Saturday, February 08, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #64- 2/7/14: You've Abandonded Me, Love Don't Live Here Anymore

Ahoy Amguis! I've been thinking about those of us sitting in that bunker of lowered expectations. We have made a nice accomodation for Ms Judy and Ms Fatima. They are sitting on a nice sofa with soft cushions with loosely locked arms, softly singing,  Kumbaya  and drinking chamomile to help themselves through this tumultous part of our TN. Ms Gloria is contemplating her recap for Monday, Ms Urban is working on her awesome prose, Ms NovelaMaven and Ms Elna June are having deep thoughts about these characters and thinking of a new collaboration, Ms Julia is putting her feet up and contemplating, Ms Eli is thinking of nonviolent ways to deal with Ale, Ms Elvira is thinking of the douchbaggery of Ale and how she'll deal with him next week, and me? I'm doing this recap on the fly. I have a new song for our star crossed lovers, that would be Ale and Monse, it fits their situation right now. Any subtitles you see in blue, please click on them and listen as you read the recap. Here is the second earworm for you  Love Don't Live Here Anymore. 

I am skipping the old and getting right to the new. Nadia gets tons of applause and a dozen roses and Pedro tells her to smile Stupid! I'd like to shut his stupid with a cast iron skillet. Addie comes up on the stage to tell Nadia that Monse has gone into labor.

Oh, my eyes, my eyes! Dimwit is sticking his tongue down Ginny's throat, although she doesn't seem to mind. He gets a call on his celly, it's his wifey pooh Fina, but he could care less and does more tongue calisthetics with Ginny.

Tia Lottie and Rosy have made it to the hospital. Aren't they the pair. I just love them! They are trying to decide who goes into labor and delivery with Monse. Tia wanted to go, but the nurse tells them only one is allowed in the delivery room and it's usually the hubby. Tia opts for Rosy to be there, cause well, it is her first grand child. Rosy thanks her profusely and goes in.

Fina is with Addie, in the waiting room at the hospital. Since Dimwit is not answering the phone Addie will go look for him. Nadia and Vic are also there. Vic wants to stay with Nadia but she tells him no. Pedro won't come but he does have his spies ya know! Before Vic goes he does tell Nadia he knew she was thinking of him when she was playing the piano. Meanwhile Angie calls JL and tells him she's at the hospital, he panics thinking she is getting worse, but she assures him she's there for Monse who went into labor. Angie also tells him that Ale isn't there and probably won't be there. JL wonders if they are seperated. Angie doesn't know. JL, that sexy beast, is lying in bed and with his naked eye is remembering the last convo he had with Monse on the beach, where she told him that Ale had forgiven her those little pecadillos so to speak. He thinks Monse lied to him. Poor thing is all alone, and he thinks of going to see her.

Addie finds Dimwit, where else, in a bar! He tells Dimwit, Monse went into labor, that everyone is there but Gracie and Ale. Addie tells Dimwit to tell Gracie.

Angie, Fina and Nadia are waiting together. Angie tells Nadia she married JL and she is very happy. Nadia congrats her. Fina brings coffee and asks Angie if her sister Ginny is in town. Sure is she says. Fina says that Ginny liked Dimwit so much, but Angie doesn't think Ginny would hook up with him again, not after what happened last time. Why didn't someone take a stroll and peek in parked cars! Angie is starting to wonder where Ale is, it's weird he isn't here. Fina tells her there was a dustup of some sort and Ale stayed at the hacienda to work. Angie wonders what is more important, work or the bebe. Angie thinks that Fina and Nadia are keeping something from her.

Ale, at the darkened Hacienda Almonte is thinking of what else? Himself of course. He is having a pity party for one, singing, Poor, Poor Pitiful Me Then he thinks that maybe the Padre is right and that bebe is his after all! He thinks about Monse all the time, forever and for always. Sucks to be Dead To Me Ale!

Rosy is in the delivery room with Monse. Monse just can't push anymore. The poor thing is in pain and she just can't take it anymore. Rosy is very encouraging. Just for a minute, can you picture Gracie in there? 'Nuff said! Anyhoo, Rosy tells Monse this is her first grandchild for her hijo Ale. So Monse pushes some more and here is Little Laurito, welcome to this crazy world, Laurito! Monse smiles.

Ale is still sitting in the dark!

The bebe is healthy, all fingers and toes intact, Rosy thinks he looks like Ale when he was born. Monse holds little Laurito and smiles and is very glad Rosy is with her. Granny Rosy and Monse smile at the bebe. The nurse comes to take the bebe but assures Monse she'll bring him back soon cause he'll be hungry. Rosy and Monse continue bonding.

All the ladies and Vic, watch as the nurse takes the bebe to the nursery. All of them, including Vic, think that bebe looks just like Ale.

Tia gets on her cell and calls Gracie and tells her the grandbebe has been born. What is Gracie's first question? Does he look like Ale or that infeliz? Tia wants to know why do you want to know? Tia tells Gracie that Monse has strictly forbidden anyone from calling Ale and telling him. The ladies are all cooing over Laurito, and Vic mentions he is calling Ale, Nadia tells him about the strictly forbidden thingy, but he's gonna do it anyways.

Ale is in the sala now with the lights on, when BM comes back from her murderous jaunt. Ale wants to know where she's been and why did she go to Aguazul? Just a little jaunt, and no he doesn't want dinner, he is going to bed. The phone rings and BM will get it, and Ale doesn't want to be woken up for anything! It's Vic of course with the happy bebe news. BM tells Vic that Ale is asleep, this news is not important enough to wake him up, but she'll give him the message, yeah right, we know how she is about messages. Anyhoo, she leaves the phone off the hook.

Meanwhile, Gracie has desperateley been trying to call the hacienda but she keeps getting the occupado signal, she's pithed. So she searches for the cell phone number and calls that. BM however reaches the cell phone first. She shuts it off. Ale comes into the bedroom shirtless, by the way, and asks BM who called? Just Vic, problem with the bidness, ya know just a little problemo nothing major.

Hey There  

So now BM, with her naked eye, is thinking of that little convo she had with her Tio Pervy about getting preggers by the Patron so she'll have an in. BM tells Ale they have been together so long, she needs him and she has so much to offer, ya know in the bedroom. Guess what???? They still haven't done the horizontal bop!!!! She now wants that to happen cause she wants to give him a bebe with his own sangre (blood). Ale, however, couldn't be bothered. He tells her to go sleep somewhere else, he's sleeping alone and don't bother him. BM is foiled again, darn the mala suerte (bad luck). Ale goes back downstairs and puts the phone back on the hook. It rings immediately and it's Gracie on the phone informing Ale of the birth of his child!

Monse is holding the bebe and then Rosy holds him. She is so very happy to be holding her grandbebe. He looks like the Patron. Monse wants to know why Rosy keeps calling her son El Patron? He's her son for goodness sakes! Monse thinks that Rosy is admirable for all she's been through. Monse wants Rosy to confide in her and her secret is safe with her. Rosy tells her Tia Lottie already knows. Monse tells her MIL (Mother-In-Law) to tell Ale the truth. He needs to know his Mama is alive. Rosy is still shy about that. Monse says Ale knew this bebe was going to be born, not when she went into labor, but he knew a bebe was coming. He never showed. Monse considers little Laurtio, hers and hers alone.

Dimwit and Gracie are having a convo. Gracie is on a rant again about how she told Ale the baby had been born, he probably won't recognize this bebe as his, and people with think it is JL's bebe. Gracie wants that DNA test and then things can go from there. Dimwit asks her so you don't want them to get back together? Gracie could care less. All she wants are the bennies that come with Monse's divorce.

Tia and Rosy go to the hospital cafe to eat.

Vic has called Ale again and gotten him on the phone. Ale wants to know the problemo they are having at the bidness. Vic says that wasn't why he called. He called Ale last night because his bebe was born. Now Ale knows that BM lied. So what is Ale gonna do. Nothing, absolutely nothing! He's staying put and not going to Aguazul. Mac has overheard this convo and prods Ale some. Ale is so not going. Mac thinks he's an idiot!

Wedding Song

It seems ten days have passed now since little Laurito has been born and the Padre has come to see Ale at the Hacienda for a bit of a chat and a letter from Rosy about the bebe. The Padre has hand carried this letter directly to the source. Figure the odds there. Ale swears he is not going to Aguazul. Padre tells him he is a bad hubby, shame on him! Ale isn't liking what Padre is dishing out. Padre says Ale's jealousy is understandable but still, get a grip. Stop the douchbaggery already! This situation is in Ale's hands. Go see your son and your wife. Ale is still on the river of DeNile! He doesn't beleive a thingy they say! Same old song and dance from Ale, she cheated, the bebe isn't his, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah! She even sent him divorce papers. Padre is sticking to his belief that Monse never cheated and hasn't seen JL.

Into this arguement walks, who else, Joaquin, that's who! And we all know why he's there. It's the JL news of course, his version of it that is. Joaquin says he knows where JL is, do tell says Ale! Joaquin stopped by months ago to talk to Ale but he wasn't there (I don't know if Joaquin mentioned he left a message with BM) but Joaquin then had to go on a bidness trip to Monterrey, and stopped by on the off chance he could talk to Ale. Joaquin goes on how Gracie and Amelia are great friends. Anyhoo, I think this is how this convo went, I'm not sure, so if I got something wrong please comment. Joaquin feels Gracie along with Monse cooked all this up with marrying Ale, for money of course. Joaquin tells him that JL and Monse were doing the deed the whole time JL was at the hacienda. Smoke is coming from Ale's ears. So as time went on, Angie was interested in JL, who really wasn't Antonio Olivares, Ale knew that. So Monse and JL cooked up a scheme where they paired up Angie and JL. They left the hacienda together, and JL, with the help of Angie's Madrina, cleared his name, he is back in the Navy, and married Angie. Problem is this is a set up, according to Joaquin, cause Angie is dying and when she does, JL becomes a very wealthy man and then Monse and JL will marry. So Ale thinks this is why Monse didn't want anything in the divorce. Where is JL now, asks Ale, Aguazul of course says Joaquin. Ruh, Roh, Ale is going there.

