Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 3/31/14 (#60): His Windsong Stays on Her Mind

- Mini and Mom go to La Nopalera to inquire about MA. Lupita, Perla Ivette, and JT all deny knowing any Ruizpalacios, but Mini's keen sense of smell assures her that she's in the right place. She also thinks Lupita looks familiar, but dismisses the possibility that they've ever met. After she goes home, she calls MA and he swears up and down that he's in a very nice place that's nothing like la colonia. Mini doesn't believe him and tells Isela she'll be going back to La Nopalera tomorrow. Isela protests, remembering how the men on the street stared and whistled. "They were undressing me with their eyes!" Isela insists.

- Tato insinuates to Frida that, hypothetically, a really classy chick, maybe someone Frida would know, like maybe even the type of chick that Frida's brother MA was engaged to, could like him just the way he is and he wouldn't have to go marching in parades or handing blankets around to poor people just to impress her. Later it occurs to her that Tato must have been the person who revealed their location to Minerva.

- Lupita is somewhat jealous of Mini's interest in MA, even though MA says he doesn't feel anything for her any more. There is some discussion as to whether or not he's using Mini. Later, Lupita confesses to Carmelita that she's a bit worried. Carmelita snickers in anticipation of the glorious day that AS finds out about MA and Lupita.

- Frida and JT go to a nightclub to hear Frida's classmate Kevin, another scholarship student, for JT's band. This "business trip" turns into a date, after which a giddy Frida imagines their wedding. It's beautiful at first, but then JT whistles at her from the altar and Frida finds herself wearing rags as everyone in the church laughs at her. Frida snaps out of her fantasy-gone-wrong and tries to shake it off.

- Trofeo brings Lupita a huge bouquet from Nepo, along with (I think) an offer to give her a ride to Chalma. He lets slip something about Nepo getting a ring, too. (Classy, trying to piggyback a wedding proposal on her family's yearly pilgrimage to a holy place in remembrance of their mother.) Lupita mutters that she'd better set Nepo straight.

- Carmelita asks Chuy if he thinks Marcelita (his wife) would approve of him still being all alone after 15 years. Wouldn't she want him to be with someone else by now, she hints. Nope, Chuy says; it never occurred to him. "Too many blows to the head," Carmela grumbles.

- In the penthouse, AS scoffs at Don Chuy's invitation to go to Chalma. Mati urges MA to go. Perhaps he can pray for a solution to his troubles.

- Next day, Lupita goes to Nepo's house to clarify her position. "I'm not going to marry you. Not yet; not soon; not later; not ever." He thinks someone must be telling lies about him. (Does he suspect MA? Or does he think Guendy told Lupita about their drunken evening?) "Nobody's been telling me anything," Lupe tells him. "It's just that we're incompatible."

A strange expression crosses Nepo's face. It is as if Lupe's words have penetrated his ears for the very first time. "Are you breaking up with me?" he asks in disbelief.

- MA is excited to finally have enough money to pay the Menchacas for their meals.

- Perla catches JT and Frida smooching. The next day, she starts a fight with Frida and tells both families that Frida's messing with JT and will toss him away like used toilet paper when she's done with him.

Next time: Minerva and Isela return to the fonda wearing very sophisticated disguises that are almost as effective as the eyeglasses worn by Clark Kent and Diana Prince.


And the title reference: Windsong


Thanks so much for this most marvelous recap : )

Nepo really listened this time I think, cause he actually asked her if she was breaking up with him! He never heard it the first or second time did he? I hope he gets it now!

Frida and Tizoc are so cute together. I don't like that Perla is outing them.

Chuy is dim isn't he? Carmelita was hemming and hawing and practically telling him she had a thing for him. She'll have to hit him over the head with a nerf bat for him to get it.

Mini is like a bloodhound, she can smell MA wherever he is, lol. What type of cologne does her wear. I loved your reference to Windsong : )

AS took some of that money from MA too, while Leo saw her take it. I hope MA notices it is missing.

I hope all the RPs go to the Chalma. AS especially needs to go. Leo surprised me by getting Mati away from Mini before she saw her.

Isela cracks me up. The guys were all whistling at Mini, poor Isela. I also liked the head knock that Lupita gave to Isela. Too funny.

Thanks again Julie for this most marvelous recap and the links for Chalma and Windsong : )

GREAT TITLE!! Ah memories of Windsong!

