Monday, February 10, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: SANTA DIABLA -- Week of February 10, 2014

We're into últimas locuras here on SD. The bad guys are getting good, the good guys are bad and those caught between them are ending up mostly dead. Who knows what will happen this week but this is where we hash it all out.

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Jean, I loved your "ultimas locuras" and your marvellously concise synopsis.

The link for last week for lurkers and laggers.

Does anyone know the final day of SD?

Just saw a promo for Camelia, La Texana, saying that it starts Tues. the 25th of Feb. So two weeks more of SD.

Thanks for getting us started, Jean. "Ultimas locuras" -- snort! Not hardly.

I see that the 9/8c show, En Otra Piel, starts on Feb. 18. I like the actors in that one so I'm more inclined to give that one a try. Camelia looks like another narconovela, right?

Novela Maven - Camelia is based on a narco-corrido by Los Tigres del Norte so it is a narconovela but it starts in the past - the 1970's. It sounds kind of interesting.

En Otra Piel is a remake of El Cuerpo del Deseo with Mario Cimarro, which I saw, and I'm not sure I want to see it again with a woman protagonist.

Here is a link to El cuerpo del deseo, which En otra piel is based on

Really doesn't sound that interesting to me.

El cuerpo del deseo was strange enough, this new one looks even more twisted. And not in the good way, aka Santa Diabla.
I saw some spoilers of it, it does have David Chocarro and Jorge Luis Pila in it, so I'll give it a try, but most likely, I'll give it up.

Jean, I had missed "Ultimas locuras". HA, good one. I'm gonna miss this crazy show so much, but I'm kind of glad it will be over soon, because the sl have become too ridiculous.

I just hope Humberto lives long enough to say "I told you so! I told you he was evil!" He deserves at least that.


Curious about Camila, la texana, I thought Texan was tejana.Can s/b shed some light on this?

Monday – Part 1

In Monday’s episode, we build the backstory for Santi as a dangerous wacko.

We begin with Santa and Bert together at Begoña’s house. Bert asks Santa if she loves him. He needs to have her say the words. She responds in the affirmative and they start to kiss when in comes Santi. “Am I interrupting something,” he asks. Santi accuses Bert of being jealous of him. Then it’s tattletale time. Bert tells Santa that it was Santi who tried to stab Inés and that Santi had a knife and bad intentions when he was with her in the study the previous day. Bert says that there were witnesses to this. Is Santi going to deny it? Then Santi comes back with the fact that Bert killed Vicente. Bert denies it and Santi replies that he knows that it is the truth because he was present when the murder occurred. Bert punches Santi. Santa gets fed up and throws them both out.

We have the big reveal on Alicia –the operation was a big success – no scars, just a little redness and an apparently functioning right eye. Wow, this doctor is good. Willy asks Alicia why she deceived him about having the surgery. He liked her no matter how she looked. Alicia asks everyone to leave and looks in the mirror. Willy tells her that he loves her; he wants her to be his novia. She says that she loves him.

The book launch was a big success. Ivan’s earlier problems with the publisher are forgotten. The publisher’s representative say that are more such events to come. Then Victoria faints.

Patricio is at Santi’s lair looking at the wall of pictures of Santa. This guy is a wacko says Pat.

Fran calls Daniela and tells her that her mother is getting out of the hospital and needs to see her daughter. Daniela asks why Barb was in the hospital. Fran replies that Barb’s face was burned in what the doctors think was a beauty treatment gone bad but Fran knows better. She is sure someone did it on purpose. She asks Daniela to come to the Cano house to see Barb. We see Barb leave the hospital in a big hat with sunglasses and a scarf.

Bert comes home and finds Inés there. He asks if Santi is there and Inés says no. Then some police come out and arrest Bert for failing to respond to Santi’s suit against him. Bert protests but to no avail.

Paula emerges from one of the many rooms at Begoña’s house and says that she overheard the whole conversation with Santi and Bert. She can’t believe that Santa is giving Bert another chance. Santa replies that she is still going forward with her plan to take willy far away from Marerro. Paula says that Willy should have some say in this since he is the kid’s father. Santa doesn’t want any advice and tells Paula to leave her alone.


Part 2

The hospital is sending Victoria home because there is nothing they can do for her except palliative treatments. Ivan can’t accept this. He wants to go to other doctors but Vicky says that it is no use. He has to accept the reality that soon he will never see her again. His inability to deal with this is depriving him of the little time that they have to be together. Vicky then says that she is going to sell her house and go far, far away, this time for real.

Santi asks Patricio if he brought over his stuff so he can live in Room #8. Patricio responds that he was waiting for Santi to confirm that he wants Pat to stay in the room. Santi confirms this. He says that he wants Pat there so that he can be ready for action whenever needed. Then Pat asks Santi about a sort of altar that he has made with a picture of a cat and candles. Santi replies that the cat was his first pet and he put it there so that he would never forget it. Pat says that Santi must have loved the cat a lot. Santi replies that the altar wasn’t done out of affection for the cat but to remind him how easy it is to kill for the first time.

Elisa is still grieving over Lázaro’s death. Arturo and Mara are all happy and about to leave for her dream job and their new life in Canada. They suggest that Elisa join them but she doesn’t want to be a third wheel on their “intimidad.” No problem, replies Arturo, Elisa can stay at Mara’s place. He’s paid the rent a year in advance now that he has his mother’s $$$. Group hug.

Bert can’t get anybody to pay attention to him that Santa is in danger. Santi looks at a wooden box in an evil smirking way. The box has knives in it.

Fran scoops up all Barb’s makeup to get rid of it while Barb goes crazy and claims that she won’t use it.

Fran asks Inés if she knows where Bert is and Inés lies and says that she doesn’t.

Daniela comes to see her mother. Who knows why Fran thought this would be a good idea except maybe that being horrible to her daughter might take Babs’ mind off her own problems. Babs notices that Daniela has gained weight and Daniela reminds her that she is pregnant. Babs asks who the father is and Daniela tells her that she was raped by a bunch of guys when she was drugged up. Daniela mentions that she might give the baby up for adoption and Babs replies, “no way. You are going to terminate this pregnancy.”


Part 3

We have some henchman one-upmanship. Pat runs into René at the Trebol de Oro. René observes that Pat has a new boss. Pat replies that René can stay in this rathole and die of hunger while Pat will have bags of money with his new boss who is a member of the one the most powerful families in Marrero. René can’t believe that Pat’s boss is from a more powerful family that his boss. Pat replies that the two bosses are like opposite sides of a coin. He asks if René has ever seen a lamb (cordero) eaten by a white shark, that is what his new boss is like. [I’m not exactly sure what analogy Pat was making here.] Pat goes on to say that people think that his boss is a saint but he actually is much more bloodthirsty than his brother. Then Pat warns René that if he stays on Bert’s team, they may end up fighting each other. He leaves René looking perplexed.

Willy can’t believe that Santa was going to try and take willy away. Santa protests that she is a good mother. Paula says that she can’t believe Santa was going to go away with Bert who killed his own father. Begoña comes in and overhears this. She is happy that their plan finally work and Bert confessed but Santa claims that Santi just made it up to make Bert look bad. Paula says no, she heard Bert confess to murdering Vicente. Begoña tells Santa that she is going to tell Pancho about this. Santa gives Paula the stink-eye and Paula says don’t blame me. Willy is my brother and the welfare of my nephew is more important than yours.

Pat has brought his stuff to Santi’s lair and is making small talk with Santi. He admires the pictures of Santa. Santi says that she is the love of his life. Pat asks if he has known Santa for a long time. Santi replies that he has known Santa longer than she is aware of. Then he volunteers to tell Pat the story and like the good henchman that he is, Pat expresses interest in hearing the story.


Part 4

So here we go. About three years ago, Santi came back to Marrero from Guatemala without the knowledge of his family. He got in a bar fight, was arrested and sent to prison for a short time. In one of those amazing coincidences that happen in novelas, Santi sees Willy drop something in the prison yard. He doesn’t know who Willy is, much less that he is in prison for sexually abusing Santi’s niece. He only knows that Willy is in prison for a sex crime and therefore his cell is in a separate part of the prison. Santi picks up the picture and is instantly smitten. Later, Santi gets transferred to the part of the prison near Willy’s cell. While Willy is working in the prison kitchen, Santi rummages through Willy’s belongings looking for more pictures or information about the woman. He only finds a musical composition titled, “Santa.” He steals it. Flash forward to the first episode of the novela, where Santi is playing this tune on his saxophone in the cemetery. Santa asks where he got the music and Santi lies and says that he found it on the internet.

Begoña goes to the police station to tell Pancho that Bert has confessed to murdering Vicente. How lucky that Bert is already in prison! Pancho confronts Bert and tells him that Santa set a trap to get him to confess. Bert won’t accept that. He tells Pancho that there is no proof that he killed Vicente. Pancho replies that he will get the proof and Bert will rot in prison. Bert asks Pancho to send police officers to protect Santa. Then Begoña comes to see Bert. She says that she wants to see the fall of the white shark. Bert says that it doesn’t matter about him, Santa is in danger.

Santa goes home to the Cano house. Fran is beside herself worrying about Bert’s whereabouts. Santi shows up. Santi tells Santa that it is a pity that she believed the wrong person. Inés is listening. Then Santi tells Santa, “if only you knew that I loved you way before we even met.” Santa gives him her blank look, which in this case means, “what the hell are you talking about?”

Inés tells Santi that Bert is in jail for not showing up in court and that she is only one who knows this.

Santa is getting ready for bed. Santi comes up behind her and grabs her. He says that they should relive old times together in bed and that she is his and she knows that. Santa breaks away from him and asks what he has turned into. She doesn’t recognize him anymore. Santi laughs evilly. Santa hits him and he falls down, hits his head and is unconscious.


