Monday, February 03, 2014

Qué Pobres, Monday 2/3/14 (#21): Omar's Brilliant Plan

Oops, did I say Omar? I meant Saul. Yes I did.

The tension in the room is so thick, Nepo can feel it. He wants to leave. But Chuy demands that he stay and listen to the whole story. He's going to tell him allll about these relatives of his.

But in the end, Chuy doesn't say much. Mike is indeed his long-lost cousin from the States, and all these people are his relatives. We all WANT to live together, he explains to Nepo, but it can be complicated. As for the bruises on MA's face, he slipped and fell. That's all.

Elsewhere, Mati and Emiliano commiserate over being left out of everything. Emiliano thought it only happened to kids, but Mati explains that when you're old, people act as though you're invisible. They'll have a conversation about you right in front of you as if they were talking about an object or a pet. Mati says Emil is the first good friend she's had in a long time. She asks him to call her "Grandma."

Ahole congratulates himself on another stellar performance in bed. Six minutes, Minerva notes. She is exhausted, frustrated, and bored.

Ahole is ready for more, but Vilma calls. She has a bad feeling about Adolfo. He's paranoid and a money-launderer. She doesn't trust him.

Room service knocks. Ahole is too busy to get it, so Mini has to wrap herself up in a bedsheet to answer the door. As she shoos the guy away without a tip, she overhears Ahole mention a secret Cayman Islands bank account.

Either Vilma is very dim, or she simply doesn't want Ahole to spend too much time making babies, because it takes him half an hour to get her off the phone. He assures her that Adolfo will get them the money they need. Then he tries to ply Mini with jumbo shrimp, but she pretends to be asleep - thwarting his plan for three more baby-making attempts.

Lupe tells Nepo she needs to postpone their date. She's too busy with all of these guests. Nepo assures her that a man can always wait. (Yeah! Make like a banana and peel, Plantain King! Hahaha!!)

Chuy explains to MA that he lied to Nepo only out of respect for the rest of MA's family, since none of this is their fault. Even so, MA has just a week to get them all out of here and be gone FOREVER. (Something tells me they're going to be saying "just ONE more week" for many, many weeks.)

Frida tries to treat MA's wounds, but is too squeamish to follow through. Lupe takes over, because poking at MA's bruises is way more fun than having dinner with the Plantain King. She tapes a big "X" on MA's forehead. She speaks proudly of her father's prowess in the ring and demonstrates a wristlock on MA. Hmm... she never misses a chance to touch him, eh?

In another room, Chuy vents all of his frustration at Carmelita, who defends MA. AS comes down to complain about their loud voices. They are interrupting her requisite eight-to-ten hours of beauty sleep. She and Carmelita exchange snippy remarks. Carmelita is especially irritated that Chuy treats AS with such deference.

Lupe and MA speak sentimentally of the past. She got the job at the RPs' company because her father was good friends with MA's grandfather. MA realizes he didn't know the old guy as well as he thought. In fact, he says, the more time he spends with his family, the less close he feels to them.

Lupe gets up to leave. MA begs her to sit and chat a little longer.

Wendy and Nepo are chatting too. He needs a new plan. She suggests using reverse psychology, as described in one of her magazines: he should play it cool with Lupita. Nepo is skeptical, but since it was in a magazine it must be true so he'll give it a try. But only for a little while, because he can't hold out very long. He's dated a little bit over the years, but there hasn't been anyone serious. He's always really wanted Lupita. Diego needs a mother, Nepo says. Wendy laughs, "What Diego needs is a girl." (The jury is still debating that one.)

It's something of a revelation to Lupita that rich people have problems too. Apparently they're not good at family stuff. MA starts to talk about the crazy clauses Grandpa put in his will to deal with various family problems, but Lupe cuts him off; she doesn't know what he's talking about. He says he'll tell her some other time.

MA gazes into Lupe's eyes, touches her hand, thanks her for helping him, and says he can't even remember where he was hurt. Lupe reminds him with a quick slap on the X.

In the ladies' bedroom, Mati is keeping AS and Frida awake, still looking for "I don't remember what." She says it's a matter of life and death. (Isn't she rifling through all of Chuy's stuff in there?)

