Friday, April 25, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #79, Apr 25 2014; The S hits the F... and MA could have taken an overdose of nobility and honesty first thing, maybe he could bottle it '5 hr nobility/honesty'

Mini insults Saul (no tienes familia ni perro que les ladre) and then asks if he remembers the date of Aureliano’s death… Saul responds even if he has no family or dog to bark at him or cat to meow at him, he won’t get in her personal issues. Quedo de Usted, atentamente, Saul Ballesteros.

MA and Frida are still trying to make AS come to her senses… Lupe knocks on window and gets MA to follow her down. Leo asks ‘in what moment our nice dolce vita turned into a horror movie?

Lupe: You knew what that money meant to us! Know how we indebted outselves to get it! You swore to me that you and your family had nothing to do!

(MA tries to get her to understand when he made that swearing statement he had no clue).

Mati asks MA to let Lupe go and wait a while… you might think it is ‘cosas de vieja’ but I know my story.

Bambi and the reporter on phone again. They are dying to see each other but she is still reluctant to meet with him. HE demands they meet. Have you heard about Giron? Nothing but I am still working on it. Alright, talk to you later.. kisses.

MA and Mati, he swears he does not want to harm Lupe. On the contrary, he loves her. Mati says the years she has lived have served her to get to know people. When someone is as angry as Lupita, give them time and space. Aureliano and I did have our arguments from time to time. We learned to get to know each other, we knew when the other was happy or angry. And when it was time to talk or time to be quiet. Our arguments were never public but we were always honest with each other. The private reconcilations were the best!!

Lupe and Carm… Lupe is trying for Nepo to answer her. Phone rings at the platanera stand… Trofeo answers. Lupe asks for Nepo. He is… he is really wasted in alcohol! Do you want to leave a message?

Trofeo kids around asking if she wants him to tell Nepo she is ready for a make up? Lupe hangs up, she will talk to Nepo later.

Mati suggests to MA to talk to Lupe and release all the secrets he is holding back from her. MA asks what do you mean? Mati responds: you know better than anyone what secrets you have in you.

Leo and AS try to make plans with the money Frida won (from the gig) but Frida won’t let them. AS dares call Frida selfish. Frida barks back saying they are the ones that ‘se dieron la gran vida’ with someone else’s money. MA comes in announcing Lupe already knows AS stole the money. AS (still wasted) asks MA if he got a surge of honesty and he told the ‘Nopalera’ the whole story of the money. Now she surely is telling everyone I took the money. MA corrects her, saying Lupe has not said a word, but she IS waiting for US ALL to go down and face the music with the rest of the Menchacas. AS wants MA to go downstairs to say that it is not true that she stole anything. MA says no way Jose!... AS still refuses to go down with MA. Leo will stay to accompany her. Frida is the only one that follows MA down.

Lupe asks Emi how the swimming lessons went. Emi says very well, just like it went with MA. MA comes down. Lupe sends Emi with Perla away to take a bath.

MA asks Chuy if he could talk to him. Chuy refuses. MA says it has to do with our pending business. It will be of interest to you to listen. Leo is holding AS to peek out from one of the square holes in the stairs. Chuy asks MA to ‘suelta la sopa’… It is about the 300,000 that were stolen… I know who took them. Chuy asks who was that miserable? Tell me! … ‘I did’, responds MA very somber but firmly… (Frida is blown away, Lupe is totally confused looking at MA).

Again Bambi has a mess in room and Queta is coming in without knocking. What do you need now? Queta asks where he is going tomorrow, or what are you planning (bad deed)… All I will do is give some papers to someone and I will be back here… Those papers… are my pass to be able to leave the country! Queta whines that again he will leave all the fixing of the mess to her. Bambi quiets her the only way that works with her, with a band(or fan?) of money…

Mini arrives home, A-hole and Vilma are leaving… Are you going to see your ‘bastardito’? A-hole miffed that she even said a word to him. Vilma tries to brush Mini off but she won’t take it… You don’t talk to ME… A-hole tells Vilma that barking dogs don’t bite… Mini is coming from seeing Saul Ballesteros… Remember the Titanic? Just the same he (Saul) and I will sink you down… Mini leaves, A-hole rants at Vilma for not telling him that Saul is Mini’s lawyer.