Monse looks very good after just having had a baby. Angie has come for a visit. She tells Monse that JL sends his congrats. It's time for some coffee talk. Angie tells Monse she knows all about JL and Monse, he told her everything. Angie also tells Monse that JL didn't marry her for love, but he treats her well and didn't marry her for the money. JL also understands that Monse is teetotally in love with Ale. For the life of her, Angie cannot understand why Ale isn't with Monse right now. Monse tells Angie the truth about Ale thinking that JL and Monse were lovers and the seperation.

Joaquin is blithering on. Joaquin says he knew Ale's marriage was a bidness deal. Ale is beleiving every single word Joaquin is dishing out. Ale will now be going to Aguazul to kill JL. End of Capitulo.

Ale goes searching in Aguazul for JL. Will he find him? Tune in Este Lunes and Ms Gloria will tell you all about it. MUST SEE TV!


Good Afternoon Y'all,

I am doing this recap on the fly. It will be up pretty shortly. Please click on the blue links to listen to the music I've picked for these characters.

Dear, dear Madelaine! How did you know I love chamomile tea?! Yes, Ms JudyB and I are trying to hang in there!

We are all anxiously awaiting your super recap! Now, to go listen to your new ear worm. :))


Well well well! Someone who doesn't watch this show nevertheless saw the soft couch Kumbaya quip and alerted me to it! (after she cleaned herself up after almost wetting her pants).

Too true, Mads, too true. And yes, of course sensitive souls like Fatima and I gravitate toward gentle remedies like chamomile tea. Though I also like a bracing bout of Trader Joe's Irish Breakfast tea, along with my tougher friend Sylvia.

Madelaine, I thought the title was great. So very kind of you to provide our Judy and Fatima with a comfy couch! I imagine you and the rest of the recappers tasked to relate these dire doings are indeed contemplating the best approach. I do not envy any of you!

I will simply say that I did not think Ale could slip any lower in my estimation but that occurred last night. I will comment more once the recap is up. I'm eagerly looking forward to it as well as listening to your ear worm.


Hey, Y'all the recap is complete and up. Please enjoy : )

I want to thank everyone that wished me a Happy Birthday this past week. Mr. Mads were unable to go on the harbor cruise due to fog and misty rain. So we opted to go to our favorite seafood dive, Mr. Mads had steak, and we listened to jazz. A most enjoyable evening!


I knew you loved chamomile tea because of the tea discussion y'all had not too long ago. It is very soothing and so I used it in my preamble ; )

Dear Mads:

I will stick my head out of the Bunker of Ironic Detachment just long enough to thank you for this delightfully upbeat accounting of this bummer of an episode. Excellent work, amiga!

Finally, Rosario acknowledges to Montserrat that she is Alejandro's mother -- though Montse confesses she had a hunch all along. So now a lot of people are in on her secret: Montse, Carlota, Victor, Padre and Macario.

Alejandro learns María lied to him about Victor's phone call and he...does nothing.

Speaking of nothing, that's what has happened between Alejandro and María under the sheets, for those who were wondering.

But what about the Rosemary Woods moment? I mean the ten missing days! One moment, we're in the hospital expecting José Luis to turn up and unsettle things (or why else keep flashing back to him posing suggestively in bed and thinking of Montse?) and worrying that something is going to happen to the baby every time it is out of Montse's sight, and the next moment, the new mama is back in her tight pants como si nada.

Talk about jerky transitions!


First, thank you for the breezy, fun and musical recap. It was great. You chose the style that was just the ticket for rendering last night's story. YOU made me smile but the show just annoyed me. Monkey writers, for sure.

What new info did we get? Montse had an instant healthy baby. Ale did nothing about seeing his wife and (possible) child. Ale does nothing about Maria and has done NOTHING with Maria. Who would want to sleep with someone for months and not have sex? Maria is dreadful, but talk about devastating her self esteem!

EJ to Maria: "So you sleep with one of the world's best looking men for months and he never wants to make love to you??? Don't keep subjecting yourself to this humiliation, Maria! He is either gay or HE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU."

The girl has no pride where Ale is concerned and no shame in how she deals with others.

I am headed back to the Bunker. My irony is still in place but I am becoming attached to the idea that our do-nothing anti-hero is about to do something——something REALLY stupid.

What is he going to do, shoot JL at home in front of Angelica? Idiot.

Also, for those who care to look, I left a late post on yesterday's recap. It has to do with my wild idea about just why Pedro is willing to kill Ale to obtain 'those lands'.

I'd love to hear if anyone thinks I have been reading too much Arthur Conan Doyle lately. Hee hee.

Thanks again, Madelaine. I truly enjoyed this recap.

Elna June


Excellent recap. Funny, witty and informative. Thanks so much! And FYI, you got the convo between Ale and Joaquin right on, no problemo.

"but he could care less and does more tongue calisthetics with Ginny." had me LOL.

I loved the labor scene with Montse and Rosario. It was very touching and a bonding moment for the both of them. Now that more people know that Rosario is Ale's mother, I hope that she tells Ale sooon. He needs some support and some advice from his mother. Even though he has gotten advice from Padre A, Mac & Victor, there is nothing like the support and love from your mother. He was already starting change his mind about everything (until that idiot Joaquin came and told him a bunch of lies) and I think Rosario will get him out of this deep dark depression.

Novela Maven,

I agree about the jerky transitions. I was like que? Ten days have passed? And it took el Padre ten days to get a letter? I guess I shouldn't complain about mail service in the U.S. anymore.

Is there redemption for Dimi? He keeps messing up. He took 100 steps back after last night's epi. Virginia is too young and inexperienced to know better. Joaquin should be going after Dimi and not JL. I don't know what it's going to take to get Dimi to react. More to say , but I have to go to work.

hasta pronto!

The only time I have found Dimitrio sympathetic in the last month or so was on his wedding day when he went to his Dad's tomb. I think the writers showed there that he is not at all over feeling unloved by Lauro.

That in no way justifies his con of Josefina and Virginia, however. Right now Dimitrio is compost to me.



Madelaine. thank you for another gem this week. The songs were a perfect fit. "I'd like to shut his stupid with a cast iron skillet." was my favorite line. So true.

You know anytime anyone is sitting alone staring in the dark, it is not a good sign at all. Ale seems to be the prime example of this. Nothing seems to get him moving: not even the birth of his son (maybe son in his mind now) nor BM (thank goodness). What besides going after JL to kill him is going to get him moving? Looks like nothing else. Sad case.

Dimitrio goes through his money like water. The fool is probably still gambling it away but I wonder if he is also into alcohol, drugs, prostitutes, designer clothes, gourmet meals? :) Poor Virginia being young and inexperienced was perfect pickings for him. I hope she gets herself out of the relationship before she ends up pregnant.

The best part of the episode was Rosario coming clean with Montse. I hope she doesn't drag out hiding her identity from Ale much longer. That plot line is getting old, old, old.

To anybody in the bunker, things are still fine on the patio: just a little grey and cool but the heaters are out. Every so often I can hear your rendition of kumbaya rising up from the bunker. Wow! You guys are talented group. :)




Maven and I are NOT singing kumbaya, heaven forfend. We are listening to JudyB and Fatima perform the song in two part harmony.

Very nice, I must say.

Hey Maven, since we are in a cellar, can I bring a modest wine (and sparkling water!) collection for the residents to enjoy? I would be happy to lead an opinionated little conversation about, say, the overblown nature of many Napa Valley Cabs and Chardonnays.

I'll bet Audrey has an opinion on the subject.



Mads you put together a fantastic recap for this strange, wonderful and exasperating episode.

The baby is gorgeous, happy for Rosy and Monse to be the fearsome twosome in that little one's life, and someone please just put ALE out if HIS misery. After all this time, his behavior is bordering on needing some serious intervention or a sledgehammer....whatever is handiest. Of course, we can blame Joaquin for taking that one glimmer of a brain cell that was starting to surface and squashing it with his crooked foot, but the fact Ale swallowed it hook, line and sinker...Yes, ALE, the whole world has conspired together just to make you miserable. Noone has any other motivation or life purpose. Jerkwad.

So color me surprised that he and BSC haven't done the sheet tango. But seriously, again, WTH is with the behavior of sleeping together then? On both their parts? That's just, cripes can't think of the right word. Icky? Sick? Stupid? Irrational? Psychotic? Think I'll stop now.

That lineup at the baby window cracked me up. I kept hearing a Bruce Willis' voice from little Laurito wondering who these persons were and making adult-sounding quips about what knockouts Angie and Nadia were.

I so wish that Monse, Tia and Rosy would just move away for awhile. I know they are broke, but Monse and Tia are sharp women who could find jobs and Rosy take care of bright eyes. They may have to live lower than their current standard, but boy would they be better off. Plus I want to see Graceless' head implode if they did it.

And there's that stupid gun again! Thought it was taken away from Maria and hidden. Oh boy, the macho hero is playing shoot 'em up again. What year is this? I think a little time out in the lock-up is called for here with our stud-bunny.


I told you damas many times that someone needs to put an ankle monitor on Joaquin. He’s a walking time bomb. Now, he and Alejandro together on the revenge warpath means harm for many with mucho collateral damage.

Where is the fairy madrina Prudencia? She made everything nice before.



Please do!

PS: OIL!!!

PPS: Poor Rosario is illiterate!

Wonderful quip, Mads, as was Montse is "teetotally" in love with Alejandro.

Watching this last night was awful. If I hadn't had my friend visitng (who joined me in screaming "nooooo" every other scene) I would have turned the durned thing off.

The actors are still performing well but the writers have let us down....seriously.

Fatima and I have given up on the chamomile tea and are off to get some seriously dark chocolate. Anybody want to join us?....

Hmmm...tried to put another quote in bold and instead it disappeared completely. Back to review the instructions!

Thanks for this Madelaine, you certainly captured the mood of last night's events as well as the mood on the Patio (there's still a few open seats at Mesa Marí pledges to sign, no dress code... though knives, guns, and high heels are discouraged).

María should relax and wait. Old Joaquín is doing a good job of fanning Alejandro's paranoid flames of delusion. The sad thing is, he's not just convincing but he believes it all himself.


You have me smiling with this:

"WTH is with the behavior of sleeping together then? On both their parts? That's just, cripes can't think of the right word. Icky? Sick? Stupid? Irrational? Psychotic?..."

Usually the word that comes to mind under those circumstances:



Oh dear, I was thinking the same thing, Carlos....married...but didn't want to discourage anybody so close to Valentine's Day

Yeah, at least I got the "bold" part right this time.

