Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 41, Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2014 -- When Bad Things Happen to Bad People

Lo refrito:
Montserrat and José Luis say their goodbyes.
José Luis collapses in grief after Montserrat leaves him.
Montserrat sits alone, very straight, very still, and she lets the tears stream down her cheeks.

Macario knows what he knows, darn it.
And he knows that there was no other Rosario on the hacienda in the old days.  Because if there was, how come he can't remember her?  Rosario, filling in for Dominga in the kitchen, tries to avoid loquacious Macario and his dogged questions.  She answers in monosyllables and looks anywhere but at his face.  But she gets increasingly flustered as he keeps pressing her.

Was this other Rosario older or younger (más grande o más chica) than she?  Older.  Well then, says Mac, she must have known Alejandro when he was a newborn!

This is too much for Rosario.  The dish she is holding crashes to the floor, and she hurries out of the room, asking him to stop talking nonsense.

A joyless coupling that ends in a squabble over the bill.
We are spared the details.  María has done what she was expected to do and Adolfo is pleased.  He hands her a single wad of bills for services rendered.  She is outraged.  This isn't half the money!  She knows herself that there were many bundles of bills in the locked drawer.  Maybe so, shrugs Adolfo.  But what is she going to do about it?  If she wants Montserrat to get blamed, Alejandro can't know he had anything to do with the theft. If Adolfo gets dragged into it, he'll make sure Alejandro knows her role in the robbery -- and worst of all, that she slept with him for a few pesos.  Actually, he has paid her a lot more than a night with her is worth. 

María, furious that she has been had, in more ways than one, by the cagey Adolfo, slaps him and storms out of the room.

Back in Aguazul 

Esme can't convince Ezequiel to let her visit her cousin Renato in jail.  But he does let slip that her cousin is there and he is okay.

Esme phones a report back to José Luis. She agrees to stay on top of things. 

Victor sits alone in the dark and drinks.
Eye --> Mind
Nadia's tearful face.  Her pleading voice.  "I'll just be another conquest for you, but what will happen to me?"
He says aloud:  ¡Pérdoname Nadia, pérdoname!

Nadia lies in bed.
Eye --> Mind
Making love with Victor
The present: Pedro glares down at his wife.

Hacienda Almonte

Rosario serves Alejandro his coffee in his study.  Meekly, she thanks him for taking her back.  At first he is dismissive: she should be thanking Padre Anselmo -- It was his doing.  But as she is leaving, he calls her back.  His face softens and he says: "Rosario, you did nothing wrong.  I'm sorry."  Rosario brightens.

[The folks at the Existential Angst table are wary but hopeful.]

Outside, Juventino tells three thugs that the crops must be burned today!

Back in the jail in Aguazul
Ezequiel brings Refugio his breakfast and mentions in passing that a family member came to see him.  "I have no family," shoots back Refugio thoughtlessly.  He realizes his mistake when Ezequiel says: "Then I guess Esmeralda isn't really your cousin."  Now that gets Refugio's attention.  He jumps up from his bunk and rushes to the bars of the cell, wanting to know all about the visit.  When Ezequiel insults Esme's honor, Refugio grabs for him and is rewarded by a painful poke with the nightstick.  This self-destructive lunge, however, convinces Ezequiel that Esme really is family -- why else would Refugio defend a woman like that?

Of course Ezequiel himself has always had a thing for Esmeralda, not that he could ever have her for himself.  She's exclusive to the Municipal President.  But one day, he'll be as important as Pedro Medina...or at least occupy a post as important as Loreto's and make good money.  Maybe then he could afford Esme... 

A perv with a pitchfork and a hero on a horse
JL rides up to Juventino in the stables where the latter is pushing around some hay with a pitchfork.  JL says he has decided to go along with Loreto.  He made the right decision, says Juventino.

JL reminds Juventino that he will have to leave the hacienda himself.  Juventino isn't so sure of that. He thinks he'll figure a way to stick around.  Would he go to so much trouble to get rid of JL if he didn't expect to be the foreman and future owner of the ranch?  Think about it! 

JL grabs him and whispers menacingly:  ¡Eres un asco! (You make me sick.) "You know I'm a criminal, and killing one more bastard would be nothing to me."  Juventino is not going to tell Alejandro who he is!  

Juventino writhes in pain.  José Luis tightens his hold and continues:  He won't allow any more of his crap on the ranch. He knows all about Juventino, how he is behind the attacks on Alejandro, how he started the fire that nearly killed Montserrat.

Now José Luis has the greasy one by the throat.  Literally.  If Juventino defies him, he'll find out what he is really capable of.

"Vamos a ver quién tiene más saliva para tragar más pinole." says Juventino once JL has released his stranglehold.  
(Let's see who has more spit to swallow more pinole/toasted cornmeal/ Let's see who outsmarts whom.) 

JL slaps him lightly on the cheek.  "Yeah, let's see."

Mr. Toad comes calling at Hacienda Arechiga
Dim toadies up to Amelia with a bouquet of white gardenias.  When Amelia confides that she fears Angie is relapsing and they will have to return to Mexico in a few days, Dim says he'll leave when they go. He is ill at ease in the Almonte Hacienda (though he's much too discreet to explain why.)  He is only staying so he can see Angelica. Their house will always welcome a dimwitted toad with the right breeding, says Amelia warmly.

Virginia overhears only this last part and runs squeeing to Angie: Dimwit may spend a few days here!  But Angie has other things on her mind.  She begs her sister to go to JL/Antonio and tell him to come to her.  She doesn't want to leave the hacienda without seeing him one last time. She knows her parents would never let him in, so he must come at night.  She'll leave the door to her balcony open.

Dimwit joins the girls at just that moment.  Angie switches gears smoothly, asking him to take Virginia riding.

In the kitchen of the Hacienda Almonte
Rosario and Macario dance another round of No I'm Not His Mother followed by a chorus of Don't Tell Alejandro What We Talked About.  But when Macario ends the performance with a rousing  I Really Think You Are Alejandro's Ma, she sobs helplessly. Mac swears he won't say a word.  

Oh no, what now?  The beans are burning!  María sniffs an opportunity to berate Rosario.  Mac comes to her defense.  María threatens to talk to Alejo about him and have him fired.

[On The Patio, Carlos focuses his gaze on some point in the distance.  He looks lonely.]

Eavesdropping and Spying -- it's what you do to amuse yourself in the country.
Virginia and Dimwit end their ride at the Hacienda Almonte.  The girl expresses her delight that Dim will be spending a few days with her family.  She turns down his offer to see her home safely and rides off alone (Normally, this would be foolish.  But considering that we are talking about Dimwit, she is probably safer on her own.  And she is wearing sensible shoes. Besides, the plot demands it.  You'll see.)

Montse approaches Dim angrily (though she'd get a better mad going if she didn't have to trip over the uneven ground in those stupid  tacones).  She has overheard their conversation.  He's not keeping his word!  He insists he is.  He brushes her off and stomps away.

Alejandro, ever vigilant, sees enough to know that Montserrat and her brother have been quarreling, and he wants to know why.  He won't allow evasions -- he can tell when she is lying.  Why doesn't she trust him?  He's not an ogre!

[Hey, Diana!  No giggling!  There's some serious emoting going on here!]

The only things he cannot abide, continues Alejandro, are deceit and lies.

Montserrat spills the beans.  (Why not?  Rosario has already burned them.)  Dimwit deceived a woman in Aguazul, pretending to marry her so he could get her money.  The girl's brother found out and threatened to kill him.  He came to the hacienda to hide.

Alejandro is disgusted by the story.  The life of a coward like Dimwit is worthless, he says.

["You're not wrong, dude!" says AuntyAnn sagely.]

Meanwhile, Virginia delivers Angie's message to JL/Antonio.  They have no time to discuss anything, because Loreto arrives on the scene and Ginnie has to hurry away.

Kill Alejandro or your secret is out and your friend is a dead man.
Loreto has heard that JL is willing to cooperate.  JL says nothing happens until Refugio is freed.  Loreto promises he will set both JL and Refugio free -- if JL agrees to kill Alejandro Almonte!

"I won't do it," says José Luis.

