Monday, February 10, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: LA IMPOSTORA -- week of February 10, 2014

You guys have been going great guns commenting on La Impostora - this is your page for this week.

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OK, I'll be first. The story aside, WTH was with Blacoria wearing shorty short shorts and heels around the house (and a poufy matching top with a silly leather cinch belt.

And there was that big old purse with only a cell phone in it she had to dig around for. Then, not 10 min. later she walks into Pappi's hospital room with a more appropriate-sized purse.

Tuerto - QEPD, you did your job confusing the story.

Memo - So glad you are with us now and talking up a storm, but is anybody listening?

Val - My heart broke hearing you call out Papa after they closed the ambulance doors and drove you away. I'm glad you can still have your fantasy-recall-dreams. Hope they help someone besides us viewers.

I'm sure hoping that Val somehow finds a way to connect with Adriano or if someone will try and help her. So the fire was caused by gasoline so how is Raqevil going to continue to say Val did it when the poor woman has been drugged into zombie status and locked in her room. Where the heck would she find gasoline?

Detest Leo, weak, ineffective, too proud of his family name to care about how one of his daughters has turned the other's in to a life of hell. There is a special place in Hades for him and Raqevil.

So Memo shouts to Adriano that his child is a boy. Now that throws the fox into the chicken coop. And God help us throws us back into a guessing game.

Will Blanca continue her masquerade even more hellbent on revenge for Raqevil's lies.

Will Memo get with the program and realize what a horrible witch his patrona is?

Who will find the phone that Sofie has, hopefully either Eduardo or Victoria certainly not bitch Mariana?

Oh boo hoo all the greedy folk in the barrio must now learn that Blanca isn't going to come back and shower them with unearned riches. Serves them all right.

Tuerto should not have been shot, it should have been the costume department. A green romper outfit with a grossly wide tan ammo belt topped off with black heels. Gag me. The only thing I liked was the color. Blech

Eduardo wrapped up in a foil blanket after the fire looked like a big microwavable burrito, mmm...

Dona Tita please take off your greasy apron when you go to the hospital to visit in ICU.

Victoranca: wears nice jeans and top for a secret visit to the hospital, then changes into jade green hotpants and black heels when she gets home? All she needs is stand-up puff bangs and it's the 1980's all over again.

Catalina: you light up the screen and have way more warmth and charisma than our leading lady.

J in Oregon

J in Oregon

So right about Catalina. She really needs to dump smarmy, faithless, jealous, inepto Chris.

I can't believe the constant in and out of people in the ICU. Usually only immediate family and even then only a couple of time are allowed in, not some house frau from the barrio.

Not to be too picky but someone who has been on an respirator would have a much more raspy voice than Memo had.

Guess poor Eduardo had to move back to the big house since Sofia isn't speaking to him. I hope she has enough sense to treat Mariana the same way. Considering how upset she is at Eduardo's deception I feel really sorry for her when she gets hit with Blancoria's.


Swear to god these people can't keep a secret

Somina - yeah tell her Memo woke up

Chris - played like a fiddle

Ed - best dressed last night in that silver foil blanket

Adriano - just shut up, sit down and listen for once

Memo - thanks for tearing Adriano a new one. that felt so good I'll say it again. thanks for tearing Adriano a new one

Blanca - at least you hadn't gone on a shopping spree yet, evidenced by your recent attire

Raquel - despicable me

Tuerto - I'd rather be dead than in love with her

Leo - maybe she'll get you a room at the psych hotel

DecieG bout lost it "A green romper outfit with a grossly wide tan ammo belt"


TN gods please don't let Catalina do something stupid.

So, Memo said he took a boy to the orphanage, isn't Ramon an orphan?

Yep, Tofie, he's the one, the only, ORPHAN.

I wouldn't bet on him just yet being the long lost heir--although he does have dark hair like his mother and....I have to assume Adriano had dark hair once upon a time, although his eyes go better with blonde.

I'm most curious tonight how quick our girl Vicki will jump Ed's bones

I was mezmerized by Raquel's pants.

Spotted some chipped nail polish on Mariana, too.

I missed most of Friday, did somebody say that Tuerto had secretly been in love with Raquevil all these years?
I did admire his bravado up until the end. THe writers threw away an interesting character needlessly, IMHO.
Yah Raquel, you may be a ruthless killer, but those black and white zigzag pants make your fanny look even wider...
J in Oregon

Okay, wow, my jaw dropped to the floor at the end of the episode. It feels like they will be announcing 'ultimas semanas' any minute now.

Wardrobe: Fernanda looks like she got swallowed by a giant paper lobster-bib.

Flashback of Valentina giving birth (on Monday night), and she asks the doctor if it's a boy or a girl. Doctor doesn't answer.

Ramon again drops into casual conversation the fact that he is an orphan.

Telephone Tag with Dead Man's phone: first Adriano calls Tuerto's phone and Sofia picks it up but doesn't say anything. Later Sofia calls Raquel on the same phone...(why?)and doesn't say anything. Later Sofia uses the Dead Man's phone to call Christobal. That phone is racking up an awful lot of minutes.

J in Oregon


Haven't seen Tuesday's episode yet, but I forgot to mention that Mariana's black and white explosion dress (that looked like a target on her chest) also hypnotized me.

