Monday, May 05, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 5/5/14 (#85): Taste and the Tasteless

Ana Sofia (AS) gets to her friend Chabelita's hacienda (it looks VERY familiar) and tells the loan shark to wait outside. This does not discourage him in the least.

At home, after school, Lupe introduces Emiliano to his father. Alejo (Ahole) puts on an impressive display. Emiliano maintains a poker face. Lupita's face is moist.

Ahole has a gift for Emiliano. He hugs the overwhelmed boy and pressures Lupe about the name change. While the grownups step outside to talk, Emil looks really pleased with his gift but I don't think we see what it is. Or maybe he's just happy that he thinks he won't have to sneak around any more.

Lupe warns Ahole not to take advantage of Emiliano. She'll be watching him, and he'd better be careful.

At the Cafe Popular, Mini comments on Miguel Angelo (MA)'s non-designer clothing. Mini says she's found no evidence to help him yet, but she happens to know that Ahole has a son! Mini is personally offended that he went and had a kid with someone behind her back. The tramp's name is Menchaca, she says. MA doesn't try very hard to look surprised. She tries to find out who he's been seeing. He tells her they'd better not keep meeting if she's hoping to get back with him. He especially doesn't want her to make Ahole suspicious. Most of all, he really values their new "friendship"!

AS and Chabelita sip something that looks cool and refreshing and delicious. AS says that Charles and Camila will be at the wedding, and of course all the crowned heads of Spain and the rest of Europe, except maybe not Queen Elizabeth because she's old and doesn't get out much. You know, a small and intimate affair, family only. Chabelita is happy to let AS use the hacienda for the wedding. She also agrees to put up Maca's family because the city air doesn't agree with them.

Sharky interrupts: he desperately needs to go pipi. AS tells Chabelita he's the new chauffeur and she'll probably have to fire him. The two women commiserate about how hard it is to find good help these days.

AS urges Chabelita to keep all of this wedding stuff under her hat. She wouldn't want her friends at the club to find out about the wedding; they won't be invited. And if word got out, it would be in all the papers and magazines. Yes. Chabelita's precious hacienda on TV. Chabelita promises to keep the secret.

Poor Sharky doesn't realize right away that the place was only secured for a wedding, and not for AS to have a tryst with him. He thinks they should hit a hotel on the way home.

MA advises Nepo to seek treatment for his OCD regarding Lupita. Luckily, Nepo has been working on the juice business. Is it a marketing plan? A budget? No, it's a drawing of the juice stand. He has changed the name to "Juices of the Ingrate" because, he says, "Lupita Juice" had a bitter sound to it. He can't wait to get his hands on that Angel Ruizpalacios guy.

Frida argues with Leo about marrying Maca for money. Diego walks in on the middle of this and is surprised to hear that Leo is engaged. "Oh yeah, sorry you're not invited to the wedding. It's family only," Leo says. Diego can still take his art lessons somewhere else after Leo's gone off to live in his wife's castle. He gives Diego a book of poetry for inspiration.

Meanwhile, Tizoc is already composing poetry and music for Frida, but denies that it's about her when she catches him. They trade insults about his skin color and her homelessness.

Diego is still on the roof with Leo. He wants to know more about the Countess. "It's just that around the neighborhood, we all thought you had, er, different tastes."

Leo replies, "What? Perhaps YOU are the one with 'different tastes.'"

"No no, I'm into football. Mostly. And, uh, other stuff, but mostly football, I guess."

"Maybe you should go home and think about what else you're into. Or not think."

(It was way faster and more complicated than that. Also much funnier.)

Diego finally leaves to go home and think or not think about what might be tasty. Leo is very flustered.

Downstairs, Frida and Tizoc continue to fight until their "fight" ends up on his bed. She begins to protest, but he says "you shouldn't heat up the water and then not take a bath." Perhaps remembering how difficult it can be to get a boiler started, Frida agrees.

At the editorial, Mini's office is still being redecorated. Isela tells Mini about Leo's wedding. (Chabelita is not as discreet as, say, Gwendy.) "Is he marrying a man or a woman?" Mini asks. But she'd much rather obsess over MA.

Sharky is in a crummy mood because his little road trip with AS has not been turning out the way he imagined. He tells her she can either get in the front seat with him, or get out now and walk home. She agrees to sit up front, and he immediately begins pawing her. She is saved by the bell. (Glad everyone finally figured out how to change their ring tones.) It's Leo, complaining that everyone thinks he's gay. She tells him to "be zen" and hangs up on him. She tells Sharky Leo is having an emergency; he agrees to take her home forthwith.

But I think the question now is not WILL she end up in the shark's tank; the question is WHEN.