If he won't agree to his terms right this minute, Loreto will take him to Alejandro and tell him who he really is.  And he will order his men to kill Refugio.  JL can decide.

"Está bien.  Acepto el trato." (Okay.  I'll take the deal.)

Loreto will be watching him to make sure he keeps his word.  He must arrange to meet Alejandro someplace off the hacienda and then kill him.

How Scorpions Think
Loreto leaves the foreman's house and confides his real plan to Juventino: he will accompany JL.  After JL kills Alejandro, Loreto will kill JL.  He will make it look like they killed each other when Alejo unmasked JL's identity.  Juventino nods his approval. 

Montserrat confides in her Aunt Carlota
Carlota isn't happy that Alejandro knows about the DimFina affair, but she is glad to hear that JL has promised to be gone by the following day. She is convinced that Montse's feelings for JL represented a childish chapter in her life.  But Montse tells her she is wrong -- at heart,  Alejandro and José Luis are very much alike -- they are both gentlemen, both brave, both passionate...

Carlota tries to stop her.  Montse insists she needs to talk.  Alejandro is her husband and she has started to love him.  José Luis was her first love, the love of her life.  The thing with Sebastián was different.  Her mother forced her into it.  It was only when she met JL that she learned what love really was.  Now he is devastated because they had to say goodbye.  It is so sad.  He loves her so much and she...can't even be faithful to him in her thoughts.  She is in love with Alejandro!

Juventino (who is still hanging around like a big honking cold sore that just won't heal) tells Alejandro that Loreto wants to talk to him.

Look at what we caught, boss!
Alejandro joins Loreto in the main room of the house.  Loreto has news for him, he says. It's very possible that he will have José Luis in front of him by the next day.

Loreto's announcement is upstaged by Macario and Miguel and another worker dragging in a thug we've seen before.  They found the bastard trying to burn down the cornfields, they say.  There were three others but they got away.  No one seems to know who the man is.  

Alejandro points a gun at him and asks:  "Who ordered you to burn the corn fields?"

"Tell them, Juventino!  Help me!"

Juventino backs away.  He doesn't even know this lowlife. 

But the lowlife isn't taking the fall for Juventino:

"What?  Liar!  You told us to do it!  You're the one who always gives us orders!  You ordered us to steal cattle and attack people on the road.    You're the one who killed Gaspar Zamudio, your own brother!"

María has been standing close to Juventino but now she pulls back, horrified.  Juventino grabs Alejandro's lapels and swears that the man is lying -- he is a scorpion, a snake, a pig!  He rushes the man and Macario and Miguel have to restrain him.  María smacks Juventino and starts pounding his chest.  Alejandro pulls her away from her uncle.  Juventino continues to wail that he did nothing.

Alejandro pulls Juventino's head up by his hair.  "Coward!" he shouts. "How could you kill your own brother? Not even death is punishment enough for you."  Alejandro kicks him and Juventino falls to the floor, whimpering.

"Shut up!" screams Alejandro.

Rosario holds María.

"Something tells me you're not the one giving the orders -- you don't have the guts or the smarts!"

Alejandro holds his gun against Juventino's cheek: "Who do you work for?"

Loreto takes it all in.  Juventino feels his unspoken threat and keeps his mouth shut.

Back at the Hacienda Arechiga (for our girl did get home safely), Virginia tells her sister she delivered her message.  She's not sure if JL/Antonio is coming but oh Dimwit was a dreamboat.

L'état c'est moi
Loreto announces that he is taking both men into custody.  Alejandro won't allow it.  He wants them locked up in the hacienda.  Juventino is to be shackled in the stables like the animal he is.

"Kill him!" shouts María.

Alejandro himself will turn the men over to the authorities in Aguazul the following day.  Loreto reminds him that he is the authority in Aguazul.  "But this is my hacienda," retorts Alejo.  "I'm in charge here."

Loreto isn't happy about Alejandro's flouting the law.  "So file a complaint," says Alejandro.

María falls weeping on Alejandro's chest.

The Jail.  Esmeralda Tries Again.
Ezequiel resists and resists.  But ultimately, Esmeralda proves irresistible.  She gains access to Refugio.  The couple kiss through the bars of his cell.

Justice will be served. Oh yeah.
María wants vengeance. Alejandro promises justice.  He will see to it that Juventino goes to jail.  Dominga spirits María away for some tea. Rosario is sent for Antonio. 

Montserrat, now alone with her husband, asks him if he thinks Juventino is also responsible for the attempt on his life. He is certain of it.  And he suspects that Loreto is his boss.  That's why he wouldn't let him take custody of Juventino.  He knew he'd either let him go or kill him.  "Would you really have killed that other man?" asks Montserrat.  "No," says Alejandro, "I had to threaten him to make him talk."

JL arrives and Montserrat leaves the room, the two acknowledging each other briefly, like strangers.  Miguel has already brought JL up to speed.  Alejandro asks him to accompany him to Aguazul the next day when he transports his prisoners.  And by the way, has he talked to Loreto again?

[The Patio is abuzz.  Where can Alejandro be planning to take these two rotters?  If he can't trust the police and the mayor, is he thinking of calling out the marineros?]

Montse's eye --> Mind
Juventino gave her the gold bracelet and told her to show it to her mother the next time she asks her if she knows him.
She thinks: "I have to talk to Juventino before Alejandro takes him away."

How the Jewelry Exchange works in Aguazul
Loreto enters the stable where Juventino's wrists are shackled to the iron bars of the window.  "Help me!" begs the greasy fratricide.  He sees Loreto's hand move for his gun.  "No, no!" he cries.  Loreto puts a silencer in the barrel and aims at Juventino's chest.  He's sorry but he has outlived his usefulness.

"Yo te maldigo," says Juventino.  "Púdrete."  With his last breath, he spits, dirtying only himself.

Loreto pulls the trigger.  We see a gaping bloody hole in Juventino's chest, right where his heart would be if he had one.  Loreto walks up to his dying  -- or perhaps already dead -- victim and coolly removes the gold signet ring from his finger.  It's the very ring he took off his own murder victim, Don Benjamín.  Given its history, it is unlikely to bring Loreto much luck.

Avances:  JL/Antonio arranges for Alejandro to meet José Luis; Loreto prepares to ambush both men.


Good evening, everyone!

Another Grim Tale for The Patio. I almost called this one "Bleak House."


P.S. I am happy to report that the temperature has soared to -2. We should be above zero by tomorrow!

Novela Maven, what a great title "When Bad Things Happen to Bad People." Thanks for the recap.

What a great ending with Juventino executed on the spot.
I never expected him to be killed off so soon.

Not happy JL has been drawn into plot to kill Ale. He was too slow to go.


Novela Maven, we got up to 5 today. With the winds having died down and the sun out, it actually was pleasant.


Jarifa, glad you liked the title. I was rather shocked by tonight's happenings too.

As for JL being drawn into the plot to kill Alejandro, I suspect he is just going along with it to keep Refugio safe. Don't you think he'll find a way around Loreto?

Up to 5? You're sitting pretty, my friend!

Wow! So much action, so many layers of who knows what and/or whom. Loved your title and the entire recap, NM.

I'm thinking of Esmeralda as the Mata Hari of Agua Azul. She really knows how to work the guys.

Ooooh-the fruit in the kitchen can relax and ripen in peace. I didn't expect Juventino to die so quickly or easily. He played his role for maximum effect while we had him on stage. At least Maria learned he killed her dad. Montse looked rather sympathetic at Ale comforting Maria in her grief.

Macario just wouldn't give up with Rosario. He may end up as the one to let Ale know the truth.

Dim as Mr. Toad! LOL. He is a toad, in personality if not looks. The Eddie Haskell of the hacienda neighborhood.

Ale has a battle on his hands--not only for his hacienda but for his life. Will our golden boy prevail?


Thanks, Paloma!

I was also impressed by the way Esme was bending Ezequiel to her will. She is a very good friend to have.

"Will our golden boy prevail?" I expect so. Don't you? I mean, isn't physiognomy destiny in these things? Can acne-scarred, paunchy Loreto really prevail? Nah. (Though like Juventino, he can do a lot of damage before he gets taken down.)

