Monday, March 10, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of March 10, 2014

If we combined these 3 novelas, it could be called, Camelia la texana en otra piel en Avenida Brasil! Enjoy.

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Selma has just told Mondriana that she basically robbed her daughters of their inheritance and left it all to Gerardo. Mondriana cannot believe her ears.

Figueroa, the judge, tells Gerardo and Carrasco that Camila came to see him about planning to contest the will. Gerardo, like a well-trained puppet, spouts what Elena has taught him to say: that he’s fine with that and he never wanted what Mónica left him in the first place.

In the prison in México Carlos scares the crap out of one of the guards telling him how pretty his daughter is and that he’s got the whole family under surveillance. The guard appears to knuckle under. Meanwhile Mario is telling Diego that Carlos is in the prison. Mario tells him that Carlos will be hard to get rid of because of all his money. Mario will ask the Director for protection for Diego.

In L.A. Gerardo tells Figueroa that he made Mónica the beneficiary of his life insurance. But he had no idea she was making a will like the one that was found. He tells the judge he’s ready to resolve the issue without a big fight. Figueroa asks to speak to Carrasco alone and grills him about how he came to have the will. He reminds him what a serious thing it would be to lie. Carrasco looks nervous, but says that he spoke with Mónica briefly on the phone and thought they’d meet in person to go over the details.

Mondriana is crushed by the news of the will, realizing how much her daughters must have been wounded by losing all that their father built. She tells Selma she could not have written such a will. And she’s sure Gerardo didn’t pressure her about the will. She says he loved her as much as she loved him. When Selma brings up Elena, Mondriana assures her that Elena came to her as a frightened child, alone, and only wanted to be with her. Plus, she tells Selma, what good would it have done Elena to have Gerardo named heir?

In México the prison director tells Mario that this war has to end. Mario asks him to tell Rayado’s gang to back off. But the director says he doesn’t have enough personnel to protect Diego.

Mondriana comes up with the idea of taking advantage of Emiliana’s expulsion from school to enter the household.

A new side of Rodrigo Cantú is revealed. He runs a bookstore. He tries to get Gabriel interested in working there, but books give our young lothario hives. Rodrigo figures out that what Elena did was to get the boys out of the house.

Selma convinces Lorena, as Emi’s guardian, that the best answer to Emi’s education would be una institutriz (a governess). Camila joins them, and Selma reminds her that her mother occasionally took Emi on tour and had people teach her on the road.

Mondriana tells Maite and Valeria that she’s going to be a teacher. They give her all the money that is left to buy books. In a telenovela coincidence, she goes to Rodrigo’s bookstore to buy the books. He’s playing an old-school vinyl record of Mónica Serrano playing a Beethoven symphony. When she asks for books for an elementary school education, he goes on a rant about having books in English by Shakespeare, Faulkner and Joyce; books in Russian by Dostoevsky, Chekhov and Tolstoy; Latin American books by Márques and Borges. Then he gets off his high horse and finds her some books for a 5th grader.


Figueroa, the judge summons Camila, Elena, and Gerardo to his office. He says he’s analyzed the case and his conclusion is to suspend the execution of the will and proceed with Camila’s contesting it. He directs a big, pervy smile at Camila, and we see the furious face of Elena.

Camila has met Ricardo in the park. She tells him the judge knew her mother and was surprised at the sort of will she left. She picks up on his lack of enthusiasm. He tells her that he’s the same guy he was before, the son of Marta and the brother of Gabriel, and he only treats her coldly because that’s the way she treated him yesterday in front of her family. Cam says she appreciates Gabriel despite what he did. Ricky gets right in her face about believing Elena. He tells her that his brother told him Elena undressed in front of the window and signaled him to come to her room. Camila replies that his brother is a liar. Ricky says that she thinks that because Gabriel is the son of a housekeeper. He then says that his brother was right. The two of them have no chance and they’re never going to be equals. He walks off.

Elena, always clever, has noticed the way Figueroa looked at Camila and tells Gerardo she might have spotted a weakness.

At the prison in México Mario tells Diego that Adriana was in a house of prostitution in San Diego, but the place burned down. The women were returned to families in México, but no Adriana Aguilar was among them. When he embraces a suffering Diego, a guy injects Diego from behind. The prison guard whose family was threatened comes to get Carlos, hands him a knife outside the infirmary, and tells him he has 5 minutes. Carlos goes in smirking and stabs a blanket.

We see an ambulance racing off, lights flashing, followed by a police car. Diego is inside. A garbage truck blocks the cop car, allowing the ambulance to get clear. Diego has awoken and is let out of the ambulance. Don Mario’s lawyer tells him it was the only way to save him from Carlos. He gives him medicine, money, clothes, and the address of the bordello. Diego says that he’s now a fugitive from justice.

We see Mondriana burning the midnight oil with the textbooks preparing for her new job.

Diego gets to California in the back of a truck with some other undocumented immigrants. He appears to be in pain from his wound. We see Camila galloping her horse. We see Elena spying on the judge. We see Ricardo studying.

Mondriana tells Selma she’s going to use her real name: Mónica. Emiliana is griping to Pacho, the dog, about having to have a governess. When Mondriana knocks, it’s Camila who answers the door. After staring in amazement a couple of seconds, Mondriana introduces herself. She then studies the photos for a few seconds, and Gerardo approaches to introduce himself. We see her face, impactada!


Just bullet points today amiguis!

Nina and Max are now bidness associates. They'll work on a plan for something. He also likes her "luke" Also Nina tells Max that Jorgito is a Playboy, to throw Max off.

Debora and Jorgito break up. He can't love her like he loves Nina, don't eva look for Debora again, she's done with him.

Roman and his guys rob an armored car and there is gunfire. As they are making their getaway Roman is gets a flesh wound.

Roni goes to the house Suelen is being held in, to see what he can see. Suelen is making noise, Roni finds her in that crawl space, ungags her, she tries to tell him to go, Roman and his gang are very bad news, they blackmailed her, and they are wanted in Bolivia. Roni tries to find his cell, he dropped it in the street, Suelen begs him to go, and here comes Roman and his gang. They catch Roni there and then Roman tortures him to find out if he told anyone. Roni is in very bad shape and Suelen tries to get him to react, nothing. Suelen begs Roni for forgiveness. They are now both being held down there.

Ivana cries to Carmina that Max humiliated her she can't forgive him. Max comes home, begs Ivana and Tifon for forgiveness. Ivana says he can sleep on the sofa y punto.

Nina brings breakfast to Carmina who says her night sucked. Carmina is in a mood. Nina wants to know if it's Max, Tifon or Jorgito. It's Jorgito of course, and Rita of course. She must be back again. Carmina can't stand her. Nina will help her out with Rita, Ruh Roh.

There is a family meal and it's chaos as usual until Carmina comes. They are talking of nice meals and books. Carmina says family bidness meeting, Max is excluded from it and he's pithed.

Mona Lisa wants to meet with Tifon about the salons. She wants to be the sole owner and needs 15 million to buy him out. I think she is going to the bank. She goes and Silas comes and Olenka answers the door. He and Olenka are in a lip lock when Iran sees this. He isn't happy with either of them. They don't want him to tell Mona Lisa. Silas ends up going.

Max is in the pool swimming when Ivana comes out, he is still wanting forgiveness but she isn't giving it. Janaina comes out with juice and tells Max she can't believe he hired Lucio for that job, to stay away from Lucio or she'll call the cops. He tells her she's crazy and he'll see her put in a manicomio.

Lucio is enjoying his time with the cougar, whose name is Bernadette. She and Lucio have breakfast, do the deed and go to the beach. When she goes in the water, he pilfers something from her purse, and gives it to the guy at the drinks stand who gives him something back, didn't see what it was.

Diogenes and Dolores are meeting. She has a bad feeling about Roni, where is he? Dio says he went off last night and didn't come back. He's called Roni's phone, no answer and even called Suelen's phone no answer. Dolores is now very worried and Dio will ask Leandro if he knows where Roni is.

Carmina gives Max heck and here come Nina and Agatha. Carmina takes Agatha off and Nina acts as she did at the hotel. She tells Max something about the family meeting and 5 million for Ivana. Nina wants Max to trust her. He does and tries to slime on her again. She tells him not here. What is Nina up to with Max?

En otra piel

Thank you, Novelera! I was looking forward for your recap, so we can get the week started.

Finally, Monica is back home. I thought for sure that she was going to use the name Adriana, but I guess her reason kind of makes sense if we think about how much she already lost.
I wonder how she'll explain the fact that in her passport she is named Adriana.
Also, I bet Elena won't treat her too well, when she sees how young and pretty she is. Maybe now Monica will see that Elena is not all flowers and rainbows and she will start suspecting her.

I think that Elena will discover something nasty about the judge and will force him to be on her side. I was sure that the judge would make a deal with Gerardo, but for now he seems to be working in Camila's favor - his end game: getting in her pants (bleach!).

I find Camila totally unlikable when she starts ranting about her mom, but I agreed with her in the argument she had with Ricardo. He made it all about her being rich and siding with her own class, but the way I saw it, Camila had no reason to distrust her beloved cousin. She doesn't have any kind of established relationship with Gabriel, why would she trust him over Elena?
I don't think she was against Ricardo, she just took Elena's side because her story was better and she is a very good liar and manipulator. All that Gabriel said was that Elena provoked him - all abusers say this.
Ricardo has some self confidence issues, as far as I can tell. Being raised with rich kids in a rich house can bring out resentment down the line, no matter how much he tries to fight it or how much education he gets.
He will always feel inferior as opposed to those who knew him as the housekeeper's son.

@Madelaine: Avenida, thanks for the recap. Trust me you don't want to know what Nina is up to with Max. It's about to get real feo y pronto.I can't say more. Jorgito is one stubborn cutie pie when it comes to Nina.

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En Otra Piel

Thanks, Novelera, for the great recap. I'm glad I switched to this telenovela, but there are still a number of puzzles for me. One is Rodrigo Cantú. I had had the impression that he was a poorly educated guy who drank too much and that's why his wife and kids had not been living with him, but last night he seemed quite civilized and very well read, not to mention astute enough to figure out that Elena's actions were a ruse to get the boys out of the house (especially the older brother, who was prompting Camilla to challenge the will). Is there more about him that I would have understood had I seen the novela's early episodes?

En Otra Piel: Thanks for the great recap, Novelera.

So Mondriana doesn't remember making her will? She just says that she is sure that she wouldn't have left her daughters with nothing from the business that their father built.

Too bad that Don Mario's lawyer couldn't get him a false passport to cross the border. I predict that Diego is going to be taken in by some attractive woman who will heal his wound.

Camila is rather annoying but as Adriana Noel said, she has no reason to suspect Elena of being anything other than almost a sister to her. Likewise, the supposed terms of her mother's will just confirms her prejudices. Over the course of the novela, she will no doubt find out the truth about Elena and Gerardo as well as the truth about her mother's affection for her.

En Otra Piel:
Juanita: the back story on Rodrigo is that he wrote an amazing screenplay that some other guy stole from him and made a bundle. In his disappointment, etc., he turned to drink and abandoned his family. So he would be a fairly educated guy who seems to have gotten his life back together but of course, it is hard for the wife and family to forgive his failings in the past.

Avenida Brasil:

Thanks for the great recap, Madeleine. I think you got it all.

I see that Carmina is back to wearing all white again.


Sue 455: Thanks so very much for the articles. They were very interesting.


I agree with every thing you said about those articles.


Yes, I like Nina's new "luke" and also I did notice Carmina is all in white again. She should have kept the jeans : ) Oh, and I also liked the name of this page ya know, Camelia la Texana en otra piel, on Avendia Brasil, lol.


What a fun episode we had last night! We have Benigno, conquering his clumsiness to give a heartfelt political speech in his quest to be "governor" (more like mayor or county executive). Too bad Arnulfo's guy Maxmiliano is also trying for the post, along with his violent friends.

And Lupito gets his punishment, as Alma's dream of a snake comes true. When Arnulfo wants to lock Lupe in the stables for his failures, Alma says she's not vengeful, can't he stay in the guest room? He does, and the snake bites him in the FACE. Ewww.

Meanwhile, Nopalito, disguised a a day worker, has found Alma, and says he'll rescue her. The only one suspicious was Lupe, and I don't think he'll be doing much talking.

This day worker thing is really going to haunt Arnulfo, as Facundo ALSO goes underground and gets hired, calling himself Moises. He's got great ideas about crops, about security, and may earn Arnie's confidence.

Camelia earns Mireya's confidence, as Mireya sets the horses loose, creating a diversion, as she and Camelia jump in a car and speed away. Yippee!

