Thursday, May 29, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 142, Thursday, 5/29/14: Montserrat, You Is My Woman Now!

At the cemetery wall of the churchyard

We rejoice at the sight of the two impossibly beautiful people together again; for them and for us, seven years seem to disappear in the blink of an eye. 

Te amo Alejandro, te amo más que a mi propia vida, whispers Montserrat.  (I love you more than life itself.) 

The lovers exchange a slow, sweet kiss, restrained and full of longing. 

Mi amor, me has hecho tanta falta, she tells him as her lips graze his hand.  (My love, I've missed you so much.) 

She feels as if she has been asleep all this time too and he has just opened her eyes.  

"Of course I'm yours, I've always been yours."  

"Then come with me," he says softly, leading her by the hand.

JL and Rosario at the café
Seriously.  Could this guy BE any more annoying?

José Luis clinks his spoon repeatedly against the china of the cup as he stirs his coffee.  He cuts off Rosario's nervous chatter. She knows he and Montserrat went to Pedro Medina's house earlier to see Nadia, right?  He pulls out the sheriff's badge that Loreto and Ezequiel wore around their necks, but JL keeps in his pocket, perhaps because it clashes with his expensive sports jackets and silk foulards. Pedro couldn't turn away the Chief of Police, could he? 

Rosario asks how Nadia is; she is dismayed to learn that she is completely blind.

José Luis notices that Rosario has not asked about Alejandro.  Doesn't she want to hear what Nadia had to say about him?

[In case anyone on The Patio has nodded off during this Significant Moment, the sound effects folks come through with an ominous percussive arrangement somewhat evocative of Law & Order, though sadly, up to now, Aguazul has had neither of these things.]

Of course she wants to know, says Rosario.  José Luis tells her to be strong -- he knows that she and Montserrat were hoping that Alejandro had survived the crash too.  "Unfortunately," he lies, his eyes not meeting hers, "she confirmed that both Victor and Alejandro died."

Rosario -- who knows very well that he is lying -- covers her mouth with her hand and turns her head away.

Lo siento mucho, says José Luis, daring to examine her expression carefully, now that her eyes are not focused on his face.  And there's no doubt that he really is very sorry.

Inside the church

Montserrat and Alejandro stand hand in hand before the altar -- before God -- and vow their love for one another.  Then they face each other, each one's arms lightly wrapped around the other's waist.  
Eres mi mujer. 
Soy completamente tuya. 
¿Para siempre? 
Para siempre.
Montserrat is his and will be his forever.  They kiss sweetly.  Sigh.  

Fade to the brilliant cerulean blue over the dark red stucco of the Almonte mansion on the beach.

One Scary Mother

"I suppose you're preparing your next attack," screams Fabiola at her unwelcome and unexpected visitor, Graciela. If she's there to threaten her, let her spit out her venom and then get out!  Graciela, however, quietly denies that is her intention.  She understands now that Fabiola is a formidable opponent.  She has come to talk.

Fabiola seems pleased at Graciela's acknowledgement of her power.  But nothing will persuade her to share Benjamín's estate with her.  Graciela wags her fingers at Fabiola, though she doesn't go so far as to thump her.  She raises her voice: "You're completely alone, you're lost, you're vulnerable to anybody's attack."

She's not alone, replies Fabiola boozily.  Graciela, with what seems to be mounting frustration, warns her not to count on her godmother, Amelia.  She doesn't care about Fabiola -- she just wants her out of Aguazul.

Fabiola knows that.  She has someone else who is always going to protect her.

She doesn't mean that fool Sandro, does she?  Does she really think that because he is her lover and her lawyer, he is actually on her side?  How wrong she is!

"As long as I keep paying him," retorts Fabiola, "Sandro is never going to betray me..."  She breaks off, confused and angry.  "Why are you crying?" 

Fabiola reaches for her wine glass; Graciela pulls it out of her hands and challenges her to explain, then, why Sandro came to her looking for an ally.  Fabiola says Graciela is lying.  But Graciela insists she is not.  Sandro is sick of Fabiola!  He can't wait (no ve la hora) to strip her of all she owns and then kick her to the curb.  He doesn't care about her anymore, either as client or woman.

Graciela watches Fab closely as the latter assimilates this blow.  There is an expression we have never seen before on Graciela's face: is it pity? revulsion? or perhaps remorse?

The Nadia Defense League meets at Josefina's house

Victor and Adolfo don't much like each other.  But Adolfo loves his sister, and his sister loves Victor.  That's reason enough for him to help -- even if Victor is an idiot for arousing Pedro's suspicions with that huge cart of flowers he sent to Nadia.  Doesn't he realize he put Nadia and Victoria in danger with his actions?  Doesn't he get it that Pedro has the power and money to disappear his wife and daughter if he chooses to?

Adolfo's close connection to Pedro Medina makes it hard for Victor to trust Adolfo.

Josefina plays peacemaker, convincing the two men to calm down and talk privately so they can figure out how to work together.

Trust Issues

Fabiola finds it hard to trust anyone.  And everyone finds it hard to trust Graciela.  So it comes as no surprise that Fabiola interprets Graciela's words as a new strategy, a way to frighten her or take advantage of her. But Graciela doesn't give up.  What does she have to gain from advising Fabiola this way?  Even though Sandro is interested in Graciela, she knows that behind his mask, he's nothing but a hustler (vividor) and a kept man (mantenido).

"If what you're saying is true," says Fabiola, a bit of doubt creeping into her voice,  "Sandro will regret it."

Graciela takes the wineglass from her and throws it to the floor.  "You can't think clearly with that!" she snaps at her, exasperated.  If Fabiola confronts Sandro, she'll be making yet another mistake! Still keeping Fabiola from her wine, Graciela loudly and aggressively demands her attention:  She can't be that stupid! It's incredible that she has no common sense!  Does she want to keep fighting Graciela and end up losing everything?  

Graciela takes yet another glass away from Fabiola, pushes her down in a chair, and leans into her face:

"Listen to me very well.  I could have accepted Sandro's proposal and destroyed you.  But instead, here I am talking to you.  If we join forces, we'll avoid a deadly war and neither of us will come out a loser.  Think about it..."

....Graciela pauses to thump herself in the forehead.  (The actress is like a mime.  A very LOUD mime.)

