Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 135, Tues. 5/20/14: Graciela's Revenge (or: you thought YOUR mother was bad!)

I'll never forget the first time I ordered a Bloody Mary in a bar in Milwaukee; it came with a small glass of beer -- a beer chaser. 

Well, my friends, tonight's episode was a beer chaser to the campy drama of last night's disappearing bride, out of control groom, murdered cake and toy pistol-packing woman scorned.  Not exactly what we expected, maybe, but not so bad, all told.  Burp.  Perdón.

[And every Bloody Mary on The Patio comes with a beer chaser tonight!]

The Party is Over

Oddly enough, Montserrat doesn't hear all of us on The Patio screaming at her to run for her life.  Instead, she tries to appease José Luis.  She doesn't go so far as to say she loves him, but she returns his ardent kiss.  She feels bad that he didn't get the wedding of his dreams and promises she'll make it up to him on their honeymoon.  He leers unpleasantly.  He reminds her that she is his wife and that they belong to each other.

[Perhaps this time around, complementary tats?  A chain for her, a key for him?  A cage and a lock?]

They hurry back to Montse's house to pick up Laurito and head for the airport.

The Drunk and the Man-whore at Home

Fabiola and Sandro are at the dinner table, he placidly stuffing his handsome face, she uncharacteristically silent. She is, in fact, having an eye --> mind experience:
One of her last conversations with Angélica...Montserrat needs the drama -- the jealousy, the possessiveness, the pursuit...that's why she fell for Alejandro...José Luis isn't like that...he's a dreamer...he's not a man who has to mark his territory... he likes a woman to feel free...sure he likes to dream about Montserrat -- but if Alejandro hadn't existed, their romance would have ended very soon.

["He's not a man who has to mark his territory?"  Surely it is unkind of the writers to repeat one of the wrongest things a sweet dead person ever said?]

Through forkfuls of meat, Sandro asks what his dinner companion is thinking about.  Fabiola tells him how Angélica thought Montse and JL would have been doomed as a couple.  Sandro is amused.  He guesses she is extra bitter tonight because she couldn't stop them from getting married.

Fabiola chortles unpleasantly into her wine.  She boasts that she made their wedding day unforgettable.  And as for Graciela, she won't dare mess with Fabiola again, much less threaten her.  Now Graciela knows that Fab is a powerful enemy.  Graciela may be ruthless (despiadada), but so is she!

But enough about you, let's talk about me!

José Luis brings Montserrat back home, much to the relief of her waiting family and friends.  Graciela feels that she isn't getting enough sympathy for her ordeal and accuses her daughter of indifference.  Montse says if she were indifferent, she wouldn't have left her own wedding reception and come running to rescue her.  She is appalled by her mother's selfishness: everything is about her.

Rosario and Dominga go with Montserrat to help her change out of the accursed dress.  JL takes advantage of the occasion to ask for a moment alone with Graciela. 

Truth, Schmooth -- just knock her up!

Alone with his suegra in the study, JL confesses that when Montserrat left the party, he feared she had found out about Alejandro.

That is never going to happen, says Graciela flatly.

José Luis thinks that the discovery is inevitable.  And it's going to be a big problem if Montse finds out that he knew and didn't tell her.  Graciela knows better than anyone:
Las mentiras no duran cien años.
(You can't sustain a lie forever.)

When they get back from their honeymoon, he's going to tell her the truth.

Graciela thinks he's nuts.  Nadia isn't going to say anything, if that's what worries him.  If JL tells the truth, he risks losing Montse.

He thinks if he stays silent, he may lose her.  

Alejandro may die in that hospital bed, says Graciela.  But he might recover and come back to Aguazul in pursuit of what belongs to him.  So she has a little advice for him:  If he wants to hold onto her daughter, knock her up as soon as possible. (Embarázala lo antes posible.)

Speaking of bellies...

Esmeralda and Refugio are getting ready for bed.  Refugio assures Esme that all is well with Montse -- José Luis called him a minute ago -- though he doesn't have the details of what happened.  They reflect that they never had a honeymoon.  Maybe after the baby comes and he's a little older, the three of them could go somewhere together.

Refugio leans his attractively muscled torso over Esme, kisses her chastely on the forehead, and turns over to his side of the bed.  Esme contains her frustration, but just barely.   

Say Goodbye Gracie!

Icy Graciela wishes her daughter, JL and Laurito the best in their new life.

Earth Mother Rosario walks up to Montserrat, and hugs her and kisses her, and then kisses her grandson.  She tells JL to take good care of her and Laurito.  (Cuídamela* mucho, también a mi nieto.)  JL promises to do so; then he asks for his hug.  Rosario kindly complies.

[Grammar nerd moment:  
Cuida, the informal or form of the command of the verb, cuidar, 'to take care of'; 
me, 'for me,' indirect object of the verb; 
la, 'her,' direct object of the verb:  
Cuida+me+la, take care of her for me.  
You can study rules for the order of these little pronouns, but sometimes you just need to swallow these things whole.
Cuídamela.  Gulp.]

Dimitrio and Mónica offer to go along to the airport to say goodbye.   Rosario wants to come too.  

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to me, Montserrat?"

"Adiós, mamá."

Graciela won't join the group going to the airport, but she's not going back to the Mendoza house either.  What if Fabiola comes after her (waving her toy gun and her flask of wine)?

Dominga and Mac smile and say their warm goodbyes.  Rosario gets into the white, beribboned car with the honeymooners (and I'm going out on a limb here and guessing it's a Toyota).  Once the car pulls away, Macario and Dominga gallantly offer to stay with Graciela.  She tells them it's not necessary and shoos them away.