And then my girlfriend (I wish), Alison, pulls the oldest trick in the book, the cute lady lying in the middle of the road one, Alacran falls for it, she pulls a gun, and rescues Emilio!

So that's twice now that Jorgito has broken up with Deborah because of Nina, that must sting....What I like about Deborah's character is that she isn't the cliche evil girlfriend (or ex-girlfriend now) of the galan. If Nina hadn't come back into the picture, Jorgito probably would of been perfectly happy with her.

It's interesting that both Carmina & Nina are good at making people believe that they're something that they're not. Hope she's careful with what she's doing with Max, because she's definitely on a slippery slope.

Now that Roni is missing too, I hope they'll move the story line with Suelen along faster. & what Lucio was given was a pill/drug. That boy is soooo shady.

Thx Madelaine, I've missed and episode or 2 the last few weeks, but your recaps have kept me appraised.



thanks so much Hombre!
once again I got lost in a couple of the conversations, but you made it all seem so simple.

as yes, Alison sure did look cute as she snuggled up to her once again free man,
Emilio not so much so, has he been bitten by Camelia?

and so there we leave el Alacran, handcuffed to his car, ha!

and their son, emilio jr., seems to be the brat,
who just can't get enough attention from his parents.

and the new DEA guy Moises, (our Mexican cop Facundo García) seems a little out of place, and Arnulfo's foreman sure isn't liking him.

but before he went undercover he laid out to the DEA the whole Sinaloa crime scene, he seems to know all of the bad guys, and their history.

and our little Alma is turning out to be a handful, pleading with Nopalito to save her, but then also having the vision of the snake, and when the snake strikes Lupe on the cheek, she thanks it, gracias animalito.

Lupe doesn't look so good.



Part I

Oi, Oi, Oi, what an epi! Mona Lisa, Leleco, Muricy, and Ivana are meeting with Mona Lisa's lawyer, Tifon hasn't made it there yet. When he finally gets there, there is paperwork to sign which both of them do and a check is given to Tifon and now Mona Lisa is the sole owner of the salons. Ivana is sad cause she'll miss her work, but Mona Lisa, being very gracious, says she can work for her anytime. Nice handshake and it's done. Olenka is there too and more hugs and it's on to a new phase for Olenka and Mona Lisa.

Lucio and Bernadette the cougar are at her place. He is fixing her a drink and slips a pill in the drink (Thanks JLK) must be working with that bartender on the beach, and he hands her the drink. She drinks a sip and she asks for more sugar and when his back is turned she dumps the drink in a plant. She says she's tired and passes out on the sofa. As soon as she does, he goes through her purse, takes her jewelry from her bedroom and something from the closet. He's on the way out the door with his backpack when Bernadette pulls a gun on him. She's an agent assigned to catch guys like him drugging women and ripping them off. So Lucio is Busted!

Dolores and Diogenes are still to together and she's praying for Roni. Leandro comes and Dio asks him if he's seen Roni, nopis. What about Suelen? Leandro remembers about what happened before and tells Dio he knows where Suelen is staying and Dio and he go off to find Roni.

Tifon and Leleco are drinking and discussing Tifon's love life. Leleco can't understand why Tifon is still in this dead marriage. Tifon tells him again he has a family with Carmina. Leleco thinks that Tifon ought to get with Nina. Tifon feels she is a pipe dream, in his heart yes, in real life no. He feels it's more of a Platonic love and Tifon has to explain this to Leleco. Tifon has to explain that is love without sex. Leleco can't believe it. He wants Tifon to do something for Tifon for a change.

Jorgito goes to Carmina's and runs into Napoleon the guard. He tells Napoleon he's here to visit but not Carmina don't tell her. He goes in the house and scares Nina half to death. He tells her he broke it off with Debora they are done. He wants to be with Nina, she says now is not the time. He wants her to give up the venganza or is that more important than him? One thing leads to another, they kiss and then end up in her room doing the deed. In the after glow he wants her to be his girlfriend, he loves her, she's crazy about him. He'll even be her accomplice. One day she will tell him all about what is going on she swears. Nina wants him to swear he won't tell Carmina he broke up with Debora for her. He promises. She is asking him to go, but she's his mujer now. Outside Tifon comes back and Napoleon tells Tifon that Jorgito is back. Tifon goes in the house and mentions this to Carmina who had a chocolate bar and I think was dissing Agatha about being fat. When Tifon comes in gives the bar to Agatha. Well, Carmina hasn't seen Jorgito and goes on a search. ZeZe also knocks on Nina's door to see if she's seen Jorgito, but Nina says no. Jorgito and Nina giggle and she says he really has to go now.


Part II

Roni is having water dumped on him. Suelen doesn't want him dead but Roman is going to kill Roni anyway. Dio and Leandro show up there and ring the bell. Roman and the gang panic. Roman goes to the gate and opens it and tells them that Roni isn't there. What about Suelen they ask? He asks them to wait and goes and gets Suelen. Tells her to keep her mouth shut, don't say a word or else. She hugs Roni and takes his necklace off and palms it. She goes to the gate and tells them she hasn't seen Roni, he hates her, they know. She hugs Dio and palms the necklace to him. She waves bye and then they start to go and then Dio sees the necklace, knows Roni is in trouble and is calling the police. They go.

Carmina has looked all over and can't find Jorgito. Tifon thinks maybe he is in the garden, when he comes in , in a robe, and claims he was in the sauna. Jorgito is back to calling Carmina, Carmina again. She wants a word with Jorgito about the breakup with Debora. Does he have a girlfriend? No, Debora was interested in marriage and kids and Jorgito is not. Max even backs up Jorgito and says he's a playboy. Nina smirks and then Carmina asks Jorgito if he's seeing Rita? Jorgito swears he's not.

Nina went to the kitchen where Max has cornered her. He tells her not to cheat him when Muricy comes in and tells Nina it's time for time off. She goes.

Nina has brought breakfast to Carmina who is just sure that Rita is back and this time Carmina is gonna handle it differently and wants Nina's help. Nina also has to help her dress and Nina is less than pleased.

Max is working out and Carmina comes. He calls Carmina Patrona which she really isn't happy with. She calls him her amante and she is his mujer. He doesn't look too happy. He wants it to be known officially but it isn't time for that yet. I think they are going to that little hideway they have and he says he'll go.

Roman and the gang are packing up the weapons and the lana, and they only have to kill Roni. who I think is throwing up. He has his back to Roman who has his gun and pointing it at Roni's head. The police have finally arrived and Leandro and Dio watch as they surround the house and are going in. Inside Suelen yells at Roman to kill her already. She hates him and struggles for the gun and ends up with a bullet in her thigh. Cops are finally in the house and there is a shootout. Some gang members killed, Roman is arrested and Roni is yelling for an ambulance for Suelen. Dio grabs Roni to take him and Leandro stays with Suelen.

Max comes in and wants juice and Janaina is pithed at him. Lucio has been arrested and it's all this devil's fault. He pushes her and calls her crazy and threatens to fire her. Nina saves her and brings her to the kitchen. She tells Nina that Lucio has been arrested for another crime. It's all Max's fault and she has no money. Nina will help her out.

I think Max is gambling and loses. He goes to the bar for a drink, elbows the guy and the guy punches him.

Janaina goes and bails Lucio out. He wants nothing to do with her. He'd rather be indigent and on the street, look for him in the morgue he says and leaves. Janaina beside herself.

Nina is putting her "luke" on again when the phone rings. It's Max, crying his eyes out, wanting help. He cries he has nothing. Nina will come there. Zeze also remarked about her "luke" got a boyfriend she asks? None ya says Nina. Nina's phone rings again and it's Jorgito who is making Nina's risotto recipe, and he leaves her a voice mail.

Carmina is at that little hideaway and calls Max cause he isn't there. He doesn't answer and she leaves him a snide voice mail.

Nina comes to where Max is. He looks completely broken and says everything is bad. He wants to do the right thing, he's very upset and Nina tries to calm him down. She hugs him and whispers in his ear to trust her and tell her. What will Max tell Nina?



Thanks for the heads up! This one moves so very fast.


I so agree with you about Carmina, she always does get her way doesn't she? I too am glad that Mona Lisa is now in full control of her salons. I agree with you about Tifon and Agatha, but actually he spends more time with her than Carmina does.


I so agree with you about Debora. She really didn't deserve what she got from Jorgito, and I think he shouldn't have used her as the rebound woman the second time they got together. Carmina and Nina are very good with getting people to believe anything aren't they? I too think it will be a heap of trouble with Max and Nina. Something is bound to go wrong somewhere.


En Otra Piel

what a wonderful recap novelera!

I was worried about Monica being recognized as the weirdo lurking at the gates, but I guess that was mostly Gabriel that jumped on that and shooed her away, but Geraldo did see her there once.

and I'm interested to see Emiliana's reaction to her now.

Carlos seems to have taken matters into his own hands, it was wise of don Mario to get Diego out of there, but will don Mario be alright?

when Selma says that Monica's signature was confirmed on the new will, and Monica tries to recall, I guess she just isn't getting the scenes yet where Elena killed her.


En Otra Piel
Thanks very much, Jean, for filling me in on Rodrigo's past. I now see him in a rather different light.

I'm feeling rather frustrated. Just as I'm getting hooked on this novela, I'll have to miss a number of episodes due to traveling. I'll be depending more than ever on the CarayCaray recaps and comments. Muchas gracias por adelantado.

Avenida Brasil

Thanks for the great recap, Madeleine!

So of course Nina isn't going to call Jorgito and make up an excuse why she is late or isn't coming at all. So of course Jorgito is going to be all pi**ed off. And for no reason - you have a phone - use it!!


Excellent recaps of the last two epis. Thanks, Mads.

Jean- Ditto. Exactly what I was going to comment. Nina just chose her revenge over Jorgito.

I'm glad Jorgito set Deborah free. She deserves to find someone who really loves her. I'm also happy that Suelen is now free. Will she be a changed woman after this?

I noticed that Carmina broke out the red sexy underwear for Max, instead of the white pieces she's always trying to tempt Tifon with.


Juanita and Jean, I have seen Guillermo Quintanilla (Rodrigo Cantú) in quite a few other novelas. And, perhaps because of his bulky appearance, he usually plays either a mean campesino or a kindhearted one. But he always has played rather uneducated males in other roles I've seen him in. So it was sort of fun listening to his proud recitals of the great authors available in the bookstore.

They didn't clarify if he's just an employee or owns the store. Judging by his "humble abode", I would suspect he just works there.


Slow day today, so I'm able to write a quick recap of the episode.

Mondriana has arrived at the house and is chatting with Gerardo. She can barely keep her distance from him, he smiles a lot and offers her a glass of wine (really? wouldn't coffee be more appropriate?). They talk about how much he loved Monica; Mondriana says that she used to know her, too.

Emi ran away again; she and Pacho are at the secret place where Emi and Monica used to hang out.
Gerardo and Camila go searching for her and they both think that she might be at the cemetery. Meeting there, Camila refuses Gerardo's help for ever and for always.

The one who actually finds Emi is Mondriana. First Pacho senses her presence and starts playing with her, then she and Emi instantly bond. Mondriana says that she knows about the secret place from Monica and Emi asks her to keep it a secret from the rest of the family.

They return home and everyone is thankful with Mondriana for having found Emi. The girl wants the new governess to stay and Gerardo invites her to live with them.

Elena is there, too and she isn't very happy with the new hire. Later on she tells Gerardo that he shouldn't have asked the governess to live with them. Gerardo thinks she's jealous. Their make up session is interrupted by Gerardo's brother, who is helping them get incriminating evidence on the pervy judge (after Elena promised him a good chunk of money in exchange for his services).
They are all in front of a brothel, waiting for the judge to show up; when he does, Gerardo's bro goes inside, possibly to film him and later on blackmail him.

Mondriana is telling Selma about the great day she had with Emi and their instant connection. She's also happy to have talked with Gerardo and overjoyed by the fact that he told her about how much he loved Monica (like he would have told a perfect stranger otherwise).

The guy from the bar drops by Rodrigo's bookstore, to collect some protection money. Apparently East LA is a dangerous place to live in, with gangs who control territories and threaten people - how about that?
Ricardo shows up in the middle of the exchange and later on gets all preachy with his father, who should confront those criminals, not pay them up. Easy for Ricardo to talk, he lived in a mansion, playing kissy face with the senorita de la casa for most of his life.
Are Ricardo and Camila supposed to be the young couple to root for? They are both so unlikable!
Anyway, he calls Camila to let her know that the semester is starting the next day, so he's leaving for San Francisco.
Camila asks Marta for his address and I thought she was going to pay his a night visit (bow chicka wow wow), but she goes the next morning, to say good bye or something.