Together they can keep get rid of the obstacles in their way, like that fool Sandro and of course that bastardo Alejandro.  "You also suspect that the bastard is alive, right?" says Graciela shrewdly, picking up on Fabiola's reaction to Alejandro's name.

"No, no, no," repeats Fabiola, springing out of the chair, and walking unsteadily away from her tormentor.  Licenciado Pedro Medina told her that Alejandro was dead.

"Licenciado Medina is a dog and he lied to you!"

Victor and Adolfo have cooled down.  

Adolfo is sorry if his words were harsh; but by sending that cart of flowers, Victor let Pedro know he was in Aguazul.  And as a result of that:
Mi cuñado me ordenó que te buscara -- ¿sabes para qué? Para matarte.
(My brother-in-law ordered me to find you -- you know why?  To kill you.)

Nadia sits alone in her prison garden 

She strokes the petals of a single yellow rose as she prays that her friends, Alejandro and Montserrat, will be together again; and asks forgiveness for lying.  She begs God to protect the innocent children -- Montserrat's son and her own daughter -- and allow them to be with their parents. 

Beware the wrath of Alejandro!

Graciela warns Fabiola to be ready for Alejandro's retribution. Fabiola thinks Graciela is the one who should be worried -- after all, it was her declaration to the court that sealed his fate.  Graciela concedes the point:
A ninguna de las dos nos conviene que tu primo aparezca de la muerte.
(It wouldn't be good for either of us if your cousin came back from the dead.)

Graciela has had her say.  Fabiola can find her when she decides what she wants to do.  But just before leaving, she can't resist giving her a final piece of advice: 
"Sandro will say he has found a clue about your origins; don't believe him -- it's part of his plan to do you in."  

If that's what Fabiola wants, "I really will help you find your parents," she adds in a hoarse whisper.

Show me!

Montserrat steps out of the church, her red dress a splash of color against the wide and darkened portal.  She looks around for Rosario.  Suddenly Alejandro's breathtakingly handsome figure appears in the gloom.  He walks up to her and whispers in her ear:
(Show me.)

Montserrat is nervous that someone may see them.  He repeats:  If she is really his, show him tonight.  There's a hotel on the road out of town...  

Nothing would make her happier than being in his arms again, she says.  But it's so dangerous.  They can't go there together.

They agree that he will go ahead and rent a room.  She'll ask Rosario to help her get away.  She will come to him later.  She promises.

What do you take me for?  A murderer?

Adolfo reassures Victor he isn't going to follow Pedro's orders.  He's not a killer!  Adolfo is risking his own hide (pellejo) for Victor's family because it's his family too.  But Victor has to be patient.  This isn't something that can be resolved in a short time.

Although Victor is desperate to see Nadia and Victoria, he agrees not to do anything without talking to Adolfo first.

There is something else Adolfo wants to ask: Did Alejandro return with him to Aguazul? He is asking for Nadia's sake -- she is worried about him.  Victor says that yes, Alejandro is in town.

Adolfo lowers his voice and tells Victor: "When you see him, tell him I want to talk to him.  I'm sure he'll be interested in what I have to say."

Full Moon over La Escondida

María wears a blonde wig.  She puts on her black and purple, feathery carnival mask and drapes her short black dress in a long feathery boa.  She has an Eye -->Mind experience:
Alejandro watched her...she danced just for him. 

Real-time Maria steps onto the stage and languidly circles the pole.  In her imagination, she sees Alejandro in the face of one client and then another.  She removes the boa...

Dimitrio catches out Montserrat

Dimitrio deliberately startles his sister as she tries to slip into the house unperceived.  Where was she? ¿Dónde estabas?  And why is she so dressed up? 

She sees the packing boxes all around and is surprised to hear that he is moving out.

Didn't José Luis didn't tell her he was renting his house and moving in with Mónica?  In fact, José Luis promised to help him move, but he hasn't shown up yet.

Montse asks him to tell JL, when he comes, that she had to go out and she'll be back a little late.  He asks her again where she is going, but she won't say.  She hurries to her room to get ready.

Josefina and Adolfo talk

Fina thanks Adolfo -- Victor was much calmer after his talk with him.  Adolfo says his sister's happiness is at stake.  Fina doesn't know how much he grieved when he thought he had lost her.  And when she told him she was pregnant and was leaving with Victor to form a family, it gave him a sense of  peace -- at least one of them would be happy.  Of course everything changed after he heard about the accident.

Josefina tells him -- just to put his mind at ease -- that Nadia was very happy all those years.  

"Until that bastard found her again," says Adolfo bitterly.

Fina tells him what a darling girl his niece is. She explains that it was only after she met up with the family in Buenos Aires, that she learned about all the series of tragedies that had unfolded after she left Aguazul.

It was then -- seven years ago -- that he lost his sister, he lost Josefina, and he lost himself, Adolfo reflects sadly.

Honey, I'm Home! 

"It's about time," Fabiola says to Sandro when he finally shows up at the mansion on the sea.  Where has he been all day?

His answer is as lazily aggressive as her question:  he stays away as long as possible because he can't stand her when she is hysterical.  

Fabiola assures him that she has no intention of making any scenes tonight.  Sandro is mildly surprised.  Why the sudden change of mood?

[Cue the chorus of spooky male voices.]

She doesn't know.  She's been feeling overwhelmed (agobiada) lately and has so many things to think about.

Is she going to listen to her godmother's advice and leave Aguazul for good?

"What do you think would be best for me?" she asks calmly.

Yo creo que no es el momento para que te vayas de este pueblo, no sin antes resolver los asuntos que todavía tienes pendientes.
(I don't think this is the moment for you to leave this town, not without taking care of the issues you still have pending.)

Fabiola says it's dangerous for her in Aguazul.  Graciela is determined to do her harm.  

Sandro tells her not to worry -- he'll defend her.  He'll make sure that woman doesn't touch a peso of her fortune.

Fabiola is surprised.  Didn't he recommend negotiating a deal with her?

There's no point, he says.  It's clear that neither of them is willing to compromise.  And as for her worries about Alejandro, Pedro Medina is sure that he is dead.

"You're right," says Fabiola, feigning docile agreement.  "That makes me feel a little better."

I'm not as bad as you think I am

"I don't think I know you as well as I thought I did," Josefina tells Adolfo. "I like the Adolfo I'm discovering."

