Saturday, February 08, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #87 Fri 2/7/14 Everybody’s Back To Square One Or, Redux Sucks...Er Almost!

Lo Del Pasado:

Samuel and Wife of Joquin, aka Sra. Barragan, sit through the reading of the will.  All associates/employees of The Firm, including Jose Luis, and the widowed Missus, aka the Widda Barragan, drink a toast to the Ho King's memory (and an eternity in Hell beating bongos.)  Foxy Francisco, aka JL, knowing that Ho King's daughter is now running the bidnez, explains the “agreement” he had with her daddy and fears Uncle Sam won't honor it, but then realizes she's ignorant of her dead daddy's dealings and makes a breakfast date for the morning to discuss it further.  Meanwhile Sammy tells The Missus not to trust Foxy Franky around her daughter.

Lo Del Nuevo:

2nes asks Paloma to nix the extra security for Alina.  Dr. Varonese calls to let her know that JL won back his visitation rights.  He suggests allowing Berenice to have chat sessions with Lina to help her over her trauma re: her daddy.  She says she'll tell JL.  

In Santo Domingo, JL expresses his sincerest sympathies to The Widda, introduces himself to her, and, in between rude outbursts from Big Mouth Sammy, asks if she or her daughter will be running the bidnez from now on. Sammy tries an unsuccessful blocking maneuver by telling The Widda that JL's a useless meddler who's lost money on the last two ventures he's been in charge of.  JL calls him on it.  “--If that were the case why did you authorize me to go ahead with the real estate venture?  You even sent the funds to me personally.”  “--Because Joaquin told me to.”  JL looks over to The Missus. “--No, he didn't want any part of it.” Sammy accuses him of lying.  (Viewerville gets the sense that she doesn't care for Sammy anymore than her hubby did.)  Sammy accuses JL of lying.   The Missus sizes up JL like, hey, if Sammy doesn't like this Jose Luis guy, he should be pretty ok in my book.   She tells them this isn't the place or the time to discuss it.   JL excuses himself and walks away.  Sammy keeps giving Foxy the evil eye.

At Snoop Mansion, Homero and Ric morn the loss of The CD which would have explained in detail how the Barragan organization operates, if not JL himself.   Snoops figures Foxy Franky would have maneuvered the telling of the story in a way of keeping himself out of it.   Ric finds out the that Ho King, heading the organization died of a cerebral hemorrhage.  They discuss his 28 yr. Old daughter who is one of his heirs and then determine they need somebody on the inside of the new real estate venture to act as an informer.  But who do they know who'd fit the profile that JL doesn't already know and distrust????  And a big BTW, says Grandpa Snoops, who do you think is now president of the realty bidnez???  None other than mad Mathilde Aresti!!

Speaking of the self-martyred and long may our-suffering-increase Reina del Roma, Rubin learns this fact first hand when he arrives as his company's representative, with the construction plans for the first project.   His charming bidnez smile does a quick 180.  Ruben is appropriately I-think-I-just-threw-up-a-little-bit-in-my-mouth impactado when he learns the news.  Mad Hilde has such a grand time getting his goat in the “meeting.”   

Meanwhile, Sebastian is looking for a part-time job.   (Gawd knows why.  He ain't exaca-ackally hurtin' for cash.  Let him do a little volunteer work for a change.)   Piero knocks at the apartment's door.  Seb, all sweetness and light these dayz, opens the door and greets the guy with a smile.  Piero suggests asking for a gig with Antonio Araujo's new company.  Seb doesn't want to mess with the guy since he learned the dude launders money.   But, Piero needs him to be the undercover go-between for big Bro Ricardo.  He can promise Seb full immunity for the last time and this.  Is Ric asking or what?  Nope.  Commandante Homero is and he's asked Piero to approach Seb about it, but Ric doesn't know.  Seb thought the old dude was six foot under.  Nope, long story, but he really is alive.  Seb sayz fine by me.  Tell me about it.

Back in Mad Hilde's “make-do” office, she sniffs and smirks: and you never thought I was useful for anything.  (Well, maybe you'd have made a good private  Look at me now!”   By now his frown is down to the ground.  She has him go through e-e-e-e-every detail.

In the exec offices of Aresti-Breton, Piero mentions that he talked Seb into being their ace in the rat hole.  Ric says the kid's an emotional f_ _ k up and too rash [atrabancado] and may screw things up beyond repair.  Piero tells him to once in his life give the kid credit for something.   Yeah, but these guys are merciless [no se tiente el corazón].  Ric is against it and says he'll speak to Seb   personally to forbid him.  (Hah!  Like when has that ever mattered to Seb?)  

Oriana takes Lina to Fidelia and Ric's manse.

Seb's gone, so Ric leaves a note with the apartment concierge.

