Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, Capitulo 100. 04/01/14

Robledo informs Pedro that Ale will be released from prison. Pedro tries to show who has the bigger....avocados and starts yelling, but Robledo proves he has the bigger set. He can go over his head and call the Attorney General or even the President of the Republic. He reminds Pedro that he has a bigger pull with the government then little man Pedro.

Ale explains to his attorney that JL is taking the fall for the burning of the dirty money. The attorney thinks it's great but Ale is having a hard time swallowing his guilt. He doesn't like the fact that JL is being punished for something he did. The attorney reminds him to keep his mouth shut or else it would look like he was indeed involved in drug dealing. Ale knows and wants his attorney to personally represent JL in the criminal proceedings. I beg you to make sure that he doesn't end up in jail. Oh and don't tell him that I am footing the bill. Just charge him a small percentage to fool him. His attorney agrees, but can't assure him that JL won't spend anytime in the big house.

Rosy tells Padre that Ale is not upset with him for losing the letter. Montse comes in and brings good news. She spoke with Robledo and he believes Ale is innocent. He has seen a report where it details all the injustice that was committed against Ale. He also says that he will be opening up an investigation on Pedro. Padre wants to know if she told him about the letter that he lost. She says not to worry. It will be Maria who is brought in for questioning in regards to the letter. He is issuing an order now for her to present herself.

Ale also suspects that his cousin and her lawyer friend have been giving information to Pedro about him. His attorney agrees and thinks that Fabs is nothing but trouble. He also wants Ale's permission to investigate Sandro. Something just doesn't jive with him and his contacts in Miami can give him the scoop. Of course replies Ale.

Montse tells Rosy that JL is no longer head of the investigation and a mariner. Montse keeps bad mouthing JL while Rosy gets sicker at each ugly word. Montse notices and asks why. Rosy says she will always be grateful to JL for not pressing charges against Ale when he shot him. Montse says the good and noble JL no longer exists. He is now on the dark side.

Angie is in bed and starts spitting up blood. JL comes home and she hides it. He wonders how she's fairing and she lies saying all is well. She is happy today. JL says he has brought good news. He has asked Robledo for a week off so that he can spend everyday with her. Angie is elated at the news. Now he can help her and her mom with her plans. At JL's insistence on knowing, she tells him that Esme and Refugio are getting married Sunday, but they just don't know it yet.

The mean guard comes to inform Ale that he is now a free man.

Josefina confronts Adolfo. He can't believe that she thinks that he asked for a million dollars in exchange for helping Ale. Josefina ain't buying his brand of bull...crap. He throws the blame on Dim. Josefina says her man has changed, is falling in love with her and is no longer driven by his love of money. Everyday since she moved into the house, he has sent her a rose. This silently means he is asking forgiveness for his past actions. Adolfo wonders if it is really Dim sending the roses? What if....he is interrupted by Dim. They exchange cold greetings. Dim says it's too bad that Adolfo couldn't get the money he wanted in exchange for helping his brother-in-law. Adolfo denies it and they go back and forth saying “Uh-huh” and “Na-uh”. Dim says to drop the bull. Josefina knows everything even that it was Adolfo's idea about the fake marriage. Adolfo is outraged at Dim's accusations and tries to plant a seed of doubt in Josefina's brain. Dim is fed up and wants to solve the problem man to man. Adolfo's avocados shrink and he decides to just walk away. (He doesn't want to get his new “do” messed up). Dim grabs him by the arm and they start shouting. Graceless comes in at a bad time (doesn't she always) and starts to break up the almost (I-know-it-will-good) fight. Adolfo takes his leave and Dim tells Josefina not to believe Adolfo. But we see doubt in her eyes.