"I'm not as bad as you think," says Adolfo.  Josefina laughs lightly -- "not as bad." 

There is one thing Josefina always wanted to ask him: "Remember the night you came to my house?  You were so upset that you couldn't stop crying.  You said you couldn't tell me anything, but you just wanted me to hold you.  And I did. What happened that day?"

Adolfo has an Eye --> Mind experience:
EZ expects him to kill on command...The victim cowers, Adolfo hesitates, tries to refuse. EZ screams: KILL HIM.  BAM!

Adolfo evades Josefina's question.  "I don't know," he says.  "I don't remember."

Sandro says what Graciela predicted he would say.

Fabiola should ignore Amelia's advice.  She needs to stay in Aguazul, especially now that she is so close to finding answers to the questions that have tortured her so.  

Fabiola is amazed.  They've been searching for her family for seven years and have found nothing.  And now he says he is closing in on the answers?  What has he discovered?  

He prefers not to tell her exactly, he says coyly, until he has something more concrete.  But she shouldn't give up hope!

Once more, Fabiola feigns docile agreement: Sandro wins.  She'll stay in Aguazul as long as need be.

The Tryst: 8:07

Alejandro arrives at the rendezvous at the appointed time.  The theme song plays:
Hoy -- tu cara me lo dice todo
The digital clock in the hotel bedroom reads 8:07.

The Twist

Montse stands before a mirror, readying herself for the rendezvous with her true love.  
The theme song continues as she fluffs her hair:
Sé -- la vida no es un cuento de hadas

She has just the briefest flicker of an Eye --> Mind moment (she recalls the kiss from earlier that day) when the increasingly lean and hungry, not to mention sweaty, José Luis walks in on her.  Dimitrio told him she was about to go out, he says, but he couldn't say where to.   She's dining with Nadia, she lies.  She couldn't tell Dimitrio because he doesn't know that Nadia is alive and back in Aguazul. He insists on coming with her.  Even if she needs to talk to Nadia privately, he can't let her go to Pedro Medina's house alone.  

Esmeralda and Mónica compare notes

Mónica is shifting boxes around in her and Dimitrio's new house.  Esmeralda arrives with a box of donuts for the guys; she offers one to Mónica.  Mónica turns down the offer and tells Esmeralda she shouldn't be eating any either.  Esme says Mónica doesn't get it -- just wait until she's pregnant and has cravings.  She'll probably gain more than 40 pounds!

Mónica surprises Esme by going all dreamy at the idea of a pregnancy.  Isn't it early times in her relationship with Dimitrio to be talking babies? asks Esme.  Mónica admits that up to now, she has been consumed by her career.  Perhaps this is just the right time for her to be thinking about starting a family.  

Then Esme asks:

Qué harías si Dimitrio te pidiera que dejaras de trabajar?
(What would you do if Dimitrio asked you to stop working?)

Mónica doesn't hesitate at all:  She wouldn't agree for any reason.

"Not even for love?"

"Not for any reason."  She would never stop being herself, much less because a man demanded it of her.  

A Testy Exchange between Refugio and Dimitrio

Refugio questions Dimitrio's decision to ask Monica to live with him.  Didn't he just break up with her?  Dimitrio doesn't understand Refugio's disapproval.  Why can't he just be happy for him?

Um, didn't you have something else to do, José Luis?

Montserrat reminds Jose Luis he promised to help Dimitrio with his move.  JL says it isn't necessary since Refugio is already there helping him.  Now, backed into a corner, Montserrat says she's too tired to go out tonight.  She is going to call Nadia and cancel their dinner.  And right now they can check on Dimitrio's progress downstairs.

They join Dim and Refugio.  Montse wonders why Dim didn't just hire a mover.  Refugio makes the 'cheapskate'  (codo) gesture, tapping his elbow, and he points accusingly at Dim.  

Dim says that the only bedroom furniture he's taking is the cómoda (dresser); everything else, he and Mónica can shop for together.  

The boys kid around about Dim's sleeping plans for the night.  

Finally, José Luis and Refugio head off to get the truck so they can move the dresser.

"Weren't you going out?" Dim asks Montserrat when the other two have left the room.  She changed her mind, she says.

The Tryst: 8:29

Alejandro sits on the bed in the hotel room and waits. He paces.

Boy Talk

José Luis notices that Refugio is out of sorts and asks if there is a problem at home.  Refugio admits that Esmeralda's moodiness isn't easy to live with.  He hopes that once the baby is born, Esme becomes her old self again.

[Five minute break for recapper to recover from hysterical laughter and get back to serious recapping business.  Okay.  Let's go.]

JL starts talking about pregnancy hormones.  Mercifully, Refugio shuts him up.  The word 'hormones' is taboo in their house.  Anyway, that's not the problem.  It's Refugio's own fault for taking an interest in another woman -- not that anything happened or is going to happen between them.  José Luis tells Dimitrio to watch his step -- that kind of stupidity could cost him everything.

Girl Talk

And you love him? asks Esme. (¿Y tú lo quieres?)
Mónica LOVES Dimitrio, she assures Esmeralda.  (Lo amo.) She's been in love with him for a long time.  

Esmeralda asks her previous question in a slightly different way: What if Dimitrio objected to her being his superior in the Marina?  If it made him uncomfortable or insecure?  What if he asked her to be a housewife and nothing else?

"If he asked me that, it would mean that I'm not the woman for him, that he didn't really love me... Wait a minute -- why are you asking me that? Did he say something?"

Esmeralda hastens to reassure her -- Dimitrio didn't say anything.  She's just curious.  How is that going to work?  Mónica will give orders at work, Dimitrio will give orders at home. That won't be easy!

Mónica agrees.  It won't be easy.  But where there's love and willingness...

Boy Talk

José Luis continues preaching to Refugio, warning him he could lose everything - his wife, his unborn child -- his FAMILY.  But Refugio says at times he feels "incomplete."  He doesn't expect JL to understand, especially now that he has everything he struggled for.  

José Luis laughs bitterly.  No, he doesn't have everything.  He may have married Montserrat, but he is still trying to win her back.  And he is always going to have to contend with the ghost of Alejandro.  It's different for Refugio.  He is the only man that Esmeraldo has ever loved.  She is carrying his child.  He never had to fight anyone for her love.  She was willing to leave everything for him.  "So don't blow it!"