Ori and Lina arrive at Ric's.  Fidelia's gone out. La Malabu de Marilu, without even so much as a howdy-do starts getting bossy with Lina.  “--Wash your hands and start doing your homework, but first take that dog out and make sure he does his dirty stuff outdoors!”   When Lina answers that she just did that at Paloma's before leaving, Malaboo tells her no backtalk [rezongar=gripe, complain, moan, grumble].  Ori looks on and keeps quiet till Lina exits with the dog to try for do-do #2, but Mar-lulu beats him to it.  She gives Ori a mouthful over how Lina needs to be there much earlier to get her homework done and her bath out of the way.   Besides, having to look after her all the time, whenever she needs to go out she doesn't have time even to get dressed!  “--Doesn't look like you really care for my daughter, do you?  Or, was that just a ruse to trick Ricardo into marrying you?”  No, sneers Marilu down that pug spot that goes for a nose, we just have different ideas for bringing-up a child.  Frankly, she's rather spoiled and we're always having to walk on eggs-shells around here because of it, too!”  

Ori reminds her that Lina has been through an awful lot recently and she's got to work through it.  “--Not my problem, though.”  “--But you were familiar with her situation and agreed still.”  Malaboo Lu sayz yep, but then I got good and tired of it!”  Ricardope walks in at this point and wonders what's up.  Duh!  Ori's had enough.  “--Where are you going?”  “--To take my daughter home.”  She tells him outside that it turns out that his “wife” has no love for her child and he'll just have to tell the doctor that she's spending vacation time with her grandmother.  Period.  

Ric walks in and asks what that was all about.  Malaboo tells him she doesn't want to take care of his lover's kid.  All right, then let's do this like adults!  We'll divorce ASAP.  “--What?  So you can marry that woman?”  We're incompatible, reason's Ric for the umpteenth time.  Malaboo holds her legs out seductively for his [would-be] viewing pleasure.  “--We wouldn't be if you'd sleep with me.”  “--You think a roll in the sack is supposed to fix everything?”  No, she coos, but it certainly helps.  He tries bribing her with millions of dollars and a lifestyle like the rich and infamous.  Nope, she is in love with him.   She slinks over and pouts.  “--How could you be in love with a woman like her, a kid and all and sleeping with anybody she can, it seems?  And me, not going out with a single man since you!”  Ric tells her not to try that crap on him.  He knows her too well.   Their relationship ended a long time ago.  He may have some feelings of affection for her, but he is in love with Ines, and that's that!   In that case, she says, he'll be old and gray and her mouldering in her grave before she'll let him marry 2nes!!

Ruben meets with Fi after sucking it up with Mad Hilde and they both agree she's as fit to make a decision about those construction plans as one of N.A.S.A.'s test monkeys.   They flirt til Fi reminds him people might talk and blame her for his and Mad Hilde's divorce.  He tells her he could care less and she shouldn't give a rap either.  He admits he was very wrong to dump her like he did all those many years ago and wants to make it up to her if she'll let him.  She says he's moving a bit fast at this point, but he says well, it's not like they're spring chickens any more.  She agrees to continue seeing him and he kisses her hand.  (Wow!  What ever happened to that kind of gallantry?)  Fi seems impressed as does this part of Viewerville.  

Ric follows Ori to Paloma's and asks her if she's upset with him or what.  It's the or what and she explaains how Malaboo Lu told her in no uncertain terms her dislike for Lina.  Well, his lawyer tells him he'll have to wait at least a year for a divorce unless there's a strong motive to get it sooner with.  So far he's got nada.  In the meantime, says Ori, she'll be looking to get formal custody back if she can.   He changes the subject and hopes she hasn't stopped loving him.  She tries breaking it off with him again.  (So much for LUHHHVVV and other stuff.  I can't believe that after all this man's done for her, she wants to dump his ass. Yeah, they are good in bed and all together, but something tells me she still feels tied to Jose Luis.)  

Back at Fi's, Malaboo snipes back at her aunt that Lina's gone back to Paloma's with her mama cuz she's tired of looking after her, and come to think of it, sayz Malaboo, you're a pain in the ass so pack your bags, make like a tree and leave!!!  Fi gets right back in Lu-lu's face.  “--Nuh-uh.  If you're so unhappy in my presence you leave.  I've got the rights to this place [usofructo] till the day I die.”  Lu-lu plasters another signature plastic see-through-me vile-smile. “--Well then we'll just have to make sure that you die quick!”  