And the Award for the Galán with the Worst Timing Ever...

goes to Alejandro, who now shows up on Montserrat's doorstep.  Instead of the love of his life, he faces the scourge of his existence.  He asks to speak to Montserrat.

Amelia Doesn't Live Here Anymore

Victoria is disappointed that Amelia is gone.  She wanted to tell her all about the day she spent with her mommy.   Pedro pats Victoria's head several times while he tries to explain that Amelia had to leave so mommy could come home.  Now they can be a real family.  Amelia wasn't part of that.  Does she understand?

"Sí, papá," she answers meekly, having learned that is the way to appease the creepy man. Will her mommy be able to come home now?

Pedro thinks she may -- if Victoria really accepts him as her daddy.  As he speaks, he flaps her limp hand on his palm repeatedly.  The child hugs him and thanks him.  Pedro permits the hug, pats her tentatively on the back.  De nada, hija, he says, his face completely flat.

You're too late, Alejandro!

Graciela takes great delight in telling him that Montserrat has already left for the airport to catch her honeymoon flight with JL and Laurito.  

Alejandro says that's not possible. He knows Montserrat disappeared from her wedding reception -- it had to be because she realized she was making a terrible mistake.

He's the one making the terrible mistake, she counters.  How dare he come back to Aquazul for her daughter!  Montserrat has forgotten him.  She buried him years ago. 

Graciela gets very close to Alejandro's face and subjects him to an intimidating display of sharp, unnaturally white teeth:  "You ceased to exist in our lives."

And what is he doing in Aguazul anyway?  Isn't he supposed to be flat on his back in a hospital bed?

And he was until just a few days ago, when he woke up from a coma.  

"You told me Montserrat had died!" says Alejandro.  "You lied!" 

"It wasn't a lie -- she was dying!"

Now he has to stop her from leaving with JL.

[So why are you arguing with this harpy when you could be racing to the airport?] 

Alejandro isn't going to stop her DAUGHTER from doing anything!

"MY WIFE" shouts Alejandro.

"She's not your wife anymore," says Graciela with venomous relish.  "Alejandro Almonte doesn't exist.  You're a hustler, a thief and a murderer.  And if you don't leave Aguazul in one day, I'll call the police and make sure you end up rotting in prison."

The yes/no question with only one possible answer.

Are you asleep? Refugio stirs drowsily.  Esme wants to talk.  She needs to apologize for her jealousy.  She confesses she heard Refugio singing Mónica's praises; and it seemed he admired her for all the things that she herself was not.  Refugio acknowledges he admires Mónica -- it's not easy to rise to the rank of Captain in the Marina, especially for a woman.

But Captain Mónica is no threat to their marriage.  It's the weather, it's those pregnancy hormones and Esme's way of creating problems where none exist that caused all the trouble.  [Yeah, that and your obtuseness, Refugio, in spending so much emotional energy on your crush and so little on your wife.]

Alejandro continues his fruitless colloquy with the she-demon while JL steals off in the night with his wife and son: 

"You have no idea of the hell that is in store for you if you don't leave Aguazul."

"Hell is what I'm living in now, señora.  It began when I woke up from a coma in a strange land believing that Montserrat was dead, weeping for her, weeping for not being with her when she died, for not giving her a final kiss.  

Para mí, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, pasaron siete años. 
(For me, seven years passed in the blink of an eye.)

"That's hell -- seven years away from my son.  I'm a complete stranger to him.  What could be worse?"

Graciela hisses:  "La carcel."  He will rot in jail if he doesn't leave town.

He protests his innocence.  She mocks his protests with her gravelly, mirthless laugh.  All the evidence is against him.  And how shameful it would be for Laurito to have his father behind bars.  

Like it or not, it's better for Montse and Laurito to continue believing he is dead.  They have forgotten him. They don't need him.  JL is Laurito's father now.


"You have nothing to offer them.  You lost your fortune.  With José Luis, they'll lack for nothing."

Alejandro had forgotten that for Graciela, everything comes down to money.  And then it hits him: she has been gunning for him ever since he stopped giving her money.  

In fact --
She made a deal with JL, didn't she?  She sold her daughter to José Luis just as she once sold her to Alejandro!

Graciela says nothing.  She permits a small smile to play across her face.

Alejandro goes on:  How much did he pay her?

She treats him to another round of her joyless laugh.  "Don't be a fool," she says.  "Not a penny."

But Alejandro isn't deceived.  He knows Graciela profited from the situation somehow.  She is completely unscrupulous.  She has always been willing to sell her children for the right price.

"José Luis hates me as much as you do," says Graciela, injecting a flash of truth into their dialogue.  But she makes a quick segue back to her tissue of lies.

Does he think she's happy about JL marrying Montserrat?  She didn't even attend their wedding!  What happened was very simple: José Luis won Montse back; Montse fell in love again with José Luis.  Graciela did what she could to keep them apart.  And then it was too late to stop them.  She had no choice but to accept their plans.

Getting in her licks

Why does Graciela say it was too late?

"Ay, Alejandro!"  Graciela turns away from him so he can't see her smirking.  She says she's embarrassed...nobody knows this...Montse is not only in love with José Luis, she is expecting his child.

Alejandro has listened stony-faced up to this moment.  But now his jaw drops.  Graciela observes the result of her performance with satisfaction.

Getting their kicks.  Or not.

Refugio and Esme get so excited by the baby's acrobatics, that they start smooching amorously.  Suddenly Refugio pulls away.  He's afraid he'll hurt the baby.  He doesn't care what the doctor said.  

