Monday, February 17, 2014

Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes, 2/17/14 #70

Chapter 70: The Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Truth

Mendoza Manor / Valverde Manor: Lady Monserrat had absorbed the full impact of this ugly revelation about her mother. She sat with her aunt in shock. Upstairs in Valverde Manor, her brother wept in a most immature and unmanly manner, crouching in a corner. Lady Josefina entered, concerned for him, but he ran, not wishing to speak of this scandalous situation. She stood there in agonized confusion.

The Following Day:

Unidentified Drawing Room: Pedro Medina looked about the drawing room, enquiring of Lady Nadia whether she liked the mansion. She was surprised, saying she could not understand his desire to move. He spoke of needing a better residence for when he would win the governorship of their state. When she noted that it was too large for the two of them he spoke of children and how he would want to hear them running in the house. Lady Nadia informed him that she would not give him a child. He threw it in her face that she wanted to have children and how he always obtained what he wanted. When he left her standing alone her resolve tightened, her expression saying that what she would most want was to be rid of him.

Mendoza Manor Drawing Room: Lady Carlota sat on the divan pensively drinking her morning coffee when Rosario entered, telling her apologetically that she had overheard the argument that took place the previous evening. Lady Carlota began to speak when Countess Graceless entered, officiously saying that she forbade her to meddle in the Mendoza family matters. Lady Carlota rose to Rosario's defense, forbidding her sister-in-law to speak in this manner. Countess Graceless made a condescending sound of reproach, then ordered her to be silent and demanded to know what affair this was of hers. Lady Carlota expressed the wish that her brother were alive to banish her from the manor. Not to be outdone, Countess Graceless reminded her that she had inherited the manor and could demand that she leave that very day. Lady Carlota calmly told her that indeed, she could do that. However, when their friends began enquiring the reason she would tell them the entire truth. This clearly vexed Countess Graceless, who realized that her scandal would supercede that of her daughter's. However, the doorbell rang before this could go much farther and she ordered the horrified Rosario to answer the door. Lord Alejandro entered, embracing Rosario as she addressed him as “My son.” Obviously Countess Graceless failed to notice that as she bade her son-in-law welcome. He informed her that he had come to see his wife and she told Lady Carlota to go up to fetch her. Lady Carlota left the room somewhat reluctantly When Countess Graceless attempted to dismiss Rosario to the kitchen, Lord Alejandro told her he wanted her to know that Rosario was his mother and she was to respect her as such. He embraced Rosario for emphasis before the shocked eyes of Countess Graceless, who barely could enquire the truth of this statement.

Lady Monserrat then told her aunt she did not want to go down to see her husband. Lady Carlota did not want to return without her, but agreed to present the excuse that she was feeding the baby. When she returned to the drawing room to find the three seated on the sofas Countess Graceless asked whether Lord Alejandro wished something to drink. Rosario automatically rose, but he prevented her leaving, saying he was fine. Rosario resumed her seat as her son was asked whether he wished to see the baby. He said he would, but addressed the reply to his own mother. Lady Carlota returned and smirked slightly at what she knew would be a most uncomfortable situation for her sister-in-law. She then took pleasure in telling Rosario how pleased she was that she had finally revealed her identity to her son, and told Lord Alejandro that she was happy for him as well. His expression said he understood both meanings of these statements while Countess Graceless looked back at her sister-in-law with an expression that foretold of more conflict to come. She knew she had been duped. Lord Alejandro then told his mother that he wanted to discuss the baptismal date with his wife. In a recovery attempt Countess Graceless made mention of the paternity question, which he assured her had been settled. Of course, Countess Graceless was miffed that no one had told her anything and Lady Carlota informed her that she was not the only person capable of keeping secrets. She could also not resist saying that she understood His Lordship's doubts in view of who his mother-in-law was. “I assure you that my niece is nothing like this woman.”

Graceless smiled a bit too broadly as she offered to escort her son-in-law upstairs. He followed her out, leaving the other ladies behind. They embraced in victory.

Lady Monserrat's Bedchamber: Lady Monserrat waited anxiously for the knock on the door. At the sound of her mother's voice she reluctantly bade her enter. In her usual manner in these situations Countess Graceless informed her that her husband was dying to see his child. He did not immediately follow her in but did at the last, a tear falling as he saw the strong, healthy infant in the crib. It would be impossible to overstate Countess Graceless' hypocrisy when she spoke of how beautiful the infant was, for both her sister-in-law and her daughter knew of her impatience with babies. She was, however, sensible enough to exit so that her daughter and son-in-law could be left to begin discussion [or perhaps so that she could return to the drawing room to argue with Lady Carlota]. He cried as he looked at his son, speaking of the baptism and of his name. Lady Monserrat, who could not look at her husband, informed him that the baby had been named Lauro, for her father. Lord Alejandro must have sensed some reproach in that, but took no offense.

He then knelt before his young wife to plead for her forgiveness. Although she cried she would not accept this, as too much had passed between them. Too many ugly words and actions. He wanted them to forget their mutual errors and begin again, saying that Lieutenant Alvarez was not free of blame in the situation. She reminded him of the last vile thing he had said, her expulsion from his home and his life, and the humiliation she had suffered for it all. Although it was in her face and her tears she did not speak of her pain. All this time their son cried as though he were aware that his parents were fighting.

At last she told him that his actions did cause a death. He calmly asked what he could do to achieve her forgiveness and she told him there was nothing. He had rejected their son when she carried him and his acceptance of him now – after the proofs of science – changed nothing for her. But she wanted to know what other influence has brought him to this and he told her that it was his mother. Her trust in Lady Monserrat's fidelity made him think. This did not satisfy Lady Monserrat, who was justly offended that her own word was of lesser importance than that of other people and modern science. She rose and went to tend the child. She then reminded him of their last encounter and ordered him to leave. He reluctantly left, closing the door. She then sat down and cried.

Mendoza Manor Drawing Room / Study: Lord Alejandro returned to the drawing room and apologised to his anxious mother, saying he feared it was too late. She said to give his wife time, but he was certain that this was truly the end. He suggested she pack her belongings and leave with him. She did not want to leave her grandson. He told her that she could visit him as much as she wanted to but that Mendoza Manor was not her home. He told her that her place was with him and that he needed her more than ever now. She almost began to cry, but agreed to go with him.

After she left the room Countess Graceless asked to speak alone with Lord Alejandro in the study before he left. Her pointed manner caused Lady Carlota some pique, and she did not hesitate to press her ear to the door as soon as it was shut.