Haven't watched the episode (what a surprise), but I'm hoping to get to some of it today. I just wanted to let you know your title was awesome.

Wow... I did not even see AS take some of MA's money. But is anyone surprised? Since she's already committed grand theft, petty theft should be a piece of cake. Especially since she blames MA for all their problems.

She also asked MA not to let anyone take pictures when he gets arrested. She doesn't want to be seen in any photos with him!

Thanks for the recap Julie!

I couldn't believe Nepo yesterday asking Lupita if she's breaking up with him? Hellloooooo!! I think Lupita's face said it all. Hopefully this time it does sink in.

When Trofeo was hiding behind the flower bouquet he was actually trying to read a note that Nepo wrote with nice things about himself for Trofeo to tell Lupita. Too bad he is not a good reader and Lupita and Don Chuy caught on right away..

I did not like Perla Ivette meddling in Tizoc and Frida's relationship. Now both the Menchacas and the RP's will know that something is going on between them.

Also didn't like AS stealing again, now from her son.

That's some sense of smell Minerva has that could smell MA as soon as she walked into the fonda. I was hoping she wouldn't find him yet but it looks like that's happening tonight.


Julie, what a great title--and recap. Windsong brings back good memories!

Madelaine, Minerva was like the human bloodhound. Her "sniffing" was the best!

Lupita had the best deadpan face talking with Minerva and Isela. I like how she followed them out of the fonda and stuck the bribe money down Minerva's cleavage twice as she told them her family couldn't be bought. Isela was beyond obnoxious telling Lupita that if she were one of her girls she would have fired her without references. Was that a real or fake head butt that Lupita gave her in return?

Frida and Jose Tizoc were so cute together. That fantasy sure showed Frida's fears especially since she had just gottten done kissing him after calling him "naquisimo" in a very loving way.

I loved doña Mati telling MA to go to dance at Chalma because with his problems with the law and justice a trip to the shrine of el Señor de Chalma could be miraculous.

Then there was the scene with a very animated MA explaining the Minerva connection/non-romance to Lupita. Lupita tells him to take it down a notch so he "gets down" and squats to talk to her. That kind of physical comedy always gets a laugh from me no matter how corny it is.

Just when you thought there was hope for AS, she had to steal from her own son.

Let's hope Nepo really got it this time.



Well, it's either Minerva's keen sense of smell, or MA's keen BO that she reacted to when she met him at the Chinese cafe.

I think the headbutt was only a feint. Lupe REALLY doesn't need Mini getting offended and reporting her for assault.

Really, all of the Mini and Isela scenes are just killing funny.

There was also a brief scene with Ahole at the hospital but it was either a rerun from Monday or just wasn't important. But he and Wilma were funny, shooing the doctor and nurse out of the room.

I just thought of something. Mini and her mother have no money of their own. Alejo's money is eventually going to be seized. Mini is going to need a man with money. Nepo's not rich like the RPs, but he does okay. And the two of them could spend many hours together without conflict since both of them are terrible listeners and ignore any information that they don't like.

Julie, so true about Minera and Nepo's personalities.


have to read this later, but wanted to say I LOVE LOVE the title... i remember that commercial. does that give out my age?? LOL~!

Yes, just as Perla started shouting about Frida and Tizoc, Tizoc came running from downstairs and MA came out of the 'penthouse'. That is when AS stole some of the bills that MA was counting just after he said he was going to pay the Menchacas some fo what they owed them for the food... (sigh...) poor MA.

and yes, there was a scene at the hospital that ended in the nurse showing A-hole a syringe with a very long needle and he put a deer in the headlights face... nothing else was critical in the scene.

And yes, Frida was daydreaming and as soon as her daydream turned into more day-mare, she freaked out, i bet she will try to ignore that whatever happened between them after teh 'naquisimo' kiss ever happened. but i agree, they look wonderful together.

another thing I noticed, when Isela and Mini were undermining Lupe at the beginning of the episode as someone MA would not even consider because of how different their social classes were, I noticed Lupe showed to be a bit hurt in her feelings/ego. Then when MA came out after Isela and Mini left, he had a 'guilt/sorry' facial expression as well, as if lamenting that Lupe had to go through that and hear all that from precisely Mini and her mom.

