alina had the day Gabe died, she thinks they shouldn’t trust him, because being a friend doesn’t mean that he’ll forget his cop duties. Lucina is sure Manolo won’t betray her confidence, but if that happens, they’ll deal with it when the time comes – all she knows now is that she had to help Oriana.
Raquel has had it with all the Oriana love fest, though, she thinks her so called best friend ruined her life. Lucina stresses that the one thing Manolo mustn’t know is how close Oriana and Alina really are; oh, yeah, Raquel agrees with this, if only Oriana could vanish forever…

Alina is inconsolable, she’s crying in her mother arms. At the same time, Tito is in JL’s car, we see he has a bruised head and leg. JL takes the dog into the park…

As night comes, Maddy is in her room, wiping, when Fabiola comes in. Maddy explains that she’s mourning the lost shares, the fact that they are now penniless. Of course, Ruben will have to take care of Fabi, but still, they need to leave Paloma’s house.
Well, about that, Fabi starts, I decided to stay.
No, you didn’t, Maddy promptly rejects the possibility.
Yes, I did, I have the right to (Does she, really? She’s not 18 yet, as far as I know)
Maddy thinks Fabi is staying because she likes the luxury and she doesn’t love her anymore (funny how before Maddy had no problems “liking” the luxury Paloma offered). Fabi tries to explain that her decision to stay has nothing to do with any of this, but Maddy goes in full pity party mode – nobody loves her, she needs nobody’s lastima, boohoo. She asks Fabiola to leave and then she starts sobbing.

Alina is asleep and Oriana leaves her bed to go talk to JL, who is downing whiskey and looking rather disheveled. She asks about Tito. Tito is dead, the vet couldn’t help him and you have to go tell Alina. Oriana disagrees, she thinks JL should be the one to tell her; he only sees Alina like a toy, he doesn’t want to handle the tough parts. JL starts screaming, reminds her that she’s free from all the Colombian charges thanks to him and she hasn’t yet respected her end of the bargain (barf).
This infuriates Oriana: “Ni muerta!” she screams (Not even dead, or the better, slightly loose translation: Over my dead, frozen body!)
She goes to tell Alina the sad news – the little girl asking “Que paso con Tito?” (What happened with Tito) is truly heartbreaking.
Sure enough, after she finds out Tito has died, she bursts out crying.

It’s a new day and Felipe is well enough for Inspector Cousin to take his statement. His doctor is in the room (to make sure the patient isn’t too stressed out), the Inspector is with his new sidekick – Manolo, and Lucina & Ricardo are also present (because this is the Mexican Policia, where no real life rules apply, except when they absolutely have to, in which case they still don’t apply).
Anyway, Lucina thinks Felipe might still be too weak to talk, after all he still has memory lapses about what happened the night of the attack. Not to worry, Felipe remembers the face of his assailant very well – it was Francisco Castro’s hitman  spy  employee.

JL is in his room, he looks sad. Oriana arrives and tells him Alina is taking the news about Tito’s death really bad. JL tries to find excuses for his behavior, by placing the blame on Oriana (good job, you idiot): he was upset because she spent so much time with the padre, was Ric there, too? Oriana thinks JL is sick and he admits to being sick with jealousy; he knows he ruined everything – he missed his family so much, he spent all that time on the run thinking that he might never see his daughter or his wife ever again, always with el corazon en la garganta (his heart in his throat – a google search tells me this is a common expression in the UK and in parts of the US, but I’ve never heard it before; anyway, what JL means to say is that he was scared sh!tless). He now thinks that death would have been the better solution, he made only one mistake (was it only one, really? the constant lying, the contraband, the constant lying).
The actor is good enough to almost (ALMOST) make me feel sorry for him, but then Oriana says she’ll take Alina to see Paloma and he gets mad again when Oriana explains to him that not even buying 10 new dogs will make a difference for brokenhearted Alina.

Lucina, Ric and Manolo talk about Felipe’s testimony and Francisco Castro. Lucina pretends not to know too much about Francisco Castro, he stayed at Casa Bonita a few days and then left; yes, he was interested to invest in Aresti Breton, Ric acknowledges, but he was refused. The talk turns to the gun Berto was killed with, both Ric and Lucina are sure the same gun was used to kill Gabriel. Then Manolo asks about Ines/ Oriana and why they didn’t tell the authorities where she was hiding. Well, because she is innocent, Ric bursts and then leaves.
Alone with Manolo, Lucina urges him to investigate further, because she trusted him with the truth. Not the entire truth, Manolo wisely points out and is pissed that she’s still keeping things from him, but expects complete cooperation from his part.  

