Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Qué Pobres, Wednesday 1/22/14 (#13): The Fugitive

Lupe tells her family she doesn't want Nepo to know about the RPs. He'd just try to fix everything "his way." (Which would solve the problem and get the RPs out of there immediately, as opposed to Lupe's way which keeps MA in her house indefinitely. But I digress.)

As the party begins, Chuy takes pity on the RPs and brings them some food, which may or may not include blood sausage (moronga). It looks like tacos. MA and Frida tuck in right away; Leo gives in soon afterward; AS holds out the longest, but then eats with gusto (with her hands!) and even has seconds! MA is glad the family is finally having a meal together.

Later, they sneak halfway down the stairs to peep at the quinceañera. Can I just say, many months after the fact, I just got a joke from PEAM - Rogelio was in a room full of cigar smoke and said "it's like a quinceañera in here." He was referring to the dry ice fog which, apparently, is part of the quinceañera experience. Anyway, Leo and AS make fun of the party. ("Check out that dress!" "Oh, I thought it was a piñata!") Frida says she wishes she'd had a party like this. MA watches Lupe dance with Nepo. MA's eyes meet Lupe's; she gestures for him to get out of sight. (How cute, they're already conversing with their eyes.)

After the party, Lupe is excited: maybe they can do this more often, using the place for events. They'll pay off the debt in no time.

It's bedtime. AS doesn't want the whole family to sleep in the boy's room all laid out like sacks of flour. Chuy gallantly offers to let AS and Frida sleep in his room. He even brings them extra blankets. AS complains, but mostly when Chuy's out of the room. She thinks the place is filthy and full of bedbugs and she thinks the luchador masks all over the place are creepy. Frida says the place is modest but clean and the masks are cool. "This is my Mexico," she claims.

MA and Leo, on the other hand, are sleeping in the annex/attic. Lupe taunts that they won't have silk sheets tonight. MA haughtily says he sleeps in cotton sheets. She doesn't even give them any blankets. It's very cold; Leo cries himself to sleep. "Yes we can," MA mutters unhappily, wrapped in a light plastic dropcloth.

Morning: MA looks for a bathroom. There's only the one, which is shared by the whole family. Lupita walks in on him; woohoo, another peepshow! Now they've both seen each other naked.

Upstairs, MA is dismayed to find that they never packed any of his clothes. He'll have to keep wearing his suit.

At school, Emiliano admires his friend's new shoes. It was a gift from his dad. Emiliano is bummed out that he doesn't have a dad.

Leo is whining in Chuy's bedroom with his mother and sister. He suffered like Sandra Bullock in outer space. AS asks, "Why are we being punished? We've never hurt anyone - that I can remember!"

Lupe pays Emiliano's tuition. She feels badly that she can't dress him in all the name brands and fashions. The teacher assures her that E is mature for his age and has good values.

On the way home, Lupe buys the magazine with Ahole and Minerva on the cover. (I just realized, Minerva was the one she walked in on with Alejo the last time she saw him. Interesting.) The article mentions MA's alleged crime and his fugitive status. She remembers all the times MA reacted to mentions of the police.

Minerva whines to her mom that she misses MA. Isela tries to talk her out of it.

Apparently, the procedure to start the boiler to heat the water in the bathroom is tricky. Chuy tells Perla to explain it. Frida volunteers to learn, but Perla explains it so rapidly and impatiently that Frida doesn't get any of it. (Perla also says they'll have to pay for all the gas they use to heat the water.) Frida puts her chin up and resolves to do it herself, but she can't even figure out how to light the match at first...

Lupita confronts MA about being wanted by the police. She shows him the magazine. He is stunned; not about the criminal stuff, but at the sight of Minerva in Alejo's arms. He mutters "Minerva... Minerva...," but Lupita isn't interested in that. "Fraud? Tax evasion? Hiding out?? In 'Italy'???"

MA tries to explain himself. He didn't mean to involve the family, but it IS his property and all he wants is to prove his innocence. It was a trap; he trusted the wrong people. He begs Lupita not to tell her father.

BOOM! Sounds like Frida figured out how to light the match. Fortunately, nothing seems to have been damaged except for her hair, which is now very frizzy. Silly...

Ahole grumps at the magazine cover. He thinks he looks made up. "No photo can do you justice," Vilma agrees. Gag. He reads the article and gloats. MA's reputation is getting trashed! His pride won't save him now! Bwahahaha! "You're brilliant," Vilma simpers.

Perla and Frida blame one another for the boiler incident. Chuy scolds Perla for not explaining it better. He promises to fix it up so AS can have her "Roman bath." (He's not doing a great job of hounding the RPs out of his home, is he?)