So it's confirmed, costuming bought one big bolt of yuck green fabric to wrap the girls in but Catalina wears it better.

Leo - that's a BIG FAVOR, ask Memo to deny his daughter

Adriano - not a good listener

Vicky - happiest girl in all of Mexico

Blanca - ruh, roh and for it to be Raquel

Ed - Chris doesn't have your best interest at heart

Chris - actually you and Simona belong together

Mariana - gushing about your ex is not endearing to your new guy

Raquel - this is hell calling

Ramon - so the initial humiliation was not enough

The brilliance of your one liners, tofie is that they are more like teasers and don't spoil anything for folks who haven't seen the episode. You are a genius! I can't wait to watch this.

Blancoria's costume dressers must be on permanent coffee break.

IN Hospital she is wearing her green onsie, carrying a very nice small white shoulder bag and wearing a thin gold chain with a single teardrop pearl.

ON her way home, she must have ducked down behind the steering wheel and switched necklaces for the Egyptian thingy and that big ugly flat black handbag. Which, she doesn't let go of for her supposedly romantic rendezvous with Eddie on her front porch.

Please there was so little chemistry in her flat Te Amo delivery I'm surprised Ed kept his eyes on her and not the purse or the necklace, cause that's what I was looking at. I liked her better at the NYE party where part of her face was covered. Very mysterious and intriguing. What happened, Blanca?

QQWHAT? Has anyone suggested that instead of the Adriano/DNA test results vs. Memo/Never Lies test, they do a Memo/DNA test. They must have blood samples already on file in the hospital they could use--or draw another sample. Geesh.

Rafa's world is going to implode one of these days. He thinks he's in control of a sex-starved powerful b**ch, but boy is he wrong.

Anita, Rafa is just a lizard and did you see his tongue? "I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt. So sexy it hurts"

Aside from no one in this crew bing able to keep a secret apparently none of them can tell the truth either.The Devil Duo pair have got their nerve telling Memo to continue the lie that Blanca is Adriano's child and hinting that with his money it would be a good thing for them all. Makes me sick and he is going to go along with it. It makes you wonder WHY is it so important that Adriano not know who his child is. That is leading me away from Only Orphan Ramon, to Eduardo.

Am not liking Ramon so much anymore. He is still sniffing after the skank who seems to still be leading him on a bit in case Jorge dumps her behind. He should recognize her for the cheat she is and focus on his photography and pretty decent Carina who should also dump male slut Chris.

So Memo hates Adriano because apparently after the Altamira's drove him out of town Val wrote him letters and he never replied leaving her to die heartbroken (wringing my hands here). But it seems that Socorro has been keeping a secret from her friend Adriano and since she was a servant in Hell House I can only imagine that she saw or knew that someone was destroying Val's letters. She was horribly upset when she told Domingo that everyone was talking about the letters.

Poor Val it looks like everyone around her, except Adriano, deliberately did things to make her life miserable. I want her to pull herself together and turn in a revenge machine with Adriano by her side.

What ever happened to the real Letty? Is she the body in the grave?

Totally love Raqevil getting the call from Tuerto's phone. I'm guessing that Sofia was trying to dial Victoria Altamira and got Granny Evil instead. That little girl is puzzled by the calls and had the sense to not speak up. I hope when she finally says something to somebody it is Eduardo or Victoria and not any of the other Altamiras or that creepy servant.

Rafa really is full of himself and thinks his heavy handed come on's are having an effect on the Ice Queen. What an idiot.

So Snoopy blabbed yet again. Another idiot move. I wonder how Blancoria is going to lie her way out of the confrontation with Raqevil. Act surprised when Raqevil calls her Victoria and say everyone has a double or admit it and laugh in her face. She had better tell Ed something fast or he'll turn on her like Sofia turned on him.

Man this is getting to be must see TV.


I completely agree Decie. With En Otra Piel coming up, I have to cut some shows out and this one is definitely staying on my list of must see TV. :)

yep, I'm staying put too. Right when I think something is going to happen or not going to happen, it doesn't and it does. In a million years didn't think of Rafa taking Raquel to Vicki's hideout this soon nor all the dial-a-thon by Sofia, priceless.

Ramon - like that is ever gonna happen again and you are looking pathetic.

Wonder if Socorro was the one that waylaid the pony express delivery

Somebody give Leo some metamucil, he is full of ....

I need a refresher....

Why did Raquel name Blanca as the lost hija to begin with? Why didn't she just make up a name? Someone enlighten me, please.

Sara i don't think that ever came up unless she figured she could control Memo is the truth ever came out. Also Blanca may have been the only person she could think of who was the right age although apparently she never met the girl. As they say It's a puzzlement.

Decie--It was Karina that dumped Jorge (although I agree that she still has secret longings for him).

Ramon, unfortunately is expendable. He's there performing as the red herring. Yes, poor soul is an orphan, but I agree with you Decie, Adriano's son is not going to be he.

So we're back to second guessing the writers--Eduardo, Cris or George.

Why would Adriano finding out that any one of these boys is his son would be terrible. Everybody knows Raquel could give a whit what anyone else thinks. It would mess up the brothers a bit, but it seems like Eddie never really was part of the family anyway, having left home so early (my thanks to whomever it was that mentioned it last week).