Esme gets out of bed and walks out of the room.  "Where are you going?" asks clueless Refugio.  "I'm going to get my chocolate," answers Esme.

[And he wonders why she can't stop eating.]

Alejandro is devastated

Montserrat can't have that man's child.  No no no no!

"That changes everything, doesn't it?" says Graciela, twisting and twisting and twisting the knife.  She repeats her threat to have him put in jail if he doesn't leave town immediately.  Not even Rosario is aware of the pregnancy -- only a handful of people know about it, she says.

So why did Montserrat leave the reception?  

Oh the usual.  She and her mother were arguing.

The real irony of the situation, according to Graciela, is that it was Alejandro himself who pushed Montserrat into JL's arms with the video on his phone.  When Montse learned of JL's great sacrifice, he became a hero to her.

A tear falls down Alejandro's cheek.  

[All over The Patio, people are pulling out hankies and trying to cross cyberspace to dab gently at his face, its beauty only enhanced by its aspect of tragedy.]

Now Alejandro has to live with the consequences of his acts, grates on Graciela.  This time, he's the loser. (Esta vez, te tocó perder.)

Goodnight, Pedro, um, I mean Daddy.

Maybe her mommy will be there when Victoria wakes up tomorrow, says Pedro.

Amelia surveys the organized chaos of her unexpected move.

She is surrounded by stacks of cardboard boxes.  Her furniture is draped with dustcloths.  She is surprised when her doorbell rings, and more surprised yet when she sees that Victor is her visitor.

[The Patio takes a moment to send vibes of love and organization to Elna June.]

An EZ Problem to Solve.

Pedro Medina has summoned Adolfo to discuss a problem.  Ezequiel Basurto has made the biggest mistake of his life -- he hired José Luis Álvarez as the new police chief.  If JL discovers that Adolfo is really 'el alacrán,' their business will go down the tubes.  What can they do? asks Adolfo.  Pedro's solution -- make  Montserrat a widow again.

Before they can explore this interesting option, Victoria comes walking down the stairs.  She can't sleep, she tells Pedro.  She feels lonesome.

Pedro introduces the little girl as his daughter, Victoria.  Adolfo sits up and takes notice of the name.  Pedro proceeds to explain:  Victoria is Adolfo's niece, his sister Nadia's daughter.

"My niece?  My sister is alive?"

Pedro confirms that it is so.  Meanwhile, Victoria walks up to him happily, her ever-present doll in tow:  "Then you're my uncle Adolfo!"

She sits between the two men on the couch.  Her mommy told her all about her uncle and how he lived far away.  Her mommy is living in another house, but 'he'...er...'my daddy' promised she'd be coming here tomorrow.

Pedro pats her on the head.  Así es.  He tries to send her off to bed again.  But she tells him how hard it is to go to bed without Amelia.  She used to stay with her until she fell asleep.

Pedro explains to Adolfo that Amelia had to leave -- it was the correct thing -- now that Nadia is coming back.

Victoria puts her small hand in Adolfo's.  Will he put her to bed?  He will, if his cuñado doesn't mind.  On the contrary, Pedro is glad that Adolfo and Victoria have finally met.  He wants be the family to be closer than ever.

Victor and Amelia Agree to Help Each Other

Amelia apologizes for the disaster around her.  Victor understands.  He heard how Pedro made her leave his house to make way for Nadia.

Amelia assumes that Victor is the reason for Montserrat's disappearance from the reception.  She must have left to talk to him.  Did he tell her that Alejandro is in a coma?  

But Victor says he hasn't talked to Montserrat at all.  Maybe Montse left the party to talk to Nadia.

Amelia doubts that -- Pedro has Nadia hidden away somewhere.  

In that case, neither one can make sense of Montse's disappearance.

"How could you marry that desgraciado?" Victor wants to know.  

"Let's just say we needed each other," she answers.  

"Until he threw you out!" says Victor.

Amelia changes the subject to Victoria, how adorable she is and how she and Amelia became good friends.  Amelia took good care of the little girl when Pedro brought her to his house to live.  Of course she misses Victor terribly.

Victor is grateful to Amelia.  He can't wait to see his daughter and his wife.

Amelia says that Victor may not understand, but she has to go back to Pedro.  She has her reasons...

She thinks she and Victor can help each other.  She knows Victor wants to kill Pedro, but that's not the way to go.  He can't become a murderer.  She knows firsthand how her daughters suffered knowing that their father was a killer.  Victor, Nadia and Victoria will be together again.  But they need her help and they need to be patient.

Sweet Dreams!

Victoria asks her uncle Adolfo to stay with her until she falls asleep.  The hitman with the heart of marshmallow fluff sits with the child; he listens as she tells him her mommy missed him and will be so happy to see him.

He turns out her lamp, opens the bedroom door so the room isn't in complete darkness, and hands her her doll, just as she requests.  Then he sits in the dark waiting for sleep to come to her.  

He swears to himself to keep the girl from harm -- even if he has to kill Pedro to protect her.

Josefina realizes she's been had

Victor reports what Amelia has told him.  Fina thinks the whole thing is a nightmare.  Pedro can't force Nadia to live with him.  Victor explains that legally, Nadia is still his wife.  Besides, he's a very powerful man.

Fina is puzzled.  How can Pedro think that Victoria is his daughter?

Victor explains about the sterile cuckoo Pedro, his own role as sperm donor, and their need to flee to keep Pedro from taking the baby.

