Saturday, March 01, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #101 Fri 2/28/14 Free At Last!, Free At Last! (El Fin)

[I'm trying to get this one up especially ASAPPPPPP for y'all, amiguis.  In the meantime, my wholehearted thanks goes out to all of the fabulously talented and dedicated recappers on this team for your unfailing "sticktoit" dedication and your fantastic and varied humorous styles which were always good for at least one belly-laugh a read.  Also, a big thanks to all the bloggers on this telenovela which got a bit draggy half-way through (as most of them do) for continuing to read and to comment so regularly, making this site so much fun seven days a week.  A bundle of besos to all of you!]

Parte 1: The Great Escape 

Lo del Pasado:

Oriana realizes this “vacation” is a trap Jose Luis set to kidnap her and Alina.  She’s seen locks on the windows and JL has demanded her cell phone which he’s now destroyed.  Lina had to leave her “guard dog” home and is outside exploring.  JL has gone out to get the rest of the luggage. 

Lo Del Nuevo:

Back in Hermosillo at the Blue Bayou Bachin’-it Bungalow, Ric is whining to Piero that he is dying to hear something from 2nes to make sure she’s okay.   Piero suggests that they use the GPS data and drive that night to wherever she and JL have stopped for the night.   They can park off aways and hang around in case there’s an emergency or something.   Suddenly Ric gets a call from her using the emergency cell she snuck along in her purse.  She’s frantic and tells him she’s sorry she ever decided to go with Jose Luis.  “—It’s a trap!   She hears JL’s footsteps.  “--I have to hang up!”  “—Did he do something to you?”  Click.  She hides the phone just as JL re-enters the room.  He’s irked cuz she didn’t answer him right off.  “—I suppose you brought the CD with you.  (Like did he ask her to or something?)  When she tells him she didn’t think to he accuses her of giving it to Homero and gets physical.  She denies that and insists that she forgot it, period and breaks loose of him.  He tells her not to play games with him; that she left it home on purpose.  (Like she really thought she was supposed to keep it taped to her body 24/7 or something?)  “—Who’d you give it to?  Your ‘grandma’, that Ricardo?  Who in Hell’d you give it to?  ANSWER ME!!” Slap!!  

JL has knocked Ori down and she’s flailing on the couch just as Lina races back in to witness the beating.  She races back out again, screaming for some adult to help them.  (Sorry, kid, but all the adults were probably paid off to leave.)  JL races after the kid and stops at the doorway, turning around to take a last look over at Oriana and spew a mouthful of blame at her.  However, she has a big surprise for Psycho Spouse: a whopper of a whang-bang in the face with the handy tool-shed shovel [pala] one always keeps inside a vacation cottage in the wilds of Mexico.  Out she races on tippy toes, careful not to catch her CMF spikey boot heels in the mud, to fetch the still uselessly screaming Lina, dumping her into the backseat of JL’s Beamer.  “—We’re leaving.  Don’t forget your seatbelt!”  Keys in hand, Ori and Lina drive off in the Beamer back down the rough, rocky one lane back road they’d used to get there.  

The guys pull up in Ric’s silver Mercedes, meanwhile, and Ric pulls a gun when he sees JL’s white Beamer pull up.  He cocks it just as the Beamer stops and 2nes jumps out of the car to explain what’s just happened.  

Back in Hermosillo, Cesar is visiting his mother, Mathilde, at the prison.  She asks him what’s going on with her case.  She knows that Escalona testified she didn’t know a thing about the money-laundering but she’s still stuck in jail.  Cesar explains that it will take time for the investigation to finish.  She’ll have to be patient and may be stuck in there a while longer.  

Mad Hilde doesn’t like having to mix with the masses and tells Cesar to scream at the judge and bribe him to get her the heck owdathere!  The buggy, stinking mattresses and buggy, stinking prisoners are too degrading for somebody like her! Unless this is his way of taking it out on her.  Is it, she asks?  Cesar shakes his head in disbelief.  She continues making up her own version of why things are going so slowly: Ruben is purposely taking his time with the lawyer…blah, blah, blah….  Cesar tells her she’ll never change.  She’s sick, wicked and hasn’t seen the light.  Her pushiness, her arrogance and snobbery—her willingness to trample over everybody, including the law, are what got her stuck in jail in the first place. She scolds him for talking to her so disrespectfully. He gets up to leave.  “—I’d better go.”  She apologizes for getting on his case, but he walks off and leaves her crying.  

Later that day at Paloma’s, Snoops and Michael listen to 2nes’s horror story.  Snoops assures them all that if JL is dead, they’ll claim righteous/legitimate/lawful defensive action.  Ric gives Snoops the copied CD and he hands it off to Mike to hand deliver it to the MI labs via private plane.   (I swear it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard calling a Spanish speaking male with an English moniker!)  She won’t spend a day in jail, Piero promises.   The nightmare is over, Homero declares.  With more reason than ever she has earned the right to the name Ines Valdivia.  However, she still has to give her statement to the police.  Nope.  She won’t step foot into another jail cell ever.  Ric and New-nes smile at one another 

Gadget and Manolo take a few uniforms with them to pick up JL’s body.  Ooops!  The body’s not there.  Manolo points out there’s only a puddle of blood where his body should have been.  They check the grounds, but get bupkis.  As the lot of them head over to give their statement, Manolo calls Snoops who tells the others.  No trace of JL anywhere.  

JL has been hiding in the woods with his trash baggy of dinero.  He flags down a pick-up truck in the rain along the back road, claiming he was assaulted and needs a ride into town.  The driver says fine, get in.  JL starts to get into the driver’s side but pulls his gun and shoots the driver dead instead.  He dumps the body and takes off.

The next day in Hermosillo, Homero calls Orines to check on her.  Still no word, but the good news is there’s no dead body either.  She’ll be free to come and go in a few days, but until he turns up they’ll need to be extremely careful, he warns her.  No problem.  Ric’s doubled the security.  

As for JL, he must have run out of gas or the truck gave up the ghost.  He’s got a rag around his wounded head and is resting on a hillside, calling Patrick for help.  Patrick won’t give him the time of day now, tho’, cuz JL supposedly gave his CD to Homero de la Garza and they gave a tip off [dar el pitazo a – lit. whistled to] to Interpol who gave it to them (I think).  The mobsters have got to grab their things and run like rats in the night, and it’s all his damned fault, he snarls back at him.  JL begs for his help, but Patrick tells him to let his “grandmother” help him!  “—I hope you die like the dog you are!”  Click!

~~End Parte 1~~

~~Parte 2~~

Up in Smoke!

Lucina, Ori and Raquel go back to the clinic a few days later.  The baby is in fact JL's.  So much for condoms…..Raqi worries about who’s going to care for her baby since its daddy is lost or dead.  Lucina says she will, of course!  Raqi warns her what an expensive pain it will be, but Ori says they’re a blessing and she’ll realize it soon enough. "--BTW, I am preggers also!  So, now the baby will have all sorts of half-brothers and sisters to grow up with."  Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Months later…..Ric experiences the joys of giving birth vicariously as he coaches 2nes through the birth of little Mariano.  More happy, happy, joy, joy!