Mads, what I tried to highlight in bold before was your line about the Padre handing the letter directly to Alejandro and the wry "what are the odds". Cute.

Great recap! I can so see the ladies doing Kumbaya,lol. I almost cried last night during Rosario and Montse's conversation, especially when Montse told her that she was the best mother in law and that she was proud of her-I remember when Rosario was so scared of Montse and Alejandro finding out who she was because they would be ashamed of her, and here is Montse saying that she is proud of her *misty eyes*

Did someone mention chocolate?

Hey Mads--This is Anita, I'm also in the Bunker. Maybe you can't see me, you are tall and I am small. The little rubia in the corner on the 3-legged stool. That's me.

Please tell, someone. Did something get clipped or did Montse just find out that Rosario is her MIL, just as she was engaged in some serious exercise? Maybe that's why she didn't seem surprised. Color me sea green.

Will be back after I read the comments.

The recap was soooo good!!


Gracie, Joaquin and Ale deserve each other. They can take a few random facts and weave a very nifty basket to put all their negative thoughts in.

What in God's green earth does Ale think killing JL will solve?

...back to reading, hunched over in the corner.

Madelaine: I thought the emotional "tone" you bestowed on this incredible summary was perfection ("murderous jaunt" and "blithering on"). You also made me laugh starting with "tongue calisthetics". The embedded vocabulary and songs were additional treats.

I will simply say here that had Ale jumped up and run to his wife and newborn son, my feelings toward him may have begun to soften. However, Ale does not need my pity. He has wrapped himself in a cocoon of self pity that seems inpenetrable. He should be rejoicing in his son's birth, not succuming to Joaquin's fanning the flames of vengence during his most ill timed visit.

The comments have been terrific (Carlos and Judy you also made me laugh!). And Eli, I also thought Monse and Rosario's bonding during the birth was very "tear worthy". Indeed.

Thank you Madelaine for your thoughtful, vivid recap. Another fabulous job.


Jarifa--Dimi is definitely not into designer clothes and gourmet meals. Hmmm. What else could it be?

Oh, I can guess, he's ordering expensive wine on the internet, shopping for explicit photography books to add to his growing porn collection, membership in exclusive Aguazul country club, purchased a race horse, oh, and taking flying lessons.

I would love to have seen Gracie's first introduction to her grandchild. Does anyone think kootchy cooing is involved? Hope he didn't get a finger poke in the forehead.

I guess we should assume Dimi is gambling money away. It seemed to be his favorite pastime at the beginning of this TN. I would also add drinking to that.

I meant in addition to gambling and drinking and tongue calisthenics.

Maybe Dimi is in search of the ultimate unibrow trimmer.

Of course Ale doesn't stop to think. He's so gullible in his current state! Such a dumbass.

Sounds like such a perfect scheme, Ale, to have JL marry Angie and become a wealthy widower and then marry Montse.

Except that:

1. YOU kicked Montse out of your house. She didn't leave you to run after JL.
2. JL had three perfect opportunities for turning Montse into a very wealthy widow - so much simpler than the Angie scheme - yet he saved YOUR life each time.

But we know Ale's memory is so damn selective he can think himself past a simple planting of "evidence".

And so weird BM just standing there with dead eyes while ale loads the gun. She doesn't worry about the mess Ale might get himself info? Apparently not.

And yes, Macario had hid the gun, so it's bizarre that it reappeared back in the desk unless Ale commanded Macario to get it for him.

Thanks so much Madeleine! Great asides and song choices!

LOL - good point Carlos. With sane people perhaps, perfect way to describe that state. With these two nut-jobs...still a head scratcher.

Chocolate you say Judy? You had me at chamomile, but considering the state of all our frazzled nerves, perhaps we can add some additional "flavorings". Went to a party once where the hostess made a Tequila hot chocolate with some mint. Oh, so good :)


Carlos and JudyB:

OK, I totally understand sharing a bed with your partner and not having sex with them for even years at a time—if you are married (or long term partnered.) At the point, you perhaps have taken the edge off the vibrant passion you originally shared. You may have discovered that your beloved snorts or snores in the night, further diminishing the heat between you. Purchasing a nice new bed may be beyond your means—Beds are crazy-expensive!—so you continue in the same marital bed for many a year.

My point is that now it looks like Ale and Maria shared no passion or even temptation. He slept with her every night with her YEARNING all over him. How could he stand it?

I think Daisynjay would say that he was too self absorbed to notice or he was just too cheap to get Maria her own room.

That unrequited love thing in the same bed or even room for months? No wonder Maria has gone round the bend. There is a name for a hetero woman who engages in that kind of behavior with an uninterested gay man. I don't know what is called when the uninterested man is straight.


EJ's free advise for Maria—Sister, get a room of your own.



Thanks, Mads , for the great recap of a frustrating episode and the tunes.

So accurate. HA. I've had three babies, and with each one, about ten days after giving birth,,,bam...back in the skinny pants........not. How annoying to any new mother watching and fretting about that extra weight .... which in reality comes off slowly.

I completely agree with the oddity of Ale and Mal really JUST sleeping together when they are sleeping together. I don't even think that they are spooning because Ale does not seem to want Malria to touch him at all. At least that is one positive thing on Ale's part. At this point, he seems to be keeping her around because she is a connection to his last....and he is too out of it to get rid of her or he doesn't have the energy to make an effort. He seems frozen . His inactivity is just making his depression worse. He has become obsessed with the idea of JL and Mony deceiving him. IMHO , FC was more believable in this part. Rulli seems a little lost.

Someone wise once said. " Life is an accumulation of love and loss". , and each of these characters has loved and lost something.

Novela Maven:

If villain Pedro heads a drug cartel it would be such a yawner.

What about this:

'Major Increase Of Illegal Oil Siphoning In Mexico Leads To Losses In The Millions'
FoxLatino, February 5, 2014

Now PEMEX owns all the oil rights in Mexico—so if it's an oil scheme there must be proximity to a pipeline in order to siphon.

It just seems a like a more creative direction for the writers to take eevil Pedro. he steals oil from the state. Campeche state has changed big time since the most recent off-shore oil finds in 2002, according to a friend who is an Economist.

But wait, who said originality could be part of a telenovela? WHAT am I thinking?



I'll try again with some one word humor:

"I don't know what is called when the uninterested man is straight."



Carlos...Thanks for the laughs on a cold winter night. Your one word answers were too funny !

Madelaine, you are an absolute dear to give me and the wonderful JudyB a shout out to our fave tea!! Thank you for remembering!

It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday the other day, too! Fantastic!

Have not read your recap, yet and want to savor all the comments after I read. What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

Fatima :))


Hee, hee, he.

Dead, indeed. Perfect answer.

Maria may be evil but she is hot.


great work.

Angelique did a good job in her first childbirth scene and I love how Monse and Rosario bonded during that. My first thought when Rosario said that the baby looked exactly like Alejandro was whether there was a photo to prove it, but I guess there isn't.

I find it astonishing that she would be illiterate in this day and age.

As to how Alejandro could lie next to Maria all this time and not be tempted by her that is because

1. He's known her too long so she feels like a sister (even if she doesn't turn out to be his sister) and
2. He's in love with Monserrat.

Am I the only person who has noticed that he is still wearing his wedding ring? Whose opinion would he be worried about if he took it off?


"I find it astonishing that she would be illiterate in this day and age.

Boy, am I ever with you on this. I'm sure that Mexican prisons are hellholes, but surely they have at least rudimentary educational opportunities for inmates. What did she do during those 30 years, feed the rats? Surly she could have at least learned to read and write.
There's a lot of enthusiasm for a makeover of Fina here, but how about one for Rosario?

You're Alejandro's mother for goodness sake... BE A MOTHER!... he needs your advice, influence, support and yes... authority... now almost as much as he ever has in his life.


And yes, I realize that when Rosario finally assumes her rightful place as queen mother one of her first acts will likely be the banishment of María... I foresee a redeemed María and a redeemed Adolfo at the end of all this... together and very happy enjoying his forgiving parents' millions.

Now, EJ, what wine do you recommend with chicken-fried steak?


Adolfo maybe, but not Maria.

Adolfo cringes at the very idea of violence. He's just out for a quick buck (or peso) but doesn't have what it takes to be a murderer.

I'm all for a makeover for Rosario. A better hairstyle, a little makeup, and some good clothes and she's ready once she learns to read and write. I'm sure Monserrat and Carlota will take care of that next.

Thanks, Mads! You take this angst-ridden carnival ride and make it seem like a cozy sleighride with friends and jingle bells and even singing.

Who would want a sister sleeping in his bed with no thoughts of sexy times? A scared little kid who doesn't want to be alone in the dark. I think Alejandro has regressed to a tantrum-filled toddlerhood, although a child would never stay mad that long. His mama needs to show up and feed him some mashed peas and sing him a lullaby.

I'm glad there wasn't any melodramatic nonsense like "Montserrat and the baby might die! Pick which one you want to live!"

Hi EJ - I'm afraid I'm not very familiar with CA cabs, and we pretty much drink red, so I can't say anything about Chardonnays either. We do drink champagne/sparkling wines - and those are traditionally made from half Pinot Noir and half Chardonnay, but they obviously are in a class of their own.

WA has some great Cabs, but I don't drink them very often because I like them with beef/steak,and we don't eat much beef at all.

We are drinking a lot of Spanish and Italian (style) wines these days - Riojas, Sangioveses (Chianti), and Barberas. Some of our Sangiovese and Barbera wines are from the Yakima River Valley. These go well with the tomato dishes and lamb dishes we seem to be eating a lot lately.

Oh, Carlos, I would dare drink a Cab with chicken-fried steak. Why not?

I'm glad there wasn't any melodramatic nonsense like "Montserrat and the baby might die! Pick which one you want to live!"

Amen to that. That's one cliche I'd like to see die.

Dear Carlos:

Oh, you are giving me a tough one! Do you know that Chicken Fried Steak is considered a very difficult food pairing.

Ummm, you need at least medium acid, a bit of tannin, not too fruit forward or it will own the taste of the beef/fried bread...

OK. On the value side, I really like TorCalvano Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 2010. The Italians really get wine as food, so much better than many American producers. The varietal is Sangiovese, and it's pretty great value at around $20. and I think It would hold up well to the meat/bread/fried combo that is delicious chicken fried steak.

Another decent Sangiovese might be worth a try.