Graceless aka her royalness follows Adolfo out and wants to know if Dim is jealous over Josefina because of him. Don't waste your time. Josefina's brother left her with nothing. So you can't try to get money from her. Adolfo says he is not interested in her money. Her royal hot mess laughs. You can't be serious? You are trying to tell me you feel something for that ugly girl? Don't forget you and my son conned her to get at her money. Do you regret that? Adolfo admits if he had to do it all over again, he would. But the only different between he and Dim is that he would have taken marrying Josefina seriously. Josefina would never have lost her money and I...wouldn't be throwing my life away. Her royalness ain’t' buying his brand of bull....crap. He starts to walk away and she calls him back. If he is still interested in conquering Josefina, she will help him. Josefina no longer has any money and is a stone in my son's shoe. I have other plans for my baby. Are you interested? Of course replies Adolfo. EZ interrupts and while Adolfo walks away, Graceless tells EZ that Carlotta is away and to leave. He stops her and says he wants to speak with her.

Ale is checking out of the big house and gets handed his street clothes to change into. Unfortunately, we are not privy to a strip tease and he comes back fully dressed. Damn! Our man is again dressed in his signature blue. He walks out and into the arms of his best bud, Victor. For some reason, we have to see that the truck is a Toyota. Product placement. Nice truck, but I'm a Dodge kinda girl.

EZ tells her royal highness that he knows she doesn't like him, but is very much in love with Carlotta. They are going to get married and he would like to be frenemies. Her royalness doesn't make friends with men of his status. If my dumb sister-in-law wants to lower herself and marry a poor man then more power to her. EZ understands from Carlotta that her “economic status” has deteriorated since her husband's death. And with Ale's difficulties, he's not helping her out. Her royalness wants to know what's up with him getting in her business. Since I'm marrying Carlotta, it is my intention to protect and take care of you. I want to take care of everything and everyone that she loves. I don't want you both to feel alone and unprotected. And what do you plan to give to take care of this family questions the royal one. EZ pulls out a blank check and tells her to name her price. He doesn't want Carlotta to have any worries before the wedding. She writes down a price that she will agree to, but it will only keep them afloat for a couple of months. EZ agrees to it and her royalness welcomes him into the family.

Montse, baby, Rosy and Padre are all awaiting the return of the mighty Ale. Rosy is pacing and Dominga brings in some refreshments. Ale walks in and hugs his mom, then Padre and finally his wife and child. He holds his son and Dominga promises a scrumptious meal fit for the king. Montse leads Ale into the bedroom.

They are in each others arms as they walk into the bedroom and start getting their freak on. They profess their love for each other. He wants her to tell him that she has never had another like him and that she's happy in his arms.

EZ waits for Carlotta. She arrives and tell him that she paid a visit to all the important people's houses in town and bad-mouthed Pedro. She told them if Pedro could mistreat Ale, then he can do it to their husbands. Everyone she spoke with was aghast. EZ praises her excellent work. Her royal hot mess comes in saying how lovely EZ and Carlotta look together. She reprimands Carlotta for letting everyone know that Ale is in jail. But he's innocent says Carlotta. Do you really think so questions the royal one. Because I doubt it. She turns to EZ and asks him his opinion. EZ thinks that Pedro is high in his instep and is abusing his power. He is making Ale look bad for his own purposes. Carlotta says with operation “Bring down Pedro”, they will succeed in his termination as mayor. Her royalness doesn't think it's a good idea for Carlotta to be spreading gossip. Carlotta assures her it isn't gossip. It's the truth. Her royal hot mess thinks that once the good people of Aguazul find out Ale is a bastard, they will turn their backs. Especially if they find out who his mother is. Carlotta finally agrees. Her royalness hopes that Ale gets out soon and takes his mother back to the hacienda. She doesn't want people in town to find out. Carlotta defends Rosy and says she's a great woman. Her royalness changes the subject and advises EZ to change his look. Carlotta thinks he looks just fine the way he is.

Pedro informs Sandro and Fabs that Ale left the big house. Robledo used his influences to get him out, but Pedro is not going to stand down. Sandro offers his help. Pedro tells Sandro and Fabs that when Ale opens the safe, the wills better be there. He hands Fabs the first will, but plans to stay with the second one where it lists Ale as the heir. When Fabs starts to argue that Ale will find out it's missing and blame her, Pedro pulls out another will from his bag of tricks showing Fabs as the heir. When Ale presents this will before the judge, he won't figure out that it was switched until it's too late. Sandro thinks that they will request the originals to be shown. Pedro assures them everything is fixed. I am putting money in this and I make sure all loose ends are tied up. Fabs thinks that with the testimony of the padre and the attorney, it will show that the will has been altered. Pedro tells her not to worry her ugly fedora head about it. He will take care of it.