Variopinta: It can be spelled either way. The sound is the same. I think "Tejano" is used more frequently.

Jean, super recap! Thank you.

Of course Bert did not actually confess, he just didn't really deny killing Vicente, saying things like don't listen to him (Santi), he's sick. But Paula apparently took this as a confession, and told Begonia, who wasn't even there, who told Pancho. Not too solid evidence.

It's also a little strange that they throw Bert in jail for not responding to a civil suit, and apparently don't give him a phone call or a lawyer. In fact, throughout this show, Marrero justice makes no sense at all. People are thrown in jail with no proof, there's rarely a trial. Then they get released, again, with no proof. I guess we just have to go with the flow.

One would think Rene would figure out from Pat's rant that Pat's boss was Santiago. But apparently Rene is not the brightest. And this makes me think he's really Rene, not Franco.

Barbara is just so horrible. Even though she hasn't committed any crimes, we hate her more than almost any other character. Which means the actress is doing a good job.

According to Barb, Dani is showing. But what about Paula? Hasn't she been pregnant for like a few years now? I mean, George died so long ago, I can hardly remember his dashing red blazers.

Great recap, Jean, full of useful detail and delightful snark. Many thanks.

I especially liked your observation: "Who knows why Fran thought this would be a good idea except maybe that being horrible to her daughter might take Babs’ mind off her own problems." I also enjoyed your translation of Santa's blank look. Yes, Gaby Espino apparently has one blank look, which she uses to mean a variety of things. (Unlike someone who really knows how to act.)

As someone who enjoys both opera and telenovelas, I'm often struck by how much they have in common, even though one is considered high culture and one is not. I was reminded of the similarities when Santi said he'd tell Pat how he came to know about Santa. I actually expected to hear the orchestra start the prelude to Santi's aria.


Thank you, Jean. This is marvelous.

In one of those amazing coincidences that happen in novelas...

Oh my. There sure are a lot of them in this one.

There is one cliché that this novela sets on its ear: that kids instinctively know who the good guys are. We've seen willy drawn first to Santi, then to Alicia and Inés (though it looks as though Alicia is getting a last-minute moral make-over).

Even if we assume that Santi wasn't always intended to be a villain (though I personally believe he was always meant to be rotten to the core), there's no arguing the villainy of Inés. willy sucks at choosing moral compasses (as does his mother -- so what can you expect?)

Oh, by the way, I thought Patricio asked René if he had ever seen a lamb eat a shark. No?

This comment has been removed by the author.

I actually tuned in to Santa Diabla last night and you might have seen my head spinning around in my Living Room if you'd been in the Bay Area last night.

So sad sack Santiago is a monster? What about all those early scenes where he had tears in his eyes looking at, I think, newspaper accounts of his being (we thought) falsely arrested for murder?

I know I've got a lot of nerve asking questions, but what happened to Hortensia? Is Arturo leaving the baby he had with Lisette? Was it even his baby?

Terrific recap, Jean!Loved "ultimas locuras" and I may have picked the wrong novela to watch since all my old buddies are here!

Thanks, all.

I have given up trying to bring any reality to the justice system in Marrero. You're right, Hombre, Bert didn't confess but I guess an insufficient denial is good enough in Marrero.

I thought Pat said, "Have you ever seen a lamb eat a shark?" but that didn't really make any sense so I thought maybe it was the other way around.

If Daniela is showing, Paula must be about to deliver. It seems like ages since she told George she was preggers.

Welcome to Santa Loca, Novelera. Yes, you should have stayed with this one. ;-)

Some of us belief that the writers morphed Santi into a murderous monster when he had zero romantic chemistry with Santa. They are certainly busily backfiling that story line.

Hortensia died a while ago. She had Lupus. She never made Lisette get a DNA test but her lawyers required it for the the kid to get Horti's money. And, oops, the kid turned out to be Bert's. Lisette is good now. As of now, Arturo wants to be the kid's father even though they don't have a blood relationship. The kid is going to visit Arturo and Mara in Canada.

That should be back-filling, not backfiling.

Oh, Novelera, you definitely should have stayed with us. :)
This tn has been Santa loca ( GOOD one, Jean!), indeed. If you ask us more questions, you'll see that there is plenty we don't get either, because there is too much crazy going around at any given moment.

Some of the highlights:
- Bert found out that Vicente is his biological father and cutt off his head with a sword; the head was found on the Cano dinner table, right before supper. As it turns out, Santi was there, too and Bert did it all for him.
- Ines fake kidnapped herslef and Santi at one time
- Willy is ALIVE and well and, as it turns out, he's only guilty of having a wandering eye, as opposed to the rest of the cast
- Ines found Willy in her father's basement and because she needed to get pregnant (after she married Santi), she seduced a never had a shower in the last two years Willy - that was pretty to see; and she got pregnant
- Santi's twin, Alicia, showed up; Fran had given her up because the girl was missing an eye; she's out for revenge, too
- Paula has been pregnant with George's baby for ages, but she still doesn't show; now she's in love with a possible narco guy (he might be his identitical double, though)
- Santa eventually fell for Bert (because there is no chemistry whatsoever between Gaby Espino and Aaron Diaz, they are both pretty terrible, while Carlos Ponce is shinning in all his scenes)
- Ines almost killed Willy twice (long story, the second time she was gunning for Santa)

With a few episodes left until the gran final, everything is pretty much up in the air. We have no clue about how this will end.

Thanks, Adriana, for all your updates. It does appear you all are having loads of fun with this one.

You sure can't say this novela hasn't been entertaining. You never know from one day to the other what will happen or what did happen even if you saw it with your own eyes.

I believe we all said, "well at least we know S&S will end up together", think again.

I have enjoyed la locura immensely!

None of us were thrilled with the main couple, S&S, but the crazy story carried it, as well as Carlos Ponce. 1st time I have seen him & I am now a devoted follower, even love his Allstate commercials. Almost everyone was better than blank look & teary red eye, make that, everyone was better.
Kudos to the writers, who should seek professional help immediately.

Tks Jean, I had never seen Texana before.

Novelera before she died Horti repented on her sins and in her final moments claimed she could see Felipe...

So Santa and Santi wont end up together? Well to be fair in LCDAL Gonzaki and Pilar didnt end up together. And Gonzaki also had a crazy relationship with his brother Adolfmael.
In ERDLV we were lead to believe that dMart would end up with Aliva. That didnt happen either as Aliva was revealed to be evil at a young age.

So some of you are accusing Santi of killing Gloria. But I remember Franco said he had his men kill her and set it up to look like Santi did it. So even though Santi is psycho, im fully convinced he didnt kill Gloria. But maybe he knew that Gloria was married to Franco and decided to challenge him...


In regards to alicias plastic surgery I guess her right eye worked but the area surrounding it was all creepy looking. She never did say she had one eye did she?

I thought of that, Novela Man, but covering up a functioning eye for all those years would not be a good thing. Alicia has been without binocular vision for all this time and now the brain would not know what to do with the info coming from the newly revealed eye. She would have serious vision problems in the real world. In Marrero, not so much, obviously.

Jean, thanks for the recap. The cat shrine. Oh, my. The pictures of Santa on the wall were pretty much standard issue insane stalker. But the cat shrine was so sick and twisted, that I'm not sure I've ever seen anything quite like it on TV before. FWIW, on the lamb eating the shark, that's what it said in the English captioning. My high school Spanish dating back to the '70s isn't good enough to make it without the CC. It made sense to me in that Santiago was supposedly the meek lamb but he will be having the shark - Humberto - for lunch.


Carlos Ponce. I agree totally. I'm even anxious to see a Disney movie just to hear his voice:


Carlos Ponce's ex wife is the sister of Marco Rubio, Senator of FL.

So Santa finds out the big secret, that Bert did kill Vicente. And yet, she's willing to stand by him. True love, I tell you.
Actually I think Bert chose a good moment to confess. She's in love enough and scared of Santi.

And the other characters are slowly closing in on learning that Bert is not the big bad wolf.

The ending still is anyone's guess, though.

SANTA, Martes, Part 1

It’s a good thing this show is ending soon, because all logic and coherence seem to have gone right out the window. But we still have a lot of action!

When last we left our charming characters, Santa had just hit Santiago in the nose with the back of her hand. This is the new, strong Santa, so Santi goes down, unconscious (I don’t think he hit his head, Santa’s just an Amazon these days). She rushes downstairs.

Down there we have Barb, going for the Muslim look with a black head scarf (this helps make her look uglier since her face doesn’t really look bad these days, I guess the actress got tired of that scar makeup), telling Dani to get an abortion, pronto. Why? Because, says Barb, I’m too young to be a grandmother! And, besides, you got raped. I hope nobody knows. I’d die of shame. What about my reputation? Dani is shocked, I can’t believe it, Ma, once again, all you think about is YOURSELF. Fran can only look on with her usual pursed lips.

Enter Santa, you gotta come upstairs, now! They rush upstairs, as she’s saying Santiago is lying on the floor, out like a light. But when they arrive, there’s no one lying on the floor, to Santa’s surprise. Santa gets questioned, what did you do to make Santi be on the floor? She’s silent as usual. Then Santi DOES appear, with a red spot on his nose indicating he was hit, but it’s the good Santi. And he doesn’t remember ANYTHING from the last few hours. Huh? Yes, folks, the writer has decided that Santi’s illness is that he goes bad, and his good self is not aware of any of the bad things. I don’t think that’s how they’ve been presenting it, but that’s what we have now. In fact, if that’s true, bad Santi could have killed Franco Garcia’s wife, and woken up as good Santi, wondering where all the blood came from.