Caray! Aren't you a speedy one? I just turned on my TV to watch this episode and noticed you've already got your recap up. Great title. I like it already. Will chat more later. But now...on with the show!

I am abit surprise Juventino is gone so soon. I thought he would be the main villain and stick around longer. I could think of a few people I rather see go before him.. Cough BM.

Pedro, Loreto etc need to step it up because so far they are both big duds and I am not impress with either of them.

NovelaMaven, the -2 "heat wave" must have stimulated your brain cells. You are funnier than ever.

Nooooooo!!! Juventino is gone! Why does this show keep killing off the best villains? I liked how Juvie kept snarling and spitting up to the end. And how fitting that he only managed to drool on himself instead of Loreto. Vaya con el diablo, Juventino.

GGFan, cough...I was thinking the same thing.

I think the Existential Angst table is a great addition to The Patio, but we'll have to remember to put up the "No Smoking" and "No Self Loathing" signs.

I also had a good laugh at L'état c'est moi. You were kind of on a French thing tonight. Pastis for all!!

I always like to pick a favorite phrase or crack. It was hard tonight, but my winner goes to..."How the Jewelry Exchange works in Aguazul". Brilliant and hilarious. Well done! Thanks NovelaMaven for an awesome recap.

Oh, and I like your prediction about Don Benjamin's ring. Of course it is cursed, bwahahahaaa!

Oh boy! Sylvia liked it -- even the Frenchy stuff.

I have ordered the NO SMOKING and the NO SELF LOATHING signs. [Do you think that was terribly wrong of me? Should I have consulted the others first? Gah…Where did I put my Gauloises?]

You are so unfailingly kind, Sylvia. Thank you.

Yes, GGFan, you may have struck a note that resounds with many of us here. Cough. Cough.

Yawn....very early here..still very cold.....loved the title. "when bad things happen to bad people"...you want to say yay even if you are good people. Thanks, Novelamaven. more deep thoughts later after I am more awake.

Delightful recap to have with our coffee this morning, and Love your title, Novela Maven. I also loved your subtle jibes at some of the characters, "Their house will always welcome a dimwitted toad with the right breeding, says Amelia warmly."
And, "how scorpions Think". Very true in this case.
Cap'n Syl: ITA, why kill off such a good villain, not the usual procedure in TN's. He obviously was doomed, but I was very surprised they got rid of him this soon.


Surprising episode given an amazing recap NM. Love the title!

I did not think we would lose our hacienda villain so soon. Loreto may be a bad guy, but he just doesn't have the necessary menace to savor. And Pedro just stares...and stares....and stares. Darn, I'm going to miss The Slimy One.

The irony of Maria being comforted by Rosario was interesting. The girl was upset, but maybe it was the actress, thought she would be more "destroyed". But someone the other day pointed out she didn't really seem all that upset when her father died in the first place. Guess her ego gets in the way. Did enjoy the Adolfo put down she suffered.

"Their house will always welcome a dimwitted toad with the right breeding, says Amelia warmly." Oh my--how I loved this line!!
Poor Angie isn't looking so good. I want her hanging around some more. I still think there's a potential JL hook-up there (rebound sort of thing.)

So I agree, I think JL is going along with the plan to be able to protect his pal. I mean there's Monse...and then there's his true bromance with Refugio.

Enough with Maria trying to get everyone fired. As an annoying semi-villainess, she needs to change up her threats. Will be interesting who becomes her "confidant" with The Slimy One gone. She turn back to Adolfo?



I always find your titles and headings marvelous...and OF COURSE I was charmed by "l'état c'est moi" but oh my:

Mr. Toad Comes Calling at Hacienda Arechega

I am just rolling with delight...

Mr. Toad...yessss!

As for a phrase I will never forget, it's this, on Juventino:

"hanging around like a big honking cold sore that just won't heal."

Yikes, NovelaMaven. I'm stuck between admiration at the power of that image, and...er..horror. Verrrry effective.

I, for one, hope Juventino comes back as a ghost. He's a lot more interesting and fun to watch than either Loreto or the inaudible, squinty-eyed Pedro. Take it up a notch, Sergio Sendel, we know you can do better!

We're still in the polar vortex here, the meteorologists are having a ball scaring us half to death; but I'm sitting here snug and warm (for the moment) having just enjoyed another stellar NovelaMaven recap. Loved your shoutout to Carlos and your nod to Aunty Ann. Funny, witty, sharp...and inclusive.

Merci Madame!

NM- Your recap was inspired, as we're all your titles. :)

I won't believe that Juvie is dead until someone declares it. I'm not shedding any tears over him, but I did think he'd be around a while longer to cause trouble. Well done writers for surprising us. Now, let's see what other villains emerge from the shadows.

Maria got two blows last night- first being used and hoodwinked by Addie, and then finding out how her uncle had betrayed her and her father. I'm sure all of this will just make her meaner and nastier.

NovelaMaven: Your sensational recap warmed the dangerous chilling wind and frigid temperatures. Your heart and soul were in evidence here, crafting a beautifully written summary. Your titles were inspiring. "loquacious Macario and his dogged questions", "A joyless coupling that ends in a squabble over the bill", " toadies up Eavesdropping" and "Spying -- it's what you do to amuse yourself in the country" were great. My favorite was " greasy fratricide". Your vocabulary translations were wonderful and very helpful.

"Loreto reminds him that he is the authority in Aguazul. "But this is my hacienda," retorts Alejo. "I'm in charge here." Oh dear. I fear Ale is losing perspective on exactly who he is. And isn’t. Patron – yes. Lord and Master of the Universe? Not!

I was going to wax poetic about Juvie but there is nothing I could add to what Sylvia and Judy already noted.

Sylvia: “Why does this show keep killing off the best villains? I liked how Juvie kept snarling and spitting up to the end. And how fitting that he only managed to drool on himself instead of Loreto. Vaya con el diablo, Juventino”. Exactly!

Judy's "I, for one, hope Juventino comes back as a ghost. He's a lot more interesting and fun to watch than either Loreto or the inaudible, squinty-eyed Pedro. Take it up a notch, Sergio Sendel, we know you can do better!" had me cheering and nodding in vigrous agreement. Perfect!

I will join everyone in being relieved that Maria has finally been brought down a peg. And, by the idiot Adolfo, which adds insult to injury. Goody!

We are supposed to like Macario, correct? Did anyone else think he took too strong a stance in questioning Rosario (repeatedly) when he saw how upset she was getting? It wasn't until Rosario was completely in tears did he finally back down a bit and apologize. Tact man. Learn the word and use it along with a little common sense and kindness.

Now that Esme is on the scene, let's hope she can help Refugio.

Daisy, totally agree - Angie's appearance (and health) definitely appear to be deteriorating.

NovelaMaven, thank you for a marvelous recap. This was amazing.

Great comments all!

Diana (also enjoying a balmy 5 degree temp today)

Diana- You're kinder than I am. I was glad that someone was finally able to berate the truth out of Rosario. Macario isn't a priest, so he can be key in finally revealing the truth to Ale. Plus, I'd be upset too if someone were trying to play me for a fool, and trying to convince me of the existence of a nonexistent person. Ro's reasons for keeping quiet are sad, but silly. Time for the silliness to stop and the truth to come out.

Vivi, amiga your choice of the word "berate" is the issue I am having. If it was tempered with kindness or not quite as forceful, I would have not had an issue with it.

Agree the truth should come out but it is a heartwrenching one and wish it had been a bit easier to extricate.


Great work, and I agree that the title was excellent.

Since we now have our potential rapist disposed of we have to wonder what will threaten Monserrat down the road. I'm surprised that Juventino was disposed of so soon. However, my gut is telling me that Dinwit will turn into a very serious villain before this is over and that Graciela will ultimately become nastier.

Neither of them gives a flying damn about Monserrat. Dimwit was ready to throw her to the wolves to get his money and it would serve him right if Alejandro does that to him.

Which is now unlikely because Alejandro has to worry about Loreto and what he may be planning to do.

Of course as soon as JL finds out about what just happened he's going to feel bad about not having said anything about the secret meeting in the shack that he and Refugio stumbled upon.

The best thing he could do now is to out himself to Alejandro, tell him about Loreto's blackmail threat, and leave. While he hasn't killed anyone (which he still would have to prove) he can be regarded as an accessory to the killing of the naval officer and both he and Refugio would do life in a military stockade over that.