Carlotta tells EZ not to take offense over her royal hot mess comments. EZ says that little by little he will buy, I mean win her over. While I was waiting for you, I spoke with her and gave her a million reasons why I fell completely in love with you. (guess we know how much he gave her). He's confident that her royalness realizes how much he loves her. They kiss and the royal one walks up as EZ leaves. Her royalness somehow does not choke and apologizes for her previous behavior with EZ. I understand that he is not in our social class but realized that you cannot aspire to obtain a man with a higher class then EZ. But anyway she hopes that she will be happy with him. As the maid walks by with a tray of goodies, Carlotta tries to grab one. Her royalness takes it away and reminds her of her diet. She wants to talk more about Rosy. How did she just appear after Ale told me that she was dead? Carlotta explains the story of how Rosy came to work for him and why she came with Montse when they were kicked out of the hacienda. Her royalness wonders if Rosy could be lying. Carlotta says she and Montse have never doubted Rosy's word. You have no idea how much she has suffered. And Padre Anselmo is testimony to all this. Her royalness starts to bad-mouth Padre but Carlotta sticks up for him. Good Padre's never lie. Her royalness says he's not a good Padre. And where was she all this time? Carlotta for once decides to keep her mouth shut and says she knows the story, but she's not going to spill the frijoles. She doesn't want it to get around town. She bids the royal one good night and royal hot mess yells out “Te falta Jesus”!

Fabs is sneaking into the study to put back the wills she stole.

Next day, Montse and Ale are asleep. He recalls his conversation with JL and his confession that he kissed Montse. She finally awakens in the arms of her man and she says she's so happy to have him home. He asks her what she wants to do and she says nothing. What?! I've got some ideas. He suggests they stay in bed all day. (now he's thinking). She agrees but hears little Laurito crying. She leaves to attend to their son.

Dim scares Josefina while she's ironing. He is dressed up in his mariner suit and looks mighty fine. She comments on how attractive he looks. He wonders why she's ironing. Did my mother ask you too? Josefina says that there is only enough money to pay Manuela and she can't do it all. Anyway, it's our clothes and I do it with pleasure. Dim finds a dress of his mother's on the bed and Josefina lies and says her royalness asked her to iron it since she was already ironing. It is no big deal. Anyway, lately our relationship has gotten better. Dim is not fooled.

Amelia fusses over Angie. Doorbell rings and it's Esme. Esme greets Angie and wonders why they are dressed up. Angie says she has an important event to attend and she is invited. Esme complains that she didn't come dressed correctly. Angie tells her not to worry. That is why she told her to come early. Amelia leaves to fetch something from the bedroom. Esme thinks Angie should be in bed resting. Angie promises she will after the event. She will only stay for an hour or two. Esme wonders where their going but Angie says it's a secret. Amelia brings out a two piece wedding dress and Esme says it's lovely. Who is it for? You replies Angie. Today you marry Refugio. Esme is overjoyed.

Manana: La boda de Refugio y Esme; drama at the wedding; Victor says he's taking Nadia away.


Adolfo's makeover looks very effective, but I really don't like the turn we're taking with EZ and Graceless.

I'd love for someone to see that the handle on the safe isn't perfectly straight, but that will not be Victor.

Thanks again Novela Maven for filling in for me last night.

I just want to say that I rarely get to read the recaps until all the kiddos are in bed (that includes hubby). So I don't get to respond since we are on the next recap if/when I want to comment. But I want to thank everyone for their lovely comments. Don't think that I don't want to comment, it's just that I don't get the time during the day.

Elna June, I hope you are doing well. You have been in my thoughts. Carlos, congrats on your retirement you lucky guy.

Okay, off to bed!

"Pedro tells her not to worry her ugly fedora head about it"
Gloria, I loved that quote and the rest of your snappy recap!