Chuy's home from a plumbing job and it seems he's done something to his foot or ankle. He asks if AS is home yet; Carmelita bristles. Lupe didn't know AS went "out" with Sharky. Carmelita assumes this means they're fooling around.

Tizoc was supposed to pick up some avocados, but Carmelita can't find them. Upon investigation, Lupita finds Tizoc's door locked. Frida and Tizoc, still fully clothed, panic. So what does Tizoc do? He takes off his shirt, covers himself in shaving cream, and answers the door (not letting Lupita look inside) saying that he's shaving his body to please the tourists, or something crazy like that.

Leo is happy his mother got them the hacienda for the wedding and lodging for the Countess's family, but what about everything else? The food, the flowers, etc. She's still working on that. As for Leo's other emergency, AS asks, are you sure they're only saying you're gay just to get under your skin?

Vilma comes home to dinner on the table, thanks to Adolfo, who also does a hilarious impression of Ahole. Vilma is not amused. She denies being in love with Ahole. Adolfo drops the subject and serves dinner. Vilma is so stunned and bewildered by his courtesy that she doesn't know what to do with herself.

Morning!! Lupita takes Emiliano to school and says they'll be going to Ahole's office after school. MA meets Lupita outside the school; she warns him that Ahole could see him. He just wants to know how she and Emil are doing. Actually, MA is worried that Ahole will win the boy over, and MA will be jealous.

Lupita doesn't think Emil will take to Ahole right away, but maybe he will lighten up a little now that he knows about his father. MA says Mini knows about the son and Mini thinks Ahole is planning to use the boy to satisfy the grandfather clause. Ever since Ahole's... accident, Emiliano might be his only chance.

Ahole tells Melina that if Guadalupe shows up, to have her wait in his office. Vilma insults Melina for no good reason as usual, and then Isela does too, but not without finding out about Guadalupe's visit first. Then Isela tells Mini, who licks her chops in anticipation of finally meeting her husband's baby-mama.

Chuy is still limping. Carmelita and Lupe wonder if he's secretly started training again. Carm takes this opportunity to call Chilly Killer (Chilaquiler, whatever). CK tells Carm about the fight he had with Chuy. But no, Chuy's not training again. "We were fighting over YOU, Carmelita!"

Nepo goes to the salon to apologize to Gwendy. He wants to be friends again, and to ask for a favor; they take the Banana Buggy to the RP office.

Inside, Gwendy speaks pretentiously to the receptionist to ask for Mr. Ruizpalacios. The receptionist calls upstairs to Melina to announce the arrival of the woman whom everyone assumes is Guadalupe Menchaca. ("She's very cheap-looking, equis," the receptionist tells Melina.) Gwendy is told to proceed to his office, and she gets lost in a maze of glass walls.

Melina is embroiled in a shouting match with, I assume, Vilma, and has to leave her desk just before Gwendy gets there. But that's no problem, because Mini and Isela are waiting for Gwendy.

Mini and Isela assume that Gwendy is Lupe. They tell her that Mr. RP is married and Mini is his wife. Gwendy doesn't have much opportunity to clarify anything; Isela tells her to move it or lose it. Gwendy sasses back, Mini slaps her and hurts her hand, Gwendy head-butts Isela, and then Mini and Gwendy commence hair-pulling.

Classy is as classy does!

Next Time: Ahole tries to seduce Lupita. Nepo has a gun. Hilarity ensues, I bet.


Yeah! I got a whole entire recap done before midnight!!


Thanks so very much for this very fab recap! I loved your line about the Banana Mobile and Chilly Killer!

Leo is protesting wayyyyy too much isn't he? Why did he tell AS everyone was thinking he was gay when it was on Deigo? Hmmm......

I am really liking Adolfo and Vilma. His imitation of Ahole was so spot on and she is very confused by all the nice things Adolfo has done for her. The meal looked delicious and I swear this is the first time I have seen a baddy cook like that, who knew!

I too think that Emi is pleased to not be sneaking around anymore, but I hope Ahole doesn't influence him and he ends up being stuck up, I hope Lupe nips that in the bud.

Mini, Isela and Guendy were too funny. I see Guendy has a great head butt move. I can't wait to see this hair pulling with Mini and Guendy. Bet Guendy wins!

Too funny with MA and Mini too, those big eyes of his had me cracking up.

Thanks again Julie, for this very fab recap!

Thanks Julie! I got up early this morning to watch because I HAD to see Güendy and Mini go at it. It was worth it.

Like Madelaine, I loved the Banana Mobile!

I'm worried about Nepo and that gun!

Thanks again!!

The hacienda looked like the one used for 'El Manantial'. maybe also for other tn's.

I didn't see El Manantial, but I think I've seen that hacienda somewhere else. But who knows. Many haciendas look alike at a casual glance, and my memory is not the most reliable...

