Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Tuesday, March 22, 2014 -Por Siempre Mi Amor Capitulo #99 (Mexico #138)- In Which, I Leap onto "Is this Really Going to End Happily? I'm Beginning to Doubt" BandWagon and Use a Lot of Parenthesis to Leave My Hysterical Commentary.
Dena, Tita, Bruno and a whole bunch of other people are happy celebrating with Uriel and his yummy-looking cake.
Daffne's in the hospital along with the peanut gallery (Art, 'Za, BonBon, 'Drea and Mao) when Mr.Duck comes along and goes to see her! He actually seems moved by the fact his daughter is in peril!
Lucha and Gabi. go to see Gabs (see what I did there) with concern about Isa and her predicament. (If they're stressed now, wait 'til or if they hear about what they're beautiful son has involved in. That day gaskets will be blown and if they don't find out, gaskets will still be blown. By us at Caray Caray!)
Borlas and Illeana meet and they talk. She offers coffee at her house and he accepts!
Some more Daffne anguish/angst where she is hollering at our bloody bloused BonBon that she can't feel her legs (QUE NO SIENTO LAS PIERNAS ESTEBAN, NO SIENTO LAS PIERNAS!)
-Theme Song-
BonBon and 'Za are in Daffne's room and you can tell they wanna make out while she's in no condition to do anything about it.
Illeana is talking some more with Borlas when her mom comes in and introduces herself. Borlas says she has a nice last name and she asks them what should be done for dinner. Borlas says he'd love to eat but he has to go.
'Tha is with Angelito and telling him about Daffne's state. He says he wants to see her to which 'Tha denies he can do. (Well it's not like Daffne was as important in his life as 'Va was.)
Big Bad Borlas is home and as usual goes to make DannyBoy (who literally walks right into this) feel like poo.
Illeana has sat down and is talking with her mom about Borlas and 'Za. Illeana says she doesn't know Borlas' real name and mom asks about 'Za. Illeana says she and 'Za are distanced at the moment. Finally, we get to the break-up and mom boosts Illeana's confidence (Illeana is beautiful, smart, independant and shall overcome all obstacles. Jade Fraser seriously has potential if she plays her cards right and more roles like this!)
Art Dad (No, he doesn't deserve an interesting nickname. Let's brand him with the name Fart or fART.) and Alacranza (because 'Za is like a scorpion) are giving the help the memo that he is divorcing Isa. This news doesn't sit well in the ears of our beloved Lucha and Gabi. and one of those two slave-driven souls should do as their name says and take part in the action by joining Gabs, 'Drea and Mao in saving and proving Isa's innocence if they seriously care instead of passively beseeching 'Za and Art for their ear(s) and mercy. (I''m sorry if I sound like a stone-cold bitch but I want to see these two souls take charge and kick-ass. I remember the slap Lucha gave Dante earlier in the novela and would LOVE to see a repetition of that if she finds out what he's done. That kind of backhand discipline could come in handy! I even would have LOVED to see Minerva survive the stabbing and kick some ass by spotting the rat Fernando is because she was the type who called 'em as she saw them! At least she went out in a blaze of glory.)
fART is in his room imagining Isa in his bed and lamenting the loss of her with the theme music in the background. (Well we can't deny he loved her and is beginning to feel the tiniest pinch of remorse for throwing her out. However that tiny pinch will be paved over by Marcela unfortunately. Why do I feel a backwards boda(s) interrumpidas towards the end?)
FeVer is gloating in the tranquil tea he has given Isa and thoughtbubbling that he needs to rid himself of her.

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It's so true what you said about Art and Isa's love. "(Well we can't deny he loved her and is beginning to feel the tiniest pinch of remorse for throwing her out. However that tiny pinch will be paved over by Marcela unfortunately. Why do I feel a backwards boda(s) interrumpidas towards the end?)"
Ileana is a delightful character even though she feel in love with the wrong guy. She is a nice, wholesome girl.
I'm glad the plate foolishness has been solved. Zar and Ida need to kiss and move on.
I agree- even being wolf meat is too good for Fervier. His demise should be slow and painful.
Is trouble brewing on the Bruno and Ally home front?
when he is with Isa? If it is, it is pretty horrible looking. I think it would be funny if the wig slipped while he was kissing her and Isa notices.
Good work on this.
However, I think FeVier has to die, if only for the peace of mind of everyone whose life he's ruined or tried to.
I still see Ally being with either Fab or one of the biker dudes, maybe taking one of the kids with her back to Spain.
Art and Maricela DESERVE EACH OTHER .
Don't see a happy ending.
While I understand the plate wanting to end it all, being handled by Ren & Stimpy everyday, if I had known we'd be subject to this frivolity for a month of Sundays, I would have stepped in before it threw itself on the floor. Oh, I missed you Sonia.
