Friday, January 31, 2014

Por Siempre Mi Amor 1/31/14 Capítulo 42(ish)- Because we weren't bummed out enough

AVISO: Some scenes are combined.

Little Miguel has passed away. Isa is inconsolable.  

Mau and Andy discover Angel home alone just as Min returns home. Min is now a volunteer and a meeting with the Padre taking longer than she expected (which Padre? The one of Cuca and the Padre fame, or a different one?)  Mau asks her to help out more around the house. 

Ara cries on Este's shoulder. Ara says Isa and her father were so excited about the baby, but now it's a nightmare.  

Mari and Tassels argue about the stolen goods she was unwittingly selling. He could have gotten her in a real mess. Tassels swears it will never happen again. Mari will not trust him anymore. He betrayed her. 

Dante receives a text from Gonzo: Tu amigo el Borlas la regó. El Borlas has screwed up. (I am assuming the "la" in the text refers to "la cajeta" of the idiomatic expression regar la cajeta.) 

Isa wonders what she and Arturo will do now. They tell little Miguel how much they wanted him. They will miss him for the rest of their lives. 

Fevier is now working for the Raisin. He is asked to sign a confidentiality agreement since the company deals in a lot of important info for important clients. Fevier signs willingly and says he's the trustworthiest guy on the planet. *urp*

The little family buries Miguel.

Cuca visits the Padre. Padre tells her that Mari was there the night before. Mari is now amenable to the idea of working at Don Gil's. 

The hats are hoping to see Dan again (they call him "el güero") and he magically appears. He wants to talk to Mari. 

Everyone returns home. Isa painfully ascends the stairs. (There are no words to describe how powerful a scene this is. Susana Gonzalez is simply amazing.) Art asks everyone to please take care of Isa. She is the one most affected by Miguel's death.  

From what Padre can gather, it was Mari who was fleeing from the market and some biker helped her. Cuca says Dan told her a similar story. They both assume she wants to hide in Don Gil's house, but she's still pretty attached to the hats and doesn't want to abandon them. Cuca will have to convince Don Gil. Cuca is nervous, but she agrees. 

Dan doesn't want Mari to continue selling on the streets. There is now a police sketch of Mari being shown on the news. She could end up in jail. She swears she didn't know the merchandise was stolen. Dan wants to take her back to his house and help her. They kiss and so help me if these two are related.....grrrrr.

Lucha and Gabino can't believe Miguel has passed away. Dante wants to know why they care so much and they explain that Señor Arturo is like family. They've been working for him since they lost the house thanks to Dante.  

Gaby and Tere talk about Isa's misfortune and wonder why bad things happen to good people. They will keep things running at Casa Arte.

Andy, Mau and Ed look over a report that shows the brake lines were cut and the airbag was tampered with. Sooner or later there was going to be an accident.   

On the company computer Fevier discovers a cornucopia of information...most especially about Art and Isa. He promptly saves it to his jump drive.

Ara feels bad for Isa and doesn't know how to help her. To make matters worse, she hasn't heard from Fevier since she was in the hospital. She calls him and informs him of the death of her hermanito. He comforts her while he silently laughs and gloats. They plan to meet each other later that night. He hangs up and menacingly monologues. Finally, Isa is beginning to suffer as payback for what she did to him. It's called Karma. Seriously, someone get this man 6 or 7 anvils, please. And his "guapa" BS makes me want to break things. 

Mau and Ed tell Art about the sabotage. Since the baby passed away they can ask the police to investigate it as a homicide. Art tells them to take care of it. Not only is he upset about the death of his son, he is very worried about Isa. She's very depressed. The death of Miguel has been a devastating blow. 

Dan takes Mari to the Avocado abode and says she can hide at the Avocado Bungalow. She's impressed by the place, but she's afraid if she breaks something she'll never be able to pay for it. They hear someone coming, but it's a false alarm. Mari asks him not to kiss her again. She liked it but she doesn't like people kissing her. No one's ever done that before. Damn. It was her first kiss. So help me if these two are related. *Insert profanity here* He apologizes. He just couldn't help it. He promises to take her to the vecindad later so she can say goodbye to the hats and take care of some things. 

El Borlas finds the hats on the street waiting for Mari. They tell him she went with El Guërito, a guy who's been nice and helpful. They looked pretty close. El Borlas packs them up and they go home.

Art lets Ara know the accident wasn't her fault. The car was tampered with. How the accident happened doesn't really matter to Isa. Her son is still dead. She doesn't think she'll ever recover. This is the hardest blow she's ever been dealt. There's no name for what she is. Art could say he was a viudo (widow) and Aranza a huérfana (orphan), but there is no word for a mother who loses a child.  There is no word that encompasses or expresses the pain a mother feels when a child dies. Art reminds her it was his child too, but she says he can't begin to understand her pain. The pain of losing the baby you are carrying is unbearable and she doesn't think she'll ever get over it.  Art gets upset and says he's suffering, too. Isa has no right to minimize his pain. 