Santa and Fran want to know where Bert is, when Begoña arrives. She had been berating Bert in jail, but all Bert kept saying was protect Santa from Santiago. He was so sincere, Begoña believed him, and has come rushing to the mansion to tell Santa. Despite Santi’s now weeping, calm persona, Begoña now sees that he’s warped, and tells Santi to stay away from my daughter! Santi doesn’t like this. But is this good Santi or bad Santi? Good Santi wouldn’t get upset, would he? I think Santi’s character, at this point, is inconsistent, and since the actor isn’t that good at acting in the first place.....

Enough of that, what about our other characters? Let’s start with Alicia. Bandages off, she’s “perfect” now (in her brain). Willy and she rejoice, Elisa is happy. Awww. Except that Alicia has another PLAN, and calls Inés, but doesn’t tell her what it is. She then disappears from the hospital. Okay.....

Elisa is wishing Art and Mara good luck in Canada. Lisette is smiling, too, now in a very demure outfit, a far cry from her earlier fashions. Not only has Art paid a full year’s rent on Elisa’s apartment, he also bought her an open ticket to visit Canada any time she likes in the next year. Borrriiinnngg.

Vicky fainted at that book thing, and Iván is back to his weepy mode. So Vicky is really leaving, and wants Iván to be happy and strong. She gets a real estate agent to sell her family house, and the agent thinks it’ll sell really fast, it’s in perfect condition. Vicky has a ticket to go to New York. Ulises liked the city, so maybe she will, too, and can spend her last days not burdening Iván. This is so wrong on so many levels, but seems the norm in this show. Vicky also cuts all ties with Tránsito. Huh?

SANTA, Part 2

You see, Pat found Vicky alone upstairs in her house, and decided to rape her. In his words, he wanted to consume her, before her illness consumed her. What a guy. But she’s tough now, too, grabs a vase, clocks him, he’s out. She runs downstairs, tells Tran, they go back up, Pat’s gone. Vicky reports to Pancho, and when Tran admits that Pat was staying at the Trebol de Oro until recently, Vicky says you coward! Tran says Pat threatened to kill not only Tran, but Vicky, too, and she was protecting Vicky. But Vicky isn’t buying it, and wants nothing more to do with Tran. Ever. I’m not on board with this decision, either, but at least we have the new strong Vicky. Tran tells Pancho that Pat has a new boss, even stronger than Bert. Pancho is going to ask Rene who this might be, since Rene was also at the Trebol de Oro. Vicky also gets a knife, and once again talks about taking out Pat herself. That I WOULD like to see!

Paula goes to find Rene, who’s packed up his little roller (note, Pat was much cooler, he put his stuff in a much manlier duffel), Rene is going home to Guatemala. But Paula stops him, now she really believes him. They kiss. I think he says something about not knowing if he can trust her in the future, but after that kiss, I think we finally have one happy couple in this show. Okay, two, with Art and Mara. But that’s my limit.

Pat’s in Room 8, and Santi arrives, looks around, opens the door, and is SHOCKED to see Pat there. Huh? Oh yeah, it’s good Santi, who has NO MEMORY of telling Pat to live here. Pat gets pissed, what about all that stuff you told me, those jobs. What’s up, boss? Santi doesn’t say. Has he even noticed the broken mirror, the cat, the pictures of Santa all over the walls? Maybe HE should call Dr. Murray, the boy’s losing it. He flashes back to how he engineered the meeting with Santa after all that prison stuff with Willy. But is this good Santi remembering, or bad Santi? You tell me.

Just so we wouldn’t think about this too much, we get some more mysteries. Fran thinks she hears a noise, and suddenly, a black garbed figure approaches her from behind, and injects her with a needle full of sleep drugs! Uh oh.

And if that isn’t enough, Padre Milton is setting up the church, when some figure comes at him from behind, hitting him over the head with a candlestick, knocking him out! He wakes up, tied hand and foot.

Bert is finally getting out of jail, for “rebeldía”, which can translate as absentia, or rebelliousness. I’m going with number 2. Before he does, he ADMITS to Santa, he DID kill Vicente! He did it to protect Santiago. Santa starts to get weepy, asks, did you also put the head on the dining room table? He replies something like, how could I do something like that, which sort of denies, and sort of makes Santa think Santi did it. In this scene, it looks as if Santa realizes that Bert’s a killer, so she should be done with him, right? But in the next scene, at the hearing for Bert’s rebelliousness, she’s back on board. The judge also orders Bert to make a full accounting of all the family finances, within the next 48 hours! And include all your passwords to your computers! Who knows if Bert will comply. He’s still talking about going away with Santa and willy, far, far away. Like that’ll happen.

Yes, it makes no sense at all. It’s not logical. It’s stupid. But the mysteries! The action! Get me out of here!

thanks Jean for Monday's recap,
I got busy and missed some parts, I am so thankful that you filled in Santiago's back story.

hmm, is Santiago setting up Patricio at the serial killers lair, (love the cat altar), to take the fall, so are they trying to show how clever/evil Santiago really is, and that Humberto may have been duped early on as well.

Great recap Hombre!!!

I too was amused at Barbara's new Muslim look.

when Victoria returned upstairs with Transito, she also had a GIANT knife from the kitchen, planning to end her Patricio marriage. So sad to see the terrified Transito FINALLY step up and spill out the truth to Pancho, to the disgust of the newer/tougher (never a whimp) Victoria.

interesting how the first scenes in this novela are with us at the end, but with a new interpretation,
"things are not always as they seem".


Hombre, thanks for another terrific recap.

I was thinking that "rebeldia" in this context might mean "contempt of court" (though I was too lazy to look it up.)

I think Santa asked Bert if he had framed her for Vicente's murder --remember she was found with the body -- and he said he had not. It seemed clear that that was Santi's work.

Deb, I love your idea that Santi is setting Patricio up to take the fall in #8.

Don't you love how we have all become such moral relativists around here?

Sometimes decapitation of one's father is justified.
Discuss among yourselves.

Hee hee!! Great recap, Hombre, and great comments all.

If good Santi can't remember what he did when he did when he was bad Santi, how did he know about Room #8?

The whole thing makes abosolutely no sense. Vicente was about to be exposed as the person who #1 mastermined Willy being sent to prison and #2 who locked Willy up in the basement for 2 years. Bert maybe had a motive for killing him because he could be exposed as a participant in #1 but none of it had anything to do with Santi. Bert murdered Vicente to protect Santi how? You can never convince me that the writers didn't go back and add Santi after they decided that he was bad.

It also makes absolutely no sense that Santa would even consider being with Bert after she found out that not only did he murder his father but he let her be convicted for it.

I loved Barb's reaction to Daniela's pregnancy - I'm too young to be a grandmother!! Perfect.

Fran's assailant sure looked Alicia-sized.

I can't stand it when they inject people in the neck. Eeeewww.

And did they have to go after Padre Milton? Sheesh.

I thought Fran's assailant might be Alicia, too, Novela Maven, mostly because I don't think it could be Santi and there is nobody else with a motive. Why Padre Milton was attacked, I have no idea. I thought he was dead at first.

I'm curious to see if Diabla is doing to Francisca,
(without knowing),
what Santa already did.
and I'm looking forward to Francisca's expression when she wakes up.


Yet another great recap, Hombre. Many thanks! You must have read my mind, or I yours, because your opening sentences are exactly what I too have been thinking: "It’s a good thing this show is ending soon, because all logic and coherence seem to have gone right out the window. But we still have a lot of action!"

The only sense I can make of Victoria's cruel response to Tránsitois that V wants to sever all ties to people she was close with, thinking that her death will be easier for her and for them if they're no longer close. But this explanation almost makes a bit of sense, and therefore it has no place our discussion of Locuraland.

I'm assuming that Alicia is the person who captured Francisca and injected her with something. As NovelaMaven noted, the assailant definitely seemed to be Alicia-sized, and Alicia certainly has lots of unfinished business with Francisca. She probably wants Francisca to see how attractive she now is, and also to compare the now-beautiful Alicia to the now-less-attractive Barbara. But who attacked Padre Milton? I can think of no one with a motive, which means it probably was either Santiago or Inés, neither of whom needs a motive for anything they do.


What do you mean it's not logical, have you ever been to Marrero?

At first I was thinking that Santi & Alicia were evil twins, but with Alicia's successful operation, I don't think that is the case.

I'm still not believing Humberto killed his papa, why would he lie to Santa, ¿Quien sabe?

Still wondering what crime Pancho ever solved. So I guess he is really going to roll them up in the last episode.

Still loving it, have you been watching Mentir para vivir, you want boring, well that is Booooring.

H de M - Yes, I fully agree with all of your WTQs... Those crazy kids in Marerro have even crazier writers at Telemundo.

So who attacked Fran and Padre Milton?

Maybe Pat, working on bad Santi's order,
Alicia the hospital escapee
Ines who is on Alicia's moral-less payroll?
Ditto for Padre Milton.

But why?? All Padre M does is officiate funerals and loveless marriages in Marerro. Oh and serve as executor of a will now and then. So maybe someone will force him to officiate some type of grotesque service involving Fran. Since Fran is involved with this act of violence, my bet is with Alicia and her "psycho psydkick" Ines.


Novela Maven said:

Sometimes decapitation of one's father is justified.
Discuss among yourselves.

Within the context of the storyline, I can almost understand Humberto's motivation for killing his father to protect his brother. But the decapitation doesn't make any sense, and Bert gave no explanation. That sounds more like evil Santiago. But if Santi did do it, why wouldn't Bert simply tell Santa at this point? Oi, my head hurts.