Carmelita tells MA and Lupita that it's very late. (It looks like early evening outside the window.) MA and Gwaw-da-loooo-pay say good night.

Morning. MA tells his family they have just one week to stay here. Suddenly, AS wants to stay. So does Leo. They both prefer the devil they know to the one they don't. It's better than living under a bridge, Leo says. Frida thinks the Menchacas will pay off their debt and they can live on that money for a while. AS envisions renting a nice chalet or something. MA tries to explain that 300,000 pesos won't go that far.

In the kitchen, Carmelita teases Lupe about MA. Wendy bursts in, angry because poor Nepo spent all day yesterday getting ready for their date only to get a last-minute cancellation. Lupe is THIS close to breaking his heart! Lupe admits that she feels uneasy about going out with him. She doesn't want to encourage him. Carmelita encourages Lupe to take that as a sign that she should be turning her attentions to someone she feels good thinking about instead.

Thusly summoned, MA comes down for breakfast. Wendy sets upon him with gusto, offering to massage his wounds with concha creme. He hurriedly excuses himself to meet with Saul.

Upstairs, AS and Leo reconsider liquidating some of their stuff. They don't trust Sharky (the captions call him Gonzalo, did they change his name or are the captions wrong? my ears were too slow to catch it) and don't think he will give them a good deal.

Diego, not Nepo, comes to the diner with an unexpected gift of produce. Perla tries too hard (and in vain) to get his attention, but he perks up with Leo comes down. But Leo isn't so friendly this morning.

So is this Chinese restaurant (with Japanese music?) open for breakfast too? Or is it much later in the morning than we were led to believe? MA rehashes with Saul, who says I told you so: MA should have told Chuy the truth from the very beginning. Oh well. MA knows the 300 mil pesos won't go very far; Omar, er, I mean Saul suggests that MA seduce Lupe so she'll convince her father to let them stay longer.

(I am having déjà vu so bad right now! Will he put together a package for MA to seduce Lupe, complete with gifts and corny cards and an incriminating letter detailing his crass opinions of how this affair will benefit MA? No, probably not. But I can't look at Saul and not think about it.)

MA is offended by Saul's suggestion. He might be a schemer, but he's not a ho. He would never hurt a woman... especially a woman like Gwaw-daaa-looo-pay. She's loyal, industrious, blah blah blah, and unique. (Similar to what Nepo said to Wendy about her earlier.) So, instead, MA asks Saul to come to the house and talk to Chuy. Maybe if he can explain about the fraud, the guy will cut them some slack.

But Chuy isn't home yet. Lupe tells Saul she already believes MA. Saul steps out for a moment, and MA thanks Looo-pay for having such a wonderful big heart.

Check out Saul and his brilliant plan for MA to seduce Lupe. By all means, Saul, keep talking it up every chance you get. No way will Lupe overhear and misunderstand!

Next time:
Lupe overhears Saul and misunderstands; Wendy makes her move.


ARGH!! I am so tired of doing this "recap tomorrow morning" thing. I am tired of this stupid exhausting winter. You don't even want to know what I thought about doing to Punxsutawney Phil yesterday. With a snow shovel.

I will get my requisite four-to-six hours of regenerative beauty sleep now, and return refreshed and energized enough to fully express all of the love and snark I feel for this TN and its characters.

(I didn't mean to say that I'm tired of recapping. Not on your life! I'm just tired of being too tired to do the recaps at night because of other stuff that is wearing me out.)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who keeps thinking of him as Omar. Sleep tight!

No te preocupes Julie! Though I completely understand and agree with your sentiments on winter.

As usual, I am a day behind. I hope to watch the episode later this evening.

OT last night there was a promo for De Qué Te Quiero Te Quiero which is startng in March. I assume after MPV. I always assumed this was a lighter TN and I'm confused as to why Uni would have 2 light TNs in the prime time lineup. Does anyone know anything about this show? I think my dreams of QPob being moved to an earlier spot have been dashed.