Bruno suggests that Art find professional help for Isa. Unlike 10 years ago, Art listens this time and calls...Marcela? QTH? Even Marcela even asks Art why the heck he didn't call a family friend. Why didn't Art call Dr. Carranza? (Art is an idiot.) He seriously thinks that the Dr. who was unable to save Miguel's life is the appropriate person to call? (I don't mean this as a damning statement of Marcela's skills. Just seeing it from Isa's point of view. Isa will back me up, keep reading.) Marcela wonders if Isa knows their history. Art says she does. This is where Marcela should get up and leave. I'm pretty sure this plan reeks of stupid, if not downright unethical. Nevertheless, Marcela agrees to talk to Isa. 

Tita postpones the trip with Osvi. With Isa's tragedy and other matters she needs to take care of, it's just not that right time.

Ara's primping for her date with Fevier is interrupted by memories of the accident and its aftermath. Despite all her primping, Dafne thinks she looks OK. She's just going to the park anyway not the finest restaurant in Mexico.) Dafne Duck wants to go with and meet Fevier. Ara says maybe after the relationship is more defined. Dafne doesn't think the Fevier types go around asking "Oh, will you be my novia?" Ara thinks her friend is a sourpuss.

Isa is no dummy, she doesn't get why Art called Marcela either. Marcela hardly knows her.  Marcela says Isa is the only one that can pull herself out of the depression. Isa asks to be left alone. Marcela attended her son and was unable to save him and shouldn't think she can save Isa now, she's not a good get out.  

Ara meets Fevier in the park. Somehow he has set up these motion sensor lights in the trees, red carpeting and a candlelight dinner in the middle of the park. It's the creepiest romantic dinner ever. He asks Ara to be his novia. Gag. me.

Dan takes Mari back to her apartment and the run into Tassels. Tassels is pithed about Mari leaving the hats to go run off with Dan. He pushes Dan. Dan kicks his butt. Woot.

Gaby comes to see Isa. Isa asks to be alone. Gaby has been with her from the start. Gaby will not leave until her friend gets it together and is back to being herself.

Ara comes home giddy. She gushes to Lucha about "Javier the real man." More *urp*

Dafne Duck rains on Ara's parade. She does, however, note that Javier is just as cursi if not more cursi than Este. Dafne sort of expected Ara's date with an older man would be something different. Turns out it's even more meloso (sickeningly sweet...alternate definition: honey-tongued) than a date with Este.

Art feels terrible. He doesn't know how to help Isa. He's lost his son and now he's losing his wife. Bruno hopes it's something temporary, but Art and Isa have  the support of everyone during this bache emocional (dark time. Literally emotional pothole/rough patch.) Bruno, like Marcela, wants to know why Art didn't call Dr. Carranza. Art says that his history with Marcela was years ago. Bruno thinks it must have been difficult seeing each other since they had such a passionate fling in the past. Art claims he barely recognized Marcela in the hosptial, but I still don't like where we are going with this. 

As the episode ends, Isa begins throwing things around the nursery.

  • Ara tells Sonia she has reconciled with Isa. Sonia reminds Ara of the hell Isa put her through.
  • Isa ends up on a bridge. Fevier is going to save her?


Feo really is worse evil b****just like the late Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, even much worse.

Bruno does have a point on why Art wants to bring MarC into the picture. I guess he seems to forget how his parents wanted him to marry the Red head doctor before he defied them and married Eugenia back in the day.

Does Isabel have some relatives because we've never seen them during this TN.

Thank you for the bullets and a great title. Can't wait to read the complete recap. It was a very sad episode. Isabel mentioned that she didn't have a name for herself in regards to the death of her child, i.e. Art was a widower but she is a mother who lost her child. She really needs opportunity to grieve and receive counseling from a professional counselor and not a friend of Art's, especially a doctor so close to the case.
CD- you have a point, we haven't seen any relatives for Isa. That"s strange.
I also have no faith in the police finding who sabotaged the car.


This is marvelous for such a depressing episode. It was truly very sad. I have been lurking and reading the recaps. I can't stand Feo and Son-not. They have gotten away with far too much already. They need some major anvils.

About Isa. She is basically an orphan and has no family. She mentioned this to Art when they first met. He had told her all about Eugenia.

I can see why Isa is acting the way she is. She probably has post partum depression and the loss of the bebe on top of that has her in a very depressive state, plus her and Art were trying all that time for a bebe. I too hope she gets counseling and not from MariC.

The actress playing MariC was Eloisa in Corazon Salvaje 2009. She was the wife of Fulgencio the rifle runner and very rich man.

I can't stand that Ara went out with Feo and that was a very skanky trumped up dinner.

I too hope Dan and Mari are not related, otherwise she just kissed her Tio, blech!

Thanks again so much for this Sara.

TJ-I will be sure to include your info in the fleshed-out version. Thank you.