Chuy reacts very violently, throwing something down, then grabbing MA by the clothes… AS and Leo leave back upstairs… Chuy yells at MA that he won’t let MA put even a finger in what he considers most sacred… At all this, MA is very quiet, wet eyes… ‘This man is who took our 300,000 pesos!!

A-hole yells at Vilma that any evidence Mini can have or get his hands on, she could give that evidence to Saul!!! A-hole remembers Beto told him he saw Mini with Saul, so that means Mini has been looking for evidence against A-hole. That means Saul must be sure that A-hole is the one behind the fraud of the company!

Lupe tries to calm things down at home. MA says of course I will find a way to return that money. I apologize in my name and the name of my family. Chuy asks why he took the money. ‘I was desperate and did not know what to do. I was not able to achieve anything with it regarding my problems, but I always planned to return the money. I can understand you are mad at me, but I will do now what I always planned to do. I will give you back the deeds of this location/estate.

Vilma keeps swearing to A-hole that any evidence Mini could have found will be useless against him. She will still try to keep an eye on Lic Ballesteros. But A-hole won’t even give her a ride to work. He is heading to see Guadalupe. Vilma wants to go with him but he gets mad and won’t let her. All she has to worry about is the divorce.

Lupe asks MA if she heard right. You will sign off the property to my dad? That is correct. Chuy says that is the correct thing to do, that you recognize that this house is and has always been ours, the Menchacas. Lupe is not so quick to believe MA… seeing is believing. MA says he knows it will be hard to recover her trust, but he will begin by paying the debt. Tomorrow we will run the errands to make sure this house will be totally yours.

Frida is arguing with AS and Leo… Leo keeps thinking this is a tragedy… AS bless Christ… she is glad that the natives were not sacrificed… Frida clarifies that MA did take the blame because he loves her… AS leans to Leo and says he is so honest and noble… she loves her two kids… (referring to Leo and DaVinci), three with MA, well… 4 with la rebelduki. She says MA did wrong in taking the blame… Leo rants that now one of the RP is a vile ladronchuki… Frida is in disbelief… She can’t believe they are not asking MA to tell the truth! (AS asks what is the truth?) that you stole the money!!

The Menchacas are together, Chuy with tears in his eyes is glad that the house will finally be theirs… group hug of all the Menchacas… Lupe is thiking, looking away.

MA calls Saul, wants to yield the house to the Menchacas. Saul can’t believe he is doing this totally out of love for Lupe… MA says its not quite that, its something serious/grave. But will tell you tomorrow. Want to put the deeds in the name of Jesus Menchaca and his family… Saul still believes MA is out of his mind… MA repeats that when he tells him the whole story tomorrow, Saul will agree with his decision. Thanks for your support, always.

Lupe comes out, is not sure if to say thank you. MA says don’t thank me. Chuy also comes out… finally you are doing what should be expected of you. But you will understand if we still can’t trust you. (turns to Lupe) right, kid? (turns back to MA) you are a shame for all your family… MA says you are right. I will go say bye to my mother now… (CHuy turns to Lupe) get off that face of sadness, it is all fixed now! (Lupe looks away with tears in her eyes, she surely has lots of conflicts gurgling inside her right now)

AS and Leo still upstairs, AS calls MA to come near her… he refuses to go. She tries to stand up, Leo has to hold her from falling. She asks Leo to walk over with her. AS wants to thank MA (with all her heart) for all you did for us, specially what you did for me. MA responds ‘no need to thank me, that is what on would do for his family, watch for them, love them!.’ AS takes the credit for MA’s nobility. Frida says yeah right. MA is heading out. AS does not appreciate the tone of MA’s words… MA says maybe it could have to do with my having to take the blame for you… Leo says maybe it is his noviesukis to blame. MA says sure. That too. But she and I broke up… for the reasons you could guess.

Lupe is telling Carm also that they broke up…

AS says ‘what good news!’ MA says he is leaving before he has to get them out of another problem. AS tells Leo MA recognized they are right. The worse that could happen was that he ended up with that girl from Nopalera. Frida has heard more than enough and rants at them and leaves.

MA asks Lupe to speak to her before he leaves. Carm leaves to care for Emil. ‘

L: I can imagine your mother is thankful you did not tattle her.