Decie, I agree with you that Socorro must have diverted the letters. What else could have been so awful, but did she know the Altamiras that well? She had to be introduced to Leonidas at the hospital. She could only have intercepted Val's letters before they reached their destination with their knowledge OR, she was so in love with Adriano that she snatched them out of his mailbox before he could see them (was she living with him???).

If it was Leticia who died for real, how could Melania continue to work for Raquel and be so loyal.

Now the question is not who is going to find Tuerto's phone in Sofia's hands, but who is going to find Sofia first...

Sofia talked to Cristobal, while he was in Mariana's apartment. Mariana was on the phone with Eduardo, berating her for being responsible for Sofia's disappearance. Sofie asked for Victoria's phone number but it went dead before Eduardo could give it to Mariana to give to Cristobal.

BTW did anyone notice that Victoria packed a huge black suitcase in order for Sofia to spend one night with her, but when Ed came to pick her up, she only had her pink backpack. Oy de Mi, what are we going to do about these continuity people. It was probably too late to redo the shot. They should have used the mochila in the first place.

Sara--At first Raquel was using the term hijo to Adriano. She never came up with a name. It was Tuerto that revealed to Adriano that he gave the child to Memo and Memo kept it to be raised.

Blanca was the only one who fit the story age-wise, so hijo turned into hija. Raquel went along with it when Adriano told her he found out that Blanca was his daughter. She just made sure it stayed that way by tampering with the DNA test results.

Wow Anita how do you remember all that? I'm still hung up on trying to remember when Rafa found out where Vicki lived.

Guess Ramon is the town punching bag

now if someone else fiddles with the DNA again I'm pissed and why were they holding their arms after the test, isn't it just an oral swab?

Why did Tuerto tell that lie about Memo keeping the baby then?

Hummmm. Been trying to remember it didn't seem odd at the time but that might be because I expected it to be Blanca. Raquel wanted Blanca killed so Tuerto nabbed her but let her go after he had turned on Raquel, then she nabbed him so he found out about the dna test, ohhhhhhh gosh

Maybe he thought Memo kept the baby and even Leo didn't know till Memo told him that he dropped it at the orphanage

Tofie--My memory is selective...

I do recall that Adriano forced Victoria to go back to Raquel to confront her and make her tell what happened to his child. She had been wearing a wire, but I lost that thread. Victoria later returned to Adriano and told him he had an HIJA.

Tuerto said he gave the baby to Memo to take to the orphanage (Tuerto must not have asked any questions about the sex of the baby). It certainly could be true that Tuerto didn't know what happened to that particular baby and Adriano just jumped to that conclusion.

What I can't recall is whether the Tuerto conversation took place before or after Victoria confronted Raquel. It would make more sense if he revealed the destination of the child before Victoria visited Raquel.

Raquel, we know, didn't tell Victoria who the child was because she claimed she didn't know--only that it was an hija.

Now we know she DID have something to do with the disposition of the bebe, so she knows who it is (and has told us viewers in so many words). clarify...
that Adriano jumped to the conclusion that Memo kept the baby, raised it, it's Blanca, so it has to be his daughter.

Raquel was lying when she told Victoria it was an hija and she wanted it kept that way to throw Adriano off the track.

Me, too, re the new DNA test. Drawing blood makes it look so much more official.

If we see some more hospital scenes, then we know it has been tampered with. Hopefully it is taken to a different lab. I wonder what Adriano will do if the test comes back negative. Will HE tamper with it so Blanca will continue to be his child--he was waxing poetic about how close they had become and he saw Val in her eyes.

Hey, wouldn't Memo have an original birth certificate for Blanca? That may not prove anything, but it might help.

...oh, and wouldn't Dona Tita have some memory of Memo and his family back then? She's admitted she's been in love with him forevva.

Curious that the photo that Memo had in his hands last night was just of himself and the three kids. It would be nice to have had one with his late wife, too.

yeah, Memos wife is MIA. Last night I started thinking all kinds of perverted twist like Memo was the father and Val the mother but Memo was married and it was he in the flashbacks a rolling in the hay. Or Adriano and Raquel has something going on before he and Val. You know stupid stuff. All I know is I don't know

This is Telemundo. Any of that is possible. Lol

well Sara, that is not encouraging, I just got my Televisa cap to sit on my head and now I need a totally different one for Telemundo?

Well I think those are great ideas! Why wouldn't that be encouraging?


I don't think Socorro diverted the letters but that she knew it had been done. I think the introduction at the hospital was to divert attention from Blanca getting out of the room an also for Eduardo's benefit since Leo knew Socorro because she went to the house to offer them money after the big deal with fake Victoria's father went south. The two of the were even out in the cabana area area talking.

I think Domingo is going with the blood to see the test run so that no tampering could take place. I think both Raqevil and Leo figure that there won't be any problem with Memo blabbing because they don't know that he already told Eduardo that Blanca was not Adriano's and he also had already told Adriano. They also wouldn't know that he acted so quickly to have a new DNA test which if he is smart and we know he is, is going to be done privately. Adriano knows all too well what Raqevil and her father are capable of.


