Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 130, Tues., 5/13/14: Don't Tell Montserrat

Come let us rationalize together.

If Graciela is disconcerted when José Luis returns her head poke and Te hace falta Jesús, she hides it well.  

And the source of her information about Alejandro doesn't matter.  (Eso es lo de menos).  The important thing is that the bastardo Alejandro didn't die -- even if he isn't exactly alive.  He has been in a coma all these years. 

José Luis wants Montserrat protected from this knowledge.  It would only cause her pain.  She would cling to the hope that Alejandro might wake up some day; she would live out her days in unending unhappiness (desdicha).

Graciela agrees that her daughter must be protected.  She will speak to the person who told her about Alejandro and make certain the secret isn't revealed...

...Is she referring to Nadia Argüelles?

She's not.   Besides, Graciela doesn't think Nadia would dare set foot in Aguazul.  Pedro would destroy her.

JL disagrees.  Pedro has already destroyed Nadia's life by taking her daughter from her.  Nadia is sure to come looking for the girl.  JL intends to protect the child from Pedro and 
help Nadia get her daughter back.  He hopes that she and Victor will be so grateful, they will agree to keep the secret about Alejandro, hmmm, especially considering that it is for Montserrat's good.

Graciela approves.  Meanwhile, she will do everything she can to keep Montserrat from knowing that Alejandro is alive [and making a crucial life decision herself].

At Montserrat's house
Dimitrio has a pensive Eye --> Mind moment:
The churchyard.  Dimitrio's vigil at his father's tomb.  Josefina just wants to be with him, but only if he wants to be with her.  She loves him above all things.

Montserrat tells her brother that Josefina is back in town.  He already knows, and he's fine with it.  He avoids any touchy-feely talk with a deft change of subject:  he tells his sister how Laurito answered Mónica's call the other day and told her Dim was a husband and father.
Ha Ha Ha.

María has made her stumbling way back to the dark alley where Adolfo found her the night before.  

She's desperate for a fix.  But before she can find anything, her pimp spots her and pushes her against the wall.  Where has she been? "You work for me, estúpida!"  He holds a knife to her throat.  

"What are you waiting for?  Go ahead and kill me," she says, squeezing her eyes shut.  "You'd be doing me a favor."

Where did she go to last night?  And where is his cut of her take?  This guy had her locked up, she says, and he didn't pay her anything.  She finally managed to get away from him and now she needs a fix.  She begs him to give her something.  It'll cost her, he says. Can she pay?  

Suddenly Adolfo appears on the scene.  He pulls the man away from María.  "Leave her alone," he says. "This woman is coming with me."

The pimp defies him.  "This piece of garbage belongs to me!"

"You don't know who you're messing with," says Adolfo quietly.  Soy el Alacrán.

María takes advantage of the pimp's momentary surprise to break away from him and stand behind Adolfo.  The pimp, still wielding his knife, scoffs: "You're not the Scorpion."  And if Adolfo wants the piece of garbage, he'll have to pay for her.

Adolfo uses his indoor voice.  "Take it easy," he says softly, "I'll show you."  In one smooth movement, he pulls out his gun, aims it at the pimp's chest, and pulls the trigger.

Then he shouts at María:  That's the last time she's going to pull that crap on him.  He grabs her arm and drags her away.  The pimp sinks to the ground, his mouth gaping open.

The Low Morals Diet

José Luis looks lighter somehow.  Perhaps it is the effect of leaving his scruples behind.

He calls on Montserrat, hmmm? with an offer she can't refuse.  Why don't they go on an extended honeymoon with Laurito?  Hmmm? If they move their wedding date up to coincide with the end of the school year in ten days, they will have two full months of summer for their family luna de mielHmmm? Everybody comes out ahead!

[Well except for Alejandro and Rosario -- not to mention Montserrat and Laurito.  In fact, the only ones who come out ahead are Graciela and JL.  Hmmm?]

What Empathy Means to Pedro

A black sedan pulls up in front of a nondescript house in Aguazul.  Pedro Medina emerges from the car and approaches two men, both armed and dressed in black.  [Does he have his own militia now?] They report that everything is in order.  Pedro reminds them that absolutely no one can know that the mother of his child is inside this building, not even Ezequiel or Adolfo.

Nadia sits inside, alone, holding Victoria's doll and looking rather like a child herself.  She hears someone come in and asks who is there.  She stands up and walks in the direction of the sound, but without her cane to guide her in the unfamiliar environment, she trips and falls.

Pedro chuckles. "How horrible it must be to be blind," he observes with pleasure.

Nadia ignores his comment.  She just wants to know if he has brought Victoria.  But he, in turn, ignores her question and completes his own train of thought.  He understands about blindness, he says.   He was also blind -- he never envisioned that Nadia would have the guts (las agallas) to betray him.

Whatever she did is not the child's fault, says Nadia desperately.  

Pedro agrees.  And she didn't do a half-bad job with the girl either.  The only problem is that she cries a lot because she wants to see her mommy.  He has already explained that their family will soon be together again -- but that will depend on Nadia.

He grabs her by the throat. She does realize she is still Pedro's legal wife, right?

Nadia begs him to let her be with her daughter.  Pedro screams at her to shut up.  If he had to wait seven damned years to see his kid, she can wait a few days.  

And then he says, punctuating each word with a poke to her head:
Te vas a quedar aquí hasta que entiendas que tú sigas siendo mi esposa.
(You're going to stay here until you understand that you are still my wife.)

And she is going to stay until she stops crying for her lover.

"What did you do to him?"

"What I should have done a long time ago. I made sure your little pet would never come looking for you."

"Oh God, no, no, no..."

He tells her to think about it very carefully.  Pedro has only one condition for his sick version of happily ever after -- Nadia must make Victoria forget about Victor and accept Pedro as her real father.

He snatches the doll away from Nadia.  He is going to give it back to Victoria, he tells her.

Nadia, now left alone with her grief, rocks back and forth and sobs.  

Victor isn't as dead as Pedro thinks he is. 

