Thursday, December 12, 2013

Por siempre mi amor #9 12/12/13: Hey Feo, Do You Know Where People Who Commit Crimes Go To?? Jail

Del Ayer
Sucia the Snake has to let Aranza know that her papi is going away and she will be in charge.  Aranza is not a happy camper. Equis!!!!!  Sonia looks like cat that she is who swallowed the canary.

Isa wants to know when Feo is arrested.  Isa tells Mauricio that Feo’s ex- wife Andrea will work with them.  She is a victim too.  Gaby shares that Andrea is mathematically inclined and she will work under Mauricio.
Daphne is still spreading her venom- Aranza; your dad is going to marry your aunt who will be your stepmother. All parents lie.  Really?? I thought that all teenagers lie. Oops, I digress, Aranza believes her dad doesn’t lie and so does Liliana.  Daphne thinks that they are both fools.  The trip for work is a lie and just like my dad, he will go away and not return but he will be married.

Feo falls right into the trap identifies himself to the police and is placed under arrest for bigamy, fraud and a breach of faith. Feo tells Gonzalo to get him a lawyer and to call Sucia and let her know what is going on.

De Hoy

Andrea and Esteban are being interviewed by the school administrators and he had excellent grades.  He is a bright boy.  They thank Andrea for making a sacrifice and sending her child to their school but she lets them know that her boss is paying the tuition. They don’t care who is paying what they care about is that Esteban to feels comfortable and happy.  He must take advantage of this opportunity that is given to him.  Ms. Rocio will make sure that he transitions well into the school.  Andrea is proud of Esteban.

Bruno shares with Arturo that he thinks that his mom, Tita is depressed.  She’s still grieving over his father’s death.  Arturo can relate.  Grieving over the death of the love of your life is not easy.  While Arturo puts on his best face while inside he is in pain.
Tita is contemplating what to do with all of the empty space on her husband’s side of the closet.  She is generous; most men get just a drawer or two.  David was a lucky man.

Of course Esteban is welcomed into Aranza’s class and Daphne is not Miss Congeniality.  She doesn’t want to be a friend to that idiot.  Esteban is assigned to sit next to Lillian.  Liliana introduces herself and Aranza and Esteban share a smile.  Hmmm.  Daphne just watches in distaste.

Sucia is plotting with her home girl how can she seduce Arturo. By going on the trip with him. Since she doesn’t want to stay in her house without her mami and papi.  Sucia is going to send Aranza to stay with her grandpa, who wants to reunite with her anyway.  Sucia receives a call from Gonzalo and she doesn’t look too pleased.  She leaves and her girlfriend has to pay the check.

Andrea arrives on time for her first day of work at Casa Arte.  She is welcomed into the company with open arms.

Gonzalez brings the public defendant assigned to him to the jail.  Feo wants to hire a lawyer.  He wants the best lawyer in Mexico.  It doesn’t matter because the evidence against him is very strong, Feo doesn’t want to hear it.   Some how Feo snatches up Gonzalo through the bars and demands that he hire a lawyer. The best that money can buy.

Mauricio explains how to balance the books to Andrea.  Andrea scans the page and immediately finds errors in the math.  She can compute mentally and Mauricio is impressed. He used a calculator to get the dame answer. She didn’t finish high school because she got pregnant. She needs to finish school. It will be the answer to her financial problems.

Sucia can’t believe how stupid Feo is.  She is scolding Feo about being in jail and he demands a lawyer to find him innocent. One who knows the laws and can prove that they evidence against him is false.   Sucia is not promising anything.    If she doesn’t hire a lawyer, Arturo will find out the truth. 

Aranza and Liliana befriend Esteban and his plaid pants against Daphne’s wishes.  They will introduce him to everyone in the class. Esteban puts his hand out to shake Daphne’s hand and she goes back into her mean girl mode.  She warns him not to rob her friends from her.  How insecure is this chippie???  Where are the counselors at this school??

It will be your word against mine.  He will sing like a canary about the anticoagulants that she was giving to her cousin once Eugenia’s body is exhumed.  She has to remember that she also cashed those checks and she is on the video too and he won’t hesitate to identify her. If she wants to stay by Arturo’s side then she better help him.  Sucia will comply.  He has access to a lot of money (thousands of dollars) He whispers that he needs Sucia to help him get out of jail because he needs that money to plot his revenge against Isabel.  She will be sorry and he will have her begging for his forgiveness on her knees.