MA: She is grateful, in her own way. Guadalupe, forgive me.

L: take care.

MA: Guadalupe, what can I do for you to forgive me?

L: Know what you could do? Tell the truth. But know what? You didn’t!!

Downstairs, the rest of the Menchacas and Tomas are celebrating that MA will turn the deeds to them. Tomas tells them that once the house becomes theirs, they can kick the RPs out any moment they want.

MA: I understand you don’t believe me. But when I swore that I and my family had nothing to do with the money stealing, I did not know that she had taken it. But know why I did not tell you later on? Because I felt so ashamed that my family had done it. That would buy me some time.

L: Time for what?

M: I found some papers… that said my granddad had set aside an important amount of money for the owner of this land… I have to confess I had planned to keep the land and the money, of course without you or your family knowing about it.

(Lupe cries, have to say he also has tears in his eyes, and his stare to her seems to indicate that whatever she says next will mean life or death to him)

The police couple arrive at Saul’s to ask questions about MA.

L: Now I get why you were so desperate to find those papers.

MA: I admit I was driven by my ambition and selfishness..

L: What I get clear is that not only your mom stole from us, but you wanted to take advantage of us. In the end, you are the same or worse than Alejo.

MA: I know I have made mistakes, but I swear that I love you.

L: I don’t believe you a word. I only see that you are still trying to get something out of us. And I want you to go because if my dad finds out, he will kill you. And I don’t want him to dirty up his hands with you.

Downstairs, Carm confirms to the other Menchacas that she will be back tomorrow to work there again. Perla plans to go back to the beauty parlor. But Chuy says no, we still need your help here at the Fonda.

Lupe comes in very sad and quiet, Chuy asks her what is going on. She swears she is ok. MA comes in to say to Chuy that he is now leaving for real. Again I am so sorry, and thank you for everything. Carmelita says you can come with me, I will ask Gwendy to host you until you find another place. I am not doing it for you, I am doing it for Lupe to be calm about where you ended up… Lupe might be mad at you temporarily but inside her heart, she is devastated that you won’t be here anymore. MA asks if she is telling him the truth. She confirms. But then knocks at the door. It’s Alejo. MA has to beg Chuy to keep him hiding inside until Alejo leaves. IT takes some convincing to Chuy by Lupe and Carm for Chuy to agree.

Saul thinks they are there asking about MA as his client. The cops know that he is no longer MA’s lawyer. What they are there for is to ask about Adolfo Giron.

A-hole came to have something to talk to Lupe about. He needs her help to be a good father for Emiliano. He wants to be the best dad in the world for Emil. Please, don’t take the chance away from me to be the best dad and have Emiliano call me ‘papa’. (Emiliano calls Lupe). He fakes emotion/moving at hearing Emiliano’s voice. But MA intercepts Emiliano when he is running out, MA has to talk to him NOW.

Saul says Giron and MA interacted very bad. Giron and A-hole were more at odds with each other… Saul leads them to believe that maybe Adolfo and A-hole were accomplices. But you should ask A-hole about it, maybe he can give you some info.

Emiliano questions MA what is going on. MA swears Lupe is not trying to keep him clueless, but there are issues that adults would rather solve alone. MA explains that he also has some big issues that he has to resolve so he has to leave.. Emi guesses that it has to do with the people he cannot call relatives in public. MA promises Emi that he will come often to see him. Emiliano hugs MA and Perla sees this… she seems reluctant to allow it at first but then smiles back at MA and leaves.

A-hole and Lupe talk outside, with Tizoc nearby… A-hole asks Lupe about Nepo, is he your boyfriend? Nope. A-hole wants to speak to her alone. She says not alone, not even at the corner… I am not mensa to allow it. A-hole swears that what he wants is to give Emiliano his surname. (Lupe looks at CHuy, who definitely nods a NO). Lupe looks back at A-hole.

Previews: A-hole keeps begging Lupe to believe in his intentions to become Emiliano’s dad.

Meanwhile MA with sunglasses is driving a runaway car … followed by the police!!!

(like someone would say in Quantum Leap…. OOOOOHHH BOOOYYYY!!!!!)


I might need to edit this a bit in the morning, but typed as fast as I could to get all the main dialogue. Enjoy!

