Friday, January 31, 2014

Weekend Discussion: Controlling Mothers, Part II

Maternal Monsters, Part II

There are way more of these than perhaps any other female villain because they can play so many cards in the game of control. Guilt, money, religion; even sex isn't exempt from their repertoire in their attempts to control their teen or adult children. I was hoping to compile another Dirty Dozen, but some of these are so spectacularly evil it just couldn't wait. Please provide any more details if you can.

Character (Actress): Catalina Valencia (Sasha Montenegro)
Series: Las Vias del Amor (2002)
Crimes Punishable by Man's Law: Unlawful detention for greed (victim was her own son), murder, attempted murder, financial manipulations
Crimes Punishable by Divine Law: Denial of grandchild, emotional torture
Interim Punishment(s): Rejection by Sebastian Mendoza, scandal, abandonment by former accomplice

Distinguishing Trait: Almost killed her own son with drugs, causing future health problems that are possibly permanent.

Character (Actress): Juana Arellano, viuda de Manrique (Daniela Romo)
Series: Alborada (2005)
Crimes Punishable by Man's Law: Attempted murder, false witness, kidnapping
Crimes Punishable by Divine Law: Extreme cruelty, switch of babies
Interim Punishment(s): none unless she had a real attack of conscience
Karmageddon: Painful death (cancer) while watching her son die from syphilis

Distinguishing Trait: No maternal feelings for "son" she actually raised; willingness to use his child as a pawn in her quest for control.

Character (Actress): Marcela Arsmendi (Susanna Dosamantes)
Series: Eva Luna (2010)
Crimes Punishable by Man's Law: Murder (several counts), attempted murder (several counts), business fraud
Crimes Punishable by Divine Law: Emotional torture
Interim Punishment(s): Seduction by gigolo and loss of money
Karmageddon: Death, and condemnation to hell

Distinguishing Trait: No maternal feelings; also 2x black widow.

Character (Actress): Lucrezia Lomieli (Rosa Maria Bianchi)
Series: La Fuerza del Destino (2010)
Crimes Punishable by Man's Law: Bearing false witness, accessory after the fact (Maripaz' theft of her grandmother's jewelry)
Crimes Punishable by Divine Law: Forcing Maripaz to continue her pregnancy, rejection of husband, hatred of pets
Interim Punishment(s): Loss of Maripaz
Karmageddon: None; she repented and survived

Distinguishing Trait: Extremely poor judge of character.

Character (Actress): Rosaelena Torreslanda (Laura Flores)
Series: Un Refugio para el Amor (2012)
Crimes Punishable by Man's Law: Kidnapping, desecration of two graves
Crimes Punishable by Divine Law: Prevarication, cruelty to servants, psychological torture, confessional abuse, hubris, attempt to control children's love lives
Interim Punishment(s): Adultery by husband
Karmageddon: Madness, complete disconnect from reality

Distinguishing Trait: Extremely poor judge of character, religious hypocrisy

Character (Actress): Veronica Hiero  (Claudia Àlvarez)
Series: Porque el Amor Manda (2012)
Crimes Punishable by Man's Law: Murder (several counts), child abuse, false witness, kidnapping
Crimes Punishable by Divine Law: Emotional torture
Interim Punishment(s): Being forced to work
Karmageddon: Prison and abuse by inmates.

Distinguishing Trait: Willingness to torture an actual child; also youngest member of this particular club 

Character (Actress): Matilde Aresti de Camargo / Leticia Perdigón
Series: Mentir Para Vivir (2013)
Crimes Punishable by Man's Law: TBD
Crimes Punishable by Divine Law: Tricking Ruben into marriage, severe restriction of her adult children, reckless endangerment (of a pet), fake suicide to manipulate family members
Interim Punishment(s): Abandonment by husband and children
Karmageddon: TBD

Distinguishing Trait: Persistent delusion that she has any class at all.

Character (Actress): Graciela Mendoza (Daniela Castro)
Series: Lo Que La Vida Me Robo (2013)
Crimes Punishable by Man's Law (to date): Murder, false witness
Crimes Punishable by Divine Law: Adultery, forcing unwanted marriage on daughter, fashion felonies
Interim Punishment(s): TBD
Karmageddon: TBD

Distinguishing Trait: Persistent delusion that she has any class at all. Willful blindness to her son's character deficiency and her daughter's goodness and honor.