Padre Plaid comes to visit Paloma. She’s not doing so great because of the meeting she had with Francisco Castro/JL; he refused the 10 Million dollars she offered him because he pretends he loves Ines and Lina. Paloma keeps calling Oriana and Alina by these pretend names, which starts to worry me a bit – it’s good that she wants to help them, but her reluctance to call them by their real names makes me think Paloma’s grasp on reality might soon be put into question. Padre thinks that Ines will know how to handle JL, but Paloma is not so sure, because men can be very convincing.
Padre has news about Tru-nes. Jane Does are usually incinerated and that’s what happened to the real nieta, too. She is in a fosa comun (mass grave?) in San Carlos, Paloma can go visit her there as soon as her health will allow it. I wonder if they couldn’t bring the ashes to Hermosillo and place them in the family crypt or whatever – it’s not like they mix all the ashes together, right?
Paloma shows Padre Plaid the medallion Ines had, he thinks it is wonderful that she kept it even if she was a drug addict who surely needed money all the time. They are both sad because Tru-nes didn’t have a proper burial. Padre suggests praying, Paloma starts by cursing her deceased husband a bit.

Inspector Cousin and Manolo talk about the ballistic report: it says that Berto was killed by a gunshot to the head, with a .44 caliber. Manolo wants to inspect if the gun which killed Berto is the same used to kill Gabriel. He thinks Berto might have killed Gabe and maybe Oriana Caligaris is innocent after all. There is some talk about different jurisdictions, which is amazing because this has never stopped telenovela policia in the past. Manolo thinks he and Inspector Cousin could still work together, unofficially, because he’s sure the two murders are related and it’s their duty to get to the bottom of things. Both cops find it strange that Berto’s killer took the gun and wonder who ordered the hit in the first place: Ricardo or Francisco. More so, Inspector Cousin inquires, what is the truth behind Francisco’s company and where does this guy come from, anyway.

Ric and Piero are talking about the fact that Ric has to go to the hearing at the Ministerio Publico to confront Benigno. They still can’t find Tony and Piero thinks Seb needs to know the truth about the DNA test and its result.
Just then Oriana calls Ric, to tell him they need to meet at Paloma’s. She offers no more details, though, and when she hangs up she tells Alina she was talking with Ricardo. Alina thinks Ric is a bad man and if not him, then his dad. Oriana doesn’t let her think that, she just says her father is sick (which is a lot more sympathy than he’d get from me).
Ric can no longer go confront Benigno, Oriana needs him. So he sends Piero instead; Piero agrees but warns Ric that if things get difficult, he’ll tell the entire truth.

Arriving at Paloma’s house, Alina tells everybody that her father killed Tito. Oriana tries to make excuses for JL, saying it was only an accident, but nobody at Casa Paloma has any affection for JL, so Oriana is just wasting her breath.
When Alina leaves with Fabiola to the kitchen for some treats, the grownups (Oriana, Padre and Paloma) talk about the situation some more: Oriana thinks JL is sick, but Paloma wants to kill him (not just a figure of speech, she actually wants to hire an assassin to finish him off – where is Eliseo when you need him?). Padre asks her not to say such things, but Paloma doesn’t care about going to jail: she’s old, sick, what can they do to her, give her house arrest? She prefers spending her days at home, anyway. This is quite the proactive, can-do attitude and coming from a high society lady is quite funny (and disturbing) – what would Fidelia say?

The guy who helped Oriana the night when she was attacked in the park is walking his dog, when he finds Tito in the bushes, very much ALIVE! He takes the animal to the vet, who examines his wounds – a broken leg, a few broken ribs, a hit on the head – it appears the dog has been beaten up. The vet kind of remembers it, too, a woman brought it to him some time ago; the man who was with her paid for the treatment and she had a prominent name – Aresti. Tito’s rescuer has a light bulb moment – surely he remembers lovely Ines and maybe we get to see his handsome face more often after this new chivalrous action.

