Monday, May 05, 2014

Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 5/5/14 #124

Chapter 124: Return From the Ashes

Pedro Medina's Office: Governor Medina spoke in very clipped tones with Carlos Torres, the man who had snapped the photo of Nadia at the concert. He was staring at the picture while demanding every piece of information available on the woman in the photo. Almost anyone could tell he was a pressure cooker with a loose lid.

Monserrat Mendoza's Home: Monserrat allowed José Luis to introduce himself to young Lauro. She had never talked about him with her son, only of Angélica. She had told her son that Angélica was watching him from Heaven along with his father and grandfather. She watched as José Luis told the boy he was his godfather, husband to his deceased godmother, Angélica. The boy had a problem with his toy cars and José Luis handled the situation like a pro, as though he had children of his own. Something life had stolen from him until that moment. Over the next few days he played with Lauro under the watchful eyes of the boy's mother and grandmother at the beach, in the garden, in front of the TV, other places. Rosario (who still missed her own son) was concerned at first, but soon saw that José Luis was in fact becoming the father figure her grandson had missed since before he even knew he needed one. When he carried the sleeping child into the house and helped put him to bed he could not help thinking about what he wanted this to mean. He was so sincere that one morning Rosario said to her daughter-in-law that she should move on with her life. She would help because she wanted to see her happy. They embraced, each hoping she was making the right decision.

Buenos Aires, Hospital Room: Alejandro Almonte, the love of Monserrat's life, lay in his hospital bed surrounded by monitors attached to him with electrodes. His miraculously perfect body was still but his mind was moving at lightening speed through his last conscious memories before the plane hit the ocean. He remembered standing on the runway in Aguazul, waiting for his family. He heard the sound of police sirens, saw the approach of the cars, and felt himself running into the plane before the police caught up with them. He remembered calling his cell phone as the plane climbed and hearing the dreaded words from his mother-in-law from Hell telling him that Monserrat was dead. The plane hit the water with a loud splash and he felt himself in a white, cloudy place where he saw his beautiful young wife in her hospital gown and her distinguished father all in white.


Alejandro, my love.”

Forgive me.” He reached out to her, but could not touch her hand.

Goodbye, daughter,” said Admiral Mendoza. “When it is really time for you to come here I will be waiting for you.”

She disappeared from Alejandro's sight and he called out to her.

Monserrat! Monserrat! Monserrat!”

My daughter is not here, Alejandro.”

They told me she had been shot. That she was dead.”

Be calm, son. She isn't dead. She will not die.”

No? And I?” He could not read his father-in-law's face and looked around, frantically calling his wife's name. For a moment he was back on the beach, looking into Victor's eyes after they had somehow been washed ashore. Victor was calling out his name as he lost consciousness. Then he saw Admiral Mendoza again in his impeccable white clothes.

I can't be here. I can't stay here. Monserrat needs me. Monserrat is my life!”

And you are my daughter's life.”

I have to return. I have to go back.”

I know. The happiness of my daughter and my grandson depend on you.”

Don Lauro, please forgive me. Your heart attack was my fault. Forgive me.”

No. It was my time to go.”

But everything you heard that bitch Maria say... I should have shut her up. How could I have allowed that woman to keep talking? And everything that came out of my mouth...” His guilt was more than he could handle and he began to cry. “Forgive me, please.”

Of course I forgive you. Don't torment yourself for another moment. You're a good man, son. I am proud of the person you are. My grandson could have no better father than you. Don't stop fighting for him, for Monserrat, for your family.”

Monserrat Mendoza's House: José Luis brought his godson back to the breakfast table where fresh orange juice awaited them. Rosario took the child upstairs to wash his hands, leaving José Luis alone with Monserrat. He sat down with her, talking about what a great kid her son was and how much he was like her. She changed the subject slightly.

Right now he has no real memories of his father. He has only seen him in photos.”

Monserrat, if you will let me, I'd like to be the person to help him, be there for him. For you, too. Give me the chance. We both need another chance. Let's take it.”

She got up from the table and stared out into the garden. She wasn't sure she was ready for this. He got up and went over to her.

Monse, you knew very well I'd ask you this sooner or later. After everything we've been through, and that we're both alone. We both have to right to get the dreams that were stolen from us. Marry me. Monserrat, I want to make you happy. Accept me as your husband and let yourself fall in love with me.”

She hesitated for a split second before she smiled and said “Yes. I want to marry you.”