I did think it was a nice touch when Bert included Santa's mama along with her son as people they would take with them when they ran off. But why stop there? They need to include Willy and his baby and Paula and her baby (if she ever gives birth) plus Rene. Maybe Victoria could open a new boarding house in New York and they all move in together! :)

En otra piel / El cuerpo del deseo
Laura Flores = Andrés García
María Elisa Camargo = Mario Cimarro
Jorge Luis Pila = Lorena Rojas
Vanessa Villela = Martin Karpan

Who the F is David Chocarro supposed to be?

Novela Man asked:

Who the F is David Chocarro supposed to be?

I guess that he would be Rosalinda Rodriguez who played Cimarro's wife, Cantalicia.

SANTA, Miércoles, Part 1

Francisca wakes up, it's dark, she's in some enclosed space. She freaks out. Let me out of here! She pounds on the top of whatever she's in, to no avail. She can't breathe. She starts to weep. Finally the top opens, and it was a coffin! In fact, she's in the church, and Alicia is beaming at her, smiling away. Ali's wearing a sort of Catwoman costume, black leotard, with strategic cutout above the bra, tight black pants and heels, blond hair back in a ponytail, red lips, looking smokin'! As Fran sits up, she first thinks it's Barb. Nope, crows Ali, it's ME, your other daughter. And now I'm perfect. Unlike Barbara. Fran gulps, so you were responsible for Barb's face? Ali laughs, yes I'm the pretty one now. See what a little surgery can do? Why didn't you do that for me all those years ago? Well, mumbles Fran, doctors couldn't really do that way back when, and...Shut up! You didn't even try, says Ali. In fact you buried me, had a mock funeral. Well, guess what, this is YOUR funeral. In fact, you're already dead, we just have to have the ceremony. A horrified Fran (who doesn't seem to be tied up) is too scared to move, just asks, where is Padre Milton? We see him, he's right there in the church, on the ground somewhere, still tied up and gagged, struggling, but Fran can't see him. Ali took care of him. She then pushes Fran back into the coffin, remarking how she got her a cheap wooden box, since that's all she deserves, and Ali nails it shut. Fran starts seeing visions of all the people she's wronged, Santa, Bert, even Santiago, all making fun of her. She's losing her fighting spirit, is resigned to this terrible end.

In another part of town, things are all rosy. This is Art's house, as he and Mara are getting ready to go to Canada. Art is kissing baby Felipe, he's smiling, Mara is smiling, as is Elisa, and even Pancho (who was in about 3 places at once in this episode). Art wishes Pancho luck in his “new life”, he seems to know Pancho's secret. Everyone is drinking champagne.

Rene does decide to stay, swayed by Paula's kisses. Although he's a bit worried about former associates of Franco wanting revenge, Paula says nothing's happened here in Marrero with them yet, so why not stay (yeah, why not.) Pancho shows up, asks him just exactly what did Pat say? Well, he had a new boss, whom everyone thinks is mild mannered and good, but is tough. And rich. His family is just as powerful as Bert's. Of course, Pancho, Paula and Rene have no idea the new boss is Santiago. But WE do. Pancho decides to enlist Rene to try to track down Pat, by calling Franco's old cronies. He'll even let Rene talk on the phone to his Mom in Guatemala. Rene agrees to help Pancho. This could be a mistake, as the last two people who were helping Pancho, Ulises and Lázaro (for Elisa) are DEAD. Rene does call his Mommy, and gets all teary-eyed with joy.

Alicia takes a little time out from torturing Fran to visit Elisa, and says she needs to disappear, after something she's been doing, and can she hide out at Elisa's place? Elisa is first put off, her whole purpose was to help Ali reconcile with her family. But Ali says she has no other friends, and Elisa realizes that she's also alone now, with Art and Mara leaving. So okay, you can stay here. Bad move.

Daniela tells Lisette she's going to have the baby. Lisette is relieved and happy.

Willy wonders where Alicia is. He admits he's in love with her.

SANTA, Part 2

Now that Bert is out of jail, he's still not out of the woods. He has 48 hours to give a full accounting of the money. Santa is with him, and says what's the problem? Bert reluctantly admits that he has lots of money, but it's from Franco Garcia's accounts. He agreed to get Franco out of jail if Franco would give him the accounts. And well, he didn't kill Franco, but he sort of LET Franco be killed. So, if all this stuff about the accounts came out, Bert would be in deep doo doo. He's okay with going to jail at this point, just wants Santa and her son to be safe. Santa likes this gallant attitude, even if Bert has now admitted killing two people. So she goes to visit Santiago. He acts like his recent weird self, wondering why she is distant, what has he ever done to threaten her? She flashes back to yesterday, when he cruelly grabbed her from behind, almost choking her. I guess he forgot that. Anyway, he says is there anything I can do to make you think better of me? There is. Santa says you have to drop your lawsuit against Bert. Santi thinks for a minute, then says okay. But there's a condition.

They visit Bert, Santi says he'll drop the lawsuit, but the condition is that Bert has to legally turn over the entire family fortune, and control, to Santiago! Bert isn't happy about this at all, even though he could keep his law practice (yeah, and all those clients we never see). But Santa tells him it's better than jail, and Bert seems to agree. Santi says draw up the papers, I'll have my attorney look at them. Do it by tomorrow. Bert thinks giving Santi all this is a very bad idea (so do I), but I think he's going to do it. Santa tells Bert we can now flee (earlier in the episode she said she was staying). Santi has a demonic smile. He's officially a bad guy now, so we may see him drinking scotch soon (good guys drink beer, good ladies drink wine – I think there's some rule about this).

Guess who overheard this new arrangement? Pat! Yes, he's in the law office, and after Santi leaves (I think maybe Santa left, too), Pat approaches Bert, gun in his belt, HE's gonna call the shots now.

Inés was wondering why Santi was acting so strangely. What have I ever done to harm you, he asks (conveniently forgetting he stabbed her the other day). She tells him he's different. Oh, he adds, you can't trust me? Well, you're one to talk. I know you faked that pregnancy to get me to marry you. And I also know that you faked that kidnapping, when you hit me over the head, tied us both up in the basement, and pretended there was an intruder, when it was just you! Santi flashes back to when Inés hit him, he was NOT unconscious, knew it was her all along (can we spell re-write?). After proving how cool he is, Santi leaves. So Inés follows him. She follows his white truck (what happened to that SUV?) to Bert's office, and then she follows him to Room 8. She enters right behind him, and seeing the weird layout, says what are you doing here, Santiago? The boy's got some 'splainin' to do!

As usual, corrections and additions are welcome.

Tks Hombre

If someone just opened your coffin, wouldn't you get out IMMEDIATELY???!!!
not just stand in it.
That is too sadistic, even for Fran.

Yes, Hombre, Pancho was EVERYWHERE last night, apparently simultaneously. (Hey, maybe there are Pancho clones…) Thanks so much for the witty resumé of the latest news from Marrero.

Is it too much to hope that #8 will be the last place Inés ever barges into?

I also loved Rene picking up the phone and saying 'Mommy?' (Well, technically, 'mami'). And sure, why not stay in town? Marrero is a great place to raise kids -- just ask the Cano familiy. [Better hurry though, while there are still some alive.]

I don't want to see Patricio doing any harm to Humberto. Patricio is so awful and seemingly untouchable. He is like some dreadful evil Golem that materializes whenever someone needs a villain with no soul, no complexes, no scruples. (Maybe Victoria the Avenger will come up in the G-Cano elevator and take finally take him out.)

thanks so much Hombre,
fabulous recap!

it's amazing that after so many episodes this writer is still bringing it to the table, and now that we know what these people are all capable of, do we really know what they will do next, I find myself sitting on the edge of my seat, hanging on every word, when they are just having a quiet conversation.

I guess so much for Francisca's perfect world, but it's not like she has any friends to show it off to, since Hortensia died. I'm wondering if this story will close with a formal family portrait of the new Cano family, something like the "Addams Family".

ohhh, Santa keeps at Humberto with the 'did you kill...' questions, keeping Humberto choking with his twisted face, but when he reluctantly tells Santa he didn't kill Franco, I think I believe him. (Paula actually picking a good guy, could that ever happen?)

we can always count on Ines to NEVER let something go, as she is so hot onto this new smug Santiago guy, her husband I keep forgetting.

yeah Pancho good luck with your "new life" with Lucy, with or without your last name.

so I guess Mara and Arturo are gone ??? so Alicia can hide out at Mara's (now Elisa's) place, wow, someone actually left Marrero, they looked so happy I was thinking plane crash.

ah yes NovelaMaven, where is crazed Victoria with her blouse ripped opened and her GIANT knife!


ah yes, Mara getting teary eyed with Daniela,
saying some women (HER) would love to be in her place,
having a baby.


Muchas gracias, Hombre. I loved your "(can we spell re-write?)." I think you're right--there's no other explanation for so many of the improbable changes we've seen lately.

There's no lack of bad guys in Marrero, but Patricio is in a class by himself. NovelaMaven and deb, I agree, Victoria the Avenger should take him out with her Sword--oops, I mean Knife.

Deb, I too was (am?) expecting the worst for Mara and Arturo, simply because they are 1) so very happy and 2) leaving Marrero. The only thing that makes me a tad more optimistic about their future is that they need to be available to receive Daniela's baby in the follow-up PSA that Abortion Is Not The Answer.

Thanks, Hombre, for the great recap. I agree with the comments. Why was Pancho invited to the Mara and Arturo send off? I guess all the Canos were busy and someone had make it seem like a party.

It was great to see Fran with her hair messed up for once. I'm guessing that Alicia didn't let Fran suffocate in the coffin but she still committed serious crimes - will Fran "denounce" her as they say in Spanish?

I noticed some sneering - is bad Santi back? It's so hard to tell... ;-)

I hope Elisa finds out about this funeral trick of Alicia's. Might be time for remedial etiquette lessons. A proper lady simply doesn't do this sort of thing.