To see the original list of Controlling Mothers click here .

Seriously, the prize for the biggest religious hypocrites should be this:

The rocks are here; let the stoning begin!

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Hi. How can you forget Ms. Cruella Devil herself otherwise known as Antonia from La Patrona.

I like your list of controlling mothers and a wonderful discussion theme for the weekend. I think Lucrecia wasnt that bad she was just a controllling but was not very obsessed with it and had some heart unlike these other monsters ,she like Gracie held public image seriously but Lucresia is not as monstrous as Graceless

Will be back to check the comments. Thank you, UA.

Just to let you know I noticed that you were able to find photos of almost all these women dressed in black. As if they were ever sorry or in real mourning for anything they did before Karmageddon time.

Lucrezia was concerned about appearances or she wouldn't have insisted that they go away when Maripaz was pregnant. She also tried to get rid of the baby but was foiled by her ex-husband. I also hated how she enabled Maripaz for so long.

She did learn her lesson, which is rare among this class of villain.

Anita, I'm sure it was no coincidence that all these women sooner or later were wearing black. Some of them are "Black Widows" while others have such black hearts...

Yes,that is strange indeed and Lucrezia gladly had her mother in the house to serve as the voice of wisdom and had some affection to her ,Gracie is just a greedy ,manipulative monster who you cant really "tame" and has no true affection to anything unless they serve for the purposes of money

I love these kinds of topics. It always feels like a TN history lesson. Can't wait to get home and read it more carefully and comment fully.

I can't remember her name (was it Frieda?) but what about the mother in Llena de Amor who locked up her daughter in the wine cellar for two years? I barely watched this tn, so am not sure what her Karmageddon was.


Thanks so much for this interesting topic. We always rant and rave about this women don't we?

The worst I think, from the TNs I've seen that you put up is Veronica Heiro. I think she would have killed her daughter if not for the constant intervention of others. Her Karmageddon was perfection cause she thought she was such a genius, NOT!

Another bad mother was Gala Villvicencio from Refugio. Maybe not as bad as these Mothers, but she used her daughter as a tool to get what she wanted, never touched her daughter to even hug her and tried to feed her that liver dinner. Her Karmageddon was perfect.

Roselena was another one that was so horrid. The desecrating the graves was the worst. I recapped that one, it was horrid, even though they didn't show a body still, to do that, ugh! And her use of religion to justify every single thing she did. Her slow descent into madness was perfect.

Definitely another vote for La Patrona's Antonia. A real piece of work.

Two others that come to mind are Corazon Apasionado's Ursula Campos Miranda and who can forget Triunfo's odious Bernarda. Interesting that both these mothers were played by actress who already made the list in other roles Susanna Dosamantes and Daniela Romo.

DecieGirl,Bernarda from TDA is already on the previous list just to let you know

Decie, I was just about to mention Bernanda too. Boy, was she controlling!

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that if Matilde is getting involved in JL/FC's investment plans, considering that he's really committing fraud, she and Lila could be in big trouble.

My favorite controlling mother has been briefly mentioned, Fedra Curiel de Ruiz y de Teresa played by Adela Robinson in LldA. Worked in a strip club (a major treat for the eyes), had experience as a teen-aged hooker, had incestuous feelings toward her oldest son, arranged for a training session with a hooker for her youngest son, but I think one of her most endearing habits was sipping whisky from a beautiful cut glass decanter through a straw. She ended up being burned at the stake. Yikes!


HA..."sipping whiskey from a beautiful glass decanter through a straw"....not classy...but efficient and quirky.

But I liked Doña Juana!

She my have been one of the only controlling mothers to actually experience remorse on a regular basis. And she actually loved and admired her nephew Manrique in spite of herself. Most of these controlling mothers are willfully blind, but she was well aware of the terrible mistake she had made with her youthful crime, and horrified watching her world spin apart. Even to the point where she decided to take the life of the monster she had helped create.

I loved the scenes between Daniella R, Fernando C, and Roberto Luis G.