2nes discusses her problem reconciling with Ric.  She thinks he's slept with Malaboo.  Paloma sayz think again and advises her not to give up on him, basically.  FF>>

At the same time, Seb and Tony have lunch together.  He tells Tony he's read about the new company and wants to work with them.  Not a problem for him that the company's a front for the mob.   Anyway, he's going to school and would would part-time while he goes to school and majors in business.  Tony's glad he's starting to settle down [sentir cabeza] and  mentions that that Aresti-breton's ex-accountant is now working for them and is “in”--and, in the know as well.  He'd have to take orders from the guy.  No problem doing that either.  Ok, then Tony will try to get Fakecisco Castro's agreement.   Could be hard since he's never cared for Seb.

In Santo Domingo, Daughter of Ho King says before she'd sell any part of the company's stock, she is doing a full audit.    And, there are just so many businesses, like night clubs, dress manufacturers, real estate--”  “--I invested in that.”   “--Yes, Uncle Samuel, but did you invest with my dad's money or your own?????”  Sammy asks if she doubt's his honesty.  Not at all.   She just wants everything brought to light.   --Cue the crickets.  Sammy's silence sayz volumes to both his niece and his SIL.   DOHK leaves and Sammy tells his SIL he doesn't want her to be shocked when she realizes what her father actually did to get all that money of his/hers.  The Missus says she'll have a talk with her hija.

Later that night, Ric calls Seb to talk him out of working with Antonio and JL.  Seb says sorry, no can do.  I'm tired of you telling me I'm useless.  And, if you try to stop me I'll never speak to you again.

Sra. B. tells her daughter that she'd like to chat with her about the biz etc. but she's just too tired to think.  Fine, then they'll talk tomorrow or the next day.  Ok.   BTW, says the hija, I'm having breakfast with The Fox, the guy I met this morning.  Where, asks Mama?  Oh, some place called Flick Veneton.  Okay. G'night.  G'night.
The Missus sneaks a cell call to Sammy and tells him about the breakfast meeting hija Jackie told her about.  She's afraid what will happen if JL tells her about the biz before Mama has had a chance to.  Sammy will handle it for her.  “--Ok, but no scandals!”  

Sammy and his posse race over to JL's hotel and rush the door.  He screams at JL not to discuss Jackie's daddy's bidnez with her or he'll kill him.  “--Open this door or I'll shoot!”  JL grabs his gun and hides behind the sofa.  (Why do they always hide behind a sofa in these situations?  Pillows do not stop a bullet.  Duh!)  Sammy shoots  a warning shot at the door but   he ain't getting'  in through that security door no matter what.   “--I swear I'll kill you!”  We hear a guerrero pull the screaming, enraged Uncle Sammy away from the door.   Uh, so much for Scandal-free Sammy, as The Widda Barragan learns in the wee hours of the night with an apologetic phone call from guerrero Pedro.  It seems that Sammy was detained by the police for shooting through JL's door and they had to send for the attorney.  Nix the lawyers, sayz The Widda.  “--Let him stay a few days in jail.“ 

The next morning Ruben tells Manolo and Lucina what happened at the realty developer's offices the day before.  Mad Hilde was that last person he ever expected to see there.  She's got to experience whatsoever.  She never took more than a single accounting course in her life.   Raquel  
 shows up for breakfast.  She hardly slept.  Well, says Lucina, just so you know, Mathilde is president of the realty development company.  Are you sh!ttin me?  Nope.  That old broad?  Ruben takes exception to that description.  She ignores him.  Lucina tells her now that she sees she no longer exists for this man she hopes she'll stop running after him.  Not on yer life, says Raqi.  

Raqi turns to Manolo and asks how she reports a guy like him to the authorities.  Manolo suggests she keeps mum for now.  Lucina explains they don't have any proof no matter what he's done. “--turn over a new leaf and forgedabowdim once and for all! Too bad.  He a criminal and fake and an overall creep.  Nothin' doin', Raqi says.   He's going to pay for all the crap he's pulled on her!  The two women leave and Ruben asks Manolo if, because he's involved, he's in trouble.  No, Manolo tells him, but the owner, because he chose to do business with this organization, is in trouble.  Big time.  Ruben wants to know more, but Manolo tells him he's already said too much.  

Back in Santo Domingo, JL pays a visit to The Widda Barragan.   Fine, she tells Pedro.  JL apologizes for the early hour and say it's urgent they talk privately.  He's unarmed.  Pedro checks.  He's clean and The Widda tells Pedro to leave.  JL explains that Sammy shot at him through the door of his hotel room last night.    Did she order him?  “--Of course not.”  Well, he also has a meeting with her daughter this morning.  She knows this and doesn't know whether she might trust him or not, but considering he's a gentleman in the midst of rogues and unscrupulous types, she considers he is and will tell him that her hija is ignorant of what her daddy did for a living.  He tells her he realizes this.  He thanks her and explains that he was meeting with her daughter to ask for his freedom.  He doesn't want to work in this business and the hubby had agreed to let him leave after this last job for him.   However, with Sammy, he cannot trust him to honor the agreement.  That was the only reason he'd thought to ask Jackie, because Samuel is so untrustworthy.   “--Ma'am, I want to leave all of this and start my life over.”

