Tuesday, April 08, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #22- Tue 4/8

De que lo está manipulando, lo está manipulando

Alonso encourages Irene to back away from the booze.  I assume she does, since next thing we know….

It's the next day.  Vicente is calling Karina to give her instructions to follow while he's out of the office, including bringing him a bunch of files to review.  He's saying it in this annoyingly patronizing tone and griping at Karina for not saying anything more than "yes, sir."  He hangs up before she even finishes telling him she'll get it done.  In the middle of carrying out his orders, she calls Diana to apologize and see if they can hook up when she goes by the house.  Diana tells her to bring some sleeping pills if she ever wants to be besties again.

The judge changed Carmen's charges and she can now get out on bail, once Diego pays it.

Karina calls Alonso to pretend she has insomnia and needs a prescription for sleeping pills.  He says he'll leave a prescription for her with his secretary.  Oh nooooooo!

The good news about Carmen is flying fast.  Alberto, Eleazar, and Diego divvy up the "telling" duties in the way that suits them best.  Sorry, ladies, but Alberto is looking forward to giving Brigitte the Brat the happy news.  I'm not sure how this is all going to work out, with Eleazar being something of a father-in-law to his new drinking buddies.

Diego decides to announce it to Natalia by coming into the office and shouting at her to come into his office ASAP!  "How'd I do with my imitation of my grandpa?"  Well, he's a little screechier, but sure, it'll do.  He tells Natalia that her mom's bail is paid and she's getting out later today.

Alberto cruises by Brigitte's school, where she hugs him with happiness.  Eleazar tells Paolo, who hugs him no less enthusiastically.

Diego is excited about getting some kind of gift for Carmen, but Natalia has to break it to him that her mom thinks he's the devil, doesn't know he hired Alberto, and doesn't know that Natalia is working for him.  He's happy to just drive Natalia to the prison and watch from afar, in that case.  Natalia is struck once again by what a gosh darn decent guy he is…even if he's married and desperate to smooch her.

Karina doesn't even make it in the front door before Diana is calling on her cell phone to tell Karina to leave the sleeping pills in the living room for Diana while she's dealing with Vicente.  Diana retrieves them and sneaks back upstairs.  She reads the label and decides that if 1 pill is enough to sleep through the night, then 2 is enough for her purposes.  But first, she gets all dolled up and flushes all but 4 pills as she muses about how exciting it is.  Creep.

Funny, I don't think having Karina in his bedroom, fumbling folders is going to be good for Vicente's blood pressure.  Especially when they figure out that she didn't bring the right folders.

Diana swallows 2 pills and arranges herself prettily on the bed, vowing to become Diego's nightmare.  Oh, please, like you think you're not already?

I think they pull a fast one on Carmen, making her think she's going to a hearing and that Eleazar is taking her because they're short-staffed.

Karina's incessant finger-drumming isn't letting Vicente take his nap.  He agrees to let her take her lunch break, and to visit Diana, as long as they don't cook up some new scheme.

Carmen is surprised to see all the kids waiting outside for her.  Eleazar tells her she's free and it's a Garcia Family Group Hug, complete with Padre Juancho.  Diego gets a little misty, watching from down the block.  Even Eleazar wipes away a tear.

Karina goes to Diana's room, can't wake her, sees the empty pill bottle, and comes to exactly the conclusion Diana wanted.  Lala hears the screams and comes in, as does Irene…and then Vicente.

Carmen swears she's learned her lesson this time, but Padre Juancho is going to vet all her future suitors in any case.  Diego gets the call about Diana and leaves the happy family scene before Carmen can see him.

As Diego races to the hospital, he calls Alonso and asks him to meet them there.

Garcia Central Station has been transformed into Party Central.  Luz got everything ready at Eleazar's request.

In the hospital waiting room, Vicente laments that no one in this family knows how to deal with their problems without hurting themselves.  Karina hysterically throws herself on Alonso the second he walks in.  A doctor comes in to report that Diana has had her stomach pumped and they're waiting for test results.  When Diego walks in, Karina beats him with her tiny fists, screaming that it's all his fault that Diana tried to kill herself.  With sleeping pills that you lied to Alonso to obtain…let's not conveniently forget that part of the story, hm Karina?

In the kitchen, Carmen is surprised that they're fully-stocked.  Paolo tells her that Eleazar showed up with a car full of food.  Oh NO!  Alberto is hanging out next to Brigitte with a hand quite firmly on her thigh.  And then she convinces him to dance.  I'm not sure which is worse.  Carmen gives Eleazar the googly eyes for taking care of the kids.   Abdul tries to dance with his mom, but Eleazar has called dibs on the first dance since before the kids were born.

At the hospital, Diego gets permission to go in and see Diana, as long as he doesn't upset her (well, that's not possible, is it?).  Alonso would like to check with the lab, but Karina begs him not to go.  Vicente has had about enough of her, and tells Alonso to do what he needs to do, then he sends Karina home, saying this is bad enough without her making a scene.  Karina swears she'll behave.  Irene pleads Karina's case and somehow Vicente relents.

Carmen toasts to her family and her peeps for having her back during this ordeal.  Natalia toasts to her mom and says she's grateful that God put her in Carmen's path.  Eleazar toasts to the continued togetherness of the Garcia clan.  Carmen toasts to her bestie Eleazar.  Eleazar thought bubbles that he hopes Carmen sees him differently one day.  Brigitte toasts Alberto and Diego.  Oops.  There goes the party.

Diego goes in to see Diana and tell her he doesn't feel sorry for her because what she did was stupid.  Well, that's not helpful!.  She says her life means nothing without him.  Diego admits he does care about her, or he wouldn't be there.  Diana thought bubbles that it's enough for now.

