Friday, February 07, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #24- 2/6/14: The Baby News, The Assessment and Everybody Needs a Boost Every Once In A While!


Hola Amguis! Tonight's capitulo was full of slangy stuff I didn't get. If I missed something please feel free to fill in. This recap of course will not be in any order, scenes have been combined for better flow, I will start with the new.

MA is eating at a seperate table, sampling a taco, and still in his smelly suit. He must reek! Nepo and Emil are at another table when Nepo invites "My Name is Mike" (MA) to his table, but MA declines. Nepo goes back to work.

Mini is so happy after her Doc's visit, cause now no pregnancy will ruin that figure of hers, she's just a goddess! Isela reminds her that Ahole could get a divorce from her for failure to produce the heir, never mind a spare! So Mini herself comes up with a plan, as some of you surmised all week, Mini will fake a pregnancy and get a bebe from somewhere like in steal one. Isela will help with faking the pregnancy results, as in the pee stick, get ultrasounds, and a Doctor in the Pocket so to speak, in other words, one that will cooperate. Onwards and upwards. Mini and Isela go to Ahole's office to see him. They are outside the office and Mini decides she will tell Ahole she had a great checkup, all systems are go, but to take some time getting preggers, cause Mini is sick to death of Ahole's prowress if you get my drift, in other words she wants a break. She'll tell Ahole that it's slow and steady that wins the race.

Lupe is sitting and Tomas, the Menchaca's lawyer comes in. Right after he comes in here comes Saul with the assessor whose name is Orozco. Saul, MA, and Orozco will be going around, no need for Tomas. Tomas especially isn't happy and neither are the Menchaca. Orozco is done assessing and seems because of the zone they are in and other stuff the place is worth less than 300 mil pesos. The Menchaca all do a happy dance while MA sulks.

Now this part I had trouble with. JT and Frida (Ed Note: They use so much slang it is hard for me to get what they are saying, but I'll give it the old Navy try) are talking and I think he wants to have his band go big. Frida also tells him he needs publicity, and that JT is disorganize and needs her help to put up a competent show.  He isn't agreeing with some of what she is saying and she calls him the big L word, ya know, Loser and goes. He just smiles. Thanks Julia for filling in the bits I didn't get.

Now this is the deal with the house assessment. The appraiser says it is worth 200 mil pesos and now the Menchaca only owe the RP's 100 mil pesos. MA is still very upset and the Menchaca continue to celebrate, but MA will accept the value, it's legal after all. Hold up, what's this now? Since Don Chuy is the gentleman he is, he says he is a man of his word, just as Don A was back in the day, and says since they shook on this deal, back in the day, he stands by what he owes the RP's. So he will continue to pay the amount Lupe came up with and not the 100 mil pesos. Lupe tries to stop him, but he is adamant, his word is his word and that's that! Lupe does tell MA that's what her Papa is a man of honor, he has a grand heart and he keeps his word. She goes, and Saul tries to talk to MA, but he doesn't want to hear it. MA tells Saul that Don Chuy is a true gentleman, and Saul feels he is too good to be true.

Ahole has gone to see Adolfo who is very paranoid. He is so afraid of being caught. Now Ahole props him up. It's funny, you would think a money launderer would have a lot of guts, but not Adolfo. He's afraid of his own shadow. I think Ahole said by being together in this, they will be fine, he used the word lados. Ahole tells Adolfo he is very loyal and all his help is wonderful and they have a deal and toast.

Lupe and Emil talk and Emil wants to know if Lupe and Nepo are now novios. That is correct she tells him. Emil is happy and she also wants a favor from Emil. She tells him to anyone that asks, outside the family, the RP's are cousins and part of the family. He wants to know why, but she tells him just to do that for her.

Granny Mati has a bit of a pep talk with MA. She is boosting him up. He is so busy worrying about everything going on. She understands now that he/they had to move out of his parents' home and into the Menchaca's. He wants to get back to the way things were before. Mati doesn't mind being at the Menchaca's, in fact she rather likes them. They now move into MA's little office, which Leo calls the VIP shed. Mati wants him to clear his name and get the family money back. But she also reminds him money isn't everything. She says the whole family is a pain, but him. He's the best. He says he can stand on his own two feet and she says she likes him best but he has been arrogant. (Thanks Julia).  She also reminds him that it is better to have a united family than one that is divided. No man is an island in other words. MA tells her he understands and she kisses him on the cheeks and he wants one on the forehead, she missed a spot.