At the Ministerio Publico, Benigno is spewing his crap about Ricardo – how he abandoned poor Maria and locked her in a mental hospital when what he should have done was buy her a nice house and support her for the rest of eternity. Piero cleverly points out the fact that Benigno doesn’t care about Maria, what he wants is to take advantage of the situation like he did in the past. Benigno asks Piero to butt out and the agent who is doing the questioning (or whatever this is) also wonders why Piero is there, defending Ric even more than his lawyer is.
Piero explains that Ric took a DNA test and the test proved that he is not Seb’s biological father; and he can come back with proof. The agent is willing to take the test into consideration and absolve Ric of all blame and future obligations, which only infuriates Benigno. Piero promptly shuts his mouth, but not for long, because once outside, with the press, Benigno continues with his accusations: Ric bribed the officials, he should be punished, he’s lying about the DNA test etc…

At Paloma’s, Ric finds out about JL’s latest actions and is furious (like usually). He urges Oriana to move out of the Falcon Fortress – he can stay in his tia’s house, nobody would think to look for her there. Paloma offers a house, too, but Ric’s option is safer, JL would have a harder time tracing down Oriana and Alina at Fidelia’s. Oriana is not sure running from JL is a good idea, besides she has people following her constantly. Finally, she concedes, but then Paloma wants to go with them, too.
I’m sorry, I love Paloma, but she’s an older woman in poor health – being practically on the run from a violent man is not the best situation for her. Her determination to help Oriana is endearing but Ric, Oriana and Mariano need to be careful with her because she might do something reckless.

JL has brought Alina four dogs to choose from (or, she can have them all – how gracious of him). Predictably, Alina wants neither, she wants her Tito back. JL loses his temper and starts screaming, shaking Alina in the process. Uh oh … no bueno! Oriana gives him a death stare and takes Alina away.
From the Dominican Republic, Joaquin calls JL, to ask him why he’s not taking care of business like he is supposed to. JL tries to explain that he never told Eliseo to kill Berto, he only asked him to retrieve the gun for a personal matter. Joaquin warns JL to be very careful what he does next because he’s starting to go overboard with his lack of discipline. After hanging up, he starts humming a song and Eliseo, who has been in the office the entire time, listening the conversation, starts to dance, in a creepy “if I don’t move my legs, he’s going to kill me” way. Luis Gatica makes a cameo, looking seriously menacing in a grey suit.

Oriana informs JL that Alina is not feeling too great. She also thinks JL ordered the hit on Berto; JL denies this, but he’s happy that Berto is dead, because the gun Berto had can bring her exoneration. His boss knows all about it, too.
Oriana says that Alina would like to go on vacation, but she’s not sure where yet.

Ric asks Fidelia if Ines can use her house for a while, because she has problems with her husband. Sure she can, but Fidelia would like to go there first, make sure everything is in order; Ric doesn’t think this is necessary, but Fidelia insists even more when she hears that Paloma is going, too (I can’t believe they’re letting her go!).
Fidelia’s request is realistic, but the actress is a little intense in the scene – I wonder if maybe Fidelia has some secrets hidden in that house.

Alina is upset, she tells her mom she no longer loves her father and she no longer wants to live with him, she wants to go back to Paloma’s. See, Oriana, this is what happens when you take moving advice from a 6 year old – they change their mind the moment dad kills their pet – kids these days are just too spoiled.
Oriana lets her know they’ll go on vacation, Alina agrees, as long as daddy killer is not coming.

Piero is telling Ric about the hearing and how he had to reveal the existence of the DNA test. There is still no word on Tony, so Piero has decided to wait for him at his place that night.
Ric is worried about how Seb will react to the fact that the news about his true paternity will be in the press, too. Sure, he already knew, but now everybody else will be aware of his shady parentage, too.

So, Ric goes to see Seb and asks him to give Paloma back the money he received for the shares. He also tells him about the DNA test.
Seb is furious, but he can’t play the unsuspecting innocent party, because Ric already knows Maria had shared the truth with him.
Even so, Ric is still willing to see Seb as a brother-son and part of his family; nothing will ever change, and all they have to do is ignore the gossip. Lila has asked for the shares to be re-divided, so Ric will pay Paloma back the money she gave Seb and Seb can keep his mother’s fortune.
Ric doesn’t understand why Seb hates him so much, but there is nothing he can do about it.
Seb is sure Ric hates him and when Ric leaves, he starts screeching that he wants to kill him. Oh boy, take a chill pill, hobencito!