Carmen gets the scoop from Natalia when the party gets going again.  Padre Juancho encourages them to go talk in private.  Abdul scolds Brigitte for bringing up Diego…neither she nor Paolo can figure out why it's a big deal.

Diana tells Diego he can't leave her and she's never felt like anyone has ever cared about her but him.  Well, Diego says her nanny did, but she's dead now.  She brings up how he always defended her from Rodrigo (drink!).  As much as Rodrigo apparently harassed her, I have a feeling he's the one who was actually into her.  She picked the wrong twin.

Natalia tells Carmen how difficult it was to find a lawyer who would agree to take her case.  She explains that she tried to turn Diego down, but when they couldn't find a lawyer, she accepted his offer.  She swears Diego is different, but Carmen doesn't think men change like that.  Natalia says she couldn't leave Carmen in jail after what Carmen did for her--taking her in as a newborn when she already had a baby to take care of and another one on the way.

Eleazar is confused about Carmen's attitude toward Diego, but Luz doesn't understand it either.  Padre Juancho tells Abdul that Natalia should have mentioned Diego to her mother earlier.  Alberto and Brigitte don't know why Carmen doesn't like Diego, but Brigitte thinks it has something to do with Tuxpan.  Angela shows up with a cake and Abdul tells her that Carmen and Natalia are in the bedroom having it out because Carmen found out about Diego.

The hospital doctor tells Alonso that they know Diana had Idraxil, but they don't know if that's what she took or how much of it she might have taken.  They're waiting on the labs.  Alonso thought bubbles that he prescribed Idraxil to Karina.

Diego continues to insist that it's over between him and Diana.  Diana is trying to claim that they've "always" been together and begging Diego not to leave her.

Alonso drags Karina off to talk to her, presumably about the sleeping pills.  Grumps gets upset that Karina is treating this like a picnic and didn't ask permission to leave during what's supposed to be "work hours."

Natalia continues to pitch Diego as a perfect gentleman.  Carmen's still worried.

Padre Juancho is worried that they've been talking for too long.  Before he can go get them, Carmen emerges from the bedroom and says it was just a misunderstanding.  She turns the music up as Angela greets her and then goes to talk to Natalia.  Padre Juancho admits he has to back Natalia up on Diego's recent behavior at the very least.  He, of all people, says Carmen has to trust Natalia.

Alonso accuses Karina of trying to help Diana kill herself.  It doesn't take much to get her to admit that the pills were for Diana in the first place.  "I was just doing her a favor!"  She begs Alonso not to tell Diego.

Natalia and Angela talk about The Diego Situation.  Natalia tells her about the drug-planting incident and says the only thing that would keep her away from him is if he decided not to get divorced.

Alonso goes to Diana's room.  He tells Diego that now doesn't seem to be the time to push for a divorce.  Diana, not really sleeping, hears this and gloats.

Tomorrow: Diana weasels her way back into Diego's bed; Carmen confronts Diego.


Ok, Karina, so NOW will you stay away from Diana and quit trying to get back in her good graces?

Thanks, Kat! Cable guy left around 630. I now have Univision in HD and Telemundo!

OK, Alonso... Your advice was horrible. Get Diana in therapy not guarantee she stays in a toxic relationship.

Oh. Forgot this is telenovelaland.

And I'm so glad Carmen is home!

Kat: Another upbeat, stellar recap.

"Natalia is struck once again by what a gosh darn decent guy he is…even if he's married and desperate to smooch her" made me laugh as did "Funny, I don't think having Karina in his bedroom, fumbling folders is going to be good for Vicente's blood pressure".

As others have said, Carmen's family has seemingly real chemistry - so obvious they love and care about each other.

It's refreshing and I'm glad on this ride - the 8 and 9 novelas have sunk into utter despair territory.

I'll join you and Sara in welcoming Carmen home.

Thanks again Kat.


As I watch this show I catch myself thinking that working on this set must be fun. I think some of the real camaraderie must be from the happy working conditions.

Gracias :)

Yes, Alonso, of all people, should know that once Diego gives in to Diana's demands, he's going to be stuck continuing to do so. She's not going to be pacified with him not leaving her for now and just spontaneously get to a point where she won't want him to leave her, but admits she can live with it. They're going to have to do some fast talking to maintain Alonso's credibility.

Yay! Carmen is free! I look forward to watching this episode.

Someone always has to come up with a lame reason why the suicidal nutjob HAS to stay with the person who is supposedly making them insane. Even people who should know better, like a psychologist!

I think Alonso doesn't want it getting out that HE is the one who inadvertently supplied Diana with the pills. I don't think Karina is an official patient of his...I don't know how much trouble Alonso could get into for prescribing them to Karina.

Also, Alonso doesn't know that Diana planted drugs in Natalia's desk in order to send Natalia to jail.

It's tricky dealing with someone who is suicidal b/c you're afraid of setting them off. I think it's a combination of this and not wanting anyone to know he prescribed the pills to Karina that has Alonso saying HUSH to Diego.


Thanks for your recap Kat. I too hope Karina buys a clue and stops being Diana door mat.

Yeah Carmen is home!! But what happened to Alonso? Why would you want your friend in a relationship w/a loca? Though Anon207 you make a great point that Alonso is trying to cover his behind.

Sara & Diana, ITA that this set, especially Carmen's family, seems like it is a blast and a fun, family atmosphere.

Thanks, 5ft. I agree that this novela is a bright spot in the novela lineup compared to the evil and angst of Siempre and Robo.

I cannot decide who annoys me more...shrieking , scheming Diana or ditsy Karina.

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