It still doesn't make sense to Josefina.  What about what Nadia told her?  She talked to her on the phone only a week ago.  She said she, Victor and Victoria were fine, and that Alejandro was still in a coma.  In fact, the doctors were saying there was very little hope he would ever recover consciousness.  They talked about Montserrat, that she was alive and about to marry José Luis.  They agreed not to tell Montserrat that Alejandro was alive, given how hopeless his condition was.  That's why Fina kept silent.

It dawns on Victor first:  Pedro Medina forced Nadia to lie, that miserable!

And then it dawns on Josefina:  Graciela must be in cahoots with Pedro!  She's the one who set up the phone call to Nadia that day!

Rosario tries to reach out to Graciela

By the time Rosario gets back from the airport, Alejandro is gone and Graciela is alone.  Dimitrio is spending the night at Mónica's house, she tells Graciela.  "Because he wanted to avoid me, right?"  Rosario doesn't know; but she does have something to say to her consuegra, even if she's likely wasting her breath...

She begins: They are both mothers, although Rosario's son died --  Graciela doesn't know the immense pain of losing a child.

Oh, but Graciela does!  She produces her tears on cue as she talks about the baby daughter that died in her arms.

Rosario apologizes.  She had forgotten that chapter in the Graciela Saga.  She tries to start again...

They have both borne a child of Benjamín Almonte...

Graciela contradicts her.  No one knows who Alejandro's father was.  It's clear he was not an Almonte!

Rosario doesn't let that one go by unanswered.  That man was her son's father.  She doesn't have to convince anyone -- it's enough that she knows.

Graciela smiles meanly, delighted to have drawn blood once again this evening.

Rosario tries a third time.  What she was getting at is this: she was there the day Montserrat was shot; she saw the pain in Graciela's eyes and the fear of losing her daughter.

Graciela gives her tear ducts another workout.  Of course!  She loves Montserrat.  She loves both her children with all her heart!

Then why, wonders Rosario, can't she be a good mother to them?  Why does she keep doing things that push them away?  Why does she keep hurting them?

Graciela says Rosario has it all wrong.  It is her children who keep putting up barriers between them.  Everything she has done has been for their own good -- to keep them from a life of need and want.  Neither of them know what it is to live in grinding poverty.

Rosario is skeptical.  What right does Graciela have to talk about something she's never known?

Graciela explodes: 
"You have no idea what my life was like before I became Benjamín's lover, before I married Lauro.  So shut up!  

"If my children are estranged from me, it's your fault!  You stole their love and their attention...

"But you paid the price with your own son's life.

"So keep your advice to yourself.  I DON'T NEED IT!"


Alejandro lives in torment while José Luis savors his prize.


Good stuff.

I almost became physically ill watching Gracie lie to Alejandro and accuse him of a murder she committed. Here's hoping that the light bulb moment between Victor and Josefina leads to Alejandro realizing that Gracie lied to him. How many of the next 60 episodes is it going to take to set this right again?

Novela Maven, thanks for the beer chasers to go with our usual refreshments and your wonderfully entertaining recap.

I can't begin to imagine what kind of anvils are being prepared for Graciela and Pedro that could be appropriate for them in kind and degree when measured against all of the evil and resultant suffering they have caused and continue to cause. So now Pedro has put the bulls eye on JL's back.

I liked Montse's " goodbye" to her mother before leaving for the honeymoon.

I also liked that Adolfo sees himself as Valentina's protector.

The question of the night was Rosario asking Graciela why she wasn't a better mother and kept hurting her children. The answer was just what we would have expected.



NM thanks so much for your recap. I continue to delight in the ways you make this tn sound so much better than it is when I watch it!

Like UA, I am shocked (and I know I shouldn't be) at the latest antics of Gracie. Is it wrong that I wanted to see her unleash that type of hate on Fabs? It would have been more fun. While I can't stomach Ale, she was relentlessly cruel to him.

Novela Maven, sincere thanks for your excellent account of the final post-wedding fallout. My cable broadcast was so messed up, I gave up watching.

The idea of complementary tattoos for the newlyweds is intriguing. Montse's arms are so tiny, I'm not sure there's room for much work. Maybe another location...

Adolfo, complete with marshmallow heart, watching over his niece is a sweet image. Surely he ends up on the Destroy Pedro team.

Fina learned some things she needed to know. Graceless didn't learn anything (from Rosario) and never will. One would hope that most of our characters have learned by now that if Gracie's lips are moving, she's lying.


Thanks so much for this superb recap! It was awesome. I missed the show tonight but I feel as if I watched it through your recap. And thanks for the Spanish Dicho.

I can't stomach Ale or JL right now. They are both too much alike, but that being said I hope JL comes to his senses and does the right thing. I don't want him going over to the dark side.

I am glad Fina now knows the truth. What will she do? Hmmmm.....

I too liked Adolfo's vow to protect little Vicky from Peddy.

Graceless will never change, it's all about her and always will be all about her. She could care a flying fig for anyone else y punto. She has lied, cheated and stolen and has murdered, maybe not by her own hand, but she had a hand in it so to speak. The she hag is not redeemable.

Thanks again NovelaMaven for this delightful recap : )

thank you for another fine recap, Novela Maven, I enjoyed your little side whispers;

"Oddly enough, Montserrat doesn't hear all of us
on The Patio screaming at her to run for her life."

"Surely it is unkind of the writers to repeat one of the wrongest things a sweet dead person ever said?" Wow, you were so reading my mind with that one! Certainly, JL wasn't possessive with HER.

Thanks for the quidamela. Isn't it amazing the way Spanish can have a whole sentence in one word?

