Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Por Siempre Mi Amor #108 (Mex #147) 5/5/14 Dr. Skankenstein is BSC, Dafne is Busted and fArt *Finally* Gets a Clue
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We finally know why Arturo is sooo stupid. |
Think I'll go and eat worms
Long ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones
See how they wriggle and squirm."
Labels: siempre
Really, I think the reason for the relatively low ratings this one had in Mexico was its time slot. This one didn't belong in the afternoon.
"Dr Skankenstein" -- good one! What I still want to know is why Osvy was so hot on the idea of fArt marrying her in the first place. Her anvil should be to end up in the giggle jacket herself in a facility for the criminally insane.
fArt earned an anvil when he threw Isabel out. I suspect he's going through its first stage now.
Loved how they outed the lame duck.
Do we know yet what replaces this?
Thank you, Xintperuvian for the stupendous recap and thank you for your consistency in the weekly recaps and pictures.
Tonight's episode for me was filled with mixed emotions, happiness and anger. Que the hell??? The witch doctor really carries a syringe in her purse. I just said that on Friday trying to add a bit of humor to my comment, not realizing that it was true. And boy is she strong, to carry a person and drag them while in stilettos. Unbelievable!! She is as crazy as the day is long!!!! I love the name Dr. Skankenstein, so fitting.
How much more does Isa have to suffer? Enough already! I can hear CD- saying I told you so, it's not going to end well for Isa.
Okay, Ileana, helped Isa escape and why aren't the police looking for Isa?
Are there only 2 officers in that department? The capture of Methusualah was ridiculous, I love what you wrote- "(Because every honest person runs like a rabbit when the cops show up.)" No one could call for back up while Feo roams free. I've had it!!!!!
Good for Daphne, her anvil fell fast!! I'm still laughing at your description of the fight-'Oh please, please. I am enjoying this so much. Please nobody separate them. Let these two fight it out to their mutual deaths in a big pile of bloody hair extensions, fake fingernails, and platform stilettos."
FInally Art awoke from his sleep and realized that she had been using them and was insanely jealous of Ara. Lucha never cared for Daphne and was as pleased as punch to pack the rest of her things.
Este, I'm glad that you are free but I wish that you took your time in taking Ara back.
I was happy for Borlas, a happy new life, rich with blessings.
Speaking of Dante-(Doesn't this firm have any security? Oh wait, it's Arturo's firm. What a silly question.)- excellent point. His anvil is past due.
The phone conversation- Feo knew that that the witch doctor has Isa. She is not to harm Isa but to kill Art. The witch doctor tells Feo that she will unmask him to everybody and he tells her that if she does he will kill her because she won't be the first. The witch doctor wants to know if Feo is fooling her.
For your first recap adventure-a job well done
"You two are soooo abused. Boo. Freaking. Hoo." and "I could just puke." really cracked me up.
UA-I saw a promo for two hours of DQTQTQ last night. I expect the next two months will just be the two hours of DQTQTQ since La Gata doesn't premiere until July. Looks like they may take a pass on Quiero Amarte.
It's really shameful that the editing of this series meant a lot of good stuff was missed by so many.
Just to clarify a little more, what Feo said to Marcela is that if she kills Isa, HE will kill Art. So, Feo's really the only thing keeping Isa alive right now. How ironic. The fact that Marcela can't reach Art by phone right now and confirm that he is well and alive, is what's driving her crazy (well, crazier than she already is).
I think the anvil the writers have to Ara is that just as she gets happy that she and Este are back together, with no more obstacles, she's going to find out she slept with his father. BOOM! But poor Esteban. He doesn't deserve the hurt from what he's about to learn about who the real Javier is.
I still hold out hope that Art will die, while saving Isabel. That would be a fitting end for him, and would leave Isa with something good if she saw his sacrifice.
I don't feel the list bit sad for Dafne. She had a very sweet deal and she messed it up all on her own.
I too wanted to puke hearing the conversation between fArt & ABrat concerning all the heathen masses trying to take advantage of their generosity, financial, emotional, social and moral only to be taken advantage of. Good thing they are perfect and there remains a gutter they can cast them back into.
Fernando - only have to outrun Meth Head
Meth Head - "Sing, sing a song, Sing out loud, Sing out strong"
The Duck - and if you don't get a rose you have to leave the house immediately
fArt - it takes a village to tell you, you're an idiot
Dante - cockroach everywhere
Marcela - "But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo"
Isabel - pincushion
Sonia - perhaps that wasn't an original idea
Esteban - "Once again it's Topsy Turvy Day"
ABrat - "you've got another thing comin"
I also don't feel sad for the duck. She will suffer.
Also feeling bad for Esteban because he doesn't deserve any of this.
Anyone else notice his resemblance to Victor Noriega? Predicting that these two will be cast as father and son someday.
Poor Esteban - from the frying pan into the fire. He just seems like a guy who will succumb to whomever grabs him next. Can't take some time out to be your own guy for a while?
Thanks much Xint - it was an action packed episode!