American choices might include a Cantiga Wineworks Zinfandel, in the $25-35 dollar range. Cantiga makes wine as food, and so their Zin has a more acid feel than that of most US producers.

The Bella vineyards (Sonoma County)2011 Zin Lily Hill (10 year old vines @ $40.)might also be good. It has a very high alcohol as I recall and is at least 80% Zin varietal. Nice taste, very blackberry, but the alcohol content cuts through any idea of sweet that might show up on the front of the tongue.Most other Zins would have the body you might like but have too little acid to pair and compliment the chicken fried steak.

Probably more than you wnated to know. I am suck a geek.

What fun! HTML and wine pairing in a 24 hour period on Caray Caray. What a great place.


Julia and UA,

Add me to your group of those who applaud a nice normal uncomplicated delivery. Having delivered many babies in the past, let me assure you all that a normal uncomplicated delivery is plenty dramatic and magical enough... fortunately complications are rare in real life... we deal with them... but give me a delivery like Montserrat's any day.

Audrey, when The Lovely Linda called me to the table, she had already opened up a cabernet sauvignon (with a screw-on cap) from Chile which was excellent. Cream gravy, mashed potatoes, lima beans... perfection. For desert... a dark-chocolate dipped strawberry... dare I hope for a bed covered in rose petals?


Elna June,

Thanks. I've copied and saved your recommendations. I have to say that the wine we had was excellent paired with CFS and The Lovely Linda said it cost about $7 at HEB. Of course, as you know, the person or people that one enjoys wine with plays a big part in how good the wine tastes... this tasted great.


Madelaine, I am so amazed with all of your excellent music choices! Even better, was the excellent recap!

Elna June, "Maven and I are NOT singing kumbaya, heaven forfend. We are listening to JudyB and Fatima perform the song in two part harmony." I am pretty good with two part harmony, even if I do say so myself.:)) By the end of this TN, JudyB and I will have our very own recording contract. Trust me on this one. :)

JudyB, Dark Chocolate! Yes, dark chocolate is my "one true weakness". I have a very good collection which I plan to bring out for us to enjoy for the rest of the run of this TN.

As Madelaine would say, there are too many people floating down the River DeNile! What in the world is with this Joaquin character?! He actually BELIEVES every one of those lies he told Alejandro!

...and how in the world can the FOOL Dimwit even be considered Redemption Material?! How?! I think he has really crossed the line with what he is doing to Virginia. He deserves an anvil, not redemption.

Daisynjay, you are so RIGHT in your assessment of Alejandro and the Whore Maria sleeping in bed. After all this time, this borders on strange. Enough already. I also agree with your point about Montserrat, baby Lauro, Tia, and Rosario just moving away. They can, indeed, lower their cost of living so that they can get some much needed PEACE in their lives.

Also agree 100% with Carlos that Rosario needs to please, please tell Alejandro who she really is. Trouble is, Alejandro is only sinking deeper into his own Black Hole. It will take the Padre verifying what Rosario tells him before Alejandro would even believe her. Once he realizes that Montserrat and Rosario have bounded, Alejandro, in his utter STUPIDITY will predictably claim that Rosario is lying. It's my hope that Macario could validate Rosario's story as well.

NovelaMaven, "The Rosemary Woods Moment"!! I could not stop laughing at that one!! Very good dear NovelaMaven; very good!!

Carlos, your on fire tonight with your one word humor!

Elna June, I've taken note of your wine commentary. Keep it coming. I'm going to look up those Zins you recommended.

Carlos, you were making me REALLY hungry talking about Chicken Fried Steak. It is really hard to find a good restaurant that really knows how to make it. I love listening to "The Splendid Table" on NPR. The host has a wonderful 10 minute section in there with a husband and wife team that travel all over the country finding really good restaurants of all kinds that are located off the beaten path. They found this one restaurant that made a fabulous CFS. My gosh, I was getting so hungry just listening to them describe what sounded like CFS heaven! You should check it out.

One more thing, Carlos, how does your wife prepare the Lima Beans? I LOVE Lima beans and am always looking for ways to jazz them up.

Finally (nope, I can't seem to stop writing tonight), I have to agree with NovelaMaven re the writing. There's a definite change. These writers have a long way to go, so they had better straighten up and fly right.

Thank you, dear Madelaine!



What is surprising me now is if Maria actually loved Alejandro why would she not prevent Joaquin from seeing him? The only consequence resulting from this situation at the moment would be one death and one incarceration.

Maria doesn't actually love Alejandro; this is a game of one-upwomanship she is playing with Monserrat.

Since Alejandro and Monserrat are not divorced, she would inherit his property and cash if he were to die or end up incarcerated. Which would mean that Pedro and Joaquin would have to kill her and her entire family -- including baby Lauro. Not that they wouldn't enjoy this...

Remember - Joaqin wants both JL and Alejandro to die. At least JL to die and Ale dead or out of the way so he and Pedro can get their hands on those lands Ale refuses to sell. It was the perfect story - he at least believes the JL took advantage of Angelica part of it. The rest of the story was inspired I must say!

Urban "Maria doesn't actually love Alejandro; this is a game of one-upwomanship she is playing with Monserrat." I totally agree. Maria does not care of Alejandro dies. If it means that Montserrat can't have him, that is all that matters to the Whore Maria.

Audrey I guess nut jobs like Joaquin can have their moments of inspired thoughts! He is just as repulsive as Pedro. I'm really surprised that Amelia has not seen this side of Joaquin. Maybe she turns a blind eye, but this man is a bottom feeder.

Fatima (who is having some fun with bold face type!)


Amelia has so many issues. She is a helicopter mother and this has driven Angelica out of her home, even to the point of bribing a crooked cop to bail out JL so they can split and she can have a life.

She may be in serious denial as a survival tactic because divorcing Joaquin probably sounds worse from a "what would society think" perspective than living with his dishonesty and corruption.

She and Graciela are living in the past, although I think this may be far more true of Amelia. Graciela uses the Public Image card to browbeat her adult children more than I think she really believes it. If she were truly worried about what people think why the hell doesn't she just sell the mansion and move?

Oh, Madelaine, this was a very fun recap.
Here from that bunker of lowered expectations, it was very soothing listening to Mary Clooney and Paul Stookey. Loved your descriptions of Lottie and Rosy.

Urban, loved "helicopter mother" for Amelia. And Graciela literally browbeats her children. Literally. With two fingers. So right about Maria not caring about Ale.
After our TN writers have let this story go rampant, I don't see how Ale and Monse can ever reconnect. I wouldn't want to be with a man who goes off the deep end like that and can't talk himself out of it, life is just too short for that kind of crapola. You ding the fender, come home, and steam starts coming out of his ears. And he believes whatever sewage comes out of anyone's mouth. BLECH.

UA, I believe Maria believe she loves Ale in her own BS way. But in truth it's an obsession, one she's had for more years than anyone can remember. To her, this is what love is.
She was able to sheet tango with Adolfo and still declare her undying love for Ale. She has no clue what true, affectionate love feels like. Face it...where were her role models. Uncle? Yeah...that helped.

I would guess the bunking together was her idea and as he has been doing all along since the breakup, Ale just let's her go with it. He has ignored warnings about her, blocked out her behavior, and let her just run rampant in the household. And when her antics and words get to him, he just walks away. All because he honestly believes that she is the only person who has been faithful and loves him, so he's afraid to have her leave his life. She is a life line to him. A totally warped, threadbare life line, but he thinks it's all he has. Pathetic...yep.
This is where Rosie NOT telling him who she is has wreaked the most havoc. He does have someone else who loves him and if he had had her there, he probably would have kicked Maria to the spare room where she belongs...maybe out of the house period. I still don't understand Rosie not saying anything, watching him continue to ruin his life. What the heck does she have to lose at this point. She's has Monse and her grandson. She should march to the hacienda, give him a good motherly slap up the side of the head, send him to bed without supper (and Maria) and tell him to wake up. Couldn't hurt to try.

Boy would an Psychology class have a field day analyzing the case study on these two.


This is a classic example of miscommunication, lies, and pretenses snowballing completely out of control into utter chaos.

Since Graceless is Amelia's friend (or the closest thing that masquerades as one) Joaquin knows a lot about her (though not everything Amelia knows). He's got her number in terms of her greed. He therefore can spin that into anything he can make of her nature including tarring Monserrat with the same brush. That's easy to do when the audience for this pack of lies is someone whose own social interactions have been somewhat limited and who lives on an isolated property.

Rosario is probably still ashamed to out herself to Alejandro. This is likely to be just as much about "OMG, it's too late to do any good" as it once was about being illiterate and doing time in prison. Had she come clean upon her arrival back in Aguazul probably half of the events since then wouldn't have happened.

Urban, I don't think this is the best time for Rosy to break the news to Ale, he is too distorted and would probably feel betrayed that she didn't come forward with this sooner, she needs to wait until he is less insane.

I agree. It's time for her to become stronger and I think Monserrat and Carlota will help her.

It just occurred to me that now is certainly not the time for Graceless to find out that Rosario is her consuegra. No good could come of that revelation at this time.

Madelaine - Thanks. You are so protective and soothing with us, but still bring the laughs. My favorite: "Why didn't someone take a stroll and peek in parked cars!"

I can't wait for Angie to find out what little sis is up to.

The comments are hysterical. Carlos, your "Dead" response made me laugh way too loud for a Sunday morning.

Audrey, love the way you deftly punched holes in Ale's (lack of) critical thinking.

Is it too much to ask that someone snap a photo of the baby and send it to Ale's phone? Whether he thinks it's his or not, there's a baby to think about.

Great re-cap--but I don't think any real love has ever lived in that house, with the exception of Jose Louis' love for Monse and Angie's love for JL. Husbands who love their wives, don't imprison and rape them. There has been a LOT of sexual attraction and sexual obsession however.

Depressed people often have decreased libido, so Ale having no interest in sex fits. He would want someone "who loves him" nearby however.

Good Morning Y'all and thanks so very much for your very kind words. I love all of your comments and the discussion of Chicken Fried Steak and red wines, yum.

I am a hand holder when things get bad. I can imagine us all on a sleigh ride with our favorite beverage and singing songs.


There used to be a nice grocery store in Lufkin called Boles Market, it is closed now, but people used to stand in line at lunch time to eat their Chicken Fried Steak. It was the best, if not the very best Chicken Fried Steak I ever had.


