Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #27 Tues Feb 11, 2014 . Lupe stops Nepo and MA from trying to get to her soft spot through Emiliano. Adolfo gets home(MA and Saul see him with A-hole), Saul confronts him and he calls A-hole in panic. Mini has good news for A-hole.

Not sure where Monday ended up, I was out for the count sick on a couch and missed most of it.

MA, Lupe and Chuy have some argument about the house and the remaining balance... again! but MA won't spill the beans about how much the house is worth according to the last document.
Chuy swears to MA they will pay him the 300,000 pesos and that's it!!
Lupe and Chuy leave the room and MA starts nagging with himself about him having had the finances education and they don't know sh.... (oops! they were still just around the door and they heard him, and now they exchange the hand gesture of the number 3  ... funny it was... and MA's face of a puppy caught in the pantry was priceless)...
At Nepo's stand/store, Nepo again is using Gwendy as a relationship counselor... he keeps pessimistic about Lupe not giving him much attention and spending much time with MA. Gwendy says dont give up.  MEanwhile the guy that works for Nepo is telling Nepo about some melons they had ordered that arrived. And Nepo is laughing because they turn the joke on Gwendy(relating the melons and her bust size)... seems Nepo is trying to hook these two together... Gwendy not amused by the commentary/joking around.

Back at Fonda, Chuy very excited about the posters he had made for the lucha libre event at the Fonda grand opening. In comes Tizoc with the flyers he had made about the band concert at the fonda Grand opening. Chuy begins pulling out the cards that he maintained the family with the wrestling and the wrestling 'holds' (llaves) feeding them all along. They can’t agree so they call Lupita to decide for them. She puts her foot down, since neither of you got me any certainty/assurance for your events, either you two get to an agreement or the fonda opening will have neither wrestling or music. Tizoc and Chuy keep putting pressure on Lupita, but she gets irritated and tells them ‘you two settle it!! don’t count on me!’ and leaves in a huff.

MA scares Saul again when he gets to his car. Anyway, after another anxiety attack from MA where he showed more from his AS genes than his grandpa genes talking down of the Menchaaaacas, he asks Saul if they can stop by Adolfo’s house again. This time they are lucky to catch Adolfo arriving home… and to top it off, A-hole also gets out of the car and they realize A-hole and Adolfo are far from ‘can’t stand each other’ status. (if they only occurred to pull out their phone camera… stupid duo). Instead of getting some evidence, they argue about what they have to do as next step…

Tizoc and Chuy come to see Lupe at her ironing room and play with toy wrestlers as if they are hand puppets to apologize to her. Chuy admits that they have to enjoy what they have. Tizoc also apologizes. Lupe says she would help them on one condition… if you all give me a hug… That’s the ticket! Chuy gives another one of his ‘family is everything’ speeches. Lupe ends up tickling Chuy… cute.

A-hole brought Mini a porcelain parrot… after commenting that he left the price sticker on it and it is rather cheap, she fakes through her teeth that she loves it. Isela asks if he brought her anything… nope… she leaves quietly. He wants to get busy with the sheet dance again. She fakes nausea, he gets excited… He is sure the baby is already on the way. Mini tells him Doctor ordered some analysis for her, she keeps on faking the nausea… (rinse, repeat) .. he gets a bit miffed she won’t respond to his advances… Later on Isela congratulates Mini on her acting. Mini tells her just thinking of sleeping with A-hole again does make her gag. Isela reminds her she is not pregnant. A-hole returns. Mini keeps on faking like she is throwing up.

Saul goes in to see Adolfo, Adolfo receives him very business-like, asks Saul about MA. Saul questions about his leaving the city for a while. Adolfo puts excuse of family health issues. Says he tried to contact MA. Saul lies and says MA is in Italy with his family. Adolfo fakes surprise at hearing MA committed fraud at the company. Saul returns to the car and tells him about Adolfo being surprised about the fraud accusation and offered any help to help MA prove his case. MA won’t bite. Didn’t you see the hug they just had outside? We have to keep poking Adolfo for more info.