No, no, no, I lost my bery long comment!!!

Once again!
Thank you, NM, loved the recap.

I'm going to miss Juvie's greasy smelly self so much. Shocking that he's dead so soon, maybe his villainess was so awesome, he left no room for the others to start wreacking havoc.

I think Ezequiel (Alexis Ayala) will become a bigger villain, because he's a huge actor in Mexico, no way he'll play third fiddle for much longer.

With all the drama going around them, Ale and Montse are still not ok.
And I blame it all on Ale - she's trying to reach out to him, but he's just too stubborn. He lied, too, so I don't see what his problem is, really.

So, I'm not sitting at any table, yet, unless it's the selfrightous critics one. :)
Not much fun to be had there, right?

Adriana- Ale has continued to be cold to Monse lately (with the exception of the brief moments after he rescued her from the stables), while she has now consistently tried to be nice and attentive to him. Ok. She won't give up the location of her fugitive ex. But, duh! He's a FUGITIVE (and innocent), so why would she give him up to Ale (who would likely inform the authorities or hurt him)? But I haven't seen Ale being so honest or forthcoming about Maria stealing into his room in her undies to try to seduce him, or that kiss they shared, while his wife slept upstairs. So if we're talking about lies and secrets, Monse doesn't have a monopoly on that. Time for Ale to play nice, like she's trying to do.

Dear NovelaMaven,

As always, many thanks for wonderful, witty, and informative recap. I was laughing throughout and your titles headings were the best: "Macario knows what he knows, darn it." Also also "A joyless coupling that ends in a squabble over the bill."

In addition to the delights in English, one of the best things about any NovelaMaven recap, is that I always learn new Spanish: "Vamos a ver quién tiene más saliva para tragar más pinole"

I WILL find a way to use that expression!

Like all the commenters, I can't believe Juvie is DEAD already! At episode 41/185? How can it be? I kept thinking, it's some kind of fake-out--he's pretending to have a giant hole in his chest, right? But I guess I have to face a kinder, more gentle reality without him in the world. Who can take his place?

I also enjoyed Maria's getting set down by Aldolfo. I will be relegated to a far, far corner of the patio at a rusty little bistro table for saying this, but I have a soft spot for Alfie. There's something endearing about him, even as he's bad.

Also Elna June, wanted to say I agree with you about Hernan from LT. He was definitely a skinny colored pants type. Not much room for wads of cash there.

Thanks again, NovelaMaven. I love to read everything you write!


Ah, NovelaMaven! Estupendo! From the title to the subtitles ("Joyless coupling. . .", "Perv with a pitchfork . ."). Not only have you thoroughly informed us but entertained us as well and I really get the feeling recapping this was fun for you! Thank you!

NM your little side comment about Carlos gazing into the distance was so touching I'm not going to bash Maria today! She really got screwed this episode!

I have come to respect JL more and more. I knew he was recognizing the basic decency of Alejandro (the buen tipo) which is a tremendous acknowledgement knowing that Ale was "loving" the love of his life. He confessed to the other love of his life, Refugio, that he couldn't leave the ranch and leave Ale hanging and now in his confrontation with "the greasy fratricide": "He won't allow any more of his crap on the ranch." Go JL! I don't think he is going to shoot Ale, he may be forced to wound him but having lost Montse and feeling he has nothing else to live for, he might take a chance and quickly turn
the gun on Loreto to kill him, risking his own death.

"Let's see who has more spit to swallow more pinole/toasted cornmeal." This is soooo Juvie to use such a figure of speech. It made me gag and laugh at the same time! How could Juvie have fooled everybody for so long, he ain't that bright! I think it's telling that two people who had not been at the hacienda and thus accustomed to the stench of the vile goings-on were able to come in and immediately recognize, "hey it smells like shit in here!" JL and Macario!

Yaay Macario! I also am liking him more and more and think he would be a good match for the kind and clever Dominga. Macario got right to the bottom of the "two Rosarios" nonsense as well and I think he will honor Rosario's secret to a point. He's a no-nonsense guy and deeply cares about all the good people at the hacienda and, of course Ale. If he sees the secret is doing more harm than good to Rosario and Ale he may just out her in a direct but benevolent manner.

Ahhhhh. This episode was satisfying just as I'd hoped and though I'm glad justice was served to Juvie, I can't do murder scenes anymore so I just mute the tv and look away. (Then, dangit they kept showing it in the previews!)

Thank you again ever so much for the recap NovelaMaven, enjoyed here with my cup of Roastaroma on our third snow day!

P.S. What is this tea they're always serving on novelas to calm, to fortify or even to get to sleep? Can't all be the same tea?!

:D Lila


Lila- It's te de tila-- linden flower tea.

Here's a problem from previously: Maria swiped a brassiere as well as panties and there's no way that brassiere should have fit her. Monserrat is at least one cup size bigger (something else for Maria to envy about her).

Monserrat has yet to discover that any of her underwear is missing.

Alejandro wouldn't have seen most of it yet and is therefore unlikely to recognize the rest of it.

When/if Maria goes through Juventino's stuff she might find the ones he swiped and she might do something with it, like plant it in the capataz' house.

Since Alejandro suspected that Juventino was up to something he should be the one to inspect his quarters or he should have JL do it. Which points to another issue: Monserrat did get a serious creep vibe from Juventino that she should have told Alejandro about long ago.

I'll sit with you Julia--hate to say it, but Adolfo kind of sets off that lovable crook vibe. Methinks maybe he'll wind up helping take down the REALLY bad guys in the end, or help send some of our borderline, nefarious denizens on the right road.

I'm beginning to see Macario in almost the role of Ale's subsitute father-figure. He seems to have a powerful sense of getting to the bottom of anything that will mess with his boy, and that's ok by me. Maybe he was a little forceful with Rosario, but I think that came from not wanting anyone to be messing with Ale. As for Rosario---doesn't keep a secret well anyway. If you want to hide who are, be better at being able to talk and deal with your own-going charade. Frankly, anyone pushing hard enough would have been able to figure out she's hiding a big something...better it was Macario. He's a sweetie and I would spend an evening hanging at his table on the patio, downing a few brews and eating a nice simple dinner any night.


Hey Lila, like Vivi said...it's té de tila. A very nice fellow CarayCaray recapper once sent me some té de tila from New Mexico, at my request. The flavor is so subtle, for someone of my age, it tastes like hot water.

But for many cultures, tea is seen as the great calmer and stabilizer. In English murder mysteries, the police are always giving a stunned bystander a cup of strong tea with sugar.

My Colombian friend always wants a té de manzanilla with honey after a stressful day of teaching high school Spanish.

So anyway, if you think you need some tea, go for it!Any herbal tea, I imagine, would have the same magical effect as té de tila,if you believe that it does. I never discount the placebo effect. Can't hurt and it might help.

You guys mean to tell me that you don't know te de tila?

I drank it all the time when I was a kid, it really soothes you, especially when sick with the flu.

Judy, the taste is better (more powerful) when actual leaves are used. Back home, linden trees are very common, you can just pick the flowers when they're in full bloom - the smell of the flowers is really special, for me it means spring has arrived (sigh... homesick)

Tea is the British equivalent of chicken soup: It cures all ills. I drink it all day. Black with Splenda. Black tea is great for stress.

Macario sounds like a voice of reason here. Someone needs to get Rosario to fess up to Alejandro and thus far Padre Anselmo hasn't succeeded at this.

On another front, I'm wondering how long it will take Alejandro to figure out how to take Loreto down. I don't know whether Loreto had any instructions from Pedro to off Juventino when he had outlived his usefulness, but I am certain that he had no intention of giving him the hacienda.


NovelaMaven thanks for another treasure. Though it was a grim episode, it wasn't as bleak as others have been for me. Really enjoyed your inclusion of our gang in the recap. And the visual of Dim as Mr. Toad was spot on.

Vivi - I understand your skepticism about Juvie's death. It is shocking the writers would get rid of him and LG so early. ITA w/Adriana that Alexis Ayala/Ezequiel will most likely become our new villain as our current crop are quite weak.