I didn't watch some of these novelas such as LldA. If someone could take the data model from this and fill it in on yet another, please fill it in for the next additions to this list.

Back later; need to catch up on the current shows.

I liked this list. Veronica was as well as Lucrezia a rarity in learning your lesson and repenting even though Ronnie was the inmate who came to stay in the big house. I think for next week, another continuation with Femme Fatales is in order.
Maura Duran from Tormenta en el Paraiso,
Roxana from Amigas y Rivales, Monica Dionne in Madre Luna, Alicia from Tontas,
Carola, Lucia and Doris from CI, Romi from ENDA,
Claudia from HQEDNS(I just despise her, she was a cheating hoe however) Am I the only one who thinks Soni from PSMA is a controlling mother as she brainwashes 'Za and is a mother, a BAD one. This is a fun topic.

Wait, forget Claud-Hoe-ia, Elvira from QBA is perfect for that continuation.

Great list! The evil mother I'd add would be Bernarda Sáenz, viuda de Guillén, played by Jacqueline Andre, in La Otra. What she did to her daughters was horrible, she committed a few murders along the way, and she was always fascinating to watch.

Bernarda was on the previous list.

CS, I didn't see all those series. If you can fill in the data sheet per this model and send me the info I'll hunt the photos and post this at a later time.

If someone at the Telemundo discussions can provide similar lists with photos I'll post those also.

Toxic mothers always make for good drama.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! For another one of these marvelous lists- I did so love the first one(s)... I almost considered them all as akin to great TEACHING guides when it comes to Telenovelas, and all of the colorful denizens therein! Anyways, it's great to see this 'follow-up', so to speak! :-)

And what great additions, one and all, might I add! I agree with some of my fellow commentators that 'La Patrona's' Antonia definitely warrants an addition.
And, if I may, I'd like to submit a couple of OTHER 'DIS-honorable mentions' of my own:

For starters, and as mentioned before by one of my fellow commenters, Fedra from 'Llena de Amor' should warrant at least a mention but, even MORE so than her (I think) is the delicious Apolonia Rudell de Serano from 'Contra Viento Y Marea' (played by the same actress, Azela Robinson)... can a more vicious and controlling (yet compelling!) bitch ever be imagined??! And, even more-so than this (in regards to keeping with the 'motherly' topic here), is that what makes Apolonia even greater was the influence (in her last role before her untimely death) of HER mother (and architect of both of their ultimate untimely demise via murder-suicide), Carlota, as played by the incredible actor/director Beatriz Sheridan. Does anybody remember this?? God, those two positively MADE that novela, IMHO (a novela which was a lot of fun anyways...).

But, as well... there are two other novelas who boast absolutely PHENOMENAL mother-figure uber-villains... but that AREN'T technically 'mothers', so I'm not sure if they apply here (but that certainly DESERVE to be on the list!)...


The FIRST, is Silvia Pasquel (currently chewing up the scenery like a master as Ana Sofia in 'Que Pobres Tan Ricos'), in her role of 'Isaura' in 'Amarte Es Mi Pecado'. Admittedly, she is the STEP-mother of the heroine (Yadhira Carillo's 'Nora'), but she's the only MOTHER Nora ever knew and, really, has there ever been a character more absolutely, deliciously morally BANKRUPT than Isaura?? In addition to procurement- she sold her 'daughter's' virginity THREE DIFFERENT TIMES to the highest bidder solely for her financial gain (as well as the virginity of poor, ugly, unfortunate Casilda)- Isaura resorted to arson, blackmail, baby-snatching, and murder (NUMEROUS times!), and all with a smile, a laugh, and a quick retort. Who DIDN'T love- and love to HATE- Isaura??? I must admit though, through this telenovela, I gained an infinite respect for La Pasquel and her acting ability- 'Amarte Es Mi Pecado' was a long and terrifically involving Telenovela, and Ms. Pasquel's Isaura was THE Mephistophelian antagonist through it all- she made us laugh, and kept us involved, through and a lot of times BECAUSE OF all her evil. Naturally then, it's been my pleasure to witness her return to Telenovelas, and to see her (on a much less 'evil' scale) command and delight our attention as she currently is, in her role as Ana Sofia in 'Que Pobres Tan Ricos'. (And actually, that novela could be considered as something of an 'Amarte Es Mi Pecado' reunion as, in addition to Silvia Pasquel, we also have Tiare Scande ('Casilda'), and Ingrid Martz ('Renata') in leading roles....) but, really, Ms. Pasquel is something special.

