Saturday, February 01, 2014

Lo que la vida me robo, Cap 59, 1-31-14—That Maria strikes again. An Anvil Cannot Come too soon.

Lo que la vida me robo, Cap 59, 1-31-14—That Maria strikes again. An Anvil Cannot Come too soon.

Preview screencap:

Don't you listen to Bitch Maria, Ale!

WRITTEN ON THE FLY (Sort of). Please forgive errors. I do a lot of condensing and jumping around here, so it's sort of in summary format.

We have a refrito. Monse talks with a uniform-clad JL about what's going on. Ale hasn't forgiven her, blah de blah. She wishes JL well in his wedding. He tells her that the only woman he'll ever love is her, but he's very fond of Angelica. They have a bittersweet parting. She tells JL to send her love to Angel. He will. He looks sad.

Dim goes to see Ale and makes a pretty good case for Monse. Get a paternity test, dumbass! What if the kid is yours, dumbass? And even if Monse (for the sake of argument) was messing with JL under your roof, you still need to know who the baby daddy is, dumbass, or do you want to do to this kid what your dad did to you, and refuse to acknowledge him/her? Dim also emphasizes that Monse isn't like him (Dim) and he thinks that she never cheated on Ale when she was married. She was desperately trying to get JL outta the house but the dumbass wouldn't go. Ale seems like he is starting to bend a bit. Dim encourages a conversation between the two and hopefully a meeting of the minds.

Monse has a chat with her gold-digging mom. Mom wants Monse to make good with Ale. Monse is still pretty angry that Ale spilled the beans about gold-digging mom being cheating ho mom, thus causing her beloved dad's death. Gold-digging-ho mom says for crying out loud, your dad had one foot on the grave and the other on a banana peel! He could have conked over at any time! Tia encourages Monse to try to make up with Ale too, think of your kid. It's not fair! Monse is not so sure, because Ale has been a douchebag and is carrying on with Bitch Maria. Well, he only did that to stick it to you, Monse, so don't think of that, will you? Both Tia and Gold-digging-ho mom say. Talk to him and try to make things right.

JL talks with Refugio about what's going on with Ale and Monse. Refugio tells JL to put himself in Ale's shoes—how would he feel if his woman's ex was living under the same roof, under a fake name? Refugio urges JL to let Monse work out her life and JL go on with his.

Dim remorts back that Ale is favorably inclined to talk to Monse, with maybe sorta kinda a thought of reconciliation. Monse is suspicious and feeling rather burned, because Ale's been a first class douche lately. Gold-digging ho mom tells Monse to bend a little. Monse maybe will do that.

Viktor comes by Ale's house and Bitch Maria is hanging out being a bitch. Viktor also presents his pro-Monse case to Ale. She was NOT unfaithful, Viktor insists! He has no proof that she was actually knocking boots with JL when he was at the ranch. Viktor's insistence, along with Dim's prior conversation, leave Ale with a conviction that he should at least talk to Monse, because maybe she still loves him and this can all be cleared up.

But no. Tia and Monse come to the house right then. Bitch Maria answers the door and gives them crap. She leaves to supposedly get Ale, but Bitch Maria overhears Tia and Monse talk about how when everything's cleared up between Monse and Ale, that Bitch Maria will be kicked out on her bitchy ass. This gets Bitch Maria to not even go get Ale, but instead she tells Tia and Monse that she talked to Ale and he told them to go pound sand. (More explicitly, she lies and tells them that Ale said, go look for JL if you want a last name for your baby!)


Tia is no pushover and immediately wants to hear this snippet of supreme horse manure from the horse's mouth (Ale) himself, but Monse, being a dimwit, gets all furious and humiliated and immediately wants to leave, having completely bought Bitch Maria's lie. Tia is dragged away by Monse before she can insist that Ale get his behind out there to see them personally. Meanwhile, Bitch Maria smugly smiles her Bitch Maria smile.

And right after they leave, Ale comes out and wants to know who was at the door! Bitch Maria lies. Poor Ale is waiting, hopefully, for Monse to turn up, and of course she never does.

Dim and Gold-digger ho mom (Graciela, I know her name is Graciela) are talking about Ale's and Monse's situation, the hope that Monse was really faithful to Ale, because wouldn't it be embarrassing if the bebe turns out to be JL's? Then Monse returns home, all full of outrage and tears about how douchey Ale was. Tia also agrees that Ale was a patán (Lout, jerk, aka douchebag).

Meanwhile, Ale has been waiting for Monse, who (as far as he knows) never showed up. (At some point—not sure which scene—Ale hints to Bitch Maria that she may have to not be around any longer. I missed something in one of these scenes.)

Gold-digging ho mom and Dim are talking about JL, Ale, and Monse. They don't want JL to meet up with Ale, because Ale might try to kill JL. But then again, if JL killed Ale, then Monse would be a rich widow! Hey, that could work out pretty well. But then, it doesn't look like JL is going after Monse any more, since he's going to marry rich-and-soon-to-be-dead Angel, and then JL will be rich and influential.

Nadia comes to visit Monse. She has some chit-chat with Graciela, then goes to see Monse who is really upset and feeling humiliated by what she thinks Ale did. She also feels so angry with Ale because if not for him, he beloved papa would still be alive. Ale is a cruel a-hole. She telsl Nadia what Ale supposedly did (Bitch Maria's lie). Nadia knows about Bitch Maria supposedly shacking up with Ale and says that the whole town knows about it too, and gossip is getting pretty bad. Monse doesn't care about the gossip. Nadia tells Monse to clear things up with Ale, since Viktor insists that Ale still loves her. Monse is fed up with it all and isn't sure things can be ever fixed. She vows she's going to name her baby after the baby's abuelo, since he's a far better man than the baby daddy is.

Dim and Josefina have a chat about their upcoming boda. Dim has the cajones to actually expect that Josefina will turn out all her finances to him. She is ambivalent, but finally agrees. Later she talks to her brother Tomas, who says no way, nunca. How can Josefina think of such a thing after all Dim has done? Josefina just wants Dim to love her. She needs that! Tomas is turning a deaf ear to that, he just wants to protect her. They have a plan to punish Dim for all that he's done, and Josefina is starting to get cold feet. Tomas says she can back out of the wedding, but she doesn't want to go that far . . . She does wonder how come she can't share the wealth a little, since she has so much money? Tomas says no sharing of the wealth with Dim, no way!