Manolo and Lucina talk about the gun that was used to kill Berto. Manolo asked for additional tests to see if the same gun was used for Gabe, too. He still wonders who could have wanted Berto dead, maybe Francisco Castro?
Lucina is very vague about it, which only infuriates Manolo. She should realize that her lack of sincerity will make it impossible for him to help her; besides, she did forge those passports!
Lucina tries to defend herself – she was only trying to help Oriana. How about Raquel, is she involved, too, Manolo inquires. Well, yes, Lucina concedes, kind of.
Manolo’s head is starting to spin, I believe.
He then asks about Oriana’s husband, the Colombian authorities think he’s dead, but what if he’s alive and he came to Mexico for his wife?
Manolo might have a solution to solve this problem (which of the problems, Manolo???) but he won’t share it with Lucina unless she tells him the WHOLE truth. Oh, and she better find herself a lawyer, too, that fake passports business won’t automatically vanish.


Huge sigh of relief about Tito!

Indeed! The poor dog really needs to hire a bodyguard.

Thank you, Adriana. What a clear, clean and helpful recap.

How funny we all are about Tito! We love him, so and the collective sigh of relief must have been heard in Mexico. Great to see him alive and in the hands of our handsome Good Samaritan.

I did get a small kick out of JL with his band of possible Tito substitutes. Nothing like the real thing.

Oh my gosh, gang, I was nearly in tears over my Tito El Bambino. That little doggie is precious and is priceless as an actor! I hope we see more of his precious little mug in future TN.

I found myself wondering how in the world the writers could have bumped him off?! At the point that I saw JL carrying my little Bambino, I figured he was gone for good. Never in my wildest dreams did I think JL would LIE to his DAUGHTER and tell her Tito was dead when, in fact, he just dumped him off to die. JL had NO intention of taking my little Tito to the vet.

That action alone confirmed for me that JL is mentally ill. I am also glad that Oriana is telling Rhodalina that her father is ill versus "bad".

So, what drives Matilde's anger that she is so ugly and hateful to her children? There is no excuse for how she spoke to and treated Fabiola last night. Matilde is a sanctimonious, self righteous fool. She has been calculating in the way she has lived off of Paloma. She knows darn well what she is doing. Her acts are intentionally designed to hurt and control.

In my view, any mother who does these things to her children, must be in a world of hurt and anger themselves. So, what has happened in Matilde's life to cause this horrible behavior (and, no, don't tell me it is because her husband lost his job, blah, blah, blah. That has NOTHING to do with it).

Is Matilde redeemable or not? I guess only time will tell.

Thank you SO much for this really precise recap, Adriana Noel!


Wanted to add...I could have throttled Rhodalina when she waltzed into the room with a rather imperious air and asked/demanded to know where her mother had been and if she had been with Ricardo. Really, kid?

The point where I wanted to throttle her was when she told Oriana that Ric was bad. Really, kid? Really, Rhodalina? Tito is gone and you're talking trash about Ric.

Anywho, it was a bit of an odd moment there.

Also gotta say that Ric is my man. I don't see anything weak in his profession of love to Oriana when he throws in the tears. To me, it does not come off as begging. Ric was a player. Ric has now found someone that has stolen his heart. I think it has taken Ric so much by surprise that he has these moments of being overcome by the whole thing.

If Ric were standing here right now telling me the same thing, you betcha I wouldn't tell him to go take a hike!


Correction: "Ric has now found someone who has stolen his heart".



Thank you so much, Adriana Noel! I haven't had time to watch yet, but I had to check to see if Tito was ok.
I want to single out this passage because it was so funny to me: "Oriana, this is what happens when you take moving advice from a 6 year old – they change their mind the moment dad kills their pet – kids these days are just too spoiled.

Sounds like this was a pretty interesting capitulo. I hope I find time to watch it today.

Sara, I'm glad you liked it. It's kind of hard to make fun of pet abuse, but I couldn't help it :)
Besides, I already knew Tito was fine.