Later that day,  Ric tells Malaboo that he and she have an appointment with the lawyer to sign a document requesting giving custody of Lina back to Oriana.  Oh, so sorry, says Malaboo.  I've got a lunch date with some friends.  No can do.  Well, replies Ricardope, just tell them you'll be late.  “--Nope.  Don't want to.”  Why, asks Ric.  You just want to annoy?  Yep, she says with that plastic smile of hers.  “--Sorry, you should've told me sooner.  Byeeeeee!”  He immediately calls Paulina at work to have all of Malaboo's credit cards cancelled.  Ooops.  She hears and changes her nasty little mind ASAP!  (Now that was simple enough.  Why didn't Ricardope think of it before???) They head for the lawyer's office forthwith.  

Back in Santo Domingo, JL has apparently told The Widda about his CD, and the fact that it's insurance against anybody in the hubby's organization doing something unspeakable as payback to him and his loved ones.  It has all the names of all the bosses in Carribean Investments  and of course, he's not mentioned in any way  as involved, she surmises.  So, if she frees him from his obligations, he will give the CD to her?  Yes, he can, but she should know that he has 10 or twenty copies.  So how can she trust him to leave her be?  He gives his word, he says.  “--A criminal has no word to give.”  He tells her he's no fool and that he can't get out of this except feet first with her protection.   Hubby was a man who kept his word but he's gone.     Samuel is a man you cannot say the same of.  She nods as if she agrees.

The Widda Barragan admits she never wanted to listen when her hubby tried to explain things to her and should have.  JL does know all, however.  She admits she wants to be free of his dirty doings herself and gawd forbid the kids should ever learn what their father did!  JL advises her to only keep the legit companies.  Who can tell which are legit and which aren't she asks in frustration.  “--And why am I telling you this, anyway?”  Perhaps, he says, because both of us want to be shed of it all.

JL arrives for the breakfast with Jackie (and Pedro, of course, acting as body guard.)  “--Tell me about my father.  I was at boarding schools and only saw him at birthdays and holidays.”  She thinks he's a gentleman, of all the men her daddy surrounded himself with, even her uncle who she really dislikes.  He dodges and suggests that she let her mother discuss her father and his businesses with her.  Truth be told, her daddy was almost a stranger to her.  Not nice, but that is the truth.  “--Why don't you tell me about yourself?”  The most he will say about his business dealings in Mexico is that the money her unk invested was daddy's/hers and her mama's so, the biz and its profits would be also.  “Really???”

Jackie returns with her mama and mentions that the money Uncle Sammy put into the Mexican bidnez was really Daddy's.  Mama says it doesn't surprise her and she wonders how many other things he's screwed them over with.  Gawd knows  that those vultures who worked with her father only want to steal all of it from them.  Despite Mama's wanting to throw up her hands, Jackie won't allow it.  No way the other's are going to steal them blind.   Mama finally tells Jackie there's no way out of it, so she's going to spill the beans on her papi.  “--Everything your father made is dirty money.  It's all dirty.  Yes dear.  It was all gotten from... money-laundering.”“--What????”   

Paloma and Ori are discussing the problems they'll have with the social worker if Malaboo keeps causing grief for everybody.  Just then Ric arrives and hands them over the papers giving Oriana back full custody of her daughter.  Yes, and what about your divorce, asks Paloma.  “--Er...that will have to wait.”  The wheels in Ori's head start turning.....


While we are waiting for another super recap from Jardinera654, could you guys fill me in on why Univision no longer provides access to the episodes online (either at Novelas y Series or at uvideos)?

They have allowed online viewing for over half of MPV. When one tries to watch now, we have to have cable provider?

Is Looneyvision in cahoots with the cable providers? Not all of us have cable or satellite, believe it or not.

Anywho, it fries me that Univision seems to play and toy with their viewers on so many levels.

Thanks in advance.


Fatima: Because Univision is the devil.

Here's an article from Costa Rica about the actress who plays Marilu. I had no idea she was a Tica.

Thanks, Sara. I didn't know that Marilu was Tican either. I am always happy to hear that actors and actresses from elsewhere in CA make it.

Fatima -- I didn't know that the on-line streaming was over. I had been pondering an end to my ever- more-expensive cable. The devil!

I am gobsmacked by Univision. I assume that the cable providers they list already offer Univision. So why make it so difficult? And for folks who don't have Univision or its sister channels (I have Univision but not UniMás) why make it hard for them? Sheesh! Don't they want us to see their shows?