As he kissed her he knew he had never been happier in his entire life. He was not thinking of the spectre of the blond Adonis that could come between them.

Buenos Aires Hospital Room: After his brief visit to the afterlife, Alejandro Almonte opened his pale green eyes and looked around the hospital room for a few seconds before closing them again. Two nurses entered the room talking about a bad situation when the regular nurse noticed his eyelids moving. He opened his eyes and she became excited. She had attended him for a long time and now he was finally conscious again. He closed his eyes, which must have hurt quite a lot at the first bright sunlight he had seen in nearly seven years. The nurse called out his name as her colleague ran out of the room to get the doctor.

Monserrat Mendoza's Home: José Luis picked Monserrat up off her feet during the kiss.

Thanks for accepting me. Do you realize what this means to me? I've come back to life!”

I want to be very honest with you,” she said. “I love you. I love you very much. [Note that she used querer rather than amar] You know that love changes. I am not the same as I was before. I don't want you to hope that my love for you will be the same as it was years ago. I will never be able to forget
Alejandro. Or stop loving him.

My love,” he said, while kissing her hands “as we both know, it doesn't matter if you stop loving him.”

But what about you? Does it really not matter to you?”

Of course not. I simply want you to be my wife. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know if Alejandro weren't dead this would all be in the past. You had the freedom to choose between him and me and you chose him. Now you have the same freedom to choose. Choose me and let us be happy. I promise I will only live to love you, fight for you, spoil you, protect you, take care of you, and make you the happiest woman in the world.”

He could not believe his good luck as he kissed her again, but did not quite recognize that her smile was bittersweet.

I can't believe I'm holding you in my arms again, kissing you, and seeing you smile.”

There would be a long and winding road ahead that he couldn't see.

Buenos Aires; Victor and Nadia's Home: As Josefina played with Victoria in her room, Victor and Nadia talked about her as they cleared the breakfast table. Victor was amazed at how different Josefina was, how she had once been a Plain Juanita who had been afraid of her own shadow. Now “She's beautiful, and there's something about her that demands attention. She's changed.”

We've all changed, Victor. None of us are the same as before.”

Victor then began talking about Josefina's return to Mexico. Nadia said that Josefina would find Rosario and persuade her to bring Laurito with her on a vacation... to Argentina. He was nervous about it. He had tried to call Mexico many times to find out what had been going on, but stopped himself every time. One thing that had changed in him was his ability to trust; he wasn't sure he could trust anyone to not reveal their whereabouts. He knew he couldn't trust Macario to be discreet and he felt it was too dangerous to call Monserrat's Aunt Carlota because she was married to Ezekiel Basurto. Nadia understood that. She was certain that Josefina would be able to find out what they needed to know. The phone rang and Victor answered. It was Alejandro's doctor, saying he needed to see him right away. As usual, he didn't go into details. Victor wasn't expecting good news. He told Nadia he was going, but not to tell Josefina anything yet to avoid making her worry. He would call when he knew something.

After he left, Nadia went into their daughter's room where Josefina was playing with Victoria and her Barbie Castle. They had three dolls and the cute little girl told her mother that the prettiest one was hers. Josefina told Victoria that she would have once paid to be beautiful like the dolls, but the greatest beauty was of the heart and the intentions. Victoria told her mother that Josefina had told her she had been called ugly. Nadia felt Josefina's face and told her she was the same and as beautiful as before; she hadn't changed. Josefina talked about how her spirit and attitude had changed. Nadia said she could feel that. Little Victoria was only interested in playing, but at her age that was easily forgiven.

Medina Mansion, Garden: Pedro Medina was making plans and saying as little as possible about them to Carlos Torres as he spoke with him on his cell.

Thanks for the information, Carlos. I'll take the first flight to Buenos Aires and call you when I get into the airport. See you then.” He ended the call just as his wife, Amelia, entered.

I've asked Susanna to bring our coffee,” she said as she caught the look on his face. “What's the matter? Bad news?”

I have to leave you for a few days; to me that's very bad news,” he said.

You have to take a trip?”

To Argentina. I need you to pack my suitcase with stuff for two or three days.”

Of course, when are you leaving?”

On the first plane out. Amelia, do you remember Carlos Torres?”

She thought for a second, “Maybe; not very well.”

He's a businessman who's interested in expanding to Aguazul; I need to meet with him as soon as possible.”

Would you like me to come with you?”

Excuse me?”

To accompany you on your trip.”

Didn't I just say it was only for two or three days. You want to accompany me for a few days?”

