Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Por Siempre Mi Amor #48 (U.S.) 2/10/14 The Past is Coming Back
This episode is a combination of episodes 57 and 58. I was able to see #57 online but couldn't get #58 to play for some reason. The scenes that were cut out from our U.S. version are again in italics. If anyone from Univision is reading this: STOP editing this telenovela! You're confusing the hell out of the audience.
Some scenes have been combined for my sanity.
Isabel phones to ask Lucha to dust and clean Miguel's room. Lucha tells her the baby's room is empty.
Main dish:
Isabel demands to know why Miguel's room was emptied out. Lucha haltingly explains that it was Arturo's decision. He told her to do it.
At Casa Arte, Dafne urges Aranza to take Isabel's help. Aranza refuses. Dafne also wants Aranza to know that Arturo and Isabel are now aware that Javier is a much older man. Dafne blames Lucha for "letting it slip".
Isabel cries to Gabi that Miguel's room meant everything to her. Every item was special because it was chosen with excitement and love for her son. The room was a refuge for her. She wonders where all her baby's things went; she hopes they weren't sold or thrown away.
The bikers and the padre meet and share news that plans for the orphanage are coming together thanks to the involvement of Isabel and Gabi and Arturo's construction company.
Feo has the feed from the hidden cameras up on his computer monitor. He sees everything going on in Sonia's apartment including Sonia changing clothes. As he watches he gloats.
Meth looks over Esteban's job/grant application. "You are exactly the type of person we're looking for." After Esteban takes an English exam and does his interview he can start working at the "currency exchange" (aka Meth's money laundering operation). Esteban looks pleased and excited.
Gabi thinks maybe Arturo had a reason for clearing out Miguel's room. "Maybe he thought you'd be tormented by your memories. He loves you. He was thinking of you."
Raisin shows up at the apartment screaming for Sonia. She comes out of the bathroom in a robe. To placate him, Sonia gets sexy with Raisin while Feo's hidden cameras catch it all. Mercifully, we don't.
At Tita's, the bikers, the Padre, Zenaida and Ally talk about the orphanage. Tita gets so excited she jumps up and hurts her sprained arm. Later, Bruno comes in and reprises his role as the "turd in the punchbowl." Everyone leaves. He tells Tita he doesn't like the bikers. Tita pointedly reminds him, "This is MY house. If you don't like it...."
Aranza calls Javier and leaves him a voice message. "Why haven't you called?" Ozvi calls Aranza and asks her to come to his house.
Meth and Feo meet to talk about Esteban. Feo laughs about duping his son. His son! Ha, ha, ha! Meth says Esteban's grades are outstanding and he's actually a good person. Feo wants to know, "What's the first job you'll give him?"
Mari visits the kids. They want chocolate milk. Agatha tells Mari that Borlas has been leaving the kids alone. She thinks Borlas is going down a really bad path.
Meanie hopes Esteban's job provides her with gambling money. Gisele shows up and Meanie leaves with her. Gema watches them go.
Ozvi offers to let Aranza live at his casa. His house is big and there is plenty of room. "You talked to Isabel didn't you?" He admits he did and tells her "Mi casa es su casa." Aranza jumps up and kisses him excitedly. Ozvi grins happily.
Bruno thinks Tita should have better friends. I think she should have a better son, but unfortunately it's too late and he's too much of a horse's ass for anyone else to adopt him, so Tita's stuck. She tells him her friends have names, "Julian, Fabian, and Aldo. Get used to them." She forces him to give her a kiss on the cheek. Personally, I think she should have forced him to kiss her southern cheeks, but that's just me.
Aranza is chowing down on a burger. She tells Ozvi that somebody else needs to live with her at his house. "Is it that girl that's staying at Arturo's?"
"No, it's my puppy, Grenitas"
Oszi loves spoiling her so it's all good. Aranza wants to prove to Arturo that she's an independent adult. She needs a job. Well, whaddya know? Ozvi just happens to have a friend who has a job for Aranza. Now why didn't anyone tell me that all it takes to be "independent" is to move in with a rich relative and get a cushy job via nepotism? And to think I worked all those years as a waitress. Boy, was I stupid or what?