Rosario doesn't like the sound of what is going on between Ale and Monse, doesn't like the sound of it at all! She's not going to see history repeat itself, and have Ale's kid go fatherless because Ale refuses to acknowledge the kid. No way, no how. Rosario is going to play her Mom Card.

JL has returned to Angel and she's so happy to have him back! She embraces him enthusiastically, and he has a sad, resigned look on his face.

Rosario wakes up Monse in the morning, and encourages her to eat, for her baby. Rosario wants Ale and Monse to reconcile, but Monse is lackluster. Rosario says she'll go see the Patrón herself, and he WILL see her. She has a steely look on her face.

Angel and JL. Angel wants to know if JL saw Monse when he was in town. No, he says lightly.

Rosario comes to Ale's house, Viktor receives her. She says, with wide-eyed resolve, to get Ale because HIS MOTHER wants to see him. Impactado Viktor!

Viktor presses Rosario for an explanation and details about her supposed motherhood, but she says that's for Ale to know, not Viktor. Viktor tells Rosario that Ale isn't there. He got fed up with waiting for Monse, who never showed up, so he made a bad choice and took off. Rosario says she's gotta talk to Ale.

Ale is with Bitch Maria back at his estate. He gets a call from Viktor, and the dumbass doesn't answer. He wants to go on a long trip, maybe a few months. He tells Bitch Maria to get packed. She's excited and tries to embrace him, but he pulls away.

Macario wants to talk with Ale the dipshit. He's not very pleased with how Ale's behaving and makes this clear to Ale.

Rosario returns to Monse and tells her that something is up. Ale was waiting for her and she never showed up! Monse is surprised and then supposes that maybe Ale was waiting, then decided to be a douchebag when she finally showed up. Rosario has another theory—that Bitch Maria lied and made everything up. They all should know what that bitch is capable of! Monse thinks there's a possiblity, but she's still not willing to trust Ale after everything. She won't go back to him now, just in case he wants to twist the knife and humiliate her a little more. She won't even try to call, because that S.O.B. would probably hang up on her. Rosario convinces her to write a letter. She won't be hung up on with a letter and she won't have to be humiliated face-to-face. (Uh, I see some complications here, like leaving the letter with Bitch Maria and Bitch Maria burning it or messing with it somehow. But whatever.)

Ale the Idiot is still not taking calls. He doesn't want to talk to anyone! But the Padre comes by and Ale can't exactly not listen to him! Padre tries to make Ale see reason, everything has an explanation, but Ale says that he just has no faith in Monse anymore. He doesn't believe.

And that's where we end the episode.

AVANCES: Angel's dad wants to kill JL at the wedding. He's got a sniper's rifle and he aims and shoots! Uh oh! MUST SEE TV!!!


Hi, y'all. Thanks Elvira for the opportunity to talk about last night's show. Guess I should get a life, hunh? Anyway, so glad that Rosario finally decided to own up to being Ale's Mom even if her timing was off. Really look forward to the recap. I find lots of time the music is so freakin' loud, I really look forward to the recaps to make sure I got all the action. See y'all in cyberspace!


Hi, Lila++
I was so excited that Rosario decided to come clean! I feel like a golden retriever who just got a scooby snack! Now if we can only get her to Alejandro in time...



Hi, EJ! Absolutely right! I've decided I'm going to go with the hopeful development of Montse and Ale being willing to talk to each other and Rosario realizing that the secret is self-serving and that it's time to step up. That even overrides my anger at BM for her lie. What's wrong with these people? Why would anyone believe anything she said?


Hey Everyone,

Sorry, but I cannot override anger at BM. Once again she has proven her ugliness in the most dispicable way. I hate the fact that she drove Montse away, especially since Montse had to swallow her pride to go there. And Ale was so willing to reconcile, knowing that if Montse went to see him, it meant she really loved him. I really want to finger punch BM. I also wanted to shake Montse and say "don't tell me you really believe the crap that's coming out of that bitch's mouth." After all that she went through with BM at the hacienda, Montse should have known better than to believe her. It was so sad that Ale was waiting all night and the entire next day, and his heart got broken again, and I blame BM.

Now it's all an issue of timing. Will Ale find out the truth about Montse's and Rosarios visits in time before he leaves with BM on the vacation from hell?

Back to work...hasta pronto!

G'day all.

Although BM's manipulations are very frustrating, I really can't believe that both Montse and Tia fell for BM's bull. On the positive side, it didn't take long for Rosario to figure out what happened. What a bummer she missed Alejandro. I wonder how many weeks they will draw this out until Rosario is able to tell Alejandro the truth? I ain't holding my breath but my fingers are crossed.

Vacation from hell is right. Don't go Ale! You know you don't want to.

Elvira, thank you for posting so we can rant and rave, er, discuss.

Hey Aunty Ann! No, I wouldn't expect you to override the anger. Go get her, girl! Yah, I guess it's just a staple of novelas for the liars to be believed, just like the perfect timing of the over heard damning conversation. Well, Rosario has determined that she's not going to let her grandchild go through what her son did and she will carry Montse through despite the broken heart and bruised pride.

Now, if we can help each other through this vacation for hell, indeed!


Hi, Cap'n. Sylvia! Simultaneous posts! I hope they don't drag it out too long. If they do, let the action on other fronts be juicy!


Monserrat's over-riding state at the time was grief over her father and the fear that Alejandro would humiliate her again. Not exactly a time one can think very clearly.

Tia Carlota should have caught that, though.

Hmmmm - I guess I'm assuming a 2 month separation as Ale leaves before finding out anything more. There are a lot of episodes to go in this TN!

Ale knew Montse was coming to see him, yet he doesn't send Maria away from the house? Geeeee!

Montse - believes BM so very easily. Gives up easily more like it.

Urban A, very good point about Montse being super sensitive. Not to mention she was probably expecting the worst so she easily assumed the worst. That's a typical human emotion.

Audrey, good point. The problem is that Ale barely notices Maria even when she's in his face.

If Ale and BM do go on a vacation I hope BM gets food poisoning and is sick the entire time.


Take your time amiga.

I'm with Y'all about BM and Monse believing what BM said.