Adriana- As I started reading my heart really ached for you having to recap this, but I was glad that Tito was discovered and treated during the same episode. That must have been a huge relief for you!

Great recap, Adriana. I especially admired and chuckled at this line:

"See, Oriana, this is what happens when you take moving advice from a 6 year old – they change their mind the moment dad kills their pet – kids these days are just too spoiled."

Heh heh.

So the stars have lined up for Rick to be a hero for Rhodalina. The vet remembers Tito, has linked him to Rick. Rick gets to pay the vet bill (again) and produce a mended Tito. Yay!

And hurrah for the guy and his Doberman... I hope that they get some deserved credit. I like them both better than I like Rick.


Just an added comment about the acting. Good jobs in that powerful scene between JL and Lina. There had to be a good rapport and a lot of trust between those two. I haven't seen anything quite like it since that between Coni and Dani in Gancho.


Thanks for the great recap Adriana. Glad Tito is alive and loved your asides about Paloma. Her willingness to hire a hit man was both funny and disturbing.

Why on earth is Oriana saying JL is sick? If he was acting this way after being a solider in a war w/PTSD, I could understand this. But his actions come from him continuously making bad decisions (not just ONE as he likes to claim) and believing his wife and child should always agree with him. And when we realized he left Tito to die in the park, I was revolted.

Also why is Sebanada wanting to kill Rick? Clearly Rick handled both Maria and Seb situations badly but Seb's rage is misplaced. And when you see how people are trying to please him while he raped an innocent young woman, the character moves closer to being unredeemed.

Karen, ITA with you re Sabenada. When he sat there and said he would kill Rick, I wondered "what the hey"?! Redeemable? Less than 50/50 chance from my POV.

My take on Oriana telling Rhodalina that JL is "ill": this is the only way Oriana can describe what JL is doing and how he is behaving. I think it is finally dawning on Oriana that some switch has flipped in JL's brain, but not even she knows how to explain what is happening to JL.

I was glad that she didn't use "bad" to describe JL because this is the same word that Rhodalina uses to describe Ric. I think Oriana was trying to go for a more concrete description of JL (which was probably lacking) versus a more abstract descriptor that the child would not understand.


Adriana- I really enjoyed the recap and your on-point commentary on these characters.

I was also amused and disturbed by Paloma's assertion about hiring a hit on JL. I don't think she's really serious, but...

JL's actions with the dog were sick. I don't think Ori could have found a better way to describe his attitude and actions to Alina.

Alina is only calling Rick bad because that is how JL described him to her. I think this time living with JL was exactly what both Ori and Alina needed to realize that JL is not the same man. Or at least to see what's behind the mask when everything isn't going JL's way. The only problem now will be escaping him. I don't think he'll buy this idea of them going on "vacation" without him. I'm sure he'll suspect the truth-- that Ori is leaving him.


Thanks for your response Fatima. I understand wanting to move away from words like "bad" or "evil" but to say that he is sick can take away from JL being responsible for his very bad decisions. JL's greed makes him very happy to be a gangster and he wants that more than he wants his family. But he wants both so he lies to his boss and Oriana and then wonders why this keeps blowing up in his face. His drinking may be an indicator that he knows he's messing up and messed up but he never takes responsibility for his actions. And this lack of accountability is why I don't feel comfortable with calling his behavior a sickness as in mental illness.

Adriana Noel - Great recap of a tough episode. Enjoyed your commentary, especially on the tap and dance with Eliseo.

Kudos to Ricky for not saying "I told you so" to Oriana, at least I don't think he said it pointblank.

Can't wait for Tito to reappear in Alina's life. Maybe this time the Good Samaritan will stick around. And maybe hit it off with Fabiola? She needs a friend closer to her own age.


To abandon a badly wounded Tito in a park and then the same day bring home new dogs for Alina to choose from is a sign of a twisted mind. Even though Oriana doesn't know this latest lie, she sees something is wrong with him besides just greed. She's trying to preserve Alina's good feelings about the JL of the past, but warn her about the unpredictability of the JL of the present. For a six year old, probably the best one can do is just say dad is sick.

Karen, excellent points.

Niecie in MD, like you, I don't think Ric said anything even approaching "I told you so" in this episode. That's my man!