Lord Alejandro required no crystal ball or ancient oracle to know that Countess Graceless would speak of her family's financial situation. His expression clearly indicated that he knew where this conversation would lead. At last he stated that he did not have his checkbook at that moment but that he would take care of his wife and child as was proper. She told him that she would come to his estate to collect it personally. Lady Carlota, sensing that this conversation had ended, came away from the door in time to avoid being caught while Rosario came down with the one bag that held her possessions. She told her son that she wanted to take her leave of his wife and child before they left. She left him in the drawing room. He turned around to see a sad Lady Carlota and an indifferent Countess Graceless.

Lady Monserrat's Bedchamber: Lady Monserrat cried as she held her sleeping child. She said “Enter” to the knock without enquiring the identity of the person. Rosario entered to take her leave, saying that her son bade her return with him. Lady Monserrat was not bitter at this news, nor very surprised. She bade her to take care of him because he had lacked a mother's care and the love Rosario had built up for him for all those years. He was welcome to see his son, but she could not forgive him. The insults and the pain had been too great. The dalliance with Maria was more than she could bear. Rosario – who still addressed her daughter-in-law as Milady – pointed out that Lord Alejandro loved her and not Maria. But even that was no balm, as the attempted killing of Lieutenant Alvarez was outrageous in view that he had saved Lord Alejandro's life three times. There was too much that she could not forget. With no reply but her tears, Rosario kissed her daughter-in-law and grandson, then found her voice and said that she would never stop hoping for them to reconcile.

Valverde Manor / Argüelles Manor: Lady Josefina spoke over the telephone with Adolfo, telling him she was concerned about Dimwit. He had been greatly upset the night before and she had not seen him since. He told her that Dimwit was with him, but had told him nothing. He called out, but no one entered the room; he had clearly done this for appearances. He told her that Dimwit did not want to talk but he suggested that she come to see him so he might help. After he ended the call there was a knock at the door and he admitted Maria, who was interested in some diversion. She flirted with him but he told her to leave because he was expecting a lady. She sat on his divan, saying he could just call and cancel that engagement, as she knew what pleased him. Although it appeared as though he was about to weaken, he did not. He told her that his sort of man appreciated variety and that she was to leave and not return. He picked up her purse and forcefully escorted her to the door.

Mendoza Manor: Rosario took leave of Lady Carlota, who wept. She finally departed with her son. Immediately after the door closed behind him Countess Graceless proceeded to insult her daughter behind her back for refusing to forgive her husband. She started for the stairs to continue the insults in person, but Lady Carlota pulled her back. She reminded her that Lady Monserrat will be very affronted when she learned of her mother's continued shameless demands for money. This argument was merely another battle in the eternal war between the two over Lady Monserrat's wishes and Countess Graceless' endless greed. It culminated in Countess Graceless verbalizing her hope that Lady Carlota would pack her things and leave, but she would not get her wish this time, as Lady Carlota made it perfectly plain that she would not leave her niece in Graceless' clutches [en tus garras]. On that comment she left the room, leaving a frustrated Graceless to curse the walls.

Alvarez Residence: Lady Angelica coughed, bringing up blood. However, she wiped her hands clean before Esmeralda entered with her orange juice. She was worried for her husband, whom she was certain was not recovering from the duel. Esmeralda was certain that he was fighting hard to recover and told her to be calm. He was one of the most stubborn men she knew and... that he had told her to give Refugio another opportunity. Esmeralda understood, but was still upset that he wanted her to change and would not accept her as she was. Lady Angelica reminded her that she would wish to have more time to be with her own husband. He is fighting for his life while she has an incurable disease, but Esmeralda and Refugio were young and healthy and could be together all their lives. She asked “If you were in my place and knew you only had but only a few months to live, would you not give it all to live intensely with him?” Esmeralda appeared to have heard the message in her words.

Hospital, Lt Alvarez' Room: The doctor informed Refugio that his friend was not doing well. He had developed an infection in his lung that despite the medicines of modern science was certainly fatal. As he left the room Refugio went to his friend's bedside to tell him to fight for his life. Lt Alvarez appeared to be dreaming and to his misfortune he was dreaming of Lady Monserrat and not his dear wife. Refugio sank into the chair in frustration.

Argüelles Manor: Lady Josefina arrived and entered without knocking. She called for Dimwit, then for Adolfo, who answered her before entering the room from behind her clad only in a towel. She was clearly disturbed by this in a manner to which she was unaccustomed and attempted to persuade him to dress while asking the whereabouts of her errant husband. Adolfo attempted to convince her that Dimwit was with another woman. She asked whether he knew that for a fact and he replied that he had not been told so but that he knew Dimwit all too well. However, Dimwit began knocking and Adolfo directed Lady Josefina to another room and closed the door behind her before admitting his worthless friend.

Medina Manor: Lady Nadia entered her bedchamber to find a silver dress and matching shoes on the bed. With military precision her husband called at that moment to inform her that they had an important social engagement that evening and he was going to win. She told him she had no such engagement with him and would be retiring to bed as she did not feel well. He insisted in his usual manner that she take whatever pills she needed because he required her to be more beautiful than ever. She told him not to worry, but with an edge to her voice enquired as to when he would be arriving to collect her. He informed her that he had many things to do and expected to meet her at the appointed place. He would send the chauffeur. She told him “As you please” and ended the call. She then examined the dress which, to most eyes, was of a length that would have better suited Esmeralda at her work. This was further proof that Lady Nadia's husband had not been raised to be a gentleman.

Argüelles Manor: Dimwit entered, done with his tears but still in a state of shock. He sat and poured himself some strong drink as he explained to the incredulous Adolfo what he had learned. His mother's lifelong deception had been devastating and the news that he was not the son of the man he had called “Father” was painful but served as adequate explanation for what he saw as Admiral Mendoza's contempt for him. However, Adolfo said “Salud!” in a toast, telling him that if what he said was true he did not need Lady Josefina and her fortune. That along with Alejandro he would share the fortune of Benjamín Almonte.

Almonte Town House: Rosario followed her son into the drawing room and they spoke of Lady Monserrat. She advised him to be patient with her because of all that had happened. He spoke of the night of their first meeting when she embraced him from behind on the beach because she had mistaken him for José Luis Alvarez. Had he known that night that she loved another man none of all this would have happened. He wondered whether it was all a mistake. Rosario was not convinced, but at least Lord Alejandro was happy to have her with him. He embraced her and they both wept.

Mendoza Manor: Lady Monserrat told her aunt of her offense that her husband never believed her, but was only convinced by the word of others. She had told him many times that she had never been unfaithful. The worst was his dalliance with Maria. Lady Carlota speculated that perhaps she was mistaken on this matter as she had heard Lord Alejandro several times saying that he thought of Maria as a sister. Lady Monserrat justly pointed out that he had forgiven the stolen money and the lies Maria had told about her and this surely was the limit. Lady Carlota told her that her own behavior was somewhat suspect given the circumstances and she also would need to prove otherwise with deeds rather than merely with words. These words seemed to have the appropriate effect and Lady Carlota pointed out that Lady Monserrat was also prone to pride.