AS complains to Frida that all these hair and bath products are domestic. Ewww. Frida thinks their hair won't fall out just from using these products ONCE. Sadly, AS realizes it's not going to be just once. They're depressed. Frida misses her nice comfy bed.

MA thanks Lupe for not ratting him out to her father. Lupe says he has ONE week to prove his innocence and get out. After that, she'll not only tell her father, but the police too.

Isela seems to be winning AS's friends over. They're impressed by the article, anyway. Isela repeats the silly story that Ahole was always Min's original true love. One of the friends tells Mini, "You remind me of Lady Di. You're a natural beauty." Good God, what is in those drinks??

The RPs are late to breakfast. The kids grumble at having to serve them so late. AS grumbles about the food; the kids say this is all they have left. Nope, there's no juice either. Leo grumbles about the service. AS agrees; since they're paying for it it ought to be good, and served with a better attitude. Even Frida agrees with this. Lupe says they're free to eat elsewhere if they don't like it.

Later, privately, AS, Frida and Leo complain to MA. "Hay niveles!" It's their house too! They have rights! MA bursts their bubble: Lupita knows he's wanted by the police.

Next time:
Lupe tells MA that Ahole is Emiliano's father.



No worries, please take your time. It was a cute episode.

Now Lupe at least knows the truth. It's sad though.

I felt bad for Leo and MA having to sleep in the cold in the shed.

Kudos to Don Chuy for giving up his bed for Frida and AS. Frida sure appreciated it, but AS nah, not so much.

Isela trying to hijack AS' friends is too funny. They can't stand her, but put up a brave face.

Best scene was the shower, when MA was in there and Lupe walks right in, too funny.

No problem, Julie. We all know this is a horrible time slot. I have to say i admire the mini-team of recappers. Y'all have been amazing with your double and triple duty. I am especially appreciative of the efforts. MIL GRACIAS!

Take your time, Julie...
I agree with the list from Madelaine. I too thought the shed was a bit too harsh for MA and Leo... love the faces JC is putting up to show the puppy face side of MA. Also Isela on phone with Beba (Genoveba?) is funny, although a bit over the top... no, really, I can't stand those two... three if we are including A-hole. IF I were near Vilma I would slap the heck out of her and then yell RUN!!! RUN!!! SAVE YOUR SOUL!!! but i guess she is in too deep already.

I'm working on it now...

Done! Enjoy.

Nice job with the recap Julie! I do think it was cruel to let MA and Leo sleep in that drafty annex place. My favorite scene was when Frida's hair got all frizzy and looked like a chicken lol. I felt sorry for her but I laughed first. I also feel bad for Lupita, she really wants to give her son gifts but can't afford to. Thanks for the recap

Thanks, Julie, for the great recap!

I loved three images from last night's episode:

1. The Ruiz-Palacios looking out at the quinceañera from above; made me think of them as kids that should have been off in bed.

2. Frida with the lucha libre mask on.

3. MA wrapped in his piece of plastic.

Btw, don Chuy continues to be quite the gentleman.



Great recap, Julie! i wish i could condense mine and still get the great punch lines like you do.
At the 'late breakfast' table toward the end of the episode I liked the fact that even MA was not totally on the RP side OR on the Menchaca kids side. As Leo, AS and even Frida were asking for 'better service' and Leo and AS were insulting the Mench's as 'you are the service people and you need to serve us what we ask for', MA kept quiet until he burst and stood up, yelling first at the Menchaca kids that yes, his family was unreasonable with requests, but they could also show some courtesy and willingness to get along as well.
MA is definitely showing some different genes than Leo or AS... I wonder how that will play later.

I am with you Julie, that the A-hole and Vilma scenes are 'gag-worth'.

Marta, it took me 7 years of recapping to learn how to condense! (OMG, has it really been that long??) It doesn't come naturally to me, so I can understand.

But that is why I don't try to recap in real-time any more. That makes it POSSIBLE to take more time, rewinding etc. And if I CAN, I WILL. But if I just take very brief notes on paper during the show to jog my memory and then delete the recording immediately, it's much easier to use my notes to briefly describe the highlights of each scene.

But it's still hard for me to be brief, even in note-taking. This recap was made out of three pages of handwritten notes. It was big handwriting, but I still could have kept it shorter. It's just that we haven't reached the stage of the TN where things sort of stabilize for a while and there's less to talk about. We're still in the exposition stage. Also, everybody is so freakin' FUNNY!!


Thanks so much for this splendid recap and also for your double duty this week.

This magazine article may come to bite Ahole in the behind. Remember when there was that stockholder's meeting and they made Ahole temporary president? They also said they didn't want MA's "fraud" to come to light, keep it on the down low they said. So Vilma thinks he's a "genius"? Can't wait for the stockholder's to see this article.