Ahole and Mini are in their bedroom and he's raring to go again. He is so happy the medical tests came back good. Mini puts him off and says they gotta take it slow. Now he needs a cold shower and by the way he is going on a bit of a bidness trip. She's kinda jealous, but he tells her no worries, just a bidness trip. Later, after Ahole leaves, Isela comes downstairs and witches to Mini about needing more money and Ahole is so cheap. Mini wishes Ahole would find another chippy to do snogging on the side. Isela tells her that what if he likes this chippy, throws them out with no money? (Thanks Julia) Mini and Isela decide to look around to see if there is any loose cash laying around.

Lupe and Carmelita are making food when Guendy comes and pays a visit. Guendy says that soon Lupe will be the Queen of Plantains! Lupe gives her heck about letting out the novio news with Emil not knowing anything about it. Lupe wanted to tell everyone herself. Guendy defends herself and says she isn't a traitor or a gossip, yeah right, sure, sure. Guendy wonders if Mike is around, she is really into him. He isn't there so Guendy goes.

MA and Saul are at that Chinese place going thru some paperwork. MA wants to track Adolfo again to see what is up with these things that don't make sense, in the paperwork. Accounts aren't matching and some don't even exist. They also come to the conclusion that Adolfo came up with the embezzlement plan and that Ahole is guilty also. They need to find Adolfo.

Carmelita and Lupe are going thru the cash box for the day's receipts. They have got to pay the RP's that money. Also she tells Carm about the luchador thingy that Don Chuy wants to do. Not fight himself but hold bouts I think. Also more parties, but they will have to advertise. This way they can get more money to pay the RP's back. Later, Perla and JT are with Carm and Lupe and she mentions that Perla could sell some of the food as lunches at the market and JT could sell some at the University and that they should go to school (Thanks Decie Girl) to contribute. This is more extra money. The more they make the more they can pay back.

Mini and Isela are on the hunt for that money when they find Ahole's stash of porn, condoms and some other ladies delicate items. Mini is not very happy with this, and Isela slaps her and tells her to get with the program, cause Mini now doesn't care if she has a bebe, but Isela reminds her about that heir thingy. Mini also talks about MA what a great guy he was, too bad he turned out to be a fraudster. She would be married to him and he never cheated on her. Mini moves some clothes around and finds another safe. End of Capitulo!

Has Granny Mati found what she has been searching for? Tune in Este Viernes to find out from Marta what happens next. MUST SEE TV!



Good Morning Y'all! This was a tough one for me. All the lightening speed talking and the slang. But I think I got most of it. Please feel free to fill in what I missed/got wrong and please enjoy the recap : )

Thanks Mads! The slang gets me all the time!

I admire Don Chuy wanting to be a man of his word, but c'mon! Business is business!

Madelaine, thank you for another wonderful recap this week!

My favorite part was the assessment coming out in the Menchaca's favor and the Menchaca family happy dance in the face of a disappointed MA. But, hey, he was the one who started it all being a Ruiz-Palacios smart*ss. Don Chuy proved who was the bigger man. It seems that the older characters here: don Chuy and Dona Mati are providing the moral direction based on their life experience to the younger generations.

I also laughed at MA's "shoo, shoo" directed at Saul and the Chinese restaurant schtick.

Saul and MA have found something fishy in the books and Minerva has found a treasure trove of who knows what with the safe. Minerva's false pregnancy should be a trip.



Good Morning Y'all:


Don Chuy, bless his heart, is just a sweet guy. I couldn't believe he actually is going to pay the amount Lupe came up rather than the reduced amount. What a guy!


So agree with you about MA having the sulks. If it weren't for Don Chuy and his family he would be living on the streets with his family. Can you imagine them living under and underpass? Too funny.

Thank you for the recap, Mads.

Can anyone provide more light about the Chinese restaurant scene? The impression I got was that the company was making payments to some companies that were less than a year old, and others that did not even exist. Is that correct?