CD-I wonder if it will become important later that she is so alone or if it was important earlier and that's what made her so susceptible to Fevier's charms.

Beside the obvious beady eyes, I think the way Fevier moves annoys the stew out of me and it screams danger. He is very stiff and off putting. You would think a charmer would have a warmer way of communicating and holding himself. Am I making any sense?

You know, if they have a story line where Art has a dalliance with MariC (not a spoiler, conjecture based on what seems obvious to my untrusting eyes) what will that do to the Isa/Ara relationship.

So-not did tell a young Ara that Isa was Art's amante before Eugenia died. Will an Art affair rekindle Ara's resentment and make her even more cruel to Isa or will it make her even more compassionate to her?

Do they plan to continue to keep Ara and Isa as rivals for the whole show? I hope not.

I promise I'll be working on the recap as the day goes on.

BTW-I know I put 42ish as our Capítulo number but there are elements of Mexico's Capítulo 46 in this.

Any idea why they do this???????????

thanks, Sara. I just can't watch this novela anymore...too horribly sad and scary.

Sara- I haven't watched yet, but I'm already getting teary reading and Isa's grief. I think I'll also look for the episodes online to see what Uni cut.

Yes, Isa is all alone with no family, after losing both her parents when she was a teen, and Miguel represents losing her only blood relative. So sad.

Oh Sara how did you stay focused?

Isabel - Susan Gonzalez wow you made me weep when you ascended the stairs

Raisin - new employee background check

Dafne the Duck - god, you'll bitch about anything

Bruno the Clown - you actually sounded reasonable for once

Art - well you pulled another great solution outta your ass

Aranza - you get off again on a technicality

Tassels - can't whip your way out of a wet paper sack

Dan - well you got that Clark Kent/Superman thing going on

Fernando - the Devil is in the details and they're covered


Sara, I know what you are saying about Fernando's demeanor and movement and best I can describe it is a predators lurch

Tofie- "predators lurch" is perfect. I continue to enjoy your one line assessments.

I just added a blurb about Tita and Osvi. I'm pretty sure I'm avoiding going back and adding more details to the recap. I don't want to have to watch it again. Last night was bearable because I was writing notes more than actually watching.

Vivi- I would be interested to know if they cut a more complete funeral scene. The one we saw last night seemed rather pitiful with few friends and family around. (Or did I miss them while I was writing and looked up after everyone had left?)

Sara, thank you for the excellent recap. As Tablet jefa noted The events were beyond tragic and your summary was particularly wonderful as you recorded the events head on - honestly yet cleverly.

"Because we weren't bummed out enough" (one of my favorite titles – ever), “*urp*” and "Creepiest Romantic dinner ever" were among my favorites.

CD, I didn't know if Isa had family either but Vivi just noted her parents passed. If that was noted previously, I missed it. I am praying Isa gets the help she needs and NOT from the hawt doc.

Madelaine, thanks for ID'ing the actress from CS '09 - I never would have recognized her. Also "I can't stand that Ara went out with Feo and that was a very skanky trumped up dinner". Me neither! Am I being too harsh in saying that I would think she would be too mired in grief to pursue her new romance too soon? It just seems incredibly insensitive (especally as she was driving although she wasn't responsible).

Sara, any charm Feo might have totally escapes me! I think he is just unpalatable. Period. I keep staring wondering what the allure is that I do not see at all. Blech.

tofie, yes, Susana was heartbreaking. She is one of my favorite actresses.

Sara, if Feo does save Isa, I'm sure it will just be so that he can torture and ruin her life even further. If only he would jump!

Thanks again Sara - this was great.


Aranza the Narcissist always does this. She acts out or something happens, she shows remorse and even contrite for a minute but once the pressure is off right back to everything about her. Her reprieve this time is someone else fiddled with the car. She was primping in the mirror while running through the accident and ends with a damn I look good smile.


I finally figured out why Doc MarC looked so familiar to me (I never saw CS '09.) She was also on Corona de Lagrimas and I saw a few of those episode.

I'm sure it's old news to most of you but the actor playing Tassels is the brother of the actor playing Sebass on MPV.

I'm reliving the fun now. More complete recap on it's way.

Sara- we are up to episodes 45-46 online. I'm not sure why the chopping block job. I hope that you don't mind, Vivi- but I will answer for you- yes there was more of a funeral scene, we saw the tail end. There was a crowd of friends and family, who prayed the "Our Father" together and laid individual white roses.
Tofie- sensational list as always and Susanna Gonzalez deserves an award just for the staircase ascension. Your description of Aranza as a narcissist is dead on.

I'm watching right now. OMG! I can't believe that Feo had the nerve to bring up karma being the reason Isa is suffering. The nerve! Karma better have a GIANT anvil waiting for him by the end of this.

It's so scary that he now has a man on the inside (Dante), is brainwashing/seducing Ara, is tracking Isa and Ara's movements and calls, and now has access to Isa and Art's private info and internet security. He could wipe out their personal and business finances if he wanted to.