If Santi doesn't have red teary eyes, he is bad Santi.

Humberto didn't really kill Franco, just gave him the drops, Franco took them. Humberto didn't put him in the coffin or bury him, so technically he didn't kill him. I can't think of a way to get around him shooting the guy in the heart though. The writers are very resourceful however.

Thank you, Hombre, I loved your asides and I totally agree with all of them.

"Bert's gallant attitude" - LOL, the guy who used to drug her and leave her for dead in the woods... Did Santi make him do that, too?
Pancho must be using the special teleporter commonly used in soap operas. I don't know how many of you watch those, but I'm a Y&R fan (guilty pleasure, don't judge!) and on the message boards we always laugh at the way one character travels between cities, countries or even continents while another barely has the time to have a coffee at the local hang out place.

Variopinta, you say:

"If someone just opened your coffin..." HILARIOUS!

Because in Marrero waking up in a coffin is not that uncommon; let's see if Fan will join Franco... Ha, Fran and Franco - seems predestined somehow.

NovelaMaven, Pat IS the worst. He's just a gun for hire, basically, but the actor is knocking it out of the park with his portrayal.

Deb, whenever Santa starts one of her: "Did you kill this or that" I just roll my eyes. It's not like she cares anyway, right? The more Bert is confessing, the more she feels the need to "stand by him". It's ridiculously funny.

Juanita, since the end is near, I hope Mara and Art will be ok - they left just in time. They bring nothing to the story anyway, they were never part of the big picture; even Victoria, who has been a bore until now, is getting some action.

Kelly, I don't understand why Elisa keeps helping Alicia, I really don't. Especially after this "help" got Lazaro killed. I understand that she cares about her, but she has to realize that Alicia is dangerous and not entirely sane, right?


Variopinta, I have a fix for Bert shooting that guy at the beginning.
Santo was upset with him for whatever reason, so he asked Bert to kill him. Bert pretended to shoot him, because Santi was there, too, watching from a corber (like it happened with Vicente); in reality they used fake blood or something and the guy is safe somewhere on a beach.

See? Easy? Bert did it all for Santi!

Come on! I'm all for Carlos Ponce but Bert not only gave Franco the pills, he stood there and let Franco be buried alive while he was screaming inside the coffin!! I'm not saying that the writers won't try and get around that but Bert is a murderer. Period.

Jean said

Why was Pancho invited to the Mara and Arturo send off? I guess all the Canos were busy and someone had make it seem like a party.

Arturo had a throwaway line that they had known each other since they were children, and that’s how he knew what kind of life Pancho wanted to live

It was great to see Fran with her hair messed up for once. I'm guessing that Alicia didn't let Fran suffocate in the coffin but she still committed serious crimes - will Fran "denounce" her as they say in Spanish?

I thought maybe she had died when she said she was giving up. But maybe she did just pass out.

Adriana Noel said

Pancho must be using the special teleporter commonly used in soap operas. I don't know how many of you watch those, but I'm a Y&R fan (guilty pleasure, don't judge!) and on the message boards we always laugh at the way one character travels between cities, countries or even continents while another barely has the time to have a coffee at the local hang out place.

Ah, they had one of those transporters for Pine Valley on All My Children, too, that and an ocean, despite the fact the show was set in Pennsylvania. RIP AMC!

Deb, whenever Santa starts one of her: "Did you kill this or that" I just roll my eyes. It's not like she cares anyway, right? The more Bert is confessing, the more she feels the need to "stand by him". It's ridiculously funny.

I’m fan-wanking as fast as I can with this development. LOL! The best I can come up with is that Santa sees them as morally equivalent. After all, she did marry him under false pretenses, ruined his family financially, let some other man pass himself off as her emotionally fragile mute son’s father, kidnapped and tortured his mother etc. Humberto did drug her, but she also drugged him. Plus, she still thinks she killed George, so they are both killers, in her mind.

BTW, every time Santa and Humberto get interrupted right as they are about to make out, I wonder if they are likely to get one night of passion before the story comes to its logical (or illogical) end.

SANTA DIABLA... Thursday (epi 129)
part 1


*room 8
Ines busts in and sees "the wall of Santa",
(is Ines wondering if he's crazy)
Santiago slowly hugs her, tears in his eyes, and pleads for help...
(but not the usual kind of Ines help)
she wants to know more,
I do things and then I don't remember, Santiago says,
should I call doctor Murray?
you know about him? no, No, NO, and,
Ines gets ejected from room 8.

it's the next morning
Francisca arises from the dead and climbs out of her coffin,
(and what a neat coffin it is, maybe from the Marrero high school Dracula play)
she finds the Padre, and frees him,
it was Alicia, she tells him,
What? a newly arrived Willy wants to know,
Francisca fills them in.

Patricio wants to know what's up with Santiago,
he recognizes Santa from the room 8 pictures,
Humberto introduces her,
oh, your Willy's wife, that Santiago met in prison,
what? again, as Santa goes into yet another spin.
Santiago stole a song, "Santa", from Willy,
(and as Santa spins I'm thinking that she is looking much better today for some reason,
than her normal red lipstick funk)
no way, Santa pleads with Humberto.
are you even going to deal with this tipo, she asks?

but Humberto wants to know what's Patricio's connection with Santiago,
Patricio spills, he was hired to get rid of someone,
what ever Santiago pays you, I will pay you double,
and more to keep me informed, Humberto says,

Santa reminds Humberto of his deal with Santiago, he has no money,
is there a problem Patricio asks,
No, says Humberto.

*police station
Rene talks long distance to his family,
it's been a while, he is catching up
Paula listens and comforts him,
his mother asks to speak with Paula, she's touched,

*casa Lisette
Daniela tells Lisette she won't have the abortion,
but she won't keep the baby either, to Lisette's disappointment,
but she wants to make sure the baby has a good home.
(is there a Mara in the house)

Humberto gets a call, so Santa leaves,
it's sister Alicia, she needs more money,
sorry, Santiago has all of the money now, he tells her,
how did that happen she wonders.

*room 8
alone, the good/bad Santiago seems to be waffling between the two,
he flashes back to Vicente's death,
[he takes the sword and sends the blood splattered Humberto on his way,
(hmm, I wonder if he later gave the sword to Pancho to plant for Humberto)
he also drugged Santa and put her with Vicente's body,
and made the anonymous call to Pancho].
(is the good Santiago is remembering too much)
he beats his head on the wall,

kind Ines at home, does call doctor Murray.

*casa Victoria
Victoria is chatting with the real estate lady,
(is she leaving everything with the house)
the door bell rings, a buyer?
it's Transito, who talks to the turned back of Victoria,
I'm a coward, but I did these things to protect you, Transito pleads,
and pleads, and pleads, eventually softening Victoria,
they hug,
the all alone Transito has regained her friend.

*casa Ivan
he is typing away, a new story ??
(maybe the end of this story, he better hurry)
[it seems when all else fails him, Ivan writes].


SANTA DIABLA... Thursday (epi 129)
part 2

*casa Martinez
willy is bored, he pleads with Begona to let him go outside,
to ride his bike,
well ok,
but at the front door he meets ninja Alicia,
wow, nice face! he says,
she comes in and they chat,
then Santa arrives,
willy, somehow being nice to his mom now, is asked to leave,
and when he does, Santa and Alicia are at it,
(but willy returns to listen),
they talk about Alicia/Ines causing her to lose custody of willy,
they talk about how Alicia intends to have willy,
and it spills about Santa not killing George,
why did you do that Santa asks,
because I wanted you to know that you had nothing left to lose,
(and willy is getting an earful),

and as Santa is about to give Alicia an even newer face,
Willy arrives and grabs her from behind,
Willy and Begona calm Santa down,
Begona assures her that willy isn't going anywhere,
and they convince her it is best that she leave.

*casa Pancho
Lucy pulls a giant sandwich out of her face and rolls off the couch,
to talk to the newly arrived Pancho, who's looking for something,
she talks non stop about the tv shows, latest happenings, this and that, but he ignores her,
he gets a call, Rene has what he wants,
but Lucy's ears don't quite reach his phone,
and he rushes out,
this is better than a novela, Lucy says, so she follows him.

*casa Cano
Barbara, (looking like she just got off a camel in the desert, with a sunburned face)
with an, all about Francisca, who wants to tell Barbara about her coffin night,
but Barbara wants her makeup back, NOW,
you're just like your drug addicted daughter, you are a makeup addict, Francisca tells her,
these one-sided conversations just aren't connecting,
so Francisca leaves,

and later we see Barbara scantily dressed,
looking in the mirror,
what is she up to?

*Trebol de Oro
why is Pancho going here, Lucy, behind a tree, wonders,
Transito would have told me, or maybe she didn't,
(oops, did Transito just lose her other friend)

later we see Rene giving Pancho a location to find Patricio,
it's not exact, but a place to start.
(is it the room 8 neighborhood)

*room 8
a lost good/bad Santiago, hears a knock at the door,
nope, it's the big doctor Murray, ut oh,
as the doctor calms him, Santiago is inching toward his box of knives,
the doctor sees this and grabs the box,
no, not again the doctor says, (??), seeing the knives,
as Santiago grabs him by the throat, choking him, until he slides to the floor.

*casa Ivan
a, never going to go away, Lisette, is knocking on the door,
Ivan reluctantly answers,
she asks about Victoria,
he says it's over.

*casa Martinez
Alicia wants to know why Willy is mad,
because I thought we would no longer have secrets, Willy says,
oh because I left the hospital, Alicia says
and because of what you did to Francisca and the Padre,
but look at what Francisca did to me,
and what she did to you,
yes, but I would never cross that line Willy says,
Alicia falters,
and willy is still there, listening.