A-hole with Isela, she asks him to be faithful to her daughter. PLEAAASSSSEEE!!! He says he promised to himself he would be loyal to his wife until death do them apart. He keeps poking her about when her apartment renovations are done. She says now that Mini is pregnant, she will stay with them through the pregnancy and while the baby is small… The look on A-hole’s face is priceless!!

Back at Fonda, Nepo is eating some of her food… She passes the compliments to Carmelita. Emiliano arrives, heads to kitchen with Carmelita. MA arrives. Lupe won’t let him say much before she tells him half of the menu dishes are all gone. Nepo mocks MA some, MA stands up and moves to another table not quite in front of Nepo. Nepo has some convo with Emiliano. Brought him a present. Lupe talks to Nepo, does not like the fact that he is always giving Emiliano presents.. just to be on her good side. Nepo says he wants to win Emiliano too. MA is hearing all this. Lupe insists Emiliano already knows they are dating, and if Nepo keeps trying to win him over with presents, she is in a bind. MA sort of happy to hear her reply and walks away, runs into Emiliano putting away the toy present (the winding shaking horsie), Emiliano says he is a bit old for this type of toys. MA tells him about grandpa teaching him to play polo. Emiliano would like to see MA play. MA promises if he goes riding again he will take him along. Emiliano asks if he had a horse. No, just about 25. He will never forget his best friend Viento (wind). Lupe comes to get him to go eat dinner. Emiliano leaves. Lupe says she can understand he was born in a gold trimmed crib… She is not appreciating he is pulling the social class rank card on Emiliano, she starts hitting him with her closed fists. MA admits it was stupid of him to talk to Emiliano about the horses. Not really his intention to make Emiliano feel bad. Until recently, that was my world. Lupe demands that he not talk to Emiliano about those stories again. MA questions if she wants to put brakes on her son’s imagination and hopes. Lupe says she wants Emiliano to keep his feet well planted on the ground. HE is my son and I will take care of educating him. Don’t put ideas in his head. You are getting him enchanted with all those stories, but when you leave soon, then what? He will be dreaming with stuff we can’t give him. She walks away, she is done arguing, but he is not so he follows her out…

Adolfo calls A-hole on cell phone. Adolfo is paranoic, he does not want to end up falling for all this. A-hole says you have to go to the company and also to the police to clear his name. Mini hears this convo as well… she is wondering who this Adolfo is, or is surprised at learning A-hole is talking to Adolfo on phone.

At fonda, Chuy sits with Nepo. They talk about the joint business (wrestling shows at the fonda). They will get some money, but not enough to pay the debt, probably. Chuy says he really wants to get this debt over with ASAP. Nepo insists he will loan them the money. Chuy is thinking about it. He is in a bind, he would love to take the loan, but Lupe would not like that. Nepo encourages him to take the money. In come Carmelita and Emiliano. Nepo asks Emiliano for Lupe. She is up there talking to her cousin Mike. Nepo asks Chuy permission to go to the bathroom.

In Menchaaaca living room, MA keeps having trouble walking around plastic covered furniture. He wants to continue the argument. HE does know how it is like to start from scratch. HE went to London without penny, started waiting on tables… Lupe argues it is not same to start from scratch here as in London! She is sure he did take some savings money to London. She does not want him to feel bad for having had what she never did, but he needs to understand that none of her family know what its like to have the resources you need to get a career… She has no problem with dreaming. But she needs for her son to realize that studying and hard work are the only sure ways to build your life. NEpo comes in, asks if there is any trouble. No, says Lupe. They walk back to fonda area. Nepo and Lupe walk away. Nepo whines that she won’t give him three seconds but she has conversations with MA. Lupe promises they will spend more time together. That is enough consolation for him, they say goodbyes. On his way out Nepo reminds Chuy of the offer. Lupe catches that and asks Chuy what offer he was talking about. CHuy fakes that Nepo was talking about having guavas and grapefruits on sale at his stand, in case they wanted to buy some.