Sara- I haven't read the article yet, but I read an article on the actress from back when she was in Familia. Her mother was a Miss Costa Rica.

Sara, that's my question. Do they not want us to see their shows?!

I made the bold move of dropping satellite TV. It was expensive. There were really only a few channels that I watched. I even tired of my fave, HGTV! I love to see remodeling of houses and especially loved House Hunters International, but I guess it got old.

So, now, I just have antenna and do not get a very large selection. I have NETFLIX, but the TN are not shown there. I guess I will have to look into Hulu Plus. I think that is what is often mentioned here.

I agree with you Urban. I don't know how they expect to get ratings and advertising dollars if we can see their stinkin' shows!

Traveling Lady, welcome to my club!


Urban, thanks for that link to Stepford Marilu (I STILL think she looks Stepford even in that article).

I like how the article used the word "Refrito" to describe this TN because it made me think and smile about our wonderful recappers!

So, Stepford Marilu is playing a person who is blind and a villain or only a person who is blind? Also looks like the actress playing Matilde is in the TN as well.


The other thing I remember about Mariluz from that article I read a while ago is that she was really lonely when she moved to Mex a few years ago to pursue acting. She asked her mom to come live with her, and her mom left Costa Rica and they shared an apartment together. Mariluz was really grateful to her mom for making that sacrifice. I wonder if she still lives with her?

I've been complaining all week about Univision messing with the online viewing of the show. They've done it to Que
Pobres Tan Rico too, probably all of them. I do have Comcast and registering with them doesn't help like they suggest doing to be able to watch it. So I'm back to recording at home.

UA put up a karmageddon post for this show.

cathyx, yes, Univision has done it to all of the TN.

Uni's brand of logic is something I do not understand. Yes, it FRIES me.

I saw Urban's Karmageddon list. Still thinking about what I would like to see happen.


So my guess is Univision is cooperating with the cable companies in order to save their own skin so they keep broadcasting their channel. They probably make Univision do it, or else be gone. Cable companies are fearing the influx of netflix and hulu and are scrambling to find a way to stay on top. These money wars among the corporations are killing me.

I agree with cathyx. It's not that Univision doesn't want you to see your shows; it's that they want you to pay to see them.

I was very pleased with hulu for the three days or so that I had it before I went to Mexico where it doesn't work. The HD was very good and so were the subtitles. They may still be offering a free two week trial, which was a very good deal. After that, it is only about $6 or $7 a month. We are seriously thinking of dumping Comcast (boo, hiss) and just going with hulu for a while. If those cable companies weren't so crappy and overpriced, maybe people wouldn't be so interested in alternatives.

Carolina, are the shows on Hulu a week old before they have them or are they more current? Univision says they will have the shows available a week later, but that's too late for Caray and me.

I have only limited experience with hulu, but the MPV episodes seemed to be available right after broadcast or at least within a few hours. That might be too slow for recapping, but it's early enough to follow along with Caray IME.

Maybe someone who's used hulu more than me can comment.

That free two week trial was really a good deal. Porque no? :)

I had Hulu Plus before and I liked it a lot because they offered more of what I was interested in watching, but my daughter and husband liked the offering on Netflix better and I won't pay for both, so it was 2 against 1.

I really hope Telemundo doesn't jump on this bandwagon. My cable provider doesnt offer Telemundo and if uvideos is any indication, my cable provider isn't on anybody's approved list.

Sara, so how do you watch Telemundo? On their website?

Carolina- Sometimes I watch Telemundo on their website, but most of the time I watch on my tablet via the Telemundo Novelas app. Unfortunately, I saw an ad on there today for TelemundoNOW (or something or other.) It looks suspiciously like Univision...log on with your cable provider. I'm getting nervous. I have Wow! Cable. Ever heard of it? I didn't think so.

Here's the irony, Univision and Telemundo:

I won't pay for Hulu+ because Wow! does offer univision and I can record it. Why pay for Hulu+ if it doesn't have the Telemundo shows and I'm already paying for cable.

I would GLADLY pay a monthly fee to see the Telemundo shows the day after they air since my cable provider doesn't offer it. I would do the same if my cable provider dropped Univision.

Sara, I definitely hear you on the lack of appeal of paying twice for the same thing. That is one of my least favorite things, for sure.

For us, however, hulu is so cheap and it does offer a couple of other advantages. I won't bore you with what all of them are, but they are enough to make us consider subscribing to both hulu and cable for a while, seeing how much we like hulu, and then dropping one or the other. We pay $80/month for 'basic' cable, so that is a bill I wouldn't mind replacing with one 1/10th of the size.

I hadn't realized that I may be able to follow some of the Telemundo TNs online, but it sounds like I may have missed that boat by now. Oh well.