Six months later after that…..Raqi has realized how much she loves motherhood.  Lucina asks her to consider having a dual baptism.  Still no word from JL and they’re certain he’s dead or left the country.  Raqi is no longer in love with the brut, either.

Ric comes to tell Paloma that the baptism is the following weekend and that Piero will be Mariano’s padrino [godfather].  Also, his divorce is final and he and New-nes will  be getting married at the same time. They are going to want to live in their own house, however.  Paloma is bummed and offers them her house.    

Outside, on the grounds, Leonardo tells Fabiola that he’s taken a job doing portraits; it’s not his thing, but at least it pays well.  They’ll be getting married, but she wants to wait till she gets her veterinarian degree.  He wants it sooner cuz he wants to sleep with her already, but she’s worried he’ll become infected.  He suggests they see a specialist about the precautions they’ll have to take.  (Good luck with that.)   Okidok.  She’s satisfied.  They will get married soon then.

That night a bum in a dirty raincoat with oily long hair and beard shleps along the stairs to Fort Falcon.  He’s stopped by a security guard holding a gun to the back of his head.  “—I knew you’d return!  Patrick sends his greetings!”  Why, it’s JL and he does a quick number on the guerrero and kills him.  He then enters the house, garbage bag in hand, and stares at the dusty picture of him and his family at the fair.  

The next day, Oriana and Alina come to invite Raqi and Lucina to the wedding/baptism combo affair.  Raqi wonders if she really should go.  She was such a rotten friend there for a while.  Raqi is definitely wanted there, says Ori, and she's definitely invited to the thing--and no, no hard feelings, blah, blah, blah….. She thought Raqi might want to have a dual baptism with little Lucia while they're at it.  Raqi can’t believe she’d be so nice to her after the rotten way she treated her.  Not a problem.  All forgotten.  In fact, Ori feels she’s going to be forever in their debt for all they did for her!  (You can say that again!  Cha-ching!!) Raqi nods okay.

One week later…..

The wedding/baptism combo affair takes place (and Viewerville has to do a double-take).  Is that a bikini or a wedding dress? It’s a totally backless wedding dress, tied on with tiny spaghetti straps at the neck and the back; it’s tea-length with that crazy dippy back duck-tailed hem so popular now—and expensive and chic as all get out.  Ori’s got only a jeweled ribbon as a headband for the non-existent “veil”.  It’s got a lacy trim at the bottom which goes around the entire hem of the short skirt and the train.  

The two babies are baptized afterwards.  We’ve all got more happy, happy, joy, joy than they—or Viewerville—could ever imagine or hope for.  That is, more than wacky, wigged-out JL, who is outside the walls of the church, torturing himself by being there as the happy couple and the guests exit en mass (pardon the pun) should hope for.

Sometime later, JL decides to bury his bag o’ dough.  Dunno where or when, just that it’s also during the small high school celebration party that Piero, Paloma, Ruben and Fidelia, Ric and 2nes are having for Sebastian. Hugs all around.  Seb calls Piero "Papa". Leo and Fabi show up for the little backyard reception with smiles on their faces.   Leo doesn’t seem to have any more problems with Seb.  Fabi gives him their gift.  Seb apologizes for the grief he caused her.  She’s not holding any grudges.  (Whoooeee!  That’s a relief.)  

At the same time, Mad Hilde finally gets out of prison.  Cesar is there waiting for her.  He’ll take her anywhere she wants to go, but she has to tell him she really hasn’t got any place to live now.  Can she live with him?  Nope!  But she’s changed.  Really she has.  Nobody changes completely, he tells her, and he’s not about to go through what he did before.  So, he’ll take her to some hotel.  Sorry, but she’s got no money for a hotel.  Cesar takes out a check from Paloma that he says is more than sufficient to find her an apartment with and to live comfortably.  “--Very generous, and a very subtle way of getting rid of me.”  (Yes, exactly—and not for the first time, shall we add?)  Cesar says she was only thinking of what she might need and not to take it badly.  Ok. “—Taxi!”  (He decides to call her a taxi after offering to take her in his own car?)  She asks about Ruben and finds out he married Fi.  “—See ya ‘round.”  He leaves her there.  She gets into the taxi, realizes she’s been abandoned, and cries her heart out as it takes her away.  

Back at Paloma’s, Ric and 2nes are getting ready to take a drive somewhere.  He tells her he’s buying the manse next door for them to live in happily ever after.  What a great compromise!

Outside the grounds of Paloma’s manse, no security is visible.  Ric crosses the quiet street to put the stroller into the trunk of his car.  JL is a block or so away in another car, hiding and watching for him.  Suddenly Ric is accosted by Jose Luis who is pointing a pistol at his chest.  “—You’re going to die now.  You took away everything that gave my life meaning: my love, and my daughter, the light of my eyes, and you’re going to die for that!  Because, you don’t deserve to live.”  Ric tells him that he might kill him with a bullet, but JL is already dead.  Yeah, his life no longer has any meaning, but he didn’t cause that.  Jose Luis did it to himself!  He lost it all because of his ambition and his blindness.  "--When I found them they were no longer yours.  You’d already lost them!”  JL cocks the pistol.

Oriana crosses the street and walks in front of her husband—er…the new one, Ric.  “—If you shoot him, you’ll have to shoot me as well!”  JL looks at her in horror.  She challenges him to shoot—if he’s got the courage to.  He can’t really think he’d recover their lost love, but go ahead and try.  Just know that whatever happens, the love she and Ric share will be endless.  Apparently he does have the courage to. The gun goes off.  Jose Luis stands there with the pistol still in hand, his face showing the recognition of his hopelessness, his total loss of family and fortune and his fatigue after two years of trying to retrieve it.     

Ori’s horrified—as is all of Viewerville—to see that Ric’s got a wound the size of DF in his chest and is bleeding and unconscious.   He moves to shoot her dead also.  She looks up at him.  He sheds a tear, walks away into the middle of the street, suddenly turns and aims.  Just as he cocks the pistol for a second shot, he’s hit by a racing truck that appears out of nowhere!  Whap-thap!!!  A couple of blocks away, the driver of the truck stops and dials his cell.  “—Patrick.  “—All set.  The Fox is now dropped.”

That night at the hospital, the doctor shakes his head in doubt that Ric will survive.  Paloma and 2nes look on at the comatose Ric and weep.

Months afterward, Leo arrives back at Snoop Mansion after a trip to the police station and tells Fabi and Grandpa Snoops that the police finally located Antonio’s corpse; and the bullet he was shot with matches the one found in Homero’s driver’s body.  So, that proves JL did the deed to both sorry suckers, he says.  Any news about Falcon? "--He’s a paraplegic now."   