Sara, you have got to see La Fea Mas Bella (or Yo Soy Betty La Fea). Just a reminder. ;-)

It is a bit unusual for Uni to be running two lite TNs in prime time, but I believe there have been times when they had NO light fare in prime time. It might just be the luck of the draw. Or it could be that viewers are burning out on the heavy stuff. I know I got tired of it. It'd be different if the heavy stuff were brilliant and deep, but a lot of it is cliched and frustrating.

Comedies are usually not brilliant and deep either, but at least they don't take themselves too seriously.

The recap will be up soon-ish.

Done. (I typed up most of it last night.)

I also have notes for last Wednesday's episode, which I will probably post tomorrow. I know it's a week late, but maybe it will be helpful for people who are trying to catch up.

And I do wish there were more people watching this. Not only because it would be nice to have more recappers on this, but because it's a treat to see a comedy that's consistent, funny, intriguing, and full of great performances.

Julie, your recap was great. When Saul started in on his "plan" I also had that deja vu moment and was thinking "Oh, no!". :0 Sara, LFMB is my all time favorite novela. It has it all: from comedy to drama.

Emiliano and Mati's exchange at the start was cute. They really have formed a bond. So the same old "ageism" is alive and well in Mexico as here.

I wonder how much Minerva overheard and what she will do with what she overheard of the Alejo-Vilma conversation. The plot thickens!

Loved that AS and Leonardo now want to stay at the Menchacas.

Finally, now both MA and Guadalupe have goofy grins when looking at each other.



Julie, great concise snarky recap! I was falling asleep at times last night so I totally missed what Saul was saying that drove MA to say he would never hurt a woman, let alone someone as nice as Lupe… so thanks for filling the holes.
Chuy was ready to spill the beans to the platanero, but when he was halfway through saying ‘they are making us live together’ he corrected himself to say ‘we all WANT to live together’ instead. My guess is he caught Lupe and MA’s fearful faces and changed his mind.
I too loved the Mati and Emiliano exchanges… love love those unusual bonds.
LOL on: Six minutes, Minerva notes. She is exhausted, frustrated, and bored… brilliant!
Now that Mini heard that A-hole has money HE DOESN”T WANT TO TOUCH at the Caiman islands, I wonder if she will double cross him and somehow get to that money before him. LOL like ‘Ladron que roba a Ladron’ stuff.
Frida tries to treat MA's wounds, but is too squeamish to follow through. MA takes over because poking at MA's bruises is way more fun than having dinner with the Plantain King (LOL!!)… you mean Lupe takes over, right?
This is AT LEAST the SECOND TIME MA tries to explain the ‘grandpa clause’ to Lupe, isn’t it?
MAti keeps looking for her ‘I don’t know what’… Just wait and see, I have a feeling she will find either the proof against A-hole or the proof that there WAS indeed a deal between Grandpa and Chuy.
Carmelita might be wasting her time with Chuy, but at least she is really seeing things between Lupe, Nepo and MA for what they are and giving good advice to Lupe.
Did Gwendy really mention the ‘concha’ cream by name? there are a huge number of infomercials about the ‘crema de concha de nacar’ (snail conch crème) out on Spanish television at night and early weekend mornings.
(I am having déjà vu so bad right now! Will he put together a package for MA to seduce Lupe, now I am not regretting missing that ‘sales pitch’ at all… you are right, it would give me nightmares from BLF/LFMB. ‘By all means, Saul, keep talking it up every chance you get. No way will Lupe overhear and misunderstand!’ LOL!!! Yeah add me to that cheering group. NOT


The other thing Grandma might be looking for is some kind of 'uplifting' letter to MA from Grandpa to tell him he was proud of him for 'making it out on his own' and growing up, even if it were far away from them.... just my guess. MA would need that kind of support badly right about now.

Great concise recap, Julie! I'm so glad you won the luck of the draw with the restaurant scene. Last week you said it seemed the show was consciously TRYING to avoid similarities to Fea when Saul and MA were together. I think they must've been saving up so they could blow the wad all in one big shot! I think Auggie Arana (Saul) got the giggles during the scene. It was a fun flashback for me.

Sara, add my voice to the others: you MUST watch LFMB.

Julie: "Something tells me they're going to be saying "just ONE more week" for many, many weeks." Good one!