Just when things were improving with Ale getting out of jail and Pedro on the wane, Angelica's condition has to worsen.



Thanks so very much for this marvelous recap and I am so glad you are feeling much better.

I'm glad Ale's home, but the am I the only man eva? That is starting to get old. He should know this in his heart already!

I don't like this will bidness at all! First Ale lost his freedom, and now there is a good chance of losing his lana and everything like the hacienda too. I'm hoping Peddy's plan goes haywire. I fear now for the Padre and Cevero, the two witnesses to the signing of that will. Hopefully Cevero will find something really bad on Sandho and Fablush.

So Graceless is up to her old tricks. Getting rid of Fina again! When is Graceless eva going to realize that she is the truly fugly one and not Fina? I'm hoping it's soon.

I loved that surprise wedding idea of Angie's for Esme and Refugio. It's funny, when Amelia first appeared on the scene she seemed much like Graceless, and come to find out she isn't like her at all! Amelia really goes all out for Angie. Amazing.

So now EZ is paying the bills for Graceless, hmmmmmm......I'm sure there will come a day when it will be payback time in one form or another. Will Graceless be able to pay?

Thanks again Gloria for this marvelous recap.


Thanks Gloria for this amazing recap

Graceless "the bride/wife vendor" she has become an expert at that. But she will be out of business soon as she has no one else to sell and i just wonder who she will sell this time.

Great work, Gloria.

Just what plans could Graceless have for Dimitrio, anyway? Could she be hoping that he would marry Virginia?

If she finds out that there is the possibility that Fabiola is her daughter, she will try something with her, but I predict it will backfire in some way. Either Fabiola isn't hers and/or she will tell Graceless to take a long walk off a short pier.

Thank you, Gloria, for that excellent recap.

The actor playing Cevero is in so many novelas. He usually plays doctors, generals, police captains, and other authority roles. He is a good actor and skyways brings authenticity to his roles.

The love scenes between AB and SR are beautiful, but it always seems as if AB is posing. She leans back for a kiss and her long,shiny, perfect hair hangs and sways. She takes off her stilettos , but she is on tippy toe...almost on point without ballet shoes. She holds her head just so. It never feels like abandoned passion in these love scenes. Everything is very perfect and geometric.

Adolfo looks handsome with short hair, but I like long hair of guys and he looked very cute with his shaggy locks.

EZ and Gracie make a scary duo. Ick

Skyways ????...ALWAYS

Ah Gloria...I always love your down-home-and-personal commentary on the action. Haven't seen this yet but, like you, I'm sure I'll be disappointed to miss seeing Alejandro change clothes.

And oh my! how many times do we have to gaze upon the lovely Toyota Tundra!? If you're a Dodge kinda gal, do you actually drive a truck? I've often wished I had one when trying to wedge various bins of material to take to the recycling center. But the cost of gas! ay yi yi.

My favorite comment though was when EZ said he had a million reasons to love Carlotta and you quipped "Guess we know how much he gave her" [Graciela]. I still get a kick out of her relentless wheeling and dealing. Gracie probably could weasel GM out of its current mess.

Oh and UA, Blondes will never lose ground. While I thought our Montse was more interesting as Teresa, it was her character more than her hair color that made her snap crackle and pop. Her current Montserrat incarnation is just too vanilla pudding to be captivating.

Judub...That truck has become a character in the show. I am waiting for it to start talking ...like Kit in Night Rider. Product placement squared.

Gloria: Your recaps are like a mesmerizing book you cannot put down. Totally hooked on your recaps. You have style, wit, humor and always offer insightful asides. You write honestly and I so admire that.

"Adolfo's avocados shrink and he decides to just walk away. (He doesn't want to get his new “do” messed up)" made me laugh out loud. Also enjoyed "Her royal hot mess" and "tells her not to worry her ugly fedora head" - simply great.

Angie and Amelia presenting Esme with the beautiful gown was touching. I thought for a moment Esme might actually shed a tear! What a dear friend Angie has been to her - she will miss her terribly if Angie does indeed pass away.