Raqi visits JL in prison at his request.  Why did you want to see me, she asks, after remarking how bad off he looks (i.e., in the wheelchair, with his ratty hair and even rattier beard).  He was hoping she’d bring him his daughter…er…their daughter.  “—And who told you she was yours?”  He’d supposed it was after all the times she’d sworn it was his.  "--And you always swore it wasn’t!"  Could have been her lying and that she only wanted his money, she adds.  You cannot be that cruel, he says pitifully.  (Yes she can!)  "--Who’s accusing whom of being cruel?"  After all the crap he pulled and all the hurt he caused he doesn’t deserve to know sh!t, she tells him. "--Why bother?"  Well, he thought that after losing the other family he might still have this one to claim and he’d give the baby girl his cash. It was enough to secure her future with. Raquel swears she will never tell him one way or the other.  She doesn’t give a damn about his dinero either!  Ditto for the little girl.  "--She doesn’t deserve to know she has a man like you for a father."  Raqi turns on her heel and walks off.  Bye!  “--Won’t you even tell me if she’s mine?”  “--Nope.  You don’t deserve to ever know.”

Across town, Jackie gets a call from Ruben telling her that the manse she’s given over to the Holy Mariano?? Foundation is going well.  Suddenly the workmen call him over.  They’ve just dug up JL’s bag o’ bills!  Halelujah!  Manna from Mariano in Heaven above!!

Paloma and 2nes the New-nes are discussing their and Ric’s bad fortunes.  Pain is a fact of life.  We just have to find new reasons to go on living.  Too bad a bout Ricardo.  What a happy life they’d have had.  So many dreams! So many lies she’d thought she had had to continue to live with to survive. Paloma is hopeful that even Ric’s trauma can be overcome some day soon with Dios’s help. “--Ricardo cannot continue like this, Abuela!” 

Back at the hospital Ric suddenly opens his eyes.

Over at the prison, in his drab brick cell, JL realizes his family photo has gone missing and starts yelling wildly for it.  Another prisoner/guard??  has it and sets fire to it with a match, and then throws it back into JL’s cell.  He whimpers as he watches the photo, just like his life has, go up in smoke.  

Sometime later, a fully recovered Ric and the New-nes are alone for a second honeymoon (note the white linen shirts and skirt) on a beautiful coast somewhere.  Blue skies, fluffy clouds, interesting black pelican flying?  He loves her and will till the end of time.  She, for her part, is reborn.  Oriana is dead and Ines Valdivia is newly reborn. She has the whole world ahead of her.  Such a huge lie as the one she had to hide by is far in the distant past.  She no longer—they no longer—have to lie in order to live…..  They kiss and cuddle.



Caught up with this last night and I have to say that I found many elements of the finale disappointing. I'm not clear about what happened to Mari-coocoo but I was satisfied with the fates of el Zoro and MADhilde. More later.

The finale was edited to run 44 mins. 25 or so mins were cut out.

Jardinera654, we will be waiting for another wonderful recap from you!

I hope we see you again soon as a recapper. We know that you have a busy family life, so the time you have taken to entertain us with your very well written recaps has been greatly appreciated!


JoseAngel, thank you for confirming what we all suspected. Such a disappointment.


I actually thought that the finale was okay, given how goofy things have been of late.

It would have been an interesting ending and a brave one to let Ricardo die and establish Paloma and Oriana as the really important duo in this novela, a relationship based on fate and trust. They actually had me going for a few seconds, as they both wept about Ricardo.

A small gripe -- Oriana's wedding dress was IMHO not very attractive and seemed a bit much for a wedding mass, but then I have never liked the way they have dressed the actress for the part. She's a beautiful woman but the bell skirts don't go with the very high heels and some of the more form-fitting dresses have been too tight and too short. Picky, picky,,picky!

I also didn't like the wedding dress. It was less tacky than many I've seen in entertainment magazines but still didn't seem suited to this actress.

I'm not sure what was edited out, but I saw all the footage and some of it looked expendable.

Letting Ricardo die would have been horrible after everything Oriana/Ines and Alina went through, but I was wondering in the ending scene about the meeting on the bridge. It almost seemed that Ines and Ricardo were meeting in the afterlife since they were alone without their children and their friends.

Interesting point, UA, about the meeting on the bridge. I am embarrassed to say that I am such an unreconstructed romantic that I assumed that they were together in reality! Of course, now that I think about it, it probably is meant to be ambiguous.


My guess is that the writers toyed with the idea of having Ricardo die; considering where the bullet landed it was my first thought. However, they could have shot the bridge scene anyway in case a test audience hated the idea of him being dead.

It's been done a few times, but it feels wrong.

Holy Cow! Have I missed the boat here?!

Urban and Traveling Lady, you're saying that the Bridge Scene is really BOTH of them dead?


Thank you for Parte 1, Jardinera654! I really like your take on everything!!

Matilde never learned her lesson.


I was thinking the same thing U.A.. I thought that Ricky had died because they were both in white and they met high above the earth on a bridge. No one else was around.



Someone please straighten me out.


Fatima, even your mother couldn't straighten you out. How do you expect us to do it? ;- )

I wish we knew the a writer that could explain the ending.


Thank you, Jardiniera, you've been a great recapping partner.

I don't think that Ric is dead, he is very much alive and willing to torment Oriana with his jealous insecurity for the rest of their lives.
I remember reading a few articles about the tn after it ended in Mexico and there was no mention of Ric dyeing.
It's not the first time when the protas are alone at the very end of the tn, so I'm not reading too much into this. Such a tragic end would make no sense, other than the dramatic effect.

All in all, aside from a very good beginning, this tn has been a disappointment. With 150+ episodes tns, I get that the writers have no clue what to write anymore, but that was not the case here. Normally things start getting messy around the 100 episode mark, here it started about 50 episodes ago.
Makes me scared for Robo, who, I hear, has 200 episodes, give or take.

Cynderella! You are right about my mother not being able to straighten me out!!! I know I would sure enjoy having lunch with you. :))

Well, I am really confused. I just listened to the interview they did with David Zepeda on the "Novelas y Series" website and the way he made it sound was that he and his family would live happily ever after with Mariano looking over them.

Mayrin's interview was vague just like her character.

I need clarification!.

Why in the world would the writers do such a thing (aside from the fact that they could). It doesn't make sense because then Oriana and Ricardo would both have to be dead.


Adriana Noel, OK!!, you've given us some what of an answer. Thank you!

You had to invest so much in a story to come up with a rotten ending.


That should have been "hate..."



Gracias, Jardinera, for all your awesome recaps for this show! I look forward to seeing what you make of the rest of this mess.

That was probably the worst clunker of a Gran Final I've seen since the end of Al Diablo Con Los Guapos: The Neverending Final.


It probably is the case that Ricardo is alive at the end. There's just a touch of ambiguity given how they are dressed and that there is no one around. And it's unclear when it takes place -- they could both be dead many years in the future.

The dialogue between Paloma and Oriana (New-new -- brilliant, Jardina) late in the episode could lead to either ending. They are crying over Ricardo, talking about the good that came into their lives, hoping that Ricardo recovers. He opens his eyes and we are at the bridge. Probably that means that he is alive, but we can allow for a little uncertainty, I think.

I did get a kick out of how Matilde's roots were showing after her prison stint. A realistic note that reminded me, anyway, of the terrible problem of being without access to a drug store or hair salon for a couple of months!