I thought Socorro was going to blurt out she was in love with Adriano too and could be motive for the letters going into the trash or in a shoe box

So...Val had the baby, thinking that Adriano had deserted her. Immediately afterwards, Raq and Leon conspire to whisk the baby away and give it to Memo to take to the orphanage, then they have Val committed to a psych hospital? Is that right?
My head is spinning.
J in Oregon

Decie--I told you my memory was selective. Now that you mentioned it, I remember Socorro at the house offering Leo the money to but Raq turned up her nose at it because it came from a servant (or servant class).

I was out this evening and will have to watch Wed's epi in the morning.

J in Oregon--You got it right. It would have saved us a lot of head scratching and a lot of episodes of fashion faux pas.

Tofie--..."I'm still hung up on trying to remember when Rafa found out where Vicki lived." Me, too. Was it Big Mouth Simona that blabbed, or Jorge, or Karina?

Anita: when Rafa took Raquevil to meet Blanca, he tooks her to what he thought was Blanca's house...but since Eduardo is visiting her there, she is obviously there as Victoria. So...yah, how did Rafa learn her whereabouts?
My head is spinning so fast I can't even scratch it....
J in Oregon

That whole Rafa, Raq and Vickie thing was asking for me to plunge into the deep end of stupid

Adriano - DNA results were anticlimactic, we already saw it

Sofia - where is the phone

Jorge - poor little rich boy no body likes me

Ramon - I'm just dumbstruck

Simona - oh, missed the lottery by one number

Vicki - Ed, uh, I'm poor and wearing heels kills me but give us a kiss

Rafa - no need to resort to threats with Blanca use your seductive charm

Raquel - love ya grandma

When Raqevil was trying to figure out where Blanca was Rafa said he knew someone who could give him that information. Then Snoopy got a call so I'm saying that Rafa called snotty little sister who gave up the address. Only Snoopy or Slutty had the information Rafa needed.

I found it interesting that he said there she is Blanca Memo's daughter, called her name and when she turned around Raqevil said Victoria? Blancoria very quick on her feet said she was there to see Blanca and ever thinking about himself Rafa picked up on it and didn't blow her cover. Of course he later came back to blackmail her but at least at this point Raqevil remains in the dark.

Slutty slid further down in my estimation and took Ramon with her. She had no business telling him Jorge's secret and Ramon definitely had no business making that vengeful announcement to the barrio crowd. I now hope he is not Adriano's son and ends up with sloppy seconds and Karina. Yuck the pair of them.

Felt sorry or Jorge who told the Barrio gang it isn't great being rich and how he never meant to hurt them, he just wanted to be an artist. Now they reject him and he is forced to go back to Mommy Dearest and become a doctor. He really needs to grow the spine that Sofia already has and stand up to the witch and leave and make his own way. At this point he is just another potential victim like his aunt Val.

So now Adriano knows the truth and isn't going to get out of the Altamira's face. Still at her lying best Raqevil tells him his son hates him and wants nothing to do with him. Really like the scene when he saved Sofia and the little conversation that had. Interesting too that the bright little girl who recognized the first guy as bad and a threat sensed that Adriano was good and safe for her to go with.

Gotta give Christian Back points. I can't imagine any other 54 year actress who would allow herself to be dressed in a pair of pants that look like a test pattern.

Decie Girl--
Because Caso Cerrado always runs over into LI time, my recording always ends two minutes before the show, so unless I'm watching, I don't know what happened. Was that when Rawquel told Adriano his son hates him and wants nothing to do with him? How does she know? Or was she bluffing?

If not, we're back to square one--Ed, Cris or Georgie, if we've already met him. It would be mean of the tn gods to introduce a new male character at this point. So, we also have Rafa, although isn't he Tita's son? And then there's poor Ramon.

I won't say anything about the night B & E spent together. It was ok, but I didn't see any real passion, just conventional tn lovemaking. Maybe I'm just getting jaded or I miss Silvia Navarro, who is always an enthusiastic lover. Eddie did have a cute smile when he woke up the next morning.

Why doesn't Blancoria want to Adriano to know she and Ed are seeing each other a bit more intimately? I'm pretty sure she told Domingo (who probably told Addie) that now that she and Ed are not cousins, she's free to be with him.

I actually enjoyed watching Raquemup and Slimeball conversing over dinner, and he paid. For a slimeball, I rather like his smooth moves.

Good one--Raq's test pattern pants. I don't like her amo band [thx somebody else] right up under her bosom with the peplum flaring out below.

Good comment on Mariana's target practice dress, too. I think Catalina is the best dressed female in the series--understated but that I've said it, I hope they don't give her a makeover and put her in ugli stuff.

Raquevil was right, though, Victoria seemed much more interested in her family's intimate relationships than she ever was about the shipping business.

I couldn't help thinking about the sweet scene between Adriano and Sofia right after he rescues her. Hmmm, foreshadowing, perhaps, that she is his granddaughter?
I'm putting my money on Eduardo as the lost hijo.
At the end of last night didn't Adriano look at the new DNA test with dismay? It didn't really show us the results like it did the first time.
J in Oregon


I've added time to the end of LI because of the Casa Cerrado over run. OT what the hell accent does that judge have - Cuban?