I think this was the first Diego saw Leo, other than when he saved his hide. So he didn't know Leo was associated with the Menchacas.

Every time I read "Menchacas" I think of the Yiddish "mench." Don Chuey certainly qualifies as a mench, no?

"cliched and frustrating"? Telenovelas? No puede serrrrrrr!

MA had a second failed attempt to tell Lupita about the clause; this GUARANTEES that it will come between them in the future. Another guarantee: Nepo was supposed to date Lupe last night, and instead MA had a romantic evening with Lupe, and Nepo had a long, sincere chat with Guendy. Two date replacements guarantees two pairings down the road.


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I think in the first few eps there was a hint that Wendy had some interest in Nepo. so i would not doubt it.

and yes, add me to the 'you gotta watch LFMB' group.

Julie: "Something tells me they're going to be saying "just ONE more week" for many, many weeks." Good one! Agreed 1000%!



Thanks for this wonderful recap. I had to laugh at your comment about Punxsutawney Phil.

I am really liking Grandma Mati and the announcer's voice she uses every time she says "Hijo de Sumatra". It cracks me up every time. As time goes by and those meds that Ahole's nurse was feeding her are wearing off, she may remember something important. That may be why she was rifling through stuff. Could there be something important that maybe the RP's brought with them from their former residence? It will be interesting to find out.

I really like the pairing of MA and Lupita. They are very cute. I didn't like the idea Saul had of pretending to woo Lupita. I am glad MA told him no. I really liked what MA said about Lupita.

Guendy is so funny with Nepo but especially with MA. If MA can't see she's interested in him, he's blind.

Carmelita sure can see what is before her eyes, better than Lupita does. I am glad that Carmelita likes MA.

I was surprised too, when AS and Leo said they wanted to stay. AS still has delusions of grandeur though. The chalet remark cracked me up.

I too think the RP's will be with the Menchacas a long, long time. I can't wait to see what they do next!


Yes, Guendy mentioned the concha nacar cream. I have seen those infomercials countless times. It's supposed to clear up acne, scars, wrinkles, you name it ; ) Guendy wanted to use it on the bruise he had on his forehead to minimize the scar that was sure to be there, lol.

Madelaine, I like your theory that Mati might be searching for something that will prove to be of real value to the Ruiz-Palacios. Have a happy b-day!

Paula H, "mensch" is a very good way to describe don Chuy.


Ah! Madelaine's bday! I almost forgot! Have a good one, Mads.

Marta - thanks for catching that typo. I'm surprised if I only did that once. I'll fix it later when I have more time.

My guess would be that Mati is looking for a legal document, or maybe some souvenir/token of the friendship between her husband and Chuy. But a thick wad of cash would come in handy, too.

Paula, you're probably right about Diego being surprised to see Leo at the Menchacas' house. It was still interesting to see how his eyes lit up at the sight of Leo, though, especially after his non-reaction to poor Perla. Whether they turn out to be kindred spirits or something more, I'm enjoying the subtlety of his performance.

And hey, is he the son of Eugenio Derbez? There's quite a resemblance.

Um anyway, so this makes at least three characters who need to get some emotional/ego separation from their parents: Diego, Leo, and Minerva. They could form a club.

Good catch, Julie. I checked Wiki. Diego is played by José Eduardo Derbez.

Parental separation issues - good point. The children of the admirable characters - Chuy, Carmelita, and even Emiliano to an appropriate degree - have a healthy independence. Whereas the children of the bobos - Nepo, AS, and Mini-Mama - have dependency issues.

So the mighty RP's have come to the conclusion it is better to stay at the Menchacas even if things aren't the way the want. Love Mati and her comment about the good food cracked me up. Add me to the group that thinks what she is looking for will turn out to be important.

Poor Nepo he has a snowballs chance in hell with Lupe just as Guendy has with MA. These two are such good friends it seems inevitable that they will turn to each other but I do wish she would loose the pink eye shadow. It makes her look like a clown.

Yep woo the girl flashback to LFMB, and that upset me. I know its the same actors, the same producer but gee have an original plot for once.