*casa Cano
Santa has returned, and Humberto has also arrived,
he tells her it's true, Santiago was in jail at the time Willy was there,

Santa sits alone in her room, crying,
(I would cry to, if I lived her life)
Humberto is there,
Willy deceived me,
Santiago deceived me,
and..., and..., and...,

Humberto comforts her,
(making no excuses for himself),
I just want to make you happy, he says,

I love you,
he adds,

she looks up,

they kiss...
gentle and caring.


Thanks, Deb, for another great recap in your inimitable style.

So Santi offs Dr. Murray but not Ines. Too bad. Not very smart of Dr. Murray to visit Santi in his lair without any backup like guys in white coats with a straight jacket.

I loved, "(and what a neat coffin it is, maybe from the Marrero high school Dracula play)." Too funny. I'm surprised it didn't open with a "creeaaaak." So Fran passed out and just slept all night in the coffin???

Is there something wrong with Babs' hair? Why does she have it tied up? I guess that makes her disfigurement look worse. When we saw Babs in her underwear, she said that what she needed was to get a tan. I guess she is going to use a tanning cream or more likely she is going to roast herself in a tanning salon. I forsee a descent into disfigurement-induced madness. Too bad Dr. Murray isn't available anymore.

I guess the only reason that Pancho went back to his house was to give Lucy an excuse to follow him.

It was totally bizarre to see the rewritten flashback where Santi is all businesslike in dealing with Vicente's head and corpse and Bert is all teary-eyed.

So Santi is really bad and Bert is less bad but not good. I still don't see where we are going from here but I can't wait to find out.

Great recap, Deb! Very funny and sly as usual. I especially like Santa about to give Alicia a NEWER face! And Lucy's ears not quite reaching that phone. Great stuff!

Now that Barb has the burnt face but the great body, she can get a job as a body double in a film. Of course, if the tanning salon messes up her skin, she'll have to go for zombie roles.

I was laughing every time a new revelation came out about Santiago, with Santa's face going it can't be true, and Bert sort of going, well, don't ask me. Somehow it struck me as funny. As did Alicia's face when she realized maybe she's screwed herself over with Willy with all the revenge stuff. And she just left Fran and Milton, who could tell everyone she did it? That girl definitely needs some more Elisa lessons.

Thank you, Deb! Your recapping style is MADE for this crazy show.

It's funny to see how much they scrambled to find some scenes in the past that could be re-interpreted to male Santi look bad. Not too much material to choose from, but they are giving it their best with the little they have.

I can't wait to see how this madness ends!

Oh Deb, there is so much to love here!

"Lucy pulls a giant sandwich out of her face and rolls off the couch...this is better than a novela, Lucy says, so she follows him."

"(I would cry too, if I lived her life)"

"Francisca arises from the dead and climbs out of her coffin,
(and what a neat coffin it is, maybe from the Marrero high school Dracula play)"

--though you notice they didn't show Fran making her awkward way out of the thing. One minute she's sitting up, and in the next scene she's standing in front of it. hee hee

I missed Santi's revisionist memories of swords and heads because I messed up the recording. I'm going to have to find that online. But I did see the end of the foolishly overconfident Dr. Murray. Oh well. This is pretty much what third tier characters can expect in Marrero.

I suspect that Barb is going to sun herself on a patio in the mansion. After all, to get to a tanning salon, she'd have to leave the house.

I think when this is over we should all take a tram tour of Marrero and get to see all the important locations -- The Marrero Police Department, Horti's House, Casa Cano, The Diabla House, Mara's Apartment, Apartment 8, Casa Robledo, Cabaña Robledo, Abandoned Warehouse(s), Woods for Dumping Bodies and Drugged People, Cemetery including graves of the Dead and Undead, G-Cano Suites, Bookstore, Mara's Cafe, Ivan's House, Casa Colletti, Jail Cell in Police Station, Prison(s), Narco Franco's Mansion, Bayou Woman's Shack, Hotel Marrero (for love in the afternoon)…and more, so much more.

I want our recappers -- Jean, Hombre, Deb and Mena -- to be the tour guides.

What do you say?

The tram tour sounds like a great idea, Novela Maven. You forgot the Trebol de Oro. I noticed that they are doing exterior shots of it now and it seems to be in a nice neighborhood, while inside it is so incredibly trashy.

Oh yes, Jean -- definitely, The Trebol de Oro!

And also the morgue with the plastic strips like they have in the dairy department of my local grocery store.

thanks guys,

and thanks Jean for filling me in on Barbara's tanning plans, I totally missed that.

isn't it amazing how such a beautiful lady like Barbara can so consistently make the wrong decisions, and if we can imagine what smooth George went through in her 9 month pregnancy, he almost seems like a nice guy, (or was there a surrogate mom).

Alicia is pretty good with this revenge thingy, but then I can remember Vicente, high on truth serum telling Humberto he is his father, while the glamorous Santa was snickering in the background.

on the tour, most of these sites are in Ft. Lauderdale, or the surrounding area, maybe Variopinta is already giving tours, and yes, I love watching the real sail boats cruise by in front of the Trebol de Oro.


I am wondering if we are going to be surprised that Santa is not really the Santa we think she is. Her going along with all this, seems to be out of sync. It would be funny if she ends up with Willy - Willy and Santa saying "we repaid the Cano's"

or when all the Canos kill each other or worse, Santa and Willy realizing that vengeance isn't such a great thing and going off into the sunset with their kids.


Wow, Deb, what a marvellous recap. I loved your remark about the coffin perhaps coming from the Marrero high school Dracula play, and Santa being about to give Alicia a newer face.

The commenters were inspired as well. Jean, I loved your comment re Barbara: "Too bad Dr. Murray isn't available anymore." And I agree with you that the only reason Pancho returned to his house was to enable Lucy to follow him. (Ewww, that woman drives me crazy. At first I thought I was simply annoyed that she speaks so fast I can rarely understand her, but then I decided that was a blessing. I don't WANT to know what she's spewing out. I was really hoping the car accident would be the last we'd see or hear of her, but no such luck. Arturo might have been in a coma for 6 months after being hit by a car, but Marrero medicine has apparently made great leaps forward since then, alas.)

Hombre, I think Alicia needs something other than "Elisa lessons," but a few hundred more such lessons might help a bit.

NovelaMaven, I LOVE your proposed Marrero tour, though I think you should definitely be one of the tour guides.

I have been to is the bookstore which used to be a restaurant, beautiful & know where Mara's cafe is. Most of our cemeteries don't have the undead in the graves, I don't think. I'm sure there is a Trebol de Oro, but I would say the hookers troll US 1, or the higher class are on call at the beach hotels or country clubs. Lots of homes looking like the Cano's, just can't find the exact one, also Cano office & the Martinez house. I have looked for a site that says where they filmed each location but have been unsuccessful.

Love capchas theme today for proving you are not a robot.


"Francisca arises from the dead and climbs out of her coffin,
(and what a neat coffin it is, maybe from the Marrero high school Dracula play)"

Thank you for the recap. That line cracked me up too.

Another possibility is that Alicia took woodworking classes during her many years in prison and has mad cabinetmaking skills as a result.

After last night's episode, it seems possible that Santa might end up with Willy, bringing the entire show full circle. He's truly repentant for his past unfaithfulness, has realized that Alicia is no good, and is a good father to willy.

Then again, Santa did make love with Bert, and seems closer to him than ever.

The only one we know she WON'T end up with is Santiago!

Hombre de Misterio said

After last night's episode, it seems possible that Santa might end up with Willy, bringing the entire show full circle. He's truly repentant for his past unfaithfulness, has realized that Alicia is no good, and is a good father to willy.

I had the same thought. Maybe the Canos will destroy each other, and Santa, Willy and the kids can leave the madness behind them.

The only thing I don't understand - if this is the goal - is why they made the Santiago switch. They just have easily have made Humberto the crazy one who Santiago nobly sacrifices his life to stop instead of the other way around.

On another note, a favor from someone in the group. I'd like to know what they are singing in the opening song. I can catch a word or two here and there, but I've been wondering since August about the lyrics. :)

from a blog called, 623 life:

Santa Diabla

Performed by Aaron Diaz & Carlos Ponce

Ella es dueña de una calma
Que derrite y que contagia
De una magia que es un juego
Es sublime adivinanza
Ella si quiere me alcanza
Pero no baja del suelo
Solo sabe que en silencio
Sabe mal.

Ella es dueña de un pasado
Más oscuro que su pelo
De un pañuelo empapado
Viene saliva venganza
Ella camina y no avanza
Ella no suda en el suelo
Solo sabe que el silencio
Sabe mal.

Y te deja así dormido sin saber
Que hacer, ni que decir
Y te lleva así
Rendido así
Porque así es como es

Es una diabla es una santa
Es por eso que me encanta
Es un remedio que te alivia el corazón

Es una santa es una diabla
Calcula todo lo que hace
Es un misterio que te rompe el

Sin pedir perdón.

Ella es dueña de mi sangre
De mis celos de mi hambre
De un deseo que no acaba
De una luz que no se apaga
Ella si quiere me alcanza
Pero no baja del cielo
Solo sabe que el silencio
Sabe mal.

Y te deja así dormido sin saber
Que hacer, ni que decir
Y te lleva así
Rendido así
Porque así es como es

Es una diabla es una santa
Es por eso que me encanta
Es un remedio que te alivia el corazón

Es una santa es una diabla
Calcula todo lo que hace
Es un misterio que te rompe el

Sin pedir perdón...

There was also a translation on the blog but it looks like it was done with translation program and didn't make any sense.

It was really awkward how the writers had Lucy find Santi's lair. She's following Pancho when he's obviously doing police work, why? For that matter, why is the Chief of Police walking around showing a picture to random people. It was funny the way he would say, "I'm the Chief of Police of Marrero. Have you seen this man?" Why not stake out the area with some unmarked police cars? Then they actually would have caught Patricio. But no. As usual, Pancho's police work achieves nothing.