Bruno is bitching to Ally about the bikers and what a big mistake they made by moving in with his mother. Ally has finally had it and rips into him. "Tita is the only friend I have in Mexico!" Ally tells him that she and the bikers, Tita, the Padre and Zenaida are working together to get homeless kids off the streets and build them a place to live and go to school. Even Arturo is helping out! Bruno looks... ashamed. At least I think it's ashamed. Or maybe he just tuned her out.
Chris brings some documents to the Padre. He says someone named Cuca called and she wants you to call her back.
Aranza lets Sonia know she's going to live at Ozvaldo's. Sonia asks Aranza why she isn't using her trust fund. Aranza explains that it was set up as a wedding gift. "What a super idea! Having a fake wedding is the answer to all your problems!" Aranza says marriage is sacred and she isn't going to get married just for money. Aranza asks if Sonia really loved her mother because, well... Sonia never seems to remember the anniversary of her death. Sonia assures Aranza, "Just because I haven't gone to a church service doesn't mean I've forgotten your mother. Why, I lit a candle for her!" Liar! You'd only light a candle for someone if they were wearing gasoline soaked underwear. Aranza asks if Sonia will go to Eugenia's memorial service this evening. Sonia says she will.
Feo looks at his smart phone and smiles fiendishly. "I have all the information about the De La Riva family and all the dates that are important to them." He laughs about his stupid little girlfriend.
Aranza gets a text from Javier and gets weepy. Sonia wants to know what he said. "He's gone out of town. But it's the anniversary of my mother's death and Javier sent me a picture of an angel. Javier is so special. He always knows just what to do."
Back at home, Isabel confronts Arturo over Miguel's room. She doesn't understand why he put everything away. What did you do with all my son's things? Isabel tearfully tells Arturo she took comfort and refuge in her son's room. He didn't realize.... "Of course not." she says. "You don't feel the loss the way that I do." He tries to apologize for being a dirtbag and holds Isabel close. Lucha interrupts, "It's time to go to the church." Isabel asks them to give her a moment then they can go. She heads upstairs.
Dan, whose face is horribly bruised and swollen, can barely talk but he tells the Padre that Borlas and his friends were the ones who beat him. The Padre needs to keep Borlas away from Mari and the kids. Dan begs him, "They can't stay there. You need to get Mari and the kids out of there."
We are at a memorial church service for Eugenia. Everyone including Sonia is there. Esteban comes in late and takes a seat. At the conclusion of the service Ozvaldo comes face-to-face with a woman wearing very heavy makeup and a long mantilla. Is it just me, or does this really, really look like a guy in drag? (I'm going to call her Tootsie, but honestly that's being kind.) Ozvi seems shocked to see her. Tootsie blocks his way for a moment and they do a funny "excuse me... no, excuse me" sort-of dance. Arturo passes by Tootsie but there is no hint that he recognizes her, or she him.
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Ozvi's "Tootsie" can only wish she looked this good. |
Mari and the kids are talking over chocolate milk. Mari has to leave but she wants the kids to be good. They tell her Borlas is never home. Just then he comes in the door. Mari takes him back outside to talk. He blames her for their break-up. Mari tells him there never was an "us" and she doesn't trust him anymore. Borlas accuses her of abandoning the kids. She reminds him she had to leave thanks to his stupidity.
Arturo notices the look on Osvi's face. "Are you alright dad?" Esteban walks over to talk to Aranza who is talking to Sonia. Sonia says her goodbyes and as she leaves she bumps into a good looking guy. He compliments her and says if he wasn't waiting for his mother he'd ask her if she'd like to go for coffee. She says she doesn't know him. He introduces himself, "Fabricio Oropeza, at your service." (Fabricio? Isn't that a room deodorizer? Oh wait. That's Febreze.) He gives her his card. "Who are you?"
"Sonia. Sonia Arenas."
He smiles, "Gracias, encantado" and watches her go.
Everyone notices Aranza and Esteban together talking. It's too bad she broke it off. It looks like he still loves her. Aranza gives Esteban the "I will always love you, but let's just be friends" line. He says that's impossible because he's loved her for years. Neither of them wants to get into a fight so they say good-night. He kisses her cheek.
Tootsie comes out of the church, Ozvi watches her. Tita tells Isabel and Arturo that Aranza staying with Ozvi is far better than her staying with Sonia. Everyone agrees.