Isa and Andrea get the news that Feo is in jail.  Andrea is crying.  Listen Andrea- what time is it?? Its time that Feo paid his dues.  Andrea overhears and flips out, he is a fraud and has robbed from Isa but he is the father of her children.  The kids have nothing to do with his wrongdoings.

Sucia goes to Osvaldo’s house and the maid, Cuca is happy to see her.  Osvaldo’s is out with friends and they chat about her half brother; Daniel is going to military school in Florida.  Sucia will wait for her father.

The girls are getting to know Esteban; he has marbles and is some type of marble champ on his block, Daphne is teasing about him living in the hood. She asks if his mom is a maid. He tells them that his mom works in an interior design company.  Liliana tells him not to pay attention to anything that she says. The bell rings and Daphne trips Esteban, Aranza steps up to Daphne for being a beyotch, pushes her and a catfight ensues.

The teacher calls Arturo at work and tells him about Aranza being in a physical fight in school.

Sucia goes to see her father and lies and fakes about how grief stricken she has been since the death of Eugenia.  She is so worried about Aranza.  Viewerville eye roll alert #1.  She feigns that she needs to get away and her father will pay for everything.

The school has a zero tolerance policy on fighting and Aranza will be suspended.  She was defending someone.  Since it’s her first offense and they understand that she is going through difficult times she will be pardoned if she can say sorry.  Arturo asks that the administrators forgive his daughter.  Ms. Rocio suggests professional therapy, finally!!!

Gaby sympathizes with Isa over the hurt that she is feeling due to Feo’s arrest.  Isa is still trying to get a grip on how Mr. Right turned into Mr. Wrong. She had so much love for him, she wanted to have his children, how could he??

Mauricio interrupts that the bank called and they have more videos of Feo and an accomplice cashing checks.

Sucia gets the check from her dad and is ready to run.  Wait; don’t you want to know how your brother is? Oh yeah, right, how is he.  He is going into military school after high school, just like his dad.  Maybe we can go as a family can go and see him, yeah sure.

Mauricio see the bank video, where first he recognizes Gonzalo, who cashes a check and he sees a blonde woman cashing Isa’s check a few days later.  Hmmm- What a small world?

Aranza is being disrespectful and stomps up to her room.  Arturo is shocked at her behavior.  She is probably still grieving so he will let her get a bathe change and sit with Lucia.

Mauricio doesn’t have a clue who the blonde is.

The padre shares a cup of coffee with Sonia’s dad, who invites the padre to dinner. Dad tells Padre that Sonia only comes around when she needs money.  It hurts him. Padre tells Osvaldo’s that he should think about how he feels for her and the good that he has done for Sucia.  Osvaldo married Sonia’s mother when she was a little girl and he has watched her grow as if she was his own.  Look at how he is paying for it.

Lucha tries to talk to Aranza and find out why is she misbehaving?  She was defending her friend against Daphne. Aranza feels that her dad doesn’t love and doesn’t listen to her.  She wants to go with her mom.  Arturo is still sobbing and playing with the rings.  Could someone PLEASE call a professional counselor for these grieving folks?  Why did you leave us?? Aranza and I need you!!

Andrea is still crying and Isa sees her and convinces Andrea that Feo’s arrest is for the best.  Isa lets Andrea know that she is hurting too.  Andrea has thought about him daily for years.  They were going to be a family and live together and now he is in jail.  Isa and Andrea share tears and Isa tells Andrea to be strong for her boys and to look toward the future.  Andrea can count on Isa.  Be the best mother that she can be and make sure that the boys grow into good men.

Sucia the Octopus is all over Arturo and asks him about his day.  He tells her about Aranza’s fight.  Aranza was defending another student.  Aranza has changed.  It’s logical that Aranza’s behavior has changed.  Arturo doesn’t know how to discipline her.  Sucia suggests that he punish her or better yet, send her to his father’s house.  She doesn’t want to be away from me.  Sucia will have a chat with Aranza.  A grateful Arturo thanks Sucia.  Viewerville eye roll alert #2.