Buenos Aires Hospital Room: Victor entered with the doctor and almost went into shock at seeing Alejandro disconnected from the monitors. The doctor explained that Alejandro had opened his eyes earlier for a few minutes, which was a major improvement. He began explaining medical terms that might have gone over Victor's head but his tone was very positive. He was hoping that further improvement would happen. Victor sat next to the bed and took his friend's hand. He began talking to him, like in the old movies, hoping he would hear him.

Victor and Nadia's Home: Josefina told the cab driver to take her suitcase to the car and she would meet him outside shortly. She embraced Nadia and Victoria, apologising for not being able to wait for Victor to return home.

Be very careful, my friend. Stay as far away from Pedro as possible.”

Of course. I promise.”

If you happen to run into my brother, please don't tell him anything.”

Ay, Nadia, poor Adolfo. It isn't fair to let him keep thinking – “

Please, Josefina, it's for Victoria's sake. Please.”

The little girl entered to give her Aunt Josefina a drawing before she left, cutting off further discussion of the dangers. She kissed the child goodbye and left.

Monserrat Mendoza's Home: Dimitrio sat on the couch in his civvies reading a magazine. He was taking care of Lauro on his day off. His cell phone rang but although he checked the incoming number he didn't even get up to answer. His nephew asked him why.

Because I don't want to talk to the person who's calling.”

Are you hiding from your girlfriends again?” The kid was smart for his age about that stuff.

No; I'm not hiding from girlfriends; I just don't know what to say.” It rang once again, then stopped. “See? It stopped ringing. “See? No problem.”

Why don't you answer?”

Because it'll be talk about work if I answer.”

Why don't you know what to say to your girlfriend?”

Because she's not my girlfriend! She's my boss and I don't know what to say. Now if you like a girl in your class do you know what to say to her?”

But you really like women.”

Yeah, but this is different. I don't like her.” The phone rang again.

See, she's calling again.”

Leave it alone.” He made a gesture, but Laurito picked up the phone.”

What are you doing?”

I'm gonna help you.” He sat on the other couch and answered the phone. “Hello.”

Who am I talking to?” asked Monica.

I'm a kid.”

Have I reached Lieutenant Mendoza's cell phone?”

Yes, it's his cell.”

Who are you?” Monica was somehow amused.

His son.”

His son?” She was a bit confused.

Yes. Please don't call when he visits. It makes my mamma very sad. Bye, Señora.” He ended the call and looked mischievously at his uncle. He did not know that Monica was no longer amused as he handed the phone back to Dimitrio. “Here. She won't bother you anymore.”

Who told you to do that, eh?” said Dimitrio, laughing as he picked up his nephew, then put him on the couch and tickled him. Kid was a chip off the old block, at least on his mother's side.

Solares Apartment: Refugio sat on the couch alone. He was thinking of his embarrassing encounter with Monica when she told him it was Dimitrio she was interested in. He was still hurting from this when he heard Esmeralda enter the apartment. She placed the grocery bags on the table and reproached him for ignoring her. He was there, but he wasn't really with her and it wasn't getting any better. He saw what she had bought and pointed out the food had was too fatty. It was obvious that pregnancy didn't agree with Esmeralda's attitude because all she heard was that she was fat. Whether he was sincere or not she wasn't going to listen to any more. Her only pleasure lately had been food and she was going to eat. Now. She left him standing alone by the dining table.

Buenos Aires Hospital: Nadia and Victoria arrived in the reception area to give Victor a small valise, since he was planning to spend the night on the couch in Alejandro's room. The child wanted to see her Uncle Alejandro but Nadia told her not to run off. Motherhood isn't easy for a blind woman who lived in fear of the husband she had risked her life to escape. Even though she was over four thousand miles away. Victoria promised her mother she wouldn't run as she went down the hall.

Nadia and Victor talked about Alejandro's near-miracle. The doctor had told Victor that it could be that day, in a couple of weeks... or months. Victor wanted to be there in case he woke up again so he could at least see a familiar face.

Monserrat Mendoza's Home: She sat on the couch looking at the framed photo and thought back to the day Angélica died. She had asked Monserrat to take care of José Luis. She wanted him to have what she couldn't give him. Happiness and a family. Monserrat was a little disturbed at this memory. Dimitrio came in and intruded on this thought.

Is what I just heard true?”

Dimitrio, I'm not sure it's right.”


It's strange, but I feel.... unfaithful.”