Traveling Lady, thank you so much for your thoughts.

I know it sounds crazy to be SO frustrated with an ending, but it totally frustrated me. It's not fair, I tell you, NOT FAIR!

Fatima :)

It's just that it's been my experience of TNs that protagonists who have young children are typically shown with said children in the last scene, but here we don't get Alina or baby Mariano.

It would certainly not have made sense for Ines/Oriana to commit suicide to be with Ricardo no matter how much she loved him.

Urban "It would certainly not have made sense for Ines/Oriana to commit suicide to be with Ricardo no matter how much she loved him."

Agreed. I just hate ambiguity.


Sorry, gang, but this ending is still bugging me.

Is this ending Ricardo's dream?

Adriana Noel has said that no one in Mexico thought he had died. I think it is really interesting how we are seeing a different ending, but the Mexican public didn't see the final scene as Ric and Newnes up in the heavens.

I find that to be most interesting and MOST FRUSTRATING



I missed most of the episode. I have no luck with Uvideos, I sign in, they know me but when I try to watch, it just goes around in circles.
Anyone have any luck?


Since I won't be able to watch, what happened to JL?

Variopinta, I am forced to watch on HuluPlus, so I am no help. Sorry.

Frustrating, eh?


Thanks for the recap Jardinera and for all of the work you provided for us. Your recaps have been a joy, as always, and I look forward to your next tn.

I am curious to know if anyone saw the "extended" version and what was cut.

Fatima, though one can read the ending as being ambiguous, from a media studies standpoint, I would say that both Ric and Ines were alive. More often than not this tn was straight-forward and did not provide space/writing for multiple readings. So based on the framework and tone established throughout the tn and the fact that in Mexico viewers were confident that the lovers lived, that is how the producers/writers wanted viewers to see the end.

Now what the very creative people here are reading as not being reality, one could argue was the tn's way of showing Ric and Ines making a new start (near water that is cleansing and with their white clothes). I would say that our bloggers have been and continue to be far more inventive and creative than most tn producers and have provided a reading the creators probably didn't fathom. This is all my conjecture as a media studies professor and you can take it or leave it ;)

Variopinta, JL is in jail without the use of his legs. One of the inmates just burned his family photo so he'll probably go really insane now.

Thanks for this final recap. Missed the first 20ish minutes and started watching from the scene with Leo and Fabi talking about his new job, their wedding etc. I can watch it on Comcast OnDemand but I'll have to wait until it shows up on the list. I watched #97-100 last night after the finale to catch up on parts that I'd missed. For example, I didn't see when Sammy died, Mariano's funeral, or when JL took Ori and Alina to the secluded cottage.

So does anybody know what was left out of the US broadcast from Mexico's broadcast of the finale? This shortened version definitely left some loose ends: Marilu, Ruben/Fidelia wedding etc.

I think the part that was most unexpected to me was when JL got run over. So it was Patrick who ordered him to be killed?

I guess prison didn't change Mati after all. All I gotta say is I'm glad Cesar ignored her when she tried to find out more about Ruben and Fidelia. What her ex husband does with his life is no longer her business.

The wedding was okay. I didn't really like Ori's hair. I liked how she had it at Mariano's funeral better.


Thank you to all the recappers.

I was disappointed that Palomita's portrait was not explained. I would have been happier with Ric dying and Paloma and Oriana together out of choice and then finding that they were truly grandma/grandchild.

This was a very choppy, poorly edited finale.

Oriana's mullet,backless wedding dress was unsuitable for someone her age and who would even let her in to a church dressed like that? I liked her wedding hair, though.

My husband and I both thought that the final scene could have been fifty years in the future after they were both dead, but could just have easily been back at Fidelia's beach house.

Thank you again recappers! You rock!



Thank you for another wonderful recap. What a clever and talented bunch of recappers we have! We need a master list of all of the funny names created by Jardinera and others for Oriana and Marilu as a capsule reminder of the good and funny work done.

Karen -- your comments about the ending are so thoughtful and smart and for me pretty definitive. Ricardo lives and our protagonists have a new start, with no more lies and much happiness. Thank you.

I look forward to seeing everyone at the next novela, whichever that may be.

Dear Karen, THANK YOU! You've given me closure and my sense of frustration is now gone!

I think what was more frustrating was that I had missed the boat, somehow!

You are correct. This TN has not been the most inventive and used many TN cliches in the end, so I will vote for your take on things and let it go at that.

Thank you so much, Karen!


Thanks for this nifty recap, Jardinera, and thinks for hanging in there even as this rapidly unraveled near the end. And these last two episodes looked as though this crew had been given an eviction notice and told to wrap it up.

The shovel to the face and the truck to the torso for JL were both high points and lots of fun... gee, both must have hurt... a lot.

I was happy to see some headbands on Inez and Raquel's little girl. I have a thing about headbands. Now if they'd find get one for María (LQLVMR).

As for the final scene, I'd like to think that both Rick and Inez are dead and that Raquel and Lucina are looking after all the kidlets.

Variopinta, I checked to see if the Univision site might work and it did. Try this, Click here and wait... when the sign-in box appears, just X out of it and wait... and wait... there'll be that spinning thing and then some commercials, but if you're patient, I think that the show will eventually come up... at least it did for me... good luck.



I couldn't wait to watch the actual episode before commenting on your wonderful recap. Each weekend it has been a pleasure to wait for and then read your delicious recaps, with new witty nicknames tossed in. Thank you!

Just from reading the recap, seems like they wrapped up everything. At least, I don't see many loose ends. Do we know what got cut from the original longer finale?

It would have been nice to see:
-Fidelia and Ruben get married.
-Cesar finally get a girlfriend.
-Leo choose to join the police/feds (since he's so good at it) instead of taking people's portraits (??). I hope Fabi's veterinarian's salary is high. It's a good thing they're both independently wealthy. :)

I'm not surprised that Mati never learned her lesson. I just regret that her children will have to put up with her for the rest of their lives. Sounds like New-nes's dress was stylish and trendy, but inappropriate for a woman her age (and possibly church too).

I think they cut stuff like the scene where JL was burying the bag of money and extensions of every scene covered in this recap. I think there was also a scene with Jackie and her mother that was cut, but it didn't add anything to the story.

Urban- Really? That bit of extra fluff accounted for half an hour of cuts?

Novela Lounge published events that happened in the finale, it's an interesting read. Google 'MPV final Novela Lounge'. I think 5 of those events were cut, especially Raquel giving birth. I'm gonna miss Raquel's hawtness. :(

Did anyone aside from me expect the ROPE bridge to collapse with Inesana and Ric on it?

So I found a video of the full finale. Here's what wasn't included in the US broadcast. There's a scene where Fabi goes to see baby Mariano and Alina asks her if she'll ever have kids and she says no. Also, in the scene where JL calls Patrick, after Patrick hangs up on him JL calls Rosa, but Rosa says she can't help him. There's a scene where Ruben, Cesar, and Jackie go to see Raqi's baby and Jackie asks Ruben to help her with the hospital/foundation she's setting up in Mariano's honor. There's also a brief scene where Ruben and Fidelia discuss their impending wedding, but I didn't watch more to see if it was shown.

