Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Por Siempre Mi Amor #103 (Mex #142) 4/28/14 The Alliance from Hell
- Know how to change a flat tire.
- Know how to build a campfire.
- Knows what each item in a standard toolbox is and, more importantly, knows how to use them. (The old saying, "When all you have is a hammer everything in the world is a nail" doesn't work in reality.
- Can drive a vehicle with a stick shift.
- Can change the oil in a car.
- Knows how to jump start a vehicle if the battery is dead.
- Knows how to catch, clean and cook a fish, rabbit, duck or any small animal that could be dinner.
- Knows how to handle, load and shoot a gun.
- Knows what a shovel is for and how to use one.
- Doesn't completely freak out or faint at the sight of blood. (Very useful when you have kids.)
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Remember ladies, if you're being chased by a bear you don't have to outrun the bear. You just have to outrun the guy you're with. |
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I did not like Ally last night. I understand her anger, but she came off sounding like she thinks badly of Isa. Any enemy of Isa is my enemy, too. Don't mess with my girl!
BUT my girl did do more stupid stuff last night. Though I'm not sure how calm I could be if I were in a manicomio against my will. Why aren't the doctors at least calling Gabi and Andrea?
The Camille Paglia opening is definitely a subject for a weekend discussion.
Isabel should have been able to talk calmly about Feonando. She could have told them that it was all in the newspapers when she turned him in, that he was sentenced to 20 years and allegedly died after ten. She could have told them to call Andrea, get a DNA test with Feo and Andrea's kids, so many things.
At least Mauricio is looking into the prison for information.
As for Sonia, she should know that desperation and begging is the last thing that will keep a man.
What *did* happen to Cristian? He was a really nice guy and could have been good for Ileana.
I'm still on the fence about Sonia. I guess she really does love Fab, but at the beginning it sure seemed like it was all about the money!
As Corazon noted, there actually are a ton of good guys in this tn, they are just supporting players. I never understood why Gabi was never interested in Edgar. Remember, he professed his love for her at the beginning of the tn and she turned him down Andy recognized a quality man when she met him, and married him.
Sonia also recognized a quality man with Fab, but she doesn't deserve him. I'm not sure she loves him (is she capable?), but I do think she loves being a respectable married lady, married to a young, attractive, successful, rich man, who treats her with love and respect. He's also been her ticket back into society. Why would she want to go back to living in the shadows and pimping herself out? She's too old for that now.
Everyone joining the anti-Isabel campaign and it's growing fast.
Gaby and Andrea are her ONLY friends left. Very sad. 😩
“I've got a better idea. I think Esteban needs to look into the priesthood)”, “She spent those years studying psychiatric problems (not her own I take it)” were fabulous but “There is nothing more unattractive than a jealous harpy with a lisp” was my hands down favorite. Excellent.
Yes, Isa could have, should have been much calmer. But really, all of hell (and none of heaven) seems to be against her! She has been hit with one unholy revelation after the other with the final straw that the evil doctora has once again conspired against her. But agree with Sara: “Though I'm not sure how calm I could be if I were in a manicomio against my will. Why aren't the doctors at least calling Gabi and Andrea?” She has mentioned Gaby several times which seems to have fallen on deaf ears. How awful and frustrating this is. However, we must take heart with only 9 episodes left..
Sadly, I am changing my opinion of Ally:” Ally scoffs that it's just another lie of Gabriela's to make Arturo forgive Isabel”. Really? I would have hoped that Ally would have offered to help – she has no bone to pick with Isa but the green eyed monster has her firmly entrenched in its grasp.
Think Sonia does love Fab.
Vivi, I don't recall that Edgar was interested in Gaby! thank you for mentioning that.
CS, Este is a good man and Gil has certainly redeemed himself. Edgar is also on the list.
Xint, this was fantastic.
I wonder whether the (lame) Duck's fate will be to have an accident later and end up paralyzed for real.
I have to say that I don't agree with the article and I am happy to say that it reflects one woman's opinion. Since the women of today have equal access to many of items on your "man card" checklist, I know many men that can do at least 6 or more of your criteria. BTW- I don't want anyone who can "Knows how to catch, clean and cook a fish, rabbit, duck or any small animal that could be dinner." I appreciate that they can cook period.