Loved also, "What if Fabiola comes after her (waving her toy gun and her flask of wine)?"
"[So why are you arguing with this harpy when you could be racing to the airport?]...Alejandro continues his fruitless colloquy with the she-demon..."
Oh, and really, "[All over The Patio, people are pulling out hankies and trying to cross cyberspace to dab gently at his face, its beauty only enhanced by its aspect of tragedy.]" Yep!

Note to La Paloma, "if Gracie's lips are moving, she's lying." very good! Only wish some of these characters would stop hanging on her every word as if it is gospel truth, i.e., Fina, Ale, JL, etc.


Adolfo was something last night, wasn't he? He genuinely loves that child and her mother. Even after six or seven years of being a drug cartel enforcer there is still something human left.

As opposed to Graceless, who will never change. She was monstrous last night and Alejandro was too vulnerable to see through her in the moment. Thanks to her his mind is now going to a dark place. Josefina's absence for the last seven years is no help. The only thing that will begin to fix this is for Alejandro to see his mother. Rosario is the least likely person to lie to him and the most likely to get him to see reason.

Graceless' advice to JL to knock up her own daughter is beyond the pale. She wouldn't treat any resulting child any better than she treats Laurito.

Since Monserrat hasn't yet told JL everything that happened at the Mendoza mansion now is the time. I'll bet when she does she will also tell him not to give her any dinero.

One more thing I noticed about the wedding reception site is the clashing of different shades of red and pink. It was really painful to look at (I despise "hooker pink") and is likely the symbol of dueling passions to come.

Great recap, NM! I especially liked your explanation of cuidamelo. I volunteer at a place where everyone says "cuidase" when they leave so I say it too even though I wasn't exactly sure what it meant.

I'm just going to read the recaps til this evil story pulls out of its nose dive. I can't take the negative energy!

But your recap was fun and educational which is why I watch (watched) TNs in the first place!

So thanks for keeping me up to speed. And hilarious story about your beer chaser!;)

Ah, thanks for reminding me of good times, both in Milwaukee (and Waukesha and Beloit). The beer always tastes better in Wisconsin (or maybe it had to do with my being a lot younger when I lived, studied and worked there!)

Always enjoy the grammar nerd sessions and agree with the "sometimes you just need to swallow these things whole". Indeed. That's how we learned our native language as children (with some timely corrections from Mom) and if we could just completely immerse ourselves now....and have that marvelously receptive brain that we had as children...

Oh well, on to other delights of the recap (haven't seen the actual episode yet)

"[Yeah, that and your obtuseness, Refugio, in spending so much emotional energy on your crush and so little on your wife.]"

So right. This dynamic is a "squishy spot" for me so I find it especially distasteful (though thankfully I never ate or gained weight like Esmerelda).

"And I'm going out on a limb here and guessing it's a Toyota" Yeah, seriously. I swear I am NEVER going to buy one (although that truck sure looks awesome)

"gravelly mirthless laugh" (the actress playing Graciela does use the instrument of her voice in marvelous ways. She's as talented a comedienne as she is a villain.)

"tissue of lies"

"the hitman with the heart of marshmallow fluff"

"sterile cuckoo"

"Graciela gives her tear ducts another workout"

Such a great recap. Don't know if I can bear to watch Alejandro being lied to about the embarazo, but thanks for keeping me up to speed and royally entertained, NovelaMaven, plus bringing back some marvelous memories of Wisconsin.


I still do not understand why anyone believes anything Graciela says since they all know what a liar and conniver she is by now.


Novela Maven: Your carefully chosen words and wisely crafted summary are greatly appreciated this morning. I drifted into your truthful yet refreshing recap and momentarily forgot how dark and dreary the events of the last few days have been. Thank you for your gentle reprieve.

"The Drunk and the Man-whore at Home", "Instead of the love of his life, he faces the scourge of his existence" and "Surely it is unkind of the writers to repeat one of the wrongest things a sweet dead person ever said?" were among my many favorites.

Karen, just when we think she's hit rock bottom, Graciela consistently proves her loathsome arsenal of cruelty is not quite empty, doesn't she? And Jarifa, why does anyone believe her? Because she is so terribly convincing! The stare, the dripping venom. It's horrifying yet mesmerizing.

Judy, for the very first time, I felt for Ale (although I suspect it was the handsome heartbroken Sebastian I was seeing in my own mind's eye). :)

Disappointed in JL certainly. But now that Pedro has ID'd him as a marked man, I do not have much hope for him (speculation, not spoiler). I can only hope he redeems himself. He is being eaten with guilt (as he should) but there is time to repent. He has been selfless (a long, long time ago) but there is still hope.

LaPaloma and Madelaine, Adolfo was so sweet with Victoria. Yes, there is still some kindness in the heart that beats within his murderous self.

A highlight for me was seeing the surprisingly buff Refugio. I'm really grasping at straws....Sigh.

We need some light and a little laughter. Some levity please...

Novela Maven, marvelous as always.


I never would have predicted this at the outset, but Dimitrio is the only person thus far who deals effectively with Gracie 100% of the time: He has emotionally disengaged from her. The facial expressions in my screen grabs from Monday says he's no longer buying what she's selling.

Monserrat may almost be there herself. As I typed that it occurred to me that Graceless' nastiness toward Alejandro is her revenge for Monserrat's new indifference.

Urban, I think you are right about Graciela's over the top nastiness toward Alejandro.I don't think Graciela ever imagined she would lose the power to coerce her children


Well, Gracie was nasty to Fina for the same reason. Fina is the one who help Dim become a better man, and provoked the final break between him and Gracie.

And she feels the same way about JL. She nearly lost control of Monse the first time she tried to run off with JL. Gracie used Ale to help rein Monse back in and tie her up with family obligations (i.e. paying Gracie's debts).