How's he going to live that down? Or right, just like his daughter, it'll roll right down his back and he'll come up smelling like roses - just like his daughter.
But at least change out the bedroom furniture? Ick!
I just can't imagine Isa returning to that house. That house where Art and Aranza welcomed Marcela with open arms. The woman who made Isa's life a living hell. How can Isa ever see that house as her home again?
Furthermore, who can blame fArt for Marcela wanting a primerib of man flesh, Isabel should have just shared him instead of hogging him all to herself.
Art FINALLY realized Isabel wasn't cheating on him.
Art and Aranza are both spoiled and stupid at the same time.
Big question is whether Isabel and the baby survive ?
Audrey, I was happy Daphne got kicked out of the mansion
Where is Osvi, who was pushing for Marcela ? Is he quiet now that Marcela has been exposed ?
I'm waiting for Esteban to find out that Aranza gave it up with Feo. Aranza is just like her father: sleep with the enemy and don't care about the consequences.
When are Dante's parents going to find out the hard truth about their son ?
Why would Art and Andrea trash Andrea? She tried to warn everyone about Feo .
What a great piece of luck for Feo that the hacienda had a maze.
Xint, you were spot on about the bitch fight between Aragant and Daffy. Who cares?
I still think Marcela is the perfect wife and mother for the De la Riva's.
Practically every villain in this TN has taken a crack at Isa. Who's next?
That was the dumbest escape scene ever...Ferd loping across the grass...and then , he and Methuseleh pursued by the police guy in the maze. really ????And Ferd gets away ??? Que?
The doll doctor is crazzzzy. Watching her plunging that needle into Isa was horrible. I am hoping that an enormous anvil is swaying above her. It looks like she will be taking Isa's room at the nut house.
I don't feel sympathy for The Duck, she did bring this on herself. I do think she should have been given at least 24 hrs to get her things in order. Oh, forgot when a judgement issued it's straight to the gallows.
fArt did get something from Dafne, plenty of air to fill that hot air balloon sized ego of his. ABrat got something, a soft resting place and place holder for Esteban as she played ride um cowboy with his daddy, knowing full well all she had to do was give a come hither look and Esteban would come a runnin. Esteban got something, a rebound he knew that adored him to help mend his broken heart and a human shield when ABrat's ex tried to kill him. Why they so butthurt?
Thanks for the entertainng recap and those wonderful lists...
Loved how they outed the lame duck.
You two are soooo abused. Boo. Freaking. Hoo." and "I could just puke." really cracked me up. (me too)
The Duck - and if you don't get a rose you have to leave the house immediately
description of the fight-'Oh please, please. I am enjoying this so much. Please nobody separate them.
Art - it takes a village to tell you, you're an idiot
Isabel - pincushion
tofie, this below was brilliant!
Oh, fArt and ABrat will come out of this smelling like a rose. They will blame everything on Isabel (& Andy) because Fernando after all wanted his revenge and they just innocent bystanders. Isabel and Esteban should thank the heavens if they are forgiven and really fortunate.
Who can blame fArt for Marcela wanting a primerib of man flesh, Isabel should have just shared him instead of hogging him all to herself.
I'm a little confused about what has changed that Fart now knows Isa didn't cheat. No one could prove that before since Fart only believed the video, so how has the truth been exposed. The convo was going so fast and furious, I couldn't keep up.
I guess I'm the only one that feels a little sad for the Duck. Again the Fart interfered (coddled the duck for years and fostered bad behavior) and now when the duck is beyond help, he throws her to the curb and says, "not my problem." At least give her a day or two to find a roof over head.
In addition to fArt being himself, why is it that he didn't turn until he heard about the child? Again no concern for your WIFE (or ex-wife) who has been through hell and back but the thought of your spawn makes you re-think it all. Ick. I want Vivi's ending w/his sacrificial death. As Audrey noted, how do you live down sleeping with the enemy (both fArt and the Brat)?
Tofie thanks for yet another great list.
CD, I like your scenario for Isa and the Brat. Now THAT would be must see TV.
Hi, martaivett...great to "see, you again. What was the last novela we watched together ?
tofie...best list ever. !!! I love your quick takes on theses people.
Well, if this novela teaches us anything , it is that , as in real life, some people are their own worst enemies. I personally know some.
I do not understand much Spanish, but I , too, thought that Ferd was threatening to kill fArt if The Doll Doc killed Isa.
If Isa ends up right back in the mansion with clueless fArt and spoiled , ungrateful Ara, I will need a strong cocktail. Well, I just read that a little alcohol is good for you , so....where is my Mojito. ?
Loved the title and laughed at the screen shot. Perfection! adding so much the excitement of this novela which still has us sitting on the edge of our seats.
"Let these two fight it out to their mutual deaths in a big pile of bloody hair extensions, fake fingernails, and platform stilettos" was one of my many favorites.
"At the police station, Mauricio tells Agent Rosas that Feo kidnapped Angel and tried to have Esteban put in prison for theft and fraud! Feo was willing to hurt his own sons". Yes, Xint. There were so many heinous deeds and events but except for the continual persecution of Isa, this remains the most disturbing aspect for me.