I am so glad that Rosy told Victor exactly who she was, YAY! Victor is so stunned, like huh, what did you say, QUE????? It was so funny really, the look on his face.

Now I know Dimwit has an agenda, but I swear that was the most honest I have ever seen him, with the frank talk with Ale about Monse. Even though Ale doesn't believe him, it gave him pause. Even Victor is on Monse's side and let Ale know that. If only Ale hadn't brought BM with him to Aguazul. But, this being a TN we are in for the long haul of lagrimas and angst. Sigh!

hello....hello all.....I cannot believe Maria....I hope an anvil is waiting for her soon....what a bitch.....And monsie for believing her.....I would of hollered through the house until Alejandro came out....I would not of left until I drug his ass out to talk to me.....I hope Rosario gets to Alejandro be4 he leaves on vacay....but it will not happen
and Maria will do her best to get Ale in the this novella...BNinCA

Hee Hee Sylvia. It is so obvious that Ale is not into Maria. I think maybe I saw him smile at her once. He acts as if someone is making him carry her sorry arse around everywhere.

Agree Madeline about Dimwit. He did make Ale think. Victor as well, Padre and soon Rosario may finally dent that thick skull of his. It may take a long time. Why do they have to make us suffer?


BNinCA, Montse needs to take a page from Nadia's book. Stand your ground and yell "ALEJANDRO!" until he comes out!



You brought up and excellent point. Ale and BM have not done the dancing in the sheets yet! Maybe he thinks if he goes far, far away with the beyotchy one he'll be able to er, function. I'm hoping his equipment will not function correctly until he gets back with Monse, one can hope ; )

Dimwit surprised me, but I don't think that will last.

ITA with everyone' s frustration with Montse believing Maria: the same Maria she was just slapping and wrestling with in the flower bed. I know this situation is a telenovela staple but I felt like asking for a beanie loaner from someone on the patio.

The other disapointment was when Rosario FINALLY got up the nerve to tell Ale she is his mother, she only got to tell Victor. I did like her new demeanor when she told Victor that the only explanation she would give would be given to her son.

Josefina is a good person but is turning out to be just stupid re. her money and Dimi. It was painful watching her trying to explain things to her brother.

The one thing I did like about Dimitri was when he went to Ale to plea his sister's and future niece/nephew's case by telling Ale : you and I know the rejection of a father.


At this point, Ale seems more miserable and lost in space than angry. It makes me crazy that he is not being proactive about anything..Mony, the hacienda, the factory. Snap out of it , Ale, and stop the sulking and pathetic. He is just so beige. You are a big, handsome guy , and it is time to man up.

I get a kick out of Malria. She is doing exactly what she's been doing throughout the whole novela.....sitting around and eating...but now she's wearing dresses. I did like her little floral party frock last night. She looked kind of adorable in a lazy, useless, creepy way sitting on the sofa eating her snack....oh..that's the other change..she is now allowed to eat in the living room .

María simply did what María does. No one should be surprised. But how lame were Montserrat and Carmela by not insisting that Alejandro speak face to face? Graciela was really off her game as well. She just accepted what Montse and Carmela told her that Alejandro said without learning that they got it second hand through María. Dimitrio, on the other hand, did a good job of setting the stage for negotiations.

Poor Josefina, she really does need her brother's tough love.

I hope that Rosario shows that same strong resolve that she showed with Victor when she finally confronts her son. I want to see some " 'cause mama sez" from her.


"I did like her little floral party frock last night. She looked kind of adorable..."

I, of course, agree.


Hi All,
Just wanted to point out that Montse WAS sent by her lying mother and brother who she knows want to secure Ale's money more than anything else, so I think she was predisposed to believe Maria. That said, I thought I heard her tell Rosario that she believed Maria because Maria mentioned JL by name and that she didn't think she would have know about him. Of course that's pretty stupid too as I think Rosy pointed out, but I think it was the writers way of trying to get buy in from us.

I hate this part of the TN (which is the majority of it, no?) while we have to wait and wring our hands-- ok, we don't have to, but we do-- while every possible instance of Murphy's law and misunderstanding keeps the couple apart. Glad to be able to read your comments and look forward to the recap.


Hello all! Haven't commented since AV, can't stay away though I do love reading these recaps! I just wanted to express how much I hate B**ch Maria's smug face! She has the best smug/s**t eating grin, face I've seen on a TN villain. Seriously, she's got that wide smile with those high cheek bones. I can't stand her!

I haven't watched the ep yet but, from the sound of it, it's another frustrating one.


It was, but these deliveries of dis-information are part and parcel of such tales.

As for Alejandro, he's just as emotionally messed up as Monserrat at this point so he is an easy victim of Maria's manipulations. That doesn't mean, however, that he will end up boinking her. If they are related per our speculation that will not happen, which will not prevent her making Monserrat believe otherwise.

Hi guys, I really hope they skip ahead a few months cause if all of monse's pregnancy is gonna be like this, then it's gonna be hard to watch.

I feel bad for Fina but I think she's got a plan for Dim. And if she gets what she wants he's gonna turn out being a good guy. Plus, I hope they hurry up with her make over.

I hate BM but I think she's gonna go super crazy when it dawns on her that she won't be able to have Ale. She'll probably try and kill them. She did already try to kill Monse. I hope she gets shot. Lol.

HA HA HA HA AHHA HHA! Siiiiiiiigh! I'm just crackin' up at all the things we wish on Maria, food poisoning, gunshots and the names we've called her! I hope somebody lets the actress know what a stellar job she is doing of portraying a lying, conniving, shit-eating grin-wearing, thieving 'ho'! What a left-handed compliment but a tribute to her craft.

I'm so glad to see Rosario giving up her startling and sobbing response when yet another person finds out she's Ale's Mother. I can see she's straightened her back and she's got the appropriate Mama Bear glare in her eyes and she's even more fearsome because I think she's going to channel not only love for a potential grandchild but 30 years of suffering. There's no way she can let hell-resident Benjamin and now his pup ruin Montse and her grandbaby's lives. Of course she concerned about Ale too, but he needs a whoopin' first. Oh yeah, bring it on Rosie!


Did anyone see the avances? My DVr cut off the end and avances.

Lila and others ITA about Rosario. You go girl! I don't know if she was wearing makeup or a new but she looked regal when she went to confront Ale. It was no stretch to see her as the patrona's mother.