THanks for the info, Tofie. It helps me to know that the funeral was not just the three of them.

Vivi, I just about barfed when Fevier brought up karma.

I'm working on it, I swear. I have to take breaks because there is so much sadness and stuff that is making me mad. If I don't breathe I will end up with a stream of profanities in the recap.

My first baby died the day after he was born. He had a heart defect that was not noticeable when he was first born. The doctor sent me home with a prescription for counseling...nothing. Isa's reaction is exactly as one would expect . As for Art saying that it was his baby, true, but he did not carry that baby in his body for months. On top of it all, Isa was just banged up in an auto accident. She has to heal physically and emotionally which will take a lot of love , patience, and time. I can't watch this novela right now.

Susanlynn- It's totally understandable that after going through it yourself, you wouldn't be able to watch. I have to give the actors and the writers kudos, however, because they did a marvelous job with this storyline. It rings very true to life, and Susana's acting was top notch.

As for Aranza going out, I think she is actively trying to bury her feelings of guilt and grief by throwing herself into her romance with "Javier". They showed her running through the latest events in her mind as she was primping, and shaking her head as if to shake those thoughts away. I'm not sure if that narcissistic behavior or not, but she is not without feeling. She's just trying to bury her feelings.

Notice how they play the creepy horror music whenever Ara is with Feo.

Mari and Dan are cute together, but unless the Padre and Cuca are wrong about who Mari’s mom is, then this is incest.


One of the good things that came out of this tragedy (in addition to Ara and Isa making peace), is Ara and Este making peace. I'm glad that, even though they didn't make up, they are friends again.

Ok. The whole thing is up.

Vivi sometimes I think Aranza does have feelings but it is only after something extreme has happened and I get sucked in and feel sorry for her but her bounce back is always rapid and total. She switches on and easily off

Maybe she's off her meds.

Ok. I just fast forwarded through the Mexican Episode 45 (the first half of what we saw). These are some of the scenes that were cut:

Dante calls Feo and tells him that Isa’s car has already been taken away, and he wasn’t able to install the gps and doesn’t know what car she’ll be driving. He quickly hangs up when Art comes to speak with him, and begs Art not to fire him since he needs this job. Art says he’s still got a job, but for now Isa will be driving Ara’s car until her car is repaired. Then Dante asks to return to him own home, since they don’t need his services at the moment, and Art gives him leave.

Tita and Ally talk about Tita’s double life. Ally says she admires what Tita is doing and her secret is safe with her. Later they continue to talk about the work Tita and her motorcycle friends plan to do to help Marianela and the other street kids. Tita is really worried about Mari.

Feo calls Efrain/Methuselah and says he has a job he needs done. Since he’s working (this shocks Meth, Feo has never worked before), he won’t be able to do it himself. He tells Meth he has an awesome new job (with Sugar Daddy), and then tells Meth to contact Sonia about this particular job he needs.

Ara and Lucha talk about how best to help Isa. Lucha says losing a child is the hardest then that can happen to a woman, in a way that makes Ara ask is Lucha had a child. Lucha says yes, and for years she thought she had lost him. Ara takes her hand in sympathy.

Meth goes to see Sonia at her place unexpectedly, and she calls Feo upset that he didn’t tell her beforehand. He apologizes, but says he needs help to keep the Ara seduction going, and Sonia’s pay off will be really huge eventually.


Ok. Sonia must have been the one to set up the park dinner. Thanks for that info, Vivi.

I find it uncharacteristic that Mari would just leave the hats alone in the park and run off with ... (name escapes me).

yeah, good catch anon 3:07. Thought the same. Know she was scared on one hand and wanted to spend time with Daniel on the other but to leave the kids.....

Cut scenes from Mexican Episode 46 (Part 1):

Isa speaks to Isa about the pain of losing a child. Lucha says the pain will always stay with you, but you learn to live with it. Isa doesn’t think she can live with it. Lucha reminds her of all the people who love her and are by her side.

Don Gil has a big dog on the property, which impedes Mari from leaving.

Don Gil speaks seriously to Dan, and tells him it’s time he entered the military university program. The general is waiting to hear from him. Dan doesn’t look thrilled, but says he’ll do it.

Osvaldo talks to Balthazar and scolds himself for being so insensitive by asking Tita to go on a trip at this difficult time. But he was also disturbed by the fact that Tita told him she had a lot of obligations and things to do. He doesn’t like that she has secrets from him. Balt tells him he always knew Tita is a very active woman, and he shouldn’t jump to conclusions without getting more info. He needs to be patient and not do something he’ll regret.

Gonzo argues with Dante about the truck robbery being all over the news. He orders Dante to get his minion, Borlas, under control and to make sure he doesn’t talk!

Maricela tells Art that Isa needs to see a specialist before this depression becomes permanent.