"I spoke with her and gave her a million reasons why I fell completely in love with you". Hmm, have to give EZ credit. That was a necessary and smart move. Graciela will be tolerant as long as the coffers are full.

Ale's insecurities remain unabated: “He wants her to tell him that she has never had another like him and that she's happy in his arms”. Really Ale? Still? Sigh. It is getting tiring Madelaine, I agree.

I am disappointed in Monse's lack of character development. I keep waiting for fire and ice similar to what Angelique brought to Teresa (a fascinating, multidimensional character) but that has not happened here. Judy, your "Her current Montserrat incarnation is just too vanilla pudding to be captivating" was on point. The writers have not fleshed out the character and have left her too one dimensional.

Susanlynn, I like the "old" Adolfo better! I also like longer hair although it often seemed to have far too much hair product...

Carlos, I somehow missed that you are retiring. Sincere congratulations and much happiness.

Gloria, you do so much and it is greatly appreciated. This was fantastic!


As soon as Alejandro's parentage comes into question I think we will see Monse's and Rosario's claws.

Here's also hoping that Robledo, Cevera, Padre Anselmo, and Macario survive the attempts that will be made on their lives.

Thanks Gloria. I was gone all day on a business trip and have yet to catch up with this episode. Your fantastic recap makes me definitely want to see some of these highlights.
But I will say sounds like I want to fast forward a few bits. I'm fascinated that so many people now are on the bandwagon to take down Pedro, Sandho and Fabs. Pedro maybe, but surprised we are moving so fast to possible exposure on the other two. Of course the wills will come into play. Honestly, and I've said this before, losing the bucks might be the best thing that ever happened to Ale and family. But I guess we'll see.


I disagree. Alejandro lived with poverty before and while Monserrat isn't afraid of being poor, neither of them deserve to lose his inheritance (for which I think he paid in advance).

The only good I could see coming out of that is losing Graceless' consistent attempts at getting money from them.

JudyB and Susanlynn, you are so right about the Toyota Tundra "commercial". It went on and on! Too funny!


Mil gracias, Gloria!

I caught a glimpse of this and saw Adolfo with his short hair and cleaned up look. I like Ferdinando (Adolfo) in all his looks. He's constantly changing up his hair for his roles. I do think his short cuts make his eyes (and those long lashes) stand out more. :)

Glad to hear Ale is finally free, since he wasn't making the most of his prison time making friends and gaining skills/knowledge, as most other jailed protagonists do. Our boy is needy and insecure, and requires his women and peeps around him reassuring him of their love and adoration.

I'll definitely record the show tonight because I want to see the surprise wedding.

Why is JL telling Angie he's taking a week's vacation? Does her expect her to be dead within the week, and that way he won't have to explain why he's not at work?

Vivi, I completely agree with you about Ferdinando's new look. He has spectacular eyelashes and they need to be seen.

I was wondering the other day why Televisa hasn't yet done its own version of El Inutil. Between Ferdinando and Osvaldo, whom would you choose for the title role?

Vivi, that is very troubling about JL taking the week vacation. If Angelica dies soon it will be too bad because at least that plot line gave the viewer some relief from the nasty goings on in Aguazul.


The love scene between Alejandro and Montse at this point just feels creepy with Alejandro's very unsexy insecurity and possessiveness. If they were going for sexy they failed miserably.
And yes, AB is very pose-y with love scenes. The really steamy one they had once Montse fell in love with him is wonderful, but there is a part where Alejandro is carrying her and the whole trip to the bed she's got her leg extended in such an unnatural way (if somewhere were carrying you your legs would relax, definitely not pointing outward perfectly flexed like a ballerina's) that it was shocking to me that they didn't re-do it.

Wonderful job, Gloria! Thanks so much for your thorough and fun recap of April Fool's Day in Aguazul (well, at least for us).

Like others, I especially liked:

"not to worry her ugly fedora head about it"

and all the variants on "her royal highness," particularly "her royal hot mess."

And that Toyota product placement right in the middle of the episode -- good grief! It was so glaring that it really had to be including in the recap, as comic relief if nothing else.

No problem about switching nights - de nada.