Marta, thanks for the great recap. Sad to say, I couldn't really enjoy it--too sad for MA, his humbled spirit and broken heart.

I know some folks can't stand AS, but she still makes me laugh. She's trying to survive WITHIN THE CONFINES OF HER WORLD VIEW, messed up though it may be. I do hope she and Leo reach some degree of epiphany before the end. Alejo, Vilma, Mini, and Isela are going to have to break down the little boxes they live in, as well. Carmelita and Mati seem to be the most accepting ones at this point.

I like the way this show still gives us little bits to smile at while the disaster is unfolding.

Thank you for the detailed recap.

I'm so over AS. I could not believe when she and Leo were saying that MA taking the blame stained the RP name as thieves, WHICH THEY ARE!
And celebrating that Lupita dumped MA (BECAUSE OF HER) right in front of him as he's clearly heartbroken. And please, Leo would have sold her out in a second if he were confronted with this situation.

I'm so glad for Mati counseling MA. I was so glad when he came clean about everything.
Bless Carmelita for taking MA in!


Thanks so very much for this fantastic recap.

The truth is finally out now, but the million dollar part isn't yet. MA just alluded to it. When Chuy finds out he will be over the moon. I feel so bad for MA and Lupe and I have to say that MA has come a long way since he first arrived at La Nopalera! I am liking this new MA. This will be a hoot to see MA living at Guendy's I can just see her chasing him all over the house ;)

I really like Carm too with her voice of reason. She is right what she said to MA about Lupe. Mati is also the voice of reason. I am glad she told MA to 'fess up his other secrets to Lupe.

I wonder if Chuy will now kick out all the RPs but Granny Mati? I think he'd keep her and maybe Frida.

La Paloma:

I agree with you about the confines of their world views for AS, Leo, Mini, Alejo who is bad to the bone, and Isela. I am really hoping there will be an epiphany, as you said La Paloma for all of them. I am also hoping that in the end Don Chuy also has an epiphany about MA being a stand up guy and not like his cousin Ahole.

Thanks again Marta for this fabulous recap : )

Marta, thank you for your very fine recap with all of that dialogue! I cannot imagine how fast your fingers were flying!

La Paloma, that was really a good point that you made about AS trying to survive within her own world view. Her character is very consistent in that respect. That is what makes her so frustrating and pathetic at times.

I was pleased that MA took the blame for stealing the money and I think that that action will impress Lupita in the long run since she is the only Menchaca to know the truth about his mother being the thief. The best was that the bogus confession gave MA the opportunity to give the Menchacas their due with their ownership of the house and a platform for him to confess his real deceit and original unethical intentions re: the "grandfather clause." Now Lupita knows the worst and they can start with a clean slate.

There was such good physical comedy in the midst of this all with AS being so drunk that she had to talk to MA forehead to forehead just to keep from falling over and then MA applying pressure to her forehead with the palm of his hand to keep her on her feet. That cutie Da Vinci was dressed in the same smart grey fabric as AS.

MA still has his job with Nepo but how long will that last if MA and Lupita reconcile or if Nepo finds out about the stolen 300,000 pesos? At least Carmelita can help him with a bed at this point.

I am afraid as much as Lupe would like to rid herself of Alejo she has no real legal recourse to deny him access to his son or give his son his name.

With this looking like it is going to top off at about 160 episodes, we are just about at the halfway point.

Can't wait for the car chase!



Thanks Marta, what a depressing episode.

I despise AS's character, but the actress is doing a fantastic job. Her drunk is one of the best I've seen.

I can see Lupita forgiving MA over the stolen money since it wasn't MA who stole it and he explained why he told her that his family didn't do it. But I'm not sure how Lupita will forgive MA over the grandfather clause issue. He told her that he hid it from her in order to get the money. There is no way to redo that and forgiving it will be difficult.
My scenario for the future will be that MA makes a lot of money with the juice business, he can repay Nepo the 300,000 pesos, and of course, prove his innocence.
But first, we need the wedding. Bring it on already.

Thanks for this fun recap, Marta. Well done.

I'm not sure why, but I find myself feeling sadness rather than disdain for Ana Sofía. Even Da Vinci seemed to be simultaneously embarrassed but lovingly sympathetic.