Feo and Ara slow dance. She thanks him for being there for her during such a difficult time (she says this was the worst day of her life). They kiss. Blech! There is also lots more romancing by Feo, but thank goodness, Uni spared us.

Borlas assures Dante that Mari will keep her mouth shut. Dante threatens that she better, or else things will get difficult for them (Borlas and Mari) and the kids. Dante looks menacing. Borlas looks scared.

More cute scenes between Mari and Dan. He speaks romantic words. He doesn’t care that she’s poor. He just cares about her. He thinks they could have something serious. Each day he falls more in love with her. He takes her hand and says he’s sure of his feelings. He asks her to be his novia. She at first thinks he’s not being serious and is just making fun of her. He assures her he’s dead serious. Lots of longing looks, and he kisses her again. At first she stiffens, but then she gives in to the kiss. Mari still thinks their class differences will be a huge obstacle. However, she accepts being his novia, he kisses her on the cheek, and they run off to go visit the kids.

Padre and Gil play chess. Padre says he knows a young girl he’d like to help, a girl he and Cuca helped in the orphanage. He’d like her to work for Gil. Gil would like to meet her to interview her, but if Cuca and Padre vouch for her, that’s good enough for him. Cuca and Padre later celebrate, and can’t wait to find Mari to tell her.


Cut scenes from Mexican Episode 46 (Part 2):

Mau and Andy tell Gema, Este and Meanie about the tampered brakes and airbag. No one can believe someone would do that to Isa.

Art brings Isa tea in bed and tries to hug her. Isa doesn’t want Art to touch her. He just wants to be with her. She tells him to leave her alone. She doesn’t want to sleep in the same bed as him. Art is very hurt.

Ara tells Feo that this is a bad time for them to become novios, with all that’s going on at home. She doesn’t think it’s the right time to introduce him to her parents. He thinks it’s because he’s old. She says he’s not old, he’s mature. He agrees to wait till she’s ready to take their relationship public.

Gabi is with Nicolas at her place when Art calls her and begs her to come be with Isa. Nico says he’ll wait for her, and is understanding. He also wants an update on how Isa is doing.

Mari and Dan are sharing a kiss when Borlas walks up to them. (I think the kiss was actually cut from the Uni version. Maybe they have a problem with incest too.) Dan was comforting Mari and saying he’ll bring her to see the kids often. The fight also went longer, and ends with Dan holding Borlas to the ground in a wrestling hold. A bunch of guys from the vecinidad, including Dante and Gonzo, run out and separate the two, who are still yelling at each other. Agatha screams at them all to break it up.

Borlas complains to Gonzo and Dante about the situation. They point out that he’s acting like a jealous boyfriend, even when he protests and says he and Mari are best friends/like family. He says he won’t let Dan get away with this, and Dante and Gonzo chuckle evilly like they have a plan.


Vivi thanks this really, really helps. I wonder if they will continue to cut these the whole way through. Without filling in the blanks it's like cliffsnotes

Sara- Thanks for going back to watch this sad episode and giving us a fuller picture of what happened. Wonderful recap!

Having watched more of SG's scenes (the ones cut), I cannot finish praising her performance. Just amazing. She does anguish so well.

Tofie- I'm glad the cut scenes helped. It certainly helped me! I can't stand having these huge plot holes that the writers/director/editors did not create.

A big thank you Sara. You really didn't have to re-due it but the fill ins helped.

Vivi---A big thank you to you too.
I didn't realize that so much was cut. Has anyone asked Uni why?

I know that Isa is an emotional wreck at this point but when she learns that the cars break lines had been cut she says--no matter it won't bring Miguel back. No matter? That means that someone is trying to kill you. I hope that Art is starting to think straight.

I'm starting to worry about Mari-
A police sketch? She's in big trouble and I don't mean incest.

Dante on the inside and tracking devices OMG!! Can it get any worse?

Diana---I chose to watch this one because Susana Gonzalez was in it.
She's terrific and never disappoints---a superstar.

Favier's evil smile when he learned about little Miguel's death made me sick. I don't know what the writers have in store for him but I hope it fits his overpowering evil.
the gringo

"That means that someone is trying to kill you".

Good point Gringo, Art may focus on the "why" instead of the fact someone did. He'll get distracted chasing his tail

Mari would do better for herself if she stayed away from the PSMA black hole and take her chances with the police. Poor girl is strolling through a minefield; a leering Dante, GoGoGonzo, budding first love with a family member, a miffed and ill connected friendzoned Tassels and a she devil mother that will not take a shine to her showing up at Don Gils.

Oy, vey! Are they going to edit this out of recognition? Back when I've had some caffeine.

Tofie and Anon 3:07- Mari did not intend to ditch the kids for so long. She just intended to look at the place Dan wanted to show her where she could hideout and then head back. But she kept getting stuck because of people coming and going, Dan getting sucked into having that talk with Gil, and when she was tired of waiting for Dan and wanted to leave on her own, she saw the giant guard dog on the grounds of the property. The kids were her main concern the whole time, but we didn't get that with the Uni edits.