Victor is still hurting when Alejandro helps him back into the now empty apartment in Buenos Aires, though he was not as seriously injured as we feared.  But he is a desperate man.  His wife and child are gone; and now that his money is also gone, he doesn't know how he can go after them.  Alejandro is just as desperate to find his son.  Fortunately, they aren't completely without resources.

Alejandro has called Nadia's friend Martín for help.  Now he arrives at the apartment with an interesting proposition for them.  He is flying the Philharmonic Orchestra to Mexico City to perform in the Palacio de Bellas Artes. Victor and Alejandro can join them as just two more musicians, che -- with false documents to back them up.  

[And what if it's an all girl orchestra and the boys have to go in drag like Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in Some Like it Hot?  We know they've got the legs for it.]

When do they leave? They leave in ten days.

Ten days?

Montserrat and José Luis are getting married in ten days?  Carlota is thrilled.  Rosario seems crushed by the news and wants to know the reason for the change of plans.  Montse tells her all about the honeymoon/extended vacation that JL has concocted.  She is thinking of her son's happiness, she says.  Rosario swallows hard and tries to look less glum.

Time to Get Clean

Adolfo's white jacket echoes the white uniforms of the attendants at the Rehab Center.  He has brought them a challenging case.  He introduces the desperate, aggressive young woman with him as "Diana Flores" (though, of course, it is María).  He tells 'Diana' he is going to help her, whether she likes it or not. He's not going to turn his back on her.  He's not Alejandro!

"Don't talk about him!" she says angrily.  Alejandro would never have done that to her.  

Has she forgotten?  Alejandro was going to lock her up in a clinic just to get her out of the way so he could be with his wife. 

She has two choices -- she can enter treatment voluntarily or she can be forced into treatment.  She'll do it, she says tearfully, but she begs him not to abandon her. He reassures her again and then entrusts her to the care of a kind looking middle-aged nurse (who should definitely watch her back).

How did she get past security?

Graciela strolls right into the garden of the private estate where Amelia is playing with Victoria.  Amelia sends the little girl to her room to play, perhaps hoping to minimize her exposure to the venom of this sandy-headed viper.

Graciela doesn't even pretend to be pleasant.  She begins with a completely gratuitous round of insults:  

So Amelia and Pedro are adopting that brat?  Was Amelia so lonely after Angélica died that she had to resort to buying a replacement child?

Not painful enough?  How about this?  

Graciela knows perfectly well the girl is Nadia's and that Nadia has been hiding out all these years from Amelia's husband...well, not Amelia's husband, but Nadia's.  Nadia is alive.  That means Amelia's marriage is kaput.  Amelia had better start packing because Pedro will undoubtedly kick her to the curb when his legitimate wife returns.

And it's no use pretending that she doesn't care about giving up the luxury and status that go with being Pedro's wife.  And let's be real here -- why would she have married Pedro if not for all that?  Obviously, she didn't marry him for love.

Amelia understands how much Graciela covets the trappings of wealth and prestige; she would have been glad to occupy her place, wouldn't she?  And yes, she admits, she had a reason for marrying Pedro -- but it wasn't money!

Oh, by the way, says Graciela, has Amelia heard that José Luis and Montserrat are getting married?  Amelia says she didn't know, but she's happy for both of them.  José Luis is an extraordinary man; and luckily Montserrat doesn't take after her mother.  She thinks Angélica would be glad that they are giving themselves another chance at happiness.

"So would Alejandro," says Graciela. "It's a shame they're dead."  

Amelia advises Graciela not to tell Montserrat anything about Nadia, at least not until they are sure that Alejandro really died in that accident.

Graciela says there isn't any doubt -- that bastardo is dead.  And that's the best thing for everyone, especially Montserrat.  Imagine.  If he had survived, he would have ended up rotting in jail.  That would be terrible, right?

Governor Pedro Medina joins the ladies on the lawn.  

He walks up to them, smiling, and swinging Victoria's doll by one leg.  Graciela shows her teeth (greeting or display of aggression?  You decide.) She gushes that she has met his daughter and she is adorable.  Could she have a word with him in private?  He invites her to join him in his study.

Pedro plops the doll down carelessly and asks Graciela to sit down.  Graciela laughs and observes without ceremony:  "So you took away poor Nadia's daughter?  You really have no limits!"  She pokes her own head, perhaps wishing to emphasize the outrageousness of his act, but sensing that it would be dangerous to poke Pedro himself.

Pedro then mimics her gesture as he reminds her that the girl is his daughter too.

[Maybe the actors put 50 pesos in a jar every time they give or get a head poke and when they have enough money, the guy who plays Macario runs out and buys a bottle of Mescal.]

"That's not what they say around town," retorts Graciela.  Pedro declines a gossip duel (Graciela's antics have been feeding the mills for years).  He wants to know the real reason for her visit.  

Graciela lays it out plainly.  If the girl is here, her mother is undoubtedly on the way.  And she doesn't want Nadia to show up and get Montserrat thinking that Alejandro is also alive.

"Alejandro is in a coma," says Pedro.  

¿Qué dices? [She is so convincing in her feigned surprise that I had to look back in my notes to check.  Yes, she already knows that.  Damn, she's good.]

He knows because he had Nadia investigated and found out she had been visiting him in the hospital for years.

Graciela points out that Alejandro's tragic state would be a magnet for Montserrat.  She would run to him and stay by his side for the rest of her life.

She implores him to keep that fool Nadia far away from her daughter.  Will he do that for her?  He owes her.

He agrees.  What are friends for?  He'll just add it as one more condition: if Nadia wants to be with Victoria, she'll have to promise never to tell Montserrat that Alejandro is in a coma.

Isn't Pedro concerned that Alejandro might wake up some day and come after him?

Pedro reminds her Alejandro would have reason to come after both of them.  But then he repeats what Graciela said only a few minutes earlier in her conversation with Amelia: If Alejandro returned to Aguazul, he'd find only prison or death waiting for him.

Graciela is satisfied by his answer.  Me das tanta paz, she says.  (You give me so much much peace.  You put my mind at ease.)