Alejandro and Montserrat are so rude!

Everyone was ecstatic to see them; Dominga prepared a delicious cena and all those two can think about is their own carnal desires.

I hope the rest figured out what was going on and ate while the food was still hot.



"Why is JL telling Angie he's taking a week's vacation? Does her expect her to be dead within the week, and that way he won't have to explain why he's not at work?"

Yes, that's exactly his expectation. He has voiced it aloud to several people. Robledo agreed to let him accompany his wife in her final days and then report back so he can go to jail right after Angélica dies.

He made his friends promise to keep his secret too. She has no idea that he has confessed to a crime, been kicked out of the navy, and is facing jail time. He has said he wants her to die in his arms with a smile on her face.


A bit more about the two wills:

Pedro returned intact the will naming Fabiola, but not the later one in Alejandro's favor. He had commissioned a forgery of that second will. It is supposed to look identical to the original, but when Alejandro presents it in court as proof that he is the legitimate heir, the experts will discover that it is fake.

Pedro claims he still has the original document. He also says that when Alejandro requests the certified copy filed in probate court, no such document will be found {because, says Pedro, he has his connections).

Most ominously, as Gloria reports:
"Fabs thinks that with the testimony of the padre and the attorney, it will show that the will has been altered. Pedro tells her not to worry her ugly fedora head about it. He will take care of it."

Meanwhile Fedora Head has put the two wills -- the real one in her favor and the fake one in Ale's favor -- back in the safe. She is counting on no one noticing the substitution until the matter is brought before a judge.


I was kind of surprised that none of the other characters reacted to Fofito's new look.


Did anyone else think Josefina's hair looked nicer?

Gloria - Terrific recap. I missed the first half, but your storytelling put me right there. My favorite lines have already been cited, but here’s one more:

EZ says that little by little he will buy, I mean win her over

EZ seemed to give deep thought to Gracie's insult about his outfits. I’m thinking Adolfo won’t be the only one getting a new look.

We don't know Esme's back story, but I'm guessing she grew up in a scrappy, hard-knocks environment. Bless Angie for making Esme feel like a princess and turning her into a business owner. Angie's playing forward Prudencia's good acts by becoming Esme's fairy godmother.

ITA all said on Ale's insecurity. I guess it was supposed to be sexy but it was a buzzkill for me. The writers don't seemed to be inspired to write great lines for Monse and Ale.

losing the bucks might be the best thing that ever happened to Ale and family

Daisynjay, I agree. Then Monse and Ale could together fight the evil Fab and show what they're made of. Or, on the downside, Ale would show the depths of his insecurities. Either way, it would be a win-win for AB’s and SR’s acting chops.

Vivi, maybe JL said a week cause he didn't think Angie would believe the Navy would give him more than a week off so suddenly? I sure hope after a week she's still around and he has to make up another lie.

It just seems presumptuous to assume Angie will die within the week, when she has already surpassed her original expiration date by months!

Niecie: "Angie's playing forward Prudencia's good acts by becoming Esme's fairy godmother." Perfect.


"It just seems presumptuous to assume Angie will die within the week, when she has already surpassed her original expiration date by months!"

Well, I guess JL can add psychic abilities to his characteristics now. Or he got the super secret memo from The Fates that said, "yeah, week tops. Sorry" so he's going with that.




This is such a good recap. You made me laugh with the Toyota Tundra comment—the product placement seems so much more obvious to me when nothing good is happening in the story.

This section on the Josefina, Dimitrio, Adolfo triangle was so well done:

"Adolfo's avocados shrink and he decides to just walk away. (He doesn't want to get his new “do” messed up). Dim grabs him by the arm and they start shouting. Graceless comes in at a bad time (doesn't she always) and starts to break up the almost (I-know-it-will-good) fight. Adolfo takes his leave and Dim tells Josefina not to believe Adolfo. But we see doubt in her eyes."

Wow! that was better than being there, Gloria.

I hope you have a great (busy) day and once again, thank you for writing such fine recaps. I am happy to be recapping with you.