I think Art is going to leave the investigation totally in the hands of the police, as he said to Ed and Mau, and will focus his energies and Isa. It was really sad when she told him to sleep in the guest room and not to touch her. More openings for Dr. Maricela...

I think Art may consider cheating on Isa with MariC or there will be a misunderstanding.

I think Dan is naive with women, has a crush and nice car and big house wanting to impress the girl.

I don't think Mari is bad but she has learned a lesson if she runs off even for a little while with Dan. I just don't know how she will juggle them and a job w/Don Gil (if indeed she works there eventually).

I recall one quick scene several episodes ago with Ileana in front of Padre and talking about helping orphaned kids. Did I understand that correctly and if so has the development been edited?

OK; I'm caught up.

"Reeks of stupid" is so right. Marcela might have seen other parents in this situation but her history with Arturo makes this a really idiotic move. Did anyone else see her facial expressions during the conversation with him? She's looking for an opening to get him back.

Isabel's reactions are very normal for her situation and it would be immensely foolish for anyone to try to rush her to recovery. That always does more harm than good.

Please give Marienela a make-over! Those skin-belt blouses make me sick and she needs to have something done with her hair.

No comment on Aranza's reactions, but I think Dante is almost as much as sociopath as Feo.

I'm with you, Vivi, about the park scene. Disgusting! If I were the actress playing Aranza I'd demand combat pay for that.

Finally, is there a country within this hemisphere that still executes? If so I'd like to see Feo executed at the end of the series for all the crimes we know he will be committing.

Sara- I meant to say earlier that I did not know that El Borlas (Carlos Speitzer) was the big brother of Alejandro Speitzer in Mentir. Strangely enough, I have seen bits and pieces of tns they have both been in such they were little kids, they have even been in some of the same ones and never play siblings. Their builds are totally different, with Ale being lean, and Carlos having a wider/stronger build. But I can see the resemblance. I wonder if they'll ever play brothers in a tn.

You're right tofie Ileana is volunteering at the parish right now. And I suspect Mean Min is as well. Part of the BS she fed Mau was about a meeting with a "padre" about volunteering that took to long. Univison may have edited it, or I may be reading too much into the line.

I may have to go back and watch the scene with Marcela again UA, though I don't even have to see the facial expression to know that she is wanting to move in on Art. And Art will be so vulnerable because Isa has kicked him out of the marital bed and is being so distant, he'll probably fall go along with it.

It's a good thing Vivi told us about the deleted scenes. I'm still mad about it. I feel like it was important that we see the scene with Isa asking art not to touch her and to not sleep in their bed. If Art falls into Marcela's arms it will look even worse for those who haven't seen those scenes. I"m not excusing the behavior, but without that back ground it just looks like Art is being as assier ass than usual and it really makes Marcela look bad (well, worse. She's not pure innocence.)

And I really wish they had left the Mari scenes alone. I'm sure we aren't the only ones thinking that it was out of character for her to leave the hats alone.

I kind of want to see Tita and Ally open up Tita's house to the hats. It might cause some friction with Osvi, though.

I've kind of been waiting for a Don Gil, Osvi, Tita triangle. :-)


"I've kind of been waiting for a Don Gil, Osvi, Tita triangle. :-)"

Funny Sara I was thinking the same this morning

If we are lucky, there will be a triangle AND Univision will deem us worthy of actually seeing it.

Doesn't Tita need a more carefree galan? Both Gil and Osvi are stick in the muds. They're both good men, but they need to loosen up if they want to hang with Tita.

Well if one of them buys a "hog' and rides with her they win

I don't know, opposites attract and Tita can loosen up the uptight and Gil or Osvi could keep her from being too impulsive.

Tofie---You never fail to make me laugh. --- He'll get distracted chasing his tail. GoGoGonzo

I thought it was odd when Mari left the hats/kids alone also. I'm glad that they are ok. Cute children all.

Urban---I vote for execution as well. Some people are against the death penalty but watching Feo go down wouldn't bother me a bit.

Ozzie on a hog? YES!!

I am so angry about the editing,
chopping important scenes. Is Uni
trying to shorten the number of episodes? If so why??? This is a good novela.
the gringo

Sadly, this along with Que pobres and Mentir have very bad ratings. Robo has mediocre ratings, though it hasn't obtained less than 3m viewers for awhile.

I'm the opposite about Karmageddons. I almost always want the villain to survive and be miserable for the rest of their life. Death almost seems to easy to me. If they can be disfigured, I'm even happier. (Eeeks that sounded bad.)

I was disappointed by Ivana's (STuD), Carmina's (AdP)) and Kendra's (AV) karmageddons. I would have been satisfied if Carmina had had to live the rest of her miserable life legless, but she killed herself. I would have preferred Kendra suffer karmageddon similar to Cynthia's in *that* was a karmageddon!!!

gringo-I wish I knew why Univision was chopping this one up. As I said before, it seems that Univision wants to punish the few viewers there are. I don't think the TNs with high ratings get as much editing. At least, I don't remember much of it on STuD, TdA, AdP or AV. If there was editing, they did a better job.