Diana - I so enjoy your comments about Ale. He's still in bullying mode so I wonder what will break him and make him the nice guy he appeared to be at the beginning of the tn? [His character has really made that old adage of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely a truism, no.] Perhaps when he realizes what an idiot he's been to his mother...but that could take another 50 episodes.

Ever since I learned about te de tila from telenovelas it has become one of my favorite calming teas. That and Seven Blossoms tea (7 Azahares), which is a bit less subtle than te de tila. Oh, I do love Roastaroma too! Technically, these teas are infusions, since they are herbal, and not true tea, per se. (I learned that from touring Celestial Seasonings a few years ago.)

On the topic of tea: I read a very interesting book recently called "A History of the World in Six Glasses". The six glasses being beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and Coca-Cola. I won't wax poetic here about the role of tea in economy, industrialization, social status and health, but I do recommend the book. I got it at my library. Here is a good column about it: A History Of the World...

Urban's comments about tea are spot-on.

Fine! I'm about to have some Irish Breakfast tea with my early lunch. Getting up at 5 am makes me hungry at ridiculous hours.

Judy, that's what I'm drinking right now!

Ms. Maven, shame on me for not mentioning your oozy, drippy description of Juvie. Your "hanging around like a big honking cold sore that just won't heal." is sidebar-worthy. Lady, you are dangerous with a pen in your hand, LOL!

I wonder if there is an acceptable good to bad ratio of characters here? Two epic baddies, Sendel and Ayala, have been rather anemic so far. As some of you have mentioned, I think we can expect these two to rise to the surface like the pond scum they are.

I also love NovelaMaven's prediction about the "one ring to guide them". Whoever has The Ring will experience very bad luck. I'm looking YOU Loreto.

Watching from afar via the recaps. Another difficult episode, but so beautifully written, Novela Maven!!

Loved this: "Montserrat spills the beans. (Why not? Rosario has already burned them.)" We needed that humor right about then. :)

...and this: "A joyless coupling that ends in a squabble over the bill." That was THE BEST of all!!! Maria being taken down more than a few pegs by a worthless, greasy haired, scum was priceless.

Maria is joyless. She is heartless. She doesn't know what love really is and the words "KILL!" slide so smoothly out of her sickening, sideways mouth.


Oh, and that RING! Can't you just see one of these jokers transformed into Gollum!!

"oh my precious!"

Who will it be?!


Fatima, maybe it will be quite a few people before it gets back to its rightful owner, which is Alejandro (by birthright). But why would he even want it? Throw it into the fire!
That was actually a nice touch, having Loreto steal the ring.

Tea time on the patio!! Now I'm craving my afternoon tea early you guys!
I must have been British in a former life because I so love my afternoon tea: nice cuppa Earl Grey ( which they stock at work thank you!) or a nice Chamomille when I want to relax after running around on weekends. Soothes the tummy and nerves. Just get the ahhhhhhhhhhhhh feeling afterwards.

Friend actually turned me on to Roasted dandelion root tea as well. I make a big pitcher of ice tea from tea bags weekly using black tea and throw in a couple of those. Helps with digestions and also works to keep us gal's waistline slimmer. At my age, I need the help!

Will have to check out my local Organic place with it's wall of teas and try the té de til.


The ring.... I guess that Alejandro and Monserrat are meant to be Siegfried and Brunhilde, those who are meant to redeem the world. Because if he recognizes it in a later episode, he might learn its path since Benjamin's death. My guess is that it will only pass through the hands of the story's villains until we get to the end.

Telenovelas are operas with happy endings.

Loreto only has game as far as Pedro is willing to trust him. That will not last no matter what he does because Pedro is mad.

I can easily see Dimwit falling into the sinkhole of being in league with Pedro because of his greed. While Adolfo isn't that smart, I can see him being just smart enough to not make a deal with that particular devil.

Does anyone else think that Alfie would stop short of murder? I think Dimwit would kill, but Alfie would draw the line there.

Cap'n Sharkbait, oh yes, I expect that ring is going to be well traveled by the time it gets back to its rightful owner!

The ring is now cursed and I suspect (no spoiler) that it will not be good to its owners. I agree, Cap'n. Ale should throw that ring away never to be seen again.


Daisynjay, I will definitely have to try your ice tea recipe sometime.

I'm liking this cursed ring idea. I hope it doesn't fizzle out or remain an eternal loose end like the infamouse COFRE from Duelo de Pasiones.

"Telenovelas are operas with happy endings." Yes!! Urban, I'll bet you are a great opera companion.

Hi everyone:

I am impressed, as usual, by your insight and humor and very grateful for all the kind words.

To those who are new on The Patio --
We always have on hand a supply of paper bags large enough to fit over your head. Eye holes are pre-cut. Mouth holes are optional. These bags can be quite useful when the eponymous hero of your table does something that makes you deeply ashamed.

For example, at the Graciela Table, folks wear bags over their heads almost all the time. They have taken to customizing their bags, decorating them with drawn-on facial features, facial hair and jewellry.

Do feel free to mingle and wander from table to table, as the mood strikes. I understand several interesting varieties of tea are being brewed today.

And if anyone is interested, all the latest fashion magazines are at the Graciela table. As well as the Tablecloth Line of fashion accessories.


Urban, LOVE the Siegfried and Brunhilde comparison! YES!!

Cap'n Sharkbait, I, too, hope that the ring travels far and wide and does not get dropped or lost. Writers cannot disappoint us here.

JudyB, I, too, am an early riser and get hungry by 1100!!


Susanlynn, I hope it is warming up now where you are. The sun is shining here on bright white snow, the sky is a pale blue, and any hour now, the temperature should be above zero. The car started this morning, the pipes haven't frozen and the furnace is doing its stuff. No complaints from me.

Emarie, thanks for stopping by. While I was surprised by Juventino's fate (though I am still dubious -- I want to see him pronounced!), I'm kind of relieved. Yes, the actor was doing marvelous bits of business, but honestly, it was getting harder and harder to look at him. There's only so much disgusting I am willing to invite into my home night after night.

"The irony of Maria being comforted by Rosario was interesting."

Yes, it was. This episode made me realize that María must be closer to Alejandro's age than we were thinking. If they were childhood friends, it's unlikely they were more than a few years apart. So she may be about ten years older than Montse.

Also, her behavior with Addled suggested that she had been around the block a few times. As pretty as she is, she has probably had her share of suitors over the years. Now as she approaches 30, she is dangerously close to being considered a solterona.

Thinking of her as a slightly older young woman who has let many opportunities slip past her because she is sure she will end up with Alejandro makes her desperate sense of entitlement a little easier to understand. (I'm not sitting at her table, mind you, but I might share a cup of te de tila with anyone hanging out there.)

JudyB, my writerly friend, I alway wag my tail at your words of approval. I was thinking of you when I wrote "L'état c'est moi." (I figured I would get away with it because Sara doesn't hang around this page much -- she would have called me on it.)
Thank you so much.

I'm really happy you liked the recap.
"I'm sure all of this will just make [María] meaner and nastier."

Nice observation. I think we need to brace ourselves for what is coming. I suppose now Alejandro will forget all about sending her to work in the factory. Sigh.


Thank you for your lovely words. Macario's relationship with Rosario is interesting. He always uses 'usted' with her and she answers him with 'tu.' He unfailingly refers to her as 'la señora.' I think we are supposed to see him as intermediate in age between Alejandro and Rosario, although the actor looks older than this.

While his hounding of Rosario may be annoying, it isn't malicious. I suspect, as others do, that it will help to move the plot along.

I just checked IMDB and in real life Macario (Juan Carlos Barreto) is about 1.5 yrs older than Rosario (Ana Berta Espin). He doesn't seem younger than she, but I agree that in this show he is likely portrayed as such.

Interesting analysis of Maria's status of "slightly older young woman" within the context of this show. I can only imagine how annoying her futile infatuation with Ale is to the rest of the employees. I can feel slightly sorry for her today, but I'm sure that will vanish with her next nasty deed.

I'm glad you enjoyed the recap and the title.

Excellent comments about the role of tea in British culture and the telenovela as opera with a happy ending!

I agree that Graciela is going to get worse. She and her Dimwitted son are a terrifying pair of scoundrels.