Refugio has heard enough.  The others are waiting for them downstairs, he says impatiently. 

The two men prepare to lift the heavy dresser.

The Tryst: 9:31.

Alejandro paces.  He tells himself to calm down. "It won't be long.  She's going to be here, I know she's going to be here, she's going to be here..."

José Luis takes a hit.

With Refugio at the top and JL at the tail, the two men inexpertly ease the heavy dresser down the staircase.  Somehow they lose control of the piece, its weight falls on José Luis's foot, and he ends up on the floor, grimacing with pain.  The others help him back up the stairs.

The Tryst: 10:01 

A knock at the door makes Alejandro's heart leap with joy.  "Montserrat!"  But it's two men delivering the champagne and flowers he ordered.  Alejandro is still alone.

¡Qué triste!


Menos triste!  Montserrat decides to live her true love and face the consequences.


To the fans of Elna June -- I am only filling in for her tonight while she copes with the aftermath of the BIG MOVE. With any luck, we should have another of her wonderful recaps next Thursday.

Gloria, you were such a good sport to fill in for me on Tuesday. What a bummer that you had all those problems -- though you came through like a champ. (Would it make you feel any better to know that a few weeks ago, I spent hours writing a recap, only to discover that it wasn't my day? Ouch.)

Thank you so much! (And I got to see my youngest son -- mi bebé -- get married to a fabulous woman. Yay!)

Thanks, Novela Maven for a great recap,as usual!

I liked:

It might have been in yesterday's episode at the end: the overhead shot of Montse entering the church in her red dress and walking down the center aisle. Great shot.

Adolfo calling out Victor on how stupid he was sending the cart with flowers to Nadia potentially putting Nadia and Victoria at risk and also putting himself(Victior ) at risk since Pedro ordered Adolfo to kill him.

Graciela grabbing and breaking Fabiola's wine glasses.

Two sofa scenes back to back: one with Josefina and Adolfo/ the other with Fabiola and Sandro. :)

I didn't like:

BM and her lame pole dance and her even lamer memories.

Alejandro pressuring Montse to meet him at night knowing it was going to be a problem for her at this point.



NovelaMaven, it has been a long day of work on my end, but was thrilled to see that you are back on the grid!

CONGRATULATIONS on your son's wedding and how wonderful for the mother in law to say that her daughter in law is fabulous!!! HOLY COW!!! This daughter in law is one lucky woman!!

I hope Elna June is OK. I hate and despise moving . Unfortunately, I am one of those people who gets very attached to my home and hate to leave it (as I've had to do on numerous occasions. I hope all goes smoothly for our Elna June.

I'm brain dead, but wanted to check in and will read and comment later.

So glad to hear that you have been away for Happy and Wonderful reasons!!

Fatima :)


Thank you so much for this most fabulous recap. Thanks so much for filling in for our Elna June. I too hope her move is almost complete and goes smoothly.

I am firmly ensconced at the JL table. The man has a spidey sense that is unequal to anyone's. He has feelings too and just knows that Rosy knows more than she is saying. As far as accompanying Monse to this "dinner with Nadia" he is protecting her from Peddy. Until and unless JL does something criminal I am giving the man the benefit of the doubt. He has NO IDEA that Ale is out of his coma and in Aguazul.

Ale on the other hand, has not changed. He may be handsome and all that and a bag of chips, but to make Monse swear, in front of the altar, no less, that she loves him still, well, he hasn't changed. He still wants to own Monse, heart and soul. He needs to grow up already. Yeah, I get that Monse and Ale love each other, but hey, she's married to someone else and they both don't care about the hurt this will cause. Sorry for the rant.

I liked Graceless telling Fablush what was what but I think this will benefit Graceless in the end, come what may.

I liked the talk that Addled and Fina had. Oh, and by the way, Addled did not kill that guy. That was the day Maria was almost about to be raped by that guy and EZ ended up killing that guy himself. Addled couldn't handle it.

Congrats on your son marrying that fabulous woman and congrats to you for gaining a most fabulous DIL.

Thank you, NovelaMaven, for stepping in for EJ and for giving us a wonderful recap.

As I was watching this episode I got the same feeling I used to get a few months ago when they were all at the hacienda and each day was so action packed and filled with questions.
Same situation now, only the intruder has changed.
Will Montse make it to the rendez-vous? Will Ale still be there? Will JL let Montse out of his sight for even one second?
I wish I hadn't seen the preview for next episode, now I know that she WILL make it.
I was on pins and needles, waiting to see what she does. She should have just left without changing clothes!!!
She had one outfit in the morning, another one for the supposed charity event and a third one (with sexy lingerie included, I bet) for the night.
If I were her and I knew that Alejandro Almonte was waiting for me in a motel by the side of the road, I would put on some comfy shoes and run to him, be sure he doesn't change his mind.
I guess that's why I'm not Montserat and there is no Alejandro Almonte wanting to meet me up in churches.


Novela Maven, congrats for your son's wedding ("mi bebé" - LOL)

Jarifa & Madelaine, I didn't mind Ale pressuring Montse too much, they're both horny and he's desperate. He was a jealous lunatic when they were married, imagine him now.
I don't mind his bad deeds so much, I've seen so many spineless galans (Octavio Narvaez, anyone?) that Ale, with his very dark shades of grey, doesn't bother me.
Neither he, nor JL are some perfect, goody goody two shoes and I like them both just the way they are.

But Montse is married, after all. When she was with Ale and in love with JL, she never caved because she didn't want to be a cheater. Will she be that strong now, too? I highly doubt it.

Thank you for the recap, NovelaMaven, sounds like you have been busy, too! Great recap, have to pull myself away from it to get ready for work but can't!

Loved, "One Scary Mother" and your description of Gracie spitting out her venom. "Is it pity? revulsion?...remorse?"

But my absolute favorite of all time, "Graciela pauses to thump herself in the forehead. The actress is like a mime. A very LOUD mime."

Wow, what a description of that violent and enigmatic scene, I was wondering all those things. Is this her version of maternal instinct? Could be, it's like she treated her other children.
Or, is it Gracie trying to finish what she started right after her first daughter was born-to destroy her? I'm still not sure. Is she going to use her as a weapon against Ale? Or is this like counter espionage? Heaven help you if Gracie decides she's responsible for you!