The doorbell rang and a maid admitted Refugio, who sadly told Lady Monserrat that Lt Alvarez was dying. She took her purse and insisted on going despite Lady Carlota's attempt at telling her she should not. She left with Refugio and Lady Carlota sighed in frustration.

Almonte Town House: Rosario commented on the beauty of the house and Margarita, the housekeeper, entered to say that her room had been prepared. Rosario indicated she would like to rest and Lord Alejandro told Margarita that Rosario was his mother and should be accorded all appropriate accommodation. Margarita escorted her out as someone arrived at the door. Lord Alejandro admitted Dimwit who informed him of his discovery... and bluntly demanded his half of the inheritance.


Anyone else think that all the blue clothing is a foreshadowing?

I guess now we place our bets in the Paternity Stakes.

so much for a humbled graceless. sadly she appears to be her same ole scheming and manipulating self

Marvelous and elegant recap, Urban, thank you, and so quick! I don't know how you do it.

So, no, "You had me at hello" for Ale from Monse. And of course, from the advances Ale is going to think the worst again.
Ale commented, "I like that" when Monse told him that she named the child Lauro after her father.

Great scene with Graceless with egg on her face when she found out Rosy was Ale's madre, and all the other secrets no one told her.

Great job Urban!

Ale also told Monse that he went to the hospital and asks JL. It was particularly galling to her that he believed JL before he would believe her, and that he had the nerve to interrogate a man he had out on his deathbed.

I had to laugh out loud at Ale being upset that Monde lied that she had a boyfriend the first time they met on that beach at night. I was remembering how many times I lied about my name or status when a guy would come on to me at a club when I was in college. Is he seriously upset about that? LOL! Dude, you were a stranger to her. Get over it.

Put on his deathbed.

Great job as usual, UA! I love your choice of the blue fan. Those of you who are old-timers like me will remember the song, "Le Amer C'est Blue", or "Love is Blue". It certainly is blue in this episode.

What is Adolfo up to? Do y'all think he is faking his interest in Fina? What the heck was up with Maria? That was kind of random, but Ale IS treating her kind of like an unwanted paid companion. I was glad Fina heard Dim more or less deny he was with anyone else, but I am sure she was sad to hear Adolfo's suggestion that he didn't need her anymore.

Angelique Boyer really took my breath away in her scene with Ale. She broke my heart when she reminded Ale of EVERYTHING he did to her. She pinned him down like an entomologist with a recalcitrant bug. She REALLY put him in his place. Best scene EVER!!!!!

I hope JL doesn't die. He and Angie add so much to the story. It would be a shame to lose them. I want to see JL truly fall in love with Angie. Maybe some miracle could heal her, too. LQLVMR writers, call me!!!

small a anita

"Le AMOR C'est Bleu"

Urban Anthropologist, than you for another well crafted and creative recap.

The slap didn't do much to put the brakes on Graciela. She didn't miss a beat asking Ale for money and Dimitri sure proved himself to be her son by running to Ale and claiming himself to be another heir of Benjamin and demanding his half of the inheritance. Maybe the two of them being like albatrosses around Ale's neck will be his punishment.

Looks like BM lost her welcome at Adolfo's. Too bad she can't lose her welcome at Ale's hacienda. Maybe she will when Rosario comes to live there since
Rosario is going to be praying for and pulling for a reconciliation of Montse and Ale.

Pedro, dinner, silver dress and shoes for Nadia. Probably something creepy and unsavory on the horizon.


Oh, and after all that crying and begging forgiveness on his knees, Ale still slid back into his old ways and asked Rosario what if she's wrong (and Monse did have an affair with JL). Clearly, he's not capable of rational thought without his mama around. The previews don't give me much hope that he'll begin thinking rationally any time soon.

I loved it when Ale defended Rosario from that graceless Snake! Pedro is so creepy and crazy and i definetly wouldnt want Ezequel as a pillow manager.

A beautiful fan, Urban, for an expressive recap of an elegiac episode. I was thinking "moody blue."

"Yee haw," I shouted when Ale told Gracie that Rosario was his mother and should be treated with respect!

I was hoping that Carlota would lay a finger poke on Gracie's forehead. Oh well, at least she stood up to her.

The scene with Ale and Montse was good, but I especially liked the poignant farewell between Montse and Rosario. The soundtrack for that scene was lovely and pensive.

Now Fina has to worry that even her money won't keep Dim by her side. And she has to fret about Adolfo jumping out nekkid when she's not expecting that type of encounter.

When Nadia looked over the silver dress, I wondered if she was thinking of making it look extra slutty. Pedro deserves some kind of unpleasant surprise.

I don't know if Maria's visit to Adolfo was a random trip to town or if she feels the need to leave the ranch. I can't see her staying there with Rosario in residence as Ale's mother.

This comment has been removed by the author.


Thanks so much for this lovely turn of phrase recap. I love the way you always write them.

So the tables have turned, haven't they? Now who is begging, and pleading for forgiveness? Ale that's who!!! About time too. But as Vivi said, he's still not all there yet. He needs to still go a long ways to be forgiven. Actions speak louder than words Ale!

Oh, I am loving Tia Carlota! I am so glad she is finally telling Graceless off and listening at doors! I am also glad that the Tia is not leaving Monse in Graceless' clutches. Good for her!

I actually laughed when Addled came out in that towel, to try to bewitch poor Fina. She looked like a scared little bunny trying desperately to leave. I feel bad she overheard what Addled and Dimwit said, but I want her to grow a backbone now. I want her to tell them off, find an interest and go out there and live her life.

I noticed something about Sergio Sendel tonight, I hadn't noticed before. It seems every writer makes him say "le paga la gana" lots of times. He said it in "Destilando Amor", "Una Familia con Suerte" and now here in "Robo". It doesn't seem to be a random thing either. He says it quite often.

I too am hoping Angie doesn't die or JL. They are my favorite couple and I want them to have lots more happiness before the end of this TN. I don't like that Angie is coughing up blood, but I'm hoping it's the stress of the situation she is in. I also hope that Esme and Refugio reconcile. I can't stand that slimy EZ!

Urban A,

Thank You so much for the well written and detailed recap, and of course for the fan photo.

This made me chuckle:
"She then examined the dress which, to most eyes, was of a length that would have better suited Esmeralda at her work."

I loved the fact that Ale shoved it in Gracie's face that Rosario was his mother and to treat her with respect. I also liked the fact that Ale, of course being the good son that he is, is listening to his mothers advice. His mother coming forward and telling him the truth has been an awakening.