Thanks for the nice words. I found the Ezequiel/Esmeralda scenes quite wonderful last night. These are two masters of their craft. And yes, I can see Ayala's Ezequiel moving up in the hierarchy of villains. He is so good at being bad. [teeheehee]

Julia R:
I am delighted that you enjoyed the recap. I hope you will pull your table into the sunlight on The Patio. If/When Alejandro embarrasses you at times -- well that's when you take out the paper bags with the eye holes.

Speaking of brightly colored pants --
Elna June always appreciated Hernán's sartorial choices more than most of us. It's too bad you weren't around to back her up. And yes, his lucre would not have become filthy in quite the same way as Addled's. It would have been physically impossible.

In one episode, Addled tells Dim he can borrow some clothes. Dim refuses and mocks Addled for his style. Addled defends himself by saying that he dresses the way they do in Brazil. Hah.

Dear Novela Maven:

This was a superb and beautifully crafted recap. Even my cat was impressed. I read so many of the great lines and translations out loud to him that he began to talk back to me.

What, say you, was his favorite line. It was this, my friend:

"Vamos a ver quién tiene más saliva para tragar más pinole."

OMG that was great. I heard Juventino make the statement but I did not recognize the dicho.
And, yes, we did see 'quien tiene mas saliva..."

I was truly shocked when Loreto shot Juventino. Not disappointed, of course, but shocked. The writing and acting in this show are awfully well executed.

My favorite of your many gems in this recap was this:

'How the Jewelry Exchange works in Aguazul Loreto enters the stable where Juventino's wrists are shackled to the iron bars of the window. "Help me!" begs the greasy fratricide. He sees Loreto's hand move for his gun'.

Greasy fratricide. NovelaMaven, nobody could have said it better.

Now I have to go read the comments!



Thanks for the recap Novela Maven.

Blogger! Darn you! Let's try again:

Thanks Vivi! If I can drive out tomorrow going to look for linden flower tea. Whoa! Look at all the comments! Wheee!


Daisynjay--So happy you are with me at the Adolfo rusty Bistro Table.

Urban Anthropologist, sounds like you are close to joining us. We can pull always pull a couple of tables together.

More welcome!

But I think we're going to need the paper bags NovelaMaven's passing out pronto.

NovelMaven, I forgot to comment about your hilarious comment about the ring. This really made me laugh. Glad so many others brought it up.

Elna June: Glad to be able to enjoy colorful male sartorial choices with you in this series--my apologies for being mostly a lurker in LT.

Alejandro seems to have the same limited 'real man' color palate that DAM-fine did in LT. Blue, dark blue, and some light brown/khaki seems to be about it--along with some occasional FLESH tone from his not exposed enough bare chest.

NM, I love your description of the patio. Few times I've reached for one of those bags at the Alejandro table, but am still firmly committed to a chair at the table there.

However, as I've always been taught when at a large gathering, it is good to wander the tables. I was so inspired today watching the uh, well, "motley" get ups that this frigid weather has produced among the female population, that I thought I would check out some of Graciela's good to see what could be added. I admit to the Nanook of the North look myself with my son's brown earmuffs matched with my glorious deep purple cashmere scarf I bought for a song in India, and then gracing with the navy Isotoners that are warmer than my usual gloves. All with my big, clunky (but warm) black down coat. Think one of Gracie's tablecloths might add a nice touch? How about one of those enormous, throat choking necklaces?



I like to read comments on my phone and then, when I have time, reply on my laptop. On the phone, I don't know who "Anonymous" is until the very end of the comment. So I play a little guessing game: who is THIS anonymous? And I just knew it was you within a handful of words! Did you say you had recapped here in the past? You would be terrific at it.

Just to address one of the points you make:
"I have come to respect JL more and more."
I couldn't agree more. I disliked JL for a long time -- his whiny, sweaty intensity, his unwillingness to man up and talk to Lauro, his skulking behind shrubbery. But his recent actions have shown him in a new light for all the reasons you cite.

Do we think he will come out of this alive?

I see that your tea question has been answered. Personally, I learned to love té de manzanilla some years ago during a stay in Querétero. I was even more delighted with it when I realized it was actually chamomile tea, the same thing Mrs. Rabbit served to Peter when he was not feeling well. She (and I) used it more to salve the body than the soul, though.

Thanks so much!

While I agree with you and Diana that Alejandro's Master of the Universe thing last night was off-putting, his behavior was understandable in the light of what he told Montserrat afterward: he knew that Loreto was corrupt and he had to keep him from taking charge of the situation and the prisoners.

Thank you very much. I loved this:
"Maria is joyless. She is heartless. She doesn't know what love really is and the words "KILL!" slide so smoothly out of her sickening, sideways mouth."

This is perfect. She wants vengeance. Alejandro wants justice.

Will he still feel the same way when he learns Antonio's true identity?

And yes, the ring that bears a curse, the stuff of opera -- what a great bit of business. (I hope the writers don't forget about it, as happens from time to time.)

The Tablecloth Line of fashion accessories is just divine -- and full of perfect choices for camouflaging those post-holiday pounds. (Did you know that for every 500 pesos you spend, you get a complimentary sampler of rum balls?)

JudyB, Adrianna, Cap'n Sylvia, Daisynjay and anyone I missed: really enjoyed the information on the tea! I really need to broaden my tea horizons. I was never a fan but had to come off coffee for health reasons. I think we may "get to" go back to school and work tomorrow so I'll have to stop by the Whole Foods and try something new.

:D Lila

Awe! NovelaMaven thank you! I don't know why I don't sign in: maybe because I have an embarrassingly vacant blogger profile! Hee Hee! (weak grin here) I did a few sub recaps a couple of years ago and am thus even more in awe of youze regulars! My goodness! To recap every week or even every other week for months on in, sometimes double episodes and then sometimes the story goes waaaaay south! I salute you all!

;D Lila

*for months on end. . .

Dear Elna June:

When I have impressed your bilingual cat, I know I have done my job. There is no more demanding critic on the blog.

Have your ears been burning? Your preference for Hernán's Eurotrash look has not been forgotten. Asi que ojo: What happens on CarayCaray stays on CarayCaray. Forever.

Cynderella, Thanks for stopping by!

NM: -2*F? I don't know what to say. tomorrow being above zero should be a good thing. Is there a lot of snow on the ground, as well?

I really did not expect Loreto to execute Juventino. La Paloma said that Marcario is a persistent guy.That is for sure! Montserrat should put Macario in the trail of finding out her Mother's secret now that Juvie is dead.

Sylvia: (EJ takes notes) As to the signs for the Existential Angst Table, NM has ordered both signs, but I might have to add a hand written note on the bottom of "No Self Loathing Allowed*". It will say, *Only loathing for the general condition of mankind will do." Deal?

Julia Rold: The Adolfo character is dreadful, but the actor has provoked much sympathy from me in his previous roles. He was Chema, the cancer ridden chef in CME. He may have the most beautifully fringed eyes in Mexico.

Urban and Sylvia: Yes! on the perfect healing powers of tea (camellia sinensis). But in Ireland (and England) we mostly drink our tea white, with milk. My family used to look at me as though I was crazy when I asked for black tea, no sugar.



I should have guessed as much, Lila!

The real WonderWoman of the blog is Cap'n Sylvia who has probably written more weekly recaps, each one brilliant in its own way, than anyone around here. EJ and I can't stop bemoaning her absence from the official recapping team, though her comments here buoy our spirits.

I have an empty profile on Blogger too. I'm not a Let it All Hang Out kind of a person, I guess. (Though I suppose, in the end, it does all hang out in one's writing. Unless you use your Tablecloth accessories strategically.)

Anybody for some chocolate-covered espresso beans? Bought some of those last week when I went shopping for a belated gift.

BTW, did you know that the antioxidants in black tea are negated by milk? Two guys I know stopped putting milk in their tea after finding that out.

I don't know if Adolfo is redeemable. He seems to enjoy scamming people a bit too much. If I recall correctly, his parents are in Europe right now? Why aren't they calling home?

I'm on board with more exposure on Alejandro. I think we're due for that.

DaisynJay, I think I may have seen you at the supermarket the other day. Loved the purple cashmere. Eskimo chic, right?