Those are the things I saw that were missing. There might've been more, but I don't know.

Also I think Mayrin looked her prettiest in UFCS (una familia con suerte)

This comment has been removed by the author.

It never ceases to amaze me how few times telenovelas mention adoption as an option for couples who can't have kids. When they finally do, it's like some magical revelation. It just struck me as I read that scene TF described with Alina and Fabi. Plus, one of my errands today was to get a letter recommending friends of mine as adoptive parents notarized-- so it's on my mind. I really wish tns would start getting better about this.

You know, it didn't even occur to me that Ric might be dead. Either I wasn't paying close enough attention, or just stopped caring.

I watched online and I don't think you missed much. We never saw Ruben and Fidelia get married; it was just mentioned to Mati. And we never saw anyone say the word NO to Alina. Let's hope they fix that. The only thing you might not have seen was after El Fin, they played behind the scene shots of what looked like everyone who worked on this show. Writers, directors, etc. That may have been one of the better parts of the show; good for them acknowledging all the backstage people.

We should also acknowledge that Lucina is just about the best person ever. She's still supportive of Raquel! And did you get the kiss that Lucina gave Manolo? I can't remember what they were talking about, but before she left the room, she gave him a smootch ON THE LIPS. More smack than slurp, but he looked happy. As he should.


Vivi, you make a great point. Very few TNs that I've seen deal with the issue of adoption. In this TN and in LFdD the galan assumes the role of a father to a child that's not biologically his because of whatever circumstances. In this TN it was that the heroine already had a child and in LFdD it was because the child was the product of rape. So it's not exactly adoption, but it's just like protecting the child from the real father.

Forgot to mention there's also a scene where Piero does all the work and finds the house for Ric and Ori that's close to Paloma's so they won't be far away from her.

Cuts scenes:

- Lila lost everything because of the money laundering. She ruined.
- Alina tell to Ricky in the silver car what happened in the house with her and her mom . Then they arrived home, where Fidelia and Paloma were talking. Alina tell again what happened.
- Oriana gives her statement at the police station. Homero and Manriquez defends. They said Ori is only a victim. But the police officer (Pablo Valentin) needs witnesses. Homero asks the police officer: do you doubt in my words? Homero said this case is too big for the police officer, it is not his scope. Homero wins. Ori can go home, but she mustn’t leave Hermosillo. Everybody is happy. Paloma waiting for her family with Cesar. Everybody is OK!
- Manolo and Carmelo find JL’s stolen car, but JL nowhere, again blood.
- Patrick is angry because of JL. He must die. Then he calls Rosa.
- Raquel wants to know JL is in alive or died. Lucina said alive, but he is in runaway, and found blood in the car. Then Lucina goes somewhere, because she is nervous because of Raquel. She’s been interested in JL yet.
- 6 months later: Fabi, Ori, Alina, Marianito y Ricky are in the garden. Ricky is very cute with the baby. Alina and Marianito got presents. Alina asks Fabi: will you have a baby (some time in the future). Fabi will be a bit sad and said: she can’t be pregnant. Alina: Porque?
- Ricky and Ori in the courtyard: they should have a new home, but Paloma won’t be alone.
- Casa Bonita: Lucina, Manolo, Ruben, Cesar, Jackie, Raquel with the baby. No news from JL. And Jackie gives job to Ruben, a construction.
- Leo got the house from Homero. Lao said, he and his wife will live with Homero, because he likes his daddy. He hasn't to go other home.
- Jackie tells the details to Ruben from the hospital construction, and she will found the Mariano Santacruz Foundation.
- Piero find the solvation to Ricky and Ori. He showed it.
- Fidelia and Ruben talk in the Sanchez-Breton garden. Jackie uses the dirty money good objectives. Ruben ask from the marriage. Fide said: when he wants, and they are kissing.
- Cesar in the prison. Maddy is her mother, and Cesar doesn’t forget her. He encouraged, Mati thoughts a lot, and apologizes. She understood her fails. Fabiola is OK, she plans her career, and after she will marry. Ruben is working, and happy. Maddy says: he is a good man.
- Ori and Ricky is in a restaurant. Ricky talks about the house solvation, but it will be surprise. And Ricky noticed that Lucia is so similar to Alina. Ori said: they are half sisters.
- Ruben ask Jackki trust in him, with the construcion will be no problem. Lucina calls Jackie, she has to go to Casa Bonita. And Rosa is here. Jackie is glad. Rosa would like if Jackie go back Santo Domingo, but Jackie has other plans. Rosa don’t mind because Jackie has lifegoals, and decent job. Jackie will miss her mom, but she has to live here.
- JL is in his fort, and talk in alone about his revange and drinks.
- Manolo said Raquel, what happened with JL. He is paralyzed. But from now the most important person in her life is Lucia. Manolo get a kiss to his mouth from Lucina. Raquel calls from the prison and you know.


I will miss this team. You are wonderful people! Worthy fin, Jardinera. I loved your recaps.

I am broadly satisfied with the fin. What I like the most: Raquel is in the prison at JL. JL deserved it. :) But Maddy's punishment was the best. It was so real.

And Cesar would have deserve a girlfriend.

I feel that it was short in a 45-minutes version, but it was too long a 90 minutes version, because it was enough slow. It should have been a 65-70 mins fin.

Thanks, Alejo! I'm so glad you joined us on this tn. I hope we "see" each other on another tn.

I saw you pop in on Siempre, and are you following Robo? I wasn't planning on watching De Que Te Quiero..., but now that I know my telenovio, Marcelo Cordoba, will be in it, I'm torn. There is just something about him I can't resist. We'll see.

Was it just me or did those two babies have some sparks happening across the baptismal font? We may get MPV part 2 in about 20 years with those kiddos.


OK. I'm watching it now, and I can't believe you guys didn't mention how adorable the babies are! And they both handled the baptism scene like champs. Not a single tear or cry. Back to watching...

Jardinera - Muchisimas gracias. It's been a joy to get your recaps every weekend.

I too wondered if Ricky might be dead when he and Ori were on the bridge. Glad to find out here that he's definitely alive.

Love the baptism scene. The babies were great. Alina seems to have adapted well to both a baby and Ricky joining the family.

If Ori's wedding dress didn't have the ducktail hem, I would've liked it. The backless, tiny spaghetti ties looked fab on her, but maybe more appropriate for the honeymoon.

I'm satisfied with Matilda's and JL's endings. I thought for sure JL would be killed though. He can hold onto an obsession for a long time, so I can see him trying to reach out to Alina and Lucia over the years.

Tks Carlos, that worked. Uvideos sure doesn't make it easy.

Ines runs from the car to Ric, (leaving Alina in the car???) Next scene she is with Paloma, next the cops go into the rented house, there is blood on the floor but no explanation how it got there. Couldn't they have cut some of the whining, it's all my fault, this can't work, jealous tantrum scenes instead?

Oh well, glad it's over.

Hurray for all the recappers, muchimisímas gracias.