Well, if Lupita knew Mini and Isela at all, she'd be a lot less hurt by their words because everyone else thinks they're a couple of phonies!

There's also the fact that those two would be just as poor as the Menchacas if not for the marriage to Ahole.

But the memory of Mini's scorn will probably be in the flashback montage when Lupe finds out about the ownership documents and/or the grandfather clause and gets the wrong idea about MA and thinks he's betrayed her. (I'd love it if we could be spared that cliche, but I don't think it's possible.)

I really want to see this episode! I will have to find the time. If I don't I really appreciate all these details. Thank you so much, Julie!

Thanks, Marta - for describing the money scene.

So let me see if I have this right: Perla and Frida are fighting outside and yelling; their brothers rush to their aid, thinking someone's getting hurt; but Frida's own mother takes an extra moment to steal money from one child while the other might be in trouble.

The Menchaca kids lost their mother 15 years ago, but at least they know what it's like to have a mother who cares about them. The RPs do not. AS just complains about what an inconvenience her children are.

Julie thanks so much for your recap. You brought back memories w/Windsong (thanks for the link too)and ITA about your assessment of AS. Her continued theft disgusts me and, as you noted, she just complains about her kids as if she wish she never had them. Ick.

I hope Nepo gets it this time but his refusal to listen to Lupe is unfortunate. And then he'll blow a gasket when he realizes she's in love w/MA.

Hopefully, MA can make Mini focus on securing his freedom as she did on finding him. He'd have the evidence the next day if he could coax her just right.


Thanks, Julie! I only saw a few bits of this while I was doing other stuff, but now I feel like I saw it all.

Frida's fantasy gone downhill was funny. Not really warranted; I mean, Tizoc did spiff up rather nicely to go to the club. But that doesn't make her fears disappear.

But I'm glad Frida and Tizoc got a nice evening together, at least until that wretch Perla tried to ruin everything. Maybe she'll learn not to be such a beeyotch snitch in AS's etiquette lessons. HAHAHAHAHA! Not bloody likely. AS thinks etiquette means using the right dishes and humiliating others.

AS is the worst. I did see her steal that money. I hope she doesn't get away with it. MA and the others knew how much was there, and MA should have a really good idea where it went when he discovers it is missing. I hope they search AS and take it back. And then make her sleep on the floor and scrub the bathroom to earn anything she eats.

What does Perla think she will accomplish by telling on Frida and Tizoc like they are little kids caught with cigarettes? Their families might be a little suprised, and certainly AS and Leo will be cretins about it, but Tizoc and Frida are both adults and they can smooch if they want to. Certainly MA and Lupita have no room to object :). I don't think Chuy will be too opposed. Mati will probably approve. So since AS and Leo are just snobs whose opinions should always be ignored, really Perla is the only one who has a problem with it, and I'm pretty sure that is just because she's jealous because she doesn't have a novio herself.

Perla did not go about it the right way, but she is not opposed to the JT/Frida connection because she is jealous. She doesn't trust Frida not to hurt her brother. She came right out and said so, telling her she will not allow someone (Frida) to play with her brother's feelings and then go about her merry way and break his heart. She did the wrong thing, but for the right reason.

Perla should be THRILLED that Frida is being distracted by Tizoc, because that means Frida won't be available to Diego, and therefore Diego will be forced to turn to Perla for all his lustful needs since she's the only other girl in all of Mexico. That's how it's supposed to work, dammit!

I am not so sure that Chuy and Lupe and MA would be totally in favor of Frida and Tizoc as a couple. Not so much because of the "class" difference, but because it's way too convenient for horny teenagers in love to be living under the same roof.

Granted I haven't watched much, but I thought Diego wanted Leo.

Diego does want Leo, we're pretty sure. He's definitely not interested in Perla. But Perla keeps trying to hit on him and now she's got a lot of people thinking he's into her just because she keeps pushing it.

I do think that Perla is jealous. Jealous because she doesn't have a novio, and jealous because she's never had the posh life Frida used to have. Does she want her brother to never date anyone because he might get hurt? She didn't seem to object to any of the other girls hanging around Tizoc, and she has no evidence that Frida is any more likely to "use" him than the others, or that the using might not go the other way. Not to mention, Tizoc seems like the kind of guy who would easily go through many girlfriends and not be that affected by it. Perla just doesn't like Frida. I don't think her objection is really stemming from concern for her brother.