Don't know what to think of Adolfito's feelings for Fina. All I know is that I laughed when he stood there in his towel, trying to seduce poor Fina. I have a hunch that he wants a piece of the pie. He wants Fina's money, but he also wants to one-up Dimi, by taking away his wife. No spoiler here, but wouldn't it be funny if the two Dimwits that originally came up with the plan to swindle money from Fina both ended up falling for her. That would be awesome.

I thought Ale was sincere in his apology to Montse. I know there has been discussion as to whether Ale is a pretty crier. The majority said he was an ugly crier. I say there is no way to look "pretty" when you are crying. I think Ale looks very honest and regretful. Boy am I glad that Ale has his mother at his side now.

I, like many others, hope JL doesn't die. From the previews, it looks like Montse is going to lie at the wrong place and time again. Looks like Ale is going to hear Montse, but I hope Angie doesn't. It would crush her.

I guess Gracie is back up on her throne. It didn't take long for her to take her seat again. And she has some nerve asking Ale for money. He would have probably offered it without her asking. But I am kind of glad that she demanded money, so that Ale could see how greedy she is.

I can't wait for BM to find out that Rosario is Ale's mother.

Off to bed...hasta pronto!

Oh, I too like the fact that Ale and his Mama Rosy are together now. I am glad he is listening to her, she is another voice of reason. Now if only he takes her advice. I can't wait until stupid BM tries something against Rosy and finds out she is Ale's Mama. I am hoping Mama Rosy cracks her one right across the face, from all the abuse she has had to put up from BM!

Jarifa, ITA, I can't imagine what Pedro has planned for Nadia with that dress, not exactly the demure Jackie-O politician's wife outfit.
He has been demanding she get pregnant, he has been telling her to have sex with Victor, she refuses, and Pedro said to her that he always gets what he wants. Now he had this big house she has to fill with kids.
We still don't know why he can't do the job himself. Not won't do it, mind you, can't do it.

The fan at the top isn't in my collection; due to my bandwidth allowance I can't post from Photobucket until the 20th. The popularity of this series means that the fans at the top of my articles or screengrabs I've had come up in searches. But I would love to own that fan!

I chose it because of the scene showing Alejandro, Monserrat, and the baby all dressed in blue. Blue is SR's best color and I suspect that he will be wearing something blue all the time in
this series, just as JS was always in black in LQNPA.

When I posted the rhetorical question the other day about how Graceless would explain the inheritance it also occurred to me that she was being very short-sighted on her ability to get ongoing money out of Alejandro even after him marrying into the family. She may have assumed that as a bastard he would be uneducated and easily duped or dominated. How wrong this will be in the long term.

His entire rage and reluctance to trust -- as horrible as this was or is for his marriage to Monserrat -- is the very thing that will ultimately frustrate Graceless. His fortune puts all the cards in his hands. If I were writing this I would have someone (maybe Victor) advise him not to actually hand Graceless any money. I would advise that he pay her bills directly: mortgage (if there is one), home repairs, utilities, food, auto expenses, insurance. No credit cards and no gambling debts from Dimwit. No chauffeur; she will have to learn to drive. After a year or two she has to be working.

Early on Monserrat herself told him not to give her mother anything. That would have been her revenge on her mother for this whole situation and I couldn't have agreed with her more.

Thanks UA for a great recap.

Cant wait for BM to know that Rosie is the mother of Ale, i don't mean to be harsh but i hope it will be a very good deserved slap in the face.

By the way why is Monse going to see a ding JL? and why didn't Refugio go call Angie first?

On to this episode in particular...

Alejandro is not accustomed to begging for anything; he is proud. I can't fault him for that because I'm the same way. It took multiple people's efforts to get him to do this because he needed to hear this over and over to realize he was in the wrong.

Speculation: Unfortunately, the same will need to happen to get him to get rid of Maria.

As for Adolfo vs Dimwit over Josefina, I'm thinking that this is all about the money. Remember that their original swindle left Adolfo with an amount of money Dimwit didn't know he had, Dimwit got back at him by stealing his half of the money they both stole from Alejandro, and Dimwit got paid back for that by Angelica stealing it from him.

Of course, Josefina is too good for either of them and she is long overdue to learn that.

As for Maria, Adolfo knows she is potentially a killer. He is overdue to tell someone about catching her stalking Monserrat with a knife in her hand.

Kana, you asked two great questions re: Montse going to see JL rather than Angelica. Even though a delirious JL was asking for Montse, Refugio should have used his head and told his wife Angelica that her husband was worse. Bad decisions all around with Montse rushing to the hospital.


Dear Urban Anthropologist,

Thanks for another terrific and detailed recap! I also love the beautiful fan you chose. Your whole recap was great, and I enjoyed these lines, especially, since it was a pleasure to see some moments of triumph for the good people:
"Graceless smiled a bit too broadly as she offered to escort her son-in-law upstairs. He followed her out, leaving the other ladies behind. They embraced in victory."

anita, Aunty Ann and others: I've also been wondering about Aldolfo's interest in Josefina. He hasn't signaled to anyone that he's being insincere to trick her which makes me think he's sincere, but, given his past, it's sure hard to believe in him.

An aside since I found most of last night's episode moving, but I couldn't help but smile when Alejandro walked in to Mansion Mendoza and Gracie commented something to the effect,

"Alejandro, how great that you've been let out of jail!"

Thanks, Graciela, for that lesson in etiquette. I've always wondered what to say to someone in a moment like this.

Thanks again, Urban Anthropologist, for a great recap!

Lovely UA. Simply lovely.

You conveyed all the sadness and despair of last night's episode perfectly. And with hauntingly beautiful words.

I so wanted to feel for Ale, but I could not. Even though he knows his mother revels in being with her grandson, he selfishly thought only of himself: "She did not want to leave her grandson. He told her that she could visit him as much as she wanted to but that Mendoza Manor was not her home. He told her that her place was with him and that he needed her more than ever now." Huge sigh.

Some of my favorites included: " But even that was no balm, as the attempted killing of Lieutenant Alvarez was outrageous in view that he had saved Lord Alejandro's life three times", "Lord Alejandro required no crystal ball or ancient oracle to know that Countess Graceless would speak of her family's financial situation" and finally "She then examined the dress which, to most eyes, was of a length that would have better suited Esmeralda at her work". Wonderful!

Anita, I think Adolfo truly does now care for Fina. I am sure her huge fortune is not an impediment and we always seem to want what we can't have so that is probably alluring for him as well. And, I totally agree with you about Angelique. I thought she was sensational last night.