TL and Fatima thanks for your kind words.

Alejo thanks so much for telling us what we missed. I would have like to see Lucina and Manolo kiss.

Vivi ITA that I was going to stop watching at 7 pm but Marcelo is in the next one. He's so good, we'll have to see.

And you are right that tns should discuss adoption more. It seems informal adoptions happens a great deal in tns but formal ones have some kind of stigma.

Karen, you are welcome! I was having a fit coming to terms with this odd ending. Like I told you, I hate ambiguity. :)

AlejoP., I will surely miss you, amigo! I hope we all see you back very soon!! Thank you so much for filling in all of those huge blanks for us. :))


Now that I've seen the whole thing, here are my random thoughts:

-Niecie- ITA. My thoughts exactly on the dress. Loved the sexy back (it looked great on her), and I liked the front. I HATED the mullet skirt on it, but I hate that look in general and don't like it on anyone for any occasion. Mayrin has amazing hair, shiny and thick, that looked good throughout the whole series-- pulled back, pulled up, natural curly, big curls, or straight. It looked good as usual during the wedding.

-Tito was adorable while he and Alina were in the background while Ori spoke on the phone with Homero. He was on her lap enjoying a head rub.

-I was happy to see Sabas' transformation, but also happy that he and Fabi did NOT end up together. Too much water under, and over, that bridge. But I'm glad they were at peace with each other by the end.

-Every single bad girl Altair plays ends up redeemed and happy at the end. I wonder why she is cast this way? Jessica Coch's bad girls, for example, always end up dead by the end. This is apparently Altair's last role. She's retiring to focus on her jewelry and beauty products biz. I hope she comes back to tns and gets some more interesting roles.

-If Ricky and Ori and the kids are living in the house "al lado"; Fabi is living with Homero and Leo; Mati is in her bachelorette pad; Cesar is in his bachelor pad (?); and Ruben is living with Fidelia in the orange mansion; does that mean Paloma is living all alone? That doesn't make a lot of sense. Why couldn't Ricky and New-nes live with Paloma? Everyone knows Ricky is rich and makes mad money. Does he really need to prove he's an alpha male provider by buying his own house, when they both know Paloma isn't going to live long and New-nes will inherit her house? Crazy rich people!

-Is Sebas still living in his apartment? The Blue Bungalow is free, although Celio probably moved in with Ricky and New-nes.

Wow, I go away to a conference today and I come back to over 50 comments. But I did read all of them first so I don't do too much repeating.

Thanks for posting the recap up early Jardinera. I know how busy you are over the weekends, so I really appreciate it.

My thoughts were like UA about Ric being dead at the end. I kept thinking that this is the first TN I've seen where the main guy of the main couple dies at the end and they don't live happily ever after. He got shot in the heart and the doctor shakes his head when they went to go visit him, so that told me that he wouldn't make it. And the conversation between Oriana and Paloma just reinforced the fact that he died. And at the end when they showed them on the bridge in white alone, I thought that it may be the afterlife they were showing. But the writers left it purposely ambiguous. They want people like Fatima to think they he lived and they live happily ever after, and they wanted people like me who wanted a novel ending to think that he died. So we are both satisfied.

Thanks Alejo for giving us the rundown of what was left out.

Thanks Carlos for the tip about watching univision website. I tried it and it worked. It didn't work the first time I tried to do that several weeks ago though. Maybe they got so many complaints.

Vivi, I was awwing and oohing over the babies the entire time they had their baptisms. They were soooo cute.

Here is a cute, brief interview with Ana Paula (Alina)-- it's from Hoy and she's with "Paloma" and "Lucina":

And here she is with "Antonio", behind the scenes as he's teaching her how to act out an angry scene. She refuses to say maldito, but has fun roughing him up:

I think Altair's most mercilessly punished role was in Mi Pecado as Lorena when she got in a car accident for trying to run over Julian and Lucrecia. (Maite Perroni and Eugenio Siller) I remember when she removed the bandage covering her eye, some gag reflexes were triggered. Her character was never heard about/from again after that part in the novella.

Romina from ENDA got in a car accident but was redeemed and took motherhood righteously after all.

Florencia Landucci from AdP I didn't really see since I didn't care for that novella.

Ilitia Porta-Lopez from Llena de Amor I had some MAJOR sympathy for because she was a bitch at times but when Mauricio had raped her ON HER WEDDING DAY, I felt as if that had been OVER-anviling. I'm glad she ended up with that BonBon Brandon Moreno (and Mauricio's anvil was a bala to the balls) as he and her had a love-hate-crazy-sexy-cool thing which stole the show from Ariadne and Valentino (Victorianela and Lirio de Plata)

Innocente de Ti, I saw her castigo on youtube(They make videos of the villain punishments BTW.) She was in a jail cell but was released and showed more than your average ounce of remorse.

Al Diablo con Los Guapos, Valeria wasn't really a bitch, more like a love-struck rich gal with a disapproving father.

I remember there was a parody of novella weddings and instead of her norm, she was a sweet approving sister and that was mentioned once here. I think it was her ONE (maybe second after Valeria)

Overall, this final role was like a medley of all those roles except from what I saw, Raquel wasn't as hostile as what I can imagine (all of them combined. Valeria wasn't a whole bitch but did reject Rocky a lot during the second half) I'm glad she embraced motherhood and stuck it to Jose Luis Zorro (he doesn't deserve a cool apellido like Falcon. Zorro is trashy at best)

Altair Jarabo will be missed.

(Oh yeah, she was Afrodita in Codigo Postal but with Jessica Coch as the main villana, I think Afrodita was turned down a few pegs.)

Hi y'all,
First time commenting but is being a while I've been reading Caray Caray's recaps and comments. I was able to look on the Internet today and found the whole 1h30 gran finale. With Univision I though too that Ricardo was dead but after watching the real finale I think that he is alive. Here's why: 1st after the wedding Ricardo and Ines were discussing their honeymoon and were supposed to go somewhere without the kids; 2nd Ricardo was shot the day they were getting ready to leave for their honeymoon and their Ricardo woke up in the hospital bed smiling without the beep of the machines going off; he was out of his profound coma his injuries having had the time to heal. So they were finally able to go on they honeymoon.

Corazon- Thanks for the rundown of Altair's roles. Yep. No death for her villains. Her character was redeemed at the end of Abismo too. He Mi Pecado character probably had a harsh punishment because it was originally played by another actress, if you remember. That actress had to drop out and they brought Altair in. If that other actress had continued, they probably would have killed the character by the end. :)

Here is the only time I have seen Altair not playing a brat of a beyotch. She played the teen/younger version of Silvia Navarro's character in La Duda. Start at minute 4:56 and then she will show up in flashback. She's adorable:

Thanks Vivi!

I like that clip you recommended to me. It has Romeo and Juliet all over it with the running away from potentially mean momma!