Later, Tizoc and his friend are talking about getting the parts for the equipment that they need to fix. It certainly won’t be ready for the opening event. We have to cancel. Tizoc says nope we are not cancelling. Friend says he knows someone who sells the equipment but it is really expensive. (Frida is hearing all this from up the stairs) she goes up to attic to a down in the dumps MA and Leo composing and nagging about it being hard to get inspired in a place like this…he has drawn some devilish figure. Leo nags at both of them that Frida just asks for trouble and MA , well he won’t even say anything. MA wants to figure out a way for Frida to go back to school and finish high school. HE mentions that once she finishes high school she could get a scholarship. Totally new concept in her mind… MA says you are grown up, you can go to the school and find out all about it.

Later, MA is talking to Mati, mentions that he saw Adolfo and A-hole together at Adolfo’s. Mati remembers Aureliano never liked Adolfo much. He said Adolfo and A-hole did progress the business, but they did it thanks to some shaky moves. AS uses the excuse to nag again at MA for having moved to London. Leo nags too. He has no options at night. Mati tells him when Aureliano gets home he will know what to do to solve our problems. MA keeps reassuring them he will figure a way out. AS keeps taking sips off her can.

At corporate office, Mini makes a surprise visit to A-hole. He was looking at pictures of women in lingerie… He tells Vilma to ‘take that garbage out’… Mini arrives with an envelope… Apparently it is pregnancy test results for A-hole!! He gets excited!!

Previews: Lupita suspects MA has a new secret that he doesn’t want them to findout…



Thank you, thank you for this most detailed marvelous recap. I so love your title.

At least now Saul and MA know that Ahole and Adolfo are in cahoots. One more step forward and I like how Saul cornered Adolfo. Maybe now they will slip up. Adolfo sure is paranoid for a money launderer.

Mini is too funny, I do like her listening at doors. She sure is gathering info on Ahole. I will be curious to see how Mini and Isela pull off this pregnancy.

So Frida is still in high school. She must be about 15 or 16 then. Leo is college age right? He is a big ole whiner.

It's interesting to hear MA and Lupe talk about bidness' from scratch. She gave her opinion from the pobres perspective and he gave his from the rico perspective. I don't think he really started from scratch in Londres. He had some money and started with that. Lupe and family have had to work and scrimp and save, and borrow money from Sharkey, to get their Fonda going. How will these families work together?

I am really liking the element of mystery here. These puzzle pieces of Don A's various clauses. I hope they keep popping up and the whole will is explained at the end. I want to see how all the puzzle pieces fit.

It seems that Lupe and MA are both peace makers for their families but they can't make peace between themselves. Hmmmmm

Marta, what a great recap! Thanks for all of your work.

Madelaine, you are so right about Lupe and MA being their own families's peacemakers but not being able to get along among themselves. With Lupe's thumping MA in the head, I thought of the queen of head thumpers from LQLVMR: Graciela. The physical comedy between these two is great. Of course I loved MA walking over/tripping over the plastic covered sofa. I also loved his horsey accentuated responses to Lupe's "you have no idea of what it is like to be poor without resources" lecture. Very funny.

Purely practical: I wish they would put the Nepo character in dark tee shirts so we wouldn't have to look at massive sweat stains. Yuk!

Minerva did a great job with her "nausea". Isela did a great job ruining any hopes Alejo had of her returning home soon or at all!

The lucha libre action figures apologizing to Lupe was very cute.


Thanks so much, Marta!

I loved Lupe's lecture to MA. Not only did she point out that he went to London with his savings, but also that he went with his undergraduate and graduate degrees. No, he did not have to pull himself up by his bootstraps as he likes to think.

I do want to see MA hanging out with Emiliano more because I think they could learn a lot from each other and have fun. I'm hoping that MA finds a way to take Emi to see real horses because they've bonded over their mutual love of horses a few times. That wind up toy Nepo gave him was hilarious. He must think he's 5 years old.

Marta, thank you for your marvelous recap. You are always so thorough. I love it.

Jarifa, agree that Nepo's mustard color T- shirt was extremely unattractive last night. How could a regular old T-shirt be so ugly?

Emiliano was certainly well-mannered. He expressed enthusiastic appreciation for Nepo's gift even though he really felt too old for it.

I think Lupe is off base though in not letting Emiliano here about different ways of life.