In the meantime Diego is roaming the streets of San Diego, in search of Adriana. He tracks down Rita, the nasty hooker, in a hospital and eventually he finds out that his girlfriend said something about going to East LA, at a bar.
So he jumps on a bus and as he arrives in the city, he sees Mondriana in the street, with a bag - she is moving in with Gerardo & Family.
He starts calling for her, but he's still in the bus, so she'll probably disappear by the time he gets down.

En Otra Piel

thanks so much Adriana?
(or is it Monica, ha!)

Diego is pretty sharp to pick up on the Monica thing,
(good point you made earlier about her passport)
but I imagine as he tracks her down, Carlos will be working his way to town.

I think Geraldo offered her wine, because of it being a vineyard, and it was their special stock. (over here, I'll try some).

I'm not too fond of Monica's dreamy squinty eyed, "I'm home" look, interesting tight and proper but always in your face hairdo, but I did enjoy her time with Emi, what a wonderful second chance she has been given.

hmm, Geraldo was checking her out, and maybe it's not like she thinks. He plays the good guy so well, it just pulls me right in, maybe he is ok, (or not).

the bookstore is kind of interesting, is that their home as well.

so how are Monica's two girl friends going to figure in, maybe working at that bar they will be mixing with the locals, plus Gabriel, Diego and Carlos.


En Otra Piel

Thanks very much, Adriana, for the quick recap. I understand why Mónica was thrilled to hear Gerardo say he loved his dead wife with all his heart, but like you, I thought "(like he would have told a perfect stranger otherwise)." My guess is that Gerardo will come on to her. What I can't decide is whether she'll be hurt that he can love again so soon, or thrilled that he must somehow sense that she's Mónica. My guess is the latter. Sigh.



I guess it's not so easy for two young girls to get into selling marijuana. Camelia and Mireya are helping each other. Mireya has that suitcase full of weed, Camelia is at first shocked, I mean, it's illegal! But Mireya convinces her it's not that bad. Unfortunately, most guys in bars want the girls more than the weed. At least they can defend themselves!

The scenes with Emilio and his brother Aron were funny to me, since it's the same actor. So most of the time, they used doubles, but once or twice they showed both, with some sort of split screen effect. I was watching that so much I missed what they said, except that Emilio wasn't being too nice. Finally, Alison convinced him to at least thank Aron for taking care of Emi, Jr., and Emilio DID say that.

As pretty as Alison is, I think Emilio will prefer Camelia, since he can dominate her, teach her, etc., whereas Alison is a little too strong for him.

Facundo really has a tough job, not getting found out, while he has to be the sharpshooter to kill Antonio. At least Carson had that truck put in front of the building. Inside, the local leader wants Arnie and Tony to agree. One can have his guy mayor this time, the other next time. No way, they both say. Tony complains that Arnie kidnapped Alma. Arnie complains that Tony robbed his heroin shipment. Both of these are true. What to do? Enter La Nacha!


thanks so much for the comments Hombre,
I like this one, it's so different, but sometimes the conversations just lose me.

some other things,

and now that Emilio is home, the brother is totally ignored, I think he really cares for Alison and emilio jr. and is not too happy.

the sweet Arulfo, I guess Lupe died from the snake bite, takes charge of the blind Alma and gets her out of that attic loft and moves her into a nice room in the big house, but as he opens the door for her, she senses that same snake on her bed and freaks, is this an Arulfo joke?

at a democratic meeting at the Arulfo ranch, Facundo makes a suggestion, and is beat to the ground then kicked, apparently he didn't have permission to speak, but now that that is over with, Arulfo wants to hear what he has to say.

at a casual secret meeting on the railroad tracks, Facundo says he doesn't want to become a killer,
Carson (the american cop, now DEA) says it's ok as long as it's not one of ours.

at the political meeting, after Arulfo and Antonio refuse to budge, doesn't the other guy (the party boss ??) say, well ok, I'll take the office. I'm really curious to see how this plays out because the truck Carson had moved next to the building, blocking the sniper shot, has enough explosive gas on it to kill everyone.

and the cowgirls are a lot of fun to watch, in their big car and suitcase full of marijuana.

am I getting this right?

mota / hierba is grass / marijuana

goma is paste / heroin
gomero's are the workers



Part I

We are back to double episode so doing a brief recap for both.

At the curb on the street is where we left Max and Rita yesterday. Seems Max is depressed and nothing is going right. Rita takes him for something to drink, but not alcohol, just orange juice. He dances with her and slimes on her again. He can't get enough of her perfume. She tells him to have patience.

Ivana is having a bad day, what with Max, his not being home that is. Finally, Max makes his way home. He tells them (he cooked this up with Nina earlier) that he was the victim of an attempted kidnapping. Ya know, cause he's bruised up and bleeding. Seems a tooth or two is loose. Ivana just happy he's back and she forgives him.

Later, Max sees Lucio on the street, he wants something either another job or money, I think. Max has a brilliant idea. We'll get back to that later.

Carmina is still fit to be tied thinking Jorgito has once again hooked up with Rita. She goes to Tiradero looking for Nilo. She bribes one of the little girls with a bracelet to tell her where Nilo went, he's living in Copacabana now but not an apartment, a hotel.

Jorgito waits for Nina and is finally fed up and goes off with Iran.

Tifon wants to call Zenon because of Max's "kidnap attempt", how about body guards is what the family and Max tries to talk Tifon into that too. Tifon will do what he can, no Zenon.

Nina has finally gone to Jorgito's but he's gone to Iran's. She texts him and goes home.

Jorgito has a chat with Tifon. He wants to Tifon to lie to Carmina about Rita. He did break up with Debora because of her, but don't tell her. They will never hear the end of it. Tifon reluctantly agreed.

At home, Max comes into Nina's room and slimes on her. He wants her and much more. She tells him to have patience and he swipes her perfume, he is addicted to it and goes.

Jorgito comes in almost immediately afterward and wants to know what Max was doing in her room. He just wanted something for Ivana she says. He wants to go away with her, but she can't for four days, I think. He also tells her, he feels bad for having Tifon lie to Carmina about her, Rita, cause she is being all crazy about Rita again. She told Tifon that Rita is psychotic and very bad. Nina is pithed, but Jorgito says he is there for her. They cuddle and do the deed in her bed.

Carlitos is off to commune with nature before the wedding. He is going to some deserted island instead of having a bachelor party. Off he goes. After he goes Alexia prays to Dios, Mohammed, Budda, Krishna and whoeva else that this wedding comes off without a hitch.

Max takes the jacked perfume and sprays Ivana all over with it and starts to do the hoochie koochie with her, sees Rita's face, sort of like Tifon did, and then sprays Ivana again and wooo hooo, it's on!


Thanks so much, Adriana, for the double duty recap! You picked up on a lot of the same things I did.

Deb, witty as always! [to Adriana, the recapper: Or is it Mónica?]

One thing I've noticed about this novela: when they show a flashback it often is helpful and moves the plot along rather than just using up time. Diego's remembering that Adriana said she was Mónica provided a necessary clue.

That scene of him seeing Adriana walking down the street with her suitcase was straight out of Dr. Zhivago.

I thoroughly enjoyed Maria Luisa's acting last night. Her joy at reconnecting with her daughters was SO noticeable.

It was pretty funny when Elena opined that Emi had disappeared because she didn't want to have an old hag with bad breath for a governess. And we all knew she was NOT going to be best pleased at the sight of beautiful Mondriana. And, of course, she loves to torture these girls (and her mother) so won't like to see them happy with the new member of the household.

There's been some speculation about Mondriana's recollection of a last will and testament. They haven't overtly said she remembers the one that the evil duo burned. But I'm sure she must remember it. She certainly is confused and not 100% sure she didn't write the one giving everything to Gerardo. It just seems completely unfathomable and out of character for her to have done so.

I don't think it was that weird offering wine. He first offered because he picked up on her being nervous. She refused. Then he made a point about it being a private reserve of their label and well worth it. So, even if he is a scheming gigolo, Gerardo is proud of the product produced by the firm where he works.


Part II

Next day, Ivana tells Carmina that she had a great night, never had one like this with Max before, and he must have an amante he learned all this stuff from. Carmina less than pleased.

I forgot a part from the last post. Carmina gets all pithy with Max about the supposed kidnap. She thinks he's stupid, par for the course.

Carmina goes to see Debora who is less than pleased to see her. She wants the skinny, is Jorgito seeing Rita or not. Debora, bless her heart, won't tell Carmina a thing. Wants nothing to do with her. Carmina gets going. After she goes, Veronica tells Debora good thing you didn't marry into that family now , no karma or Carmina!

Nina also goes to see Debora. She thanks her for not saying anything and even offers to get Jorgito to get back with Debora, but Debora doesn't want that. Nina sincerely thanks Debora again, and apologizes and would really like to be her friend. She goes too.

Noemia and Veronica see the notice in the paper about Alexia and Carlitos getting married. They can't believe it.

Alexia tries on her wedding dress, and Paloma her bridesmaid dress. The maid, Adelaide, goes to get something at the store, when Veronica wants to know where Carlitos is. Of course, Addie spills the beans, in a deserted island and gives her the name. Ruh, Roh.

Suelen is in the hospital and gets a visit from Dolores, Diogenes, Roni and Leandro. They are happy she is okay, but she's still in trouble. I think Dolores told her that Roman is in federal custody and being deported back to Bolivia. Suelen's in trouble too, but Roni will get her a lawyer to get her legal papers I think. They all thank her for saving Roni's life, especially Diogenes, who knew when she gave him Roni's necklace that he was in trouble. They seem to have come to peace with Suelen as she has with them and think she is very brave.

Carlitos on the deserted island with some things and he's stretching and looking happy.

Carmina is out in Copacabana and has spotted Nilo. She follows him back to the hotel and offers him a million to tell her where Rita is. Carmina believes that the money she gave Rita is being used for Nilo's maintenance. He tells her when she can come up with a better plan and money to come see him again. She also tries to get into Nina's room there, but Nilo stops her and throws her out.

I will condense this cause it's the same each time. Carmina is still trying to get Tifon into her bed again. She is filling Tifon's head with all kinds of drek about Rita, she lies and says that Genesio had a bastard daughter named Rita, that hates Carmina, she's like the devil. She is sure that Rita caused a lot of this stuff to come out and is trying to destroy the family. Tifon never knew about Rita. Please fill in what Carmina said to Tifon. He won't sleep with Carmina, he needs time. Same as the next time, all about Rita and Jorgito, same conclusion, he leaves. Third time the same, same and same, by this time Tifon knows that Jorgito left Debora for Rita, but he doesn't tell Carmina anything and again leaves.

Carmina again corners Max, but now she wants to know who his amante is. He doesn't have to tell La Patrona! She's pithed.



Max's brilliant idea is to hire Lucio as a sort of bodyguard outside the house, for the pool and garden. Carmina has a cow, but the family takes a vote and Carmina is outnumbered. Lucio is hired!

Nilo goes to Tiradero and wants a chat with Mama Lucinda. He's figured out most of the kidnap deal, that Nina got some of that money and that's how she is keeping him in the hotel, and remembers that she said she had more money. He wakes Mama Lucinda out of a dead sleep, he tells her not to have a heart attack, but he wants to know where the rest of the lana is. He even tries to toss the place but Mama Lucinda grabs him by the neck and tosses him out. The money is still safe.

Olenka is all dressed up and about to go out. Mona Lisa wants to know who the new guy is? Olenka is on the spot and says his name is Esteban. She made up a job for him too, I think maybe accountant. Mona Lisa is glad she's got a new guy. If Mona Lisa only knew. Iran comes down and as Olenka goes he calls her Madame Amante, lol.

Nina goes into the kitchen and sees Tifon. He's got a headache, wouldn't you if you were Tifon? Anyhoo, Nina gets him a pill and he talks to her. Seems he isn't comfortable lying to Carmina about the Rita situation, and Nina tells him it's only really a white lie, a little lie for Jorgito. Well, Tifon feels bad about Rita cause he'd like to have something to say to her. Nina takes his hand and tells him to tell her what he would say to Rita. He tells her he met Genesio before he met Carmina and lied to her at first about how he met Genesio. The fact is there was an accident, and Tifon killed Genesio! Cara impactada de Nina with tears in her eyes. Will Nina/Rita get the whole story from Tifon? What will this do to her venganza plan? So many questions.

En Otra Piel:
Thanks, Adriana, for the nice recap.
It will interesting to see how they handle the relationship between Gerardo and Mondriana. In ECDD, Mondriana's equivlent, Pedro Jose/Salvador suspected that his wife had murdered him and was trying find out if that was true. At some point, Mondriana will remember that Elena did murder her.