But I digress, this novela has a lack of "manly" main character men due to the lack of creativity with the writers. Thank you, Corazon- GIl, once he found the love of a good woman to set him straight and Christian, Edgar, Este and YESSS- the bikers are good examples.
On to the recap- it was an infuriating episode. Why doesn't anyone follow up? I find it hard to believe that someone can just drop off a person at a mental institution without any preliminary background/ medical checks. I have lost all faith with the police (especially with Methuselah still free) and wonder if they will redeem themselves and solve this case or bumble this one up too.
UA- Daphne is definitely going to play the "I can't feel my legs" card- ugh!!! Too bad that the doctor didn't use a candle by her toes.
Isa needs to calm down and make up her own plan starting with asking to see Gaby, she did mention her name to the doctor but I'm not sure if he followed up.
I love your strike outs for Ally, and how pathetic was she to go and see Gaby. Come on Ally, you know that there is no passion in your marriage so stop the nonsense.
Dafne's Invalidpalooza- I love it.
Glad that Fab stood up to Sucia.
Yep Sara- Edgar was da bomb!
So moving on to the novela, Isa finally stopped to think but of course, a mention of Marcela and she was done for. Isa, you should have kept on about contacting Gabi! But it looks like tomorrow she starts using the few brain cells she has.
I knew the Duck would do this and I so I did not feel the least bit sorry for her. I think Marcela might figure it out since she knows so much about lies and manipulation.
How great is Andrea for insisting that Javier could be Fernando and having him go investigate?
Can't blame the US public education system for Mexican men in their late 40s/50s, LOL! Art is just a wimp, because that's what the writers wanted him to be. Have no idea WHY they thought that might work for a galan, but as many have noted, it seems to be the TN fashion at the moment - yech!
I agree - I watched CI, and many others, and Art wins worst galan prize!!!
The fact that I have not read of Art being concerned at all for Isa's welfare in the past many episodes since he kicked her out is maddening.
The hostility towards Isabel is disgusting and getting more uglier. If she gets killed off, Art and Aranza would be very happy due to their uppity elitism.
I'm waiting for a big twist that has Osvi involved in the vile treachery and murder, etc.,
Remember, he didn't want Art to marry Eugenia either. Osvi pushing the Maricela train is getting more disturbing.
Are we sure Osvie didnt have a third son,Oblivio? Oh wait thats just Fartie but with a different name! Damn Osvie you have two sons but only one is inteligent while the other one has birdcells! Arturo a ti te falta jesus,malgnacido perdonate!!
I'm missing Ricky-ascot and all, from MPV, who had all the classic protective galan instincts-who would never have allowed Isa to go this far from him even during a divorce. Galans want to reconcile with the prota. The fact that Art is so bent on Marcela is atypical novela from my experience.
I will be very upset when Isa forgives fArt for acting like a heartless fool. What I cannot stand is the fact that fArt has no compassion for Isa. I do not care if he feels betrayed (though it is not true). If he had one drop of human kindness inside him, he would be concerned that she is in trouble. When I was 16 , I had a bad car accident. The guy who had just broken up with me, never called, sent a card, or came to see me. However, the boy that I left for him brought my two best friends to the hospital pretty far away to visit me. When I got home, he visited me several times. He was a very good guy who was concerned about me. fArt is not a good person. I will be very unhappy when he crawls back to Isa and she takes him back in the end. He dies not deserve Isa. I would like to see her with a good guy who appreciates her.
Sara, loved your "Any enemy of Isa is my enemy, too. Don't mess with my girl!" Unfortunately I feel the writers are now trying to make Ally bad so when her marriage dissolves we are supposed to blame her for being irrationally jealous and not her lame husband.
While Edgar services are being paid for, his continued support of Gabi and looking Isa should make Gabi think twice about her love for a louse. Every time she talks w/Bruno about her BFF his first response is wrong.
TJ, ITA the episode sounded infuriating, like Diana I couldn't watch Isa continue to suffer. I think CD is right and they are following an older script.
Vivi posted great clips about the remakes related to Amor Bravio but in each tn remake they updated how the protagonists interacted/reacted based on times. This tn and aspects of Robo seem to not update certain elements of characters and male-female dynamics in ways that are an uncomfortable throw back b/c the women are often abused, physically, mentally, and emotionally, by men who supposedly love them.
CD having Osvy turn bad would be an interesting twist but the fact that he kept wanting fArt w/a psycho makes him look bad, along w/his looking down on Sonia when he had an affair on his wife and a child from the affair.