It wasn't just Diego who thought Leo was gay. Diego said the whole neighborhood thinks he is. (The entire rest of the world thinks so too, but at least no one has told him that yet.)

On the AS and Chabela conversation Chabela asked if she had invited Obama and Michelle but not to invite the slutty blonde because she did not want any scandals... LOL!!! that was sooo good!

LOVED your recap, Julie!!
Loved your description of the awkward scene between Ahole, Emiliano and Lupita:

Alejo (Ahole) puts on an impressive display. Emiliano maintains a poker face. Lupita's face is moist.

LOVED Carmelita's face when she heard on phone from ChilaKiller that the fight with Chuy was about HER.
And the menu at Vilma's made me crack up laughing. He had fixed her 'sopa de letras' (alphabet soup) for first course. Seems that is the only thing he could find in the kitchen as a first course. LOL! I was laughing too hard and missed what he had fixed her as entree.

MA admitting to Lupe that part of the reason he was concerned about Emiliano and Alejo building a relationship was that he was scared that Alejo would take over the father figure from him. Lupita's smile at hearing that was priceless. But MA's puppy face was for the ages.

Too funny, tonight's episode on IMDB is titled "Peligro: hombre despechado", which matches the previews we saw last night...

have to say that I am impressed by Roberto Blandon here. He can deliver the comic lines like a comedy pro... Has he done more comedy before? Love him here with the double face of money laundering thug with a soft spot for Vilma!

Marta, thanks for such a great recap of such a great episode.

Also with " . . . the question now is not WILL she end up in the shark's tank; the question is WHEN." you hit it on the head with AS and don Salomon. As all of her relationships seem to be of some pragmatic benefit to herself, I could see don Salomon being useful in her current situation. I laughed when he told her "pare la trompita" (stop moving your cute little snout) when he was trying to kiss her.

Too bad for Guendy ( that she agreed to help out Nepo in his endless obsession with Lupita) by going to scope out Alejo. Very good for us because it was so funny.
Minerva sure was asking for it from the start telling Guendy that they only had coffee--no atole or champurrado. Hope we get to see more of the fight.

MA was right telling Nepo he needs a psychiatrist.
"Jugos Ingrata"? Guess his sketch could be called "art therapy." Nepo with a gun? Nightmare.

So glad that Diego brought up that everyone in the neighborhood thought Leonardo was gay in his conversation with Leonardo about the wedding. I wonder what Diego's poem will say. Will it be as ambiguous as their conversation about "different tastes"?

Good for Carmelita that the truth came out that don Chuy and Chilaquiles were fighting. So sad too bad he
hurt his knee! :)


Jarifa, this mahvelous recap was from Julie. i can't take the credit for those.

Thanks, Marta. Julie, thanks for the great recap. Fingers are moving faster than the brain this a.m.


this is certainly for AS to deal with as the saying goes: 'a quien no quiere caldo le dan tres tazas' (he/she who does not want soup will receive 3 bowls full).
She has three children (the only one doing as she says is DaVinci) that she would consider have gone to the dark side...
MA is a runaway from the law
Frida is interested in Tizoc (does AS know this for sure?)
and now Leo is labeled as 'gay'.

'porca miseria!!' indeed!!


Marta, I think Adolfo's entree was some type of chilaquiles dish. Which, potentially, could be very good... but it sounds as though he didn't have much to work with.

But at least Vilma didn't have to heat up the soup herself.

Marta, I don't think AS knows about Frida and Tizoc for sure. But she already considers Frida a mostly lost cause because of her fondness for the "proles."

Excellent recap, Julie. I missed the first few minutes, but I see Emi still hasn't given away that he and Alejo are already acquainted. Oh, well! I am glad that MA once again brought up the grandfather clause and warned Lupe that this is likely the reason Alejo is cozying up to her and Emi.

Anon 8:32- Roberto Blandon was an excellent comedic villain in Un Gancho Al Corazon-- he played a gangster named Oscar.

Thank you fro a great recap I have become confused as just who Adolpo is. Could someone bring me up to date? I can follow most of what is going on, but this has me puzzled.

Thanks so much for your recap Julie and congrats on finishing it before midnight.

I'm not liking Nepo's dark turn here. The road he is currently on will have him in cahoots w/Alejo in no time.

Typically women fighting is not a pretty sight but I can't wait to see the rest of Wendy vs Mini. Her headbutt to Isa made me squeal.

Marta, thanks for including the part of AS and Chabela's conversation about Obama and Michele; that was funny too.

emeraldrose - Adolfo is a money launderer who was working w/Alejo to discredit/convict MA.

emeraldrose- In addition to what Karen said about Adolfo, he was also an employee in the Ruizpalacios company (perhaps a lawyer?). After the fraud got exposed, Alejo also threw Adolfo under the bus to make it look like MA had been working with Adolfo to commit the fraud. That's why Adolfo is on the run, and also why he's ticked off at Alejo and threatening to reveal all if Alejo doesn't at least pay him off.