The scene were JL was raging in his room with Oriana on the other side of the door really demonstrated (to me) just how phony that rage was and how he is such an expert manipulator. For one brief moment, I thought Oriana would cave, but thankfully, she walked away.

I would so love to know the back story on their marriage. Surely, there must have been signs along the way that JL was not a good choice in a husband. The back story is just as important as the current story.


Fatima- We have gotten some of that back story. When Ori met JL, she was alone in life. No family left. He became her family- her everything. They moved to Colombia for his work. She gave up working when she had Alina. It doesn't seem that they had a big circle of friends in Colombia. Everything seems to have been very contained and controlled. Ori seems to have been living in a happy little bubble. She had her own family, and it seems that was enough for her at the time. And as long as everything was going his way, then JL seems to have played the part of doting dad and husband well. Now, Ori's life, and family and friends circle, has expanded. So has Lina's, and she's now older. Her life is no longer just mommy and daddy. JL has lost control of the two women in his lide, and of his life in general. He's showing a side of himself that I really don't think Ori and Alina saw in Colombia.

Typo: The two women in his life...

Great work, Adriana. This episode must have been difficult.

My thought when he told her he'd get her another dog was that he would get something large and utilitarian as in Guard Dog to keep other people away from Oriana and Alina. Something she would be afraid of. It's way beyond not getting it.

I think he's both amoral and sick. Speculation, not spoiler: In the finale they will find out that he has the same brain tumor as Alvaro Montellano in Duelo de Pasiones.

Vivi in DC, thank you so much. For some reason, I could not remember how much we knew or had been told.

Do we know if Oriana has currently voiced if she had any doubts about JL during that time frame when she married him and went to Colombia?

Sometimes, we see things, but don't want to give voice to our doubts. I just wonder if Oriana had doubts then.

I can also understand the emotional turmoil she feels. She loved the guy. It has to be very painful.


I'm watching the episode right now. Is the Hottie McHottersons who saved Tito the same Hottie McHottersons that ended up with Lupita in UFCS? Definitely a good match for Fabiola.

Sara- Yes. That's Tomas, el Plomero.

Great job Adriana, I'm glad that Tito will be ok too. Cute hero man comes to the rescue again. If JL wasn't toast before with Oriana and Alina, he will be after they learn that Tito was discovered in the park. JL's out and out lie about taking him to the vet and Tito dying will put a nail in the reunion casket for sure. And who just abandons a hurt pet like he did? Ugh.

I'm with others who do not understand Sebastian's rage at Ric. Ric tells him that he will still consider him his son or brother and that won't change.

Since the idea of inherited madness is a popular cliche, could it be because Maria is Sebastian's mother?

I am also wondering what is Mathilde's backstory. Toxic parenting always has a genesis; her parents could have been just as bad as she is.

Adriana Noel, good re-cap, I mention earlier that I find myself staying up to watch, and your re-cap cleared up some things missed by CC3.

I agree with you and other commenters, on Orines letting a 6 year old run her into a snag by moving in with JL. Since she was very comfortable at Polomas...

Again, I am somewhat baffled by the way the children in the TN's I have watched, have so much authority, and comand over the grown-ups. I commented on PEAM, and was semi beat down for saying that, children need to let the grown ups make the decisions, and they stay out of grown folks business....

Rhodellina is a "cutie" pie,(and a very good little actress) but she needs to let her mom make the decisions, where to live, and what company to keep. Dad (JL) should be in her life, but only on every other weekend....period.

But most importantly, is the doberman back? I probably won't have a chance to see this one, but I may have to make the effort to see the dobie and his owner one more time.


Writers would be nuts not to have the 'cute hero' appear again and again. Saving Tito pushes him to the front of the line of virtuous characters in this TN.

As for why Oriana describes her husband as 'sick' well just remember how many screws must be loose JL's brain. He likes putting his finger to fire to start with...

Gracias, Adriana!

I'm glad Leonardo the Park Rescue Hero is back. I hope we see more of him! He seems like a good prospect for Fabi.

Poor Alina is going to develop a very warped understanding of death. She was told her father is dead...now he's back. She was told Tito was dead...now she'll surely soon be reunited with him, too. When someone she knows actually dies for real, she'll probably keep waiting for their reappearance.