I'd stay away from Graciela's necklaces, if I were you. They'd snag your cashmere scarf or dig into your throat from the weight of the bulky clothing on top of it.

EJ: It has been down to -20 in the last few days and will probably reach -15 tonight. The good news is that the temperature is trending upward. By Friday, it may be above freezing. The ice on the roof will start to melt and Mr. Maven will be teetering on a ladder, trying to clear the ice dam. How I love winter.

Bonjour Mes Amies:

Merci, Novela for the great recap. Laughed out loud more than once.

Was Maria a virgin?

I’m a little surprised they did away with Juvie so soon, because he’s a breakout character. Quite entertaining, really in his repulsive way. However, I figured he was expendable because he’s not the Big Bad.

I thought how stupid of Loreto to take the ring, then wondered if he was going to use it to frame someone. After reading the recap, it looks like stupidity since he plans on killing JL and Ale, who would be the only ones he’d frame.

Previews: did Mons find out the money was gone? Will she do the smart thing and tell Ale? Probably not. Frankly, if after Ale finds out the truth he doesn’t kick her out, I wouldn’t blame him entirely. She has lied and lied and lied to him. How can he ever trust her? However, I blame him for most of it. If he didn’t go ballistic every time she told him a truth he didn’t want to hear, then she wouldn’t be so afraid to confide in him.

La Paloma: “The Eddie Haskell of the hacienda neighborhood.”—so funny.

GGFan: I agree that Pedro and Loreto are not the villains we’re used to seeing (I’m thinking of you Dionisio and Isadora), however as bad as Juvie was he really was too stupid to be the Big Bad.

Nanette (French nickname for Anne)

Merci beaucoup, Nanette!

And belated thanks too for your high/lows of our story thus far. There sure is a lot for our overworked brains to keep track of and we need all the help we can get (except for Vivi, who likely needs no help at all!) :D

I am assuming that María is sexually experienced. I can't imagine that she would have lent herself to Adolfo's proposition otherwise. But who knows?

Usually I think Seattle is too cold, but after all your stories, 48*F and rain is starting to seem pretty good! Don't freeze, y'all! Uni needs to take pity on its viewers and leave in more hot scenes to warm everyone up!

I will not miss Pervy at all. He was a colorful villain, but I can only take so much of his grossitude. Loved how they had him cuffed to the stable bars up above the horizontal piece, so he couldn't even put his arms down. Were they going to leave him that way all night? Ouchy ouch, though he is most deserving of it.

Addled must not be that great in the sack; what a shock. That interlude certainly did not improve Maria's disposition at all. She did seem like she'd been around the block a time or two, but with whom? There's no one around the hacienda except the workers, and she thinks they are beneath her. She only likes Ale, but he wouldn't have her. The revolting other option would be creepy Uncle Perv, EW.

Why are Adolt and Maria so sure Montse will get in trouble over the money? Ale told her she could take as much money from the drawer as she wants. What I think might happen is that she will go to get some cash for some necessities, see that there is nothing in there, and will get mad at Ale for teasing/tricking her, and then maybe he will think she already took it and is trying to get more. I don't see why he'd be too mad for the original money being gone, though, after he told her she was welcome to it.

I’m a big tea drinker, too. That’s my main beverage. I usually drink black. I like the ones from India. I’m not a big herbal “tea” drinker, but just discovered rooibos and really like it. Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf have a couple of flavors I love: Apricot Ceylon and Tropical Passion. I also like lavender tea---it’s good for calming.

Oh, I forgot to thank you for the awesome recap. Thanks, NovelaMaven! A super delightful read.

That place is indeed a bleak house. I wish Montse would get around to the redecorating she was talking about.

I'm currently drinking Candy Cane Lane, aka green tea with peppermint, vanilla, orange, cinnamon, and probably a few other things. Yummy.

Forgot to mention how much I love chai lattes. It's the only non-vegan thing I consume. I like the instant chai latte mixes that you just add water when I'm at work. I'm working on developing a vegan version (didn't care for the one vegan one I could find).

I don't think Maria was a virgin. By TN law Adolfo would have figured that out and said something. I'm going to guess that any experience she has would have been with an heredero we haven't met yet whose parents were acquainted with Don Benjamin. We do have 145 more episodes to go.

I am also guessing that she is two to three years younger than Alejandro.

I don't think that the "solterona" thing is bothering her so much as not getting Alejandro, whom she is clearly obsessed with.

The money will be a sticky wicket. If Monserrat finds the empty drawer first she will be confused and upset. If Alejandro finds it first he will wonder what Monserrat spent the money on.

Daisy: have you tried Twinings Lady Grey or Trader Joe’s Duchess Grey teas? I really like these teas—a twist on Earl Grey, which is also one of my favs (I think Twinings is the best Earl Grey).

Novela: for some reason I thought Maria was younger than Mons. Maybe her baviour? Also, Macrio seems closer to Rosario’s age than Dominga’s (Dominga looks younger than both of them to me).

Thanks so much, Julia. I am such a fan of yours that I particularly appreciate your kind words.

"Addled must not be that great in the sack; what a shock."

Indeed. :D

Urban, I'm sure there are many characters waiting in the wings. Most likely, we have not yet met María's ex (or exes).

Nanette, It must be María's behavior that made us think of her as younger than she can be (when we do the math).

I had never heard of the de tila. (my Ipad wanted to change this to tilapia). My go to fav tea is Boston mint tea. It is soothing , especially to the stomach. Our favorite B&B has switched their tea brand. I cannot remember the brand, but one variety called Paris was served at tea time one afternoon.. They also served a delicious peach tea.

NM..being a country girl, I got a giggle from the " spying and eavesdropping" comment. You might also in Luce gossiping as a frequent rural pastime.

Well, it is sunny, bright, and cold here. Schools opened but had a twohour delay. I believe the prediction is for temps to go up to 50 this weekend. Que is happening ?

In Luce...that was supposed to be include.

Julia...Maybe Malria thinks that the hacienda workers are beneath her , but she does not mind having them beneath her. Sorry, I couldn't resist...it must be this cold snap. I am getting out of hand.

Hahaha...that thought also occurred to me after I posted my comment. Maybe she does find the peones useful for the occasional roll in the literal hay, just not for an actual relationship.

Adding my two cents about Maria's love life: she has been in love with Ale since forever but he hasn't always been around, for her to gaze at. We know for a fact that at one time he studied at University (he has a carera), so maybe while he was a student, she got ready for what she thought will be her future wifely duties (you know, gheisha style).

About tea: years ago, when I was watching Argentinian tns with my mom, the characters always drank maté (Argentinian coffee infused drink, tastes like tea)and it drove me crazy that I didn't know where to find some to drink.
Years later, when I was a student, I found a little teahouse near my school and they had mate there!!!
It's a rather interesting beverage, you drink it from a sort of a round metal cup and you're supposed to sip it with a silver straw(as far as I remember, the details are a little foggy right now).
And, since I moved to France I discovered how the Moroccans drink their tea, too - with basil and in small quantities at a time - not exactly the huge mug I always use when drinking tea, but small, little glasses. But this kind of works, because the tea is truly strong and its perfume is quite powerful.

I have one of those mate cups (mine is a hollowed gourd with a metal band around the top) and the little silver straw. I bought them in Argentina last year. In Buenos Aires I saw a number of people carrying them around on the street and sipping from them, usually with a thermos of extra beverage for refilling their gourd. There was also the occasional public coin-operated hot water dispenser for brewing some on the go. Yerba mate in varying forms and packages takes up an entire aisle of the grocery stores there. Personally, I think it tastes like dirt and hay.

Maria's probably been getting it on with whatever dudes own the winning cock at the cock fights she loves.

Wow, NovelaMaven, what a great recap... a completely delightful gem. While painful, this was brilliant:

"A joyless coupling that ends in a squabble over the bill. We are spared the details.

Although not a particularly attractive outing for María, I don't see her taking a long time out to pout... I'm fairly certain that Adolfo will eventually rue his apparent conquest and victory... I doubt that he'll get off scott free after stiffing María that way.