What sort of ratings does Univision want? I know they had a hit with LQNPA...what kind of numbers did it get?

I still don't think alienating viewers is the way to be a #1 network.

I have a secret wish that when MPV ends, QPob moves to that slot and Quiero Amarte goes in at 10 (thank heaven for my DVR...but is Quiero Amarte getting mediocre ratings in Mexico...or is it improving?)

Sara- At least two of the ones you mentioned had good ratings- AV and STUD, so no, Uni would not have tried to shorten those like they are doing to this tn. They obviously want to close it out early by making it almost half its intended length, like they did to QBA, La Tempestad, and Llena Dr Amor. Then they can move something else quickly into the slot. The most common way Uni used to solve this problem was by moving the tn to the afternoon or late at night, but continuing to show the whole thing. They seem to have given up on this solution because I haven't seen them do that in a while.

GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh that makes me mad!!! All they show in the midnight slot these days is a rerun.(Seriously, UFCS and Ni contigo) After AC they reran STuD. What is the deal??????

Oh, and I seem to remember two VERY GOOD shows ran in the midnight slot: LVO and PVAA.

I don't know why this bothers me so much.

And they rushed TdA by giving us weeks of 2 hour episode. It was torture.

They did the same to UFCS.

I guess I should be grateful we're getting bad editing and not 2 hour episodes. For some reason I don't like 2 hour episodes. Sure, I'll watch 2 or 3 different shows a night, but for some reason I just can't take 2 hours of the same show.

Sara- I'm just the opposite. Unless I have to recap those two hours, I'd much rather see all that I was intended to see, instead of having to guess and be confused.

LVO and PVAA were a different cases because those started off in the midnight slot. Uni never intended to show those during primetime. I still have no idea why they didn't even attempt to show either of those during primetime. The case of PVAA was even more odd since it was getting such high ratings in Mexico, and it won almost all the tn awards that year. That really made no sense.

Well, that is a good point about 2 hour episodes and seeing the whole thing.

PSMA was already getting lackluster ratings in Mexico when Uni decided to show it. So why even risk a prime time slot? MPV got lackluster ratings in Mexico, so why risk the prime time slot?

The thing is, there aren't that many tns getting high rating in Mexico these days either, so there are no guaranteed hits emerging. Just as we see on our major networks, with greater options for viewers, networks and shows can't expect to have the same huge ratings. There's the internet, other shows, and more networks, and the decreasing popularity of the genre (in the US the decline of the sitcom, in Mexico the decline of the tn). Unless there is something exciting or extraordinary (good, or bad like CI) about a show, you just can't expect to draw a very large audience.

Then Univision needs to get over it and let us see the show in its entirety and quit grabbing for ratings.

What really concerns me is how shows like CI got the numbers they did (sorry gringo.) I'm willing to put AV in that group too since it really petered out in the end. I can sort of understand with LQLVMR because tho it isn't my cup of tea it's clear the production value is great.

I've said it before and becausse we have newbies I'll say it again:

Univision doesn't just want to be Numero Uno en espanol, they want a huge margin over whoever is Numero Dos. They have moved decently-performing #1-in-time-slot programs to other dayparts in the hope that the replacement series does better at 8PM or whenever.

There have been several examples where editing occurs to insure a certain end date. Had QBA been shown in the normal manner it would have ended just before or immediately after Thanksgiving (depending on pre-emptions), which is an awkward time to end a series and begin a new one. It ended instead in mid-September in synch with new premieres in English.

I recapped that series and can only recall editing that was the equivalent of one episode out of 160+ (and the now-dreaded censorship).

What could have worked (perhaps) would have been allowing that end date and doing two-hour episodes of something else until January. However, I don't remember if the other series of that period could have been expanded to two hours for those couple of weeks.

Whatever replaces MPV, I hope they move QPTR to 7PM where it belongs. This is the first time I can recall this network having a comedy like this in that hour and to me that doesn't make any sense.

Maybe they will move QPob. I hope so. Then again, I never saw Mentir as 7pm fare either.

Neither did I. That was not a good move.

However, neither of the other dramas fits at 7. We have real psycho sicko villains in both of those and potential for more hot sex in one.

Sara---You don't know why CI got such high ratings? It's very simple. The answer is Ana Brenda and Daniel Arenas. Wait for the new novela with Maite Perroni and Daniel. That one will go through the roof as well.
the gringo

Tomorrow night's capitulo will likely be the #47 Mexican one.

One of Mari's hats reminds me of Gru's adopted daughter in Despicable Me.

If they continue to cut and combine it will be 47 and 48.

Gringo- Yes. If popularity trumps quality, I'm sure Natalie's next tn with Maite will be a hit, like CI was. I really only give Ana Brenda credit for drawing the CI audience. Daniel hadn't gained that much popularity in Mex yet.