Also, there was a strong physical attraction between P-J/Salvador and Gerado's equivalent, Isabel, because P-J/Salvador came back as an incredibly studly guy. Adriana has a nice bod but nothing compared to Elena's.

The real question, it seems to me, is was Gerardo at all in love with Monica or was it all an act by the gigolo.

En Otra Piel

Deb, you're giving me a personality disorder. Monica Noel does have a nice ring to it, but I can't play the piano, so...
I'm not too crazy about the hairdo, either, makes me lose focus.

It makes sense that Gerardo would offer her wine because the family has its own brand, but it still felt too early and too familiar to me. The young widow is really liking the governess - how about that for a 21st century story? :)

The way the actor played it when Mondriana asked - I think Gerardo did love Monica, but on some level he's still not admitting it, not even to himself.

Juanita, Mondriana looks so mitten with Gerardo, I think she'd rather think that he "feels" that they share this special connection and that is why he's drawn to her.
And that brings me to Jean...

Jean, you make a good point about the smoking passion between the leads in ECDD - Mario Cimarro could play the slightly unpolished guy and still be hot, but Mondriana is so prim and proper.
If Gerardo falls for her, it could be that he "feels" Monica inside of her or something.


Avenida Brasil

After watching the first 20 episodes more or less, I got restless, thinking I will never be able to catch up with the rest of you. As it turns out, watching all by myself is not that much fun!

So I started reading recaps (THANK YOU ALL FOR THOSE!!!), found out that Jorgito knows Carmina is his real mother, Tifon is in love with Nina and a bunch of other characters did their thing, too. I restarted watching about 5 episodes ago and now I'm only an episode behind, so hopefully, tomorrow I'll be up to date.

But in the meantime I have to say that Nina's connection to Max is all kinds of creepy; the two actors were a couple in O Clon and they were really good together, seeing them here is strange.

I find Nina and Tifon the most interesting pair to watch, but that's mostly because I know that the actors fell in love for real while filming the exact scenes that we are watching now; so for me it's almost like watching a reality show.

Nina and Jorgito have a lot of great sex, but I'm starting to think that Nina and Carmina are the true couple of this story. Brazilian tns are almost never predictable, what if they both go down by the end?

I can't stand Carlitos. He was fun for ten seconds, but enough is enough. Why isn't he in jail?

Is anyone else rooting for Suelen and Roni?

AVENIDA BRASIL, Quarta-feira

Yes, Adriana, I'm rooting for Suelen and Roni. I hated Suelen's s/l at the beginning but now I don't want to FF through it. Besides, Roni is going to need Suelen's support when he finds out his mother is Dolores and that she was a porn star named Sonia.

Nina and Max? ICK! When they were in O Clone was he the one who got Mel addicted booze and drugs? I can't remember.

Darn! Tifón was reading another book and I couldn't see the title. When I pause it gets blurry. He reads: "En otro tiempo la naturaleza humana era muy diferente de lo que es hoy. Primero, había tres clases de hombres..." (In another time human nature was very different than it is today. First, there were three types of men...) Anyone recognize this?

If this were a Telerisa novela Nina wouldn't find out about Tifón running over her father until near the end.

Avenida Brasil

Carmina's face when Ivana was telling her about her great night of passion - priceless! The actress nailed the scene - trying to show support and interest like a sister-in-law would, but feeling jealous and disgusted at the same time.

Sue, believe it or not, but in O Clon Nina and Max were quite a sweet couple; this happened about 10 years ago, he was younger, they looked good together; he was the good, but poor guy, that her family didn't want but ended up saving her from her addiction.


Deb, good comments. I think Arnulfo was testing Alma, to see if she'd sense the snakes, which she did.

Thanks for the translations of the slang terms. The slang is what makes this show hard to understand, plus some of the characters (like Emilio) really slur their words, but of course, that's true of many shows, so I'm hoping I'll get used to it. On some of the Medellin shows, at first I couldn't understand much, but I got used to the accent.

I sort of like Lu and Chaing, since they're smart. But the downside is they don't seem to have strong feelings for people, such as Lu not caring about Alma nearly as much as Antonio does.

Avenida Brasil-

I got the book that Tifón was reading. It is called O Alienista and it was written in 1882 by a famous Brazilian writer named, Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis who Wikipedia says,

"was a Brazilian novelist, poet, playwright, short story writer, and advocate of monarchism. Widely regarded as the greatest writer of Brazilian literature, nevertheless he did not gain widespread popularity outside Brazil in his own lifetime.

Machado's works had a great influence on Brazilian literary schools of the late 19th century and early 20th centuries. José Saramago, Carlos Fuentes, Woody Allen and Susan Sontag are among his admirers.

O Alienista or "The Psychiatrist" is described as a comic novela (it is very short) and follows the scientific efforts of a Dr. Simão Bacamarte, a prominent Portuguese physician whose obsession for discovering a universal method to treat and consequently cure psychiatric disturbances drives inhabitants of the small Brazilian town of Itaguaí to fear, conspiracy and revolutionary attempts. In a short space of time, Bacamarte's madhouse, popularly named "Green House", takes inside of its walls not only mentally ill patients but also healthy citizens who, according to the doctor's diagnoses, are about to develop some sort of mental illness. Porfírio, the town's barber, indicts Bacamarte for his corruptive influence over the Municipal Assembly, which since the beginning approved the experiments taken place at the Green House, "the Bastille of human Knowledge".



I lol'd at your comment about the red lingerie, too funny, and too true. I think she is trying to maintain some type of "virginal" image with Tifon. Just a thought.

Adriana Noel:

I think Carlitos is a hoot. I didn't like him in the beginning but I find him funny now. The reason he isn't in jail for bigamy is because he didn't legally marry Veronica or Noemia. The both know this too. That's why they are so jealous that Carlitos wants to legally marry Alexia. Interesting thoughts on Carmina and Nina going down in the end. I wondered about that myself. It will be interesting to find out.

Sue 455:

I'm with you and Adriana Noel rooting for Suelen and Roni. They are really good together. I missed the book! I can't believe it, but now that this TN is back at two hours again, I sometimes miss the details. I can't stand Max, he is a real slime ball and I really think Nina is going to have trouble controlling him. I too agree with you about the reveal of Tifon having caused Genesio's death. That was a shock!


Thank you so much for the info on the book. I try to keep up with what Tifon is reading, the books are so varied and interesting.

Now to my own thoughts. I think Nina is walking fine line. Nilo would spill the beans on her in a heartbeat, Mama Lucinda is still trying to protect her although she is having a hard time, Max is sliming himself all over her, Jorgito wants to be her official boyfriend and Tifon claims he still loves Nina! Oi, Oi, Oi, the girl is gonna crash and burn at some point, never mind her venganza plan. She simply has too much on her plate to control everything. I will be curious to see how she handles all these problems. Some of them are getting bigger!

EN OTRA PIEL – Miércoles

Just the bullet points.

** Diego tries to run after Mondriana, opens his wound, and faints. We get a string of coincidences. The same woman who is the landlady of Maite and Valeria, Lupe, finds him and brings him home. She calls her buddy, Rodrigo Cantú and asks him to bring a doctor.

** Ricardo gets a call while he’s making up with Camila in the park. He’s told that Mónica didn’t pay his tuition for the school year. We see a flashback of Mónica, in a hurry, entrusting that check to Elena, who tears it up.

**Mondriana is installed in the Guest House at Casa Serrano at Gerardo’s insistence. She begins to make nice with the servants, slipping up a bit by being too familiar.

** After the morning’s teaching of Emi, Mondriana is having lunch with Lorena, Elena, Emiliana, and Camila. Emi repeats what she was told: that Mondriana’s mother was in high school with Mónica and that she knew her. Elena starts grilling her.

** Camila breaks the news to Marta about no tuition, going into another rant against her mother. Mondriana has come to the kitchen for lemonade for Emi and overhears.

** Mario’s lawyer says Carlos is very dangerous and he’ll try to get him transferred after he gets out of solitary. Apparently his stabbing the blanket was discovered.

** Selma’s guy who is on TV with her (forgot his name) wants to submit Mondriana to tests at the university. It appears it’s because he wants to advance his career.

** Elena grills Monica some more in private, and she gives Elena a reference phone number that turns out to be Selma’s TV co-worker, who doesn’t do a great job lying.

** Lorena, who seems dumber every day, is completely manipulated by Elena into telling Camila that Emi could be put up for adoption if the will were successfully contested.

** Ricardo tells Gabriel and his father, who planned a goodbye celebration, that he’s not going back to Berkeley and that his dream is over.

** Mondriana is telling Selma about what happened. She doubts herself and wonders if she did those hypocritical and egotistical things. Selma suggests a plot, first by Elena and then by Gerardo, but Mondriana insists they’re good.

** Carlos looms over Don Mario at lunch with a bunch of guys from his newly formed gang. Things don’t look good.

** From the kitchen Mondriana hears someone come to the door to be greeted by Elena, Lorena, and Camila. Whoops! It’s Judge Pervo, who very well knows Mondriana from the bordello in San Diego

@Madelaine: Avenida
Nina crossed a line into crazy town for me with her plan with Max. I was baffled. She went slightly nuts. You'll see what I mean in the coming explosive episodes oy! oy! oy! Her plate will spill over.

En Otra Piel

thanks so much novelera!
I think you covered everything, kind of a everyone getting acquainted show.

curious how Elena was being so nice to Monica as she was questioning her, I would have thought she would have drilled her, but instead she was being very clever walking on new ground, and clever evil people are extra scary.

interesting how brother Ernesto was talking about the bordello, in that they collect your cell phone so there is no picture taking.

btw, Selma's friend is listed in wiki as Esteban, played by Omar Germenos, who was recently a host on the morning talk show, "Un Nuevo Día", and was also the gay husband in ¿Dónde Está Elisa?.

I'm looking forward to seeing how this all plays out with super tough guy Diego stepping in to protect Monica who is in way over her head, and they hardly know each other.

ooo, one more point, Monica said she would give Selma the 'dije' (Esteban wants to study it) if she can remember where it is. (Esteban of course would rather study Monica, because this proves that there is life after death, but so far Selma is squelching that whole thing)



Part I:

Oi, Oi, Oi, what great episodes! We left Tifon confessing to Nina that he had accidently killed Rita's Papa. He describes exactly what happened, how Genesio said Carmina's name and how Genesio died in Tifon's arms. He thought that Genesio wanted Tifon to help Carmina, but Nina tells him it could have been for another reason. They are both crying at this point. He tells Nina if he had known about Rita he would have taken her in and treated her as his own. Nina tells him he isn't to blame himself for what happened. It wasn't his fault. They hold hands and cry, Muricy comes in and Nina gets on the floor after they go and cries her eyes out.

Carmina still giving Jorgito grief over Rita being evil, the devil, yadda, yadda when finally Jorgito has had enough and throws her out as Iran comes to visit. Jorgito asks Iran to move in with him for a bit. Iran agrees.

Olenka and Silas make plans to go out. Mona Lisa comes and again thinks that Silas is there to see her. They are at the salon. Silas ends up going and Mona Lisa thinks that maybe Silas is in love with someone else.

Nilo is eating and drinking with some buddies in the hotel when Nina comes. She throws them out and gets on is case about how she got him out of Tiradero so he could lead a more dignified life. He accuses her of being like Robin Hood, steal from the rich, give to the poor. She thinks he's nuts. He tells her his theory about her having stolen some of that ransom money. She says no way she did that. She wants Nilo to convince Carmina that Rita is long gone. Nilo isn't happy he could go tell Tifon all about it. What is it he wants? He wants a fancy meal like Nina makes for Carmina. She is right on that.

Tifon and Carmina are in bed and she asks if he is concerned about that "bastarda", he says he is, if he had known about her at the time he married Carmina, he would have taken Rita in and treated her as one of his own kids. Tifon killed her Papa, and Carmina thinks it's a good thing no one knows. He tells her he told Jorgito. Carmina says that Rita is demented. Tifon tells her that Jorgito doesn't think so. She wants Tifon to promise her that he'll tell Jorgito to having nothing to do with Rita. Tifon goes.

Leleco has come by the house with some paperwork for Tifon to sign. They go to the library. The subject of Nina comes up again. Nina brings in food and drinks for them and as she is going Tifon stares at her as does Leleco. He insists to Leleco that Nina is a fantasy for him and remarks how delicious this is. Leleco says the food or Nina?

Nina and Jorgito are at another of Agatha's street performances. She wants to know why Jorgito never told her that Tifon accidently killed her Papa. Jorgito says it was Tifon's secret to tell. Nina forgives Jorgito for not saying anything. She also states that she hates Carmina for what Carmina has done, nothing Tifon did.