Rehab isn't for sissies

Adolfo wants to know if Diana will suffer. The doctor explains that treatment usually lasts three to six weeks, and the first 14 days are the roughest.  No visitors are allowed during this time.  Although they use medication to ease the process, during the acute withdrawal phase (síndrome de abstinencia aguda), some patients have hallucinations, shaking, or sweats. She will need watching 24 hours a day.

We see María in a padded room.  She moves about incessantly, scratching at her arms, pounding on the walls and the door.  ¡Sácame de aquí! she screams.  "Get me out of here!"  ¡Alejandro -- llévame contigo!  "Alejandro, take me with you!"

The aides hold her down, and the nurse injects her with something.  Her body yields to the effect of the medication and she goes limp.  She is strapped onto the bed.

Listless in La Escondida

At La Escondida, Zulema is trying to get the girls to give their dancing a little more oomph.  "Imagine the guy of your dreams is sitting right in front of you.  You're trying to seduce him."

While the girls give it another try, Esme makes a quiet entrance.  She looks at the awkward newbies on the tarima and has a nostalgic Eye --> Mind moment:
A black sequined bustier hugs her trim midsection. She smiles broadly during her good-natured bump and grind around the pole.

Zulema greets her warmly and introduces her to the girls as the owner and an old pro on the pole (veterana del tubo), which does nothing to improve Esme's mood.  Perhaps thinking it would be therapeutic for her depressed friend to get back in the swing of things, Zulema says her sciatica is acting up.  Would Esmeralda help them out?

Esme tells the dancers they're doing the steps well and they've got the rhythm down.  But they need something more.  She gamely gets up on the stage, takes hold of a pole, and begins a somewhat rambling and tearful speech about the power of dance to communicate emotion, to transport the dancer to other places, to magical places.  "When you dance, you can forget about everything.  When you dance, there are no problems in life.  It's like finding yourself again each time, making peace with life.  When we're up here on the stage, we are the only ones who exist, we don't need anyone else.  Dancing is..."

Zulema and the girls watch this painful display in silence.

"I can't..." breaks off Esmeralda.  She leaves the stage, crying openly now.  Zulema follows her.

Thank you, daddy.

Victoria is happy when the maid says she knows her mommy.  Not only that, even though Pedro ordered all Nadia's photos destroyed after she left the house, she set one picture aside.  Now she hands it to Victoria and tells her to keep it hidden so her daddy doesn't take it away.  "He's not my daddy," says Victoria.

Victoria quickly tucks away the photo under the quilt as Pedro enters the room.  He hands her the doll Nadia has brought from Buenos Aires.  ¡Mi muñeca! she calls out happily.

What do you say?


¿Gracias qué?

Gracias, papa.  But where is her mommy?  When is she coming?

Very soon.

Nadia sits alone in the impromptu jail Pedro has provided for her.  

She has an Eye --> Mind moment:
Her romance with Victor from their initial flirtation...the cart of flowers...the consummation of their love

"Oh dear God, it can't be true that you're gone.  It has to be a lie!"

After a long day of Manipulation, Malice and Mendacity...

Graciela returns to the Mendoza House and finds Josefina waiting for her. ¿Qué haces aquí? she snarls. Josefina reminds her that she has lost her cellphone, and she is here for Nadia's number. Graciela told her she had it.  Remember?  She really needs to speak to Nadia.  It's urgent! (Me urge hablar con Nadia.)

Montserrat and Carlota arrive just in time to hear those last words.  Montse reacts with a mix of anger and astonishment.  

¿Perdon? Te escuché bien Josefina?  Dijiste que te urge hablar con Nadia?
(Excuse me?  Did I hear you right?  Did you say you have to talk to Nadia?)

Fabiola has a hissy fit when she hears that José Luis is marrying Montserrat.
Alejandro and Victor arrive in Mexico hours before the wedding.

José Luis swears he will never give up Montserrat, consequences be damned.


Loved the recap, thank you for your hard work NovelaMaven, especially the mental picture this gave me, "And what if it's an all girl orchestra and the boys have to go in drag like Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in Some Like it Hot? We know they've got the legs for it."
I was only worried someone would try to make them play an instrument.

Then for Maria, the TN treats us to a withdrawal scene that mimics that scene only found in the 60's film "The Valley of the Dolls".
Of course they're going to medicate her.
Is she standing in line with other patients getting a little methadone for detox?
No, she's strapped to a bed in a padded cell getting who knows what injected into her vein.
TN medicine strikes again.
What I don't understand is if they give their patients medication, why do they have to be in padded rooms strapped to beds?

If Nadia is legally dead is she still Pedro's "mujer"?


Meant to watch this first, but like an addict, I hit the CarayCaray page this morning and had to get my NovelaMaven fix to get me going.

Loved the quip about Graciela and José Luis doing what they could to keep Montserrat from making a crucial life decision HERSELF. Yes, Meddling seems to be the main activity of all telenovela characters, good or bad.

Other favorites:

Adolfo uses his indoor voice (and it doesn't bother me a bit that he killed the pimp. Does that make me a bad person?)

THE LOW MORALS DIET José Luis looks lighter somehow. Perhaps it's the effect of leaving his scruples behind.

sandy-haired viper [what a perfect description of Graciela!]

begins with a completely gratuitous round of insults [that's my girl. gotta love her consistency]

Graciela shows her teeth (greeting or display of aggression)[I know where I'm placing my bet.]

Pedro declines a gossip duel

LISTLESS IN ESCONDIDA [for some reason this cracked me up. is it a play on that movie titled "something, something" in Las Vegas?]


and also Emarie's favorite line...

[And what if it's an all girl orchestra and the boys have to go in drag like Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in Some Like it Hot? We know they've got the legs for it.]

Which brings me to my sad confession. There was quite a discussion yesterday (welcome, Maggie) about which flawed galan we should love more) and I must admit I love neither (though I once was enamored of Alejandro) I have been unfaithful and sought solace Eleazar (Marcelo Cordoba) in De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero. So far he's been noble and a rescuer in the best sense. I'm afraid our two fellas here have been all too flawed.

But not the recap. It was superb! Thanks NovelaMaven.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Great work, NovelaMaven. I can't list my favorite lines because there are too many!

