Thursday, April 24, 2014

De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #34 4/24/14

De que los malos prosperan, prosperan

Oh amigas/os, woe as me.  I get the episode where the antics of three icky characters seem to wretch havoc and not a lot of the great light moments we’ve come to enjoy.  I apologize as this is longer than I expected and please let me know if I missed anything.  Let’s go.

Natalia and Diego are explaining why they were so late when her evil sister states that Diego should run along to his wife.  Naturally things go downhill for Nat from there (while the Brat enjoys humiliating her mother’s favorite).  Nat does tell her Mom know she loves Diego but her Mom calls her a home wrecker.  Later, the Brat kisses up to Carmen and its quite sickening.  You know in the next breath she’ll demand Nat help to get a job at Caprico or bash her for something else.
Diana returns – Diego finally gets home and the Witch and her lawyer, Mr. Cisneros let him know a judge has ruled Diego that has committed domestic violence by kicking her out of the house.  Diana must return to the house immediately and Diego smartly and promptly calls his lawyer, Alberto.  Al arrives and Cisneros hands him the allegations.  Al notes that Diana has committed adultery and since she’s a lying liar who lies, of course her lawyer retorts Diego has a lover too.  Diego denies this and Cisneros says they should consider themselves even.  Diana also has the audacity to demand a quick settlement, which we all know means mucho dinero.  Diego deflects this question to the lawyers and goes to the study w/Al.  She remains looking smug.

In the office, Al reminds Diego of his mistake in kicking Diana out.  Diego is ticked and doesn’t want to give her money because he feels that will be rewarding her behavior, which is true.  Unfortunately, filing for adultery will prolong the divorce proceedings.  Nevertheless, Diego moves forward with the adultery claim and let’s Al know all she’s getting from him is a roof.

Irene and Alonso continue their conversation, she had to stop because of Diana’s appearance, and she informs him of the witches arrival.  Alonso is coming over to talk to his buds and makes a lunch date w/Irene por manana.

Nat is still on the coach where she got reamed out by her family for being an adulteress, which she isn’t though as people would say the optics do look very bad.  And in fairness, she has kissed him and he’s married.  Carmen comes in and ignores her.  Nat apologizes for not telling her mother Diego was married.  Carmen brings up the important point that divorces are not instant and while Nat waiting for him she better do the right thing.

Diana is back in her/Diego’s bedroom and she’s got all his clothes on the bed.  She asks where her other things are and he tells her in the trash, ha.  Oh and she throws a fit, who would have thought?

Wow, the hits keep coming tonight...
El wakes up with Kimberly, yes he was that stupid.  And he wonders why he’s empty, really El.  And he’s got two more days with her, serves you right buddy.  Luz calls to remind him of their day together and he lies that he’s with Morales.  Kim gets angry and is silly enough to buy his “you need to be formally introduced to my Mom.”  I ask you all what is next, Carmen hooking up w/Chato.  Please no, I like this tn but a lot of icky stuff is happening tonight, as our blogging friend Diana would say, sigh.

Chato calls and talks w/Nat, who is flabbergasted he has returned.  She and Carmen kind of get into it about his return w/Carmen telling her they’ll talk about it later.  He claims he’s been hurt, is in the hospital (LIE) and needs her help.  I’m w/Vivi that Carmen only needs to see Chato w/supervision from Luptia.

Kimberly fixes breakfast and she’s burned it.  El skips out stating his cholesterol is high and he needs to run to the office.  Our poor brain trust Kimberly believes she can win over Luz and calls her (as she’s the last number on El’s phone).  This my friends is an example of technology biting you in the behind.  But El could have avoided all this, so let’s just consider it his on-going anvil; the terror stops when he breaks up w/Kimberly.  Unless she ends up or claims to be pregnant.

Breakfast at casa Grumps
Diana decides to take another tact.  She acts nice and gives Diego her price.  Surprise (NOT), he rips up the paper.  Irene tells Grumps about the situation (all the noise last night) and he’s ticked.  He wants her to arrange some pictures in albums.  Wow, now that a fun memory.  My mom still has old family photo albums.  I plan on getting a scanner so we can get those things digitized.  Back to our story, why did Grumps think it was ok to ask Irene to do that?  He dismissing her desire for fashion but wants her at home to arrange his old pics.  That guy.  I’m so glad she’s stayed sober a few more days and is moving forward on her project.

Andres, another one of my least favorite characters – he stalks Nat and helps Chato, as far as I’m concerned he has no purpose other to harm the Garcias, and he is again assisting Chato.  He brings him a crutch and other things for Chato to pretend to be sick for Carmen. 

In the office, Nat and Diego talk about how they both had a bad night.  She arguing with her Mom.  Nat begs him to put things on hold.  He thinks he has lost her and thankfully she is patient and assure him he is not.  He then has to explain why Diana is back at the house.  And she again says let’s wait.