Your knowledge of wines is incredible. My favorites are French and Italian wines. I had a red wine I really liked that was very robust. It's called Corvo (sp) and made in Sicily. Have you ever heard of it? I used that wine to make Stracotto, beef braised in red wine, and that wine gave a richness to the dish that can't be duplicated. I haven't been able to find it in the States.

I have to give some credit to Amelia. I think she loves her daughter very much and wants to be close to her since she's dying. Joaquin can't see that with his jealousy of JL getting that inheritance he fully expected. He could care a fig about Angie and her well being, just show him the money. A great hook up would be Joaquin and Gracie, two peas in a pod.

As far as Rosy telling Ale she's his Mama. She ought to take Padre with her and make sure that BM is not at home. Rosy will need all the support she can get and I hope Mac is there also. I wish she had told him who she was the day he asked her. I think he would have accepted her then because he knew all about his Papa's peccadillos. Now he'll just think that since she's on Monse's side it just can't be true. They are in cahoots some how is how he will see it. Remember he can't see the truth in front of his face, even if you slapped him upside the head with it. It's his way or the highway, thank you very much!

Good morning. Great new comments this morning. Caroline..very insightful about Ale's depression and using Malria as just his blankie. Such a baby.

Who can figure out how stoned Ale would now react to the revelation that Rosario is his mother. He is so spaced out and unreasonable right now.

The baby is beautiful. Just one look at that little face should melt Ale's heart if ice. I think that little Lauro looks like Mony. Will they call him Larry ?

if you are a fan of The Beatles, don't forget the Grammy tribute show to them tonight from 8 to 10. This morning, the radio station that I listen to played a recording of their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show.

About BM and Ale. I think she wants him simply because she can't have him. She wants to conquer him and throw it in Monse's face. That's why she wants to get pregnant. It isn't for Ale, it's a weapon she can control. Ale will never love her they way she wants to be loved. He is using her for comfort in his time of need, and I am really surprised he hasn't done the deed with her. She is obsessed with him, agreed! Forbidden fruit always looks delicious, just ask Eve about that! She would have to give him a ruffie and hope he performs. He's been drunk before and didn't do it with her.


I too was surprised at the ten day jump forward. It was choppy wasn't it? I guess they wanted the time to fly until Joaquin got back for this confrontation between Ale and JL. I do like the fact that so many people now know that Rosy is Ale's Mama. More back up so to speak.


Thank you about the convo. I wasn't sure if I had gotten it right. Joaquin sure can spin a lie can't he? He can Gracie, match made in hell.


I too agree with you about Dimwit. I thought he was slated for redemption when he went to his Daddy's grave and when he told his Graceless Mama to back off of him and Monse. Maybe he will surprise is yet, but I'm not holding out much hope.


Ale is a sad case isn't he. Instead of focusing on his son, he could at least have gone to see him, he is more focused on his stupid revenge. He has forgotten that JL saved his life three times! If Ale had his thinking cap on, he would have wondered why his wife's lover would save his life. Hmmmmm......


As for the wine discussion, I wish that I could enjoy wine. I do not care for the taste of most wines plus it makes me feel warm and sleepy and headachy. Even one glass makes me feel off. I try to drink some red wine after dinner. I buy a giant bottle of Reunite Raspberry Something, but when I drink it , I usually fall asleep on the sofa. I do like Asti Spumante . If I had sangria, I would just eat the fruit.

Oh...I also like Vin Santo which daughter 2 introduced me to while she was studying in Florence. Very sweet.


You cracked me up with your line about Bruce Willis and the bebe voice. I can hear it and I am still laughing! I think Mac may have given Ale that gun back. Ale probably asked for it back. I wonder if Mac told him that BM had it?


I'm with you about the yelling noooooo at the TV. I just do a pfffff sound now. Every time Ale comes on the screen with his hang dog look I tell him see, you did this to yourself. Wake up! He never listens. Sigh! And Dark Chocolate, I'm in! Oh, and the Padre giving that letter directly to Ale. I was shocked the Padre actually did that. But then the Padre has the brains no one else seems to have right now.

Oxnard Huero:

Yeah, where is Tia Pru? She could fix this in a heartbeat couldn't she? If Ale only the knew the truth he'd be kicking him self in the patooty. One can hope.


You made me laugh about the Maria table with no knives, guns, stilletos! You haven't given up on Fina have you? She needs some encouragement ; )


Amgia, I have not forgotten about you. I am doing something special for our commenters next time I do a recap. I'd be afraid for Gracie to hold that bebe. Never mind the finger poke to the head. She'd hold him for ransom. As far as Ale killing JL, he wouldn't get any satisfaction. He thinks he will, but he is so wrong. He can't see because of his stupid rage.


I'm with you about the emotion of seeing Monse and Rosy bond and Monse saying she was proud of Rosy. I got misty eyed too.


You are so very wise. Ale doesn't deserve one scintilla of caring from us at all. He created this disturbance in the force. He kicked out his pregnant wife, he has kept BM close to him, he won't see sense. Until he straightens himself out and stops listening to liars I don't have time for him. He should have talked to Angie. She is the most truthful forthright person, he should listen to the Padre who has been like a Papa to him, and also Mac, but does he? No, he listens to BM, Pedro and Joaquin. I think he feels since Joaquin is Angie's Papa, he's telling him the truth. Why not ask Angie about JL. He'd get the truth from her, no BS, but even then I don't think he'd believe her.


So agree with what you said about Ale. He just won't see reason. He's heard reason, he just chooses to ignore it. He is a dumb ass! I can't wait for the day he has to face the truth and realizes he was wrong. I can't wait for that.


I liked what you said about Ale and BM sleeping together and Carlos' answer of Dead. It was perfect!


Thanks Madelaine. Your title is ab-so-lute-ly perfect! Love Don't Live Here Anymore describes the end of my honeymoon and infatuation with this novella. I will watch and luuuuuve the recaps but a brain dead puppet galan is not so swoon-worthy. Oh well, have a great rest of the weekend everybody and thank you soooo much again, Madelaine!


Lila...well! at least you did not get the no honeymoon that Malria got.

I am starting to admire Mony. If happiness is the ability to make a bouquet with the flowers at hand, Mony is trying to be happy. Despite having a dreadful mother and brother , a husband who threw her out when she was pregnant, and losing her beloved father, Mony stayed strong , positive, and proactive and gathered loving people around her.....Tia, Rosario, Nadia, and Josefina. No sulking and brooding for young Mony. Now, she and the supportive women in her life will take care of that sweet, innocent baby. Go, Mony.

Hmmm...word I.d....unbroken


So true about the back in the skinny jeans so soon after birth. It took me months to get that weight off. I also liked the saying of loving and losing someone. So true, a lot of our characters here have had that happen to them. They way they deal with it though, sheeeesh!

NovelMaven and EJ:

I like both your theories about what Pedro's side bidness is. What about diamonds or silver or gold? Only he knows! It's probably something simple like human trafficking or drugs. I hope we find out.


Yes, I noticed he was still wearing his wedding band as Monse is still wearing her engagement and wedding rings. You'd think as much as he says he hates Monse, he would have taken it off by now. She hates him even worse and she is still wearing hers. Interesting.


I'm glad that BM didn't attempt another try at killing Monse or the bebe. I'm so glad Monse had the support of all her friends and that they stayed. BM wouldn't have been able to get near that bebe or Monse.


Joaquin is all about the money you see. He wants that inheritance. It the person that left it to Angie wanted him to have it, they would have left it to Joaquin. Which makes me wonder if this person knew the "real" Joaquin. Joaquin and Gracie, the same!


That whole thing of Ale ending in jail and Monse getting everything and what Pedro and Joaquin would do, chilling! I hope that does not come to pass!


Yes, about Joaquin. He believes the dreck that JL somehow coerced Angie into running away and marrying him. The rest I think he winged! He was really making it up as he was going along and watching the reaction of Ale.


Yes, soothing music was called for, for this capitulo. I can just see Ale with smoke coming out of his ears with the ding in the fender. I want to see him be the romantic he used to be.


Utter chaos! Right on!


What a great idea, about sending a picture of little Lauro to Ale's phone. Vic could certainly have done that. But then again, Ale leaves it laying around and BM might delete it.


You are so right about no love in that house. Look at Don Benny. He raped Rosy, had Gracie as an amante, no love for his son. That house is cursed. I agree the only real love was between Monse and JL.


You always have the cutest comments. I too love Asti and also Sangria. I too eat the fruit when I have Sangria. I drink red wine every day, good for the heart, just a glass at lunch. I know what you mean about the sleepy. I get that too ; )


Try adding lemon pepper and butter or a really good margarine to your lima beans. It is so delicious.

Madelaine--This has been a great recap and certainly engendered a spirited conversation ranging over such delectable topics as dark chocolate, wine pairings (so good enough I sent it to my son the wine geek-wannabe), chamomile tea, CFS, oh, and Ale and Maria's states of mind.

Thank you, Susanlynn for pointing out that after a BIG, healthy, baby, nobody loses the weight in 10 days, not even Kate Middleton, as we might recall (nor me).

Daisynjay--for the analysis of both BM's obsession and Ale allowing it to continue and Rosario's misguided thinking.

Carolina--for pointing our that depression causes reduced libido. That sounds reasonable. I wonder if the writers thought of that or it was completely coincidental.

Audrey's Exceptions to the Montse-Gracie Scheme 1,2 which has been conveniently forgotten by Ale.

EJ--for conjecturing that the dirty business Pedro is in is OIL. Yeah, it fits right in with his sliminess.

UA--for pointing out the illogicality (if that's a word) of Maria not gaining a single centavo from letting Ale get offed at this moment. Remember that she actually knows that--Gracie reminded her that with Ale out of the way, Montse would inherit and Gracie could care less if Ale survived.

Oh, so much to be done and so little time to set all these folks back on track. The monkeys (or gorilla) will need something stronger than energizer bunny pills to work this miracle.

Maybe the writers will come to their senses and kick the monkeys out. Hmmm, if they can't do it to Maria, how can we expect them to throw the monkeys out. It's such a shame to ruin things when they had such a great start.

Daisynjay, "All because he honestly believes that she is the only person who has been faithful and loves him, so he's afraid to have her leave his life. She is a life line to him. A totally warped, threadbare life line, but he thinks it's all he has. Pathetic...yep."

I think this is an excellent observation. In my own frustration with Alejandro, it's been pretty difficult to cut the character any slack. I think warped is a very good descriptor for Alejandro right now.