I wanted to hug MA when he sacrificed himself for his mom, as unworthy as she may be. What a loving selfless gesture, even as he comes to grips with his own very self-evident selfishness.

I dread seeing don Chuy's reaction to learning about he grandfather document. I'm hoping that his anger will be tempered by the prospect of the wealth for his family that this information implies. Do we even fully know yet what MA's granddad's intentions were?

Though I really suspect that Alejo's newly found paternal instinct is motivated purely by venality, I must say that I think that he deserves a chance to prove himself... and I can't believe I just said that... but I think that he has that right.



Thanks Marta!

I am SO relieved that MA has told Lupita the whole truth. I can now see him as a true galan. Now his work to prove himself to Lupita and to win back her trust begins.

Carlos- I think Alejo deserves a chance to be a father to Emi too, and Emi has the right to get to know his father and make his own decisions about how to handle that relationship.

I too am hoping that Don Chuy's temper is tempered so to speak by the Grandfather clause. But I fear it will be another nail in the coffin for MA as far as trying to win back Lupe. She will think the worst again.

Carlos and Vivi:

I get why Y'all want Ahole to have a chance with Emi being a Papa, but what bothers me about this is that Ahole is using Emi to get that Presidency of El Editorial. If he weren't so slimy, Ahole that is, I'd be for it too. The way he talks about Emi to Vilma, he told her basically that Emi is a means to an end, and rubbing Emi's presence in Mini and Isela's faces is wrong, wrong, wrong! But maybe Ahole will change. One can hope ; )

Wow, Martaivett, your fingers flew! Wonderful write up.

Although I agree that Ahole has the right to "try to prove himself", I haven't seen any evidence of his capacity to care for anyone beside himself.

I am so glad to see MA working to prove himself.


Well bummer. The last time I actually sat down to watch this Lupe and MA were canoodling in Chalma.

Then I make time today to watch Thursday's and Friday's episode and I get this bola de sadness. Pout! I am very glad that MA came clean about the money the grandfather left for the property owners. That always bothered me. It's going to take a lot of work to earn back Lupe's trust, though.

I'm looking forward to Leo's wedding!

Sorry. Thanks Marta!

Marta thanks so much for this great recap. Glad MA came clean but there will be a long road back to Lupe.

Mads, ITA w/you about Alejo and not trusting him. He is a great liar so you can think he sincerely wants to be with his son but almost ALL of his other actions demonstrate he only wants Emi to be president and could care less about him. While I'd like to be wrong, I don't think Alejo change his actions.

I have to side with Mads and fishknits on the A-hole issue. For him to say out loud to Vilma that Emiliano was his 'ticket' to get the ownership of the company for good shows that Emiliano is just that to A-hole, a means to an end. and Who knows what the future would hold for Emiliano at Alejo's side... i dont want to even think of it. So different to what a future would be for him with a loving couple like MA and Lupe and the extended family.

We know that Alejo is using Emi to get hold of the company, but Lupe does not. When it comes down to it, unless a parent is proven to be abusive (physically or emotionally) to their child, they have a right to access to that child. How do we or Lupe (or even Alejo) know that just by interacting with his child, Alejo won't turn out to enjoy the experience? Shouldn't Emi have the right to get to know his father, good or bad, and make the decision for himself if he wants to have Alejo in his life? Just because someone is a lousy boyfriend/spouse, doesn't mean they will be a lousy parent. The fact is that Lupe doesn't know, and she doesn't have the right to shut Alejo out of Emi's life until he's proven to be a bad parent.

Vivi you're right that Lupe doesn't have the right to shut Alejo out of Emi's life. Emi definitely deserves (ugh) to know who his father really is. But my guess is that in the not too distant future Alejo will be en la carcel and not a direct influence on Emi. What happens between now and then is suspenseful.

A-hole has money and resources and Lupe does not. That worries me. She may lose custody just for being poor.

that's what i'm afraid of, that A-hole will find 'evidence' (truthful mixed with some bought witnesses and paperwork is my guess) to take Emiliano totally away from Lupe or, possibly worse, force her to marry him (civil only).
I agree with you all that Alejo has the right to access Emiilano and Emiliano has the right to get to know his father. I just am not holidng my hopes too high on interacting with Emiliano causing any kind of self-review on Alejo, and in the end Lupe and Emiliano will have to deal with the consequences when it is all said and done and Alejo ends up in jail(I hope he does and the writers don't give him the easy way out [death]). He needs to taste poverty and lack of liberty.