So Lucy goes into the building that she saw Patricio leave from. Never mind why and she goes right to Room #8? How does she know that is the room to break into? If she hadn't found Santi's lair in her first attempt, would she have picked the lock on rooms, #1-#7? And then Santi is such an incompetent stalker that Lucy almost makes it to the police station before he grabs her.


OK, I agree that this is the ultimate in locuras, but is no way annoying like the usual novela that is really trying to be serious. It just keeps you shacking your head that the writers are probably having a blast + they are on the hard stuff, just run if you happen to encounter one. I look forward to what insanity they come up with each episode.

I guess we know WHY Pancho hasn't solved any crimes. Is showing pictures around the job for the Chief of police, oh right Cifuentes is dead, I forget who killed him.

I think you are on the right track that Santa, Willy, willy will end up as one happy family, Begoña should move out however. Willy has boinked ALL the females except Babs & Santa has had a go with los hermanos Cano.

Tks for the lyrics Jean, I really like it.

If you have Firefox, they have an add-on
Google Translator for Firefox 2.1.03
It has a big red T, you can translate whatever you highlight or an entire page.

Jean, Vario and Sue:

Here's the song on YouTube. The same version of the lyrics Jean cited is posted there. The words didn't totally make sense, so I listened carefully and thought maybe there were a few mistakes. This is what I heard and the way I understood it in English (roughly, very roughly):

Aarón Díaz & Carlos Ponce sing Santa Diabla on youtube.

Ella es dueña de una calma
Que derrite y que contagia
De una magia que es un juego
Es sublime adivinanza
Ella si quiere me alcanza
Pero no baja del cielo*
[*posted version says "suelo," but that's not what they sing; and besides it makes no sense.]
Sólo sabe que el silencio
Sabe mal.

She has a calmness
That melts you and infects you
with a magic that's just a game.
She's a sublime riddle.
She wants to reach me
But she won't come down from heaven
She only knows that silence
has a bad taste.
[This is a play on words. "Saber" means "to know" as well as "to taste (like)." The second meaning is often used figuratively.]

Ella es dueña de un pasada
Más oscuro que su pelo
De un pañuelo empapado
Viene saliendo la* venganza
[*posted version says "saliva"]
Ella camina y no avanza
Ella no sube* del suelo
[*posted version says "suda"]
Sólo sabe que el silencio
Sabe mal.

She has a past
Darker than her hair
From a soaked handkerchief
Vengeance keeps coming
She walks and gets nowhere
She doesn't get up from the ground
She only knows that silence
has a bad taste.

Y te deja así dormido (así) sin saber
Que hacer, ni que decir
Y te lleva así
Rendido así
Porque así es como es

And she leaves you like that, asleep, not knowing
What to do or what to say
And she takes you like that
Exhausted like that
Because that is how she is.

Es una diabla es una santa
Es todo* eso que me encanta
[posted version says "por"]
Es un remedio que te alivia el corazón

She's a devil, she's a saint
And it's all that that I love
She's a balm that eases your heart.

Es una santa es una diabla
Calcula todo lo que habla*
[posted version says "hace"]
Es un misterio que te rompe el

She's a saint, she's a devil
She calculates everything she says
She's a mystery that breaks your

Sin pedir perdón.

Without asking for forgiveness.

Ella es dueña de mi sangre
De mis celos de mi hambre
De un deseo que no acaba
De una luz que no se apaga
Ella si quiere me alcanza
Pero no baja del cielo
Solo sabe que el silencio
Sabe mal.

She owns my very blood,
My jealousy, my hunger,
A desire without end,
A light that doesn't diminish.
She wants to reach me
But she won't come down from heaven
She only knows that silence
Has a bad taste.

Y te deja así dormido así sin saber
Que hacer, ni que decir
Y te lleva así
Rendido así
Porque así es como es

And she leaves you like that, asleep, not knowing
What to do or what to say
And she takes you like that
Exhausted like that
Because that's how she is.

Es una diabla es una santa
Es todo eso que me encanta
Es un remedio que te alivia el corazón

Es una santa es una diabla
Calcula todo lo que habla
Es un misterio que te rompe el

Sin pedir perdón...

Nice translation! You guys are so much less lazy than me. If I had been in Lucy's situation, I'd go "meh" and wait to be killed. But good for her for fighting back! Santi may have met his match!

And, Jean, I had the same thought about that apartment. How do they know it's #8 and where is 1 through 7? They must be somewhere because every time he enters, he looks around in case someone is watching (even though getting inside faster might be a better plan). And most importantly, how the heck is he going to get that body out of there with those stairs?

But I still love it! I agree with you, Variopinta, that the insanity is intentional and therefore totally acceptable. No monkey writers here!



Somehow I lost my RSS feed to this wks Reina discussion, would someone please send the link? Weird computer things happening. When I try to reload the feed it doesn't show Reina.

wow, thanks so much NovelaMaven, that is such a neat song, and it really adds charisma to Santa, and to why Santiago and Humberto are drawn to her, as both are singing the song.

haha Kelly, how are they ever going to get Dr. Murray's body out of there, no wonder everyone just walks away.

Lucy is by far the best detective in Marrero, Pancho should have hired her long ago, I know everyone can't stand her, but you just have to love her as well.

Begona sure got a earful from willy, he was breaking my heart trying to find some forgiveness for turning on his mom.

the beautiful Ines can really bring in the sympathy caring for Santiago, if you don't remember that she kills people in a heartbeat.

and then the beautiful Alicia comforts the ugly Barbara, but with a laugh.

and it's looking like the little town of Marrero is not done punishing Willy, who, unlike everyone else, has only been doing the best that he can to make things right.


Novela Maven,

Thank you so much for the translation. The lyrics do indeed fit the storyline, and the characters. Here's a sample of Google Translate's efforts on the posted lyrics:

She owns a past
Darker than her hair
A handkerchief soaked
Saliva comes revenge
She walks and does not advance
She does not sweat on the floor
Just know that silence
It tastes bad.

If I should ever write a poem, I think I will title it "Silence - It tastes bad"

Deb said:
and it's looking like the little town of Marrero is not done punishing Willy, who, unlike everyone else, has only been doing the best that he can to make things right.

I think that anything Barbara plans against Willy will backfire. Otherwise the baby will have no father and effectively no mother.

An ending with Paula and Rene heading for Guatemala, Begonia leaving to live with ... I don't know ... Elisa, maybe. Then, it can be Willy, Santa, willy and the baby in the little house. Santa can make breakfast for the family and then go off to work as a nurse while Willy is a house-husband. He's not going to get a job as a music teacher with a history of having sex with underage girls. But that's OK, since he loves the kids.

And happily ever after can be a little boring, but at least, sane.

Greetings Santa Diablito bloggers, fans and lurkers. Here is the recap for Friday's crazy night in Marerro - and I do mean craaazy. Please excuse the formatting and lack of spellcheck because there is limited wireless for my computer so I am working with an iPad to copy and paste into the comments - not my usual routine.

Part 1

We start our story with Santa crying about not deserving love and having rotten guy picking instincts. She doesn't deserve love. Bert seizes the opportunity to ask what place he has in her heart. He tells her she is his life and that he only wants to make her happy. Bert could have used some better instructions on how to do that, but that is all water under Marerro's bridge. Santa seems to be okay with letting Bert into her heart. Smoochies ensue.

Santi, fresh off choking Dr Murray to death, looks shocked at what he just did. But not for long. He reaches for his box of twin knives (for reasons unknown because nothing came of it at least last night that this blogger could see). Ines calls Dr Murray and Santi sees her name pop up on the dead doc's phone screen. Sadly for Ines, Santi realizes that Ines must have been the one to drop a dime to Dr Murray. Santi mumbles to himself and leaves #8.

Over at Willy's, he is explaining that his deber is to take care of Jr and if that means giving Alicia the boot because she is a vengeful diabla, well, so be it. He gives her sage advice - changing the outer face to become beautiful is worthless if she doesn't change her inner self. Alicia predictably accuses Willy of betraying her too because he refuses to join her in war against the Canos.

Jr listens to the entire exchange between Willie and Alicia in the shadows of the patio. Afterwards, he confesses to Grandma Begona that he has misjudged Mom Santa. He realizes that Alicia is the bad one, not Santa. He reveals that Alicia admitted to killing George after Santa just clobbered him in self defense. Begona is cara impactada. Jr worries Santa won't forgive him. Grandma Begona reassures him the mother's always forgive (Fran must have slipped her mind).

Bert and Santa have a moment of smoochies and luvies at Cano Castle. Ines comes home to Cano Castle and, following TN law, barges into their room to find Bert and Santa together clutching the sheets to their clothes-free bodies. She is indignant, for reasons unclear, and insists she must talk to Bert about another urgent matter.

Barb decides to throw caution and good medical advice to the wind and prepares to sun herself.

Lisette visits Ivan and tries to persuade and guilt trip him into running after Vicky. The effort is pointless and frankly, something of yawn. Speaking of Vicky, she is across town trying to sell the house to a loving couple. Transito tries to say the couple is just like Vicky and Ivan. Nope, Vicky isn't moved and points out that Ivan will find someone else. More yawns...

Pat, now working for Bert, returns to #8 to discover a dead Dr Murray on the floor. He decides to call Bert to report this news asap. First calls are going unanswered, as usual, between Bert and Pat.


Part 2

Pancho and Rene discuss the possible whereabouts and demise of Rene. On a separate note, Rene promises to visit Pancho later to discuss how to erase his record of bad deeds once and for all. It seems Rene wants a clean slate to start a new life and family. Pancho leaves to go do some basic gumshoe work. Lucy is following Pancho as Pancho walks the streets asking if anyone has seen "ese tipo" - ie Pat.