Feo is watching his hidden cameras as Sonia gets undressed. He thought-bubbles that his future is assured.
Gil talks to the police commander about Daniel's beating. After he hangs up he sees a shadow outside. The dog is barking. Gil grabs his gun and goes outside. Daniel asks about the dog and Cuca admits that she forgot to put the dog in. She looks out the window and sees Gil with his gun. Mari must be out there! She runs out and finally convinces Gil that there is no one there. They go back in the house and we see Mari hiding up in a tree.
The next day Arturo visits Aranza and tries to get her to come home. She's no Mary Tyler Moore but she still wants to make it on her own - as much as anyone has to "make it" with a rich grandpa and a nepotism job. Arturo's proud of her. He gives her six months to prove her independent adulthood, but by then I suspect she'll have access to everything grandpa owns so I don't think she's sweating it.
Feo is watching Sonia and her friend Lucero. Sonia mentions Feo's name and her friend catches it. Sonia tries to backpedal, she really meant Rodolpho. Lucero ain't buying it. She thinks Sonia's subconscious let that name slip. Sonia makes Lucero promise not to tell anyone. She whispers, "Fernando didn't die in prison. He's alive!" Feo mutters, "Traitor! I knew I couldn't trust you!" He vows he'll make sure he leaves Sonia with nothing.
The bikers and the Padre pick the kids up from Agatha's.
Nick and Gabi are getting ready for a vacation. They get smoochy.
Borlas comes back from getting sweet bread. Gonzo tells him that the kids are gone. He doesn't believe it. "Then go ask Agatha." Agatha denies knowing anything about where the kids went. Borlas wants to know why Agatha let the kids go. He blames Mari for leaving them.
Isabel calls Aranza to tell her that she and Arturo are going away for the weekend. Behave. Love. Kisses, etc. As they leave Dante opens the door for them. WHY is he still there?
The kids arrive at Tita's. They are amazed by the huge house and the big yard. They can play soccer here! The Padre explains to Tita that he had to bring them here because he had nowhere else to take them. Tita says the kids can stay and asks Zenaida to get things ready for them. The Padre wants to know if Mari can stay too? Sure! Ally takes the kids to their rooms. Tita says it's important for these kids who don't know their parents, their birthdates or even their real names, to have a place to belong. Her house is big enough for all of them. Zenaida asks if Bruno knows about this. Tita rolls her eyes. Caigamos en Oración! Which I think in this case means Holy Crap!
Cuca takes Mari to the chapel to wait for the Padre. Cuca has to leave because Gil will get mad if his lunch isn't on time and we know he's got a gun. Ileana arrives and meets Mari who tells her that Daniel got beaten up.
Ozvi wishes Aranza good luck on her "job interview" as if it actually were a real job interview with real questions and actual competition. How cute! After she leaves Ozvi calls Dr. Caranza and tells him that after all these years he saw "Katia" at the memorial service. Hmmm.
Borlas confronts the Padre for taking the kids. He thinks the Padre had no right to take them. The Padre says, "They were in danger because of YOU." Borlas blames Mari (again) and threatens him, "You don't know who you're messing with." The Padre doesn't back down. He looks Borlas in the eyes and tells him "I've known you since you were a kid. You're shameless. You don't scare me."
Dafne and Aranza talk about her new job and why she's living at Ozvi's. Dafne thinks it would be nice to have a dad who cares enough about her to worry. "Aranza, you're lucky your dad loves you."
The kids run through Tita's house and literally run right into Bruno. He sees Mari talking to Tita and rudely asks, "What are all these kids are doing here? And this teenager? Did you turn the house into an orphanage?" Tita tells him she's sick of him and all his crap. It's a big house, it's her house, and she's got Ally, Zenaida and Mari to help her. Instead of giving her a hard time, she could use Bruno's help too!
Dr. Caranza wants to know how Ozvaldo felt seeing Katia after all those years. Ozvi still feels passion for her. But... he won't pursue her because Katia can expose him and his past mistakes. Now that everything's been straightened out with Tita, Ozvi wants to take the next step and make things "official."
Ileana is helping Daniel with his dinner. She asks him about Mari. He doesn't want her to tell anyone this - he whispers, "We're novios."