I am truly wondering now whether JL is officially on the dark side. He doesn't yet know that Alejandro has recovered and Pedro's spies in Argentina seem to have been dismissed if he doesn't yet know this.

Unless I'm mistaken, didn't Graciela get Pedro to agree to off Alejandro? Which means he's likely to find out about his recovery just as he leaves Argentina.

NovelaMaven: You infused light, love and laughter into your marvelous summary, allowing us to momentarily set aside the effects frustrating and sad events of last night.

Where to begin? "The Low Morals Diet", "José Luis looks lighter somehow. Perhaps it is the effect of leaving his scruples behind" (oh dear, did that hurt!), "She pokes her own head, perhaps wishing to emphasize the outrageousness of his act, but sensing that it would be dangerous to poke Pedro himself", and "After a long day of Manipulation, Malice and Mendacity" were exceptional.

Your thread is always intriguing and I cannot wait to see what you have to say next!

JL has lost clarity and judgement. I am crushed that he has not told Monse about Ale. He is cognizant that what he is doing is wrong. He can stubbornly continue to profess what he is doing is for Monse's best interest but it only for his own. While I sympathize for what has befallen him in the past, he is trying to recapture something that faded long ago. He lost Monse when she fell in love with Ale. When she finds out he knew Ale was alive and did not tell her, he will lose her forever.

That said, UA, I'm perishing the thought JL is on the dark side. I would say (and fervently hope) he is in a gray area but will soon see the light.

For now, I'm sitting with Judy at Eleazar's (Marcelo Cordoba) table sipping something light and frothy.

Esme and Nadia have my complete sympathy at the moment. I am hoping for Ale and Victor's swift return and rescue of Nadia and Victoria. I am also hoping (but less sure) that Refugio will get a clue and take his wonderful wife in his arms and give her the love and attention she deserves.

NovelaMaven, sending sunshine and hugs your way. Thank you for making my day sunny and happy.


Novela Maven, I really enjoyed your recap especially the idea of a "head thumping" game with mezcal as the prize.
You started my day with a good laugh.

That was my favorite scene when Gracieland Oedro both thumped their own heads.

Will anyone tell Montse that Alejandro us alive before the wedding?


Will Alejandro arrive before, after or during Montse's wedding?


NM, swear, what would we do without you. I tried watching this last night, really I did, but it was so depressing and people were being so stupid and manipulative...and yet I read your thoughtful and funny recap and NOW I can somewhat enjoy the episode. Maybe I should take a book from Judy, read first, watch later.

And I wish I started watching Te Queiro...had been at a bad time for me, which made me sad at the time precisely for the reason it had Marcelo. I don't watch the TN, but I would sit at his table any day. I agree, both these "galans" drive me batty, but right now JL is bordering on falling off the "galan" ledge. I always felt a "all about me" vibe from him and it's in full swing right now.
If you truly love someone, you don't manipulate things to your favor and lie to them as he is doing. This is all about him again. And his new found wealth seems to have made a less than admirable man out of him as well.

Honestly, is this some sort of trend to make the supposed good guys in TN's so unlikable or brain-dead ( I'm loking at you Refugio)? We get few anymore you can really cheer for through most of the show. I'm getting to the point in this one to wish all the women to throw each and every one of the them to the curb, yell WOMAN POWER, take over the town and show they can handle their affairs on their own. But that will never happen... I know.

I didn't like Nadia at the start of this TN, but lord, the woman is breaking my heart now and the actress is just knocking it out of the park. But this plot line needs to end and Amelia better do something because her well thought out idea has festered inactive long enough. She's going to meet her maker and not have accomplished anything if she doesn't move fast.

Ah Dim...c'mon do something besides eye-mind. You are on the fence with me on the kick to the curb if you don't start being honest with yourself and the women in your life. Wonder if they are just back-burnering this plot until all the angst of the wedding is over.



NovelaMaven thanks so much for your witty recap. Your low morals diet was spot on though I do feel sad that JL is pushing the limits here. Of all the plots the bad love triangle is my least fav.

Daisynjay, you should join Judy, Diana, Sara, Vivi, the wonderful Kat, and me over at DQTQTQ. We can catch you up and there is still a long way to go in the tn.

Dearest NovelaMaven,

Thanks for the delightful, smart, and funny recap! It's all wonderful. As others have mentioned, last night was pretty hard to watch at times, so it was great to have your thoughtful and wry perspective on the drama and the characters--

"The Low Morals Diet: José Luis looks lighter somehow. Perhaps it is the effect of leaving his scruples behind."

Loved it!

And I am always grateful for the new Spanish vocabulary you include like the word "desdicha,"
That word sums up perfectly many of the characters' emotional states last night.

The Nadia and Pedro scene was awful to watch. I don't think I've been as upset by a storyline in this TN since the early episode days when Ale threw Montse out of the house after finding out about J-L's real identity. I hope Nadia and Victoria are reunited in an episode soon because I can't take much more.

Thanks again, NovelaMaven, and I hope everything is going well with you! Best to all!

Thanks for the awesome recap. I was thinking Some Like it Hot too when Martin said they would be 2 musicians!

So I watched Monday's episode last night too so between the two epis:

1. Montse going off on Josefina seemed totally out of character for her.
2. I was really hoping Amelia would push Gracie into the pond behind where they were sitting.
3. I thought Rosario had turned a corner but her unending miserable demeanor makes me wish she would have a heart attack and die. Harsh I know but I can't stand the one note of this character any longer.
4. Dim was actually smiling after remembering Fina which makes me think he really is over her bec the past didn't seem painful.
5. JL, JL, don't do this!!! You are too good for this.


Thanks so very much for this splendiferous recap! I loved the movie reference and they do indeed have the legs ; )

I too do not think JL is going to the dark side. Yes, he is desperate, as far as Monse goes. He has vowed to help Nadia get Vicky back so he is not totally on the dark side. I still like JL better than Ale.

I'm with DaisynJay, Nadia is breaking my heart too. The poor woman. I really fear for her and Vicky. I think Amelia can take care of herself. I am not underestimating Amelia. She knows what Peddy is all about.

Good question Emarie about Nadia still being Peddy's mujer. If it's legal than his marriage to Amelia is invalid.