Novela Maven- Thank you so much for the blow by blow recap, especially the conversation between Ale and Gracie. Still not watching, so I appreciate it. Gracie sure can use that cutting tongue of hers.

Maybe because I didn't see it with my own eyes, I am not feeling as sad for Ale as the rest of you. He shouldn't be fool enough to believe anything Gracie says. Why do people keep falling for her bs? In any case, when JL was a fugitive and was trying to convince Monse to go away with him, and she told him she might be pregnant (with Ale's baby), he didn't care. He said he'd raise the child as his (which he is now doing). Why should Monse being pregnant by JL give Ale pause, if he truly loves her and wants to win back her love?

I'm so glad Adolfo now knows Pedro has his sister and niece in his clutches. Enough people now know he's keeping Nadia prisoner. Why's it so hard to get her out? This is in no way legal, even if Nadia is legally his wife.

Because nobody knows where Nadia is located,only Pedo knows,not even Adolfo or Ezequel are aware of her present location. I dont know what anvil will Gracie get but it better be painful and it should already arrive.. I want her tortured ,bad. The same applies to Pedo,the two bastards can go straight to Hell and give Satan unlimited vacation!.

The difficulty, Vivi, is that Nadia is blind and can't help in her own rescue. Pedro has armed guards outside the prison house and there is also a little girl to protect. If he keeps them apart that makes it more difficult to rescue either of them.

Pedro is as corrupt as they come and he is now the governor. He has to have many people in his pocket to have gotten that far. He's also not around enough or EZ would have gotten the goods on him by now.

Which also makes me wonder whether he ever did the math on Pedro's accident to figure out that this was his motive for destroying Alejandro.

As to Alejandro and Graceless last night, you have to remember that he's now lost 7 years of his life. That's 7 years less of dealing with her than Monserrat has had and he doesn't yet know about her perjury. It's also 7 years less of anything else with regard to JL. The fact that she almost ran off with him isn't something he's going to forget.

Now that he's a fugitive he's not in a position to do much. He's out of cash, doesn't have a good lawyer (yet) and Victor is equally in danger from Pedro. Josefina can help with the dinero, but she's not accustomed to dealing with Pedro's kind of evil. She's not smart when she should be.

Alejandro was also caught completely off guard when he found Graceless at Monserrat's house. He should not have gone there alone.

The next issue is that short of a confession, how is anyone going to disprove the murder accusation against Alejandro? Juventino is dead so there are no witnesses because we still don't know what happened to Padre Anselmo.

Urban,Maria is a witness too and she is alive.Remember when she said that she had the Original Will but in order to clear his innoccense he will have to marry with her?

As for the Padre well he is a mystery too though i see him appearing on the court and everyone will be like "WTH?? ". . And its too early for the writers to spit hints on his dissapearence/Possible death.

Good morning, everybody!

So glad you enjoyed the recap. Great comments today!

This is a crazy day for me, but I promise to check in with you when I can.

So how long before María gets out of rehab, all clean and ready to implement her PLAN to 'find' the real will and get back both Alejandro and his fortune? (Which plan used to sound delusional, but now, seems entirely reasonable. snort.)

Demetrios, Maria can't be trusted for the reason you cite. We don't know where she's been staying or what she's done with the will. She's now in the rehab center and she will be even nastier when she gets out.

By the time she does get out everyone will know that Alejandro is alive and that Monserrat is married to JL. It would be very foolish of him to try to trick Maria into a platonic marriage to get the will although I can imagine the writers going down that road. Alejandro hasn't yet had time to learn that being impetuous usually doesn't work.

Since I'm at home today, I just watched this epi on ffwd. Skipped the Gracie scenes. Loved th scenes with Vicky, and especially Vicky and Adolfo. I'll give all these folks a chance to figure something out once Pedro brings Nadia to the house, but after that, surely Victor, Amelia, Nadia, Adolfo, Josefina, and Ale can figure out some way to free Nadia and Vicky!

Yeah Maria will get even more nasty once she gets out.. I really dont like Ale having to marry Maria to reclaim his inheritance,having to choose over his innocence or Monse. And the worse is he will be stuck in a loveless marriage and i shudder at the thought when he learns that Maria was the one who shot Monseratt..Man what a complex story,so much twists,so much that can go wrong and its so unpredictable! The writeress is a boss,and yet her surname is Medina shuderrr

Awesome recap! I'm still amazed anyone listens to what Graciela says!! I just wanted to slap Ale when he was drinking in every word. She has become unbearable the last couple of episodes and I was really hoping Ale would throttle her.

I feel like all the good guys are fighting within themselves. I keep thinking of the line from the Hunger Games, Catching Fire: "Katniss, remember who the real enemy is". The good guys need to remember that!

Dear NovelaMaven,

Thanks so much for the stupendous recap, as always. I especially loved your description of Adolfo as the hit man with a marshmallow fluff heart. I have always had a fluffy spot for him, too, and glad to see him continuing to show his humanity.

I also enjoyed your advice to Alejandro about Graciela:
[So why are you arguing with this harpy when you could be racing to the airport?]

I agree--why did he waste any time with her? So frustrating!

Thanks so much for a very entertaining recap!
Julia R

Because "racing to the airport" would unleash the risk that the authorities could find and arrest him. Speaking with the Harpie Queen wasnt the most wise choice but dont pretend that the thought of him going to the airport directly is a good choice too.

Not only that, but he certainly didn't expect to run into the Harpy Queen at Monserrat's house.

He does need time to process this and he has that time because he couldn't race to the airport. Had he not been alone that might have been an option.