I have a bad feeling about the "carta" Monserrat plans to write. My money is on him reading it after it's too late. Either after he's slept with BM or wreaked more havoc on Montserrat.

Elvira, your recaps are always worth the wait!:)

Finally caught up on these episodes. Yesterday was so frustrating. Especially those few moments when Ale finally took his crazy/anger/el stupido behavior down a few notches. You could see that if Montse and him talked he would have FINALLY been reasoned with. But nope! We have about 100 more episodes to go so BM had to step in. I just wish Montse put up more of a fight...she of all people should know how easily lies spill out of BM mouth.

Rosario finally grew a backbone!! Thank you! She even was forcing Montse to communicate once again....too bad Ale cut of the phone lines and I know that letter will be intercepted by BM somehow.

Also Bravo for Macario not putting up with Ale's behavior. I liked how he strolled past Ale without greeting him. When Ale questioned him he replied that this is not the Ale he knows.

Advances: from what I remember we have two weddings. JL with Angelica and Fina with seems that DimDim may be a no-show to his own wedding.

Grrr is added to Brrr.

Where were BM's manners when Montse and Carly arrived?

First, given her new status as senora of the house, she should have yelled for Dominga, someone, anyone to open the door, even if she were standing 10 feet from it herself.

Second, she should have invited them in to sit down and have a cup of tea or tequila while they waited to see if Ale wanted to talk to the ladies.

Third, she should have wiped that self-serving smirk off her face when they left.

Carlota was in too much of a rush to get out of there. The two should have stood their ground--Montse knew Ale was half expecting her.

I'm thinking Ale and BM's trip will give us a jump in time so we'll get to see Ale only in the last stages of her pregnancy.

I'm with those who felt she should grab the chance to move to the Mendoza Hacienda and start life over again. Yeah, girl, get those jeans and a couple of nice maternity t-shirts (ones that say I'm NOT with Stupid) and some cow patty protective boots.


SoniaPC--I see we're thinking alike re the pregnancy. Has AB ever been in a tn where she's visibly pregnant? (This is my first one with her, but I've heard about her roles in Teresa and Abismo.)

No, this is AB's first on screen pregnancy.

Prediction, not spoiler: I have the feeling we will do a time jump very shortly.

Monserrat's baby will become a toddler with blond hair and blue eyes.

If Dimwit stands Josefina up at the altar I will not be surprised.

Oh no! Dimwit's gonna leave Fina standing alone at the altar? I'm afraid I may not have many more defenses for her dormant smarts and Dim will demonstrate once again he is not applying for redemption. Oh well, if that happens it'll be best for Fina. . .she'll get over it.

Anita. . BM and manners?! Surely you jest! I hope Rosario uses her newfound spunk on Maria. . .she knows that sow is no good for her Ale!


Anita and UA re time jump. Do you think then there will be no Maria/Adolfo spawn passed off as Ale's due to a fake boinking?
Check ya later, got 3 dimensional people to attend to! :)



You cracked me up with BM's manners ; ) if only she really had some. I wish Dominga had come to Aguazul. She is back at the Almonte Hacienda probably feeding the workers and keeping Macario company : )

Unless the actress is actually pregnant it wouldn't make much sense:

-- Adolfo would be careful enough not to knock up a girl if there is any risk of discovery (i.e., DNA tests)
-- Maria would not want to mess up her figure when she had no clear picture of when she could put the moves on Alejandro. She gets that timing is everything.

UA--Monserrat's baby will become a toddler with blond hair and blue eyes.

Great line. No need to spend the money on a DNA test if you don't have to, eh? I wonder how BM will try to explain this one away.


I hope BM will not see the child. We know what she'll try to do.

I agree with the comments about Maria but nothing has been a surprise - although we loathe her actions they reflect who and what she is. Unfortunately, it may appear she will be able to spirit Ale away before he learns of Monse's visit as well as Rosario's true identity.

Jarifa, I also liked how Rosario spoke up to Victor that any explanations would be given to her son. Only.

Let's hope the wedding is festive and something to cheer us up. It was obvious JL is still in love with Monse, but I predict (no spoiler), Angie's charms may make him fall in love with her yet. We will have to wait and see.

Elvira, thanks for letting us chime in - really looking forward to your recap.


UA and Anita: you always bring such wisdom to this blog! I think you are on to something with the time jump. What scares me the most is that how can Ale live with BM, traveling the globe, and not give into her seduction??!!

Diana: Yes! Bring on the glamorous dresses, flowers and cake! I'm ready for some happiness on this show.

I just have a sense that Rosario's secret isn't going to come to light for a while. The way she swore Victor to secrecy felt like it was going back in the vault.

I'm sure it will be easy to resist Maria: Just get her a separate room. That's easy enough.

Alejandro has said in the past -- more than once -- that he looked at her as a sister. There is never any turning back from that.

Last night was all kinds of frustrating to watch.

Becky, I agree with you, Murphy Laws, indeed.
And of course things will continue like this for some time...

Lila, good point about Montse following Nadia's example and screaming ALEJANDRO!!! in the house. That would have been awesome!

Have Maria's new dresses already been discussed? I liked her old blouses better. The girl seems to like the flowery patterns, but she ain't no Montserat Mendoza...And Ale agrees with me, surely.

Another advance: during JL and Angie's wedding, we see Joaquin with a rifle, pointing at JL.


Oh dear, a rifle? I watched the episode on Hulu so missed the avances. Poor JL just can't catch a break.

Katy, "back in the vault" with Rosario's secret, LOL! I had the same feeling, though my thoughts were not nearly as eloquent as your statement.

Rosario's plan to send a letter to the hacienda is a stupid idea. Everyone should assume that hawk-eyed Maria will filter any sort of correspondence that comes through the door.

I originally thought that Josefina was smart enough not to get hoodwinked by Dim. I also thought her brother was a big ol' bully. After the last episode I totally get why Tomas micromanages Fina's fortune and why he gets irritated so easily.

Diana, I forgot to ask you how you are feeling after your root canal? I hope you are making a speedy recovery.

I really hope that Ale gets the letter before they leave and uses it as an excuse not to go. ��

I love me some Ale but we're totally gonna break up if he does BM. But if he does I hope she's infertile. It'll serve her right!