Oh, I agree that Lupe is going to have to watch her back with Alejo. That's precisely why she has to stop reacting to him in such an irrational emotional way, so that she can think and see clearly and stay a step ahead of him. Instead of fighting his legal right to see his child, she should be having her lawyer draw up a legal document on custody and visitation rights and have Alejo sign it.

I agree, Vivi. She needs to keep her cool and be a bit smarter and less emotional in her strategy.

Right now Lupe has the upper hand to steer the way Alejo and Emi can interact, but she's acting like she's powerless and cornered. She's giving Alejo all the power, and he'll just continue to feed on that and he will eventually find a way to screw her over, if she doesn't take control of the situation first.

Our Flaco Ibanez (Don Chuy) won TVyNovelas for supporting actor last night.
And for our AV blog alumni: Susana Gonzalez won for best supporting actress and Erika won for leading actress and AV won for best novela!


Winners- 2014 TVyNovelas Awards:

Benjamín Cann y Rodrigo Zaunbos (Mentir Para Vivir)

Amores Verdaderos

Manuel ‘El Flaco’ Ibañez (La Mujer Del Vendaval)

Susana Gonzalez (Amores Verdaderos)

Jesús Ochoa (Libre Para Amarte)

Ana Martin (Amores Verdaderos)

Alejandro Speitzer (Mentir Para Vivir)

Sherlyn (Amores Verdaderos)

Felipe Najera (Mentir Para Vivir)

Cynthia Klitbo (De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero)

Manuel Ojeda (La Tempestad)

Marjorie De Sousa (Amores Verdaderos)

“No Me Compares,” Alejandro Sanz (Amores Verdaderos)

Erika Buenfil (Amores Verdaderos)

Juan Diego Covarrubias (De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero)

Amores Verdaderos


Lots of deserving winners!

Sara- They really spread the awards around this year. Glad to see some faves from DQTQTQ, Mentir, and AV win.

Libre Para Amarte was such a flop that Uni hasn't even picked it up and put it on during the day or midnight, but even it got one award. I haven't seen it, but I do like Jesus Ochoa, so congrats to him!

omg how could I forget Marjorie won for villain!! she was so 'to the point' in her speech! DURA!!!

And you know what's really shocking, and best of all? That porqueria Corazon Indomable did not win a single award! Ha! In this case, the judges couldn't even use the high ratings to justify awarding anything to a POC tn like CI.

Gives me a little more faith in the judging.

I didn't even watch CI but thought Ana Brenda had a chance at leading actress... but i was surprised at the winners of the leads. Have not seen enough of DQTQTQ to judge Juan Diego, but was not even thinking of Erika.

Marta- I usually have love for tns that I recap, even if it's not the best tn. I recapped CI and have absolutely NO love for it or any of its characters. Ana Brenda look fabulous in it, and got to wear a lot of awesome outfits, but the role wasn't really that great, although she did her best with it.

I think CI is the angriest I've gotten at a TN. It was so good at the beginning and then is just died (with Lucia probably.)

Quick OT question: I know last night's awards show was a delayed broadcast for us. When do they normally give out these awards?

Sara- They were presented in Mexico last month, end of March. I wonder if Uni waited for DQTQTQ to get up and running so that the US audience would have some frame of reference for that tn. But Uni is now showing tns so close to the Mexico broadcasts that it seems they soon won't need to delay the awards broadcast in the US at all.

Marta, thanks for the recap.

I loved the title. MA could definitely have used some 5 hour nobility/honesty before. I too am glad that he came clean and am impressed by how he took the blame for his mother.

I really want AS to start caring more about her kids and I hope the RPs will learn to become a real family. All of the RPs seem lonely and emotionally stunted. I want to see some family bonding soon! I think having them hit rock bottom and forcing them to share a room with only one bed has been a start, but AS and Leo have definitely not made much progress yet. Maybe one of them will get hit by a car and end up in a coma for a while and that will make them all realize how much they love each other :)


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