Thank you for the recap, Mads.

Can anyone provide more light about the Chinese restaurant scene? The impression I got was that the company was making payments to some companies that were less than a year old, and others that did not even exist. Is that correct?

(why do I only remember stuff AFTER I hit "send"?)

I couldn't believe that Isela actually punched Mini in the face, and Mini moved on as if it was a normal thing to do!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Iselda isn't about to let the gravy train that is Ahole get away from her. I'm really not surprised that she slapped Min who doesn't seem to have a long attention span. Min doesn't even seem to remember that the Boy Baby Clause would also apply to MA but at least then she would be getting more that a six minute experience.

OT Couldn't help noticing that ugly scar on MT's shoulder.

Glad to know about the appraisal I missed that since I was also trying to watch a Cats BBall game AND ice skating from the Olympics thus flipping through channels. Couldn't help wondering where all the RP's were. Out looking for jobs? As if.

I did like Lupe talking to JT and Perla about going to school and working to contribute. She has a good head on her shoulders which in the long run might come in very handy with MA who, successful business man or not, tends to be a tad scattered.

That shed now splits its time between being the VIP shack and MA private office since apparently the Chinese restaurant if his main one.

Muchas gracias, Mads! Fantastic work!

This episode was a trip. I love it when a nasty scheme backfires. So glad the assessment was lower, although los Mensch-aaaaca plan to pay the previously agreed upon amount anyway. Because *that was the deal*. Take a note, MA.

Also loved when Isela poked her head through the round opening in the wall like a cuckoo clock. Also that Minerva apparently has absolutely no qualms about stealing a baby, but (momentarily) balked at going through her husband's things.

I was actually having a good comprehension night for once, so I can fill in a few things:

Tizoc wants his music act to go big. Frida thinks he's a disorganized rube and he needs her help to put a competent show together. He disagrees. Considering the sound problems of the show we saw, I think he needs *someone's* help.

Abuela Mati told MA that making it on his own showed that he is very hardworking and smart, etc., but that it had also made him arrogant. Agreed, Mati!

Minerva said she would actually be glad if Ahole would do his snoozling on the side and leave her alone. Isela, of course, thinks the risk there is that he will just throw them out with no money and move on. I think Isela would hop in bed with Ahole herself if that might work. She certainly has difficulty separating her own identity from her daughter's.

I also couldn't help but laugh at those stacks of spare pillows and blankets on the shelves at Ahole's place, while MA and Leo sleep on the floor and freeze.

OT Julie Thank you again for yesterday's recap. I went to watch my recording and I think hubs erased it. Thanks to you I'm still in the loop.

I totally understand why Chuy couldn't accept the lower loan value. There are two concepts that are deeply rooted in his self image/identity:
A. I am an honest man and I do what is right.
B. Don A. was a good man and he treated me well; I cannot betray him nor his memory.

He knew it was morally wrong when MA tried to change the loan value. So of course it would be morally wrong if he did the same thing. He's not willing to sell his morals for 100 mil pesos. It would also be a betrayal to Don A. Who would betray a close friend for money? Maybe the RP's would, but not Don Chuy.

Chuy's standard obviously made an impression on MA. Maybe he'll take it to its logical conclusion, "Chuy is a better man than I am." And that could make a big dent in his class-conscious superiority attitude.


Good Afternoon and thank Y'all for your kind words.


I didn't quite get what they were talking about at the restaurant. All I got was some accounts didn't match and some were missing. There is a whole lot of money missing. I wonder how more money can go missing and MA be blamed now.


Thanks for the added thing about going to school. I too was surprised most of the RP's were missing. Maybe we will get lucky and they will find that have got to work, lol. Oh, and you are so right about the Chinese restaurant being MA's main office. I guess the shed they are using is his home office : )


Thanks so much Amiga for the added info. I thought UFCS was bad with the slang, this one has so much more! Some nights I have better comprehension too. I really like Granny Mati and Don Chuy the best. What a pair of characters, wise and loving.


I too just love Don Chuy and that he is a man of his word. He is a throw back to the good old fashioned gentlemen that meant what they said and do what they said. That is actually refreshing, and I agree the RP's could sure learn a lesson from him. I hope they do, especially MA.

