Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Por Siempre Mi Amor #98 US 4/21/2014 Dafne is Critical, Bruno's Marriage is in the ICU and Fab Just Needs to Pull the Plug
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Love your wry wit and brilliant observations: “Sonia returns to the apartment full of sweet talk “, “the honest, hard-working, intelligent women who are decent and of good moral character (Ileana, Gabi) get nothing? Nada. Zip. Zilch” the good news is that Dafne is young and in good hands. (Only because Dr. Evil is not part of the surgical team)”, "Fernando's Fun House” and my very favorite: “You've got... Aranza! Shudder”.
"Is it just me or does Sonia look like this is really affecting her?" Yes Kathy, I think it is. Fab has turned out to be Sonia's Achilles heel. But the damage - murder, collusion among many others is far too great and cannot be reversed. I predict an unsavory, unhappy ending for her.
At least Dan didn't try to continue to unsuccessfuly conjure up feelings for Ileana he simply does not have. They both deserve better.
Thank heavens Mau and Andrea are continuing to keep their wits about them, knowing something is seriously amiss with the dastardly doctora.
Feo's machinations continue unabated. What an evil (though cagey) move to send Gaby the message he did.
How on earth is this all going to be resolved? If Isabel recognizes Art (from the previews) does this mean her memory is returning?
Wow! So much going on.
Thanks again Kathy!
I second Diana on the brilliance of the "(Only because Dr. Evil is not part of the surgical team)" line.
I also agree with you on your rant about the nice girls finishing last on this show.
Did I hear correctly? Did Sonia tell yet another lie about the baby? I thought I heard her say that she lost the baby/she didn't carry to term? I wasn't paying close attention, though.
Tough luck my poor widdle duck none of us know how we will react in a crisis but honey you got my respect and forgive me for the occasional demeaning comments of the fore.
Sonia - "O, woe is me, T'have seen what I have seen, see what I see!"
Fab - My baloney has a first name; its S.O.N.I.A.
Ileana - it's my breath isn't it
Bruno - even in front of the kid sh.. for brains
Gabi - gosh, just check her relationship status on facebook
Art - phallus head
Marcela - Art said I could, so talk to the hand
Andrea - excellent point but no one argues with god
Dafne - ABrat should thank you but she won't
Esteban - stupid boy go be with stupid girl, you don't deserve The Duck
Isabel - what the hell do you do all day
Fernando - hmmm, I could go catfishing
The dirty look Art gave Daffy's father was disgusting! As if he could be called father of the year with a daughter like Aranza!
He has gall! but then he does wear orange pants!
He and Aranza have become more nauseatingly despicable while the likes of Sonia and Daffy are becoming more sympathetic.
I am also predicting that Isabel's memory will start coming back. "Losing the baby" and seeing Arturo together should do that, particularly in view of how few episodes are left.
Who wants to bet that Dafne will fake the bit about not feeling her legs?
Sucia is headed for a long fall that will end very painfully.
Anon, the orange shirt and tie cracked me up.
And yes, to tofie's point and yours "He and Aranza have become more nauseatingly despicable while the likes of Sonia and Daffy are becoming more sympathetic". ITA!
Sonia, unfortunately, is beyond redemption (have yet to hear her say she is sorry for killing and thieving) but watching her as she realizes her wrong choices in life were unnecessary and she the cause of her own misfortune and loss just before she gets the axe is a little saddening.
Art, what a condensing, pompous, judgmental, hypocrite and hated him for a long time. He sat back as ABrat rained hate on Isabel and he stuck his head in the sand. He ignored her sacrifice to him and that little twit. He believes what is convenient and supports what he wants and to hell with you. Yes, Isabel was dumb to try again a ploy to trick Javier but the latest attempt would tell anyone with half a brain she tried but failed again and not cheating. How convenient for him to have his ex up close giving his ego strokes and he purrs like a fat cat. He forgot quickly his wife gave him money (which he still has) out of her business only to throw her out in the street with just the clothes on her back, sign an edict never to utter her name and conspire with his ex to make sure she doesn't get a red cent of his non existent fortune.
Thank you. Xintperuvian, I love your take on the episode.Your dry wit has me rolling on the floor laughing. The picture is on point! I love it!
Sucia's face is hard to read but she doesn't want to lose Fab because he is her way out.
Thank you for venting, you are so right. The nice guy finishes last but good things come to those who wait, so let's see.
Come on Ileana, you knew that he wasn't that into you.
Este, still has Ara- shudder- hahaha!
You are hilarious "(Hey Fab, doesn't your Aunt Lydia have that vacant apartment you could stay in? I know there's a good CD you might be interested in still laying on the floor there.)"
I agree with you about Ally's lisp. It is annoying.
Is Art kidding, why does he need the witch doctor. Doesn't she have her own set of patients to misdiagnose?
UA- I will bet with you that Daphne will pretend in order to get Este's pity.
tofie- you rock!!!! All I can say is ditto, ditto, ditto.
Diana and Sara- you both are so right.