I did enjoy the redo of the head thumping with JL and Graceless. Too funny.

Thanks again NovelaMaven for this most wonderful recap.

Well, I wrote a long comment and lost it. ..probably because I am holding the three-year-old on my lap and watching "the Lion King" while trying to type.

Thanks, NM, for a delicious morning read.

I am sitting at a table in Carmen's Fonda with Judyb and Diana waiting for Eleazer to drop by. Pass the galan, please.

Hmmm.JL or Ale...the moral of the story is...try to have only one guy become hopelessly obsessed with you.
Obsession is not love.
Just watching Ped carrying that doll so carelessly speaks volumes about his careless disregard for others.

Is Martin the actor who played the corrupt doctor in the manicomia in MEPS?

Yes, Karen, Vivi, and Sara are also at that table in Carmen's Fonda. Good company and a few bright spots instead of constant doom and gloom and bad decisions.

However,I am still not giving up on Robo.


I was so curious about your question about Nadia still being Peddy's "mujer" that I looked it up. Here in the States if someone is declared dead after the legal time limit and they are later found to be alive, the second marriage still stands. So this means that the spouse who filed to have the disappeared spouse declared dead in court, was never married before, even if the "dead" spouse returns. I didn't know that. Interesting.

You just know you crossed all the possible limits when Gracie tells you so! Pobre Nadia,sick Pedo treating her bad with a purpose just to make himself look better because without his dark side he is just a fragile weakling,who everyone laughs upon because pobre Pedrito got his sack cut off early,oh im so sad :( .

When Addie took an another cold shot,i shivered,not only did he mess up the good image Josefina wanted to see,but he is now in danger of being sent to jail for all his crimes commited under EZ and Pedo

Im not liking the new JL one bit,he is just hurting himself.I think Rosario has good eyes for seeing Disturbances in the Force!

Pedro has been married to Amelia for at least six years at this point. He had to have gone through some legal (or nefarious) paperwork to have Nadia declared legally dead in view of the plane crash. I doubt that her being alive would invalidate his marriage to Amelia because Nadia's "death" was a reasonable assumption under the circumstances.

He would definitely have done this because Nadia had dinero that is now legally recognized as his as her widower.

Her return from the ashes (or the deep, as it were) should cause a major legal hassle for Pedro because of this.

I loved "Victor isn't as dead as Pedro thinks he is"! And "Not painful enough? How about this?

I also truly think, with all this head poking, there is some inside joke going on with the actors. When Carlotta or Fina start poking heads we will know for sure!

Thank you for a wonderful recap and UA, thanks for yesterday.


Is Pedro rich? I thought Amalia had family money, just like Nadia. I always got the impression he married for social status AND $$. Amalias comments about him being generous confused me.

Pedro is rich from drug money. Not sure how far back that goes, though.

I do not think we can definitely say that JL has crossed to the dark side - yet. He thinks Ale is in a coma and that this would ruin Monse happiness (and his) if she found out. The real test will come when JL finds out that the sleeping prince is awake and in the DF.
If he persists in hiding this fact from Monse, then he has, in a personal way, followed his demon and secured a marriage through utter deception. But JL has shown he has a conscience and the ability to weigh all the issues before he decides what to do. The verdict is still out.
Question: will Ale show up at the wedding -- and thus prevent it-- or only after the happy couple has departed on their honeymoon? In either scenario, Ale is likely to be arrested by EZ (at Pedro's direction) and thrown into jail where his life will be at risk.
Will JL move to the Light and, perhaps in an ultimate sacrifice of his own life, save Ale? Tension builds. A great TN.

He is rich from drug money.As Joaquin mentioned in his note that the money gained from drugs was used to fund Pedros attempts to try winning at the elections in the past.
Dont know iat what level Benjamin was involved in it too ,it was already said they were "great friends".Maybe he was the biggest buyer. But judging from that ole Benny caused Pedros accident,i dont really know how could they have remained friends after that.

About bring legally declared dead...I am reminded of the old Doris Day / James Garner movie "Move over , Darling." One of my fav oldies. Doris's character was lost at sea and presumed dead. In fact, she is alive and well and living on an isle with Chuck Connors. When she is rescued by the Navy and returns home, her husband is about to marry Polly Bergen. Crazy times ensue. The Ped/Nadia story is not quite as funny.

A frustrating part of using an Ipad is that it tries to take the random letters that I type in to prove that I am not a robot and turn them into real words...this time..."natal oven"

That was the most bored-looking group of exotic dancer wannabes I have ever seen. Who is recruiting these girls?

When Maria gets out of rehab, I'm sure her job will be waiting for her back at La Escondida.

That Toyota Tundra is now giving me the creeps. It keeps showing up at the most scenic locations in Aguazul but we never see a driver!

Is it a new KITT prototype, like in Knight Rider?

I didn't have time to read all of the comments, but I thought it was a nice touch when JL mimicked Gracie's finger to his mouth to shush him by repeating the gesture on her.

I say we drink every time we see a head poke. It would sure ease my discomfort when I see this humiliating gesture.

Does any one know how many total episodes in this TN?


This comment has been removed by the author.

Hola a todos!

Thanks for the kind words. Interesting comments, guys.

Beth, I think there are about 180 - 190 episodes.

Urban, I heard Pedro promise (though indirectly) to have Alejandro killed or arrested if he came to Aguazul. If he said something about having him killed in Argentina or elsewhere, I missed it.

Thanks to Mads, Urban, Susanlynn and others for clearing up the legally dead thing (though I don't think the writers -- or Pedro -- will worry too much about actual law. Do you?)

I'm kind of intrigued by the theme of PROTECTING people by withholding crucial information from them. For lack of a better term, let's call it PATERNALISM.

It is very common in the TN universe:

-- Families and doctors PROTECT patients from the truth of their illness.

-- Patients themselves PROTECT their loved ones by not letting them know how grave their illness really is.

-- Truth about parentage is withheld, lest those affected be harmed.

So maybe there is an overarching cultural difference here. Maybe in this paternalistic universe, it makes sense for José Luis to PROTECT Montserrat from the truth of a comatose spouse (although the omniscient Patio knows that is not the truth at all).