ITA, with Jarifa, Madelaine that Ale acting like a teenager in heat and demanding that Monse have sex with him NOW at a motel is putting her in an uncomfortable situation and was not his best side. (Obvious what the writers are doing here, the Patio nods knowingly! Months of not knowing who is the father of her new pregnancy in store for us, anyone want to bet??)

So, here she is again catering to some guy's selfish demands. As Adriana says, she is married now.
To me, it would have made more sense to say, 'well how should we handle it' and decide who'll tell JL, and start the annulment of the marriage. But then, this is a TN.

I can't even deal with Esme and Refugio. What, go back to pole dancing? Really Esme?

Those Maria Eye-MInd moments you described well, NM. Yep, they were fantasies, not memories. She totally misinterpreted that night Ale saw her pole dance, he was staring because he thought he recognized her, not that he liked what he saw. That was a creepy guy she was using for the fantasy.


Congratulations to your son NM. I love your excitement over his new wife. Good fortunes to all!

And what a great recap! You had me chuckling throughout, but this was a gem:

"[Five minute break for recapper to recover from hysterical laughter and get back to serious recapping business. Okay. Let's go.]"

I could go into endless detail commenting on the men in this TN and their revelations and antics in this episode, but with a lousy headache this morning, why make it worse right? What a bunch! I'll park Dim to the side of that group until we see how his co-habitation with Monica plays out, but seems to me her conversation with Esme may be foretelling some issues.

And what the heck is the "boss at home?" WTH? Is his a cultural thing because that would explain some of the attitudes in this show with the he-man attitudes. Kudos to Monica, but I got the feeling that she was being portrayed as unique in her comments on remaining independent, working, and Dim having to accept her for what she is. Scary

Thank Adolfo for giving Victor that tongue lashing for the stupid flower move.

So, any guesses how much of that love scene we saw in the previews we actually get tonight? The Univision scissor brigade I'm betting was at the ready.


Madelaine, save me a seat at the JL table! I felt sorry for him when he was talking about the ghost of Alejandro and we knowing that more than a ghost is going to end his marriage soon.

Emarie, thanks for reminding me of Graciela thumping herself in the head. That was so funny. What could we call it a "reflexive thump", "self thump", auto thump" ? There must be a name for it . . .


NovelaMaven: Congratulations on your son’s wedding! Wishing the newlywed couple much happiness. With your kind and supportive nature, I have no doubt you will be an amazing mother in law and anyone who has the right to call you such is very blessed.

While there is little to rejoice in last night’s event, I will savor and languish in the words of your magnificent recap. “an ominous percussive arrangement somewhat evocative of Law & Order, though sadly, up to now, Aguazul has had neither of these things”, “Fade to the brilliant cerulean blue over the dark red stucco of the Almonte mansion on the beach” and “Montserrat steps out of the church, her red dress a splash of color against the wide and darkened portal” were lovely.

Our caveman Ale stumbles on a familiar slippery slope once again “If she is really his, show him tonight”. Ahh. Monse relegated to a possession once again.

Madelaine and Jarifa, I will join you at JL’s table. While not proud of his recent actions, I cannot help but pity him as he was doomed from the start, as was his love for Monse.

No one seems to have a conscience – JL for lying nor Ale or a bit surprisingly Monse for willing to forsake her (new) marriage vows so quickly. I had thought at least a momentary pang of guilt might be in order? As you noted Madelaine, "Yeah, I get that Monse and Ale love each other, but hey, she's married to someone else and they both don't care about the hurt this will cause". Adriana Noel, your comment was also on point. Exactly...

I was delighted in Graciela’s initial interaction with Fab, now suspecting she is her daughter. When she chased Fabiola around the table, smacking numerous wine glasses out of her hand, I was beaming with pride! What loving, motherly affection! ;)

Along with Fatima and others, sending good vibrations to Elna June and her family.

NovelaMaven, thank you for your carefully crafted, lyrical summary.


When Graciela inevitably runs out of dough she should employ herself as a anti alchoholy therapist,she would make a scary one! But of course before that,she will have to learn how to drive,iron clothes and how to wash a dish.

Dearest NovelMaven,

Thanks so much for the fabulous recap and also my most sincere congratulations to your son and new daughter-in-law and to you and all your family on this marriage. How wonderful it must be for you to see your son so happy and in a loving relationship. What great news!

Something was wrong with my local Univision station last night and the screen was in white out for at least two hours, including during LQLVMR, so I missed everything! But your recap was so detailed, delightful, and informative that I really felt this morning after I read it that I'd seen the episode. Thanks so much!

Best to you and all for a great weekend!



Good morning to all on The Patio (and it promises to be a lovely day out there today). Thank you for all of your good wishes for our children. As it happens, my new daughter-in-law is very easy to love. :)

Jarifa, I'm glad you mentioned the visuals of Montse in the church. I agree that Wednesday's shot of her in red walking down the aisle of the church was gorgeous. So was last night's shot of her emerging from the darkness.

In general, this novela is extraordinary for the beauty of its locations and the artistry used to frame them -- not to mention the beauty of the actors. Yes, I know I'm a sucker for the superficial. Oh well. :)

Fatima, you are so very sweet. (I would say that I'm the lucky one in this in-law dealie.)

Mads, so glad you enjoyed the recap. Good point about that scene with Adolfo, EZ, and the order to kill. I tried to convey the ambiguity of what we saw (EZ barks "KILL HIM!" -- a shot is fired -- we don't actually see the shooter.) But you are right: WE know that in the end, EZ pulled the trigger because Adolfo could not. I went back and tweaked the description in the recap to make it more true to what we know -- or at least I tried to do that. :D


It's always fun to see you here.

"She should have just left without changing clothes!!!"

I know! It was making me crazy watching Montserrat dawdling when she KNEW José Luis would be home any minute!

I loved this line of yours:

"Heaven help you if Gracie decides she's responsible for you!"

Of course I could be all wet, but I got the impression that we had some powerful -- if delayed -- LLAMADO de la SANGRE going on last night. I thought Graciela was drawn (maybe even unconsciously) into an attempt to SAVE Fabiola. Will she be as "helpful" to her as she has been to Montse and Dim?