Andrea thanks Agatha for watching Esteban after school.  He tells his mom about how a girl pushed him and another girl fought to defend him.  Grandma Meany wants to know if he is going to private school or to the WWF Smack down Academy?  Esteban wants to know what’s the problem?? Yu defended my mom by hitting my day with the frying pan and proceeds to slap Esteban.  If you don’t like it then leave.  Andrea needs to save her money and leave Grandma Meany ASAP!!!!!!

Sonia gets rid of the medicine.
Isa is still thinking about when Feo proposed to her.  Oh, he is such a magician.  Gag alert!
She thought bubbles about when they were on the beach. He deceived her.

Coming Attractions:
Isa tells Feo that he is dead to her.  Be strong, Isa!!!!
Gaby and Isa go on a little vacation and bump into Arturo at the airport and boom, Cupid strikes!!!!!


There are a few things that came about in tonight's episode. What happened to Sucia's mother and why does her father feel so guilty that he has to soothe his guilt by spoiling Sucia??
How do Sucia and Feo know each other?? Did I miss that?
Where are Daphne's parents?? Apparently this little girl who is mature in one way is lacking love and affection from a parent in another and takes it out on everybody else.
It's time that Arturo got some backbone. Enough already.


Thanks so much for this awesome recap.

I too agree with you about Art. He does need some backbone. He really needs to sit down and spend some time with Ara, without So-Not sticking her nose in their bidness. He should have let So-not leave when she "wanted" to. I would have liked to see her backpedal. When So-not mentioned sending Ara to her Abuelo that should have been a big clue for Art. Art and Ara both need grief counseling.

I wonder how Mauricio knew that that was Gonzo on that tape from the bank. I wish he had recognized So-not. At some point, I'm sure, she'll get her anvil.

I can't stand Minerva. I hope Andrea and her boys are able to leave Minerva's very soon. I wish she would stay with Agatha in the meantime. So happy Esteban stood up to Grandma Meanie too!

You didn't miss how So-not and Feo know each other. They haven't really said. I hope there is a flashback to show how they met.

The best person besides Art for Ara would be Tita. She is full of energy and wisdom, I think she'd be great with Ara.

Oh, just a little correction, Osvaldo is Art's Papa, Gilberto is So-not's Papa. I also think he may be her Step-father.

Oh, and loved the title, so spot on : )

Great recap! This was an eventful episode. I could not believe Grandma Meanie slapped Esteban. Good grief. What a bruja. I agree, Andrea should find her own place ASAP. Maybe she and Isabel can be roomies.

I think Sonja may have done herself a bad turn by taking the fake pills and not putting some *real* pills in their place. Don't know if that will figure in at any point, but it's a small detail that she's overlooked.

Fabulous recap! I loved the line about the plaid pants. I feel sorry for the boys at that school.

There certainly was a lot of eye rolling last night, but there were at least a couple of smiling moments. I cheered when Andrea found that mistake and though it was sad, it was good to see Isa and Andrea talking honestly about their pain and conflicted feelings about Feo.

I wonder if Daniel will be a big part of the plot...

I thought it was funny when Ara said "Equis" shades of Nikki Balverna, lol.

Thanks for all the great recaps since this show began. I had promised myself I'd be a better commenter this time...sorry...

Looks to be a pretty good tn, if the writers don't abuse Aranza too much. After PEAM, I've seen all the child abuse I can stomach.

This show is moving along nicely so far. I guess we'll be fed the back-stories a little at a time, maybe when filler is needed.

Poor Art he can't get anything right. First he didn't tell So-not to back off back when she sneaked up behind himand put her arms around him and he even let her kiss him on the cheek today. He needs to tell her NO. Then he buries himself in work to hide his grief, decided to go on a business trip leaving Ara home and worse when she is acting out and getting into an uncharacteristic fight does he sit down and talk to her no he listens to the witch who tells him to punish the child.

I hope Lucha tells him about how Ara is talking about wanting to be with her mother. The child and Art definitely need grief counselors who really do know how to help (I went to one myself).

Poor Tita and looking at the empty closet. Don't know how long her husband has been gone but that cleaning out the closet is hard. I do hope that Art has the sense NOT to do it at this point or that will send his little girl over the edge.