Madelaine, You bring up an excellent point about "somebody" in Joaquin's family knowing exactly what kind of man he really is which is why he is not getting Angelica's inheritance. I wonder if Joaquin and Pedro have been in cahoots for a long, long time. Wasn't it Amelia who said that even her parents were shocked at how he suddenly came into a lot of money?

I already use a good margarine in my limas, but have not thought of Lemon Pepper. I use Lemon pepper a good deal, so will try it next time. Thank you!



Madelaine's suggestions for Lima beans sound delicious to me. My mom always added a pat of butter to hers. Those we had last night: a ham bone, bay leaf, and a couple of dashes of Tabasco.

I think the sooner the better for Rosario to step up. If Alejandro doesn't accept her at her word and embrace her as his mom, she should demand DNA testing and file a lawsuit against don Benny's estate.


Carlos, that is a wonderful idea adding the bay leaf to the ham bone and Tabasco! I am definitely going to try that!

Mil gracias!


Well, Mads, this is a great recap.

I have had to think about this episode before commenting, because I really didn't or don't know what to think about it.

Of course, the biggest change is that Montsy's baby has been born, and it is her baby who, according to her, doesn't have a father.

Maria is still drifting soullessly in madness; Alejandro is still wallowing in his own misery, unable to bring the love/hate see-saw into equilibrium. Pedro is still abusing Nadia and Dimi is still abusing Fina and chasing after a young innocent girl he doesn't deserve. Carlota still isn't enlightened and Graciela is still scheming about how she'll get her hands on Alejandro's money. Padre Anselmo still guards secrets of the undeserving (exception - Rosario). Victor is still a love child and Joaquin reveals a tiny little bit of his dirty dark soul. Esme fights off yet another man who, unfortunately, is very dangerous, and JL and Angie sparkle like lovebirds.

We are teased and taunted. Will Rosario step up and declare herself and what on earth did Joaquin do in the past that fuels his anger? Joaquin may be twice as bad as Pedro. He is just much more under control and more circumspect.

I need more information.

Carlos...I have to remind you of the trouble we both got into a few years ago by sharing recipes here at Caraycaray. . someone was not happy with that particular thread. However, being a rebel, I will share my mother's method of preparing Lima beans. My dad loved them with warm milk and butter, but she usually served them with browned butter. My mother's mother was from Germany...butter on everything. My Uncle Art's favorite meal was smoked sausage, mashed potatoes, milk gravy , and Lima beans, and my mother always made it when he visited the farm.

Well, I must comment on MALria's empty life. She is so fixated on Ale that she has thrown away the chance for loving others. Not all love is romantic. She could have had good , loving friendships with Dominga, Marcario, Viktor, Rosario , but instead she treated them with disdain and rudeness. She has alienated so many people who could have loved her. My favorite line from a Beatles' song.."And in the end...the love you take is equal to the love you make."

Susanlynn, I've taken note of your concern re discussing recipes on the blog. I surely did not mean to cause any problems for anyone, but being such a "foodie", I had to ask!!

Not to worry, I'll try to contain myself next time. So sorry.


Hear hear, Daisynjay! Great analytical take on the character's of Maria and Ale. Of Maria's character, I think you can say with certainly that she does not know the meaning of love.

As far as Ale goes, the writers have not 'written' his character from a consistent-enough perspective for any group of shrinks to agree on a set of defining labels for his mental and emotional disorders.

He is TOTALLY unrelated and self absorbed, AND he is consistently self-destructive in his choices. That is all I have to say on Alejandro.

Because he is not fully fleshed out as a character, I think the writers can take him anywhere they want to extend this TN into 160 episodes.Now THAT is a cynical viewpoint I am afraid.




I want to commend you for your foresight re: Joaquin. He should indeed be given an ankle bracelet.

But who shall we have track him? We certainly cannot trust EZ or Pedro to do that to the Patio's satisfaction.



I've not given up on Fina. Verónica Jaspeado is one of my favorite actresses... we just don't see enough of her. Though I hate to see Dimtrio and Adolfo individually and in tandem exploiting her, I do think that she will eventually be happy, whether it's with Dimitrio (my personal choice... after she's trained him), Adolfo, or a character yet to be named. As for a makeover, I only want her learn to cope better with the dangerous world she lives in... although I hate to see her genuine sweet innocence tampered with. OK, I'll concede allowing her to acquire a more flattering hairdo and better fitting clothes. Her face as presented here has a unique exotic beauty. PUT THOSE TWEEZERS AWAY!

I'm not sure that the writers have quite realized what a treasure of talent she brings although she has already made the role of Josefina her own.


I agree that Veronica/Josefina is entrancing...but it's not just the hairdo and clothes that need to change. It's-as Susanlynn has pointed out--the posture as well.

I'm sure at some point, her emotional makeover will include a radical change in body alignment and we will see the charming, impish, intoxicating mujer we know her to be. And watch out, doofus will be smitten!

"Ale is still sitting in the dark!"

Too funny. Love the entire recap. Thank you.

The close-ups on Monse's skin make me crazy. Beautiful complexion. If not, great make-up.

We have a kinda new drinking game here. Take a sip each time Daniela Castro pokes her mean index finger into someone's head. I am now living for each and every scene she has with Maria. I half expect them to jump into hate sex.

Re Josefina -- I would be SO dismayed if NONE of my girfriends ever pointed out to me that I am in fact gorgeous and it's time for a makeover. Every time poor Fina makes comments about how ugly she is, the other wenches just sit there, simpering, drinking tea. Another good drinking game, I guess. AND she can cook.

I can't stand seeing Ale in such pain. I've taken to skipping some episodes or fast forwarding because it hurts me to see him so wounded. Soy ridicula! Vamos al despacho!

I LOVE Mex. telenovela hospital scenes.

Department of Clarification

1. Elna June first identified the Monkey Writers during our sojourn in The Passion Pits.

2. The "ripped from the headlines" oil conspiracy is also a product of her remarkable, albeit feverish, imagination.

3. Lima beans are dreadful, no matter how you try to dress them up.

4. Wine connaisseurs, what's your favorite wine in a box?

5. Joaquín has always been a jerk -- there's a reason he was Benjamín Almonte's only friend -- but ever since Prudencia emasculated him in Mérida, he has been a particularly dangerous one.

6. Show me a telenovela protagonista who is asked shortly after giving birth "When are you due?" and I'll show you a telenovela that will never make it to the air. Fantasies 'R Us, folks!

I agree EJ - and they have to make Ale nasty for a loooong time, because they need to use up a lot of episodes rehabilitating him while he suffers once he (gradually) realizes how wrong-headed he has been.

I would be concerned that Ale won't be paying attention during his rehabilitation sessions.

NM--Addressing the following:

No. 1--Thank you Elna June for giving us a label for what went wrong with the writing mid-way through our telenovelas (since I didn't watch the Passion Pit.

No. 2--I fervently wish someone at Televisa were paying attention to our EJ. OTOH, the whole production corporation might be blacklisted by being a little too out front re government's dirty little secrets. It's ok to out narcos and human traffickers because they are BAD, but diverting oil or manipulating oil prices may hit too close to home.

No. 3 - I kinda like succotash.

No. 4 - My favorite wine that comes in a box, hehe, has 6 bottles of Freudified from Therapy Vineyard in the Okanagan Valley of BC, 65% syrah and 35% merlot (a fortified wine, so if you don't like sweet, don't look for it) and 6 bottles of CisPlatino 2011 (Bodega Pisano, Uruguay), 60% Tannat and 40% Merlot--it's a bargain right now.

No. 5 & No. 6 - No argument there!


“I want to commend you for your foresight re: Joaquin. He should indeed be given an ankle bracelet.

But who shall we have track him? We certainly cannot trust EZ or Pedro to do that to the Patio's satisfaction”.

Es sencillo. El Capitán Robledo puede proveer la seguriadad.


Oops! That's seguridad.

Urban A,

In regard to your comment from yesterday about Ale still wearing his wedding ring. Yes, I had noticed that too. I am not sure if it's supposed to mean something. Maybe despite his deep depression, the ring is a symbol of hope that he could be happy with Montse (and now baby too) some day. Because I would think that he has to put it on his finger everyday, unless he never takes it off. It could also serve as a reminder of his pain and suffering as well.

I had a thought about Ale and BM's trip. Since we do know that he told her to go sleep in another room the other night, who's to say that he didn't do that during their trip. There has been a lot of speculation as to whether they were sleeping in the same room, same bed, spooning, etc. I am sure that there were nights where BM was being a pest and Ale just wanted to be alone. The other night when BM got kicked out of the room, it didn't seem like the first time that had happened.

BTW, loved the discussion on food and wine. I don't mind recipes.

ITA with everyone that said they don't like Joaquin. He's just as bad as Pedro!

"I can't stand seeing Ale in such pain. I've taken to skipping some episodes or fast forwarding because it hurts me to see him so wounded. Soy ridicula! Vamos al despacho!" Maria de Andade, I have to agree with you, except I don't skip or fast forward. I understand him better when I see his pain and suffering.

In regard to the skinny jeans 10 days after giving birth. In Telenovelaland, a pregnant woman never has trouble taking the weight off afterwards. She has far more serious problems to deal with, like murder threats, and kidnappings, to have to worry about losing baby weight. She just has the wardrobe department at Televisa deal with it.

BTW, I just loved it when Kate Middleton introduced her little Prince to the world with baby bump in tow. That is what a real woman looks like after giving birth.

Back to cooking lunch for the coming work week...hasta pronto!

Madelaine, I don't know if you're a fan of Law & Order SVU, but there is an episode that covered the issue of slipping rufies to a man. In combo with alcohol it renders the victim unconscious and therefore unable to perform.

See the episode titled "Design" to find out what Maria would have to do. She's not smart enough to think this up.

Great recap and happy late birthday Madelaine! Better late then never

Novela Maven:

Just a line about telenovelas and wine—so we do not get TOO off topic...I think I found the winery used for filming CME in Valle de Guadalupe and I hope to visit and taste this year.

My box wine favs:

I am a big fan of France's 'From the Tank' as a table red. The outside looks like a plain brown paperbag wrapper. It is a consistently decent red table wine.

French Rabbit Chardonnay. They call their box a 'tetra pak' and it's supposed to be more green than a bottle.

Pool wine alert!