I had no problems with the Alec scenes. Prior to last night he has tried 3 times to see Montse and he was stopped by someone. Also he has lost 7 years of his life with her so I don't had problems with him being a little persistent in them being together. I'm all for it. There's more intensity, chemistry in their scenes than all the weeks of JL & Montse scenes we had to endure.


Sorry to hear about your headache this morning. I hope you're feeling better very soon.

I watched all the macho posturing last night and decided to just let it roll by. The Monica thing was interesting though. She is starting where Josefina ended up: she has an authentic sense of who she is and that sense of self isn't dependent on a man.

I still have a hard time with Esmeralda pining over giving up "dancing" for Refugio. Writhing around a pole for a bunch of leering strangers? As obtuse and even harsh as Refugio can be, I have to say I've always sided with him on this one. But I suppose if you buy the I GOTTA BE ME argument...


Thanks for your thoughtful and generous comments and good wishes!

I share your delight at "Graciela's initial interaction with Fab." The actresses shared some dynamite scenes.

I'm less inclined to pity JL than you are, though. The only time I really liked him was when he was with Angélica.

"No one seems to have a conscience – JL for lying nor Ale or a bit surprisingly Monse for willing to forsake her (new) marriage vows so quickly. I had thought at least a momentary pang of guilt might be in order?"

Am I alone in thinking that José Luis brought this on himself when he pushed Montserrat to marry him before she could discover that Alejandro was alive?

I don't think Montserrat has anything to feel guilty about. I also think that she and Alejandro are still married since, as we on the omniscient Patio know, he did not falsify his identity.

What a great idea -- Graciela as a tough love therapist for recovering alcoholics! I can see that!

This was a fun episode. If you can track it down on the UNI site, it might be worth your while.

Thanks so much for the kind words. (Would that I were NovelMaven!)

Anon 9:33,
I felt the same way you did about the Alejandro/Montse scenes.

"I thought Graciela was drawn (maybe even unconsciously) into an attempt to SAVE Fabiola."

Oh, I think she is in her own twisted way. This is the child she thought she lost and said daughter is not in the best position to deal with her own life, and on top, she has a crook on her side. One that Gracie would have not hesitated to use herself if Fabs wasn't her own spawn, but now that she is, Sandho has to go. But of course, as is true to our dear Mummie Dearest, she wants her daughter healthy and in fine fiddle so they can then go after the money they feel they both deserve.

Face it, this is the first child she's had that is truly as greedy and money-focused as she is. This is her fondest desire, especially after Dim turned his back on her.

" But of course before that,she will have to learn how to drive, iron clothes and how to wash a dish."

Brilliant Demetrios!


NovelaMaven- Congratulations to you on your son's wedding, and for gaining a great nuera! Thank you also for this wonderful recap, of another epi I missed.

Let's face it, the writer/directors were never going to show Monse and JL having amazing chemistry. They know where they want to lead the audience. I'm happy for Monse that she has her true love back, but I do think it's tacky to jump into bed with Ale before telling JL it's over between them.

I am so with you on this whole giving up the pole dancing thing. I have always been in agreement with Refugio on that. But, we never saw Refugio upset that she was the boss at La Escondida. In fact, he seemed to be proud of her being the boss (but not shaking her goods for his colleagues as a stripper). This argument the writers are trying to make seems a bit hallow to me. My questions would be: Why is Refugio refusing to grow up and accept the changes that come with long-term marriage and the arrival of kids-- leading him to being bored and neglectful of his wife and marriage? And, why does Esme tie her self-worth and value to dancing in front of a bunch of leering men, instead of to building a strong business, and possibly branching out to other forms of dancing and entertainment businesses? So much energy wasted on whether Ref still finds her attractive (self assurance is attractive), and how she felt best when she was pole dancing (really, nothing else fulfills her?).

I went out on a date with a man a few weeks ago who told he that he expects to be the boss in the home, as it is intended men should be. This was a 49 year old man. Let's just say, that was our last date. :) Maybe he should look up Monica.

"Am I alone in thinking that José Luis brought this on himself when he pushed Montserrat to marry him before she could discover that Alejandro was alive?"

Amiga, JL was wrong - no doubt - (which even I, one of his most fervent supporters clearly admit!) But Monse knew being with Ale was wrong, or she would not have attempted to hide her rendezvous from JL (I believe she would have done the same even if he were not a "wanted man"). I felt even a short rebuff "thanks but Ale's come back so you are history" might have been in order :)

Vivi, thank you for sharing your story with us. Thankfully, your date revealed his thoughts quite quickly, enabling you to make a quick decision that he might not be the ideal match for you! :)


Vivi, isn't that sad that there is still that conversation of someone having to be the "boss" in a relationship. Good for you on staying true and dodging the bullet as they say. As Diana said, at least he was honest early.

I'm sure as Monse and Ale get back together, her ability to break off with JL will meet resistance for the sake of dragging out our story. And unfortunately, my worst fear is that may mean we get back the two Neanderthals spouting their usual venom and out dated attitudes. Lord, I hope young women out there realize this is NOT attractive.


I'm glad you are in José Luis's corner. I have a feeling he is going to need all the friends he can get very soon. :D

Thanks for the kind words and for the anecdote about your recent encounter with a 1950's throwback.

Mr. Maven and I will be celebrating our 40th anniversary in a few months. I remember how I had to ask the judge to take out the language about OBEDIENCE from our marriage vows (and earned myself some raised eyebrows in the process).

These days, my kids would just crack up if anyone proposed to them that either partner in a serious relationship had the right to "give the orders" at home.


"Face it, this is the first child [Graciela's] had that is truly as greedy and money-focused as she is."

Funny but true. Her LOVE child. Or should we say, her SELF-LOVE child?

40 years!

Congratulations NovelaMaven. I suspect few couples reach that splendid milestone.

And to be happy as well? Priceless.


40 years, NovelaMaven!! HOLY COW!!!

I am so happy for you!! We should all be so fortunate.


NovelaMaven – Congrats on your son getting married! You must be exhausted from all the celebration, so super-thanks for rendering us a fab recap. The title is a hoot and all the rest. Love all the grammar.

So Monse’s got to prove her love? Tonight? Ale, how about waiting till tomorrow afternoon when her husband will be at work and she won’t have to make some lame excuse to go out at night alone? I will point out that when JL was the capataz at Ale’s hacienda and trying to get Monse to flee with him, he never tried to boink her there.