If anything, I would think their living under the same roof would be INCONVENIENT to any shenanigans! Both their families live there and they have no privacy! It would actually be easier for them if they lived in separate houses because then they'd have better chances of getting some alone time! When they did that kissing staggering up the stairs thing, like you often see in shows where the couple is passionately heading to the bedroom, I thought, "where are they going? He shares a room with Emiliano and she shares one room with her whole family!"

Yeah. It's not clear if anyone else knows that Diego likes Leo. Leo seems to be getting a clue, and I think Carmela and Lupita exchanged a surprised look once, but it's still totally under the radar to everyone else.

Yeah, Perla's jealous. But she may also be feeling very insecure. Remember the hairbrush incident? That's the only time I remember seeing her truly upset, and that was because Chuy seemed to take AS's side instead of hers. Perla's afraid that next time there's a bronca, Tizoc will do the same thing because of Frida.

OK, so it can't be in Frida's room or Tizoc's. But there's still the whole rest of the house. Probably nobody will bother them in the living room in the middle of the night.

Would you want to count on no one getting up?

I wouldn't want to, but I'm not a horny teenager. And these two thrive on mischief. If my geography is correct, the living room is sort of off to the side of the house, away from the bedrooms. It's unlikely they'd be disturbed there.

Anyway, they had such a brilliant excuse when Perla caught them kissing. "We're practicing for when we do our music video!" OK, maybe they should come up with a better one, like "we were checking for ticks."

Given their love for mischief, trying to make their dating forbidden would just make it more appealing to them.

You're right, there is that one living room that is downstairs between the front door and the kitchen. The upstairs one is right off all the bedrooms. Heck, I guess if it's the middle of the night, they could always go in the bathroom (their favorite meeting place!) and lock the door. And then probably some older guy with an enlarged prostate (Chuy) or an elderly woman with a weak bladder (Mati) or a boozehound (AS) would come along needing the loo...

But they could also do all that if they weren't living in the same house.

Anyhoodle. I wish MA would tell Lupita that he knows AS stole the money! He's being a wuss. Does he really think Lupita and Chuy would throw them out when they have no money and no place to go? They can even pay for their food now if they stop AS from stealing all MA's earnings!

Music videos and ticks. Good excuses. Then there's always the old hypothermia excuse for needing to snuggle up close.

Great recap, Julie!
Mini and Isela were too much. It cracked me up that Isela, despite her fear and disgust, still called out "bye-bye" as they left.

Frida had a great time with Tizoc, but then her fear of being truly lower class came out in her dream and when she she was challenged.

Looking forward to the trip to Chalma and the potential for big changes.

Hypothermia! Yes! Must... avoid... frostbite!

MA knows AS saw Ahole during her little vacation. Maybe that's why he's not eager to tell on AS (or better yet, shame her into confessing... I still think it's possible). Chuy would probably be more merciful than AS deserves, but any reaction to AS short of a round of champagne could send her running to Ahole.

Maybe. Obviously, this secret will become uglier and more explosive the longer they put off revealing it, but obviously MA does not watch telenovelas and can't see how this will all go down.

I completely forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed your link to the information on Chalma. Looks like a gorgeous place!

I'm surprised AS hasn't already gone running to Ahole over the lack of booze and the general "porca miseria". Obviously she doesn't care all that much about protecting her kids. I think probably she's just hoping to keep everything quiet until Leo is married to Maca and then to hell with MA and Frida. Can she last that long? Will they come to terms and make wedding plans, or each keep stalling and deflecting?

Of course, AS might decide to cut a deal with Ahole to allow her to appear rich in order to seal the deal with Maca. So that might come sooner rather than later.

I want Maca to come back! I wonder what she's up to.

Leo and AS are super-worried that if MA gets arrested, Mac will hear about it and cancel the wedding.(Also the humiliation of having to face Isela and the other society ladies after they find out that the rumors were "true," because for some reason their opinion matters to AS.)

I guess that is why AS didn't make the deal with Ahole right away, even though she must have been tempted. All this patience doesn't seem like her at all. Seriously, I figured that she was going to encourage Leo and Mac to elope that very night.

All this patience isn't like me, either! I wish that part of the story would move faster! In fact, it should (and for all I know probably already has been) the premise of an entire TN: two clueless poor people trying to fake their way through an engagement to marry por interes.

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