Ale's spaciness looks a lot like hwo depression might be portrayed on screen. I am already thinking about how Ale will explain his behavior when he is (inevitably) redeemed.

Macario commented that 'this' was not the Alejandro HE knew. I think we are already in the early stages of set up for redemption with that comment.

Later on Ale can use the classic Othello-knock-off reasoning, "I did it in a writ of fealous jage, er, um, I did it in a fit of jealous rage." Or, Alejandro's overwhelming emotions caused a temporary break with reality, etc. I call that the "Law and Order' defense.

He can play that out for months or even years until some epiphany brings him back to his senses. You know, in his temporary craziness he had sex with and a child by Maria, for example.

In real life I don't think it quite works like that, but jealousy = craziness is a constant them in storytelling over the ages.

The question for me is culpability. I would love to see the main characters in this VERY long TN take the time to take responsibility for their behaviors and how they contributed to our overall melodrama. I don't want them to fall into each others arms and sex their way out their difficulties. THAT, for me, and you will forgive me mixing my metaphors, is a beanie too far.

I guess maybe I am a romantic, after all. I want our little couples to find happiness and they cannot do that if they do not figure out how to NOT repeat the same mistakes they have already made—over and over.

I guess that is why I cheered when Josefina told Montse the truth in a loving way.


I'm hoping Ale and Maria only make it as far as the airport, because she has probably never been further than Aguazul and is too stupid to realize she needs a passport to leave the country. Although it could also be fun to see her peasant self have a hard time dealing with a foreign place. How about they go to Saudi Arabia?

Julia--If they go to Saudi Arabia, she won't be able to show off her flowery dresses or long dark hair, but she'll need Ale by her side if she wants to go out. Piffle and double piffle.

That would suit us, but she'd probably rather go to Maui or Pago Pago. Of course, I don't know if she speaks English.

EJ: so well put! So often our protagonists are like pinballs, bouncing back and forth between the evil workings of the bad guys. Stop being victims, Ale and Montsy!

Sylvia: ITA regarding Josephina and her naïveté. It's amazing she's made it this far. Every now and then it seems like she's playing cat and mouse and truly has the upper hand but then she goes and tells Dim he can have power of attorney. QTH?

OK, gotta go eat apps and cheer my hometown (Seattle) on to, hopefully, their first Super Bowl win!

Oh, but I want them to go to Saudi Arabia and then for Ale to forget she is even there and wander off and fly back home without her.

Maybe Ale will take Malria to Disney World. I spent most of the day on the Internet researching for a trip there with the kids in the future. Very expensive,,,,but Ale has some pesos. Malria can butt in lines, take Candy from small children, and insult the workers in the Magic Kingdom. She would be a good test of their friendliness directive.

Maybe Vic could deliver the letter in person.


I just read the recap. Thank You! We share many of the same thoughts about BM! Like the fact that she is a total BITCH!

ITA when you said, "...but Monse, being a dimwit, gets all furious and humiliated and immediately wants to leave, having completely bought Bitch Maria's lie."
"(Uh, I see some complications here, like leaving the letter with Bitch Maria and Bitch Maria burning it or messing with it somehow. But whatever.)" I have a horrible feeling about what will happen on the next epi. I doubt that Ale will get any letter from Montse. The only way to get him any kind of message is in person, and because everyone's timing on this TN sucks, I estimate that Ale and the letter will miss one another by about 15 seconds.

I was LOL with, "Gold-digging-ho mom says for crying out loud, your dad had one foot on the grave and the other on a banana peel!"
"He has no proof that she was actually knocking boots with JL when he was at the ranch."

I liked the fact that Rosario finally decided to spill the beans about her being Ale's mom. "Rosario is going to play her Mom Card."

Thanks so much Elvira, you brought a bright spot to my cold, wet winter day.

Gotta get to bed...hasta pronto!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Elvira, Your Snark rocks! Worth waiting for.
I loved your version of Dim’s “Dutch Uncle” speech better than the actual speech. Dumba$$ about sums it up.
Loved also, “wants to hear this snippet of supreme horse manure from the horse's mouth”. What a supreme use of the English language Elvira! Fun reading!

Ale told BM if he goes back to the ranch he might not take her with him. I thought, "'bout time!". However, now I’m confused, because I never seem to know when he is at the ranch or not. Looks like he went back to the ranch with her. Or back to the estate with her, and now he’s going on a trip with her. Dumba$$ indeed!

I read many of the comments over the weekend. Not a spoiler, but I am not as confident as others that BM won’t tread that well trodden path of waiting until Ale is a bit drunk (he is hitting the sauce a lot lately) and simply climbing in bed so he wakes up with her, act like they have had sex, and later either tell him she’s pregnant (which she may or may not already be, or could even become, by Alfonso). I would look for her to faint soon.

This will all be revealed just AFTER Ale and Monse reconcile. For ten minutes. Y’all know the story is not ripe enough to let them get together yet.


Thanks, Elvira. You definitely expressed our sentiments about Bitch Maria. Her anvil had better be very interesting. I wonder whether any past villana ever ended up with an abusive man who beats her senseless.

Props to Dimwit for his very logical and persuasive argument; I guess that is his most important skill as a grifter.

Graciela has certainly established herself as a ho of the worst kind. I guess that accounts for her wardrobe. Did anyone catch the shoes she wore at the funeral?

Thanks so much for the fun recap. My favorite line was "Bitch". Excellent job!


Elvira, wonderful recap! Laughed at the title right out of the gate. So many excellent lines including "immediately wants to hear this snippet of supreme horse manure from the horse's mouth (Ale) himself" and "Monse is lackluster". I always feel your strong, emotional tones which are just perfect for this novela. Fantastic screen shot too!

A few of our less favorite characters are finally encouraging a Monse/Ale conversation: "Dim encourages a conversation" and "Both Tia and Gold-digging-ho mom say. Talk to him and try to make things right" among others. All except Tia for selfish gains, but at least they are encouraging the right thing if for the wrong reasons.

Again, disgusted with Maria and am hoping Rosario's revelation will come in time to stop Ale and Maria from their ill fated trip.

Who knew Refugio would give the best advice “JL to let Monse work out her life and JL go on with his?" Amen.

I was looking forward to the wedding but not if anyone is going to be assasinated. Can we please have one happy/light moment here? Ack.