The Brat visits Irene and trashes her sister for not setting up an appointment.  She tells Irene that Nat is jealous of her.  I can’t wait to see how soon this will blow up in the Brat’s face as Irene is not stupid. 

Chato starts his ruse on Carmen asking her to look after him, get this, at HER house because of his condition.  At the close of our episode Pablo and the Brat plot to get rid of him.  Pablo asks about Nat and the Brat, never one to pass up a dig, says who knows how she’ll react.  Witch!

Kimberly calls Luz and it goes badly because Luz thinks she’s a skank.  Meanwhile, Padre has come by to chat w/Luz and they talk about how El is a lost cause.  Oh El, if only you had listened to our group.

Carmen drags Chato to the fonda.  It’s a bit funny because Carmen is talking to Pablo and keeps hitting Chato in ways a truly injured person should never be hit.  But this is Chato so hit away.

Irene visits w/Nat to tell her the Brat came by her office.  Nat is mortified and tells Irene that she thinks the Brat hates her.  It could be because she’s adopted.  Irene is a bit stunned but we know she won’t be able to make the leap that Nat’s her daughter for a long time.  We are also being set up here for the part in the story where when Nat learns that Irene is her mother she will hate her because she abandoned her.  Hopefully she’s learn about how her abuelo had her stolen and told Irene she was dead but that probably will not happen before we have to go through more pain and suffering.  Nat also mentions how her mother never made a distinction between Nat and her siblings.  Poor Irene as we know she has not had that experience with her evil father.  Irene tells Nat she too was adopted and had a great mother.  FYI Diego’s father was named Eduardo and died in an accident.

Back at the fonda, Chato tries to get Carmen to sit with him.  She has to work but Padre and Luz show up and get shocked.  He and Luz immediately talk to Carmen and he doesn’t approve.  In another instance of Padre being a loving, caring advisor (SO NOT) he basically tells Carmen she’s being a fool for helping Chato (True) and should not to talk to him (so wrong I’m just shocked).  He does tell Pablo that if there is an emergency to call him immediately.

Chato tells Luz that Carmen is the love of his life and it looks like she buys it.  And Carmen overhears and seems to be buying it too.  Come on, Carmen.  Later he unloads all types of stories to Carmen and Luz.  Lupita arrives and is shocked that Chato is in such a state.  He wants Lupita to call him Dad but thankfully Carmen says he has to earn that title.  Ok, so I guess Padre’s harsh reaction is supposed to be balanced out by Carmen and Luz being so trusting.

Al and Cisneros are with the judge.  The judge sees the video and Diana is in a bit of hot water now.  She’ll have to find dirt on Diego within 48 hours for her counter-claim of Diego’s adultery. In this same 48 hours, Diana must be ready to submit for a DNA test.

Alonso comes by the office to visit Diego and runs into Irene.  While he’s chatting w/Diego, the doctor calls about the evil twin.  The doc wants to see Diego in person.  Diego wants Irene to go with him, sorry Alonso, and suggests Alonso come too.  He explains to Diego why he is no longer Irene’s therapist.  He wanted to be friends more than her therapist.  The Doc tells our trio that there is no change w/Rod and its time to let him go.

The plug is about to pulled on Rod and his eyes open again.
Diana’s detective tries to get dirt on Nat and Diego.


Thank you so much, Karen. I always enjoy your recaps. I really liked "But this is Chato so hit away." Yes, please. Hit away.

You did get a bummer of an episode, though. Nothing light to ease the pain.

I understand the reasoning, but I almost wish Diego would just give in and pay Diana. Of course, if he did she would just keep demanding more. I swear if DNA results get faked....

Oh, and Bratgitte! She is going to be trouble for Nat.

Irene didn't seem to thrilled about being interrupted by her, either.


Excellent recap, Karen! Not too long at all, and helped me picture what I missed.

Carmen is able to see the dangers in Nat getting involved with Diego while he's still legally married, but she is totally unable to see the danger signs about the men she gets involved with.

I think all the other siblings should shun Brigitte until she learns to show Nat proper respect. Alberto needs to find someone more worthy to crush on. Heck, I'd rather he crush on Kimberly!

Karen, I was so looking forward to seeing one of your stellar recaps again. And this certainly was.

You did masterful justice in recounting all of the events (many quite disturbing) yet managing to part the storm clouds a bit with flashes of sunshine including "Our poor brain trust Kimberly" which made me laugh.

So hard to choose favorites but "Diana also has the audacity to demand a quick settlement, which we all know means mucho dinero", "Kimberly calls Luz and it goes badly because Luz thinks she’s a skank" and “Nat is still on the coach where she got reamed out by her family for being an adulteress, which she isn’t though as people would say the optics do look very bad” ranked high on my list.

One of the primary reasons this TN appeals to me is that the characters here are capable of thinking and processing information accurately and logically. While not always the case, it's reassuring that Natalia and Diego are trying to keep communication open and honest. They are trying to stay together despite the odds and vipers (I'm staring at you Diana) being against them.