Back at Cano Castle, a now clothed Bert emerges to ask Ines what is so darn important. Ines is worried that she sent Dr Murray after SAnti and now she can't reach Dr Murray by phone. Seeing Santa, Ines seizes the opportunity to claim that Bert and Santa's affair is the cause of Santi going craaazzzyy, Bert tries to swear Ines to secrecy about his blossoming love affair with Santa. SAnta and Ines exchange words and Bert has to pull them apart and put them in separate corners. Bert asks if Santa if she regrets their affair. No straight answer, but Santa says she needs to leave the Cano Castle before the word gets out of the Bert and Santa affair. Santi returns to Cano Castle in the middle of the chaos and gets cornered by Santa. She wants to know if Santi met Willy in prison? WTQ? Santi acts puzzled by this question. Santa asks him where he got the song "Santa" - more puzzlement and Santi repeats his first story that he found the song on the internet. Bert appears to enjoy seeing Santi confronted with Santi's apparent lies. Ines glares at the pair that are persecuting Precioso.

Alicia shows up at Cano Castle and Barb sees her new eye repair with astonishment. Alicia responds by pointing out that now Alicia is the pretty one and Barb looks, well, like a mess. This sends Barb into a funk. Alicia announces that she knows who caused Barb to have this problem - Willy. Yessirree, Willy was just out to play with Barbara and get his revenge. Barb frets that without her beauty her life has no purpose. Viewerville is inclined to agree with Barb. Alicia false comforts Barb.

Over at the chaotic Cano Castle we return our view to Santi and Ines. Santi confronts Ines about meddling in his life and calling Dr Murray. She admits she called the good doc, but she was worried. Santi threatens that Ines will pay for her meddling and for "what she provoked" as a result - ie the murder of Dr Murray. Santi storms out and Ines proceeds to try to phone him after he leaves. Santi spies Ines' name on the phone screen and murders the phone with a huge heave to the concrete under his feet. Santi is now tied with a certain other TN star who has a habit of murdering cell phones.

Bert and Fran discuss where Dr Murray could be, with Ines looking on. Fran is indignant that Ines got her hands on the good dead doc's number and was meddling in family biz. On a side note, Fran wants Bert to find a way to contain Alicia after what Alicia did to Fran. Bert advises her to hire a lawyer, a different lawyer, that is. He explains that Santi is in charge of the family funds so she needs to talk to him about it. Fran is shocked that Bert would turn the funds over to Santi. Bert explains it was that or Bert would have ended up in jail. Fran frets that Santi will run the family finances into the ground.


Part 3

Elsewhere in Marerro, the writers are wrapping up the Rene and Paula story with Rene asking Paula if she wants to leave the negative energy of Marerro with him. Smiles and more smoochies of agreement viewerville surmises.

Pat and Bert meet and Pat informs Bert of the dead body and wall of Santa pictures in Santi's hideaway #8. Bert is cara impactada about #8 and wants to go there immediately. Pats wants payola first but Bert swears he needs a few more days to gather the money.

Santa visits Willy and asks him about a song called "Santa" that Willy wrote that was stolen in prison. Willy confirms the story, but wonders how Santa knew about it. Santi and Willy discuss the crazy Santi and Santa's bad man picking skills. Willy tells Santa he is partly to blame for her belief after being a rotten husband. Santa asks Willy to take good care of Jr for a while because she needs to stay far away so Jr isn't put into harm's way by Santi. Willy tells Santa not to worry that he will put his life before Jr's.

Over near the building that houses the infamous #8, Lucy sees Pat leave the building to meet Bert. She decides to investigate the building Pat has left. She somehow figures out that #8 is the place to go and she picks the lock. She opens up the door to discover the black cat, wall of Santa photos and the dead Dr Murray. Lucy decides it is best to hightail it out of the crazy crash pad and bumps into Santi on the way out. Santi tries to play the pretend concerned fellow everyone thought he was. Lucy doesn't buy it and runs away from him screaming for help. Santi goes after her like the crazed hatchet murderer in a classic slasher movie. Viewerville can almost see Santi about to start dragging his leg as he stalks Lucy. He catches Lucy twice and she manages to knee him and escape. We last see Lucy in a taxi leaving Santi in the dust.

Here it is folks. If you ask me, this episode has pretty choppy editing, as usual.


I don't know why but the Google translation of theme lyrics hit my funny bone. I can't stop giggling. Thanks to Novela Maven for the good translation - no saliva or sweat and SueinTN for the silly translation.

Thanks Mena, for the recap of Friday's silliness in Marrero.

I agree with the yawn on Ivan and Vicky. Vicky should either die or get a miracle cure and Ivan should either drink himself to death or write another best seller. I don't care either way but let's wrap this one up pronto.

fantastic recap Mena!!!

this wasn't real clear but I was thinking the cell phone that met the sidewalk belonged to Dr. Murray, (which Santiago picked up earlier) and that what got Santiago so upset was that he had just jumped on Ines to stay out of his business and no sooner did he leave, and she calls the doctor.

as was pointed out at TW, the picture Pancho was showing around of Patricio, he was in the same shirt he has on.


Wow, thank you Mena, for this great recap... and, for once, not 48 hours after the fact!!! :-)

Wow, this telenovela is starting to make 'El Rostro de la Venganza' make sense... and THAT involved a total rewrite of the plot due to the sudden departure of uber-diva Elizabeth Gutierrez!

Can't wait to see what's next.... even if it IS somewhat akin to watching the after-effects of multi-car pile-up on the highway.... ;-)

Thanks so much, Mena. Nice work!

I was so sure Santi wouldn't let Inés escape from #8. But she's one of the top-tier crazies, so she gets to live and screw up people's lives for a few more episodes.

Hey Kelly, I don't even want to think about how they're going to get Dr. Murray out of there. Enough said.

I'm glad we can like the kid again.

Lucy seems built to last. Like cockroaches. And radioactive waste.

And I just keep humming Just know that silence, it tastes bad

Just in case anyone had problems getting to Reina like I did, here is the link

tofie at Impostora was good enough to post it.

Tks Mena for the great recap, you catch the locuras perfectly. This TN makes your head rattle, your eyes spin.

Thanks muchly, Mena, for a great recap and for your heroic efforts to get it done in spite of wireless problems.

Yes, Grandma Begoña must have forgotten Francisca when she told willy that mothers always forgive. Hortensia is another example. She did eventually forgive Arturo for not being his brother and for his relationship with Mara, but not for MANY years.

Mena, my mind is playing games with me and refuses to let me know the identity of the other TN star who murdered cell phones. I can feel the name rattling around in my head, but it's just not coming to the surface. Please save me from myself and let me know the name. Muchas gracias.

NovelaMaven, I loved your characterization of Lucy: "Lucy seems built to last. Like cockroaches. And radioactive waste." Perfect!

Terrific recap, Mena, covering all this craziness.

I thought Pat would get blamed for the death of Dr. Murray (he still might), since he's been at #8 as much as Santi has. Maybe Bert will even try to turn Pat in for this, since Bert doesn't have money to pay for Pat at this point.

I'm not so clear on whether or not Santi remembers things. We've seen him flash back to being in jail, picking up Santa's picture, stealing Willy's song score. So he must remember it. And that means he's outright lying when he tells Bert and Santa he wasn't in jail. He's getting worse daily, from a noble sad sack, to a noble sad sack with psychic breaks he can't recall, to a true psycho, who knows what he's doing, and is just pretending to be a noble sad sack (and throwing in a sneering smile over the shoulders of people he's hugging, like Ines).

Ines had some wild shoes, with sort of gold metal cuffs above ankle, almost looking like a prisoner (of love?).

Barb's tanning session seemed to make her face worse. Alicia was half telling the truth about Willy. He WAS using Barb for revenge, to make her fall for him and then toss her away to hurt her. But Willy didn't put poison in the cosmetics, that was Ines (on Alicia's advice). Barb probably won't believe Willy if he says he did one and not the other. But she's not the greatest at revenge schemes, so Willy should be okay.

Sergio Sendel, destroyer of cell phones

Muchas gracias, Variopinta, for reminding me about Sergio Sendel.


Thanks for the terrific recap. I forgot about this line until you reminded me:

Willy tells Santa not to worry that he will put his life before Jr's.

That could be foreshadowing, which would destroy my scenario of a happy ending for Santa and Willy.


I was so sure Santi wouldn't let Inés escape from #8. But she's one of the top-tier crazies, so she gets to live and screw up people's lives for a few more episodes.

I had to laugh the other day when Santiago told Inés that he couldn’t help what he did because he was sick but she could because she chose to do evil. Hmmm...I think she may be a few fries short of the Happy Meal, too, in fact.

Hombre de Misterio,

I’m not so clear on whether or not Santi remembers things. We've seen him flash back to being in jail, picking up Santa's picture, stealing Willy's song score. So he must remember it. And that means he's outright lying when he tells Bert and Santa he wasn't in jail.

When Humberto was first warning Santa about Santiago, he did say something to the effect that Santi was calculating in everything he did. It doesn’t seem as though they are playing it as a traditional split personality. And for that matter, twin Alicia is very calculating in her evil actions as well.

Barb probably won't believe Willy if he says he did one and not the other. But she's not the greatest at revenge schemes, so Willy should be okay.

I’d never defend ANYTHING Barbara did. But in a way, I can see why she was confounded why Willy didn’t fall for her. Pre-prison Willy didn’t exactly have a “type,” other than female and breathing. He went for the underaged - Daniela - the emotionally unstable - Inés - and the “mature” in-law (ick) - Begoña. Why not Barbara?

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