My own cultural bias is towards full disclosure -- I want to know the truth so I can figure out how to respond to it. Maybe that's why I find what JL is doing so repugnant.

LOL@ this ''¿Qué dices? [She is so convincing in her feigned surprise that I had to look back in my notes to check. Yes, she already knows that. Damn, she's good.''

LOL Graciela butt is a damn witch isn't she? I still love her.

I'm sad about this whole story line only because I know Jose Luis will be hurt.

Pedro is a sicko! Whats his point for taking Nadia? In his sick twisted way does he love her? I don't get it.

Rosario gets on my nerves she needs to get over it already!

Dim still loves Josefa thats why he acted like he did when he seen her.

Pedro doesn't know that Benjamin was driving the truck in the accident. Ben forced 15-year-old Alejandro to say that he was driving, perhaps under threat of termination. He chickened out of any possible responsibility for the accident possibly because Alejandro was then menor de edad and could not be held responsible or sued for injuries.

The forensic report actually absolved Alejandro because the accident was ruled "unavoidable." No flashback to the accident, however, so we never saw how it happened. What we do know is that the cyclist was moving at his bike's maximum speed. It may not have been possible for either vehicle to be slowed down in time.

That took place about 18 years before the curtain went up on the story. The victim's name was redacted at some point along the way. We also don't know what the report said of the victim's injuries.

Since Pedro never speaks of a family of origin we can surmise that he was using a different name at the time of the accident. He may have looked very different then as well.

Benjamin Almonte was a sociopath and therefore cold enough to do business with Pedro knowing that Pedro was the victim of the accident. Unless Pedro was using a different name at the time.

Yeah Urban ,i know that Benjamin put the responibility on Ale but still,how could Pedo not remember Benjamin driving? Maybe he forgot about it,i guess i will have to watch the capitulo in which Pedro talks to Nadia about the accident.Anyone remember the number of that capitulo?.. Maybe Pedro will clear the things for us once he confronts Ale about the accident,giving us possible flashbacks of the accident itself.

And i too wonder where are Pedros parents?? Perhaps when Pedo suffered the accident everyone decided to abandon him,when he needed them the most,thus turning him into a monster we know today?
Maybe he killed them himself because they would get into the way of his revenge plan?


NovelaMaven, I think it was Graciela who made the request. We know what Pedro thinks he has the right to do.

While I can't see Alejandro or Victor in drag I can see them growing beards and/or dying their hair. They know Pedro wants their blood. And Alejandro wants his. He still will until he finds out that Maria is the one who shot Monserrat.

Which Adolfo should also know.

While we're at it, whatever happened to the drug dealer Barregas? Is he still locked up somewhere or is he dead?

What about the padre?

I gave up on Nadia's parents a long time ago.

Demetrios, I covered that episode. It was #84. At no point in his telling of the accident did he identify the driver. There was no flashback.

In a different episode there was a flashback to when Pedro saw the accident report. He was trying to get anything he could on Alejandro to deprive him of his inheritance. The late unlamented police chief Loreto handed him the file stating that Alejandro was the driver of the truck that was on the road at the same time. Obviously Pedro remembered the date of his accident.

I doubt that he would have seen the faces of the occupants of that truck. He would have been trying to slow down or to swerve to avoid crashing into anything. If he was wearing a helmet (I don't know if Mexico requires that) his visibility might have been limited as well.

He was unconscious from the moment of the impact until he woke up in the hospital minus his hombria. We know he didn't consent to that surgery because he said he would have preferred death; I don't think he was lying about that.

If his parents consented to it, though, that would give him a motive to kill them. But nothing has been said about that.

NM..I am with you. I hate when people keep the truth from me. It has happened in my life, but it was not done to protect me....more like..yikes, we had better not tell Susanlynn....or she will go BSC on us.

I , too, am confused about why Ped wants Nadia back now that he has Amelia to enhance his public persona. It's probably just because he lives to control people and cause chaos. So far , I still think that Favier from Siempre is the more despicable villain, but Ped has lots of time to outevil him.

Oxnard..I thought that the newbie pole dancer were pretty and had some if flow moves, but it appears the director advised these actresses not to give it their all due to the censors. It reminded me of when teen Hub went to the local girlie show at the County Fair's midway. Later, when his friend gave an informal review of the show , he opined that it was like watching your grandma undress. I am sure at the time the 30 or 4o year olds seemed like someone's grandma to teenage boys. The headliner was a girl (grandma ? ) named Peaches , and for weeks afterwards the boys loved saying "Peaches...If you don't like the peaches, don't shake the tree." Maybe one of them grew up to be Macario who seemed to really love the show he saw.

Pedro lives to cause fear and pain. Nadia is helpless now because of her blindness. To see him get off on that made me sick.

The way he carried the doll out to the garden is also very telling. Amelia saw that. She should also be suspicious of Pedro talking alone with Graciela. She would know well enough that this can't lead to anything good.

Yuck i hate the fact that Nadia is blind ,now she is just like that doll in Pedros arms,powerless! I hope that she somehow regains her sight back but i dont want an operation ,i want some unexpected miracle to happen,she regaining her eyesight secretly while still in Pedros "ownership"

*her'regaining eyesight while still being in Pedros "ownership" *

Susanlynn: "Obsession is not love."

This a thousand times over. I'm not sure what you want to call it, but nothing in what JL is trying to do is for protecting Monse. He tells people that, but his reluctance to reveal events and to even think of going in league with his evil witch of a mother-in-law is telling right there. How much of his caring to help Nadia and Victor is about making sure he has leverage to have them keep quiet? It just bothers the daylights out of me that everything with him has an ulterior motive to keep Monse to himself or to keep her in the dark on facts. He knows the woman he supposedly "loves" ( or possess) has been manipulated, lied to and verbally abused all her life until very recently. You would think he would care enough about her to not be doing the exact same thing himself ( minus the verbal abuse. Gracie owns that.)

Ok--lunch time rant over.

Oxnard - that creepy Toyota comment-absolutely priceless and hysterical. And Mac and Cheese spills caused by laughing too hard do clean easily by the way.