Elna June

Dear Gloria,

I'm a little late in commenting today, but I just wanted to say thanks so much for the fantastic recap. It was so funny and detailed, too I actually missed last night's episode but your recap was so thorough and interesting, I feel like I watched the whole capitulo.
Best and thanks again,
Julia R

Gracias for the upbeat recap. I really enjoy your writing style.

I have to tell you guys that JL did not ask for a week off. He said they gave him "unas semanas". So he asked for some weeks off.

Gloria, ITA, I too was disappointed that we were not privy to Ale's change of clothes when he was leaving the reclusorio. Also, too much time on the Tundra. Enough already!

I have to say that I enjoyed the bedroom scene with Ale and Montse. I do think that AB poses at times, but it doesn't take away from the chemistry she has with SR. And of course Ale is feeling insecure. He was in jail for a lengthy period of time, while JL is having meetings with Montse. Plus JL telling him that he could not resist kissing his wife! We all know that Ale is insecure (dispite his gorgeously formed upper body and pretty face). Give the guy a break! He's working on it. NEXT!

I want Pedo to get punched in the ...oh wait, he doesn't have any. Well, either way, I am sick and tired if him and Faby and Sandy. It does look like Ale will be in the poor house for a while. Let's hope that Montse has enough cremas to last for a few months.

More to say, but out of time.

Back to work...hasta pronto!

AuntyAnn- That makes a lot more sense that he said a few weeks. I just couldn't see how he could be so sure Angie would kick the bucket within a week.

As for Ale-- If Monse had just been hanging out with JL all buddy buddy these days/weeks(?) he was in jail, then I would get the insecurity. He has spoken with her and knows for a fact all she's been doing is spewing venom JL's way. Why in the heck would he be torturing himself with all this jealousy and insecurity? I agree with the others that it's muy un-sexy. Acting sure of and confident in himself is one of the main things women find attractive in a man, in any culture.

Great recap Gloria and thanks for the mention of my retirement. I'm still adjusting to the new hours. When patients and friends asked me what I'd do first after retiring I would reply, "Sleep late." Know what? That's easier to say than to do.

Thanks, Diana, for mentioning it as well.

I found the Toyota Tundra feature quit amusing. What an appropriate choice of vehicle for the harsh frozen Arctic Tundra of Mexico. I wonder when he'll register it in Mexico? It still has the Texas tags. And has he been in jail so long that he really needed to activate the GPS to find his way home?

So wasn't he happy to see the kid when he arrived home? I think he must have held Laurito foe all of seven seconds before deciding it was time to boink. He manages to make Maricruz (CI) appear downright motherly. He mentioned taking a shower but I don't think he ever got around to it... Yikes!


Carlos...I am right there with you. I,too, got a giggle out of Ale switching on the GPS ...to drive home. Que? He wasn't in jail that long, so you would think that he could remember the way.

I think Ale meant to say, "I want to take a shower,,,after I boink Mony." I am pretty sure that was implied. All the folks in that room knew that dinner would late. I am sure that Dominga went right in to the kitchen and turned down the burners and lowered the oven temperature.

I hate to say this, but Ale seems devoid of emotion lately. I sort of enjoyed when he flipped that card table after JL did that over sharing with him about his continuing obsession with Ale's wife. YIKES TMI. At least Ale seemed awake and aware in that scene. I need to a little more emoting from SR.

Nice recap Gloria! I totally liked it when Robledo completely destroyed Pedro.It was fantastic but the best scene for me was when Ale came come and everyone in the house was asking themselves in mind " Whens dinner time?" while Ale was busy boinking Monse.

And yeah my life is like a telenovela now lol,i met two girls,one who i met ages ago is the Monseratt of my life but i will never have her and the second one is a bit clingy,something like a Angelica/ BM hybrid.

I hope im not transforming into JL!

great recap Gloria. Loved the snarky comments. Didn't have time to post yesterday.

Product placement! The message there was, "It's good to go home to your family from prison, but even better to go home to your Toyota Tundra. And, considering what's in the story, I have to give that to them.

ITA with the people that wondered at JL putting expiration date on Angie. Weird. She's the healthiest dying person that I ever saw.

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