Wow, Julie. Good job. Great recap.

"Melina is embroiled in a shouting match with, I assume, Vilma..."

It looked to me as though she was scolding some guy for not making copies of some documents and left her station to go and do it herself.

Once again, this time while talking to his mom, Leo was holding up a coat hanger to improve his cell phone reception.

The little exchange between Leo indeed was funny, but also a little sad.

"AS and Chabelita sip something that looks cool and refreshing and delicious."

Wow, didn't it though? Reminded me a bit of a Pimm's Cup which has chunks of fruit cut up in it.


They did identify the drink at the end of the scene, but I missed what they called it. It looked like maybe a white wine sangria but that's not what they called it.

Emeraldrose - A little more about Adolfo: he is the guy who hooked up Bambi with Ahole. Bambi is the guy with the dirty money that was being "laundered" by Adolfo and Ahole through the RP company.

Adolfo was able to trick MA into the fraud so easily because MA believed that Adolfo had been one of his grandfather's most trusted colleagues. After the fraud, however, Mati told MA that the reason Grandpa kept Adolfo so close to him in the company was to keep an eye on him because he DIDN'T trust him.

But the guy knows how to open a can of soup and a bottle of wine, so he can't be all bad!

The beverage was an Italian wine called "Clerico". Never fails to amaze me the trivia I pick up from these novelas.


Thank you, Jarifa. Oh, looky looky... that is a white wine sangria:!4364/clerico-sangria-blanco

Thanks for the recap, Julie!

This was a fun eposide. Favorite scenes were the cat fight between Mini and Gwendy and the head bump for Isela, OUCH!

MA telling Nepo to seek help for his OCD, LOL. And that he needs to let go of the Lupita thing already.

Adolfo's perfect imitation of Alejo. Though he seems to really like Vilma, I also wonder if he would try to use her to get some more information that would help him against Alejo.

My favorite scene was Leo and Diego talking (sort of)about their 'different tastes'. It seemed at first that Leo didn't want to tell Diego about the wedding. Then at the end Leo trying to 'block' their conversation from his head was too funny and also very telling. I think he may be starting to have feelings towards Diego though he does not even realize it yet.


I think Adolfo would be very proud of himself if he could seduce someone like Vilma. The thrill of that pursuit might be motivation enough. Plus he's cooped up in her apartment with nothing else to do.

But we've seen his stone-cold side before, and I think he'd throw her to the lions without a second thought if it would guarantee success against Alejo.

Another great recap! Thanks, Julie.
I'm still enjoying the romance between Tizoc and Frida. I loved the "boiler talk" and your reminder of Frida's previous encounter with the boiler. As to AS in "the shark's tank" - now that's an image I won't be able to forget!
My cell phone reception isn't too great here, do you suppose that coat-hangar trick of Leo's really works?

Thanks, Julie. Love your title, and also the comments about Frida and getting boilers started and the shark tank.

I'm just back from Panama and really looking forward to catching up on this show. So much fun stuff! I'm glad Frida and Tizoc seem to be connecting again. They are funny and charming together. I also like Diego and Leo's awkward relationship.

Can't wait to see Minerva vs. Guendy, too! They are both so fiesty, it's bound to be a crackling scene.

Julie, thanks for this great recap!

The last few minutes of this episode were great. I'm looking forward to seeing the end of the fight.

It crossed my mind that Adolfo might want to use Vilma too. I guess time will tell. The idea that he's seducing her because he's cooped up and bored is funny and also pretty plausible. Either way Adolfo is enjoying himself. I do think think they make a good pair, and I would love to see Vilma get out from under Ahole's thumb.

I'm really curious to see how this wedding turns out.


Adolfo has been panting after Vilma from the very beginning. He may be bored, but I think that he is and was genuinely smitten with her.


Great recap Julie! This is my first time reading CC.

I think Chofi (AS) does know about Fri and Tizoc. When MA mentioned his relationship with Lupita to Chofi this was because the conversation started about Fri and Tizoc. However, the story seems to have minimized the Fri/Tizoc relationaship.

The scene with the shaving cream on Tizoc was funny! When Lupita asked, Tizoc told her that he had shaving cream on his chest because he was shaving for a bodybuilding competition. This in Spanish is a “competencia de fisicoculturismo”. Tizoc did not know or could not pronounce it so it came out “fisico turismo”. Lupita either did not know either or she went along with it. Fri did know and we see her mock Tizoc (in a loving and playful way) as she goes along with it and lets out a slight snicker as she leaves the room.


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