Madelaine, as upsetting as Ale and Monse's meeting was, I am totally disheartened by Angie and JL. Now both will die? I didn't think JL would die by Ale's hand, as that would likely be an impossible obstacle for Monse and Ale to finally reunite. They had so little happy time together. This is casting a pall on everything.

Julia, your comment "Thanks, Graciela, for that lesson in etiquette. I've always wondered what to say to someone in a moment like this" made me smile! Something ths TN has certainly not made me do lately.

UA, this was fabulous. Thank you.

Great comments all.


Graceless was demonstrating how déclassée she really is. It was a power play on her part.

Once her ugly secret is out she won't be able to get away with this crap. I said yesterday that she should get slapped by both her children. Dimwit's will hurt more because she favors him but Monserrat's will be more satisfying because she has been Graceless' whipping girl.

UA: You outdid yourself with this one. Thanks.

Well, I'm not as offended as many of you about Graceless asking Alejandro for money for the support of his child. He has been selfish and cruel, and now that he knows the truth, even though he still doubts his wife, he has an obligation to pitch in and help.

Also, I wasn't all that bothered by Montsy's going to the hospital to be at JL's bedside as he dies. But, Refugio should have notified Angie so that she could be there, too. She is very sick - how poetic if they both died at the same time!

Rosario is a class act. She segued in to her new position without becoming a witch. But, she still has to catch up with Maria - then the fur will fly.

I'm beginning to think that Fina is the strongest woman in this novela. She is morally grounded and is a stand by your man woman. Adolfo is the biggest puzzle. He is perpetually scheming to get somebody else's money. If he put that energy into employment, he'd be rich in his own right.

We haven't met Adolfo and Nadia's parents, but I wonder about them. It was often true in the past that the children of wealthy people became "idle rich" layabouts who did nothing, contributed nothing to society, and become social parasites. Adolfo is the modern version of that Victorian prototype.

He needs a job.

Josefina will be much stronger after her makeover. Wearing different clothes will change her posture and that would be a huge step forward.

Thanks, Urban! Will enjoy recap and comments later, just wanted to react before work: I don't know what I was thinking to think the cow would be cowed by her dressing down of the previous night. My, didn't she recover fast! I don't think though her bark carries as much sting as it once did with Lottie even getting a little physical with Graceless! I guess the story and dynamics wouldn't be the same if Gracie stopped being the unholy terror she is.

And Dimmie didn't wait long either to show his hand. Ale was looking at him like "what the f***. . . .!"

And is their any doubt now that Adolfo ain't feeling nothin' but greed? He is lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut! Uuuuuuf! I don't like what they're doing to Fina (the writers). They're just making her a joke! I still want her to come out of this with her dignity intact whether she plucks her brows and styles her hair or not. I want her to get rid of those two losers! Can't wait, see y'all later!


I think the only person more selfish than Dimwit is his mother.

It would be very interesting to see the results of a kinship analysis between Dimwit, Monserrat, and Alejandro. Wouldn't it be something if Dimwit turned out to be the son of a third man? If that turned out to be Joaquin his head would explode.

Has Dimwit actually boinked Virginia or has he just been working up to it?

Since he has boinked Josefina at least once now we also need to consider whether she becomes embarazada. Oh, the horrors that would face their children, as in The Dreaded Unibrow.

Thank you so much for another elegant recap, Urban.

I hope that as secrets continue to be revealed, the "good" people hold on to their dignity.

--I don't want to see Carlota or Montserrat start fingerpoking and name-calling.

--I don't want to see Rosario slapping faces (no, not even María's) and acting imperious.

I've begun to wonder if it was really Graciela (egged on by her snobby family) who rejected Ben Almonte thirty years ago; and if before then, Ben was a decent, if not fully formed, character who turned mean and bitter after losing young Gracie (the love of his life) and maybe his firstborn child as well.

Are we seeing Alejandro reenact his father's life, including his downward moral spiral?

Thanks for the recap UA. Your blue theme was interesting and it probably is foreshadowing.

I really don't want to see JL or Angie die. As Diana said, if they both die it will cast a pall on everything.

NM, ITA that I want to see the good ones maintain their dignity. And Josefina needs to dump both of those twits (please don't let her get pregnant).

I think when Adolfo started his scheme to get Fina it was solely for money. However I believe he is really going to fall for her.

UA, thank you for the the intelligent, classy recap with no
name calling, even though it is well deserved. Wouldn't
it be great if Ale started his redemption by hiring the best
surgeon in the world to save JL and maybe even Angelica too. I just SO don't want them to die.

Exquisitely written as alway, UA. And I too loved the musings about the appropriateness of the dress Pedro picked for Nadia.

Dying to see this but neither Hulu nor Univision seem to have it up. Drats!

The theme is "blue" and I'm certainly blue. Longing for my Lo Que La Vida Me Robo fix!

Urban, another beautifully written tale!

Like you, I was so interested in the "blue" theme. Even in the sadness of the moment, there was joy in seeing a son show his love for his wonderful mother.

Ms. Espin is knocking it out of the ball park with her performances. I found the "goodbye" moment between her, baby Lauro, and Montserrat to be so powerful and all because of the actress. I could not take my eyes off her face.

Montserrat said that it hurt her deeply that Alejandro did not apologize about the Maria business. He wants to reconcile with his wife, but can't bring himself to get rid of Maria. I was asking myself during that scene on his knees why he didn't say anything about getting Maria out of their lives. Is he really so far gone as to think that Maria is not a source of total and utter distress to Montserrat?!

I was also just as frustrated as Tia Carlotta when she was begging Montserrat not to go see the dying JL. This is really not Montserrat's place, in my view. This right belongs wholly and solely to Angelica. Refugio should know that as well.

I don't trust Adolfo. I don't trust his eyes. His small little mouth spouts many words, but his eyes don't match those words. Fina needs to be very careful.

The only good thing about Dimwit rushing to demand his share of the wealth is that this will really force Graciela's secret out in the open. If Alejandro has any brains left, he will demand a DNA test. Will Graciela cooperate now that her facade has been shattered?

More sadness to come, I'm afraid.


NovelaMaven, ased on the conversation between Pedro and Joaquin it certainly sounds like Benjamin never wanted to marry in the first place. Had that been the case Graceless could have married him and his money.

Think about what hell that would have been for her watching him chase after the peon females and raping the ones he couldn't seduce. Sooner or later she would have killed him anyway.

Which brings me to another point: Why did he kill Rosario's fiance and frame her for the crime? Was that so she couldn't somehow get him legally (unlikely) or did he just hope she would eventually die in prison?

Fatima, Maria is at the townhouse.

I don't see Rosario getting imperious. She is true class in the sense that she will not need to queen it over anyone. Once she learns to read and write (this one is a real head-scratcher) she should have all the confidence she needs to deal with Maria.