Dimitrio rolled his eyes as he said “Ay, I don't believe it” and went on about how she needed to go on with life not just for herself but her son.

Yes. I know it's not going to be an easy road for him but I hope he will accept him.”

Lauro will be happy if you're happy. I have never seen him like he's been these last few days.”

Yes. I never did either. José Luis won him over right away.”

Don't credit José Luis so much. Do it for yourself so you'll be happy. You'll all be happy, but you deserve it most of all.”

You're right' I couldn't keep going on like that.” she said, pensively. Then she got up. “You're so smart, brother! I guess we better think about a date.”

I think you better make it soon. José Luis has been waiting all those years.”

Yes, but things aren't the same anymore. No obstacles, no impediments, nothing to get in the way.”

Yes; that's the point!”

Buenos Aires, Hospital Room: Little Victoria stood by Alejandro's bed. She told him to open his eyes because her parents were so sad he was still sleeping. In her innocence she was protected from understanding how serious the situation was as she started talking about the story of Sleeping Beauty and how she was awakened by the kiss of a prince. So she now saw him as a prince and thought a princess could kiss him awake. She stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek, but he didn't wake up. She tried again. It was a shame her father arrived a little too late to hear her speculate on it needing more effort because she was such a “little” princess rather than a full-grown one. She did tell him when he came into the room and he hugged her and told her she was his little princess. Nadia told her that they were going home while her father stayed in case her uncle woke up. She then went to the bed, greeting Alejandro and asking him to wake up and join them. She then told Victor to call her if he needed anything else. He escorted them out the room and re-entered, looking at his friend.

Almonte Beach House: Fabiola stared at the beautiful red wine she poured into the stemmed glass, her bloodshot eyes measuring and watching the small splash. She drank it all down without taking a breath as she remembered a conversation she had with José Luis at his home.

Like you I'm a survivor of loneliness and abandonment.” she had said to him, “ But the difference between us is, I don't have a single happy memory.”

Maybe that's because you've never been in love,” he had said.

That's why I decided to come back to Aguazul,” she said as she got up. “That's the reason I'm here with you tonight.” She put her glass down and approached him, putting her hands on his shoulders. “Let's become lovers. You are the man with whom I want to know love.”

He obviously had other plans. He got up before she could further embarrass herself. “Fabiola, I am grateful for your words, but I'm not interested.”

She poured herself more wine at the memory of this rejection, then looked up at a sound. The maid was opening the door. The dashing Sandro Narvaez, her partner in crime, entered with a valise. She got up and embraced him. He immediately knew something was wrong.

What is it, Fabiola?”

I'm feeling very sad. Very alone.”

He rolled his eyes as she leaned into him. He didn't need to look down to know that she held a wine glass in her left hand and that it had been filled many times before he arrived.

Don't drink any more, please.”

Make love to me, Sandro.”

Later; I'm a bit tired,” he said, probably wishing he could have said “Never” instead.
Please, please, I need you more than ever,” she begged. “I'm dying for just a little affection. Don't reject me.” She kissed him before he could make another refusal, then dragged him off to her bedroom.

Beach: That night Monserrat Mendoza walked out to the edge of the water, thinking of the husband she lost. “My life,” she thought. “I have missed you so much all these years. If I only had a place to be with you. A tomb I could bring flowers to. Here is where I met you and here is the place I lost you forever. Here is where so many things happened. On this beach I met you for the first time. That night I had hoped to find something... or someone. Tonight I'm here for the same reason. I need to find peace. Tranquility.” She sat down in the sand and stared out.

She heard thunder in the distance and began to cry. “I need to say goodbye to you, Alejandro. Since you've been gone I have been hurting so much. At times I couldn't breathe. I had the first half of my life with you. You left me so alone, so sad, my love. Your death was my death in a way. I thought I would never recover. I was trapped in the moment I lost you. It's been a long time since you've gone and it's time for me to begin again. I need to begin living again, my love. I need to live for myself and for our son. I will never forget you. You will always be in my heart, Alejandro.”

She removed her wedding ring and engagement rings and kissed the diamond. “Tonight I say goodbye to you completely sure that the day God takes me our souls will find each other.” She dropped the rings slowly into a clear bottle, saying “Goodbye, my love” and corked it shut. She then rose to her feet and walked toward the water's edge. Crying out “I love you, Alejandro! I will always love you!” she threw the bottle into the tide. The tears she shed surely were saltier than the water.