Silas and Olenka are now at Silas' house. They are all chummy and then Darson comes home. This couple can't catch a break. After Olenka goes, Darson accuses him of using Olenka to get back at Mona Lisa. Silas says he is only doing what Mona Lisa did to him, and what about this job he still has with Leleco? Silas tells him to stop the nonsense and Darson goes.

Mona Lisa and Olenka talk about Olenka's new boyfriend, Esteban the notario! What's up with him, you never talk about him. In comes Iran. He tells Mona Lisa he's moving in with Jorgito for a while. She's upset.

Tifon meets with Lucio in the kitchen and informs him he's hiring Lucio to be security for the family. Janaina hears this too. Carmina comes in and hauls Tifon off. She doesn't want Lucio to work for them, she doesn't know him. Well, Tifon knows him and he's okay. Janaina talks to Lucio too and tells him not to screw up.


Part II

Mama Lucinda and the kids are playing pirates when Tifon comes. He likes the way she is with the kids and offers financial help for the kids. She is just happy to be with the kids, she doesn't want money for herself. He's going to do something for the kids, but he is there to ask about Rita, what was she like? A nice girl and very good she tells Tifon. Tifon wants to know what is this story with Jorgito, Rita, and Carmina, there is more she isn't saying. She tells Tifon that if Rita ever comes by he can talk to her himself. Tifon goes.

Nina meets with Max at some bar and they dance and he slimes himself on her again. Unbeknownst to Nina and Max, Jorgito sees them and is sickened and very upset. Max wants to take Nina to a hotel on the, are you ready, Avenida Brasil, lol. She agrees. She goes to the bathroom and washes off where he's been sliming her, Jorgito takes off in his car, and Nina goes to get her scooter, calls Max on the cell phone, says her Mama isn't doing well and goes, leaving Max there at the bar.

Tifon comes to bed and tells Carmina he went to see Mama Lucinda at Tiradero to find out about Rita. Tifon tells Carmina that Mama Lucinda said Rita is a good girl and very nice. Carmina goes on and on about how bad a person is Mama Lucinda. Tifon thinks Mama Lucinda is a great person and took excellent care of Carmina herself, Jorgito and Rita. Tifon says he is helping those kids at Tiradero y punto. Carmina quickly changes her tune and agrees to help too, I'll just bet she does.

Nina has called Jorgito too, but he isn't answering. He gets the call but doesn't answer. He has a flash back of telling Nina to leave that house and that he loves her. Nina ends up going to Jorgito's and waiting for him there.

Jorgito has come to Tiradero to talk to Mama Lucinda. He's pithed about Rita/Nina of course. He wants to know why Mama Lucinda never told him how bad Nina was. She had a rough life, well he did too, being dropped off at Tiradero by his own Mama. Now Lucinda is just evil too and Rita/Nina is a viper in his own family's home, seeking to destroy them all. Then he tells Mama Lucinda he saw Nina with Max and the sliming.

Carmina and Tifon are in bed, but Carmina is awake. She hears Max's car pull up, gets out of bed and confronts him. She smells the perfume and wants to know who he's been with, some ho? He doesn't owe her any explantion just Ivana. Ivana comes downstairs and Max gets all lovey dovey with Ivana and off they go, leaving a pithed off Carmina.

Nina calls Jorgito again, but he doesn't answer. She just waits for him at his place.

Mama Lucinda tries to make Jorgito see reason. He isn't having it. Mama Lucinda tells Jorgito everything was taken from Rita, her Papa, and he says he doesn't even know who his Papa is. He says Nina is very cold hearted and a viper. Mama Lucinda wants him to promise he won't tell the family who Nina really is. Jorgito feels dead inside. He gave everything up for Nina. Jorgito thinks that Mama Lucinda is helping Nina for money. Mama Lucinda tells him what money, do you see how she lives. She has nothing but those kids. She wants them all to be happy but especially Nina and Jorgito. She wants him to promise he won't say anything. Nina is not bad like he thinks. Think of your love for Nina she tells him, that's dead he says. Mama Lucinda assures him it's not dead and cries her eyes out.

Nina makes Agatha's lunch for school and asks her if she's heard from Jorgito. Agatha calls Jorgito but no answer. Nina tries herself but no answer.

Iran has packed up the car and is going. Mona Lisa and Olenka come down to see him off. She doesn't want him to go, and he's happy she's letting him go with no drama. Oooooppsy shouldn't have said that! Cause here comes the drama!


Part III

So Mona Lisa gets in front of Iran's vehicle and it looks like he hit her with it. He panics, gets out and Olenka too to revive Mona Lisa. This is her drama, she doesn't want her son to go, she holds on to his pant leg. He reminds her, he isn't going far. It's not like he'll never see her again. She is sad but finally lets him go. Mona Lisa and Olenka go back upstairs and Mona Lisa misses her little one already. The house is too quiet. Then she gets the bright idea of, she's still married to Silas they could have a bebe! Olenka cries at this. These two are just a mess. Mona Lisa admits she misses Silas a lot.

Nina is in the garden snipping herbs again when Max sneaks up on her and wants a meet in the sauna with her in fifteen minutes. She agrees, grabs the garden shears and purposely cuts herself. She goes to tend to that while Max is pithed.

Darson watches Tessalia spraying herself with the hose, when Leleco sneaks up on him. He wants results he tells Darson. Poor Darson has to provide proof that Tessalia is unfaithful or faithful by the end of the week.

Carlitos is on the deserted island, in his hammock reading a book, when Veronica shows up all ready for some hoochie koochie with Carlitos. He runs from her, she takes her bathing suit off and chases him as does Noemia who also shows up, gets nakkid and tries the same thing. Veronica and Noemia get into a nakkid cat fight, which Carlitos kind of enjoys. Carlitos runs away from them and that helicopter comes and takes him off, as Veronica and Noemia watch him leave. They size each other up.

Suelen is in jail, awaiting deportation to Bolivia, when Leandro comes for a visit. He has the perfect solution to her problem, marry him, that will stop the deportation. She has news for Leandro, she won't do it. Not to a poor guy like him. Suelen will not marry a guy that pities her. She goes back to her cell, while Leandro yells after her.

Iran comes to the apartment and sees Nina. She's been waiting for Jorgito again. He lets her in and they both look for him, he isn't there. Nina ends up going.

Nina goes to Tiradero and finally finds Jorgito he has been there this whole time. Nina thanks Dios that Jorgito is okay, she was so worried about him. He cries and tells her he saw her dancing with Max and to go. She cries along with him. Oi, Oi, Oi, what will happen next!!!!!


Avenida Brasil

Madelaine, thank you for delivering these great recaps day after day; double episodes are especially tiring, kudos to you!

Was anyone else underwhelmed by the way Nina reacted to Tifon's confession? I mean, she cried a lot, that was to be expected, but she didn't show any kind of resentment towards him.
Yes, it was an accident, but Tifon did leave the place and hid the truth from the police.
But she went into compassion mode instantly and in later scenes she just treated him like she usually does.

Could this be a way for the writers to downplay Tifon's effect on her misfortune? And the reveal so soon and drama free because we are supposed to forgive Tifon for what he has done because he is a good guy? Could someone as obsessed with revenge as Nina has become, be so understanding?
Or has she lost all common sense and this is all about Carmina for her now?

En otra piel

Thank you for the recap, Novelera
Among all of us who are watching, I'm glad we manage to recap something about the show every day, it really helps, especially if we miss an episode here and there.

Deb, you're right, Elena is smart crazy, which is a very dangerous combination. She's the type of person who never shows all her cards before she knows the other player very well.

In true tn fashion, I expect Diego to end up working in the same house, too. For now I suspect he will become friendly with the girls; I hope Maite doesn't fall for him, she is good for now, but she has enough fire in her to start causing trouble down the line.
If in a day or two we find out that a peon or the driver or the gardener is sick, I bet Diego will substitute him. What a fine mess that will be!

Avenida Brasil

Romy, oh, all this teasing!!!
I hope Nina doesn't sleep with Max; That for me would be too disgusting. Whatever else she might choose to do, I can deal with it (I think...)


So La Nacha sets down the deal. Tony has to give up his heroin, and essentially all the drug routes north of the border. But Arnie has to give back Alma, and also, Benigno gets to be Presidente Municipal (mayor). Neither like it, but they shake on it. Arnie still isn't happy about returning Alma.

Of course Lu isn't happy either, but Tony says he's the boss.

We get to see how Alison and Emilio met. Yes, he was a slick one back then (12 years ago, 1961), and they make her look young but putting her hair in braids. They were both crossing the border. Emilio robbed one guy, later robbed the pollera, a tough woman. She finds out, dumps him by the side of the road. Later, Alison goes back for him. Even though a) the pollera was her mother, and b) she knows he took the money, she finds him irresistible, and their bond is forged.

Cut to modern day, still crossing the border, Emilio is still robbing things from the immigrants, and they almost get caught. Alison has to fake sickness while Emilio cuts the cops' tires. He suspects Aron tipped someone off.

And Mireya and Camelia are making progress, as a singing act! After getting rejected by a producer, with Cami refusing his paws, a bar owner gives them a shot. They both go on stage, Mireya sings, Cami mainly dances, but they're a hit!



Many thanks again, Mads. I haven't seen all of today's episode yet, but enough to see that Nina is in deep crap with Jorgito. Right now he doesn't know if she's crazy, a liar, a slut, a con artist, or what. But I don't think it will really make things better if/when she tells him that seducing Max is all part of her grand revenge plan against Carmina.

I don't know why she just doesn't spill the rest of her Carmina story to Jorgito. Telling him exactly what Carmina did to her and her dad will only help her case with him, not hurt it.

Wow! I thought Carmina was being dramatic about her son leaving home, but Monalisa is competing with her on that front.

I looked up the "Chu, Cha" song everyone is always singing, and is Max's ringtone for Carmina:

Avenida Brasil

Vivi, you make a good point about Nina telling Jorgito the truth - at this point nothing that she might say can make things better - the Max factor is so disgusting, nothing can justify it.

The Chu cha song was very popular all over Europe a couple of years ago - around the time when the tn was filmed. Same for Oy Oy Oy - there are several Brazilian artists who sing this type of music and are gaining popularity around here.

En Otra Piel – Thursday Part 1

Mexico City: Only one scene today in the DF. Carlos tells Don Mario that he knows Don Mario was behind Diego's escape and he threatens him.

The pervy judge has come to visit. Mondriana watches from one of the many eavesdropping places that are standard in telenovela houses. The judge tells Camila, Elena and Lorena that it is very unlikely that a family court judge would send Emiliana to an orphanage and that they should continue to contest the will. He asks to see Emiliana. Mondriana panics. She gets a knife from the kitchen and prepares to attack the judge if necessary. She is almost caught when her cell phone rings – evesdroppers should always turn off the ringer on their phones.

Later, Mondriana tells Selma and Esteban about the judge's visit and his secret vices and says that she is sure that the danger to her daughters that she has felt is from the judge. Esteban, who works for a television station where there are reporters ,suggests that she write an anonymous note to Camila warning her about the judge. When Mondriana leaves, Esteban asks once again about her getting the amulet. She replies that she will try and remember.

Elena tells her mother that she is glad that Lorena is living at the house to help protect Mónica's children but she tells Lorena that she is suspicious of Mondriana. She is sure that she is hiding something and needs to be watched. She reminds Lorena that she is responsible for everything that happens to Emiliana (uh oh).

The call to Mondriana's phone was from Maite who came home from work and found Valeria on the floor having a panic attack. Mondriana comes to the boarding house and she and Valeria agree that Maite needs professional help but of course, no one has any money. Mondriana promises to get the money.

Big-hearted landlady, Lupe, takes care of Diego. She asks to hear the story of his love for Adriana, which she declares to be better than the “babosadas” on telenovelas. She is sure that Diego will be reunited with Adriana. She tells Diego that she has been love and and married 6 men. Diego thanks her for helping him and says that she is an angel- she only lacks the wings. Lupe replies that if she had wings, she would be just like a chicken.

Diego is asleep when he is awoken by the voices of Mondriana and Valeria leaving the boarding house. He recognizes Adriana's voice but by the time he gets out of bed to look for her, she is gone.

Ricardo is bummed out because he can't go back to law school. Both Camila and his mother offer him their money to go but he refuses. He has decided to work in a law firm and seek a scholarship. He is sure that Elena had something to do with the loss of his scholarship. Camila is sure that it was her mother's doing.


En Otra Piel – Thursday Part 2

Marta also tells Vicky that she thinks that Elena was involved in Ricardo's problems. Vicky, who so obviously has a guilty secret, won't offer an opinion. We find out that Elena was probably responsible for the death of Mónica's first husband, Julián.