Well, don't give up hope! En Otra Piel starts Feb 18th. Maybe Telemundo won't be stingy. They are very generous with the novelas on YouTube. (I can't remember who turned me on to that information...J in Oregon maybe?? DecieGirl??)

PS: I did cave and sign up for the free trial week today. There actually are quite a few shows I wouldn't mind trying. Unimas is one of the networks, too.

Sara,could you let us know about your Hulu Plus trial and how it goes? As I mentioned earlier, I am seriously considering this. You are always so good with the details of things. I would really appreciate your thoughts.


OK Fatima. I'll take one for the Caray team and stay in my jammies and watch hulu+ all day. :)

I'll report later.

Last night, I watched " Original Sin" with Angelina Jolie and Antonio Banderas , and I could swear that the actor playing Homero had a small role as a waiter. It surely looked like that same actor.

Sara, :))))

I look forward to hearing your thoughts, so don't forget, OK? :))


ABC is now doing the same thing as Uni. It seems like if you can afford cable, you probably have a DVD that can record a million hours of shows and don't need to watch online. It just forces people with antennas to all the ethically questionable sources. Not me, of course. I would never do such an immoral thing (in case the NSA is recording all this and reports to Uni).

Nice to see Hugo/Pedro again. Seems like his acting may have gotten better. Good for him!


I don't have a problem w/ signing in using my cable registration, but my cable provider isn't supported. I have Fios-a national provider-and Uni couldn't make a deal with them? Seems I'm gonna have to switch providers or get DVR to see any Uni tns, because I never win the TV war at home and watch shows on the Internet. I can't recap now because I don't have DVR.

J, I did register with my cable company and signed in but it still doesn't accept it. So I don't know what else to do. Nothing seems to work.

This is crazy, CathyX and I refuse to pay $8 extra per month via Hulu to watch something I already have nominally-too much redundancy.

The reason why people watch via mobile devices is because it's no-fuss, no muss and portable. This new system is clunky and frustrating. Who the heck is home at 8 pm to watch TV anymore unless you work the graveyard shift or a retiree?

I am home at 8PM and I watch MPV and PSMA as they air (but I record them just in case I fall asleep or a lose the TV war.) I watch QPob the next day from my DVR recording.

There are two cable providers in my area, neither of which are supported by Univision. I pay a lot for cable (and internet) and I am not happy with either option available to me.

Cable Robber Baron #1: Offers Univision, but not in HD. Does not offer Telemundo. Claims to offer it On Demand, but it's a lie...even after registering with said robber baron I cannot see the Telemundo shows and multiple emails have been sent with no response. There are dozens of channels we never watch.

Cable Robber Baron #2 Offers Univision (not HD) and FOR AN EXTRA EXORBITANT FEE will offer me a "Latin Tier" of 6 extra channels, only one of which I want to watch (Telemundo.) For another EXTRA EXORBITANT FEE my husband can get the NFL network with the "Sports Tier." Also, if we made the switch there would be dozens of channels we would never watch.

Hulu+ Lets me see Univision shows in HD (very cool) but there are no Telemundo shows available. As far as the Spanish offerings, they are ok, but most are Univision shows....which I can already watch on cable (LFMB is there though!!)

Not to mention that the majority of my husband's preferred shows are daily sports programming that are basically worthless a day later.

Most of the shows we watch together are CBS shows and CBS is rather stingy with their programming.

So far hubs and I are not convinced that roku and other such things are the way for us to go and he is adamantly opposed to DirectTV.

So even those of us who can afford cable are often unhappy and feeling a bit abused.

I cannot believe that in this technological age I cannot simply hand pick the channels I want.

We enjoy watching the Univision TNs on Hulu+. They are usually available the next morning, and you can also watch older shows. The Spanish captions are also very good, with great timing. Actually, the captions are up before a person starts speaking - so you can read what a person is going to say, and then listen to them say it.

Sorry it took so long, but it is up now. Had to see it all again and on Hulu+!! I only can hear about 80-90% of some of the conversation and that bugs me cuz I need the CC and then cannot learn new vocabulary, either, without it.

Gracias, Jardinera! Can you believe I had to read the recap to even remember what happened in this episode? Clearly, the recap was superior to the episode.

Sammy needs to go. What kind of fool goes shooting up a hotel hallway and screaming like that?

And Francisco talking to Jackie makes no sense at all. He knows she doesn't know anything about the bidness, but he thinks he's going to get her to let him out of the bidness? For a while there during his discussion with the widda, I thought she was going to ask him to help her run things or help her sell off the non-legit portions or something. The whole bringing in of the widow and the daughter just isn't making any sense to me right now. And it almost sounded like Francisco wants to make a play for continuing to run the new real estate business without the money laundering. I hope not. That's not my idea of a fitting end for him, Antonio, Mathilde, etc. Nor is having the entire CIC turn legit very fitting for Homero, even if he has been getting on my nerves.