There's also another character whom is along terms that Altair has but opposite. This character has played nice guys and mainly those until this role. Sebastian (Alejandro Speitzer) I remember was a scrawny young boy in Atrevete a Sonar who was the brother of Marisela from PEAM and Monica in UFCS (and to a lesser extent, Lucia from Tontas) who wouldn't hurt a fly and loves a girl named Amaya (Samahdi Zendejas) and here, he sexes up Raquel and rapes Fabiola, is a snot-nosed brat to Ric and to top it all off gets HIV/STD infected? I KNEW his role on La Rosa de Guadalupe and iron-pumping would lead to this LMAO.

Corazon- Glad you liked it. Isn't she adorable? Hope you saw both flashbacks. The second one (under the tree) comes soon after the brief conversation between the adult protags in the square. Yes, very Romeo and Juliet. How did Altair go from being a sweet, fresh faced teen at Azteca, to bratty and/or bitchy siren at Televisa?

Hi Serapheena, welcome and glad you joined us. Hope you chime in more often. :))

Thank you for your take on things. Like cathyx said, I hope for the happy ending. Your comments coupled with Karen's have made me feel 100% better about the ending (that I really wanted).


That picture on the wall is STILL bugging me. Another loose end...

Yes, Altair will definitely be missed.


Fatima- I guess Ori's resemblance to Palomita just explains why Paloma could so easily believe she was Palomita's daughter- same big smile; same texture and color hair, similar shaped faces and bodies. It must have been like Palomita had walked through the door.

Vivi in DC, yes, I'll buy that. Guess I just like to tie up loose ends. :)) You know how it is. :))


Florencio Landucci ended up married to the guy who played Antonio and they adopted an older daughter.

Oriana always wore inappropriate clothing so why should her wedding dress be any different?

I don't think they were dead at the end because Oriana told Ric that "Oriana was dead" and she could now live as Ines. If she was dead she wouldn't have to live as anyone. I also can't imagine Oriana/Ines would die and leave Alina, Mariano & Paloma behind. It would as though she'd be worried about them in the afterlife. Also, it would seem as if RAQUEL would've mentioned to JL that he killed Ric. So I don't think the ending was Ric & Oriana dead unless it was many, many years in the future.

I guess they couldn't have shown Alina at the end because the character should've been probably 8 or 9 years old by then.


I liked the wedding dress except for the cowl neckline. If you got it flaunt it.

Good point about Raquel in the jail scene. She would have mentioned that. So they are alive and well.

Thank you for your comments and invitation Fatima, I too like happy ending and I'm certain that Ric and Ines are together in the real world not heaven ( the island didn't look like heaven😊)

Thanks Jardinera for providing and satisfying my weekend recap fix.
100 episodes was more than enough for me. Rather than sit through a 90 minute ending, I'm satisfied reading about what was cut.

Vivi, thanks for the 2 links you sent. Alina was my favorite character. I always rationalized her spoiled behavior as acting out was she was being coached to do. I actually laughed out loud when she told Ines, "vete" and Ines humbly obeyed.
The one thing I never came to terms with was how changing her name from Oriana to Ines meant she was no longer JL's wife. Therefore she didn't need a divorce to have an affair with Ricky or to marry him. That's a bit too far fetched for my way of thinking.

Serapheena, you are welcome! This is an incredible group of talented and wise people.

You should consider joining us on one of the other ongoing TN discussions. The comments for "La Que La Vida Me Robo" generally hit 100 daily. You should check it out.

Fatima :)

Finally we reach the end....Great job to all the re-cappers. I used baseball mixed with some boxing to describe this TN's characters because it was all a game from the beginning to the end. A game of Lies.... Mentir Para Vivir ... Lie but Live. I don't plan to watch anymore TN dramas because at least with the comedies you know it's a joke.

So good-by Ricky the Mitt, so long Oriana/Oriole, Mariano Rivera, Sebastion Janokowski, Cesar Cedanio,Granny Slam Poloma and Joe St.Louis Cardinal/Falcon...Hope to see yall in a new TN, that is a full of jokes as this one was...Just add a laugh track and you are good to go.

BTW Fatima, get ready, it's March, let the madness begin.

Foxy- It seems like the little actress had a great time during her first tn acting gig. It was cute how she said she wants to take a break to rest, but wants to do another tn after that, and the way she described her little sister (2 going on 3) being excited about seeing her on tv. I thought she did a great job for a first-timer. It was a bit disconcerting to hear her say her favorite scenes to act were the one where Gabriel was killed (she went to great pains to say she didn't do it, but Berto did), and the scene where she gets taken to the orphanage. I guess she likes the super dramatic scenes. :)

Lee Fox, I have really enjoyed your baseball names for the characters. I am a HUGE baseball fan. It's not a slow game. It's about the strategy! Spring training has just started, too!! The Boys of Summer will soon be back.

March Madness! Yes! I love college B-Ball. Hope your teams do well, Lee Fox and hope we see you again soon on another TN!

Fatima :)

An afterthought:
Hey, we never did find out anything about Oriana's background. But I guess her BG didn't matter since she wasn't Paloma's blood relative.

Hi Fatima, yes I've been following the discussions on LQLVMR as well; I have to confess that this TN is my obsession of the moment so much that I am well ahead from Univision. But it is a pleasure for me to read what everyone is thinking and the snarky, funny and well done comments. At work too every morning we exchange comments about the show and I am learning to speak Spanish that way with my coworkers😉.

Many thanks to all the recappers who made this show so entertaining (cause the Televisa writers sure didn't.)

That was probably the most underwhelming Fin I've seen

I don't know where I should write:

Nominadas premios tvynovelas 2014:















Alejo- Wow! What a weak lineup this year. Surely, there were other/better Televisa tns last year than these?

If it's just down to these four, then I'm going to have to give the prize to Amores Verdaderos because it's the only one that kept the action lovely and interesting throughout the duration of the tn. I think La Tempestad deserves a place if they are going to include CI and PEAM. But I guess what they mean by "best" is highest ratings, which means CI will will. *shrugs* As Rogelio Rivadinera of PEAM would say, juaever!

The only performance of the bunch that I strongly feel deserves an award is Susana Gonzalez in Amores Verdaderos. And of the male villains I would say it's between Ivan Sanchez' BSC villain in LT, or Diego Olivera's smooth but crazy Jose Luis in Mentir.

I think there should be an age cut off of 25 for Actor Juvenil. I mean, how many times/years is Sherlyn going to be considered an Actriz Juvenil?!

Correction: Kept the action going and interesting. Although, they threw in plenty of loving too, right Cyn? ;-) (In the chair, on the floor, in the doorway...)

Correction: there is another 5th telenovela that also compete: De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero.

I will laugh my head off if Corazon Indomable wins anything. And I had to stop watching Amores Verdaderos because it was too idiotic. What a contest. I didn't watch the others.

You know, I'm a huge fan of Altair Jarabo, but I don't see how she gets nominated for her role as Raquel in MPV and Elizabeth Álvarez (Lucia CI) and Laura Carmine (Estercita in LT) are both ignored. I think that AJ's talents were underutilized in MPV.


Carlos- ITA.

I'm still pissed from last year, when Silvia Navarro didn't even get nominated & la llorana, Victoria Ruffo won.