Sylvia, thank you for asking about my root canal. The surgery which took several hours was annoying but without incident. But, when the medication wore off, the pain was excruciating and lasted well over 24 hours. I know everyone's experience is different. I have a fairly high tolerance for pain but this was worse than any surgery I've had to date. But, the pain did finally subside early Sunday morning. Thank you so much for asking.


thanks, Elvira. We all know that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

I think that the best anvil for Malria would be actually having to get a job and having no access to snacks. She is an interesting duck. She has no friends or relatives now that both her dad and uncle Pervy are gone. However, she doesn't seem to mind. All she cares about is having Ale and a life of easy living. in contrast, the same character in AR had her childhood babysitter come to live with her and help her plot to get the galan. All Malria has is her sometime lover and partner in theft Addled. What does she do all day besides put on one of her new party dresses and nibble ? She doesn't go riding, or garden, or read a book, or watch TV. I would be bored out of my gourd.

Another snow day here. Even the college closed which is unusual. it started snowing about 5 am , and 3 to 6 inches are predicted. What are you all doing to fight the winter blahs...besides watching novelas ?---Susanlynn , watching the snow fall in the Winter wonderland that is the backyard

Diana..ouch...I am sorry that you had a painful weekend, but I am happy that you are feeling better now. What a winter you have had ! Wishing you better times going forward. More snow and ice predicted for us Tuesday night into Wednesday!and then more on Sunday. Help.

Elvira! Uuuuuu Girl, you letum have it, didn't you! Umph umph umph! I'd have to quote the whole recap but this phrase stands out: snippet of supreme horse manure. Fun.ny! Oh well, off to work, thank you so much Elvira! Hilarious and thorough!


It is snowing now and I have a lunch date with a Meetup colleague and a PR person for a symphony orchestra.

We've never seen snow in a novela, have we?


Urban- We saw it in Teresa when Teresa and Arturo (SR and AB) take a winter time honeymoon to Spain and France. And they really were there.

Elvira- Thanks for the great recap. I enjoyed your take on Dim's conversation with Ale. :)

I hope the writers surprise us tonight with Ale connecting with Rosario or getting the letter, before he leaves with Maria.

I was actually suprised that Monse was willing to bend and go see Ale in the first place. I felt like after the reveal of his role in her father's death, it was his turn to try to make ammends. So I'm actually quite proud of Monse for swallowing her pride and going to him, even though I was upset that she believed Ale had sent a message via Maria (a message not unlike the stuff he has been spewing lately, so not hard to believe)

Thanks, Elvira, for the hilarious recap! I laughed out loud throughout. My favorite line was the one via Gracie to Montse about Lauro having one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

Loved the great screenshot, too!

Thanks again! It's always fun to read your recaps.

Oy, I can't believe I forgot that.

Will be posting tonight's article on timer. Just to warn everyone that my bandwidth allowance on Photobucket might run out. If it does I will pay for a year's worth of unlimited because I think this blog is the reason I'm exceeding the free allowance these days. The screen shots and the fan pictures come up on the first page of every search I do on this program.

Emarie, I agree with you about the ole we did the "hoochie-coo but you don't remember it boo" story line. BM already declared she was going to give Ale a child that "actually carries his blood", it's just hard to see them passing up this old saw.

Susanlynn her in southeast Michigan on Saturday we got about 5 inches of snow, then it rained for several hours, then it was topped off with a dusting of snow again. Our low was about 2 last night, the streets are not clean to the pavement so slow going but the sun is shining and with 9 degrees it truly does look like we're living in a snow globe. Tuesday and Wednesday the globe gets shaken again so we're up for who knows how much snow and one or two days off.

I'm just glad to be alive and well to witness it all!

:D Lia

oops, misspelled my handle!


New they are predicting 6 to 9 inches for today...then Tuesday into Wednesday more snow and ice...then Saturday into Sunday more snow.

Hope you got all your goodies on hand, and of course your necessities. Yikes!



Fantastic recap. Loved all your asides about BM and Ale being a douchebag.

I can see why Monse didn't stay after BM told her what Ale "said". She's had enough of the humiliation. As far as a letter goes, I agree that it will probably fall into the wrong hands, BM's that is. I wish Victor would hand deliver it.

I am really liking Rosie's stance in telling Vic she will only tell Ale and no one else about being Ale's Mama. I can't wait for the day that BM finds out who Rosy really is and see Rosy kick her butt. I am really looking forward to that.

I too hope we have a light episode with the wedding. I don't want to see Joaquin succeed. I want JL and Angie to be very happy with no drama. They have enough drama to deal with.

Thanks again Elvira for this most excellent recap and the screenshot too.

Thanks for your kind words Susanlynn.

It is snowing here too now with a huge storm predicted for Tuesday night going into Wednesday morning. Yikes. Cannot wait for winter to end.


Elvira - Thanks. Great photo. My favorite: "Gold-digging-ho mom says for crying out loud, your dad had one foot on the grave and the other on a banana peel!"

Were Ale and Maria staying in a hotel or one of his properties? If it was one of his properties, then it's Montse's too and she was a double fool for not ignoring Maria and going through the place to find her husband.

Does Fina think giving in to Dim as power of attorney will make him love her? What it will do is make him disrespect her even more. Strangely, though Dim is only using Fina, he also badgers her just like Tomas about being so dang gullible.

JL has been straight with Angie about his feelings -- saying te quiero instead of te amo -- but his mooning over Montse is getting on my nerves. I don't want to see Angie become jealous and insecure in her short time left.

I feel sorry for Josefina because she is between two guys who are both trying to control her .

Agree Niecie and I have a bad feeling that the little white lie he told about not seeing Montse in town is going to come back and bite him. That lie seemed to be underlined somehow. I'm hoping that with the profound end of life issues she's facing she won't get jealous and hurt but rather get JL on the right page about being honest with her, always.


Elvira, thank you for your terrific recap, definitely worth the wait. You are a master with the descriptors, such a fun read! I loved your deadpan "Monse is lackluster". Yes, she sure was.

Our weather in California has certainly been benign compared to the rest of the country. We even had a little rain yesterday, but sadly not enough to alleviate our looming drought. I feel for you folks who are suffering in the snow.