As others have noted, I loved your rant about nice people in this tn. Though I would add Isa to your list of women b/c both Art and Feo are "Nada. Zip. Zilch."
Though the galans from CI and Refugio were horrible, I think Art wins the worst galan ever award. Though lame Ale from Robo has pulled the same mess as Art [not believing wife and hanging w/crazy obsessed nut], I'm allowing SR's hotness to trump GE.
The writers really should have made Mau and Andrea main character as they are the only decent couple in this tn. They also think well which seems to be an anomaly for the characters here.
Tofie, enjoyed your list and your analysis. As you, Diana, and Sara said, I think Sonia actually does love Fab. The fact that she hasn't tried to kill him appears to prove that.
UA & TJ, ITA Daphne will definitely manipulate Este w/her accident. While I don't want her to die, she's gotta go.
Bruno needs to end up alone. I like Gabi with the lawyer and Ally with one of those bikers. Perhaps Esteban can loose his memory too and fall for Ileana b/c Art's little brat does not deserve him.
I also enjoyed everyone's comments. I must say that I am enjoying this show more than Robo right now. I am anxious to see what happens next and how the writers resolve all the issues that are up in the air right now.
When is the finale ? There are so many story lines to sort out. We have to find out if Sono's baby is alive and who he or she is. Now that Dan and Ileana have split up and Gil has accepted Mari , it appears that Borlas might be Sono's child, and Dan and Mari will end up together. I think that Gil's kindness toward Mari
was intended to clear the way for Dan and Mari to be together when it is revealed that she is not Sono's daughter . Will Sono make a confession before she dies? She seems to truly love Fab, or perhaps she just loves the lifestyle of an honest rich man's wife compared to her previous life as Diablo's BFF with benefits.
I would love the Bonbon to end up with Ileana. The girl deserves a good prize for putting up with Ara, Daffy, and Este all these years...listening to them whine and complain and blather on blah blah blah..poor me. She also was a shoulder for Dan to cry on. Maybe the other guy ...Chris?...will come back and realize what a catch she is...sane and sound.
I know that Isa will forgive Art,but she deserves someone so much better. I would like to see her end up with Fab . She deserves a good guy like Mau. Mau and Andrea have such a solid marriage because they love and support each other no matter what happens. As James Thurber said, "Love is what you have been through together." Art is so unworthy of the love and devotion that Isa has always shown both him and spoiled, petulant Ara. The best ending would have Isa riding off into the sunset on a motorcycle with one of those good hearted bikers leaving Art and Ara in the dust. Sayanora...I am done with the both of you.
I want to see Art end up with crazy , twitchy bitchy witch doctor. It would be poetic justice .
The advances showed Isa getting into a taxi alone. I wonder how that happens?
This is one TN where I really don't want to see the main couple reconcile. Arturo deserves to end up alone and Marcela in jail. I don't want to see Gabi and Bruno together either. He needs to grow up and she deserves better. Still hoping for that "Island Life" for Gabi and Isabel.
Art's orange pants---good grief!
Tofie---Another great list.
Fab---Baloney has a name, it's S.O.N.I.A.
Bruno---In front of the kid?
Art Phallus Head---LOL I have never heard it quite like that before but you sure nailed it.
Ok, Now Dafne. It has been said both in the novela and out of the novela that Dafne was or may have been trying to protect Esteban. I don't buy that for a minute. Most women would cling to their men [protectors] that is unless they were either a Karate or a Kung Fu expert, which Dafne was not. And even if she was, neither Karate or Kung Fu can defeat a bullet. No, Dafne was not protecting Este,
she was scared plain and simple. It was just her bad luck or the BonBon's good luck, whichever way you look at it---either bad timing for her or good timing for Este that Dafne jumped into his arms a second or two before the shot was fired. Will she still try to hold on to him by lying about her condition in the hospital? Yes probably. The BonBon is all that she has and will do whatever she can to keep him. I can't blame her for that.
I remember in the beginning of the novela Dafne was called the mean girl but how has "good girl" Aranza turned out I ask?
the gringo
I don't think The Duck a saint but never thought her bad to the bone, just a lonely little bully desperately wanting someone to love her. As I mentioned on the weekend discussion her penance should be to write if I don't have something good to say about someone keep my mouth shut 10,000 times. Outta keep her out of trouble for awhile.
Bad galan? Boy is Art's head going to explode when he learns all of the truth. He'll really need a doctor then.
the gringo
the gringo
the gringo
Absolutely. Isabel could take everything she has.
Just why was Osvaldo so high on the idea of Art marrying Marcela in the first place?
Does anyone know if there have been recaps or a discussion forum (English) of La Madrastra?
Arturo ... yuck! Just totally as a galan ... yuck!
Bruno ... ni hablar!
I'm betting Borlas is Sonia's son: I also expect the truth of her killing Eugenia, the Padre, etc., gets exposed for everyone to find out on May 4th.
We know Gil will be devastated when he learns the ugly truth about his daughter.
Aranza and Art both still stupid and spoiled.
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