I think she is the strongest of all the women in this story, considering what life stole from her.

Urban, thanks for the clarification. To me, no matter which house Maria is located, she needs to be booted out of there. Granted, there is a long way to go in terms of Maria's final downfall, but she is a bona fide physical obstacle in that marriage.

Agree that Rosario is one strong woman.


I don't have any problem with Refugio getting Montse for JL. You don't deny a dying man his last wish. Also, it would be more painful for Angelica if she was there and JL was calling for Montse. In the previews it shows Ale listening at the door to JL's room. It would go some way to redeeming his character if he could find a way to save JL.

Maria definitely needs to be evicted out of both houses and out of their lives.

Although nobody can speak of the time when Alejandro and Maria were away, I'm sure someone from the hacienda realizes that he never boinked her.

It's been two weeks since baby Lauro was born, so unless that wastebasket in the town hall restroom hasn't been emptied the knife is gone. However, Adolfo's prints would also be on it and that wouldn't work in his favor. As far as we know he is the only witness who can testify that Maria was stalking Monserrat with knife in hand and ready to strike.

Perhaps -- if we were all superstitious or something -- we could believe that baby Lauro sensed that that was the time to demand his freedom from the womb.

Which also means that if there is a reconciliation Maria has to be ousted first because she would have no conscience about murdering the baby.

As to Refugio, we've often said that he's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. I was scratching my head at that one as well. He's always been trying to get JL to give up on Monserrat even before anyone knew that Monserrat had come to love Alejandro.

Thanks, UA. Your recap is awesome.

What was not so awesome was Ale's super lame-o attempt at reconciliation. Just begging for forgiveness, no mention of how he intends to try to atone for what he's done. Not to mention that he never once picked up his squalling son or attempted to comfort him in any way. That kid was a lot happier once Daddy left!

JL can't die, right? Right?!?! If he does, Ale is guilty of murder, and that is a line usually not crossed for the galán. Not that Ale is much of a galán or that this show will stick with form.

I like that they lighten things up with some comedy. I nearly fell off the elliptical laughing at the pose Adolfo struck to try to entice poor Josefina.

Can hardly wait to see María's backlash :).

Yes, Adolfo was very amusing in this episode. He's not the slickest dude in the world and certainly far from honest, but at least he has a line people can't cross.

It also made me wonder whether Maria was looking to boink him to get knocked up and try to pass the baby off as Alejandro's. Which would certainly prove that she either has a subnormal IQ or she's a few enchiladas short of a combo plate.

Poor Josefina, to be caught between these two greedy sods.

As for Dimwit's attempt at getting half of Alejandro's inheritance, I have only one thing to say: If he is entitled to it Alejandro should think of a way to have a third party manage it. The way Dimwit and his mother squander money it will be gone in a year or less.

UA: can’t wait to read your recap. Thought I’d start with the comments today.

Once Pedro finds out Dimi could be Ben’s son, he’ll ask for his IOU. He’s going to force Dimi to get that land for his inheritance and then give it to him.

Let’s hope they don’t drag this out. DNA test now! No days, weeks of angst over whether this is true or not. DNA test now!

I wouldn’t put it past Pedro to pimp out his wife until she gets pregnant.

UA: great idea about not giving Gracie money, but paying her necessary bills.

I really don’t see how Ale can escape a murder charge if JL dies. Even if it was officially recorded as an accident, he still should face manslaughter charges. Please don’t let him die. Not only for Angie’s sake, but because it will make one less storyline that will relieve us from 100 eps of Ale trying to win Mons back.

I think it too cruel if JL does die and Angie does not get to be by his side. Being Angie, she’d insist on Mons being there, too.

Pasofina: Re: Adolfo, “If he put that energy into employment, he'd be rich in his own right.”—so true.

Novela: interesting speculation about Gracie’s early life.

OT: Didn’t watch last night (except the last 5 minutes and avances). Watched the gran finale of La Reina Del Sur. I was a little disappointed. I didn’t get as much closure as I would have liked. One of the best TNs I’ve seen, though. I certainly liked the total 65 eps. Kept the story moving. The TN replacing it (En Otra Piel) looks awesome. Can’t wait for tonight to check out the premiere.


Maria blame sleeping with Adolfo to get preggers would not suprise me,it has been done over and over again by countless femme fatales and later in the story i think Maria actually falls for Adolfo and they become a couple with Adolfo taking care of the child however she should not be forgiven by Monse and Ale in the end.


And was Grettel tolerable in Cuando Me Enamoro or was she just annoying but not filled with malice like BM ?

I liked her in Cuando Me Enamoro. She was feisty, but she wasn't evil.

Thanks, Urban, for another cleverly written recap.

Ale does look good in blue....moody blues ...yes.

if Malria and Rosario are both staying at the townhouse, it should be just a matter of time before their paths cross . I hope that Ale is there to witness the way Malria treats Rosario. it has been frustrating to watch Malria being nasty to everyone, especially Rosario, and just getting away with it even before she became Ale's OFFICIAL MUJER minus the Boinking. As to the no-Boinking thing, I think that Ale will break that news to Mony , and she will have to decide to believe him...or not.

As for Adolfo! I am getting mixed messages. I was starting to think that he had true feelings for Josefina, and I liked the fact that he sent Malria on her way when she came around looking for some afternoon delight..Bleeccchhh. However, the whole towel wearing scene when Josefina arrived was odd and disturbing. (note : if I were a guy in a novela starring SR in his towel, I would not agree to wear a towel.) Adolfo has become very manipulative. Jo deserves better than either Dim or Ad.

Wow, Gracie has nerve, right ? She is still shameless concerning her feeling of entitlement to other people's money. I am glad that Tia has started standing up to Gracie's dismissiveness and abuse. I do not promote violence, but Tia should give Gracie a spoon of her own medicine....a good shove.


Urban – Great recap.

Put me in the Adolfo is a greedy skunk group. But I give him kudos for hustling Maria out. He wanted to boink her but didn’t let that interfere with his seduction business with Fina. I’m not worried about Dim in the least, but the right thing for Fina to do is to tell her husband that his best friend is coming on to her.

The dress that “better suit[s] Esmeralda at her work {thanks, Urban!] has me wondering if Pedro is somehow setting up Nadia to start the baby-making project tonight.

JL is getting on my nerves with the “Montse, Montse, Montse,” but I don’t blame Refugio for granting his dying friend this wish. If Ale is truly growing to become the man he needs to be for his wife and child, he will understand why Montse went to visit her first love who is dying from being shot by him. JL and Angie are my favorite couple, but Angie knew from the start that JL was in love with Montse and she went full speed ahead anyway, not that I blame her as she has no time to wait for his love to come.

Every character in the show is interesting to me, even EZ.