And my FINAL 'dis-honorable mention' that I wanted to bring up would be from what is, admittedly, my FAVORITE novela of all time, that being 'Pecados Ajenos' and- in particular- the 'Abuela Asesina'- Lupita Ferrer's Agata Mercenario. Has there ever been such a DESPOT in Telenovela-dom?? She turned her son, Rogelio, into an alcoholic mess, and then proceeded to run- and ruin- the lives of her grandchildren and, basically, anyone that she could! Multiple murders, extortion, RAPE, blackmail, emotional terrorism... you name it, Agata did it ALL! She also (again, solely IMHO) boasts perhaps the most terrific end of ANY villain, EVER... being executed in prison by lethal injection (in a FABULOUS evening gown, and with FLAWLESS makeup, no less) for her numerous crimes, of course, COMPLETELY unrepentant and spitting and spewing venom until the end.

That novela, actually, could be said to be the standard for horrible mothers, as it boasted what I've come to view as the 'unholy trinity' of telenovela-evil... and all of them were mothers! We have Lupita Ferrer's despotic Agata (as mentioned before, and technically, an evil GRAND-mother, which is why I'm not sure if she applies here), but also Catherine Siachoque's thoroughly amoral Ines (emotionally terrorizing her supposed son Charlie, all the while sleeping not just with someone half her age, but also pretty much any and everybody else in the story, and murdering and ruining whoever she feels she needs to along the way), AND Sonya Smith's (yes! Sonya Smith! Watch her untimely demise as Elena here and you'll never be able to look at 'Marido En Alquiler' the same way again!!) possessive, delusional, schizophrenic, and basically just TOTALLY insane Elena Sandoval... Oh, the fond memories I have of that hot mess of a novela (and I mean 'hot mess' in the absolute BEST way imaginable!! ;-)

There are other, horrible 'dishonorable mentions' as well... I'm thinking Helena Rojo's 'Rebeca' in 'Inocente de Ti' (that woman got more evil use out of a pillow than anyone that's ever lived), and Ursula Pratt's Luisa in 'Tormenta En El Paraiso' (is it any wonder that Mariana Seoane's Maura turned out as psycho as she did with a mother like her??)... along the same lines (in terms of 'amoral mothers who nursed ultimately TERRIBLE spawn') would be Helena Rojo's Miriam in 'Mundo de Fieras' and, oh god, the mind simply BOGGLES!!! (lol)

Anyways, I look forward to your comments, and rejoinders, as I always do.... best wishes to ALL from this Canadian here in Nicaragua!!! :-)

IRT to Matilde: Distinguishing Trait: Persistent delusion that she has any class at all.

So many I thought of were already on the previous list.

I've only seen Lupita Ferrer in the DVD of Rosalinda and she was pretty controlling and evil in that one. She abandoned her biological child and seemed to favor Fernando Jose...until she couldn't control him anymore. I think she had a high body count in that, but with the edits one doesn't see them all.


Speaking of Mundo de Fieras, JOCELYN! She stole the show. Edith Gonzalez is one of the best actresses ever. She even made Cesar Evora's villain look sympathetic.

Also has anyone heard of the Dos Mujeres Un Camino remake? Chiquis Marin and Ed Yanez are to star in it with Leticia Calderon as well. I can't wait for it and speaking of Emilio Larrosa Novelas, when will Libre Para Amarte play? From the promos, it seems NOTHING like PEAM. The only aspect I see is the Alma-Roger-Jesus way of hook up- Guy cheats Girl and drives her into the arms of our hunk who has been referred to as honeybuns busted in the buff. I also have seen our disgusting Edgar Marino in it as Napoleon and he is a grade-A villano in it.