I'm a tad disappointed and puzzled by the writers in this, however. Though after that, it seems fairly evident that María wasn't a virgin before, all indications were that she was and there was no predicate laid down to suggest otherwise. I would have bet that she was saving it for Alejandro.

Well, what's done is done... but we won't forget... next!

Tonight should be fun. I'm interested to see how Loreto will explain Juventino's death. I'm guessing that "he was trying to escape.


Carlos, "after stiffing María that way"...snorf!! You've got a way with words, I'll give you that.

Novela Maven,
Thanks so much for your recap. I always enjoy reading your recaps because your writing just flows so well. And I always love your titles and subtitles. These were two of my favorites: "Macario knows what he knows, darn it", and "A joyless coupling that ends in a squabble over the bill."

Thanks for the shout out Novela Maven! And yes, Ale is never wrong! He even apologized to Rosario for letting her go. He had such a tender look in those beautiful green eyes of his when he apologized to Rosario...AWWW!

I don't think that Macario was too harsh with Rosario. She probably wasn't expecting him to remember so much from the past. Thanks God he does, and that now someone else besides the Padre knows the truth. Right now, Macario is the voice of reason.

Wasn't expecting Juvie to get caught, much less killed this early. Ale is so smart that he figured out Juvie was working for Loreto.

Julia: ITA when you said this about Ale's wardrobe, "...along with some occasional FLESH tone from his not exposed enough bare chest." I love getting a sneak peek at that chest on a daily basis. It's the one thing that I, along with JudyB, look for in every epi.

Fatima: ITA, "Maria is joyless. She is heartless. She doesn't know what love really is and the words "KILL!" slide so smoothly out of her sickening, sideways mouth."

I too think that BM has had her history with men. That will probably be revealed at a later time. And speaking of time, I am out of it. Will comment more later.

Back to work...hasta pronto!


I'm ashamed... but it was just lying (or would that be laying?... hmmm... Haven't we covered that ground before?) out there for the taking and no one else bothered to pick it up...


AuntyAnn and Carlos are here. Now it's a party!

Carlos, there is no shame in going for low-hanging fruit. None at all.

AuntyAnn, I know how you feel about Ale. Hee hee.

Thank you both for your kind words!

I predict a dismal end for Addled. He is so…dispensable. (I love the Spanish word for this: prescindible

Thank you Novela Maven for such a literary treat. Truly, the highlight of my day! :)

"Rosario and Macario dance another round of No I'm Not His Mother followed by a chorus of Don't Tell Alejandro What We Talked About." So perfect.

ITA with Viv and others who felt Macario provided the necessary push to get Rosario to talk. That storyline has been particularly frustrating to me--Rosario could do so much good for Ale if she only 'fessed up.

And with regard to Macario's age, when he first turned up I thought he would be a love interest for Rosario, not Dominga.

Thanks again, NovelaMaven!


hey...dinner is over (homemade spaghetti sauce) , and now I am here for the partay.

I must add my vote for "the joyless coupling" line. ...excellent and so on the money. I also must cast my vote for Malria NOT being a virgin because nothing ..nada....in her demeanor suggests virgin to me. I think that she got tired of waiting for her obsession...I mean onetruelove...to return from school and decided to do some learning herself...just sayin' . Otherwise, it would not have been so easy for the oily, amoral Addled to get her to agree to his bargain. ...and stiff her to echo our Carlos. No, I am pretty sure it was not her first rodeo. Yipi-ki-o-ki-yay. Will she hate herself in the morning..as much as she hates Addled for the stiffing ? Nah....I think that Malria is too busy plotting and planning to snare AleHandsome....next.

Oh, Katy....yes...I loved NM counting down the top ten..or three ..tunes that Rosario and Macario were singing. So clever.

I'm sure Malaria is going to take full advantage of the latest shocking news to stick to Ale like a leech. I just hope she doesn't manage to get him into a truly compromising situation. I was liking how he was putting up with her shenanigans less and I'd hate for him to find himself drunk or drugged and in the cama with this barnacle.

Carlos and Sylvia:

Ahem, I was waiting for our Grammar Maven to step in here, but, in her absence I will suggest that you were 'laying it out there'—intransitive verbs needing their objects and all that.

You made me laugh out loud. I caught the pun; I just could not find a delicate/blog-appropriate way to respond to the sturdy image. Every riposte that came to mind was, well, on the edge of rude.

Besides, I wondered whether you were laying the pun out there to be taken up—or something else.


I forgot to mention how much I liked the little hug Mons gave Ale after they carted Juvie off.

Nanette, that was cute, it was almost like she had to come back and mark Ale after that full frontal comforting Maria got from him --even though she did look sympathetic towards Maria.


Dear Katy,
You are so welcome! Thanks for the kind words.

As for you three -- Carlos, EJ and Sylvia --

Carlos may have been transitively laying it out, but it was just intransitively lying there for the taking.

Now all of you go to your rooms. NM needs some quiet time!

Okay sensitive tea drinkers...if the events in this story get you down..or those in your own life..treat yourself to the official Happy video by Pharrell Williams on youtube. The dance moves are great, the tune is catchy. You can't help but smile. Take two and call me in the morning!

OMG and HOLY GUACAMOLE!! JudyB thank you that is a great video. . .I am so glad that after years of mean-mugging and bad-ass attitudes that the whipper-snappers are bringing happy back! Can actually wearing one's pants pulled up to the waistline be far behind (non pun intended)!

Seriously, hadn't heard of it, love the inclusive nature of it, going to watch "the making of." Sometimes I do feel "like a room without a roof!"

;D Lila

Okay, okay...one more time.

Lay, laid, laid (to put, place, or set something'). I lay my keys on the table every day. I laid my keys on the table yesterday. I have laid my keys on the table many times.

Lie, lay, lain (to recline oneself). I lie on my bed every night. I lay on my bed last night. I have lain on my bed many times.

Yes, Nm...the pun was just lying on the ground for our Carlos to pick and share.

Great stuff, JudyB! Thanks. The Existential Angst table has it playing on continuous loop right now. Or maybe not.

I hear you loud and clear about BM clinging to Ale like a wet noodle! The first thing that crossed my mind was, 'oh great, now he'll never get rid of her'. But Ale had the good sense (as he always does) to get BM off him and send her to the kitchen with Dominga and Rosario.

Lila: I am still laughing at this line; "...it was almost like she had to come back and mark Ale after that full frontal comforting Maria got from him..." That was the worst part of that scene last night. I agree that BM got too much 'frontal comforting'. She totally took advantage of the situation. And Ale being the kind and loving person that he is, comforted her, in a sister way. Of course BM was not thinking of Ale as her brother. Let me make it clear that I am in no way a Maria fan, but I would not blame anyone for wanting to get some 'frontal comforting' from Ale. As Susanlynn would say, "just sayin'"

Back to work...Hasta pronto!

Judyb...very happy and bouncy. you know how much I like to dance...even alone. I watched the version filmed in Paris. I think we should all meet Adriana Noel there and have a flash mob.

have you checked out "what does the fox say?" On YouTube. it is my fav. I also like ". blurred lines., it has a good beat....and you can dance to it.

Keep on dancing. By the way, speaking of music and dancing, I am missing Madelaine


I hope that everyone is staying warm. It is 50 degrees in my neck of the woods right now. It got down to 22 the night before last. Hope you guys get above freezing soon.

Hey.... I think that the Caraycaray think tank has just come up with a cure for existential angst...
Judyb's video and a nice cuppa tea and a dose of full frontal comforting, heh heh ...from AleHandsome on a cold winter's eve.

AuntyAnn...the temperature is rising gradually from our below zero temps. They predict 50 on Saturday. Unbelievable. I can't imagine temps as low as NM's has been having. Yikes

Susanlynn: What Does the Fox Say cracks me up. I haven't seen the video, but have heard bits of the song.

Susanlynn, I miss Mads too. But she should be back here with a song in her heart and a bounce in her step in a couple of days.

Nanette...check it out on YouTube. There was a group dance to it on DWTS. That is also on YouTube. My family thinks that it is weird, but I love it. So bouncy !!!

Amen, Susanlynn:

"cure for existential angst...
Judyb's video and a nice cuppa tea and a dose of full frontal comforting, heh heh ...from AleHandsome on a cold winter's eve."


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