J in Oregon. Adriano was disappointed in the new results but Blanca told him he was still a good man. Then he went to Hell House and confronted Raqevil who told him his son hated him. Of course it is a bluff because none of the likely candidates has a clue.

I wish I could pick a horse and stick with it but i'm back on it being Eduardo. I think Ramon has morphed into an idiot and I didn't like his being one of the first people to mention Blanca being able to back a show for him. Greed plus chasing after a skank equals not the heir.

The barrio folk who turned on Jorge may have done it because he was an Altamira not because he was rich but it was still nasty and wait until they find out Blanca isn't rich after they all tried to figure how they could cash in with her.

I think that Adriano is really a lonely wounded man. He lost the love of his life, suddenly finds out his has a child, gets led down the garden path as to who it is and is now back to square one. I really liked the interaction with Sofia and her immediate trust in him. Raqevil isn't going to like that. I do wish Chris would tip his hand and Sofia would turn on him, he is another slimeball and I don't want him to find that telling phone.

Decie Girl--Thanks for the ending.
If I add the two minutes, then my DVR won't save it in a folder. But hey, I could just program the next tn and just delete it after I watch the 2 min. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

You said, "Greed plus chasing after a skank equals not the heir." I would add, greed plus being an idiot (still your words), chasing after a skank, etc.

Why did Jorge's defense in front of those who rejected him did not include that he was a serious artist blah blah, instead of just saying he wanted to be like them--where friendship was key.

I *was* surprised that Sofia went on faith that Adriano was a good guy and believed that he would take her to her father. Was that the first time she had met him (selective memory is trying at times). She surely heard from her elders that he was not liked around the house.

I was puzzled when Sofia's phone disconnected during the earlier call with Cristobal and then when is was working again (I thought the battery had run down) why she didn't call Cris back after her close call with a robaninos.


Last night bothered me a lot.

Ramon you are such a wet noodle it's hard to watch

Rafa the lizard boy thinks it is his right to insert himself into every woman's life and they let him

Chris what a little weasel you've become. Oh sorry you're just being assertive

Raquel who in the hell died and made you god of everything you can see. Your poop still stinks

Socorro what were you thinking didn't it occur to you that was important? I don't care if you did win the lottery you still act like a maid.

Blanca even with the steamy flailing about I couldn't take my eyes from your nails. Please do something

Adriano I know you are supposed to be a good guy but if I were Sofie I would run from you too and I question if you ever had a plan.

Simona you are one selfish slug

Jorge oh my god what do you expect when you are raised in the lap of luxury and go slumming for a few months. Cry baby

I was a little bothered, too.

First off (and I admit being tired and cranky today) it was kinda dull.

Simona talking about her boobs in front of Hugo. Ew.

Ramon was a jerk.

And what was with Jorge? Are we to assume he was drunk?

I *did* like Rafa and Raquel. They are quite interesting when they get together.

Catalina deserves so much better than Cristobal. What a twit.

You are right Sara, Raquel does have a bemused look and clever quips when Rafa makes his overt passes. He keep a confident (cocky) demeanor throughout, even when he strolls away.

I guess Jorge was drunk but Mauricio Hénao didn't pull it off as an actor.

I think they need to bring in some new characters because the supporting folks have lost their shine

Jorge was trying to play "drunk" but it didn't come across. I kept cringing in embarrassment for all the patrons in the cafe who had to be witness to all the blubbering and recriminations.

By the way Wardrobe Watchers, Victoria originally had a big flat black bag with the jade hotpants but later she had exchanged it for a big flat sickly green bag. Guess it was an improvement?

J in Oregon

J in Oregon--
Not only the new purse wasn't an improvement but when they did another closeup of Ed and Vick getting ready to kiss, she had shifted it to her left shoulder so the upper part of her body was still completely blocked from our view.

Based on the daylight swim she and Ed took on Thus' episode, I must note she has a beautiful body. Why hide it.

The hypocrisy in this TN is astounding and wished the fools could just hear themselves.

Vicki - leaving out a tiny detail before making long term plans with Ed

Ed - she's got big uns so I see how you could lose your head

Karina - nice house but moms a problem. you can always string Ramon along till you can close the deal

Jorge - no job, no prospects, no money and not even a believable drunk

Adriano - I want what I want when I want it and the hell with everybody else

Chris - that teenage boy in a tight dress over Catalina

Catalina - you are really pretty

Socorro - played god didn't you

Rafa - prove your loyalty and tell her who Vicki is

So Mr. Full of Himself got the giant slap down from Raqevil and then from Mariana. He does have some damaging info and it will be interesting to see how he uses it.

Socorro spilled the beans and gave Adriano the letters. The only defense I have for her is that she must have been pretty young at the time and working for the Altamiras wouldn't have been fun. Interesting that she held onto the letters and didn't just get rid of them and obviously never even read them. It will be interesting to see how Adriano deals with that betrayal as opposed to how Raqevil handles betrayal.

Poor Memo is starting to get a picture of the fact that he has been duped by the Altamiras for years. At this point I wonder if Raqevil will let him continue to live once Rafa tells her that Adriano told the old man that she was responsible for his "accident".