Vicky flashes back to seeing Elena come in to the house with blood on her shirt, followed immediately by Camila and the vineyard workers bringing in Julián injured from a fall from his horse. We recall that Vicky has also seen Gerardo coming out of Elena's room or vice versa. For someone who kills as easily as Elena, Vicky seems like a dangerous person to have around even if she has been threatened.

Gerardo tells his brother that the new teacher is attractive and that she trembles like a leaf when she is near him. He doesn't know about her bod because she dresses like a “monja,” a nun. He tells Ernesto that he is going to repress his temptation to seduce Mondriana so as not to give Camila any cause for suspicion until the battle over the will is done. Ernesto teases Gerardo and says that it will be difficult with Mondriana living in the house.

Gerardo and Elena have a late-night naked sex in the pool.

Mondriana leaves a letter addressed to Elena in the mailbox. Elena reads it and says that now she knows not only that the pervy judge visits brothels but has kinky tastes as well.

Finally, Mondriana stands at the door of her former bedroom and recalls having sex with Gerardo. Then he puts his hand on her shoulder.



Adriana Noel:

I really don't mind doing these recaps. This TN is fascinating for me. I have never seen a Brasilian TN before and it moves so quickly, hardly any slow movement on this one at all and the twists and turns! UNI could learn a lot from these writers! Oh, loved the Max factor line, lol!


I so agree with your statement about Nina and Jorgito. How can he possibly trust her with this back and forth all the time. I can see why he reacts the way he does when he sees her with Max. Nina really ought to tell him the rest of her story, and I agree that he would even help her, if he knew. Thanks so much for the link to the music. I am loving all the music for this TN.


Not only did Tony have to give his heroin to Arnie, he also is to give up his marijuana route to La Nacha. Lu and Chiang aren't happy, but they hope that with Benigno as mayor, things can be changed.

The switch between Alma and heroin is not working, because little Alma has had a dream, and knows if she goes back to Tony now, there will be bloodshed. She yells out of the truck for Tony (her adopted father) to trust her. It looks as if Tony gave up the heroin and got nothing. For now. But it's not over.

The owner of the bar where Mireya was singing, Caiman or something like that (alligator), robs a kilo of weed from the suitcase while the girls are drunk. But Camelia figures it out, seeing Caiman sell some joints the next day, and says he better return everything or else. Maybe he'll sell it and give the girls the money.

Emilio and his twin brother Aaron switch places for a day (don't know why). So Emilio is acting as the owner of a radio repair shop. He isn't too good at fixing radios, but he does manage to SLEEP with this girl Kimberly, who either works at or hangs out at the shop. And Kimberly's married to a border patrol cop! And she likes Aaron's stories he's writing. But they're true, and reveal lots of Alison and Emilio's secrets in their pollero business, so maybe THAT's how they almost got caught the other day!

Meanwhile, there's a new guy who want to cross the border, Emanuel, a friend of Caiman. He had taken a picture of the girls singing at the club. Since Emilio robs or checks the belonging of every immigrant, he sees the pictures, and it's Camelia!


wow, thanks so much Hombre,
there is usually a handful of things that lose me every night.

on Wednesday night I found the two border crossings past/present were confusing,

on the past crossing, when he met Alison, we saw Emilio lift the wallet from the guy in front of him, but I wasn't sure if he stole from the "pollera", but anyway he and Alison end up leaving her behind, who catches up to them and exposes Emilio as a thief and he is beaten to the ground by everyone, and left alone he will surely die, but Alison comes back for him, and realizing that she saved his life, he tells her that she now "owns" him, (which must have meant the world to him, at least while they were having sex).

on the present crossing, I wasn't getting that it was an impromptu roadblock that they ran into and was wondering why a van with curtains on the windows was going to hide a bunch of people, but quick thinking and teamwork got them thru.

also on Wednesday, (and I'm really getting fascinated by Alma) Arulfo, being the nice guy that he is will have a nice dinner for her, with cake, chocolate right? no, vanilla, the always different Alma says.

on last nights show,
and what another nice summary Hombre,

my favorite part was when Facundo, our nice undercover cop, comes upon blind Alma, in a cute little pony cart, she wants to feel his face and does she say she was expecting him, and then she trots away with her little pony.

ah yes, quick thinking Camelia figures out Caimán stole a kilo out of their suitcase, but I think what bothers her more is that he is playing up Mireya, just for that reason.

and el Alacran looking for leads at the Osuna ranch is given Mireya's promoter's card.

(and where is Camelia's mother?)

so tense the exchange between Arulfo and Antonio, Alma for the "goma",
but Alma won't get out of the truck, driven by Nopalito, Antonio's inside man,
she tells her papa "no", and he knows her enough to know.
Arulfo smiles, he did his part and so gets his "goma"

and that hat works so well on Arulfo!

meanwhile, Arulfo sends Jacinto and Facundo/Moisés, who asked Arulfo if he could help with the exchange, off on a special assignment, only to have Jacinto handcuff Facundo to a pole and beat him senseless once again, poor guy.


En Otra Piel

thanks so much Jean,
great recap!

I guess bringing home wounded escaped convicts and listening to their great love stories would be better than a novela.

I think Diego with his Adriana visits, seeing her, and now hearing her voice, is keeping him dazed.

when Monica ran to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife she could find, and stalked back to the sala, I kept hearing that shrieking music from "Pyscho".

darn, I was hoping that Monica on her late night way home to her guest cabin would see Geraldo and Elena playing naked in the pool.


So glad Rod finally mentioned getting a loan! They give those things to just about anyone, and surely someone in his last year at Berkeley shouldn't have a problem. Quit whining and get to a bank, buddy you'll still come out ahead of a lot of students. Sheesh.

I like that this show uses classical piano as the background music. It fits better than the typical pop song would. Kudos to this detalle, producers.



Thanks so much, Jean. Very well written recap!

Thanks for reminding us about other things Vicki has seen. Either she'll be bumped off or will finally spill the beans the last week of the novela!

I was considering the irony of what happened last night. Mondriana's memory is somehow damaged by the trauma of whatever Elena injected. But she remembers a danger to her daughters and not that it was Elena who cruelly threatened their lives verbally to their dying mother. So, in her new body, Mondriana jumps to the conclusion that the Judge Pervo is the danger. Right now Judge Pervo is their best hope because he seems poised to ramrod through the legal challenge to the will and to pull some levers to make sure Emi doesn't end up in a foster home. So, if Elena, as is likely, successfully blackmails Judge Pervo into scuttling the legal challenge to the will, it ruins the girls' chances of getting their rightful inheritance.

Someone here (Adriana?) correctly predicted that Elena was involved in Julián's death. Kudos!

It wasn't much of a tease having Elena romp naked with Gerardo in the pool right beside the Guest House because Viewerville knew she was out and about trying to calm Valeria. Her behavior is a bit out of character, though. The execution of the will has been held up because of Camila's challenge, so it's not very smart to have ANYONE know that Gerardo isn't above reproach.


Part I:

Oy, Oy, Oy! We left Jorgito and Nina at Tiradero with accusing Nina of being a ho, he saw her with Max, she's crazy and wants nothing more to do with her. She tries to tell him that what he saw isn't what it seems, but he's not listening. He tells her Carmina was so right about her, but Nina tells him that Max is a viper and will take down the family, he's responsible for that break in. Jorgito asks her if she is like James Bond now? She keeps telling Jorgito that she loves him, he tells her to forget him and drives off. Nina is totally destroyed.

Mama Lucinda and Nina have a chat. Mama Lucinda tells her again to give up the venganza, fight for love with Jorgito. Nina says it isn't venganza it is justice she wants. She wants this so much for her Papa. Mama Lucinda hugs Nina, while Nina tells her that she loves Jorgito more than anything in the world.

Tifon calls Jorgito but no answer. Carmina is still witching about what a bad influence Rita is, how she has discombobulated Jorgito, Tifon tells her he doesn't know if Rita and Jorgito are together. Carmina is pithed. Car wants Tifon to rest, but he's doing to Tiradero and he wants Car to stay put. Now she's really pithed.

Jorgito is driving and thinking of all the venom that Car has spewed about Nina/Rita. Jorgito is driving erratically and has an accident. He leaves the car goes on the median and sobs.

Mona Lisa and Olenka are having a chat and Mona Lisa is still lamenting the loss of her little one. The house is so empty. Olenka will continue to live with Mona Lisa.

Tifon has arrived at Tiradero and the kids surround his car. He asks for Mama Lucinda and they tell him that Mama Lucinda is with Rita and that Patato just left, he was mad. Tifon rushes into Mama Lucindas and Nina hides under the table. He asks her if Rita is there, Mama Lucinda tells him she's already left and Jorgito went off about ten minutes ago. Tifon now thinks that Rita is destroying Jorgito but Mama Lucinda tells him no. Rita is a great girl. He wants to look around to see if Rita is still there, but Mama Lucinda tells him look around, she really isn't here. He finally goes to look for Jorgito. Tifon leaves and down the road finds Jorgito on the median. He takes him home.

The family is at home and Max will up to bed later. Carmina stays up too and gives Max a whiskey. She tells Max that it was Rita that was with Jorgito and causing the trouble. Carmina always knows when Rita's been around cause she can sense her about, yeah right! Now it's on to the ho that Max was with, who is it? Max doesn't answer and goes off to bed.

Tifon has brought Jorgito to his apartment. Jorgito wants to be alone and not talk. Tifon tells him he went to Tiradero to see if Rita was there. Jorgito asks if Tifon saw her, nopis, she was gone when Tifon got there. Tifon wants to know all about this stuff between Rita and Carmina, Jorgito tells him it's basically hate for one another. Tifon feels there are many secrets at the Tiradero and that Rita has had a hard life. Jorgito admits he really loves Rita, but now has to forget her. Tifon and Jorgito hug and Tifon goes.


Part II

Max sneaks up behind Nina in the kitchen again. He lets her know that Car thinks Rita is the one in Jorgito's life but he knows that Nina knows it's really Nina! They will get over on Car and Jorgito. Max tries to slime all over Nina and she asks him if he knows Rita, forget about Rita and Jorgito he's just a playboy. The only one that can make Nina happy is Max y punto. He wants to celebrate with her and Ivana comes in and hauls him off. Nina is looking ill.

Veronica and Noemia are back from that deserted tropical island, all sunburned. They decide to forget Carlitos and find some guys on their own.

Alexia and Carlitos are at home and he's all excited bout the wedding and the little matter of Paloma being their daughter. He wants to tell Paloma that soon.

Jorgito is like a dog with a bone and he goes to Janaina's house to ask her about the robbery. Who knocked her out, was it Max? She is so upset she will lose her job and she doesn't want to say. Finally she tells him about Lucio breaking in and Max being the accomplice inside the home. Jorgito is pithed. He assures Janaina she won't lose her job and he goes.

Alexia and Paloma are getting ready for the wedding and Carlitos is already in his tux. Carlitos brings up the fact that Paloma is their daughter, and this time Paloma overhears. She is pithed at them for lying to her all these years, and rips up some pictures.

Nina is in the garden snipping herbs when Jorgito comes loaded for bear. Nina tries to talk to him but he tells her he talked to Janaina and knows all about the robbery. Nina warns him not to go in there and accuse Max without proof, but he's doing it anyway. He goes in and does just that and Max punches him in the face. There is a heck of a fight, so bad, that Tifon and Aduato have to pull them apart. Jorgito keeps up the accusation that Max did this robbery, disassembled the alarm. Max claims it's lies all lies. He wants to know if Jorgito has proof? No but Max is a bad guy, and cusses at him. Carmina is fawning all over Jorgito and Nina is crying and Carmina sees a look that passes between Nina and Jorgito. Nina goes to the kitchen. Janaina is in the kitchen all worried about losing her job.

Max is yelling that Jorgito should be in the manicomio. Max and Ivana are alone talking about Jorgito. Max thinks that Jorgito is a nobody, but his Papa Tifon is an idol. Ivana reminds Max that Jorgito has had a hard life. Max now thinks that Ivana thinks he's a thief. He needs to be alone.

Carmina wants to call a Doc for Jorgito, but he isn't having it. Tifon asks Jorgito if he has proof, nopis. They go off, but Jorgito stops to talk to Lucio in the garden and tells him to quit his job, he knows he was part of the robbery. Jorgito tells him to think about his Mama, cause if he doesn't leave Lucio will go to the carcel.