Great topic, Urban

As far as Telemundo goes, how about Francisca Cano from Santa Diabla? In the past she gave up her daughter after giving birth because the child was missing an eye and Fran didn't care to have an ugly child. And after said child appeared, she keeps rejecting her and treating her like scum. Her oldest son, Humberto is not her husband's son, but her lover's of 40 years.
New developments show us that while she has been slightly maternal with the three kids she did raise, she is definitely favoring her youngest, Santiago, who might be a sociopathic murderer(and, for those not watching, Santi is also the galan, so there is that to put in perspective when we whine about Alejandro Almonte's or Ricardo Sanchez Breton's lack of avocadoes).


For the Femme Fetale,Kendra from AV and Malaria Whoremudio definetly fit the list. Speakimg of Amores,did anyone actually like Eduardo Yanez in that one? I just cant seem to like him,his smile is awful ,dont even mention his manners and he has the brains of a rock. Im on episode 4 right now so it might just be i didnt customize to him yet,love Sebastians Rulli aready though!

Admittedly, there are several mentions here who were on the Femmes Fatales list before. Gala of Un Refugio para el Amor and Joselyn of Mundo de Fieras. Another bow to Edith Gonzales was the Dis-honorable Mention I gave her for Dona Barbara on the same list.

I dearly wish Televisa would get her back; she is a great actress. If you haven't seen her Mujeres Asesinas episode, you need to. She is electrifying.

UA et al. Not surprised to find so many comments adding more to the list of toxic mothers. There are many of these I haven't seen, but I will certainly look for Sonya Smith in Pecados Ajenos.

Here are three females I feel could live up the brand toxic mother.

Amor Bravio--Isadora, a true Black Widow, forced to raise her hub's bastard son, she treated him like a wimpy teddy bear most of his life and made him part of her schemes and then pushed him off a cliff with her car. When he survived she suborned a nurse to assist his demise. She got a fantastic karmageddon. What puts her in the toxic *mother* category is that she passed Alonso off as her son until quite late in the tn.

Amores Verdaderos - Well, Kendraho certainly fits the femme fatale category, but she was also a toxic mother, although she didn't really have enough time to affect the child permanently. If Kendra had lived, I'm convinced she would have. She got pregnant for financial gain, used the baby to wreak havoc on what was already a rotten dysfunctional family and then ignored the baby unless it was appropriate to show maternal concern, again, only when it was to her advantage.

Sortilegio - Who could forget what Elena (the great Azela Robinson) did and was willing to do to both her daughters Sandra and Maria Jose so her doctor husband could continue his clinical *research* on memory-erasing techniques. True, she was a character who came in at the last third, but what she did before the telenovela began, set in motion the rest of the action.


Demetrios--EY is not one of my favorite galans (see FELS and La Verdad Oculta), but I can watch him. His character in AV grew on me as he and Victoria got closer, then the whole tn jumped the shark as it got toward the end and he lost it for me. SR and Francisco Gattorno held my interest throughout. We loved his and Victoria's enthusiastic first sexual congress and the aftermath. (Do read the recaps for those episodes and note Susanlynn's comments, especially.)


That's Victoria and Jose Angel, not Guzmancito or Santino (aka Dances with Shades).

Yeah ,Anita but Rulli is catching my eyes more then EY,he seems a bit boring and i did watch FELS but i only watched till the end because of Fernando.I guess he could grew in me shortly!


Demetrios--Are you saying Fernando as in the FELS character, played by Guillermo Garcia Cantu?

I've been watching the re-broadcast with one eye open waiting for Ernesto Laguardia and Cristian de la Fuente to show up(in a small roles, I guess).


Yes i meant him. And Christian De La Fuente is a lead in the new novela Quero Amarte.

LOl at "fashion crimes", heehee.

Thanks UA. Great topic as usual. Don't have anything to add except I was happy to hear that someone else liked Juana from Alborada. She was a complex character and showed both cruelty and remorse, malice and sensitivity. You felt her admiration for Luis, her genuinehe affection for her maid and for Luis' son, and her horror at the monster her own son turned out to be. She seemed more "real" to me than most of these over-drawn toxic mothers.

Se olvidaron de Gabriela de Fuego en la Sangre. Odiava a sus hijas, se caso con el ex de su hija. Se caso con el que violo a su hija. Causó el acidente qué mato a su mamá y dejo su padre sin poder caminar pero echo la culpa a su padre, etc.

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