Thanks, Madelaine. I fell asleep at 9:30 last night. My Thursday nights are cursed.

I have a lot of trouble following along too, sometimes, especially when the youngsters are talking. I am usually lost in any conversation involving JT or Perla. Carmelita, Wendy, and Nepo can be confusing too, but as actors I think they do a better job of providing nonverbal clues.

But I would bet that the gist of the Saul/MA conversation is that Ajole/Adolfo/Vilma have been using a number of accounts with fake business names to disguise the sources and destinations of the money they've been laundering, but are failing to provide sufficient documentation to support the existence of these companies, i.e. we can see that [fake] Company X sent them this money and then we paid this other money to [fake] Company Y, but it's not clear what is our relationship with these companies and what kind of business we are doing with them.

So Mini isn't going to let Ahole in on her fake pregnancy plan. That's too bad. It would have been a nice way for them to bond as a nefarious couple. Missed opportunity there. Ahole would probably enjoy participating in a fake pregnancy ten times more than a real one.

And the property appraised for less! Ha-ha! In your face, My-Name-Is-Mike! Nice of Chuy to insist on paying the original amount; but I can't help wondering if this also means he WANTS the RPs to stick around a while longer.


You are probably right about that mess of accounts and companies. I couldn't follow exactly where all this money had gone. No wonder Adolfo is paranoid. Too many cooks in the kitchen so to speak. MA and Saul sure have their work cut out for them.

I so agree with you about those convos of JT/Frida/Perla. They are hard to understand, but UFCS helped me out a lot with Lupe and Carmelita and even Nepo. You are so right about the actors being able to emote without a word. But this is challenging and I like it ; ) It makes me think and work that much harder to get what they are saying : )

Mads- Thanks so much for this recap. No worries about not catching all the slang.

ITA with Paula's take on Chuy's gesture. This was a real lesson for MA, I think the most impactful one so far. He was totally willing to screw the Menchacas over and make them pay more-- gentelman's agreement be damned. He didn't even take into account how well Don Chuy has treated him. I think Don Chuy's reaction to the lower estimate humbled and shamed MA, as it should have.

The reason why Adolfo was so nervous is because they are laundering money for the mob. He's scared of these guys, as he should be. But Alejo is acting like it's no big deal.


Thank so much about the mob money! I didn't catch that at all! So they are laundering money. I'm surprised the cops didn't find that. I really hope that MA and Saul find some proof of that. That Ahole and Adolfo have done this and not MA. I hope Adolfo and Ahole continue to do this, since MA is MIA who will they blame it on? Vilma! She won't go down so easy. That's just a guess not a spoiler.

Thanks Madelaine, nicely done.

Alejo made me smile when he told Minnie, "...don't worry, you're not going to lose me... not yet."

I also love whenever Minnie and Isela bring up Minnie's dad they take a moment of reverent remembrance which Isela finishes off with "...and may God keep him there."

I too couldn't believe that Isela slugged Minnie and Minnie didn't even lose her train of thought.



Thank you so much. I too enjoy that little pause whenever Mini and Isela mention dearly departed hubby/daddy. It is always so funny. I too bet that Ahole will cheat at some point. Maybe if Mini catches him with his knickers down so to speak and takes a picture, she can take him for lots of dough, just a thought.

Don't worry, everyone; I think we are getting everything we need to understand of Frida's and Tizoc's conversations from the nonverbal clues: they're into each other, but still pretending they aren't.



I don't think Min has so much on the brain that a good lap from her mother would jar any of her brain cells loose.


Minerva's mom should be more worried that a slap would cause two neurons to rub together, creating an original thought. Such as, "tell your mom to get a life" or "ask Alejo to send your mom to the Sleepy Grandma Rest Home."

Ay ay ay! I just finished watching and I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't read your recap and the comments first. Thanks again, Mads.

I had to giggle at the name of the clinic Min went to.

Oh, I forgot about the clinic! Inmaculata. Too funny for a fertility clinic.

Thank you for the recap Madeline!

I agree with Julia that MA should have let Frida pay for the equipment from her own work. I think his way of handling things is probably the way his parents did too and the reason why the Ruiz-Palacios kids are the way they are.



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