So disappointed in El. I suspect however, he feels the same way about himself, but he brought it on himself. As you noted: "But El could have avoided all this, so let’s just consider it his on-going anvil; the terror stops when he breaks up w/Kimberly". Yes, exactly!

Well, we knew Rod would not remain in the coma in perpetuity. Time for him to rear his ugly head apparantly! Sigh.

Sara, I think the only way Diana will stay in the picture is if the DNA results are tampered with. No spoiler, simply my speculation but if I were a betting woman...

Karen, thank you for the excellent recap! You've made my Friday...


I agree Diana-there probably will be tampering since it's the only way for Diana to stay in the picture. I wonder how they will manage it though since she doesn't have money.

Forgot to mention that I loved the lawyer telling everyone Diana had diarrhea. Haha!

The only thing that bothers me about Albogado is that he likes Bratgitte. I suspect that means we will either be dealing with his heartache or her redemption. Right now she doesn't seem redemption worthy to me.

Or I guess the divorce could go through and she could hook up with Rodrigo.

Thanks for all of your kind comments.

Sara, yes unfortunately I do see faked DNA results looming in our future and it was funny when Diana's lawyer was talking about her diarrhea. I know we often get these jealous sibling stories but they always seem so creepy to me; your sibling might kill you or do significant harm when given the chance. The Brat is so bad she'll possibly join forces with Diana and that's all types of wrong.

Vivi, the writers do need to bring in another nice woman for Al. Like Sara, I'm not seeing the Brat's redemption soon and I'd rather he be with someone who is caring. As you noted, Kimberly seems a much better choice for him than the Brat.

Diana, one of the things that makes this tn enjoyable is that people use reason and think through things. Though they may still do stupid things (I'm looking at El and Carmen helping Chato), the actors/writers have given us enough info to understand why s/he makes certain choices (unlike most of the "good guys" over on PSMA).


Gracias, Karen! You got hit with a bit of a downer, but boy did you make the most of it :D

Chato suffering for his scheme was one of the few bright spots last night. I'm sure the neck brace is hot and uncomfortable, the leg brace is probably digging into him every time he tries to use his leg normally, and his armpits are probably sore from the crutches. Serves him right!

You're so right about Kimberly being El's anvil. Too bad we all have to suffer right along with him. She's got a bit of a mean/manipulative streak, so I'm not going to feel too bad when he finally breaks up with her.

I seriously doubt that Diana's PI is going to be able to get any irrefutable proof that Natalia and Diego are having an affair, but all the same...I wish Alberto had warned him that Team Diana was given 48 hours to come up with some proof and told him to just avoid Natalia completely during that time.

Padre annoys me in a lot of his un-Padre like behavior, but sometimes I like that he's not a cardboard cutout! A cardboard Padre would have been telling Carmen last night that since Chato's the father of one of her children, she's obligated to try to make things work with him now that he's back. *shudder* Padre Juancho is really more like an opinionated, meddling uncle than a priest where the Garcias are concerned.

Brat has a lot of growing up to do before she's on Alberto's level, or ready to have a job at Caprico. You don't invite yourself to your potential boss' office to try to force an interview before she's hiring, then bad-mouth another employee. I can maybe cut Natalia some slack for the "she's always thrown it in my face that I'm adopted" conversation with Irene because they've already established that they're friends. And Brigitte seems to have conveniently forgotten that Natalia was the one who mentioned her to Irene in the first place.

Great recap Karen, thanks. I don't believe I've watched any other novela that you recapped. Needless to say, I hope they keep coming.
Many great comments as well. 5 ft ITA with your comments especially about Padre. Wish he'd be more objective and less opinionated about the Garcia's.
I also agree with everyone's guess that there's a DNA problem on the horizon. Diego will wrongly turn out to be the father and as we know he'll feel obligated to maintain a relationship with a wife he despises for the sake of his "fatherly duties". After all, the writers have to have a way to keep relationship between Nat and Diego in unrelenting crisis.

That said, I'm enjoying this novela a lot more that I thought I would. Glad I got on board.


Kat, so glad you stopped by. I hope things are going well for you with concert week.

I too wish Al had let Diego know about Team Diana's latest ploy. Perhaps she will be thwarted now and later join forces with the evil twin. And it's good Padre isn't a cutout but he needs to be kinder with his flock.

Foxy, so nice to see you here! In spite of last night, this has been a nice tn that breaks from the suffering and horror that seem to run over in others. I'm wondering if when Rod wakes up, if Nat will be told. If yes, then her part in his coma may separate the couple. If no, then she'll continue to think Diego is back to being bi-polar. Either way its more obstacles to Nat and Diego.

Oh yeah! Diego did vow to catch the guy that put his brother in a coma. I forgot about that. Yup. One more thing to keep them apart for another 150 episodes.

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