Dan - stop poking me there it hurts
Fernando - broken record, if you thought bubble one more time about getting her to the country I'll scream
Gabi - he's not all that, mamma still has to make him take a bath
Borlas - you're a confident bugger
The Duck - I saw your feet move
Esteban - yup, a ball and chain
Mari - before you get your hopes up...
Ileana - real world, you'd have to beat the boys away with a stick
ABrat - seems to me you should have reached out to her first
Art - La la, la la la la la na na na na na, La la na na, la la la la la na na na na na
Far too many great lines to quote them all but"
(If they're stressed now, wait 'til or if they hear about what they're beautiful son has involved in", "HOW BLINDING AND LOUD HIS FREAKING PANTS ARE" and "Alacranza (because 'Za is like a scorpion" stood out as my favorites.
LOVED Ileana's mother. Think the only thing I saw her in was Gancho and she was evil there. What a great character (along with Ileana as you noted TJ)! She seems very open to Borlas and (gasp) actually seems to be open minded and very loving to her daughter!
Everyone has abandoned Isa. Shame on Osvi along with just about everyone else.
tofie, I laughed out loud at "While I understand the plate wanting to end it all..., if I had known we'd be subject to this frivolity for a month of Sundays, I would have stepped in before it threw itself on the floor". HA!
I'm so preoccupied with Isa and her health and safety (and of course that of her child), the rest is rather white noise. I'll start becoming involved with the details once I know Isa will be all right. And hopefully, far away from Art and Ara. Ack.
Did anyone else notice Andrea's face when Daphne was professing her love for Este? She didn't look like she was buying it.
CD yes fArt and the witch doctor, together forever.
I think (my guess) with the door opening for Dan and Mari that Borlas will be Sonia's child. His recent meeting w/Ileana and her mom made me think this too. Her parents non-snobby attitude toward the poor will be rewarded when he finds his true abuelo (since Sonia is no prize).
Diana, I also want Isa safe, certainly not dead at the end, and not w/Art or Ara. There is nothing those two can do to make things right by the end of the tn. And when will things start falling apart for Feo?
So sad Gabi wants Bruno. The lawyer is a much better catch b/c Bruno is too much like his loser friend.
This was such a pointless chapter.too much filler with that stupid plate!
The Duck is still lousy. She took every opportunity to mention how she sacrificed herself for Esteban.
It's looking like Feo is going to be successful in taking Isa to provincia and we're going to have to continue with this agonizing storyline.
If the happy ending is Isa reconciling with Archurro and his brat, then I don't want it.
I'm very confused about Fer's intentions with Isa. Is he trying to run away with her with the intention that her memory doesn't come back (but I'm sure he doesn't want a kid), or does he just want to do away with her. What was the point of kidnapping her if he was going to disappear anyway?
I can't imagine Borlas and Illeana together nor do I think Dan could be long term with Mari. Dan and Illeana are going to be bored to tears real soon if that's the way it goes.
Gabi and Fab for me, but since we know she's destined for Bruno, Ally and Fab would be fine. Poor Gabi, and Ally ... lucky you.
He wants to take her away while she still can't remember and then when she does she'll realize that he used her as he pleased and he'll probably take her far enough away that he could have her prisoner for years, possibly taking her child away from her if he even allows her to have it.
Basically, there's many ways in which he could make her suffer if he can get her away from everyone. Ugh.
So now Borlas is the two-timer? It wasn't that long ago that he gave Mari the "please, please, please give me a chance I've always, always loved you" speech. I don't recall him breaking up with Mari. So now Borlas is doing what he's been ragging on Dan for? Hypocrite. The kid is cute but he still needs a (non-lethal) anvil for the crap he did in the past including beating Dan nearly to death. Don't like seeing him with Ileana. She deserves better.
It's no wonder that Ileana is so sweet, just look at her mother.
Tofie---Ileana in the real world--
yes--yes--and yes.
Diana I know how you feel but I doubt that Isa will be far far away from Art and Ara. They will have an "Oh I've been so wrong" moment then Isa and Art will kiss and make up and ride off arm in arm into the sunset.
I don't think that all will end so well for Ally though. She lit into Bruno good the night before last but he still can't stop thinking about Gaby. I really like Ally but I think that she might end up on the outside looking in---or maybe end up running the orphanage but from the way things are going, she won't end up with Bruno.
Where is Dafne's mother? Did she come to see her daughter yet?
the gringo
Tofie - Gabi - he's not all that, mamma still has to make him take a bath
Fell on the floor laughing.
I must admit that in my mind, I have been calling Art ...fArt for quite awhile now. My Aunt Evelyn was married to Fred and her brother's name was Art, so guess what she sometimes called her brother? She always said that it was an accident, but......Last night, we could have also referred to fArtie as The Great Pumpkin. What a pill. He does not deserve devoted Isa, but he and Ara will whine and sigh and plead and Isa will forgive them both..gah
Oh, the whole Borals and Ileana potential hook up just creeps me out. No way in hell without the interference of the teenage writers (you know the same ones that pulled the plate thingie on us) trying to pair everybody up.
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