But Monse is no longer a sheltered19-year-old. She’s been on her own for seven years and raising a son. She should be able to tell the love of her life “Just wait a minute – what is the plan? – and oh, JL is the police chief now and carries a gun.” But, anyhoo, Monse and Ale look good in the previews getting it on.

I must like Maria a weebit. I felt bad for her pitiful dancing and was afraid she was going to get booed off the stage. Her performance gave me much more appreciation for Esme’s talent.

Novela Maven

Congrats on your milestones. 40 years, huh. He must be extremely well-trained! I know I am after almost 23 years.

Anyway, did anyone notice that raggedy, multicolored outfit that Graciela had on when she paid Fabs that visit?

It looks like she stolet it from a rodeo clown. All that was missing was the barrel to jump into.

Maybe she will use it to role play, with Sandro as the bull.

@Madelaine, you are a true JL fan and I suspect nothing he does will change that for you. Who said Monse may end up pregnant and a who's the daddy story line will ensue, oy I hate those stories. Really, only in novelas, Maury Povich excepted, women never know who the dad is uff uff. If this turns out to be true Ale will not be gracious about it and JL? He will be more obsess if that's even possible. I vote no pregnancy.

I wonder what will happen to Dim after Gracie is exposed,he planted the fake evidence against JL for the murder of Bruno Gamboa,remember? Pedro said long ago that he took care of the matter but what if they open the case again? Not only that but he was a part of an illegal wedding..

Thanks, NovelaMaven, for your signature snap in that recap. Also, congratulations to you, your son, and your whole family on welcoming a lovely woman into the family. Having your child marry a less than lovely soul is not a heartbreaking experience. (If you remember my daughters soon to be ex tried to get custody every other weekend. he lost, and now he has not seen or called the children in over a month. Here are some informal but interesting statistics. I have three close friends . We taught together. We have a total of 8 children . Two of my friends have a son and a daughter. Another friend has two sons, and I have two daughters, ALL the girls have been divorced except my older daughter who is happily married but previously called off a wedding to her college sweetheart . My friend just told me that her daughter has just decided to split from her second husband. ALL the boys are married...none are divorced. However, three of the boys' wives have been seriously is currently fighting colon and liver cancer. So.what can we make of that ? I have deduced that as in the telenovelas, in real life ,it must be easier to find a good woman than it is to find a good man.

I must admit that I only surfed in and out of this episode because I was watching reruns of "Hot in Cleveland"....I love Betty White. If I live to 90' I want to be her.

Wow...Ale is like a guy after the senior prom.."If you really love me, show me....." I got a Cinderella vibe as Mony flounced out of the church. Did anyone notice if she left behind a tiny glass slipper ?


Missed this epi so thanks so much for the wonderful recap!

Anyone else feel that Ale is pushing Montse to boink so soon just to get back at JL? He did say previously he wanted to do what JL couldn't and steal back Montse. JL at least can show that he cares about other peoples feelings and will act, i.e. goimg to jail for Ale and Montse to be happy, but Ale has yet to show anything more than selfishness.

Novela Maven. Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. Hub and I have been married a long time , too. I just ignored that word OBEDIENCE when the minister said it...and Hub knew that I would. We scandalized the congregation by having the organist play "Clair de Lune" and "Moonlight Sonata" after our school nurse sang "Oh Promise Me" instead of just hymns. We were rebels back then. Hub and I started dating in high school, so I still see that cute 16year old pitcher when I look at him today.

Gorgeous day here, too. What a treat after days of rain and gray. The rhodedenrens are lush with huge purple flowers , the irises and lilacs are blooming, and the trees are heavy with green leaves ...a benefit of all that snow we had to endure over the winter. I love spring.

It's heartening to know that I'm not alone at the JL table. My only beef with JL was him not telling Monse that Ale was/is alive and in a coma. As far as pushing her into this wedding, she could have put her foot down at any time and told him no. She went along instead. Sigh. I blame them both.

My biggest beef with Ale is he requires proof that Monse loves him, and making her swear before the altar when she is married to JL is just, how shall I say this?, just inconsiderate and mean. What about trust? Where is the trust I ask you? He can't take her at her word? This bugs the crap out of me.

I'm with Vivi, end the relationship with JL, say to him I'm sorry, I love you, but I am not in love with you, my man is back and I'm sorry if I hurt you. Now that would be womaning up! Oh, and while she's at it, she could request that JL help them to prove Ale's innocence and gets his good name back. JL could do that for them, but if they hurt him, as it looks like from the avances, that thought may just go out the window.


Yes, I am a huge JL fan. Like I said unless or until he does something criminal I will be rooting for him. I know he hasn't a chance in hell with Monse, but by the end of this TN, I want Monse to have her happiness with Ale, hopefully he has grown up by then, and for JL to find a true love, one that is far removed from Monse.

NovelaMaven congratulations on your bebé getting married!! How wonderful! And you still managed to treat us with this.

While this tn has parts that are well-written, other craziness remains: the only thing I enjoy about Ale is that the stunningly handsome SR plays him; aside from his looks, its not clear what Montse is so in love with because he behavior has sometimes been on the level of some tn villains; the dreaded love triangle with JL most likely being a villain or martyr by the end of this; and trying to make Esme's "job" somehow equivalent to Monica's when in real life women, who work as club dancers have very difficult lives.

Though Gracie is a hot mess, DC has made her have interesting moments aside from her full out abuse on others.

Madelaine, JL irks me to no end (Alejandro is not far behind), but I really appreciate your excellent points and am in total agreement.


Adriana Noel said...

But Montse is married, after all. When she was with Ale and in love with JL, she never caved because she didn't want to be a cheater. Will she be that strong now, too? I highly doubt it.

I never bought the great love of JL & Montse the first time either. From the moment she met Alejandro there was some eye flirting, hand holding, kissing etc. Even when she was supposed to be love with JL and "hate" Alec. There was some attraction between them. And even if he never came into the picture I doubt JL and Montse would have never lasted.

Well, I guess I will submit my vote. I am not and have never been a fan of JL. He is just so desperate and obsessed. ...and sweaty. Ale isn't much better, but I have to admit that if I thought that my Onetruelove was dead and he suddenly appeared....I would go with him. No second thoughts. I would be gone. us short. However, neither Ale or JL would ever be my Onetruelove. They are both too selfish, humorless, and controlling for me.