So the resident skank hustles over to the big house to grovel before Jorge. This slut really likes to keep him and Ramon hanging. Can't make up her mind — both of the idiots should drop her but one of them is sure to end up with her. Fool!

So Sofia gives the phone to Jorge who may or may not pass it on, who may or may not look at what is on it, who may or may not be the missing heir, who may or may not be able to exist on his own.

So to date two impostors have been outed — Jorge as the starving artist and now Rafa as Miss Mafiosa's cousin. Who's next?

What on earth is with those hideous purses. Even the black leather one looks cheap.

Resident skank? In my view Karina is just confused. She really loves Jorge, but Raquel's viciousness has naturally convinced her that she'd never be accepted in his family. So she didn't quite shut Ramon down when he tried to reunite what they'd had before. That's just human.

Someone, I forget who, told her that she needed to clarify her feelings about Jorge by seeing him and talking with him once more. I think the idea was that she'd intuitively know during this conversation whether her feelings were still so very strong for Jorge. Of course, Raquel ruined that.

It would be, I think, actually harmful to Ramon to go back to him. Nobody wants to be just a fallback position. My telenovela intuition tells me Karina will end up with Jorge.

I'm with the rest of you on detesting Leonidas. How in blue blazes can he permit Raquel to warehouse his beloved daughter in a mental institution? How could he have gone along with what Raquel did to her all those years ago? It makes no sense since the writers otherwise portray him as a good man.

I'm not too happy with Memo. I can't stand that "good old loyal employee" crap. He refuses to listen to his own daughter telling him Raquel tried to have him killed.

Ramon is in the denial stage now and reading way too much into any interaction between he and Karina. Make no mistake I don't like greasy Karina at all but Ramon is being a fool. He even told Catalina he still thought they would marry. If Ramon didn't have his head up Karina's butt he could console Catalina. Her relationship is on the rocks and she told him so. Yes a rebound for both but could take away the sting.

Rafa your largest miscalculation to date is falling for Raquel.

Has Rafa truly fallen for Raquel? I assumed he was blowing smoke out of his arse for some scam.

Tofie, you really think Rafa has fallen for Raquel? I think he's just an opportunist and wouldn't spit on her if she were on fire!

We're on the same page Anon354 lol

Yes Sara I do. When it first came out of his mouth I though bull but he said it over and over and didn't even need to say it the first time to make some deal. Yes he is an opportunist and give him the gonads of steel award for his brashness but I think he started believing Raquel was just playing hard to get.

However, I may have to eat these words tonight with nothing to wash them down

You've made some good points, though. I'll find out Saturday when the episode is up. :)

Anon354 "I think he's just an opportunist and wouldn't spit on her if she were on fire!" he, he. there is another version so thanks for being polite

I have virtually no sympathy for the skank Karina. When it started she was the one who kept telling Snoopy that Blanca wasn't a prostitute but she went downhill fast. She couldn't keep her panties on and betrayed Ramon, then she betrayed Blanca not once but twice, first when Blanca told her not to tell anyone she was alive and she blabbed to Snoopy, then when Blanca told her not to let anyone know where she was living and of course she couldn't keep her mouth shut. She went along with Snoopy going through Jorge's things and then betrayed Jorge by telling Ramon who he was. Now she is once again leading on the sap Ramon by not telling him it is over between them no matter what happens with Jorge. She is stringing him along and she makes me sick.

Ramon is a moron and this time he asking for what will happen when a better catch comes along. The woman cheated on you in your house with your friend. Cut your losses and take a look at the governors daughter who is dealing with her own male skank Chris.

Rafa talks a good game but he is out for one thing, money and the good life and if pretending to be in love with Raqevil will do it so be it. He is so full of his image of himself as a suave charmer he isn't picking up the fact that Raqevil isn't one iota into him or any other man for that matter.

Raqevil really is an ice queen. You can only feel sorry for her poor dead husband, because living with a woman who was obviously consumed with hate for another man must have been hell.

I'm now convinced that Jorge is Adriano's son. She treats him like dirt. She gets double the revenge this way, keeping Val and Adriano from their child and then debasing him, in place of his father, every chance she gets.

Interesting that off all the boys only Jorge wonders why there are no pictures of Val around.

Poor Blancoria always having to duck any chance meeting with Jorge. She really should get him aside and tell him the truth. He might not like it but he would understand.

Don't know what I was expecting in a son of Adriano but how can it be Ramon the fool, Chris the skank punk or Jorge the sad sap. Maybe the son is one of the security guys

Things I'm musing about that Anon and the rest of you brought up:

1. Rafa. Is he really falling for Raq? A big NO. He falls for whatever seems to have a safe landing. He changes sides quicker than Victoria changes purses.

2. Leonidas. I think Raquel has him bamboozled and emasculated. No doubt in my mind he was NOT ready to retire and relinquish the reigns of the empresa. Raq made him do it. She probably made him go along with leaving Val in limbo. She must have something else besides the "disposal" of Val's baby to hold over him. This would have worked if he were very old, sick and or feeble. He still has a commanding voice in affairs, although Raq overrules him.