Karen et al...I may just take you up on the Te Quiero table and viewing. I should be able to catch up with my Hulu+ and recaps. My son is out with friends more now that he's out of school and only wants the main TV with the premium box on Sundays for Game of Thrones (well I watch too so that works). I need some "bright" moments now that my only other show I watch, Once Upon A Time, is done for the summer and GOT is not bright either.



About Listless in La Escondida...

I was actually riffing on Sleepless in Seattle

You know, Oxnard Huero, I almost used a Bored Bimbos as the subhead for that part.

Susanlynn, I thought the girls were attractive, but their faces looked so blank, they could have been thinking about, I don't know, flossing their teeth or something.

"Mac and Cheese spills caused by laughing too hard do clean easily by the way."

Good to know, especially around here!

Thanks for the recap! I am going to start using the "You need Jesus" line. I work in an office that is 80% Latino.

Here's hoping Alex turns crazy soon. I like crazy Alex. He's more interesting. I don't like Pedro because he's just mean for no reason.


I think im turning Christian because of Daniella Castro.Te Hase Falta Jesus,Te Ase Falta Jesus,Te Ase Falta Jesus ,repeat it!!. Daniella Castro takes all her scenes for me,her performance is just unbelievable ,Power to Witches!

Imagine saying that to a very annoying teacher or your boss!

It sounds so much better then the lame " Que Caiga de Consideracion" by Tita from POS..

If Graciela wins the Mother of the Year award ,i would be turning into a No-Balls in no time! Also she definetly needs the Best Suegra in the World award!


Graciela's "haces falta Jesus" is just as hypocritical as the sanctimonious crap spewed by Bernarda of TdA.

Graciela could take over Hell more easily than FeVier because she has colder blood. The other night I was seeing her as a boa constrictor while Sandro and Fabiola were (respectively) a fox and a hyena.

I finally remembered what I failed to post yesterday in response to her apparent excitement at the prospect of slumming in Juventino's bed: She was getting off on the idea of him wanting her, not the prospect of having to boink him. A while back I posted that I believe she gets off on taking men for their money more than on having the money to spend. She may have been forming a plan to get into his bed to have an opportunity to kill him because he knew too much.

Really, couldn't you see her doing a murder scene similar to Fernando killing Ruth in FELS?

NovelaMaven, another splendid recap of an otherwise downright depressing episode! Loved watching the headpokes again and your way of describing it "If Graciela is disconcerted when José Luis returns her head poke and Te hace falta Jesús, she hides it well. "

My other favorites:
"she will do everything she can to keep Montserrat from knowing that Alejandro is alive [and making a crucial life decision herself]." and
"José Luis looks lighter somehow. Perhaps it is the effect of leaving his scruples behind." Great job!

Julia Rold, totally agree with you on how hard it was to watch the Pedro/Nadia scene. As others believe, its not about him loving her and wanting her back. It's all about power and controlling people, and being downright cruel. He is a pyscho!

Demetrios, you are right: "You just know you crossed all the possible limits when Gracie tells you so!"

I wonder if in his delusions, he is actually believing that Victoria is his daughter. I'm glad she is following Amelia's advice and playing along with him to keep safe. Hope she and her parents are reunited soon.

In regards to JL, I haven't made up my mind yet regarding Rosie's premonition of there being something dark about him. I can understand that he sees this as his final chance to be with Montse and find his happiness, but like Daisynjay says "his reluctance to reveal events and to even think of going in league with his evil witch of a mother-in-law is telling right there". He knows the extent of evil that Gracie has done to her kids and hooking up with her does not put him in good standing with me. I'm hoping that the good in him supersedes the darkness and that he tells Montse about Ale. Let her be her own woman and decide whether she wants to be by Ale's side or prefers to go on with her life with JL. That kind of gesture would show true love.

I'll wait to judge him once he makes a decision.

Susanlynn, yes, Martin the actor who played the corrupt doctor is MEPS.

Off topic, Daisynjay, I love Once Upon a Time too :-)


Another great recap, NovelaMaven. Thanks to you and to our other recent recappers for a parade of great writing.

Others have mostly pointed out the humor highlights. Pedro and Gracie were a pair in their convo last night. They could easily take over hell and give the devil a vacation.

Urban, I belive Gracie could remove someone a la Fernando offing Ruth, but I'm not sure she would. She seems to prefer giving orders for someone else to do the dirty work, while she pulls the strings. She likes to manipulate, saving time to preen as she observes the lower orders.

I wondered about the room for Maria. With the metal bed in there, she could have gone into head banging mode and done some serious damage. Fortunately, she chose to pursue the padded walls instead.

With the seesaw weighted down to the evil side right now, I'm feeling weak and weary. I do give the writers props for keeping the action stirred up, with several pots boiling at the same time. I think I care more about our second-tier characters than the top triangle.

Yes, Pedro believes Victoria is his daughter. Just as we believe anything we ordered, bought and paid for is ours. He ordered up this little girl, Nadia and Victor delivered and now he's claiming his property.

Nooo...I'm not on Pedro's side but this is how he views his position and thinks his actions as legitimate.

So I guess I'm the only cranky person who has noticed and been sort of irritated by JL's little verbal tic, hmmm?

Sooo smooooth, NovelaMaven. Your recaps are like a fine aged Bourbon... intoxicating and satisfying. Such treats.

"...what if it's an all girl orchestra and the boys have to go in drag...?"

Well, I also think that is unlikely but those of us who have fond memories of Alejandro when he was Mauricio (Gancho) can remember seeing him and Beto in drag when they were staying the night at a convent. As I recall, Mau (Ale) was very pretty... Beto... not so much.

UA, this made me smile:

"He may have looked very different then as well..

Yes, I imagine he did.

María in detox? Oh my. Will she emerge with a whole new perspective and set of values.


I'm betting that your aerobics class has more energy than La Escondida's new crop of dancers.

So which is worse, to hold Monse captive by force (Alejandro) or to hold her captive by deceit (José Luis)?


Oh, Carlos. I'm blushing. If my dear mother were around, I fear she would say to you: Stop -- you're only encouraging her!