Buenos Aires Hospital Room: Sometime the following morning after rush hour, Victor woke up on the couch in Alejandro's room and looked at him. He seemed unchanged from the night before. He went into the bathroom and Alejandro awakened at the sound of the door closing. He heard the raspy voice and crocodile tears of Gracie Mendoza saying into his cell phone “My little girl is dead. You killed her you rotten bastard!” He said “Monserrat, my love.”


Thank you, Urban, for yet another excellent recap. I also enjoyed the quote about film noir.

My favorite scene was between Lauro and Ale where Ale apologized for being instrumental in Lauro's death because he had done nothing to shut up Maria and where Lauro told Ale he was a good man and he was proud of him.

Looks like JL is now in the same position with Montse that Angelica was in with him. How quickly is that marriage going to take place now?

Too stupid for words: pickled Fabiola and that big lout Refugio.

So Pedro is going to be in Buenos Aires while Josefina is going to be in Aguazul. Should be interesting.

I wonder if anyone will ever fond that bottle with the ring. What a waste of good jewelry!



Thanks so very much for this very great noir recap and the picture you started out with and the quote! I so love film noir! What is your favorite movie out of this genre? My favorite one is "Laura".

Monse is dealing with her grief now and it's a good thing. She is still unsure about JL though and that will take some time. I think she really wants to be happy, but we'll have to see if she actually goes through with the wedding.

I get a kick out of Lauro. He is too cute. It was funny when he took the phone and told Monica that white lie.

Dimi though, shouldn't have ignored Monica like that, not only is she his boss, but I think he knows she has feelings for him and he really needs to deal with that. I am waiting to see if she can separate the personal from the workplace. Dimi for that matter too. He has to deal with this sometime, and it should be sooner rather than later.

Refugio needs to wake up and remember he is married with a baby on the way. I don't like that Esme is using food as comfort. I wish she did the books for her bidnez or had a hobby.

Peddy never gives up does he? He really has no power in Argentina that we know of anyways. I am not liking this development at all with Peddy going down there. I want him to get into some type of trouble.

Thanks again Urban for this really fantastic recap : )

Montse saying goodbye to Ale and believing she might have his blessing for her to move on with her life... deja vu all over again. Daniel saying goodbye to his wife (forgot her name) when he wanted to move on with Camila ... let's not forget who ended up with who! They both thought their spouses were dead, but ... surprise!

Thanks, UA, for this excellent recap.

I knew that Little Larry would be the key to Mony marrying JL. The scenes of the "happy family unit" were endearing. Watching Rosario's face as she observed the three together ,it was evident that Jl was winning her over.

Putting your diamond ring into a bottle and throwing it into the sea ??????...que?

Well, Argentina Ale will tango his way back to Bluewater , and here we go again with "Mony, Mony,
who's got the Mony?"

I continue to like Mony's new Luke. I also think that Rosario is looking great..her clothes and her sleek hairstyle. I love the bright,clear colors that they are both wearing.

I got a big giggle out of wine soaked Fabulush pulling Santino. That was funny.

Great recap, loved the tone and 40's feel of it!
"Governor Medina spoke in very clipped tones with Carlos Torres, the man who had snapped the photo of Nadia at the concert. ...Almost anyone could tell he was a pressure cooker with a loose lid." Good description of Pedro, and did you notice his change in tone to Amelia?

About JL with Monse, "He was not thinking of the spectre of the blond Adonis that could come between them." Uh, right. I feel bad for JL, he thinks at last, but indeed, "There would be a long and winding road ahead that he couldn't see."
I knew the minute they were engaged JL would wake up.


I'm sure that the bottle will wash ashore at some point and be found by the wrong person.

Gracie would definitely give Monse unholy Hell for tossing the rings. I was upset about that, too, because she could have just taken then off and put them away for her son to someday give to his novia.

Gracie will have a conniption when she finds out about this.

There's no way Monse will feel the same about JL that she did before or that she felt for Alejandro. She will also eventually find out about JL's deal with that female Satan.

Josefina's return to Aguazul will be interesting when she finds out that Monse is alive. As for whether Pedro will know she's been in Argentina he is likely to find out if he sees her in the arrivals terminal at the airport when he leaves. That's my current prediction.

Fabiolush is truly pathetic. One could feel sorry for her because the nuns in the convent school didn't teach her enough about making friends or whatever after her parents were killed but I also suspect something else happened along the way (which assumes that she was the child handed to Ben's sister and not an impostor who took her place at some point since). I also can't feel sorry for someone who stole such a big inheritance, treated its rightful owners with such astounding cruelty, and has done nothing with her life since.