BTW, is Aguazul so small that everyone and everything is just walking distance away?


I also wanted to tell you that I loved the title and also your mention of Bloody Mary's. They are my favorite drink, but I'm holding the beer chaser ; )

If you really think about it, all of these characters has been robbed of something in life. I don't think I've ever watched a TN where the title so aptly reflected most of the characters.

Novela Maven, what a delightful recap. I truly enjoyed reading it during my breakfast this morning. As others have mentioned, you definitely have a way of putting words together that improves on the episode we watch.

Just a few of my faves:
"Fabiola's chortles unpleasantly into her wine"
"And the Award for the Galán with the Worst Timing Ever..."
" The hitman with the heart of marshmallow fluff sits with the child"

Without saying word, Adolfo used his eyes to show all the emotion he was feeling at meeting his little niece and finding out his sister is alive. I felt so sorry for him. Pedro set him up on the path he took. Even with the "fluffy heart" he is now in the world of drug trafficking, who knows if he can come out of this alive, but at least now he will look after his sister and niece.

The other character I felt really bad for was Ale. Along with the coma, he must have suffered a bit of amnesia, otherwise he would have remembered what a witch his mother-in-law was and not even listened to her. Hopefully when he gets back to Fina's, they can fill him in on what she and Victor have put together regarding Pedro and Gracie and start getting the upper hand.

As to finding Nadia, if what Urban says is true and Aguazul is such a small town, all they have to do is drive around and when they see a house with two huge thugs, dressed in black and carrying weapons, they will know they hit the jackpot. Who else besides Pedro, is that important in that town to need body guards?


The writers have loved fooling Viewerville in this TN. And I wonder if the stress by Graciela to JL about getting Monse pregnant ASAP to thwart Ale's influence Monse will in fact result in a pregnancy. It just seems too good not to have her pregnant by JL just to make Ale suffer hell for at least 35 episodes. But they could be fooling us. Perhaps Monse will prevent a pregnancy. And all of Graciela lies will begin to unravel. But if a child comes, then Ale can only marry Monse again !?) if our anti hero of the momemnt JL dies - at Pedro's orders which at the moment are being utterly ignored by everyone he gives them to, eg., Nadia, Victoria, EZ, Aldofo,Amelia etc.,

But I want to come back to yesterday's discussion of Mexican law and the legality of civil marriages. Granted what was said is all true,i.e., if Ale was an impostor, then yes, no marriage, no last name for his son, and Monse was legally free to enter into the civil marriage with JL. But what is the law in Mexico if the Ale turns out not to have been a fraud but in fact was the son of Benjamin? Even if 7 years have passed does this trump the dissolution after a court incorrectly found him not to be who he says he was? If the 7 years does not trump the truth, then JL is not legally married to Monse and any issue will not have his name.
Does anyone know what the answer is?

NovelaMaven - What a joy to read your recap and thanks for despiadada (I meant to look it up and forgot). My favorites:

Burp. Perdón.

[So why are you arguing with this harpy when you could be racing to the airport?]

The hitman with the heart of marshmallow fluff

Still at the JL table, but I have a paperbag near just in case I need to hide. I don't think JL will go along with Graciela's "knock up Monse" plan. There’s still hope for him, not to keep Monse but to get back his honor. Interestingly, JL did actually ask Monse if they were still going on the honeymoon. Monse had a perfect chance to say "Hell no, not after what you did to that cake!" But she's a peacemaker, so off she goes. When JL asked Rosario for a goodbye hug, I thought about how Rosario will smack the crap out of him if/when she finds out the truth.

Why should Monse being pregnant by JL give Ale pause, if he truly loves her and wants to win back her love?

Vivi, I read the look on Ale's face as "eeeoooh!" Would Ale raise JL's baby right? I can't tell. Ale was still going on to Fina about how JL was Monse's first sex mate. I think it would take Ale a lot of soul searching before he could bring himself to accept a JL baby, though JL stepped right up to an Ale baby with no reservations.

Angélica was starry-eyed about JL, but I’m betting that she did see through to his soul. I was glad to see Fab’s flashback of her because I was beginning to wonder if the writers had forgotten the first half of this tale.

JL may not be truly on the dark side,seeing that he is still looking to put Pedro away, but he is truly changed as Amelia pointed out a few episodes ago.

His conscience may be bothering him about keeping the Ale info from Montse, but in my opinion I don't really see how he can clear it by telling Montse the truth once they get back from their honeymoon. Ideally he should have told her before the wedding. How does he expect Montse will feel after they consumate the marriage and then he just says, "oh by the way, I found out Ale was alive before we got married"?

Also, it bugs me that Gracie told him not to worry about Nadia talking, yet didn't bother to find out what would keep her from doing so?



Brilliant, complete, and hilarious as usual. Thank you once again for all the devotion and details.

For 2 years, I have been printing out words and keeping a notebook of many of Jose Jose's songs. In addition to the beautiful melodies and his charming voice, I have learned much grammar.

Two examples are in this novela: 1) re: Cuidamela, José sings a very catchy tune called
"Saludamela Mucho." Give her a big hello for me...same thing with the direct and indirect objects.

If you choose to hear it, it's on youbtube. One he sings very clearly in the studio in a playback, and the other he sings in a night club live.

2)The other word I love is "despiadada." He sings this in the masculine form in a beautiful tear jerker entitled
"El, quién es." This is also on youtube in Siempre in domingo, 1989.

Vivi, re Ale and the alleged pregnancy, we are back to Square One. I thought the same as you all the time he was furious at Montse and denying Laurito when he thought the baby was JL's. If he really loved her, what did it matter?