I too like that MA is sort of a middle man with the Menchanca's and his family. I like how he reasons with them and how he reasons with his own family. I do want him to get back on the ball to prove his innocence. Lupe gave him a week after all ; ) It will take at least that long to mediate some type of truce between the two families.

Don Chuy, I have to say, is one of my favorite characters. I like his style so to speak, and his love of family and his charity. AS should take a long look at him. She could learn some things, and I do like the way he addresses her. He is one charming dude, I must say.

Thanks again Julie for this great recap.

Good catch, Madelaine. I had forgotten that they didn't want Ahole to talk about the fraud.

Yeah, I'm thinking more and more that Vilma is sick in the head. It'd be more interesting to discover that she actually has a cunning plan to ruin Ahole instead, but if so, she sure is taking her time.

Chuy does seem quite taken with AS. His infinite patience is admirable. (Not creepy and sad like Vilma's.)

ITA, it was a great catch, Mads.
Julie, I too agree that Don Chuy is very admirable in his ways, while AS is just nutsy selfish and Vilma is rather creepy and sad, and definitely not in line with someone who got a law degree, unless, like Mads said, she has a hidden agenda against A-hole that is slowly churning behind the wall.

In the long run I think Vilma will be the one to provide the evidence against Ahole. If she had enough smarts to get through law school she should eventually come to realize what a rat bastard he is. Otherwise I can't see how MA can the the proof he needs.

Don Chuy is a gentleman and he is trying to get his kids to be less bratty. I don't necessary think he is developing a thing for AS as he is smart enough to know that she is out of his "class" but I also think he feels sorry for her.

The shed may have been a bit harsh but there is only so much room in the main house and since both families are out to get rid of the other Lupe scores the first points. Now however MA may tell her the rest of the story to fit the magazine info and perhaps the two groups can settle down and try to figure out how to get along.

I am surprised at that preview showing Lupe admitting that Ahole is Emiliano father. I'm wondering what provokes her to do it since she has kept it a secret for so long.

Thanks for this. I so appreciate the time, talent, effort, and love that you guys are expending to provide with these nifty recaps. Well done. My favorite scene was Perla's instructions to Frida. Gee, who could have predicted what happened? I hope that Perla will take her to a good peluqueria for repairs.

I am so taken with both Frida and Leo... they are good at stealing the scenes they are in although everyone is holding his own in this happy romp.


Julie thanks for the great recap. And yes condensing recaps is an art/craft that is hard to do.

I must admit I am shock at how much I am enjoy this tn. I find its funny most of the time unlike poor PEAM.

Decie Girl, I think the infamous article and her son reading it (in the preview) prompt Lupe's confession to MA.

Thank you for the recap, Julie.

About the paternity. My guess is that MA somehow figures it out and confronts Lupe with it, so she has to admit that he's right.

I think the thing that bugs me about this show is that nobody talks and nobody listens:
MA tries to explain things to Lupe, and he can't string three words together because she keeps yelling at him and hitting him.
MA and Leo see their mother saying HORRIBLY rude things and all they can says is, "tsk, tsk." At least Frida peeps about it once or twice.
Chuey sees his children being downright mean to their "guests" and although he tries to redirect them, he never pulls them up short.

I know, I know, lack of communication is stock in trade in TNs. It still bugs me.


I think the only other option as far as how to surface that A-hole is behind the fraud is for A-hole, as bratty and snobbish as he is, to nail his own coffin by talking too much and slipping too much to the wrong people.

I too loved the heater ingition 101 scene... you first light the match, then hold it in your hand, then put it through this ignition window, push the button, wait a few seconds... etc etc... i think Perla had lost her in the 'light the match since she had no clue how to... of course she must have opened the gas line way too early and by the time she lit the match... (BOOM!!)... too funny.
I bet Perla would take her to their favorite hairstylist: Wendy!
And indeed, everyone is holding their own in the comedy dept... but the older ladies are by far in the head of the pack (AS, Isela)

for paternity examples, I would definitely only look at Don Chuy (yes, I would have cut the kids short on that rude rumbling at RPs) and Lupita... other parents on the show are definitely 'do not' list material/models.

And very good point about the 'nobody talks and nobody listens' issue... 'if only X would have listened to Y in time, so much grief would have been avoided...', the eternal 'what if' scenario in novelas

I don't think in a million years Lupe would have volunteered that info to MA, so he must have heard or witnessed a conversation that he was not supposed to...
whether he will use that, i think it will be more like he will feed more bonded to them and to an extent responsible or moved to provide for them the caring and support (emotional for now, since he can't provide financial) A-hole is not. But I wonder how that will change his image of Lupe.

I think the first time MA came to the house (or maybe it was the second time) Lupe said something like "you RPs are all alike." There's also the fact that the first time he ever saw her was in the office when she came to see Ahole. So MA may have almost enough information to connect the dots already.