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I wish that Univision would stop with the editing already because they are leaving out some tidbits that help
with the flow of the story.
Daphne is a real trip. She just sent her RSVP for the anvil falling party too.
Poor Art, he thought that he was doing the right thing by clearing out the nursery but Art
doesn't always think things out, he reacts.
I love those bikers!!!
I enjoyed your line about Bruno- a "turd in the punch bowl" - hahaha
I'm glad that Tita have Bruno a long needed piece of her mind. Grow up sonny.
The kids are a welcome addition to Tita's. I'm happy for them.
Aranza didn't really suffer, she moved to Osvy's which is just like being at home or even better, no Daphe as the creepy roommate.
So Feo was double crossed by Sucia- good!!!!
I'm glad that the Padre told
Borlas and his yellow shirt off- what a jerk!
What's up with self righteous Osvy and Katina??? I am still laughing at the Tootsie reference because that was exactly what came to my mind.
Felt bad for Ileana when Dan revealed that he and Mari are a couple.
Later, Bruno comes in and reprises his role as the "turd in the punchbowl."
You hit the nail right on the head. He's being such a jerk.
Fabricio needs to run away. FAST!!
To placate him, Sonia gets sexy with Raisin while Feo's hidden cameras catch it all. Mercifully, we don't.
Bruno thinks Tita should have better friends. I think she should have a better son, but unfortunately it's too late and he's too much of a horse's ass for anyone else to adopt him, so Tita's stuck.
I also like those bikers. The tall one with the dark hair is galan material and the three of them are a modern 3 Musketeers.
It's interesting that FeVier is already onto Sonia because that means her anvil will be very special indeed. I'm enjoying this series and don't want it to end so I'm not that impatient to see what's in store for her.
I'm watching MPV also and last night was an interesting contrast. I spent most of the MPV hour on my phone and generally not paying attention because I didn't care. I spent the PSMA hour glued to the screen because it was interesting and entertaining. Seems to me that the show that is ending (MPV) should be the more gripping, but it's not.
I repeat-RUN, FABRICIO, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So we have a character that will stir up problems for Osi and Tita, just when things are going well for them. And her son is smitten with Sonia. Oh no! Danger, danger Fabricio!
Loved all the kids at Tita's house. I'm sure Bruno will get over it soon enough and start having fun with them. The bikers are also sweethearts. Maybe one of them can be paired up with Ally, once she and Bruno break up and he goes back to Gabi.
I laughed at you pointing out that Ara isn't really going it alone and being independent as she seems to think. But nepotism is the way most of the world works, even here in the States, but very much so in LatAm. I think it's good for her to have some physical distance from both Sonia and Art, and her relationship with Isa has improved greatly. I notice she wasn't indifferent to Este's kiss on the cheek.
First, loved the pics! I laughed with great gusto at “She forces him to give her a kiss on the cheek. Personally, I think she should have forced him to kiss her southern cheeks, but that's just me”. (I see you shared my enthusiasm about these lines UA).
I had to pare down my list but some of your exceptional lines are: “To placate him, Sonia gets sexy with Raisin while Feo's hidden cameras catch it all. Mercifully, we don't”, “Bruno thinks Tita should have better friends. I think she should have a better son…” and Now why didn't anyone tell me that all it takes to be "independent" is to move in with a rich relative and get a cushy job via nepotism"? Excellent!
A few hopeful elements at last. Mari and the kids at Tita's and Ara is out of the watchful eye of Feo, safely esconsed at Osvi's. At least for the moment.
I have a confession. I am starting to like Ally. I felt badly when she admitted she had no friends except for Tita. It was a little bit of a shaky start but it is obvious she is a good person. Not sure where that leaves the Ally/Bruno/Gaby triangle. Vivi, it's interesting you posted that Ally might end up with one of the bikers. That had crossed my mind as a possibility as well. She and Bruno are becoming increasingly incompatible and it may well turn out (no spoiler) their happiness lies with others. Not that Bruno is all that much of a prize to begin with (at least presently).You are so right Tablet jefa, he has a lot of maturing to do.
Art clearly isn't thinking. How could he dismantle Miguel's room without talking with Isa?? How thoughtless.
And Este. I feel as though I'm watching a lamb being let to slaughter. By his own father.
And Daniel. Oh dear.