They've signed Erika Buenfil to that one as well. Sounds an awful lot like Cuidado con el Angel del corazón indomable del barrio if you ask me.

I'll still be first in line to watch the first bit because I love Maite. I'm sure it will go to pot and I'll be very sad and angry.

Ooo! Anon 4:37 that's a good description!

Sara---I will be in line for that one also. Maite? I fell in love with the talented and beautiful RBD goddess trio. So yes, I will be right there with you when that one begins.
the gringo

The TN that should have been edited but wasn't was PEAM. I actually got to the point that I didn't care if I saw it or not. Not even FC made it worth watching. STuD was unwatchable because of whoever that actress is who played Ivana. YUK!

I'll buy the popcorn gringo!! I loved Cachito as well. Funny thing is...I've NEVER seen Cuidado con El Angel. TdA was my first Maite.

When they replayed STuD last year I watched some early episodes and asked myself how I managed to watch the whole thing to start with.

For years I would just head over to Univision and see what was going on. I remember seeing a few minutes of Alborada, Destilando and Cuidado (and was struck by the chemistry between the leads.)

At that time I didn't understand that TNs came on every day for months (I live under a rock.) So I always wondered why Univision was showing the same show all the time.

Anyhoo...when I headed over during the STuD run something clicked and I couldn't stop watching it. It probably helped that I started being more that just a lurker on Caray.

I felt the same way about CI and the end of AV. I didn't care if I watched or not.

Sara---Popcorn? I just finished a bowl before the Super Bowl.

LOL-- Why does Uni keep playing the same show all the time?

I love this website and the Caray crowd. It's like a second family.
the gringo

Sara & gringo. You talking about La Gata? I'll follow too. I like PSMA despite my angst and the editing and gringo recommended it. Glad he did. Is there a start date on La Gata yet?

Yes, tofie we're talking about La Gata. I don't even know if they've started filming yet, but I am keeping up with the news.

PS: I really like PSMA too. Maybe since I'm watching MPV, QPob and La Impostora the angst isn't overpowering me. I can see how it would be hard to stomach if it was the only show I was watching.

Thankfully I get some levity with La Impostora, it can get silly for me sometimes and everybody kinda knows who the bad guys are and where they are.

Thanks so much for your recap of a very depressing episode Sara.

Thanks so much Vivi for telling us what was up w/the edits. If Uni wants to become #1, as UA, badly editing your shows will not endear you to viewers.

I'm w/you Susanlynn though I have not had your experience. I'm hanging in there w/the recaps but this situation is so vivid and having someone gleeful over an infant's death is not entertaining; its just torture.

Thanks to all who covered for me for Wed's recap, and who've stuck with this even as it gets morbid. Feo and Sucia need to be boiled in oil for engineering a baby's death.

Vivi, ITA about why Feo and Sucia are so villainous -the good people are completely unaware they are being targeted by them, which ups the bummer quotient for the viewer. The viewer feels so helpless and hopeless as the protas, which makes this hard to watch as you see them as sheep to the slaughter.

Such a profound statement by Isa about their not being a name for a woman who miscarries a child.

I hope Ara's conversion sticks since she feels guilty about driving the car that lead to the accident.

Does anyone know where I can go to complain [in English] about the way Univision is chopping up and editing out large parts of the novelas. I'm ready to sign in and send a complaint to the Univision Corporate Office---this has got to stop. I went to Uni's website but am not sure where to launch a complaint.
the gringo

Gringo- They don't make it easy to find where to send complaints. I sent a letter last year about their censorship via their "contact us" page, and I heard nothing back. Others have said the best way to get their attention is by tweeting them. I have not given that a try. Here's the contact page:


I tweeted several times on Thursday and got no response.

Excuse the intrusion, but the Producers Novelographies page has been updated to include current and upcoming prime time telenovelas. (And apologies to those who follow more than one tn and see this more than once.)

Check the Sideboard under:

Las proximas: Feed for news about upcoming telenovelas

Anita did I read the post correctly? Libre para Amarte is coming on after MPV?

Thanks Vivi---I just sent a polite but strong message to Univision Corporate to voice my anger over the choppy editing that we have been getting on Por Siempre Mi Amor. It's a good show and large pieces are being cut out. I advise the Caray bloggers to let yourselves be heard---send
an email and let them know how you feel about this, they are ruining a good show.
the gringo


Me too. See if they listen. Lots of us English speakers tune in to Univision here in FL. If it weren't for you guys filling in the blanks I would just give up. This one bums me out but let me be fully bummed in living color without edits.

I'll put it on my to do list for this week as well.

Sara, Feo and Sonia remind me of the Seahawks defense torturing Denver non-stop.

I expect Art to have a notorious affair with MariC, who is secretly happy she gets to have Art.


CD Lol! Art is even wearing Denver colors tonight!

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