Bandit Pinot Grigio. $9. a liter.

Or, almost any Vinho Verde from Portugal. Not in a box, but when you can get it—it tends to be very cheap and a great light white. Drink it fast. It is not meant to age.



EJ, ¡eres una caja de sorpresas!

I thought drinking wine in a box was the oenophile's equivalent of going outside wearing baggy sweats and rollers in your hair. And now you come back with respectable (and even self-righteous) suggestions. Amazing! Thank you.

[You know what you've done to me, right? Now I have to take wine notes. And if I'm not very careful, I might learn something from you and Anita and Audrey on the subject.]

Ah EJ..with your "vinho verde" you are bringing back happy memories of drinking new wine in Austrian wine gardens, and...being young, of course. Not sure which is the sweeter memory.

But a favorite part of that is when an older aunt came to visit my roommate. A good solid Boston lady. And after a fun night at the gardens, as she sat with us on the tram coming home, she nodded her feathered hat playfully at the befuddled fella on the seat in front of her, tickling his forehead repeatedly. Good times!

Now I'm lucky if I manage a half a glass of Two Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's on a Friday night.
your Philistine friend

To an earlier point, Gracless and Joaquin would be a perfect couple. Now that he is separated from Angelica can you imagine him getting together with Graceless? I can just imagine that working until she tried pimping Virginia out to score another fortune by marrying some rich older dude whose death they can plan.

Dear Mads,
So sorry I'm late in commenting on this, but thanks tons for another wonderful recap! Thanks also for the shoutout to all of us recappers in the intro.

This recap was really funny and filled with sharp, insightful commentary. I thoroughly enjoyed it all, and here are some of my favorites:
"Ale, at the darkened Hacienda Almonte is thinking of what else? Himself of course. "

"So Monse pushes some more and here is Little Laurito, welcome to this crazy world, Laurito!"

"Ale is still sitting in the dark!"

"Into this argument walks, who else, Joaquin, that's who! And we all know why he's there."

It is good to know, though, that Ale still hasn't slept with María. I really don't understand why she stays with him--well, except for the fact that she's obsessed. He treats her so badly, you think she'd get fed up. I find myself wanting to tell her HE"S NOT WORTH IT, HONEY. Get thee to Adolfo who would at least make you feel desirable and wanted.

Thanks again, Mads, for a fantastically written recap.

Maybe Adolfo can make her feel that way, but she doesn't want him. And I'm sure he'd rather not have her around now that he knows she is capable of killing a pregnant woman and her baby in cold blood.

I agree with the comments that Maria wants Alejandro because she can't have him. All the reasons she can't have him have been given:

1. He can do better socially (per comments by Gaspar)
2. He does love Monserrat despite his attempts at not doing so
3. He is her half-brother (we think).

When that sh!t hits the fan Maria's head will explode.

Good Morning, all, on this sunny , brrrr cold morning. It snowed just enough last night to give the local schools a twohour delay. We have another storm predicted for Thursday. Sighhhhh Sooo Sick.. of. it.

I think that at this point , Malria is just staying for the new clothes, food, a roof over her head. Also, some folks have a lot of trouble changing directions, and Malria seems like one of them. She has no plan B. It's Ale or nothing at all. Ale is MALria's raison d'être. She has all her eggs in one basket, so to speak.

Mony, on the other hand, is trying to move forward. Good for her. She has surrounded herself with supportive, loving women , and she is going to make a life for herself and little Larry. Brava.

Well, I am off to teach the four future tenses. Later, gators.

P.s. did anyone watch the Grammy tribute to The Beatles last night ?


Mads- I am also late to comment, but wanted to tells you how grateful I am for your wonderfully descriptive recap since I did not see the episode yet. Can't wait to see the new baby. But I could do without seeing scowling Ale.

This has all turned very "Wings of the Dove". Angelica's papa basically told Ale the whole beg story. Man in love with woman, can't marry her bec no money, so he marries rich dying girl so that after she passes they can reunite. But what Joaquin did't tell Ale is that JL will fall in love with the sick girl's courage and kindness, tainting and forever destroying the love he had for the first girl.

And we're at 100 posts for this capitulo...

I never commented on the idea of sending a photo of the baby via cell phone, but Victor should have thought of that. He is convinced that the baby is Alejandro's, but he may not be looking to make Monserrat angry with him.

And if I were Monserrat I wouldn't let Graceless touch that baby.

Rosario should send for Padre Anselmo ASAP. They need him now. He would be willing to risk Monserrat's anger by taking a photo of the baby to Alejandro AND he knows he can't leave it with Maria.

Is it just me or is Graceless one of the most greedy villians ever ,not even Dionisio from AB can compare to her..
Now who is more greedy ,Pedro or Graceless,?

That's hard to say. We don't know enough of either's backstory.

We know nothing of Pedro's parents or whether he has any relatives at all at this point. We know that Graceless' parents must have been concerned about her being able to marry into the "right" family so they were either on the same social level as the Mendozas or they were social climbers. Since she doesn't speak of them we can safely assume they are dead and since she has never mentioned any sibs we can further assume that she either has none or is estranged from any she does have.

The latter would be very interesting, especially if we later learn the reason for it.


I agree with what you said about Joaquin. As NovelaMaven pointed out he was Benny's only friend, so birds of a feather flock together, kinda, sorta. I don't know if he is as bad as Pedro. He was balking at the pay back Pedro was making him do. I'd like to see more of what he has been up too. I can't stand the fact that Ale believed every single word Joaquin dished out.


I have seen some episodes of SVU, but I liked the original Law and Order best. You are right about the non performance and she would have to take a picture in all their nakkidness before he would think that maybe he may have done it with her.


Thank you. I don't know who is a worse villain either. Graceless will do anything for money, Pedro will do anything for power, Joaquin wants revenge, BM wants Ale all to herself. We will have to wait and see I think of who would be worse.


I hope you have a great day, despite the unending snow. We are slated for a bit more here in the Mid Atlantic. This has been the coldest winter so far as I remember. Brrrrrrr is right!

Julia R:

I liked your quip about "He's not worth it honey". He does abuse her, and she is obsessed. I wonder if she'll ever snap out of it.

Maria de Andade:

I too like what you said about Fina. Pobrecita! I think Tia Lottie is the only one that has ever given her encouragement. It was a while back. Besides Dimwit treating her badly, her brother Tomas does too. Tomas browbeats her a lot. It would be great in this trying to fool Dimwit, by showing him Addled is attracted to her, that Addled does in fact fall for her. Now wouldn't that be something? I would like to see that.


I am so glad you haven't bailed on Fina. I agree about the eyebrows. She does need better fitting clothes. She is a bit geeky, but I like that about her. I think she has loads of potential and if she would use some of her assets so to speak she'd have Dimwit eating out of her hand.


About Ale and the ring, it's like the line from the old U2 song -- "You got stuck in a moment and you can't get out it." Sebastian R. is really, really good at depicting this kind of all-consuming heartache, rage, and jealousy. I don't know what the make-up department is doing to his eyes sometimes -- it's like they are red-rimmed with rage and sorrow. And his crying jags are also super well done. He's killing it. That combo of amazing good looks and acting ability is thrilling.

I understand his anger and despair over Montserrat. I don't consider him abusive -- misguided, yeah, but it's not hard to see why. Not saying I'd enjoy having to live with it -- although, ai ai ai, I'd certainly work hard to get him straightened out. He always does better when Rosario is around.

What does bother me is his use of Maria -- She's clearly a pretty sick little puppy and is getting worse by the hour. For someone he considered a sister, I'd encourage him to cut her loose instead of using her as a very ineffective bandaid. I'm looking forward to a bit of happiness for these people. It can be hard to watch some evenings.

I don't think that Maria is his half-sister. I think she may be Monse's though. Looking forward to tonight.

If she is Monse's half-sister who is her father? Gaspar? Juventino? If it was either of them I doubt they ever knew.

It is just as likely that she is both Alejandro's and Monse's:

Rosario + Benjamin = Alejandro
Graceless + Benjamin = Maria
Graceless + Lauro = Monserrat

I don't want to bring the stereotype of "social class differences" into play, but as some speculation on Graceless and Pedro's backstories go, I wouldn't be surprised if they both came from more modest backgrounds.

I agree with UA up to a point. Any set of parents would be concerned about a baby out of wedlock spoiling the upward mobility of their (I agree) only child, a daughter--on whom the parents had pinned their financial and social hopes.

Remember when we had a larga discusion regarding last names? Anything that sounds uppity was regarded as upper class--

QBA--Martinez de la Garza vs. Mendoza

PEAM--Rivadeneira & Montemayor vs. Garcia

AV--Arriaga vs. Balvanera

AB--Diaz vs. Monterde Santos

Un Refugio--Torreslanda vs. Jacinto

LQLVMR--Almonte vs. Mendoza

Given the above it makes me suspect that our dearly departed Lauro Mendoza, may have come from solid middle class and been nouveau riche, having made his money in the military and some lucky investments--or maybe his folks had a little land outside Aguazul and he capitalized on it to enlarge his holdings.

Graceless parents probably preferred a more modest but socially acceptable marriage than one with a womanizer like Don Benjamin way out in the campo (especially if they knew that the--we presume--bastard child was Benny's).

But also, as remnant of feudal society, 2d and 3d sons are usually slated for the military or the church. Maybe Lauro had an older brother who died childless and Lauro inherited what land the parents had left as an estate.


Maria de Andade--Rulli's eyes would get red when he cried in Pasion, too. I think he's a natural crier--we don't see too many shots of SR with those glycerin-enhanced, perfectly formed teardrops coming down in a single trickle.

OTOH, he might be allergic to the glycerin, or whatever it is they use for fake tears.

Seeing Maria as Ales sister would be quite a twist because she would have been forced to ally with Pedro to take the hacienda ,creating an inner conflict in herself ,either take everything from the man you "love" or protect him as Ales half sister.I just cannot see what would be the turning point to redemption to BM ,it either has to be by someone important creating new issues or the situation i described but that would make her hate everything more.

Good point about Lauro and his property.

It's also possible that Benjamin Almonte never wanted to marry anybody because

1. that would have come with responsibilities he didn't want
2. it would have limited his ability to be a libertine
3. it would have presented more risk of discovery of his illegal activities.

UA: You brought up a good point about calling Padre Anselmo. BTW, did I sleep through the baptism? I know Graceless told him he was not invited to baptize, so, what happened?