She might now just be old enough to die of alcohol-related causes.

Such a wonderful recap Urban on a very emotional, and funny, episode.

I know I shouldn't have laughed either, but darn, that little stunt with Lauro answering the phone was priceless. You can tell that little guy hangs with his Uncle, maybe too much. Yes, Dim needs to handle what happened with Monica, and I think he knows he screwed up, but that conversation now got really interesting. But I love Dim with Monse and Lauro both. Makes me smile.

Have to say, JL is good with Lauro. I did appreciate Monse being honest with him that she isn't the same and it won't be the same love they had. Seems like that was a forewarning that when the hunk appears again, he's back to No. 2. Poor schmuck.

And yes, Susalynn, I too was aghast at the ring in the bottle. Honestly, take it off, but just maybe you could have saved that for your son? I know it was supposed to be symbolic, but frankly, I thought it was stupid.

Fina needs to be a mom. Fina needs all wonderful things to happen for her. Period. Writers: Make it so.

Could have done without the lush. And joy, her boy toy is back. Whatever.

My fear, Pedo finding out about Victoria. Do not touch one hair on that child's head you cretin! The patio will not be happy!!!


The ring in the bottle is one of those examples that show the writers, whoever they are, are not in touch with real life.

Emarie, I totally agree.

A friend of mine threw her wedding ring into a lake after her divorce. She sold the engagement ring out of financial desperation at some previous point but the wedding band was stuck on her finger until she lost weight. The end of her marriage was very painful to her and she said she felt a sense of freedom when she tossed it.

This does not apply to Monse but we know Alejandro won't take this well when he finds out. Remember that she tossed the first ring.

As for Pedro finding Victoria, that is worth being afraid of. Considering how high his perversion level is we can certainly expect him to have some evil plan to harm her just to get back at Nadia. Who is equally vulnerable due to her blindness.

I agree that Laurito probably spends too much time with Dimitrio. And what he did wasn't a white lie, either. He had no malicious intent because he has no idea of the consequence of his actions, but Monse won't be pleased when she hears about this.


Dear Urban Anthropologist,

Thanks for an amazing recap! I loved it all and especially the section in which you re-told the proposal scene between José-Luis and Montse. It was gripping and so well done--very romantic, too!

I know it will be short-lived, but I felt excited for them in that moment. Their conversation seemed mature, honest, and sweet. If Ale really were dead, I'm certain that they'd have a happy life together.

Still, I'm not surprised that Alejandro woke up at precisely the same moment that Montse accepted J-L. Nothing seems to stimulate brain waves in Ale like jealousy. He has super-sensory abilities where J-L and Montse are concerned and even in his vegetal state thousands of miles away from Agua Azul, he must have felt that not only were they in close physical proximity again but also making a commitment to share their lives.

If I were a Telenovela doctor, I would be certain that this gave him the surge of neurotransmitters he needed to regain consciousness.

Thanks again, Urban Anthropologist. It's always a pleasure to have your recap to read on my morning subway ride!

I did a little reading on the subject of comas and one thing that gets done now is the induction of mild hypothermia to wake the patient up. It doesn't always work, but it would be interesting to know how many people it saves from spending years in that condition.

Still wondering how they ended up in Argentina.


Urban, ITA about Laurito and Dimitrio. Although Dimitrio had been rehabilitated to a great extent this situation with the phone call shows how much farther he has to go.


Awesome recap!! Just one little thing, the date on the headline says 5/4 but it should be 5/5.

I felt an awful sense of dread seeing JL so happy. He will be utterly devastated when Ale returns. Not only will he lose Montse but this time a family too. Maybe this will be what pushes him to a dark side.

Finally an episode where Rosario only cried through half of it. Making progress ;)

Lauro and Victoria are just too cute.

I actually felt sorry for Fabs. She really is all alone. She has never known love and thus doesn't know how to care about anyone but herself. I hope she is redeemed.

Really hope we get a Dim/Fina encounter tonight.

Wouldn't it be nice if Pedro's plane went down on his way to Argentina too?!

great recap, UA. LOVED:

As he kissed her he knew he had never been happier in his entire life. He was not thinking of the spectre of the blond Adonis that could come between them.

There would be a long and winding road ahead that he couldn't see.


So Princess Leia (the luminous, confident, now ex-fenomena Fina) is returning to Aguazul. Will she dismiss her Han Solo (Dimsum) shouting to the world that I don’t need a man to validate myself?