Max is getting drunk when Carmina comes in and slaps his face and tells him to never lay a hand on Jorgito again, or she'll kill him. She also tells Max to get rid of Lucio to avoid jail time. Max is sick of her ordering him around. He's never enjoyed the money she had, he had to marry Ivana, Carmina wants to know what he wants. Five million enough? He is interested in the money or Car anymore he wants her to explode!

Jorgito is at his place and thinks about what happened last night with Nina.

Tifon goes home and informs Car that Jorgito and Rita not together anymore. Car so happy she gives Tifon a foot massage.

Tomas and Debora are going to the wedding of Carlitos and Alexia their Moms so not happy.

Jorgito calls Debora and leaves her a voice mail. He wants to talk with her.



Part III

Car comes to visit Jorgito and yaps about Rita the bad influence, whereas his Mama loves him oodles. She also wants him to lay off Max, it's all Rita's fault. She reminds Jorgito that Rita is the enemy out to destroy the family. Jorgito tells Car that Rita is now far away. Car doesn't want Jorgito to suffer and she wants him back with Debora. She wants to know exactly where Rita is, he doesn't know and now wants Car to leave. Iran is there and finally Car goes. Jorgito tells Iran that everyone has cheated him his whole life and he can't trust anyone. Iran says he can trust him, is a good friend.

The wedding is about to commence. Paloma and Carlitos already there.

Noemia and Veronica go to a Chippendale type club to troll for men. They don't like it and decide to crash Carlitos and Alexia's wedding.

The wedding starts and the priest gets to the part, if anyone knows any reason why this couple shouldn't marry, yadda, yadda, and Paloma grabs the microphone and starts telling everyone that Carlitos is her Papa and how they both lied to her. The congregation looks uncomfortable, Noemia and Veronica have a big laugh and Debora and Tomas are not surprised. Paloma throws down the microphone and says she's running away. Carlitos runs after her and tells Alexia to stay there, he'll be back soon. Alexia ends up running after them. Carlitos chases Paloma a long way, Alexia tells everyone the wedding is over, and Alexia sits and cries and asks Dios why is this happening! Leleico, Tessalia, Muricy, Aduato were at this wedding too.

Nina finds Max all depressed about how Jorgito has accused him of the robbery and now he's feeling the family believes Jorgito. Nina thinks he's paranoid. He wants to be with Nina. Ivana comes in. Max tells her he needs to some time away just for himself and he needs to think. Ivana doesn't want this and is very unhappy, as Nina hears, she is upset because Max is hurting Ivana.

Nina sits and thinks of how Jorgito didn't believe her when he was walking off at Tiradero. She cries and Tifon comes in. Asks her what is wrong and that that guy she is crying over isn't worth it. He mentions Jorgito but she says that Jorgito is her boss. Tifon says the family and he feel that Nina is not just some employee, she is like family. At one point, Tifon was so close to her, he was breathing on her neck. She looked a bit put out.

Jorgito is depressed and Iran tries to cheer him up. Jorgito goes off and Iran calls Debora and says she needs to come by. She will once this wedding is over.

It's mealtime at Tifon's and the usual chaos is afoot, when they hear crying. Ivana has her arms around Max, as he tells the family he is leaving for a while. Everyone is shocked! So what will happen next??????

En Otra Piel

Jean, you cracked me up with your eavesdropping analysis. That is a must, we would have no novelas without it.

Novelera, I did suspect that Elena had somehow caused Julian's death ever since Camila said that her dad was such a good rider, but still, he fell from his horse.
Also, I remember Elena once saying that she hated Monica because she took the only man she ever loved away - from the way she said it, it didn't look like it was passionate love. So I also think that she truly cared for her uncle, but the man also had a wife and 2 daughters, he couldn't be with Elena 24/7. So, she became jealous, maybe lashed out, killed him accidentally (or not).
Ah, tn speculation is so much fun.

What's up with Elena and Gerardo going at it in the pool? Anyone could have seen them! Still, it's way to early for Mondriana or another major player to discover them.

Avenida Brasil

Madelaine, you enjoy writing the recaps, we enjoy reading them. Win - win!
Watching Nina with Max is making my skin crawl. I don't get how she pretends to keep up with the charade of their partnership if she doesn't put out.
Worst care scenario - she does it and then washes her skin some more; I don't think there is enough soap in the world for that.
Nightmare case scenario - she resist and he rapes her - the story is so perverted, I actually think this possibility is more likely. It's true that Max is easy to manipulate, Carmina has done it for years and now Nina is taking the reigns, but the guy is about to snap. And it won't be pretty when he does.

@Madelaine: Avenida, thanks so much for the recaps. You are a trooper. @Adriana: Sorry for the teasing, lol you know I can't spoil it. I could not take the pressure and caved in and watch the whole enchilada. Nina lost all sense of reality with her venganza oy oy oy. I ny opinion Jorgito loves her more than she does him because she won't tell him the truth.Mucho drama coming up.

Part 1

Mondriana sneaks in the master bedroom and remembers having hot, naked sex with Gerardo. Just then he shows up, catching her in the act. She mumbles, saying that she still doesn’t know the house too well, she was looking for Emi’s room. Gerardo isn’t bothered, if anything, he looks intrigued and interested.
(Mark my words, G: You ain’t seen nothing yet!)
He asks her how does she like the house so far; she can’t stop gazing at him, but manages to talk about how much she enjoys teaching Emi stuff, especially since the girl reminds her of Monica so much. Gerardo seems touched by this mention, but just then Elena calls him, asking where he is.
He leaves Mondriana alone and coldly explains to Elena that he’s still at the house, but he’ll soon be at the office.

Diego asks his landlady, Lupita, to keep the secret about his past. Sure she will, she can see he’s a good guy, she can read it on his face. She doesn’t want him to be deported, especially now that he thinks that his novia is close by, because he’s seen her just the other day.

Camila and Marta chat about her relationship with Ricardo. Cami really likes him, she thinks she might be falling in love with him. Marta is worried because Cami is rich and Ric is not, but Cami doesn’t care about money; and even if she did, right now she’s not that rich, either, because of her mother.
(Yeah, like 15 grand a month in allowance and 10% of expensive wine stocks is small change; then again, for someone like Camila, it is.)

Mondriana is helping Emi with her math, but apparently the girl is very good with numbers; Mondriana is impressed.
She starts talking about the judge with the girl, asking her to be careful with the guy. Emi trusts him because he was a good friend of her mom’s, but Mondriana insists: sometimes it’s the people we know who are dangerous and can commit child abuse.
(That’s exactly what the 2 days old governess says to a child she supposedly barely knows about a prominent member of the society and a close family friend.)
She further explains to Emi what an abuse is; Emi knows about all this stuff from her mother, but she is surprised when Mondriana uses an expression that only her mom used to say.

Gabriel finds some comic books in his father’s shop; he explains to him how valuable they are, but Rodrigo is all about fancy literature and worthy journalism and whatnot. Pretty idiotic, if you ask me, even for an old guy.
Gabe takes the magazines and sells them for some decent cash. Before that he runs into the street vendor that he met a few days ago. He asks her who was the guy watching them when they first met; well, of course that the dude is muy peligroso and Gabe should mind his own business.


Part 2

Maite has to go to work and asks Valeria if she can stay alone for a while. Yes, she can (except, she really can’t). Maite needs to work to pay for Valeria’s shrink, she doesn’t think Monica will be of much help. The girl has a certain animosity for Mondriana, I think this can turn into a problem down the line.
After Maite leaves, Mondriana calls Valeria to check in, but she is so hysterical she can barely come to the phone.
(I’ve never seen someone so shocked by a trauma, is this normal or a tn exaggeration?)
After she talks with Mondriana, Valeria meets Diego in the living room and totally freaks out. He tries to say hello, get to know her, but she just runs off, back to her room, where she starts sobbing. Diego overhears and goes to her room, but he’s smart enough not to try to get inside, I think that would have killed her on the spot.

Gerardo and Elena are at the office, talking about the anonimo. Gerardo is worried about who might have sent it to them, but Elena doesn’t care about this, since it can only be an ally. Gerardo isn’t so sure, what if the person who investigated the judge will do the same with them? So what, Elena asks. All they can find out is that they are involved – since he’s a widow and she’s single, what would be the problem?
(Yeah, no problem, if we don’t consider Camila’s head exploding into a million pieces.)
They both agree that they have to make sure that the anonimo is true; they need to test the judge.
They call Gerardo’s brother, Ernesto, to explain him the situation. And Gerardo has a plan that will help them expose the judge.

Diego is talking with his lawyer on the phone, telling him what he’s been up to in LA. The lawyer thinks Diego is better off as an illegal in the States, because Carlos has become very powerful in prison. He will continue to investigate his case, so that maybe Diego can one day go back to Mexico, but for now he’s working on transferring Don Mario to another prison because of said Carlos. After he hangs up, Diego can still hear Valeria crying in her room.

Mondriana goes to talk with Camila about the judge. She knows for certain that he is a very dangerous man, so the girls needs to be careful with him. Camila disagrees, her mom used to know him very well; why is she saying this, did Gerardo ask her to lie for him, convince her that the judge is not to be trusted because he wants to interfere with the testament challenge? Mondriana tries to find a reasonable explanation for what she said, but this only gets Camila more mad – why does she care so much about them, why does she spy on them, what are her intentions?
(Could this be enough for Mondriana to keep her mouth shut and do her protecting and with DISCRETION?)

Selma comes to visit Lorena (and see how Mondriana is doing). Lorena is not too pleased with the governess, she seems to know too much stuff about the family and Lorena can’t remember her mother, Patricia, from college. Selma makes up a story about Patricia being their friend in the last school year, when Lorena was already a dropout hippy. Still, Lorena is not convinced of the supposed friendship between Old Monica and Young Monica, imagine that not even Elena knew about her – and Elena knew everything about her aunt’s business. Also, the governess looks at her in a funny way, it makes her feel uncomfortable.

Back with Camila and Mondriana, Cami is crying, as she says that the judge is a good guy and her beloved mother turned out to be the bad one; she only cared about her boy toy husband, she completely abandoned her daughters. So Camila envies Mondriana for still having these nice memories about Monica Serrano, because that is not the person that Camila used to know (ugh). Mondriana asks Camila if she hates her mother, but Cami admits that she does love her, regardless.
Emi shows up, saying that she finished her homework and Mondriana has to go outside with her.


Part 3

In the garden, Emi is playing with Pacho. She asks Mondriana why Camila was crying and says that her mother was the best. Mondriana is happy that at least one of her daughters remembers her with love. Selma shows up and Emi goes to play with Pacho away from the ladies, so they can catch up on their undercover operation.
Mondriana says that she sent the anonimo to Elena, but she couldn’t find the amulet, because she doesn’t have access to all the house. She also tried to warn Camila about the judge, but the girl didn’t believe her.
Selma asks her to keep a cool head and don’t worry about the judge so much, because she’s sure that he won’t harm the girls, since they belong to his close circle. Selma also found a therapist for Valeria and she will take care of the bill.
(I’m disappointed this is all they talked about; after her chat with Lorena, Selma should have really warned Mondriana about being less of a busy body around the house; she is way too intense, she’s not doing herself any favors).

As night comes, Mondriana is coming out of the shower. She’s only now getting to know her new, young body. She’s wearing a black, sexy number (like any other woman would wear around the house all the time), she’s touching herself (not that way!!!) and remembering a talk she had with Elena when she was her old self, about having plastic surgery, to be more beautiful for Gerardo.
She ends up having erotic fantasies with Gerardo: she imagines that he’s coming to the guest house and they start making out.

Diego meets Maite in the kitchen of the pension; she totally check him out (the anvils of a future Maite - Mondriana rivalry are dropping everywhere).

Ernesto has paid a hooker (I believe that’s what she is) to call the judge and ask him for money in exchange of not revealing his doings in San Diego and a night of nooky. At first the judge plays the fool, but eventually he goes to meet the woman in a motel at night.
Ernesto is watching everything from the car, on his tablet – he put cameras in the hotel room – and he’s on the phone with Elena, telling her what is going on.

This is all good, but what Elena should really be doing is keep an eye on her man, because he’s on the balcony, enjoying the pool show.
As it turns out, Mondriana decided that she needed to cool off a bit (I can’t blame her, but the timing is completely off – had she come for a swim in yesterday’s episode, she would have had the time of a lifetime). So, she’s skinny dipping and he looks mesmerized by the vision in front of his eyes.
(I bet he will never again complain about the governess wearing old lady clothes).
As Mondriana gets out of the water slow motion style (is there any other way?), you can actually see it on his face how turned on he is (the greatest piece of acting that Jorge Luis Pila has done since starting this tn). To make matters worse, the girl starts to dry off with her robe, in slow, seductive strokes (again, is there any other way??). And then she sees him and she’s impactada.