Thank you so much NovelaMaven for your recaps. Where will I be without them. Is it only my tv or does anyone have cc3 for Univision and is not working for these tns for a day or so already? Please tell me and who do I call? it keeps on plugging there is English caption on cc3 but nothing comes out. I am reduced to Spanish caption cuz I understand Spanish as long as I read it but I prefer the English when available. So love your recaps. thanks and keep up the good work.Nancy

I think you nailed it Judyb. Pedro does see this child as something he planned for and purchased, and therefore belongs to him. Good observation!

As always, a superb recap. Thank you! My favorite lines have already been mentioned.

There is a debate on whether or not JL has turned to the dark side. If he hasn't, he is on his way. Joining forces with Gracie is like joining forces with Peddy. Even if he's paying her to stay out of his relationship with Montse, it's almost like paying her to meddle in it. He is just asking for trouble, and he should know better. I see JL changing because he is afraid of losing Montse. He went as far as to say that he would protect Vicky in hopes that Nadia and Vic would thank him by not telling Montse that Ale is alive. WTH? Talk about obsession. I don't know if Nadia and Vic would play along.

I believe Dimi still has feelings for Fina. But the writers will take their sweet time before Dimi admits it to Fina or himself. Still pithed at Fina for not telling Montse the truth.

I am so happy to see Ale alive and breathing. He is looking good in those Jeans and t-shirts.

Back to work...hasta pronto!

Thanks a bunch to everyone for the great comments today! All things considered, I have to admit I agree with Anon 11:37:

Tension builds. A great TN.

Nancy, I'm not sure if you've commented before, but I'm glad you decided to join us today. Welcome!

Maybe someone else can answer your question about the CC3 English captions. I'm not even sure I can get that setting on my tv.

(Sadly, Telemundo and Mun2 seem much more consistent than Univision in delivering quality captions. And Mun2 uses English captions exclusively.)


"I almost used a Bored Bimbos as the subhead for that part".

The lethargic La Escondida girls were not bad looking.

Now if Zumela had dressed them like the girls in those old Robert Palmer videos from the 80's and started cranking out "Addicted to Love" or "Simply Irresistible" they would have had something there!

OH, I don't know the Robert Palmer videos, but let me assure you, by calling the ladies "bimbos," I didn't mean to imply that they were unattractive.

["Bimbo" is one of those silly words that makes Americans giggle, like when we see the car in Italy with its Bimbo a bordo bumper sticker ("Baby on Board") or the great big BIMBO bakery trucks rumbling down the street in Mexico. It is a satisfying word to write and to say aloud. B I M B O. Maybe some day, a poem...]

Re: Bored Bimbos. What cracked me up in that scene was Zulema (is that her name?) who was coaching them. What a peppy exotic dance coach! With all her smiles and upbeat encouragement you would think she's teaching elementary school not gyrating on a stage!

I think the actresses were "acting" bored to give Esme a reason for her monologue about the pole setting you free. She needed to give them an inspirational locker room speech.

NM, I have noticed that "hmmmm?" Thing JL does and I find it condescending. I'm over him again.

I think Esmeralda was realizing what dancing meant to her. She misses it not because it turned guys on but because she could express herself.

After the baby is born she and Refugio should take tango lessons.

JL has to be delusional if he thinks that Victor and Nadia would agree to that. Victor is Alejandro's best friend and Nadia is Monse's best friend. Only a death threat would keep her quiet.

NovelaMaven – You bring it no matter what. This quiet little sentence bowled me over: Adolfo uses his indoor voice. And Graciela shows her teeth (greeting or display of aggression? You decide.) - lol

If JL succeeds in marrying Monse, I don't think he'll be happy with himself.

Poor Rosario. She's tried to go along with Monse, but now she's getting bad vibes from JL.

Amelia needs to zip it with Graciela. I yelled "shut up!" when she admitted she married Pedro for "other" reasons. How soon will Gracie figure out Amelia is a Scooby?

NM, I also can't stand that "hmmm" that JL puts at the end of his sentences. It's very annoying and off-putting and adds to the whinyness of his voice. It's bothered me from the beginning, but didn't mention it because I thought it was just me and I was being too nitpicky. LOL

"What a peppy exotic dance coach! With all her smiles and upbeat encouragement you would think she's teaching elementary school not gyrating on a stage!"

What a great image, Katy!

I'm also reassured that I'm not the only one annoyed by JL's little verbal tic -- say, why don't you and Anon 6:32 join me for a beer at the NITPICKERS table?

Niecie, I try. :)


"OH, I don't know the Robert Palmer videos, but let me assure you, by calling the ladies "bimbos," I didn't mean to imply that they were unattractive".

I never thought that you implied that.

Anyway, cut and paste this link to your browser. It's the "Addicted to Love" video.

OH..I loved Robert Palmer and that video. Those girls all wearing tight sheath dresses with their hair slicked back and crimson lips. Too cool.

Add me to the list of people who are annoyed by JL's constant..hmmm.

Ah, yes, OH, I see what you mean.

The lights are on, but you're not home

I see that Susanlynn got your reference right away.

Susanlynn, you're welcome to stop by the Nitpickers' Table any old time.

NM.......hmmmm.......I think that I should have a permanent assigned seat at the Nitpickers' Table even though I mostly like to mingle.

Add me to the list of irritated by JL's tic, hmmm.

My mother pointed it out to me a couple weeks ago and it's been annoying ever since.

Now that everyone is mentioning it, I'm starting to feel annoyed. Let's count how many hmmms tonight!

Susanlynn, duly noted, hmmm.

AuntyAnne, yet another reason, hmmm, why Montse should think twice about that hasty marriage.

Good idea, Maricruz!

Even if we get bored with the story, we can amuse ourselves counting verbal tics and head thumps.

[But if we make a drinking game out of it, we may end up sharing a room with Fabiola at María's current address.]

Thanks, NM. Yes, this is a first for me to blog. I am a quiet reader and have stood at the back for quite some time. I enjoy all the exchanges regarding the tns. I love watching them because I learn the culture and am being entertained as well by so many talented actors. I love reading novels as well. Anyway, thanks about the captions. Nancy S.

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