Love that rascal Laurito! I always crack up when my grandson plays practical jokes on us.

Loved the scene between Dim and Montse, (he giving her big brotherly advice). That interaction rang true to me.

(Montse and Dimi are so tight that I can't wait for the tonguelashing Fina is bound to get from Montse for abandoning her brother).

Can’t wait for Pedro to kidnap that brat Victoria. Maybe he and Amelia can get her to finally shut the hell up and learn some manners!


Wow Oxnard! Pretty harsh on little Victoria. The fact that you call Lauro a rascal but Victoria a brat and that she should be taught manners tells me you have a problem with girls. Lauro talks just as much as Victoria, and Lauro lying to Monica is much more manner-less than what? Victoria kissing Ale so he will wake up?There is no difference in their interactions with others. You need to reflect a little.

A lovely recap UA. As I have often said, you write beautifully.

So many wonderful lines including "He was not thinking of the spectre of the blond Adonis that could come between them". Indeed.

I just felt very sad watching JL and Monse, painfully trying to recapture something that is but a shadow of what it was.

Refugio does not deserve Esme. Period.

Dim certainly did not act in a gentlemenly manner toward Monica either.

Enjoyed all the commments.Thanks UA for another masterful summary.


Thanks for this excellent recap, UA. Very nicely detailed and rich in translated dialogue. I like very much the rather darkish mood you manage to invoke.This made me smile:

"After his brief visit to the afterlife, Alejandro Almonte opened his pale green eyes..."

because during the scene with Lauro, I was wondering if they had been standing there in that whiteness chatting for the past seven years. I can't imagine enduring a ten minute conversation with either, much less seven years. Surely poor Lauro must be anxious to get on with the afterlife and Alejandro must be anxious to get back to his... ummm... Tundra.

So far I'm finding Victoria to be a delightful, precocious, thoughtful child. Clearly, opinions vary.


"I too was aghast at the ring in the bottle. Honestly, take it off, but just maybe you could have saved that for your son?"


I'm hoping that Amelia turns on Pedro and brings in reinforcements, namely Robledo, who already has a dislike for him, and Prudencia, who seems to have a way of making things happen.

I still don't care much for JL, but I certainly can't criticize the way he is proceeding in his wooing of Montse (as well as Laurito and Rosario). I do however think that tattoo is unfortunate.

It'll be fun to see how Dimitrio explains his son to Cap'n Monica. I wonder how much of a sense of humor she has and just how indulgent she is of impetuous children?

Where's María? Am I the only one missing her?


To Urban Anthropologist: How did they end up in Argentina?
Well the recap of Chapter # 114 the comment was made: "The plane meant to take Victor and Nadia, the abused wife of the mayor, to Argentina would also take Alejandro and his family."
Actually in an earlier episode (which I cannot place), Victor made some comment that he and Nadia would take a small plane to -- here I am just making the country up -- "el Salvador" and then take another larger plane (commercial ?) to Argentina. So his plan all along had been to go to Argentina. He liked that it was far away from Pedro. So after the little plane crashed and they all washed up on shore including the bag full of Ale's money, Victor continued with his plan and they fled to Argentina. (How? this is a TN and requires a beanie with a propeller attached to it I am humming "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" as I write these lines.

Urban - Terrific recap. I missed the show last night but feel like I was right there.

I feel much worse for JL's turmoil when Ale returns than for Ale's turmoil when he discovers JL made great strides with his family and maybe even the Tundra too.

Sounds like Victoria has carácter. Goodie. Maybe she'll be a foil for Pedro.

UA: loving the noir recaps.

I only caught the last few minutes and admit that Mons had me in tears. AB really does the heartbreak scenes well. I agree about the ring thing.

Looks like I’m going to be watching a lot of this ep tonight. All the Fina scenes, of course, and the JL/Laurito/Mons/Ros scenes, too (among others).

Carlos: believe it or not, I’m anxious for Maria to show up and to see if/how she’s changed in seven years.

If JL does have a dark side (and I can’t believe all that foreshadowing they did with the Rosario/JL scenes the other night will come to nothing), then I think Ale’s coming back and taking Mons away from JL, once again, will push him over the edge. We may be seeing a villainous JL soon.


Oh UA...Just loved the opening photo. So film noir, so fun.

And these characterizations:

pressure cooker with a loose lid

Then another fabulous photo showing Alejandro's equally fabulous shoulders and back...Mama mia! lest we forget!....

and then this lovely phrase
"...this would be a long and winding road that he couldn't see."