Julia...yes, ale never picked up!the baby or even gave him a good look. He was just focused on the kneeling and pleading to Mony. In fact, I was upset that neither of them seemed to notice the baby crying. Neither of them picked him up. it made me wonder if AB has had little experience with tiny babies and is nervous about picking one up. I have only ever seen her sitting and holding the baby.

I don't think Graceless gives a rat's patoot whether Ale's son is taken care of, except insomuch as she doesn't want more of HER money (or Montse's and Carlota's money, which she considers hers) going to support him, and she'd like some cashflow coming from Ale so that she can use it for herself. I think he should directly pay for essential house upkeep and food, and doctor bills and clothes and diapers and whatever for the baby (and Montserrat if she'll take it), but not hand over one centavo in cash or pay for any of Graceless's extravagances. If she wants to be driven around instead of walking and taking the bus, or buy new hideous clothes, make her come up with the money on her own. Perhaps she could don a mask and get a gig down at the strip joint.

Thanks much UA. - great episode!

I'm in the Adolfo is really smitten with Fina camp. And Dim was blown away by their tumble in bed. So it'll be those two ne'er-do-wells seriously competing for her. Poor Fina!

JL is dying and calling for Monse. As his hermano, Refugio was morally obligated to go fetch Monse, even as he complained about JL not giving her up.

Monse did look great last night in her I-Dream-of-Jeanie ponytail. She got a few points across - to several people.

I really don't want JL to die either. How do they ever get past that? And poor Angelica!

This comment has been removed by the author.

IF JL survives it will be through Montse's presence by his side on his death bed. Science can do no more; he's finished. But the touch of his beloved, this will save him. And they may start dating after Angelica joins the angels. Something has to drive this TN - don't we have about 90 episodes to go?

Niece: "Every character in the show is interesting to me, even EZ."--agree, but soooo frustrating, some of them. :)

I don't think it's necessarily a character fault when the baby cries during a scene and doesn't get comforted. I think the baby is left crying because the actors need to get through a lot of dialogue in a scene or the mood the scene is trying to convey would be broken if one of them picked up the baby and comforted it. I remember a scene, I believe it was in CME, where a bunch of women were talking about something crucial and a baby was crying on the bed and even though one of the characters patted and rubbed the baby, no one picked it up. They went right on with their discussion. I don't like it at all. Actors need to find a way to really comfort the baby while they have their discussion. Or don't have the baby in the room when a crucial discussion is going to happen.

I like the charachters too but i just wish to see Sebastian,Monses ex fiance more in action,he appeared for one -two episode and we never heard of him ever again.Im sure the writers could find a use for him.

I like Angelica and want her to miraculously recover, but I didn't think her advice to Esme was that great. "Love is all you need!" Erm, but is it really a functional kind of love if Refugio fundamentally does not respect her? Maybe you can do the romance thing and not worry about the details if you've only got a few months, but if you're not dying and you have many decades left, I don't think it's sustainable.

I mean, I think Esme should switch to a better career, not because Refugio says so but just because that would be a wise choice, but even if she does, I'm not sure that settles their differences. He still is a bit embarrassed by her and tries to control her.

Julia...As a life coach, you have to learn to accept the fact that not every client will take your advice. Esme is a little spitfire. I can just hear her telling Refugio ...and you..."you are not the bosses of me. I am an artist and must express dancing around a pole in a skimpy , tacky outfit in front of drunk dudes. it's a calling." P.s. I hope that you got the briefcase of cash upfront because this chica is not listening to your sound suggestions.

Susanlynn, you are so wise. This is why you are a life coach. I collected the fee, but it was in a lot of sticky small bills. Maybe we just stash that in the safe in case of hard and desperate times?

Anyway, I have a new prospective client on the line. I hear Dim may come into some money soon, and he is SERIOUSLY in need of direction.

thanks for a great recap UA!

i'm loving the Fina Adolfo storyline and that they are keeping us guessing. it's more fun for me if he is starting to fall a little. maybe he'll play harry higgins and take her shopping and brush her bangs out of her unibrow. it could be romantic.

however, arranging to have her come over, throwing a towel on and some water in his hair is not exactly respectful. nor is blocking the door and flexing your cute little pecs. i think as a master manipulator, that's all he's doing. player plays! but it's fun to imagine some side of him that's misguided and thinking "maybe that works!" ping, ping go the pecs.

-mai tai

Urban A, Fantastic recap! What a great read. Love the fan. Will read the comments later but just wanted to thank you for the wonderful recap of a fascinating episode. The plot thickens...

Thanks, Urban--And to 'small a anita' (it's fun to be sharing a name with you)--for reminding me of Paul Mauriat's Love is Blue. I still have the album. On the cover was probably the first nearly naked woman my then six-year-old son had ever seen. He's told me never to get rid of that album and recently converted it to digital for me. And LaPaloma, The Moody Blues are still among my favorites (and that really dates me).

Urban, after all the drama of the last couple of days, I was happy to have it dialed back a notch. Your recap was just what I needed. A high-end sophisticated recap.

I only wish that the confrontation between Ale/Rosario and Graceless had lasted a bit longer and the put down was stronger. Now I have to wait to see how it goes with Maria.

If Refugio didn't do it, Montse should have made him call Angie before they went tearing off to the hospital. Sorry, but I'm with Carlota on this one--no matter that JL was calling out for her in his delirium--she really didn't have any business being by his side right now. It's Angie, Amelia, Ginny, Refugio and Esmeralda who should be there now.

I was surprised that Adolfo sent Maria packing forever, largate and don't come looking for me again. He seemed to enjoy her antes. Maybe she isn't a big enough cash cow for him. So, I still can't take him as having a serious interest in Fina. If he did, he would have been a gentleman and wouldn't have come out dressed in just a towel. Either that or he thinks of himself as Mr. Irresistible Sexual Dynamo.

Thanks UA! Awesome recap.

Like your musings about Bennie's early life NovelaMaven. Maybe Bennie did want to marry Gracie but her parents thought he wasn't good enough. Even if Joaquin and whoever else said he never wanted to marry, that doesn't mean it's true. It's very reasonable that nobody knew what was in his heart of hearts. Interesting thought.

Adolfo's a lying pig. He's not falling for Fina, he just wants to wow her with what he thinks is is his animal magnetism and divert cash flow to himself. Fina is a principled woman and she's got a brother who would kill him just to know he's even trying this pitiful ruse on her. So he's a stupid, lying pig to come on to her that way.

Maria's coming over to get boinked by Adolfo proves Ale hasn't given her any. I think she's just horny but would not hesitate to stoop to claim she's pregnant by Ale.