But as you can see, according to his behavior, one cannot learn anything from being in a coma. One just goes back to the same old wild, irrational ways.

Thanks again to all for the enjoyable comments.

Floridia: A lot of exceptional comments have been made today.

Yours, "But as you can see, according to his behavior, one cannot learn anything from being in a coma. One just goes back to the same old wild, irrational ways" just made my day!

Thank you.




ooh Niecie, isn't 'despiadada' a great word?
It is made up of the negating prefix des plus piedad, from the Latin pietas, meaning pity, mercy, compassion

So despiadado/a really means 'lacking piedad'

There are a string of related words like piadoso/a (merciful, compassionate, pious), apiadar (to move to pity)

Thanks for the José José references. Not only are the songs themselves delightful, JJ's diction is so crystalline that you can hear every syllable distinctly. I bet Spanish teachers just love his stuff.

I hope that JL and Montse (along with Laurito) enjoy their honeymoon.

Has it been 7 years for the both of the newlyweds, or did JL have to give it up at the reclusario?


I agree. I didn't get the impression that JL wanted to tell Montse the truth about Ale (after the honeymoon, of course) out of conscience. Rather, he seemed to be in damage control mode -- he was looking for a strategy that would fly with Montserrat.

[I think there is no such strategy. But a guy can dream, right?]

So nobody's up for the beer chasers, huh? And if we threw in some fried cheese curds and a complimentary consult with a local cardiologist?

Thanks for yet another flawless recap, NovelaMaven. So well done. My envy of your writing skill persists unabated. You just make it seem so gosh darned effortless.

"Esme contains her frustration, but just barely."

Gee, I thought she got a whiff of his armpit which he stuck right over her nose and was responding to that.

As for worrying about JL and Montse... will they? or won't they? I'm pretty much... ho hum. As I recall, they already did... some years ago. Now a resulting pregnancy, I suppose, is quite another matter. Maybe little Laurito will get spooked and need to spend the first night of the honeymoon squeezed in between the newlyweds. A little test of JL's fatherly patience.

It looked to me like Fina might be finally getiing up to speed and may become an effective Scooby after all.

Yikes! Poor María has been living on the streets immersed in drugs and prostitution these past several years... she's finally gotten into rehab... and UA you say:

"She's now in the rehab center and she will be even nastier when she gets out."

And here I was thinking that rehab means just that... I guess you don't share my optimism.


Thanks for writing this fabulous recap for all of us to enjoy. Your awesome lines have already been quoted. I loved your description of the convo between Gracie and Ale.

After viewing last night's epi, I just wanted to blog, "I HATE GRACIELA" I can't stand her. Her manipulation of everyone in Aguazul has gone far enough. Her anvil needs to happen soon. And it needs to he slow and painful. I think she is worse than Pedo. At times I think that Gracie is going to outwit Pedo. But that's ok, because that only means that her painful anvil will be much more horrific.

JL is playing with fire. Even though he won't admit it, he is working with Gracie against Montse. He is keeping secrets with Gracie, and when Montse finds out, she is going to be furious. More at JL because he should know better. Telling Montse that Ale is alive after the honeymoon is too late. He should have told her before the wedding, instead of trying to rush it.

I felt horrible for Ale last night. I hope he realizes that Gracie lied. He needs to talk it through with Vic and Fina. They may be able to help him see that Gracie has not changed in these 7 years, and that everything she says about Montse is a lie.

Despite all the lies that happened I was happy to see Adolfo and Vicky meet. I know he will protect her and Nadia. Maybe he will help them reunite with Vic.

I guess we are to assume that part of why Refu is so distant from Esme is because he's afraid if hurting the baby? He needs to talk to the doctor, plus he does have a thing for Monica.

Anyone notice Montse in the avances? She doesn't look like a happy bride about to make love to the man she loves. Hmmm....

Back to work...hasta pronto!

Gee, I thought she got a whiff of his armpit which he stuck right over her nose and was responding to that.

Thanks for the image, Carlos. Ever seen yourself as a romance novelist? Didn't think so. jejejeje

Urban, Jarifa, Karen, La Paloma, Mads, Emarie, Katy, JudyB, Diana, Vivi, Demetrios, Carvivlie, Julia Rold, Maricruz, Niecie, Floridia, Oxnard Huero, Carlos, AuntyAnn, and Anonymi:

Your comments are what fuel these recaps. I continue to marvel at this little community of smart, kind, and often hilarious people who share an unlikely passion. Thank you so much for stopping by today.

PS. If I overlooked anyone, forgive me.

Novela Maven..What a delicious treat after a long day teaching verb tenses and concepts of time.
I am not a beer or Bloody Mary drinker, but a whiskey sour on the rocks would be welcomed .

I loved the title and subtitles, as well as all your clever and witty observations. ( Note : I had to fix that line because the Ipad preferred " Sub turkeys".)

Gracie is starting to look crazier and crazier. I do not understand many words , but watching Gracie's wild eyes and snarling mouth spoke volumes. I almost feel sorry for her joyless , greedy, selfish existence.

Poor Mony....out of the frying pan and into the fire. She is going to wish that she should have just stayed in the sweet shoppe with Macario and Dominga putting sprinkles on the cupcakes. Mercy, mercy me.


Yes --- another one of the many reasons I adore José José.
I would think Spanish teachers would recommend him, but none to my knowledge.

Thanks again ...

De nada, Floridia!

Susanlynn, how nice of you to stop by after a long tense day of verbing. Yes, Graciela is looking quite mad these days with her face in a permasnarl. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't get in an elevator with her.

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