And the Last One of my comments:

Here are the Favoritos del publico:

And the extended list of PTVYN with Telenovela Multiplataforma, Mejor Dierctor de Escena, and Mejor Guion or Adaptacion.

Extended list with another 3 caegories, that I missed from my former comment, sorry:

Thankfully, Feiza wasn't included as a nominee. She needs to improve her acting skills because she was overacting throughout the novela, not to mention her fake attitude.

AlejoP, thank you for this list!

Holy Cow! What a strange lineup. Why is "La Tempestad" not included in that bunch?

CI? Really? Seriously?

MPV started out so great and lost so much steam. It coulda been a contender.

Carlos, ITA.


It might be mean, but having just finished watching high quality novelas 'El Manantial'(2001) and 'Cuna de Lobos'(1987) online, ITA with Vivi that all this flock of Televisa tns nominated are weak sauce. Still, I'm sure ABC and DA will win the protag awards as awful as CI was because they were good protas as far as chemistry goes; AV will probably win a number of awards too because it was popular, which is all that matters now.

I do think, though, that Alex Speitzer (Sebas in MPV) should win as should Felipe Najera who played the beloved Mariano in MPV. Those were two standout performances in a disappointing MPV, which had so many strands to explore in 101 eps and wasted most of them.

Why did Oriana, who was an orphan, look like Palomita? I would have loved a dues ex machina outcome that Palomita had had twins and Oriana was the other one who went to a good family instead of focusing on the silly witness protection strand. Having her marriage being self-invalidated because she changed her name to Ines Valdivia was silly to me.

I'm glad, though, that Raqi grew up and decided to not let JL know if Lucia were his child. And I'm definitely glad Ori and Ric named their son Mariano.

I have a question. WHY ISN'T QBA NOMINATED IN ANY OF THIS? I would have love dot at least see Malillany nominated as best villainess. She did well as Elvira and Jorge Salinas as JAntos. I knew they would snub Danna Garcia since they did in 2010 with Gancho. Speaking of which, it's going to be replayed at 10 at night soon.

That's right Vivi. ;-) There were lot's of action everywhere!

I loved the chick villain from Amores Verdaderos. She was nuts and evil. I liked her Rasta side kick as well.

Well, the sensible choices for this premios are..


(we really want La Tempestad here as well. I personally want QBA or LMDV here.)


(the four of these gals are viable but I personally want Eiza to match Seb. Rulli. Also, Ariadne or Danna Garcia.)


(YES Daniel Arenas is least desirable for this prize but his chemistry with ABC and the kiddoes is gold! and WHERE ARE YANEZ,COLUNGA AND SALINAS! I think Juan Diego has it in the bag with David.)


(I don't count villains who repent at the end or are good but with a dark side IE Altair. Claudia has it in the bag (she was bad for the most part even though she repented. AJ wasn't a diabla like Veronica) as well as Marjorie. Esme is well on her way to becoming a good villana. In the end, MALILLANY is my preference!)


(Roger Rivadeneira was just plain camp. I think the three would kill each other and leave it to Roger to just take it LOL. All jokes aside, Ivan or Diego.)


(Cynthia is mah gurl but I think it's Dani Romo's probably. Ana came a little too late into the novella. However, this is Cynthia's first protagonica so yeah.)

To Be Continued...


Rulli bored me in A.V.. I love him as Alex.

Hey, I'm a day late and a peso short but sombreros off to Jardinera for keeping high standards of clever writing laced with wit and wry observations.

I was in and out so much but what I saw I liked the plot of MPV and a lot of the acting.

My personal thought on the ending, it didn't occur to me that either were dead but I was happy to see that they didn't try to get a small footed dog, a tipsy toddler or a gangly girl on that ropey bridge with them. Someone would surely have fallen through to the rocks or water. It was probably also a lot cheaper to have just the couple!!

Adios amigitos, hasta pronto...

Even though CI is in a tie for worst ever novela, I thought Ana Brenda did a very good job with the piece of crap
she got herself into.

There is not a best novela, the most you can say is mediocre.

I loved what Robert DeNiro said last night about writers

“The mind of a writer can be a truly terrifying thing. Isolated, neurotic, caffeine-addled, crippled by procrastination and consumed by feelings of panic, self-loathing and soul-crushing inadequacy. And that’s on a good day.”



(Ignacio is a shoe-in but Jesus Ochoa has a way of undermining. He did it to David Zepeda in 2011.)


(Michelle has potential but the other 2 did more with their roles.)


(Oh hey total sweet guys now playing douche bags and vice verse in singular. BTW Eleazar is 30. I can see him winning but Alejandro is more able. Ricardo was hot in a pilot suit but he ain't a spring chicken anymore and didn't do anything.)


(Cynthia, sit this one out. I want Natalia to win since I enjoyed her breaking in to the one place with a gun and her role in general. Cecelia was good but I like her with roles like in Cachito de Cielo more.)


(Alejandro and Felipe did stuff. I see Alejandro winning though. His angry scenes were superb.)


(If I were to watch Amores Verdaderos over again, it would solely be for Susana but Marisol most likely will win it since she's won the other 2 times she was nominated. Madhilde I don't care for. I liked her better in Guapos and Dinero.)


(UGH I CANNOT stand Flaco Ibanez in his LMDV role as Timoteo but he was the villain as well. I can see Juan or Jose Carlos winning however. I remember Juan won best villain once.)


(I would like all these novelas to win at least one. That being La Tempestad win it's one little award being best song however there is no mercy in these things so El Amor Manda will win. Which version however?)

@Vivi in DC- Yes there were. Cachito de Cielo, Por Ella Soy Eva and AMOR BRAVIO come to mind. I was pissed that AB had to share it's well deserved 6 prized with Corona de Lagrimas. I would have preferred it share with Cachito.

Director de Escenas-

Amores Verdaderos
Mentir Para Vivir
Porque El Amor Manda

(I don't really care for this but AV since it had some gewd lovin' scenes. So did MPV.)

Guion o Adapcion-

Corazon Indomable
Amores Verdaderos
Mentir Para Vivir

(Again, MPV or AV but CI will probably undermine, undermine, undermine!)

Novela Plataforma-
The first 4 plus DQTQTQ

(if this is some kind of second place for best novella, give first to MPV and second to AV or vice versa. If not them PEAM which was OK at times. I have a good feeling about DQTQTQ though. Final gripes. Why no QBA, JORGE SALINAS, Francisco Gattorno, Malillany Marin and FERNANDO COLUNGA? No, if they nominated JS or FC (TBLMOE)they would've obviously won it so they decided to make it unpredictable. I can see Juan Diego as the winner now if they were going for unpredictable. Yeah that's it.)

OMG I'm just now getting why LT and QBA weren't as nominated. It would mean Mr. Mejia vs Ms. Mejia and ironically CI was more popular a story than the other ones listed above.

Corazon- Those were the 2012 novelas. 2013 was abysmal. Looks like De Que...might be good?

Yesterday was TBLMOE's cumpleános, he is 48. He will age beautifully, I saw his father on Cristine.

The lack of chrmistry with Feiza didn't help at all.

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