Can't wait to see her face when she finds out Rosie is Allie's mommy! Lana lana boo boo! :p


Julia and Susanlynn...Love your Life Coach routines. Keep it up. I'm thinking you two could do a little riff for every character in this crazy telenovela!

Don’t they have a military hospital close to Agua Azul?

In the states they would be moving heaven and earth to get a military man the best care; instead the attending doctor in that glorified “clinic” has that JL’s dying, ain’t nothin’ we can do about it while shrugging his shoulders look.


Fatima--Take it either way--I was channeling you in my take on Carlota and also Adolfo, or I was stepping on your toes. If the latter, I apologize (hadn't read the comments down that far.)


I'm pretty sure Ale knows how Montse feels about Maria. Remember the scene where Mon says it's either her or me who leaves this house. Ale chose for Maria to go and Ale to stay. I think that in the last 24 hours (their time) Maria has become irrelevant to Ale and wasn't even thinking about her.

When Ale gets over the Dimmy confrontation and Maria gets back from Adolfito's house, Ale will surely turn his attention to How do you Solve a Problem like Maria. I'm sure Rosie will remind him that deeds are better than words when asking Perdon.

Ale chose for Maria to go and Ale to stay.

I meant Maria to go and Montse to stay.

Yike... Forgive me for not complimenting you on that most excellent title also, UA. Awesome!

I'm worried that with Angelica on her way out, sales will plummet at the Aguazul branch of my side Telenovelaland business, Sexpress (last-minute quick delivery of flowers and candles in large quantities; we also have a full warehouse of a plethora of items for those clients desiring more "creativity" in their romantic encounters...giant nests and bird costumes, yards and yards of gauzy drapes, hay bales and horse name it; call to enquire).

I need to step up the advertising and get these characters with the program, obvio. Should I perhaps hire a new agency? Ruiz y de Teresa's ads are a bit hokey.

OMG, the hot birdie sex from PEAM; that was funny.

Anita, remember that when Adolfo last saw Maria she was trying to kill Monserrat, whose labor pains had just started. He stopped her and dragged her away, but was very freaked out. I would be very surprised if he ever wants to see her again.

We have discontinued our line of red buckets. It's for the best.

I think Adolfo is well over his crush on Maria. He likes his life and his women easy. Crazy and homicidal doesn't seem to fit into his agenda of leisure.

Urban Anthropologist:

Thank you for your fascinating recap. What do we think the new house means for Pedro? I thought his hopes had been dashed last week when the Party bigwigs chose someone else over him as a candidate. I must have missed something....

It sounded like you were enjoying Tia Carlota get a little over on Graciela. I would have been so chagrined at the Rosario news if I were Graciela, but nothing daunts that woman. She was back after money before the end of the capitulo. And why would she get to pick the money up personally? I was confused by THAT idea.

I thought you laid out some interesting options in the paternity possibilities over the weekend. I like the 'two of the above option'. I am guessing that Dimmy and Ale and half brothers.

I just do not think that Maria is Ale's sister. The ick factor with all those months of Maria pawing Ale and sleeping with him would really creep me out if she is his sister.

Thanks again, UA, for getting the recap posted so quickly.

I LOVE your title. Nice play on words!

Elna June

I was disappointed that Pedro got a new house. It's not bad, but I really loved Nadia's old place. It was so pretty! Also, it looked plenty big and fancy. I, too, wonder about Pedro's agenda in buying the new place. Is it really just about size? How is he planning to become the governor?

Urban Anthropologist:

You are hot today, sister! Your comment was hysterical on Maria:

"Which would certainly prove that she either has a subnormal IQ or she's a few enchiladas short of a combo plate."

I am still giggling out load. The cats have begun to stare at me nervously...

Smile and handclap,

Elna June


Pedro is delusional to think that Nadia will go along with this. She wants out of that marriage and she would want that with or without Victor.

He is also delusional about possibly becoming governor since he has already been informed that another candidate has been chosen. Unless...

...he's already planning a premature demise for that person.

Hmmmm...Nadia is not feeling well. is she already pregnant ?

In the middle of reading the recap and just finished the part about Pedro and the dress. I haven't read the comments in awhile, so someone might have addressed this, but do you think Pedro is sending Nadia somewhere to be raped? Alarm bells went off when he told her to meet him (instead of them going together).

Oh no! Nanette. . .he is sick enough. That is chilling. Let's hope not!


I think she was trying to get out of whatever he has in mind.

He would certainly be sick enough to hire someone to rape Nadia. However, since there is no guarantee of success that would seem unlikely.

"How is he planning to become the governor?"--well Julia if you're like the guy in La Reina Del Sur who wanted to be president and got passed over, you hire your coke-head psycho nephew/son to hire an assassin to kill your competition.

In Pedro's case it wouldn't be his nephew/son, of course. But I'm sure he could find a coke-head psycho somewhere among his acquaintances.

UA: I see we came to the same conclusion.

Anta, no toes were stepped on, amiga!
Honestly, I actually yelled at the television and said, "Oh come on, Montserrat, NOT AGAIN!" I was right there with Carlotta. It was not so much how it would "look" to Alejandro (who cares?), but that Montserrat's immaturity just can get on my last nerve.

When I saw that monstrosity of a house that Pedro bought, it actually made me nervous. This man is really up to no good with his wife. I wish she would be more careful. Also glad that someone else noticed his constant use of the phrase with "dar la gana". He must have said it at least four times last night. He's like a broken record.

Urban, this had me laughing out loud: "Which would certainly prove that she either has a subnormal IQ or she's a few enchiladas short of a combo plate." HILARIOUS!!!


Caray! That was ANITA and not Anta.


"Pega la gana" is a phrase that always stumps me. I'm never entirely sure what it means, but it seems to be Pedro's favorite.

He is one sick dude.

I'd translate "me pega la gana" as "I feel like it"...I think the translation makes more sense in longer form: "lo que se me pegue la gana" -> "whatever whim strikes me".

Pegar is to stick, to attach to. So que me pega la gana just means whatever urge sticks to me - whatever I wish/please/feel like.

Yet another mistake this evening. I knew it was "pega" and not "dar" la gana. The way Pedro hisses out that phrase makes me sick. It's like he is just dishing dirt in Nadia's face (which, of course, he is).


Darse la gana is also used - to feel like (something), have the urge for......, be in the mood for....

It may not be identical, - Pegarse la gana seems to be used when more emphasis is called for - like I can to whatever the h**** I want.

Audrey, yes, you are correct.


Another version - and I think I have also heard Pedro say this version - hago lo que se me venga en gana. I('ll) do as I whatever I please (whatever whim/urge comes to me)

Good studies for use of gana - urge/whim.

Audrey, yes! Pedro has said that as well through clenched teeth. The guy has to have TMJ probs. :)


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