3. Memo. Give the guy a break. He's been in a coma and not thinking too straight. It takes more than a couple of people telling him that Raq = Evil to make him change his mind about a long-time employer. OTOH, he should be the first to acknowledge there was something fishy about that first dockside accident and then Rawquel firing him for no good reason other than not following orders--counter to what had been a holiday tradition. I think he'll figure it out sooner or later.

4. Ramon. He probably suffers from feelings of inferiority. He was probably over the moon when Karina even looked twice at him, agreed to move in and become novios. He's very vulnerable in the heart department. He doesn't want to let go of the only thing he's known as affection (I'm guessing). If Catalina is really becoming attracted to him and not just his photography, is he adroit enough to pick up on it? He does remind me a bit of a Sad Sack.

5. Decie--I agree with you about Jorge being the lost heir, however, at the beginning of the tn, Raq was so proud that there was going to be a doctor in the house. Would she have gone to those great lengths if there weren't some positive feeling for him there--a medical education is expensive in any country. Meanwhile poor Cristobal got to stay home and be the recipient of her vitriol.

6. The lost heir could still be Eduardo. As long as Blanca is Memo's biological daughter, there's no longer incest to worry about. He was able to get away from the family for a good long while. Maybe that was Raquel's idea of protecting the secret--but then she wouldn't have wanted him back to help save the business, unless she figured that after all these years, it was safe. It all started to unravel when Leo brought Val "back" not just from the hospital, but back to her senses. The other thing that makes me think that Eduardo stands a better chance of being Val's is the way Raquemup treats Sofie--like a dog she'd like to kick.

7. The Ice Queen. Good label for her. Has she ever given any of her children a loving hug? She probably used her dead husband the same way she uses other men, with superiority and contempt. Her only weak spot is Adriano.

Can't wait for this backstory to take front and center.


Anita, Good point about Ramon. He did say something about the people in the barrio being his family and all he knows and agree he may not be "adroit enough to pick up on it"

He is stumbling along like a lost puppy.

Jorge is getting the wrath now of a very disappointed mother bear

They dropped a hint last night when Ramon said he grew up in an orphanage. But I think it's a red herring, and that Eduardo is Adriano's son. I think she took the child because of her obsession with Adriano.

Anon at 6:05--That isn't the first time he refers to himself as an orphan or someone else does. Clearly a red-herring (see last week's or the week before, or the week before that's comments, haha).

Ramon says he's an orphan so often it could be a new drinking game: "I'm an orphan" (drink).

By the way Rafa looks to me like he is in the grip of passion for Raquel...or at least he has convinced himself he is feeling passion. But maybe he is feeling it in his wallet instead of his pants.
What? Did I just say that?

J in Oregon

Undying loyalty will get you dead

Padre - your gods name is Raquel

Memo - silence is golden

Socorro - leave, just leave

Richie - begging you to shoot

Rafa - there is always a bigger dog

Karina - well you're a piece of work

Ramon - live on leftovers and hand-me-downs

Blanca - coward

Vicki - coward

Ed - a reminder buddy, enduring love is based on TRUST

Tofie--Another great list. You amaze me.

The Case of the Magic Changing Purse OR The Case of the Missing Breakfast

1. Victoria goes out to buy breakfast for herself and Eddie, who stayed in bed after a busy night. We don't see her leave, but later we see she's dressed in a sensible red t-shirt and matching red sneakers, which don't even look like brand name running shoes. She's confronted as Blanca right outside her front door by a surprised Jorge. She's carrying two plastic bags and carries NO purse.

2. She avoids going inside to avoid being undressed as an imposter by going to visit Memo in the hospital. They talk about Adriano's visit and poor Memo, who shouldn't be talking very well, doesn't get to talk at all. He's changing his mind about Adriano, maybe he's not such a cad after all. Blanca has her small white shoulder bag slung over her left shoulder.

3. Blanca storms off to see Adriano and give him a piece of her mind and they end up having a loving father (sort of)- daughter (sort of) hug. Blanca's white shoulder bag is now visibly on her right shoulder.

4. Blanca has been out buying breakfast for several hours now. Jorge decides to split. Surprisingly, Blanca shows up right after he leaves. Sofia and Ed are happy to see her (but do they wonder why she was gone so long...). Blanca walks in with her signature sickly green purse in her hands and NO breakfast bags.

The Case of the Missing Heir

Rafa's back in the running for the title. We now learn he doesn't know who his father is and mama won't tell. Maybe mama didn't give birth to him but merely acquired him.


Anita---hmm, what secrets is Dona Tita hiding? Rafa doesn't know who his daddy is? And speaking of Acquired Children, recall that awhile back, Memo was having a flashback...he was carrying a newborn, and he gave it to a little girl about age six, and said "This is going to be your new little sister". Anyway I think that's what he said. And we don't know anything about little Hugo's parentage. Maybe Memo is not the bio dad of any of his children?
J in Oregon

J in OR - You are right about Memo's flashback when he was introducing the new baby to Blanca. It didn't seem as though there was such an age difference between her and Simona. And where was the mother--Memo is out walking the streets with a babe in arms, wrapped in a white blanket--similar to the one that Val's baby was wrapped in when he and Raq absconded with the child? (Doesn't *anyone* put a baby in a stroller or carriage in telenovelas?)

But, ni modo, there are plenty of Red Herrings to smell up a barrel of chum, so to speak.