Julie- Thanks for getting us such a great recap.

ITA with you all. Loved the scene between Mati and Emi, and the scene between Lupe and MA. Not looking forward to her thinking he's seducing her just to use her.

I have thought for a while that whatever Mati is looking for will prove to be very important to MA, one way or another. I wonder when she'll finally remember and find it?

I hope Mini robs Alejo blind, and then dumps him without giving him a son.

Julie- Diego is both the son of Eugenio Derbez and the queen of tears, Victoria Ruffo.

Your recaps are always worth waiting for, Julie. Not that I even had to wait for this one. It was up by the time I got out of bed!

Wow, Ahole made it to six minutes? Or was that six minutes in between flash encounters? I was wondering if maybe he got his information confused with another sport somewhere along the way, and thought fastest finish was the goal. He certainly seems proud of his lightning speed.

Omar, er, I mean Saul, isn't that great a lawyer if he keeps suggesting that MA seduce Lupita to stay in the house, rather than making the incredibly obvious suggestion that he *work out a business deal with these people who owe them money* to stay in the house. If he brings on the stuffed animals and cheesy cards, the Nerfazos will fly.

So reality is starting to set in for AS and Leo. What next? How long will it take for them to think of taking some responsibility for their own upkeep?

I agree that AS thinking/saying that with the money they would collect from the Menchaaaacas they could live for a time in a 'CHalet' was hysterical... knowing their taste of 'hotel' and 'livestyle', how long would the money last them? about two hours?

Great recap, Julie. Very well done.

I also really enjoyed the scene between Mati and Emiliano. It was very sweet and it seems to me that Emiliano (the young actor) becomes more confident and competent with each successive episode. I think pairing him for scenes with Mati and making them almost conspiratorial allies is a good idea.

It's fun speculating just what is going on with Diego. I felt sorry for Perla when he more or less brushed her off and then I felt sympathy for him when he was treated similarly by Leo.

Happy birthday, Madelaine.


Thank you Paula and Vivi for the info on the young Derbez. Let's hope he didn't inherit his mother's weeping gene. I've been pretty happy with the amount of crying in this show so far. I know there will have to be a lot more sooner or later, but I'm in no hurry.

Thanks so much for this recap Julie.

Happy birthday, Mads!

Mati is so down to earth. I wonder what her son was like, to end up married to someone like Ana Sofia. I also wonder whether AS has always been this crazy and snobby, or if she went off the rails a little after her husband was gone. It's been suggested that her drinking increased after he died.

AS's husband and Isela(Mini Mom) husband must have been relatives or grown together, we wonder how they got paired up with these women... but the jury is still out on AS... maybe she just got used to her lifestyle and it is taking her a long time to re-adjust. We have to give her a bit more time. Sort of like with MA.

Happy belated b-day Mads!!

Fabulous recap! Thank you!

I think I might throw caution to the wind and stay up late and watch this episode and tonight's episode too.

Look at me. I'm a rebel.

I am enjoying this TN and trying to keep up with the UFCS reruns, although I'm a couple weeks behind on UFCS. Still I am so glad they are available to tape. Is watching LFMB on youtube the best way to catch up now? I've seen some of it there and it is so much fun!(when I can understand it.)

Sara - be a wild woman! Go for it!!

Fishknits - I don't know what the youtube situation is for LFMB now, but if you have any trouble understanding it, we now have a full set of recaps with lots of comments, PLUS an additional full set of comments from the rerun in 2010 or whenever it was. And at this point, I bet you've been watching TNs long enough to fill in a lot of the blanks just based on context!

Great recap!

My favorite lines were "Make like a banana and peel, Plantain King!" and "Something tells me they're going to be saying "just ONE more week" for many, many weeks." I too agree with you on that one.

There was a lot of touching in this episode, but Lupita seems to be slapping MA less frequently and aggressively. It's nice to see the physical contact become more affectionate and less abusive. Although that will probably change as soon as he makes her angry again lol.


Didn't want to let your excellent and entertaining recap pass without telling you thanks. I agree with your reaction to winter.
I love all the characters here--so much fun. Gran Mati is rock solid, even with her senior moments.

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