Anon @ 9:35 am, yes Ara's narcissism is incredible. It's disappointing that the writers want to reward her behavior but in a demented sense equal opportunity b/c her horrible father, worst galan ever, will get rewarded as well. It would be nice if neither she nor Este could get over the fact she slept with his DAD and move to other people. She can end the tn alone but I want Este w/Ileana (unless Christian comes back or tofie's suggestion of Fab).
Demetrios, since the writing has been uneven in this tn I don't know if I can credit the writers for this but its funny to me that Fab raised by his mother, who wasn't all together, is a much better person than fArt, who had the hypocrite Osvy
and his mom.
Did anyone notice the bright orange glasses frames that Ileana sported last night? They were even bigger than usual and would have gone great with Arturo's florescent orange pants.
Torbie in North Carolina
And Sara best wishes in grad school too. I hope you have an enjoyable experience and meet great people.
Susanlynn, thanks for sharing another one of your great stories. Yes fArt is not a good guy and his continued coldness toward Isa demonstrate that. And writers that lame scene with him longing for her in bed doesn't cut it.
I can't wait for the anvil to fall on the witch doctor. Just how many hospital consulting privileges does have? She is at every hospital, in every department and at the bedside of every patient. How does she find the time to meet with Feo?
And Ally eavesdropping! No one in this TN has ever had a private conversation! Someone is always lurking at just the right moment. Are there no closed doors in the homes, offices or hospitals?
Art and Aragant, UGH!
Chivalry's intent was never to demean
Though distastefully done, ill timed and includes collateral damage I have no problem with Ally being fed up with the shenanigans between her husband and Gabi. Her mother in law needs a talking to, too.
Cuca - stand back from the cage when poking the tiger
Isabel - and I was abducted by aliens, and, and they did some kind of operation with this laser thingie but it was cold not hot
Marcela - I'm a podiatrist too, been walking on feet for 40 years
Bruno - man up and tell Ally you love someone else and stop looking at her like she's crazy
The Duck - think this through
ABrat - you make me want to vomit
fArt - .00000000000000000000000001
Andy - should have your own who done it TV show
Fab - correcting a mistake
Sonia - reap what you sow
Fernando - "Sock it to me", "Sock it to me", "Sock it to me".
know. Has politically correctness
taken hold there as it has here?
Urban---said that desperation and begging is the last thing that will keep a man. Crying should be added to that list. From a man's viewpoint, I would agree that the above mentioned is a very potent weapon mix in the female arsenal.
From what came off last night, I would say that So-not really does love Fab. She has just told one too many lies, she has burned her own brides.
Every one is down on Ally. I'm not
I believe that most women would fight for what they have even if things were all not love and roses
They would be fighting for self pride if for nothing else. Every time she turns around she finds her man with Gaby---I would fight too.
Demetrios mentioned Feo's nasty grin---Yes three times last night
I think. I start to get sick every time I see it.
I don't want to know how the older script ends.
Torbie---Lleana's glasses a match for Art's pants. LOL
Anonymous 10:56---Closed doors in a novela? Are you kidding? Never, there is always someone lurking nearby.
Tofie---Cuca, stand back when poking a tiger. Isa--Abducted by aliens and they have a laser thingie --- Dr. Marcela a podiatrist for 40 years--she walks
Tofie, you are so funny.
How will Isa get out? Gaby and Andrea are on her case. I can't wait for tonight.
the gringo
She did seem unusually mean and b!tchy. As has been mentioned, this is probably to curry favor for Bruno when he and Ally break up.
I completely agree she should be standing up for herself and her place. I would have completely understood if she had badmouthed Gaby, but she came off looking like she was hatin' on Isa. It rubbed me the wrong way.
I am counting the hours until 7! (I live in CST.)
That being said, I am still left wondering about Ally. She has not been that integral to the plot.
They've screwed Isa and while I'm mad at Ally right now I can still recognize she got screwed. Bruno is not worth leaving Spain for.
Daphne is FAKING it, she can walk. Someone's gonna catch her in the act sooner or later.
Having watched some previews on YouTube the conspiracy against Isabel is getting more BIGGER and uglier.
Heck, even Eli Pope of Scandal would be proud of master manipulation and sadistic crimes.
just lie down and let someone stick your toes/feet with a pin and see how you can fake it.
the gringo
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