Thanks so much for the anniversary congrats, Diana, Fatima, Oxnard Huero, and Susanlynn. (Forgive me if I missed someone).

But let's not get carried away with the 40 year thing, guys. We just muddle along through ups and downs and just enough Stürm und Drang to keep it interesting. Some of it is just dumb luck; some of it is stubbornness. We'll see how it goes over the next 40 years or so.

And thank you all for sending your best wishes on the kids' wedding.

I suppose with all of this going on, I am particularly ripe for swallowing any sentimental twaddle the writers choose to give us. So don't look to me for reasoned critiques. [snort]


See, when Ale said demuéstramelo, all I could think was "Oh boy, another one of those informal imperatives with double clitic pronominal suffixes. Won't the gang be thrilled after our conversation last week." (I exaggerate, but only a little.)

Yes, it was easy to feel a stab of pity for María, although the humps in the club didn't seem to be complaining.

Oxnard, I did notice Graciela's outfit. I was thinking that if Fabiola pulled her WINE SPLASH on her, nobody would be able to tell.
Moral: When you visit Fabs, wear clothes of many colors.

Romy, If they're taking votes on it, then absolutely, I vote no pregnancy. (But we have a lot of episodes to fill...)

Demetrios, Dim isn't safe as long as Medina is breathing.


"I got a Cinderella vibe as Mony flounced out of the church. Did anyone notice if she left behind a tiny glass slipper ?"

With a very high heel? Hee hee. Our protagonistas are a step beyond stereotypes and are in archetype country, the land of fairytales and myth. Fine by me (see above) :D

So glad you enjoyed the recap. You have lots of company at the José Luis table on The Patio. I won't be joining you, but I'd be glad to stop by for a friendly drink (though not red wine. I'm kind of turned off by it lately. Don't know why.)


"the only thing I enjoy about Ale is that the stunningly handsome SR plays him;"

And will you think less of me as a person if I tell you that right now, that's enough? :)

Good point about the real life of women who work in places like La Escondida. We are getting the Disney version, aren't we? (Though it used to be much more dangerous when Loreto and EZ hung out there and Pedro was using Esme as his beard.)


Congrats to you and Mr. Maven for forty years! Yours is truly a match made in Heaven, no dumb luck about it : )

Thank for taking time out of the joyous festivities to gift us with this special treat. Congratulations to your son and his bride and to you and your family. How very wonderful. This recap of course is yet another gem.

Although I really don't like JL and the things he has done recently, I find myself feeling quit sorry for him. He clearly senses that something is awry and yet he keeps plugging away.

It is simply not right of Montse, no matter what he has done, to not let him know that she knows that Alejandro is not only alive and well but that he's back and looking to reclaim what he deems rightfully his.

Alejandro is definitely displaying his continued immaturity by insisting that she reaffirm her love for him before the Church altar in front of God. What, he didn't think that God overheard their conersation in the garden?

NovelaMaven, My mother insisted that the Baptist minister that presided over her marriage to my dad in 1942 drop the promise to obey line from the vows and her sister did the same a few years later. Good for you for standing up like that.

I adore María but I must say I cringed seeing her rather unenthusiastic dancing back at La Escondida wearing that hideous blond wig and mask.

Alejandro's timing seemed a little off. He began getting nervous around 8:30 and was fit to be tied by 10:01, but the Champagne and flowers were just arriving. I would have thought he would want everything in place before she arrived. And he disappointed me. No candles, no rose petals on the bed, and worst of all, no chocolate-dipped strawberries. It seems so cheapened.


So JL didn't think it was important to tell Montse that Ale was alive before she walked down the aisle? Fine, then, I won't tell YOU that he's HERE before I do the deed with him, either! How's that for giving him a taste of his own medicine? (Although at this point I don't think she's really thinking this at all ... I don't think she's really thinking anything except, "YES!! My man is back!")

Aw, Mads, thank you!

Carlos, I love hearing about strong women like your mother and your aunt. If asking to remove the promise to obey raised eyebrows in 1974, I can only imagine the strength of conviction it took to make the same request in 1942. That gives us some insight into how it is that her son grew up to be such a fine man.

Poor Alejandro. Maybe if he had had his mother around to guide him when he was growing up, he wouldn't be so insecure and need so much reassurance.

I wouldn't mind seeing chocolate-dipped strawberries, I'd be okay with candles in moderation (too many and I start worrying about the curtains catching fire), but I am relieved there are no rose petals on the bed. Well at least not yet.

I am so happy you liked the recap!

Anon 4:02, you wrote:

I don't think Montserrat's really thinking anything except, "YES!! My man is back!")"

That was how I felt too.

Thanks for the fun and awesome recap. So greatly appreciated. Congrats on your 40 years, and to your son and new daughter-in-law.

You guys know where I stand on the JL/Ale debate. I am firmly seated at the Ale table and don't plan on leaving. I did not mind the promise Montse and Ale made in front of the alter. If you think about it, they are still married, and this was their way of confirming it. I am not surprised one bit that Montse agreed to meet Ale at the hotel. They are both caught up in the moment, and hot for each other. Like Angie said, Montse likes being persued by Ale. It's a turn on for her. And the fact that she agreed so quickly to meet Ale at the hotel tells me that she really WANTS him. Remember when JL wanted to stay the night with Montse (before they were married) and he started putting the moves on her, and on their wedding night? Montse had second thoughts and was hesitant. That was not the case with Ale. They love one another and as someone said this morning they are horny. Who wouldn't be after 7 years?

ITA with the commenter that wrote about BM's horrible dancing skills. I usually only FF through the commercials, but last night I had to FF through the BM dancing scenes. She just looks awkward. If she's the best dancer at La Escondida, how bad are the others?

I am guessing that JL's injury will keep him from following Montse when she leaves the house, and she will use it as an excuse not to sleep with him.

NM, I agree with what you said about JL bringing this on himself. If he had told Montse the truth, none of this would be happening.

Back to work...hasta pronto!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Does anyone know what kind of accent Fina has? Because I can understand her.

Demetrio, so funny (!!) Graciela as Alcoholism counselor.

NovelaMaven: Congrats on having a wonderful daughter in law and much happiness to both of them!

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