It's nice to see bits and pieces of back stories coming in. Now we know So-not has a half brother and wasn't there a mention of a sister as well or did I miss that. We also know her stepfather is onto the fact that she is selfish but he still aids her and that may come bak to haunt hum.

MeanMin is back and slapping that adorable child SMH. Andrea needs to take her paycheck and find another place but somehow I don't see that happening because her twisted mother would probably fake something and guilt trip her into staying. Min needs a whipping girl and Andrea is it.

With a time jump in the cards we can pretty much guess that Daph will be an utter trouble making bitch. I wonder how she came to the conclusion that Esteban was a naco and not from their class. He is neatly dressed in a uniform one purpose of which is to keep kids from knowing who comes from a less affluent background. Hate to say it about a child but I really dislike this little brat and I can't feel sorry for her even knowing she seems to be suffering.

Hopefully the filler won't feel like filler! :-)

I don't think we have to worry about filler. These writers are giving us little bits of back story as we go along and haven't had one character sit around and spill the whole thing in one long speech. Had they been inclined they could have done it with Gilberto and the Padre. All we know is that So-not has a half brother going to military school and that Gilberto was married to her mother when she was very young. He is obviously ex-military, I think that was mentioned maybe by the maid and we know that So-not claimed the baby she had was from being raped. We know that is a lie but Papa might not and may feel guilty that he did nothing to prevent it, to protect her or maybe over reacted to the story.

This far in we already have lots of questions such as how did Feo and So-not meet and why are they allies other than greed, who is the missing Dante, what about orphanage girl, will David become important to the story, how did Feo con his way into smart Isa's life, whats with MeanMin. These writers have done an excellent job of creating characters and a story with some basis in reality. The pacing is spot on, some of the best I've seen in a novela in years. Now if they can only keep it up.

Thank you all for the compliments, it was a good episode to recap.
Thank you Madelaine for the name correction. Hopefully by week three I will get everyone right.- LOL
I agree- shades of Nikky B. but not as whiny.
Excellent point-xintperuvian- Sucia should have replaced the pills with the correct one. I hope that does not become a loose end.
Sara C- hmmm, more Daniel, why not? :-)
Emilia- no need to apologize, you comment when you can. I am in awe of those who comment daily and to multiple novelas. I was a little hesitant with the child abusing theme too, but I gave it a chance. I don't like to see children hurt or anyone at all.
Decie Girl - I think that Daphne eats mean cornflakes for breakfast. She must have some back story.
ITA with you about the writers. Thought was put into these storylines.

Great recap TJ!

I was so glad to hear the school psychologist suggest professional help to Art. All things considered, I was not upset about Ara fighting with Dafne to protect Esteban. If Esteban didn't already have a crush on Ara from the moment he saw her, that certainly sealed the deal for him.

Dafne is such an unhappy mean little girl, I'm sure her parents are the same way.

Sucia's step-dad needs to cut her off. He obviously knows she's using him. And she couldn't care less about her little brother either.

TJ, you forgot to label your post under siempre. I bookmark via labels and thought you didn't recap. Great recap. ITA about Andrea moving ASAP to get away from Grandma Meanie. The mona viste en seda line she told Andrea was too much. She will keep Andy and the kids down one way or another.

Deci and Sara, ita about the writers leaving enough unanswered questions about Sucia and Feo and others that filler caps won't feel like filler. They didn't tell ysvwhy Eugenia had been taking anti-coagulants until after she died in the Tita/Osvaldo chat, so the writers so far seem to know how to keep the suspense going.

TJ- Yes. The lack of a label had probably meant a lot of folks did not know that this recap was done.


Tablet jefa---Thank you for the great recap. I just now read it. I knew that there was a telethon on Friday but my mind somehow blanked it out and I kept saying to myself---this is Thursdays recap, I read this one already, now I am waiting for Fridays. OMG,
my mind started to function again,
as there was no Friday recap. I know that I don't have Alzheimer's disease but I am beginning to think that maybe I have Half-heimer's disease. Anyway
just about everything has been said already. I would just like to say that I feel sorry for Aranza at this point. Daddy going away and So-not in charge. OMG! that cannot be good.
the gringo

Thanks Vivi,

I don't know what happened. I thought that I labelled the recap but I guess not. I was wondering why so few comments.

Thanks again.

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