On Monday (no real spoilers included)
Gerardo and Mondriana go at it in the pool and ask Elena to join them for a threesome (how would that be for the censors?)
Camila and Ricardo hold hands until he gets upset because her manicure is very expensive and he is a poor shmuck (this could actually happen)
Diego sees Adriana around town 26 times, but he misses her just at the last moment (you know this WILL happen)



Oi, Oi, Oi! I don't know where to begin.

Yes I do. With Max. Adriana, he makes my skin crawl too. But Nina is sending him mixed signals! Sometimes she does the seductress bit and then she pulls away. How much longer can she put him off? She is in waaay over her head. I do see a sexual assault in her future.

OTOH, I like how Max is turning against Carmina. But Ivana is collateral damage in all this. I hope she finds some self esteem and dumps his a$$.

And how can Max say all those horrible things to Jorgito? I've noticed that when he and Carmina are together she never calls Jorgito "our son", it's always "my son." So I wonder if Max is his father. I remember when they went to get him from the tiradero she remarked that "he has my hands and Max's eyes." Or, Max doesn't love his son because he only loves himself.

On to Paloma. Yes, they lied to her, well, technically they withheld information. She has always loved "Uncle Carlitos" so why should she stop now that she knows that he is her bio father? Strike two for Alexia in weddings. Tomás got off the best line: "If any more of Dad's children appear we can form a band like 'The Partridge Family'."

That professor should get combat pay for having to teach anything to Tifón's messed-up family. If Tifón is eager to learn he should engage him one-on-one.



I'm loving this show! It's so different from the ones where all the characters are beautiful, the men all wear suits, the women evening gowns every day. Here, we're down and dirty!

It's a tough life for the new DEA. Carson, the American cop, poses as a reporter, interviewing Benigno. Typical question: So just WHAT is your family business? Oh, well, umm, the field, yes, um, we raise cows and stuff, help the people, umm. But the locals don't like this interloper, and Carson gets beaten up savagely. Fortunately, Benigno gets to boost his street cred by talking tough to the gringo, who is released, but has to high tail his way out of town (not before getting some photos).

Facundo is still chained to a post, beaten up, starving. But Alma has a dream, and has Nopalito take her to Facundo. The dream guides her (the little one is a dynamite actress). She gives Moises water, and offers to release him (she told Nopalito how to get the keys from Jacinto, Mr. Tough guy). But Moises says no, leave me locked up, I need to gain the boss's confidence. And it WORKS, as they confirm his military record, and Jacinto himself releases him. Arnulfo (whom I call Arnie) will give "Moises" new responsibilities. Yes!

We have a new scumbag to dislike, named Bill. He's Kimberly's husband, he found out that "Aaron" slept with her (it was really Emilio) and he read the stories, now he wants in on the action, or else. Alison agrees, he can have half the money, and he'll take the immigrants after they cross the border. He'll supply her with the officers' surveillance schedules, which parts of the border they check.

And just when things are looking up for Camelia (Caiman is selling the weed for her) and Mireya (singing going well, she's falling for Caiman), Alacran, Antonio and Emilio ALL show up at the bar at the same time, and there's a shootout. Camelia warns Emilio, who is unscathed. I think Caiman gets killed. Camelia grabs a gun and shoots Antonio in the shoulder, and Emilio and Camelia are back together. Wow!


For your ears only, the complete, original OY OY OY song (Danza Kuduro), with the lyrics, too.*

... because it's a sunny Saturday :)



Adriana Noel:

Oh, I agree with you about Max, how is it that Carmina and Nina can't see he is about to blow? They must be blind, you can definitely see it in his face. I am afraid for Nina too, I too think he will assault her before it's all over with.

Sue 455:

Thanks so much for what I missed that Tomas said. It was funny that Tomas and Debora didn't act surprised at all, like par for the course ; ) Even Veronica and Noemia reacted more. I too can't understand why Paloma is all upset either, you'd think she'd be happy to find out Carlitos is her Papa, I agree. Out of his children that we know of, Paloma is the most like him.

I too am beginning to wonder if Max is Jorgito's Papa, he does treat him like crap, and I've noticed he treats Agatha better than Carmina does. Maybe Carmina is lying and Max isn't Jorgito's Papa. We'll have to wait and see.


I agree with you about Nina/Rita to a point. She is so focused on getting back at Carmina, she isn't realizing the collateral damage she is causing. She does love Jorgito but is handling this whole situation wrongly. She never really planned this out at all, and now that she has begun, she has no idea what to do next. This thing with Max is dangerous and I don't know how she is going to get herself out of this.

Adriana Noel:

One last thing. Imagine if the writers of CI had used this revenge/venganza/justice theme in that TN, the ratings would have been through the roof, jus' sayin' ; )

Avenida Brasil

Madelaine, Brazilian tns are different, they have a certain something that I can't quite describe that makes them very interesting to watch. The stories are the same, but the execution has more charm, more debt, I don't know. Most of them are far superior to other latin tns.

Imagine CI being a revenge story! Hahhaha
Funny how we didn't hear Nina have to many venganza monologues, though, she just keeps doing questionable things, alienating everyone who cares about her.

I don't think Nina planned this very well, either. For starters, she should have never helped Max with the robbery. If that boy would have said the whole truth, then Max could have been exposed and maybe taken down Carmina with him. Sure, the family might have not believed it; but it was still a start.
Like this it only looks like she is prolonging the whole issue, giving us all these creepy vibes in the process.



Thanks so much for your recaps. They are really appreciated. I think you, Deb and I are the only ones watching this. I like the whole vibe of this novel and I absolutely love Alma. Just one word from her and a whole band of armed men turn around and leave. ( I realize she was trying to protect her papa) She is fabulous and really adds to this novela. Here's what I don't like, in one word, Emilio. He is a slimy disgusting criminal,
with not one redeeming quality. I can't for the life
of me see what Camelia sees in him.
Once again thanks.



I'm loving this story too Hombre, and little Alma has me sitting on the edge of my chair,
and thanks so much for your summaries and comments.

so nice that you are watching too, Miranda!
that Emilio is pretty slick alright.

let's see, what else happened...

Lu was a bit annoyed with the american reporter in their house, so I was thinking it was Xiang that came up with the scheme to have him beaten and released, which would also boost Benigno's confidence, did I get this right, they were doing their usual smirking in the background, while Benigno was smiling for the camera.

Emilio, after seeing Camelia's photo, gets the guy to spill on her whereabouts, and no he didn't kiss her, she is in love with this other guy.

the girls are crashed out, they have been doing some heavy partying lately, when Camelia hears someone sneaking into their room, and hiding by the door she rolls up her hands into little fists and lets the guy have it right in the nose, ouch, it's Caiman bringing a cake for Mireya's birthday, he later gives her a present and Camelia lots of cash from the sales, life is pretty rosy for our girls.

el Alacran and his pistol, show up at the promoter's office, he gets the lowdown on Camelia, then calls Antonio, I have everything under control he tries to convince him, no, I'll meet you there, Antonio tells him.

Jacinto brings Facundo, who has slid down the pole he is chained to, a morning hot cup of coffee, but spills it in his lap, ouch.

did Bad Bill, the border guard, and his wife Kimberly think that it was Aaron that slept with her?, anyway Emilio takes Aaron's place and deals with him, and then later leaves town to take care of some things, little emilio is totally upset, Alison tells him this is the LAST time, when you get back you STAY, as Emilio gets back on the road, in his hot stolen car, off to Hermosilla where Camelia is, he waves his hat and yells, Yahoo! (I don't think family life suits this guy)

and when Jacinto asks what he's going to do with Facundo, Arulfo says he is going to adopt him, but Jacinto never gets any of his jokes.

such a riveting part of the story when Alma visits Facundo after her dream, with a giant canteen to give him a drink, and when he wants to stay, she thinks this over, it's as if she is slowly putting the pieces together, since she has left home and is on her own.

and so as agreed Alison shows up at the border with 2 "pollos", and gives Bad Bill his take, not much, he's wondering if it's worth his time, while Aaron drops off a whole truck load of people at another secluded spot.

and life couldn't be better for our girls, singing at the Salon Kino, when Camelia spots Emilio, and calls his name, as Antonio and el Alacran also see him, shots ring out, and people all over are being hit, and poor Caiman looks like a goner, and Camelia picks up a gun and shoots Antonio who is trying to shoot Emilio, and the girls make their getaway with Emilio,


from wiki

"Badiraguato is a small city and seat of the Badiraguato Municipality in the Mexican state of Sinaloa."
(this is where Arulfo and Antonio are and where Benigno is the new municipal president)

"Hermosillo is a city located centrally in the northwestern Mexican state of Sonora."
(where the girls are singing)



Masterful recap, Adriana. I love your asides! Yep, Mondriana's behavior is setting off alarms in everyone in the household. I thought Mónica Serrano would have been smarter than that. She's too familiar with servants she's not supposed to know at all. She gives inappropriate, motherly "don't let older men touch you" lectures to Emi and a rather hysterical warning to Camila.

Selma is right, I believe. Although I suppose any mother would overreact at having someone like Judge Pervo make nice with her daughters. I doubt he'd dare have the kind of sadistic sex he enjoys with the daughters of a prominent family.

Elena is very reckless lately. What she said about Gerardo being a widower and herself a single woman was interesting. I'm trying to calculate how long Mónica has been dead. I don't think more than a couple of weeks have passed. Mónica's soul/personhood entered Adriana's body at the instant of her death. Mondriana spent perhaps one day in the hospital and then was kidnapped to San Diego. It didn't seem like she was in the bordello for more than a few days, tops. So Elena's idea that people would accept their relationship is pretty crazy. I would imagine it would be shocking to people who knew Mónica after any length of time. And outright suspicious before at least a year had elapsed.

Mondriana's lacunas in memory are certainly a convenient device for the writers. She doesn't seem to remember the secret room and the safe since she has told Selma she doesn't have access to be able to search the house. If she did remember that...presto, changeo, she opens the safe, finds the dije, and a copy of the will Elena burned, and shows it to Camila or presents it to the court. Gerardo looks pretty bad.

I realize that the fake will has a later date, but a look at Mónica's true will would certainly be a BIG clue in Camila's efforts to challenge the later will in court.

I don't think I'd classify Maite's behavior as exactly hostile toward Mondriana. I think she just suffers from the usual TN lower-class resentment of people with more education and opportunities. She can't help but resent Mondriana's cushy Governess job as compared to her hustling drinks in the barrio! But, if Diego ever is around Mondriana, and maybe they'll go there, jealousy will erupt.

I am getting bored with Valeria's extreme behavior. Get her some help or have a truck run over her! [I know, I know... really mean.]

Hombre, Deb, Miranda
This novels seems to be written with sense of humor which I like and adds to its uniqueness. I agree it is nice to see characters in regular clothes and they seem to try to keep to period, not always successful. I don't remember shorts like Camellia's in the 70's. Is anyone watching La Pro mesa? It is almost too hard to watch due to the topic,it is gritty. No glamor in this one but very interesting.


Thanks again, Mads. Great recap. I only just watched the episode. I really hope that for every episode from now on we don't have to watch Max slime on Nina. I agree, that she can't put him off for much longer, and he's not above rape.

Jorgito said to Nina that she loves her revenge more than she loves him. It's true. Tifon also brought up the same point, that perhaps she doesn't love her boyfriend enough if she isn't willing to give up her current job/life to go be with him. He suggested that she and Jorgito talk since they are both going through the same thing. That's when she said she couldn't do that since Jorgito is “el patroncito.” Oh, the irony!

I feel bad for saying this, but Jorgito is coming off as a wimpy whiner (and a hothead). I totally think he's right to feel ticked off, hurt, and even disgusted with Nina/Rita. But all this crying, weeping, moping, getting drunk, driving erratically, and crashing his car, is getting a bit much, no?

But the thing he did that annoyed me the most, was calling Deborah! He needs to quit toying with her feelings and jerking her around. She is not his girlfriend anymore, and she doesn't deserve to be his consolation prize because Nina broke his heart. If he wants to talk to someone, he has plenty of people who are willing and able to listen to him go on and on about his broken heart (Tifon, Iran, Leleco, etc.).




I too agree with you about Jorgito, he is a little whiner isn't he? He does have a great support system in Tifon especially. I too don't like the fact he uses Debora like some kind of rebound girl. He had her, her love her dedication and he dumped her just like that! Jorgito's love is genuine for Nina/Rita, it's a shame she loves her venganza/justice more than him. There were other ways to deal with Carmina from behind the scenes I think. I hope you watch today, Monday, cause it was a humdinger. I will put the recap up later this evening. Oi, Oi, Oi!

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