Uh, that's "hear" not "here"


MA did seem to finally get something after Lupe's talk about education because he suddenly seemed to remember that Frieda should be in school. It took him away from that self centered personae he shows.

Again with furniture abuse by MA. Why yet again did he think it appropriate to try and climb over the furniture.

Da Vinci returns!

I couldn't help thinking when Leo was being an artist he could be designing a Lucha mask. Maybe that is where his future will lead him because it sure isn't going to be Carnegie Hall.

Thanks, Marta. Sorry you were sick on Monday -but you ended up with the funnier episode, I think! Lots of good stuff in this one. (That poor unwanted toy horse!)

I noticed when Mini went to the office, Ahole tried to hide the sexy lady photos, but Vilma made sure that Mini could see them. LOL. So petty. I hope we don't have to wait too long to find out what makes Vilma tick. (Maybe she doesn't tick at all - that would explain a lot!)

Wasn't Frida's ex-boyfriend in a band? This would be a nice opportunity for her to "liberate" some of his equipment to help JT. (And maybe get caught and arrested... hmmm...)

I think when MA mentioned a scholarship, he just meant to cover the cost of her final year of high school - because it is (Frida said) the most expensive school in the city. (He keeps thinking this will all be sorted out within a few weeks, so he probably expects to be financially recovered by the time Frida's ready for college...)

Regardless, I don't see why it's such a big tragedy if Frida has to skip a year before going back to school.

So DaVinci finally made an appearance? I missed him! :-(


I don't see how MA can be so stupid as to think Frieda can just pop back into school. He seems to forget that the family is supposed to be in Italia. She had to remind him. I'm starting to think that mA is a bit of a dim bulb.

I think MA's actually getting dumber each week. It must be that dirty suit.

I don't suppose sleep deprivation and malnutrition (not enough caviar) are doing his mental acuity any good either, but I can't help feeling that he'd at least FEEL smarter if he put on some clean clothes.

In the opening credits, that jacket he's wearing - doesn't he have a watch-chain? Maybe that means he'll get the watches back soon. (Or maybe it's ONLY the chain!)

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Thank you for the recap, Mads.

Querida Julie, I suspect that you pay MUCH more attention to continuity details than does the staff of this show.

MA wants Chuy to let him take charge of the lucha event, so he boasted about his superior education in finances. It sounds to me like he had tres semestres de finanzas en Anahuac.

Paula H:

This most marvelous recap is not mine but Marta's ; )

Julie, I sure agree that it wouldn't be such a big tragedy if Frida missed a year of school. She is getting a much better education at the Menchaca's

Paula, very funny comment about semestres de finanza at Anahuac.



Haha! Well, even if he had a PhD from Harvard business school, it wouldn't improve his credibility with the Menchacas as long as he LITERALLY doesn't understand the value of a peso.

Thanks for the recap! I had to go to bed and couldn't finish watching it. Not sure I missed a whole lot, but you all make it so fun anyway.

Paula, very funny LFMB reference. I'm glad Lupita tried to educate MA on the big head start he had "making it on his own".

I actually did go to Harvard Business School (for a weekend conference that had nothing to do with business, but juárever), so MA should take all my financial advice. The first of which is that a change of clothes is an essential investment. Smelling like a bum isn't going help anything.

I don't really like Lupita squelching Emiliano's interests, although I agree with her trying to stop Nepo and MA from their manipulative tactics with him. Why shouldn't he dream about real horses? Even if he isn't rich enough to own a stablefull, it isn't impossible that he could get some kind of job working with them when he's older, or that personal connections might lead to someone with horses letting him ride.

Oops! Thank you Marta! Thanks for the tip, Mads.

Paula I think a lot of us pay close attention to continuity because we have to focus so hard on what is being said and sometimes a lack of comprehension of what is being said is filled in with all the other stuff. After a while in LFMB we became hypnotized by the the changing pencils. We'd see part of a scene when the points were facing up and by the end of the scene magically they were facing down. Sometimes even the colors changed. I often find myself looking at watches and clocks to see if the time changes. LOL

Mostly the pencils in LFMB (and many TNs for a few years afterwards) were green. I remember being really excited when I finally saw a pen. I think the green pencils are all but gone now.