Jardinera654, thank you for an excellent recap of another frustrating episode.

Sara, this whole cable/satellite business just fries me. They don't want us to have the freedom of choice. They seem to think they can make better choices for us. Not.

There was a very illuminating and well researched book or article (Darn, I can't remember which!) that gave a very detailed history of Comcast and the politics/politicians involved with that group. They exercise a great deal of control even at the level of the FCC. The whole story was so frustrating, I had to stop reading.

Not everyone wants to pay cable/satellite prices, but I think the days of us being able to see our TN for "free" are quickly slipping by if they have not done so already.


Jardinera - Your recaps are always a treat, no matter how nutty MPV has become.

Seeing JL act so civil with the widow and daughter, you'd think he's on the road to redemption. But he's just on his meds and away from his stressor Raquel and obsession Ori. Back in Hermosillo, I'm sure he'll be back to his ole crazy self.

So Sebas is going undercover. But Sebas has no skills. Good luck with that.

Thanks Jardinera, You have that knack of turning a boring monotonous episode into a delightful recap. It was worth the wait.

Sara, I can't complain too much because one of the best things about living in NYC, which has a gunormous Latino population and the mist coveted media market in the country is that I get Univision AND Telemundo, even if I only had rabbit ears. However, I work odd hours and I am up a creek without DVR. I'll just have to upgrade to that then. My thing is, if you want people to use their cable registration to see your programming, support ALL cable providers. Or else, what's the point?

I called fios to make sure my registration account was up-to-date to get ready for the transition but didn't know fios wasn't supported.

Thank you Jardinera for this recap since I can't watch the show anymore. Anywho, I don't think Oriana has any sort of romantic feelings for JL--she's done with him completely. She just wants to be at peace with Lina, and Ric's drama with Marilu will not add to her peace, so she wants out. I think that is unfair of her since Ric has put up with all of her drama--and is involved with Marilu and her chaos because of Oriana-- but I get why she's basically over men right now, even someone like Ric who's always been supportive.

I just tested out Telemundo Now, which is like Univision's new subscription only online viewing platform and they support FIOS and I entered my info and it worked. I always liked Telemundo more anyway, and this estipudez by Uni confirmed my choice. Telemundo seems to support more cable providers than Uni's platform, even Wow!, so I'll stick with them. Uni has the most reach in the US and only bothered to support the top three providers and Telemundo is number two and supports more cable platforms. Weird

J desde, maybe it's a case of 'we're number 2; we try harder'? It's good news for me, though, because I haven't had Telemundo since I moved 14 years ago and it sounds like I would like their TN offerings better than Univision.

Jardinera, many thanks for the recap. I also couldn't remember this episode very well and I am going to try to rewatch it. I still miss the details of the dialogs with this TN, so at least it's helping me stretch my language abilities.

Maybe Seb will end up a sacrificial lamb and die trying to do some good. Maybe Raquel will lose her baby. We haven't had a miscarriage yet in MPV and she doesn't seem ready for or even cut out for motherhood.

Maybe Mariloser will die and clear the way for Oriana and Ricky to marry without the inconvenience of having to divorce her sorry butt. Not that I care what happens with those two at this point. If Ori doesn't care about being with Rick, why should I?

I still think that JL and Matilde are both going to get it and good. JL does seem to sincerely love his daughter, but he is a murderer and the long arm of Johnny (Juanito?) law and/or karma is going to get him in the end. Matty is too pathetic for words OR redemption.

Jardinera, as we come to the end and the writers drive this show intomthe ground, the recppaers have been stellar. You've all brought your A game and I appreciate it.

J desde NYC- I may need your help because I can't find wow cable on the TelemundoNOW list.

Marilooney needs to go. Since she wished death on Fidelia it should come back and bite her on the tuchas.

Thank you, Jardinera. You have produced another wonderful recap, even with some wildly nutty material.

Thanks, all, for conversation about the alternatives. I currently live in NY-metro area and like J desde NTC have got it good. However, I am moving to Ohio in June where it's a whole different story. I am so disgusted with my ever-rising cable cost when most of my TV viewing is Univision and Telemundo, with lots of Netflix thrown in for good measure. (Having said that, have to confess to watching the Beatles tribute on CBS last night! Great fun.) The cable companies offer great one-year deals on their cable-internet-phone combos. Year #2, it all changes and prices go up.

I'm thinking Marilu is gonna die because she has no family on the show now. She's threatened her aunt Fidelia and Lina so she's dead meat. Not giving Ric the divorce in peace in an unconsummated marriage also means she should be a goner, too. Matilde and Lila are definitely jail-bound for their greed and pride.