Fidelia probably has a shrine to her long-lost love Ruben in that house. Or something. She is VERY insistent on not letting anyone go there until she's been.

What about Ric's cabin that Sebas and Maria hung out in for awhile? Couldn't Oriana and Alina go there? Or would it be easier for JL to find them there?

Julia- They didn't want to use any of Rick's or Paloma's properties because they thought it would be easy for JL to track down.

Julia, it would be really funny if Fidelia did have something hidden in that house.
- A secret love child with Ruben?
- A playboy collection, the men edition (are they called Playgirl)
- Pictures of Maddy and Ruben's 20 years of marriage, all over the walls?

Thanks for the recap! I missed the first 10-15 minutes because I wasn't paying attention to the clock so I didn't see what JL did with Tito. It wasn't until the scene where Leonardo finds Tito in the park that I breathed a sigh of relief that Tito lived. I wonder if this means Leo will get monetary compensation from Paloma or something. I too hope we see more of him now.

JL clearly has some emotional issues. Trying to win Alina back with 4 dogs won't help. He needs to stop trying too hard to impress his wife and daughter.

It doesn't look like Manolo will be so understanding if Lucina tells him the truth. She and Raquel may be in trouble.

I too wonder if Fidelia is hiding something at her other residence. We shall see.

Si! Tito es un gato!

I disagree w/ the theory that there's always a rich galan and a poor(er) protagonista. That didn't happen on Fuego en la Sangre.

I don't think Ricardo handled that encounter w/ Sebastian very well. Ricardo is deeply flawed. I feel sorry for that kid.

There are other exceptions to the old rule of rich guy/poor girl and in the case of the Reyes brothers, they are only poor (or actually working class) because their family's ranch was stolen from them.

Ricardo probably could have done better with Sebastian, but that kid is seriously disturbed. I have to wonder how that happened.

Julián in Mi Pecado was lower middle class, while Lucrecia was from a wealthy family. Pancho, Pancho Lopez in Una Familia con Suerte started out poor, while Rebeca was already in upper management and well-off.

There is something really wrong with Sebas. I can't really get on his side after what he did to Fabi, but I think he has some serious damage. I'm with Ric, though...can't figure out what or why.

Wow, what a great recap, thanks Adriana. I'm late getting on board so just about all of my thoughts have already been voiced.
I'd like to add my 2 cents to the "bad" versus "sick" debate. I say the man is sick. Not to worry, when you think of it, "sick" is worse than "bad". For one thing, merely describing or labeling someone as bad is too general and vague. But if asked what makes you call a person bad you'd list things like criminal behavior, cruelty to animals, angry outbursts, mood swings, self harm, abusive, conniving, accessory after murder. IMO a person has to be sick to be this bad.

I grew up in a British Caribbean culture that said, 'Children should be seen and not heard,' and the African-American version of 'a child should stay in a child's place,' and I agree with with that ethos about 80% of the time. That being said in tns, the child being a little extra and precocious tends to move the plot along and Alina basically forcing her mother to move in with JL also proves another dictum I believe in, 'experience is the best teacher.'

Oriana giving in on the JL situation was the only time she did give in to Alina and she had to in a way. The family broke up suddenly and Oriana had to lie to Alina about her father being dead and have Alina lie about her identity and Alina complied. Their deal broke down when JL came back and basically forced Oriana to come back with him after strategically poisoning Alina's mind towards Ricardo and basically telling Alina she had to pick a parent to live with. Oriana basically decided, after the whole 'porque tantas mentiras' convo that she was just gonna have to suck it up and move Alina and herself in with JL to show her daughter that she wasn't the bad guy. Now that they're there in Fort Falcon, Alina is learning firsthand that her dad is a dirtbag. Oriana couldn't,t tell Alina that, she had to experience it for ourselves, especiallynsinc a lot of us were unsure if JL was a bad guy or a good guy. Oriana and Alina moving in has shown conclusively that he's a dirtbag and Tito showing up tonight, hopefully, will show that he's a bigger liar than Oriana because JL didn't lie to protect the innocent as the protags have done in this TN, but only himself.

Gracias, Adriana, for the recap!

Finally caught up, but somehow missed JL dropping Tito off at the park & Leonardo finding him.

It was so funny when Martin got in the back seat with the dobbie, who is as big as he is.

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