Indeed. José Luis is in line for another roadblock to his romantic amor plans. Will he join forces with Fabiola in revenge? Ugh. Hope not.

Agree about the ring scene. Hopelessly stupid.
Laurito on the phone, disturbing.
The specter of Pedro on his way to Argentina and Victor not at home to protect his wife and daughter-horrifying!

But the recap--simply superb. Thank you UA.

I strongly doubt that JL would even consider that. Fabiola is far too unstable and she's obsessed with him. He'll want to run as fast and as far as he can.

We know that sooner or later Monse will find out about JL's deal with her mother, which can put the same kibosh on the whole thing. He should have known better.

If Pedro and Josefina cross paths at the airport we're in for more violence.

UA thanks for another wonderful recap.

Julia R., I enjoy how your mind works (Ale woke up b/c of jealousy) so funny and in line w/the rage monster.

Pedro better not hurt Victoria. I know it's too soon but can't he die already.


"The fact that you call Lauro a rascal but Victoria a brat and that she should be taught manners tells me you have a problem with girls".

Huh? You misunderstand.

I very much like this telenovela and the articulate, creative people who contribute to this blog.

I just try to insert some comic relief into the mix.

Que viva el pueblo!


Oxnard: Sorry I misread the tone of your post. Humor always appreciated :)

I felt an awful sense of dread seeing JL so happy. He will be utterly devastated when Ale returns. Not only will he lose Montse but this time a family too. Maybe this will be what pushes him to a dark side.

I agree. I feel so bad for him. In fact the last few episodes, seeing him gain ground with Montse has kept reminding me of this quote from The Dark Knight "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." I fear this will be Jose Luis's fate, though I hope I'm wrong and he gets a happy ending. Hopefully with Monica.

Anon: I love your Dark Knight quote. I fear it will come true! I agree it would be nice if he and Monica get together but its hard to see him have feelings for anyone other than Montse. I think he loved Angelica but not with the passion or intensity he has for Montse. And funnily, I think that is how Montse now views JL. A calming, easy love but devoid of heat.

Carvivlie- That's a great comparison. Monse loves JL the way he loved Angie; and JL loves Monse the way she loves Ale.

And of course, Angie and Ale didn't have eyes for anyone else except JL and Monse. Except Angie loved JL with an unconditional, unselfish love. And Ale's love is a possessive, jealous love.

Carlos, mi amigo. I got a giggle out of your comment on impetuous children being followed by " Where's Maria?" Teehee

Urban, another excellent recap. Your writing makes me feel like I'm reading a novel. Thanks!

Susanlynn, agree with you on the "happy family unit" scene being truly touching, but at the same time we have indications that our Sleeping Prince is about to wake from his sleep and undoubtedly try to reclaim his family. It will be a another sad experience for JL to go through, and like others, I fear that dark side that Rosario fears surfacing in him. Glad that they are all happy, at least for now.

Can't wait for tonight and see what happens with Pedro's arrival in Argentina. I fear for Nadia, her family and Ale, once Pedro finds out they are alive. His desires for vengeance will come back full force!

Also, really enjoying the two little ones. Glad to get more time with them last night, Laurito being a little imp, and Vicki so sweet and loving. Pedro, stay away from the children!!!


I just had a moment.

I now realize that both Ale and JL have served 7 year sentences in their own way.

Since Ale is about to return to consciousness, it appears that the writers have set us up for a reprise of the race to see who can win Montse's ultimate affections.


OH (NAM): "I now realize that both Ale and JL have served 7 year sentences in their own way."--so very true.

Urban A,
Thanks for the film noir recap. I always enjoy reading them. Great detail and visual perspective.

I so enjoyed the family scenes last night. JL is not my favorite, but he does the family man role pretty good. As some have already noted, I was glad that Montse was clear with JL about her feelings toward him. I have a hunch that issue might come up later. Like when Ale comed back to fight for Montse and JL says that she loves him, not Ale. She told him "I love you", not "I'm in love with you." Anyway, enough about he said, she said. We NEED Ale back. Can he wake up already! Seriously, I am having withdrawls. I need me some Alejandro Almonte! STAT!

I love Laurito and Victoria. They are so cute. I don't like the fact that Pedo is heading to Argentina. Look out Nadia! I mean, be careful.

I hope to see Fina and Dimi tonight. Can't wait.

Back to work...hasta pronto!

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