Carvi: Also, Joaq didn't tell Ale that he wanted the inheritance that would now be going to JL - if JL accepts it. They are living on his salary, not on Angie's money.

I'm also glad we're back to the story and off the lima bean train.

Pasofino, thus far, nothing.

It's 10 days later so either a priest of Graceless' choosing has baptized the baby or it hasn't happened. If the former that is a glaring omission to the story and it would mean a point lost by Monserrat in her battle with the Mother From Hell.


I love your idea of Rosario sending for Padre Anselmo. And the idea of a cell phone photo of Baby Lauro sent to Ale is just genius.

I really dislike this plot line of Joaquin using Ale as a weapon to kill JL. We know it benefits Joaquin and Pedro directly and they get off scot free. If Montserrat was to inherit the Hacienda Almonte, and If Pedro came to her with an cash offer for THE land, you just know Graciela would make her take the offer. It is a diabolical plan.

Anita, nice thinking of family background for the characters. Two questions, Graciela is Italian, Lauro told us that. He mentioned that she did not go home to Italy to visit her relatives as she said but instead went to a convent. I do not know where that fits into the picture.

Second, shat about that kid she may have had in the convent? Could that be Maria? What if Dimmy is MARIA's full brother? Could they be twins?

Third, where did Lauro come up with a Hacienda? Those large properties are mostly all inherited now—who could afford to buy properties of that size? What if Lauro was rich at one time? We know Graciela could run through a fortune and quick. The mansion in town plus the hacienda, somebody had some money somewhere.

So many possibilities...


Took a couple of days off of work and Robo. Jammed through the eps this weekend, but still have recaps and comments to read before completing the LPHP list. Probably won't have it posted until sometime tomorrow.

I watched the weddings special on Uni last night. Ended up fast-forwarding through most of it. I found it very disappointing.



I missed your comment! I hope you stick with us. This thing with Ale has got to come to a head. Then maybe he can atone. Wishful thinking?


I spelled your name wrong last time I replied to your comment, lo siento! You are not the fan of the lima bean perhaps ; )

Anita and EJ:

It was my understanding when this TN started that Lauro's hacienda had been in the family for some time and that Graceless married Lauro because she was forced to, as she forced Monse to marry Ale. Graceless married Lauro for his money and to produce an heir and a spare. Nothing else. Lauro was financially stable for some time until just before Monse got out of that convent school, what with the taxes on the hacienda, and the hacienda doing poorly for a couple of years, Lauro actually wanted to sell it himself along with the town mansion and move into a smaller place or he also wanted to mortgage one of them, but Graceless put the kibosh on those ideas. She wanted Monse to marry for money to take care of all their debts, but Lauro didn't want that. He was under the impression that Ale and Monse were in love when they married.

Elna June, I don't think Maria and Dimwit are twins. They could be full brother and sister.

Dimwit would have had to have been born at least nine months after Graceless married Lauro. Had that not been the case there would have been ongoing conflict between the two of them over him that he would have known about since Day One.

Dimwit's whole thing of "You never loved me" is all about that hated "llamada de la sangre" which TNs trumpet to high heaven but which is probably BS in reality.

If Graceless had a baby while in the convent it's got to be Maria, who would never have been told she was adopted (another TN thing that probably doesn't reflect current reality).


Good call. Then Maria would have to be the elder child, abandoned at the convent?

So are you saying that Graciela could have been pregnant with Dimitrio when she married Lauro? This might be possible, especially if he was an 8 month baby 'premie' or something like that.



Mads and EJ--The brain can only retain so much and it's much more important for me to remember where I park the car at the grocery store and checking the blinkin' light to see if there are any phone messages.

Thank you for pretty well covering Graceless and Lauro's backgrounds. I do recall now that her last name is Italian, but that didn't register as unusual as such since large populations in the US, Argentina and Uruguay have Italian antecedents. Ties to their country of origin gets thinner with every generation.

EJ--what I can remember of Lauro's recollection, Gracie disappeared for 5 months just before their wedding. So it couldn't have been Dimitri she was already pregnant with.

He could still be Benny's, based on the number of trips she took to go on "retreats."

Nanette...Didn't watch the wedding show. Now I'm glad I didn't. Evidently I didn't miss much.

This morning I saw the Russian Police Choir sing Daft Punkms hit song " Get lucky", Watch it on YouTube. so cool. Talk about an ear worm !!!! love it !!!! It has been buzzing in my head all day.

JudyB: Lots of interviews. Talk Talk Talk. Very few weddings shown. Some shown more than once or continued into the receptions. Very disappointing.

They did show SR's wedding in Amores Verdaderos and I confirmed for myself that it isn't just Ale that doesn't do anything for me, it's the actor. I know. I'm in the minority. Or am the minority.

Susanlynn- Haven't seen the Russian police force singing it, but Get Lucky has been on the short list of my most listened to songs on my IPod for the last 6 months. It and Vivir Mi Vida by Marc Anthony. I'll have to look for the video of the Russian police.

I want Ale to shoot--but not kill--JL so he goes to prison and we can move on with a better galan.

I saw a preview for Robo during the Boda show that showed something different from the previews showed after the ep. Don't want to say what happened if it's considered a spoiler.


Thanks for the reminder on the Italian ascendants in South America. Of course, you would think of that!

With your memory of five months at convent for Greasy-ella I am really wondering about Maria! UA pointed out that Maria and Dimitrio could be full sibs (not twins as I suggested).

Wow. Now finding that out now would REALLY make Maria angry. Whew.

I am not looking forward to the next couple of days. Maybe we will get a lot of time with the new baby??? If not, I am diving for the Bunker. I have been out here on the Patio too long...It is scary out here.

Judy and Fatima, may I have some chamomile tea?

EJ have to check out The Russian police Choir on YouTube if you love that song. I love it , too. They were amazing. What a feel good beat. I just have to get up and dance whenever I hear it !!! Let me know what you think of it. Maybe Judyb could use it in her classes.

I am having to laugh at how absurd I am because I don't even know what I mean by suggesting that Maria is Monse's half sister. I just want it to be, against all biology, because I love to see Daniela Castro vs. Gretel Valdez. So great. And the vamos platicar betwn Padre Anselmo and Graciela suggests yet more backstory of juiciness.

And I still, weirdly, think that even though new police chief is after Esmeralda the one he really wants is Sergio S. or should I say Pedro. Can't explain it. Too much eyebrow arching going on perhaps.

Thanks for the explanation about the eye drops etc. I know drops are used and have wondered if he has a special relationship with those drops.

Truth to tell, I can relate to the novela Maria. I know what it is, after a long life, to be hopelessly in love with someone who toyed with me and didn't really want me. Makes a body cray cray. And I also know what it is to be loved and pursued in the way Montse is and what it is to suffer horribly what Sebastian is going through. Long ago business and glad it's all been over for 20 years now. Or am I?

That's a good life and like most wines too -- Verde, Boxed, Malbecs from Argentina. I too want now a Mezcal armoire. And Padre Anselmo in my life.

Which is why I would love to see Josefina as beautiful as she really is, Carlotta find her love, Dimitrio (like him) find his way, and Rosario embrace her son.

It was some chapters ago so maybe not cool to mention it here but the scene with Dimi talking sense into Ale about his sister was wonderful and the start of the Dimi redemption story. He's a good egg -- He just needs some love and some of Fina's recamera and comedor action.

"...five months at convent for Greasy-ella I am really wondering about Maria! UA pointed out that Maria and Dimitrio could be full sibs"

It would be easy for Graceless. After all she is a tn character, so she could be back in business 10 days after giving birth and Lauro would be none the wiser. I wonder if he thought he was marrying an unsullied virgin....

To Our Maria de--
Have you ever thought of grabbing a kitchen knife and going after these guys who hurt you? (Please say naahh.) Sending you a special virtual hug, for you are not alone.

I hope our face time with the new baby doesn't end up with a kidnapping....soooo predictable, but horrible. Pedro could probably blackmail the Mendozas for the land (he'd do it through EZ); Maria wouldn't really want the baby, she'd leave it on the church sacristy doorsteps; Ale might want the baby for himself and put out a restraining order on Montse.

(That wouldn't work, but stranger things have happened--or are happening, like over on La Impostora. There, a young Mommy Dearest abandons her child and allies herself with some Spanish Mafioso types. Eight years later she tries to use the child to get back with the hub--neither of whom she really cares about, just to get inside the shipping business to help those Mafiosi smuggle guns. When that doesn't work, she sues for custody, assured that the courts will award her, as mommy, the child.)

Finally caught up with the recap/comments. I see it's very late on the East Coast and people are winding down, so will post the list as soon as I get to work tomorrow (around 9:00 AM Pacific).

Some comments. I love lima beans, They're one of my favs.

I actually felt a little sorry for Maria when EJ gave her point of view. It didn't last long.

Thanks to Mads and EJ for the great recaps.

UA: was Mario Lanza considered a good opera singer by opera aficionados standards?

Vivi: I love that Marc Anthony song, too.

Nanette, Mario Lanza could have been a great opera singer had he lived. His problems were multi-faceted:

1. The snobbery of the opera world about the other elements of his career
2. Ongoing health problems, including weight and alcohol consumption
3. He was rumored to have had memorization problems, an major issue for opera singers

Bloody shame, too, because he was probably a better actor than most opera singers of his generation. Many of them probably also envied his good looks. Check out this picture of him as Otello.

Good Evening Y'all and thanks for all your kinds words. I love how this TN is generating so many thoughtful ideas. So many different theories and I like them all.

Vivi and Nanette:

Thanks so much for your comments. I always love your points of view. It doesn't matter if the comments are late or not. I always read them.


I inherited vinyl from my Mama of Mario Lanza and I agree with what you said. He was marvelous and it was very sad about his career.

Madeleine, I was gone over the weekend, but wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your recap. There were so many diverse and entertaining comments following it.

What an easy delivery and recovery Montse had with her pregnancy! I'm glad to see Rosario enjoying her nieto.

No need to comment on the other cast and all the entanglements, since they have been well covered.

La Paloma:

Thanks so much and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I too thought Monse's delivery was way easy and her "getting her figure back" so quickly, but hey it's TNlandia after all.

I too enjoy Rosy enjoying her nieto and the bonding going on with Rosy and Monse. I think it's wonderful. Now if Rosy would just tell Ale who she really is!

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