Sara, if you're using a tablet, you have to download the TelemundoNow app; using my laptop I saw Wow! as one of the options on the page and signed in with my fios login info. Double check this page to see if they have Wow! supported. I distinctly remember seeing it because you mentioned having Wow!

Jardinera- Having read your wonderful recap, I really don't feel like I have to watch the episode now.

Perhpas Ori should just tell Rick once and for all that she's not ready to be in a relationship. But she should be there to support him like he has been for her, even when he wasn't getting any nookie.

ViviDC: I just can't buy this gripe of Ori's that he's getting it from Marilulu as nasty as she is. Nope.

What will take this telenovela's place? I cannot find info online at all.


Honestly, Jardinera, I don't know how you managed to write such a wonderful recap in the face of the totally boring episode, but you did and you do this EVERY weekend! Thank you so much!

Oriana just frustrates me right now. I would much rather see Lucina in action than have to listen to Oriana and her "maybe we should break up" mantra. I don't know why the writers have dumbed her down, but dumbed her down they did and I don't like it!

Also feeling very discouraged this morning re TV access to the TN.


It seems that at this point, it almost doesn't matter, but have we determined who is Sebastian's father? Have they said this and I have just totally missed it?


I get the impression DQTQTQ is replacing this.

Sara, "DQTQTQ" is what, exactly? :)


Sorry. De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero. I hear it's going to be 175+ episodes.

175 episodes! Holy cow! Guess I will have to go look it up and see what this is about.

Thanks, Sara.

Fatima :)

So, this "D" with many "Q"s is a romance comedy. A comedy needs 175 episodes?!

I only briefly saw "Abismo de Pasion" and see that Livio Brito is the female lead. Really? Can't say that she struck me as lead material on AdP, but...


"Livia". Really meant to write that, but it's Monday.


Fatima- Both Rick and Piero have been ruled out as Sebas' father via DNA testing. The only other person we know Maria slept with is Antonio. It could be him, or someone else we don't know about. But neither Antonio nor Sebas seem too interested in learning the truth, although I'm sure they both suspect.

Thank you, Vivi in DC! How in the world I could have forgotten that is beyond me. I will blame it on Oriana and her "let's break up" theme. :))


Thanks Jardinera this enjoyable recap. I said this Dominican plot is unnecessary, it makes MPV boring. I am totally not interested in this happenings, now the widow Rosa, Jackie and Homero are the main characters. I am starting to feel MPV will be a criminal series that kills the romanticism. Ric and Ori's plot or Fabi and Leo's plot don't move forward. I enjoyed this novel till the 76. episode, but after it is dying. The new evils Sammy the bull (who plays with their character divinely), and thousands of funny names Marilu don't save the project.
I would eliminate the money laundering (this is the reason of all bad things), but unfortunately we aren't the writers.
When Ocampo and her team promoted the TN, they promised a fast-moving TN with thriller elements. I think Zarattini didn't watch real thrillers so far, but a lot of erotic movies because the sex in one of the most imortant thing in this story (Ricky, Raquel), only the directors didn't do good job with these scenes, only kissing, kissing and kissing .

There were past comedies with 200+ episodes. My theory about that is that it's easier to make those longer because the story doesn't require the same trajectory as a drama with secrets, lies, misunderstandings, and complex relationship dynamics. A novela comedy can feel like the full run of a US sitcom with some things moving forward in the background of a lot of silly stuff that can be broken apart.

This also makes it easier to change the series completely if it's not working the way Televisa wants it to. That's how we ended up with PEAM having its last 10 weeks as something that definitely wasn't comedy.

Which is why I can't get into these.

I read somewhere that DQTQ follows Vendeval. That's afternoon here isn't it?

I do not like Mexican comedy. I will like even less having to see it twice to recap if needed. Gees.

There are 166 episodes of Mujer del Vendaval and I think Uni is on episode 122. If they are editing it's possible they can finish in March and put DQTQTQ on in the afternoon. Right now they are showing La Rosa de Guadalupe at the 2PM slot, so they could be putting DQTQTQ there.

They did the same thing with Amorcito Corazon--running promos during prime time and then putting it on in the afternoon. Right now all we know is it's coming in March.

MPV should be finishing up in time for a premiere March 3, right?

Thanks for another most excellent recap, Jardinera. Sorry to be so late commenting.

I really enjoyed the meeting between Ruben and Matilde. Bless his heart, no matter what he does he simply can't escape her.

An episode of this show is successful and complete for me if at some point either Ricky or Inez answers the phone with "Hola mi amor." and Rick finds a moment to whisper insistently "Let's make love."


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