Xint, thanks for taking the high hilarious road on this. Again, it was wonderful!
Diana- I've never disliked Ally, and I think she's shown that she's a good person long ago. I really don't know how things will turn out for her and Bruno, but my fantasy with the biker is my hope that things end happily for her, no matter what.
It's too bad, though, that when she finds out that FeVier is responsible for this the law won't allow her to scratch his eyes out and channel Lorena Bobbitt.
I do think though that Art should have spoke with Isa before taking such a drastic step. When we don't communicate, that act alone can be construed as thoughtless. I may be mistaken but I think we've seen Isa in the room several times so it seemed clear she was drawn to the room and it provided a source of solace.
Art - real bummer a mopey wife but nothing a new coat of paint won't fix
Bruno the Clown - temper tantrum
Ally - ride with the tall biker
ABrat - golden parachute
Borlas - newfound badass
Padre - and parishioners come to you for counsel
Cuca - are you smart enough to even turn on a stove
Oz - is there a love child out there
Sonia - a little coyness looked cute
Fernando - leave her with nothing, she got nothing now
Has there ever been a tn where a priest and his friend holding back info have caused the disaster that he and Cuca are? I'm w/Vivi and disturb about their silence. And while they didn't intend on it, their actions have been so bad for poor Mari as a child and now, it's like they are villains.
I missed you all last week b/c the power was out since last Tues/Wed. Thank goodness for kind friends as I am not one to tough it out in a house with no heat.
Sonia gets sexy with Raisin while
Feo's hidden camera catches it all
Mercifully we don't.--- You're so right with that one.
Tita thinks Tita should have better friends. I think she should have a better son.---Yes!
No one will adopt him, so Tita's stuck. --- Right again.
She's no Mary Tyler Moore but she
wants to make it on her own with a rich grandpa and a nepotism job.
Gil will get mad if his lunch isn't on time and we know he's got a gun.
Xlnt---Yes, this has to be a personal best.
Now for my comments---
FeVier has all the info on the De La Riva family that he needs. I guess that means a lot of sorrow and heartache ahead.
Javier is so special. He always knows what to do.---I'm getting sick!
Now we know why So-not is on Feo's list. I said it yesterday,
she's tough but FeVier is tougher.
She doesn't know it yet but she is on her way out.
Is the padre in danger?
I think that Art had the room cleaned because every time Isa went in there, she sunk into depression. He probably thought that by cleaning out the room Isa would heal faster.
Tofie---You did it again---Cuca-are you smart enough to even turn on a stove? --- Fernando-Leave her
with nothing, she's got nothing now.
I thought it would happen---Daniel
with a red face. In "real" life, he would have had broken bones in his face and would have needed surgery. Also he would have had several broken ribs from the many kicks that were given him but---
this is TV so he has a red face and a bandaged leg. A young lady named Kim Pham recently died in Santa Ana after being knocked down and kicked.
Sara---I am watching MPV because Dulce Maria is in it and I like it, I think it's good but when Para Siempre comes on, like you, I'm glued to the screen. I can miss parts of MPV but not PSMA.
the gringo
How long before we see Ally adopting one of the kids ?
Bruno: GET OVER IT man, I know you're kicking yourself for putting your mother in the hospital and all, but you need to get over it and get over Gaby.
Isabel and Art: enough said.
Daphne: She's living it up like the Kardashians: if there is another spinoff TN, she's gonna be on it.
Feo and Sonia: same old conspiracy stuff.
Dan: your old man is going to figure out you're making out with Mari.
"Now why didn't anyone tell me that all it takes to be "independent" is to move in with a rich relative and get a cushy job via nepotism? And to think I worked all those years as a waitress. Boy, was I stupid or what?"
So funny. So true.
I also can't help but think that Borlas will be enticed into Feo's world. He's got the connection through Gonzo and Dante.
We now have 7 people who know Feo's alive: Meth, Sonia, Gonzo, Dante, Lucero and the two guys Feo escaped with. Wonder when those two will show up?
Does anyone else see Gabi and Nick getting closer? They left out a scene where she was telling Isabel about their vacation and she was pretty animated about it. I think that relationship is heating up. Too bad Bruno.
If Bruno keeps huffing and puffing Ally will ride off with the tall biker dude too.
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