Julia, don't you think Lupe's "don't get my kid's hopes up" speech was more about her than Emiliano? She is looking at a bland (if fruity) future at Nepo's side. She knows what it feels like when your dreams don't come true. It is unbearable. She doesn't want her boy to experience this.

From her POV, even sand castles are too much to dream of. And if she can't dream, neither can anyone else! (Pssst: don't tell her that her wishes for Emiliano's future are ALSO a dream, or she'll have a nervous breakdown.)

Also: much like MA if not worse, Lupe thinks EVERYTHING is her responsibility. If Emiliano dreams of owning horses and doesn't get them, Lupe will always feel that she LET his dreams be crushed. She probably can't even imagine that he (or she, for that matter) could end up with something even better than the original dream. (Seriously, she wanted Alejo. She could definitely improve on that dream.)

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Julie! Alert! Pencil sighting! (jaja)

Decie, the detail that caught my attention in LFMB was the coat hooks in Lety's office. Especially after Hippy Ed left his drum with her. Sometimes it was hung from three hooks, sometimes from four, sometimes a baseball cap would appear and later disappear.

And the funniest continuity problem was the soup. They got the scenes out of order.
Scene A. She goes to fetch the soup.
Scene B. The soup is on Fernando's desk. She reminds him to eat it. Her phone rings and she heads to the cave to answer it. We don't see her answer it.
Scene C. The soup bowl is gone.
Scene D. Lety brings him the soup (the soup that was already on his desk in Scene B). Note, her phone is not ringing. But she heads to the cave and answers the phone that was ringing back in Scene B.

That's true. Lupe feels everything is up to her. If she can't afford horses, Emiliano will never have horses. It's sad that her outlook is so bleak. Emiliano is not really living such a deprived existence. He has everything he needs. There's nothing wrong with a kid fantasizing about things he'll never have. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a fancy figure skater. My parents couldn't afford such an expensive sport. Dreaming about it didn't ruin my life. I think it's really good for kids to have active imaginations and to broaden their horizons beyond their own existence.

I dreamed of having robot servants and a flying car. I still do. Not ruined yet.

I'm laughing about the toy horse, though. I know Nepo wants to win Emiliano over, but kids Emiliano's age really hate babyish gifts. "I'm trying to learn how to grow up and be a man, and he gives me THIS? Is THIS what he thinks of me? Is THIS what I seem like to him?"

Or maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I remember how I felt when someone gave me a Little Golden Book when I was 9-ish.

Yup, Nepo doesn't want to deal with a growing up Emiliano, as much as he doesn't want to deal with Diego Armando making his own decisions about his own future. See the pattern there?

We've seen this argument in other tns and shows before. Is it best for our children to have their feet planted firmly on the ground, or to have their heads in the clouds? I think the answer is they shouldn't have to choose. May they be tall enough to touch both!

Well said, Vivi. Both are necessary.

For several years I did Outside Contractor work for a company whose founder was an intellectual and a visionary, but he never quite touched ground. His dreams and vision took the company from zero to No. 3 in its sector, but his head-in-the-clouds tendencies brought some publicity disasters. In fact, I was in the room when his wife discovered that he had made yet another major gaff in public, and she barely managed to restrain her fury. Finally they brought in a CEO from outside, and his condition was that he hold equal power to the founder. The CEO was the antipodes - as far opposite from the founder as one could be. The founder was the kite, and the CEO was the anchor. An anchor, by itself, goes nowhere. A kite without an anchor gets lost in the cornfield. But a kite that is anchored can fly very high indeed.

Thanks for this excellent recap, Marta. Well done.

My favorite scene was in don Nepo's market (as I said yesterday, I could hang out in there all day) when Guendy came for the melons (and what beautiful melons they were). She held her own very nicely.

"She is sure he did take some savings money to London."

I thought it was cute when she went on to say

"...whether it was pesos, dolares, or euros..."

and then he shrugged and admitted:

"...well... euros... but not a lot..."

The expression on his face was so innocently... umm... guilty.


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