I always wondered if anyone looking at Emiliano would see a resemblance to either Ahole or MA as a child (family resemblances can extend passed sibs) and wonder. I also wonder why MA never asked Lupe why she was at Conceptos. If she in anyway betrays that she knows Ahole he may be the sharp businessman he is supposed to be and put two and two together. If he can't do anything about it and at this point he can't at least it gives them a common enemy to fight.

If someone would have told me 4 months ago that I would be watching TWO wonderful novelas in January , I would not have believed them being bogged down in PEAM and CI. Now with QRTP and LQLVMR that is where I am! Unbelievable how quickly the offerings change in content and quality.


of course i meant...
it will be more like he will FEEL more bonded to them and to an extent responsible or moved to provide for them the caring and support

Decie girl, you mean RP, not Conceptos, right? LOL! same building so what the heck?

Jarifa, you are absolutely right... that is why i had not watched novelas at night since QBA ended and even that was the only one i was watching for a good while. So i am with you... i am trying to catch LQLVMR as much as i can... but night schedules are a bit complex for me right now until 10, that is why it is a hidden blessing that this one is late. After January is over i will be able to watch LQLVMR more regularly.

Julie, you are right, and on a normal day I would expect MA to catch some of those clues and put the puzzle together, but with all the stress and chaos he is dealing with, you could flash a poster that says Emi is a RP and he would not notice... but tonight i guess he does have a light bulb moment.

Just read the recap Julie and it's great. You've inspired me to try and pare down my recaps as well. I don't think I will ever be as good with the punchlines, though. I laughed out loud at "Good God, what is in those drinks??"

I can't wait to watch this episode and see the boiler scene.

Sara, your new avatar reminds me of Big Bum, my childhood pet, the best cat that ever lived!

The scene with Isela brunching with AS's old friends really confused me. Why are they sucking up to Minerva and her mother all of a sudden? (Or, like I said, wha was in those drinks?) The RPs must be even more FILTHY STINKING rich than I thought, because I don't think you could pay me enough to hang out with someone like Isela in real life. And nobody is really paying those two to hang out with her, right?

Julie-That's my Arnold, the cat I was caring for last night (hmmm, maybe it was on the MPV thread I mentioned that...) He's a tough ol' cat. 16 years old...and all he needs is two insulin shots a day, two doses of thryroid pills a day and potassium powder. LOL

Julie- Your recap was as delightful as the episode.

I really do think that the chemistry and timing of the actors in this comedy is marvelous, and makes all the difference. And most important, the comedic chemistry between the leads is wonderful. I haven't seen that since Dinero. PEAM had none between the leads, and most of the supporting characters lacked it too. Let's face it, Rogelio and Pati were the only ones bringing it night after night with the comedy. In PESE, Lucero was lovely, but not funny.

I laughed out loud at Frida’s electric shock charred hair. Her little miss sunshine routine dimmed just a bit after that, but I’m sure she’ll be back to her optimistic self soon—once she gets a blow out and a flat iron.

Sara- Arnold is beautiful. What a great color.


The Conceptos reference was deliberate. And speaking as we often do of things being reused from one TN to the other last night had an unbelievable doozy. I don't watch LQLVMR, find Boyer revolting and hate weeping galans however last night AB was decked out in a horrible bright green and pink dress with white cuffs on the sleeves. I happened to catch it channel surfing and laughed my head off since Mariana in LI was wearing the same dress last night. I can't believe that Telemundo and Televisa are sharing their costume departments and can only chalk it up to bad taste on the part of both costume designers. LOL

Decie, I am not a Boyer fan either, and you are right, not looking forward to see the leading man crying so i am intentionally not watching this week... will try to catch next week.

Omighosh, Decie! That's hilarious. I thought that dress was garish on Mariana...I wonder how AB looked in it.

Great recap Julie!

I felt for poor Frida, turning on the boiler freaks me out since my dad got burned doing it when I was a kid. No way would I do it with matches instead of a long lighter.



Julie, great recap and much appreciated. I laughed at

"Now they've both seen each other naked."

My favorite scene was when MA laid down next to Leo, gave him a hug and carefully covered hiim against the cold. Funny but sweet.


I didn't think I could ever feel sorry for Leo, but it seems I have a weak spot for grown men who cry themselves to sleep on the cold floor of a stranger's house. Who would have guessed?


"weak spot for grown men who cry themselves to sleep on the cold floor of a stranger's house"



I think Leo is at least a notch down from Nikky Brizz on the mean fresa scale. I wouldn't surprise me if sooner or later he started to earn the sympathy of most Caray folks.


I've noticed that Lupita is very physical with Miguel. She smacks him around a lot and (in this episode) threatens him with a knife in a pretty scary way. I know this is played for laughs, but whoa.

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