Emarie, Ale told Maria that she might not go back to the ranch with him when he was waiting for Montse to show up and maybe reconcile. As dumb as he is, even Ale knows that he couldn't have had both women under the same roof ever again.

But the, when he thought that Montse was a no show and spent the entire next day waiting for her, too, he got pissed all over again; that's when he took Maria and went back to the ranch, even if teh actual leaving happened off screen.
Also, we've seen Maria insist that they should go back, maybe her insistance paid off.

Susanlynn, at least now you know how things will be from now on and you and your family can start getting used to the new situation.
I wish you all the luck.

Diana, I hope you get back on your feet soon - my hubby is going through something similar and it's pretty awful.

Elvira--It's always a treat to find something fresh and funny on a Monday, after I've read and reread all the other recaps and comments. Thank you for the screen shot, too.

Ay, Ale, eres un tonto de la primera clase. Ok, so he won't take phone calls, how about e-mails? Aren't we in the 21st Century yet? Letters are so 19th Century.

Niecie--Ale has the ranch house about 3 hours outside of Aguazul (according to the episode when Ale takes his bride home--but we notice that people go and come with ease--like the Padre). Then he has the beach house IN Aguazul, which is about as big as the front of his home place, so that may be confusing to some. So, no, they were not at a hotel.


BTW, for those who like Victor, and I do, too, it was quite a shock to ID him in Pasion as Juancho, a nasty piece of work as a pirate who is part of a rival band, and NOT on Ric's good side. He has long hair and it's pulled back in a pony tail, but it was definitely AA.

Sylvia...I wish that we could send you some of this moisture. it has been snowing steadily here since about 5 am. it looks like we could get the upper prediction of 9 we probably already have 6 inches. Endless winter.

Anita...yes, I remember Viktor playing for the opposing pirate team in Pasion. I first saw him in the forgettable Duelo de Pasiones as Frank, the military man. He was a good guy in that one.

Thanks Adriana Noel and please give you hub my best wishes to feel better soon!

Anita, yes, AA did play a vilain (although quite well) in Pasion. He was quite dashing but none more than Mario (Alberto Estrella left far too soon here)... Many of the cast is reunited here and hopefully the cast is enjoying acting with each other again as much as we are seeing them here.


I dreaded seeing that scene with Tia and Mons at Ale’s. I was holding my breath. I’m glad it wasn’t any longer than it was.

I almost—I say ALMOST—feel sorry for Maria. If she wasn’t such a bitch. She’s so desperate to have Ale that she’s continually humiliating herself. Is she lying to herself? Does she really think Ale cares about her in that way? Or is she so desperate, she doesn’t care?

OT: Maria Elisa Camargo’s (Pato from PEAM) new novela is coming soon on Telemundo: En Otra Piel. Looks interesting and she’s the lead.

Also OT, UA: was catching up with Downton Abbey this weekend and was pleasantly surprised to see Kiri Te Kanawa. Have you ever seen her in person? I first heard of her when she sang at the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. I have one of her CDs--Sole e amore (Puccini Arias).


A recap well worth waiting for! Very funny.

As much as people come and go from the hacienda, I'm starting to think that "few hours away" estimate must have been for taking the bus and then walking from the highway. Or maybe more like an hour and a half. It's hard to imagine someone willingly driving three hours to town, then three hours back, then doing it again the next day, like Ale did just to go find Maria and then take her shopping the next day.

Week of January 27, 2014:

Low Points:

Fina doesn’t get her wedding.
Pedro abuses Nadia.
Maria gloats to Mons and calls her baby illegitimate.
Maria lies to Ale about how the fight was started.
Gracie makes a pact with the devil.
Ginnie is upset she broke her promise.
Ale thinks JL and Juv were in cahoots and JL killed him.
Eww!! incestuous Dim/Gracie moment.
Ros is not happy with Mons knew JL was at the hacienda.
Ale asks for an annulment.
Maria bitches at the servants.
Ale plans on taking Maria on a trip.
Ale threatens Mac.
Again with the head pokes!!!!!
Lauro overhears there’s a problem with Mons and Ale.
Gracie’s mind IS the gutter.
Dim spills the beans to his father.
Mons tells Lauro only half the truth.
Maria tells Lauro about Gracie and Ben.
Ale tells Lauro that the baby is JL’s, and he and Maria kill him.
Maria, standing over Lauro’s corpse, seals the coffin on her fate. Bitch!
Maria: Bitch on wheels.
Gracie’s behavior toward Dim (eww!), Fina and Mons after he’s released from jail.
Nadia tells Vic to stay away from her at the funeral.
Joaquin wants Pedro to have JL killed.
For a split, heartbreaking, second Mons thinks Ale has come for her.
Ale delivers the news about Lauro.
Mons’ devastation.
Pedro tells Joaquin he’ll arrange for Ale to kill JL.
Maria exists.
Carlotta’s heartbreaking story about her life.
Dim sobbing.
Ros and Ale scene.
Gracie is all about the manipulation.
Ale still thinks HE is the victim.
Ale insults Vic.
Ale, do you ever listen to the things that comes out of your mouth?!
JL plans to explain things to Ale. No JL!! Run!! Run away!! Run back to Angie!!
Joaquin goes to the hacienda to get the ball rolling.
Ale’s priority is to find JL (at least he has a priority).
Gracie tells Dim he has to marry Fina for her money.
Ale disses on the Mendoz family to Fina and once again says Lauro was the best of the bunch (the man he practically murdered).
Angie is sick, sad and worried.
Dim is sent to talk to Ale (?!)

Maria lies to Mons—again—and she believes her.
Dim convinces doormat Fina to let him have control of her money.
JL lies to Angie about seeing Mons.
Ale doesn’t pick up the phone when Vic calls.
Ale plans a trip with Maria.
Ale tells the padre he doesn’t have any faith in Mons anymore.