Oh good grief now scruffy Rafa becomes a contender but I'm not buying that one. There was no reaction on Tita's part when she saw Adriano in the Memo's room so I'm scratching Rafa plus which he is a rat bastard and doesn't deserve to have both parents and money.

Now the good and I use the term loosely Padre has a heart to heart with Ramon wondering if the man wants to know about his real parents. That is pretty heavy handed even for a TN. And Ramon is an idiot for taking the skank back so I refuse to accept him as the real heir apparent.

Laughed over the purse switch especially when that cheap green number looks hideous against the red number. I'm seriously considering writing as note to Telemundo and calling them on it. Maybe no one other than us catches these glitches but it is distracting.

So Mariana has now switched her focus to Chris who will crumble like a stale cookie and soon find himself marched to the altar.

Can't say I felt very sorry for Rafa getting a beatdown by his new employers.

The longer Blancoria waits the worse it will be for her. I can't imagine how much another revelation of lies will do to Sofia who is still having a hard time dealing with Eduardo's error in judgement.

Jorge just scroll though that phone you know belonged to Tuerto and discover what happened to Aunt Val and what scum your Grandfather and mother are. But no he just waffles around.

And what was that wedding gift from Cats parents? I can get that at Jo-Anns fabrics on sale and never think it an aphrodisiac.

Blanca/Vic has to be the sloppiest, worst dressed female lead ever. As my mother would say, don't go out looking like a ragga muffin

Decie Girl--
About Rafa being in the running: "There was no reaction on Tita's part when she saw Adriano in the Memo's room so I'm scratching Rafa.."

The baby went to the orphanage first. Maybe as Padre was arranging adoptions (as he seems to have done for many orphaned babies--judging from the photo album he was looking at), he gave Val's baby to Tita, but didn't tell her the source was Val or Adriano. For whatever reason (desire for a baby, no husband, dead husband, disappeared husband) Padre though she might be a good candidate. Solid working class, of the barrio, where he could keep an eye on her and the babe. It makes sense to me, but the writers keep on fooling me.

Tofie--Glad you brought up the magical sheets. Jo-Ann's, what a good laugh. The wedding gift wasn't even wrapped up--just a box and a bow. It was just an excuse for us to see Catalina's back bare, that's all. Can't stand Cris, sorry to say. I tried not to watch that "engagement."

So if it's Rafa (hope not) and he beds aunt Raquel here we go again


I'm pretty sure Tita is actually Rafa's mother because there sure hasn't been any hint the he too is an orphan.

In any case I kept thinking how horrible it must have been for Adriano to read all those letters from Val and see first her joy and increasingly her pain at the thought that he didn't want either her or the baby when the truth was so totally different. Raqheartless is more of a monster than he could have imagined.

I like the idea that he took the letters to Memo and told him to read them and understand what had been done to him and Val. I don't think I would have decided as he seemed to, to just leave, that the place was too full of pain to stay. My temperament would have me staying and looking for the most painful revenge I could find. I'd stop at nothing to destroy Leo and Raquel and my first step was to prove to the three boys what cold monsters they were living with.

I can hardly wait to see what happens when he finds out Val is alive and how she has been tortured for so many years. I just wish Blanca would ask if he had a picture of Val and she could confirm who Letty was.

Decie Girl--Re Tita being Rafa's bio mom. That's what it looks like right now.

I'm not above Padre making it a secret adoption twenty-some years ago. Being of the barrio meant Tita would have to have shown up with a newborn without ever looking pregnant. Of course everyone we've met in the barrio is Blanca and Rafa's age. Only Memo is Tita's own age and he also knows the secret.

I wonder if Tita will ever tell Memo he's been the love of her life--that could also shed new light on things. Memo is too upstanding a caballero to have impregnated her and left her bambino without a daddy and still living in the neighborhood.

So we're back to speculating. This is getting good, sickly green purse aside.


We all know that TN's repeat motifs and I am having horrible nightmares that since Eddie and Blanca have been going at it like rabbits that any day now she will come up all queasy, or faint or get dizzy — rolling my eyes.

Then since Raqevil is hellbent on none of her boys ending up with problems like Aunt Val (slumming in the hood) I can see her snatching Blanca and repeating the whole Val scenario. Of course she could do it, send the girl to the same sanitarium and then Blanca could see and save Val. God knows I hope we don't go down that rabbit hole but one never knows.

but with what Raquel injected into Memos drip he may be dead Monday night

Raq-hell was more than willing to have Mariana rubbed out when it looked like she was going to cause trouble. I bet she would go for that solution with Blanca, rather than have Blanca locked up to keep her away from Eduardo.

Also, Melania is quite the dark horse. I'm still wondering if it's her daughter Letty in Valentina's grave. If so, Melania must know ...and if she knows, my money is on her to be the one dealing out vengeance to Raq-hell in the final episode.
J in Oregon


Would someone be kind enough to post the link the this weeks Reina discussion????? I somehow lost the RSS feed & when I try to reload telemundo & more, it only lists Santa Diabla& Impostora. The link on caray was posted too long ago I can't get to the page.


variopinta hope this is the one you want

thank you, mil gracias, merci
tofie, you're the greatest

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