Dom puts Maria in her place.
Capitan tells Gracie off.
Lauro tells Capitan where Dim is.
Ale thinks of Mons while Maria parades her clothes.
Dim is arrested.
Mons bitch slaps Maria.
Lottie gets in Ale’s face
Lottie tells Ale to keep his animals in a cage.
Nice Angie/Esme and JL/Ref moment.
Ros is the first character to use the TN title.
Mons tells Dim he got what he deserved.
Angie is not mad at Ginnie.
Amelia/Angie talk.
Angie tells Amelia it’s her choice how she chooses to live the rest of her life.
Mac bravely tells Ale he’s made a big mistake.
Lottie trusts Mons (Ale-you hearin’ this?!)
Lottie tells Gracie she’s to blame.
Gracie’s plan to keep Lauro in the dark is thwarted by her darling bébé.
JL is reinstated in the navy.
JL protects Angie from Joaquin.
Mons says she won’t allow Ale to abuse her again.
Pru threatens Joaquin.
Fina tells some home truths to Mons.
Angie’s and Amelia’s heart-to-heart.
Jl teases Ref.
JL and Ref have been pardoned.
Nadia remains cool and dignified with Pedro.
Fina’s good heart.
Dim LIKES Fina.
Dim tries to help Mons in his very Dim-like way.
Dim rejects his mother’s comfort and she doesn’t like it.
JL/Angie scene with him reassuring her she is his present, Mons is his past.
Angie wants Esme to stay.
Ale turns gallant and takes the complete blame for Lauro’s death—though Maria doesn’t really deserve it (yes, Ale has actually made it to the High Points list).
Mons give Ale the ultimate stink-eye.
Mons is beginning to stand up to Gracie.
Vic gives Ale a few home truths.
Ale disses Maria.
Mons is finally angry at Ale.
Gracie thinks she’s delivering hurtful news to Mons about JL’s upcoming marriage.
Vic tells Ale that he better be sure the baby isn’t his before he burns his bridges.
JL gets a promotion.
Mons is still hating on Ale.
Mac and Dom decide mums the word.
Vic and Mons have an honest revealing talk.
Esme tells Ref she will marry him only if he accepts her for who she is.
Capitan tells Mons he’s there for her and tells her about JL and Angie.
Dim tells Gracie he believes Mons was faithful to Ale.
Lottie gets part of the hacienda.
Dim is disinherited.
JL and Mons have a chance to talk.
Gracie doesn’t want Mons and JL to meet at the same time they’re meeting.
Dim tells Ale a few home truths.
Ref tells JL to let go and live his life.
Vic tells Ale a few home truths.
Tia wants to stay and insist on talking with Ale.
Ale finally sees reason.
Ale tells Maria she may have to go.
Tomas says NO! to Dim’s idea.
Ros uses the Mom card.
Vic’s face when Ros tells him to let Ale HIS MOTHER wants to see him.
Mac lets Ale know he’s not pleased with who Ale’s become.
Mons considers trying one more time to explain things to Ale.

In case you would like to check it out, the Producers Novelographies has been updated to include current and upcoming prime time telenovelas.

Check the Sideboard under:

Las proximas: Feed for news about upcoming telenovelas

How could anyone fear the Low Points list when it contains gems like "Gracie's mind IS the gutter" and "Ale, do you ever listen to the things that comes out of your mouth?!"

Excellent lists.

Thanks for the recap and screenshot of handsome Alejandro looking grim. I have One question for you. You wrote:

"Ale hasn't forgiven her, blah de blah."

It has been a few days since I saw the capitulo but I thought Montserrat lied to Jose Luis and said that Ale DID forgive her.

Thanks again, Elvira.


Your lists are just dandy. I love catching up on the whole week this way and I agree with Julia that your highlights are very funny. 'Gracis's mind Is the gutter.' Tee hee hee.

Thanks for pulling those together.


Julia and EJ--thanks. But, grrr! One of the items you quoted has a grammatical error. Should be "things that COME out of your mouth."

Nanette, I am laughing and I haven't even gotten to the Highpoints yet.


I rest my case. OK, on to enjoy the Highpoints...

Thanks Nanette, those are two terrific lists. I'm glad you haven't bailed on this telenovela because your lists are Highpoints for me.

Oh, yes, "Maria exists" and "Maria". LOW points.

Nanette--As always, your LPHP lists cover the gamut.

Poor Dim, he appears on both lists, just as we were hoping he was on the road to rehabilitation especially with "Dim tries to help Mons in his very Dim-like way" on the HP list.

I do feel sorry for him with "Dim is disinherited" being in the HP list. He certainly felt it was an LP moment.

Anita, thanks for updating the producer's list. Very interesting.


Anita: I was torn about where to put Dim being disinherited on the lists. It really seemed like a harsh thing to do, to disinherit him (though I understand where Lauro was coming from) especially since we saw how Dim felt ignored and unloved by his father. But he has been a stinker throughout with only a couple of moments of hints of redemption. So I put it on the HP list.

Elvira: where are my manners?! Loved the recap and screenshot.

Thanks for the breezy , fun recap to get us all set for tonight's action.

Once again, your highs and lows are a hoot. Thanks!

EJ, I remember the scene the way you do. Montse fibbed to JL and told him that Alejandro had forgiven her.

Julia and Anita,
The three-hour thing was first mentioned as the time it took to get to town from the hacienda on horseback.

The travel time by car is clearly much shorter (especially now that people aren't likely to meet up with murderers en route).

Love your list, Nanette. Very cool way to stay up to date with all the action and fun as well! Amazing!


NM--How fast do you think the horses would go? Were they at full gallop, canter, trotting, or just walking?

Walk: 4 mph
Trot: 8 mph
Canter: 10–17 mph
Gallop: 25-30 mph

Let's take an average of all 4 at the slower speeds and for simplicity's sake we get the horses going about 12 mph.

If it took them 3 hours to get to town, town would be about 15 miles away, no?

By car they could cover that in 20 min, give or take a few assesinos.

The mystery of how Padre A. could get there is solved--but wasn't he using a donkey?


Ha Ha, wrong telenovela. That was Padre T. on a donkey in FELS.

I meant the mystery is solved on how Padre A. got to town so quickly.


To answer your question --

um…yeah…what you said.


Languages, culinary arts, communications, estate law...this blog is the most edumacational thing around.

So, if Ale and Maria leave the hacienda at 11:23 a.m. heading northwest toward Aguazul International Airport traveling 34 mph, and Montse and Rosario leave Casa Mendoza at 11:34 a.m. heading southwest toward the hacienda at 46 mph, what are the chances either party will be attacked or break down en route?

Julia: you're too freakin' funny!

Ale's hair looks really terrible in that picture. I hope his attitude makeover will come with a new hairdo.

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