I don't know if the end will be satisfying. I want Art to go away and Isa and Gaby strike out on their own with their children. Mau and Andrea will be happy. I don't really care about the rest although I wish Este well.
Wonderful comments.
Thanks again Xint.
fArt, I think it's too little too late (I'll give you ten minutes). You are such a loser galan; Isa would be so much better off without you. You and Aranza should be forced to take care of the crazy doctor for the rest of her life. Great recap; still holding my breath. Cannot wait for the final four episodes!
Linda K
The only thing that might make him think otherwise is his knowing that Javier is actually Isa's ex, Fernando. Then, knowing how Isa felt about Feo, having sent him to jail and all, he would conclude that no way would Isa would cheat on him with Feo.
But even that seems a bit cerebral for fArt.
Today's best---She bitch slaps Aranza and Aranza bitch slaps her back---Doesn't this firm have security? Oh wait, it's Arturo's firm.---shades of Sonia. Are they sisters?---Maybe her parents are dead and propped up in rocking chairs somewhere.
So it took four against one last night and the Dodo bird Art didn't wake up until he heard the word baby. Oh! that did it. Isabel's carrying your baby? Oh golly.
Well Methusela sang like a canary
after he got caught. The clinic staff murders are now solved.
Audrey---Good point. Can Isa make that house her home?
OK, the Duck. Am I the only one with a heart? Yes I know, not a sweet little duckie but still---
do you guys want her to go back to her home where she will become even worse living with her fighting and unloving parents? I have said it before and I will say it again. After growing up with an unhappy childhood, all Dafne was looking and hoping for was a little happiness and was desperately seeking love that she never had before.
Tofie---You sure got Dante right.
The cockroach is everywhere.
Isabel the pincushion---oh, you're
Fernando---You only have to outrun
Meth Head. LOL
Tofie---So what will the Duck do now? Will she take a crack at becoming a lawyer or will she end up as you have said, feeding the ducks in Central Park?
the gringo
fArt... I bet Guy will think it over before he accepts another role with that name... LOL!
Susanlynn... LOVED: " Arturo notices that Bruno is lost in thought." Bruno is lost all right, but thought has nothing to do with it.
and i think our last novela commenting to gether was Cuando me Enamoro... before that maybe Eva Luna.
I think old Ozvi had the hots for Dr. Skank. She always seemed to cozy up to him while Isabel kept to the normal father, daughter-in-law relationship.
I wonder when Sonia will get her anvil?
Anyone who finds herself in such a position that she lives with a classmate should be looking to the day when she has a career and an apartment. Instead the Duck is looking to become Aranza.
Prediction: She will fall into the hands of a pimp.
the gringo
She had toxic parents and as has been said fArt isn't the best father figure either. And as far as Ara goes, she was one selfish friend. Did she really ever listen to Dafne? I don't think there is a lot of difference between Ara and Dafne.
Don't understand how the writers have kept Fernando one step ahead of everyone else the whole time and suddenly he pulls a bonehead move like running away in front of the cops. Really?
hope the best for Dafne, that she learns her lesson and gets her life together. She hasn't robbed a 7-11 or killed anyone. Let's not put her on the ant hill beside
FeVier. It's not too late for her.
the gringo
Anyway! I hate dumb art cuz he's so dumb. And I hate arranza cuz she's such a *bleep* & traitor to her friend dafne the duck as you all call her. Like just like that they kick her out! Pfft! So much for "loving" her like she was part of their family! And all because of ONE damn lie! Like they didn't even bothered to ask why she lied to them! Like they were just so focused on their own pain like omg boo-hoo! We don't care! -_- And they were SO quick to kick her out that it almost seemed like they were just looking for an excuse to get rid of the "burden" they did not want to deal with anymore & so this was the perfect way to lift that burden off their shoulders! That's just terrible! And also notice how QUICK arranza went to tell that jerk esteban about all of this which was SO convenient for him cuz now HE had a reason aka excuse to break up with dafne cuz he couldn't just tell her himself! -_- how pathetic. What else? Oh, yeah Illeana is awesome! All telling dumb art about the truth, like yeah! You tell him, girl! :D
And then of course the best part of the show is every scene FeVier is in! ;) like didn't u guys missed him in yesterday's episode like it just wasn't the same without him? ;) c'mon, admit it already ppl! He's what makes this show fun & watchable! Like he totally steals the show! I just like how quickly he figures out everything cuz of his awesome henchman who fills him in on what's happening which is why he's always one step ahead of all the idiots in dumb-town! He's just too clever for these protagonists! Which is why I think he should not be able to go down easily without a fight! So don't disappoint me, writers!
~ FeVier fan ;) P.S. my mom wants me to deliver this message to all of you: the new official name of this show should be called "Por Siempre Tonta"! Get it? Cuz of dumb Isa? XD lol that is all.
The center of the universe was fArt's world but in an alternative universe we have Agatha & Gil, Dan & Mari, Ileana & Borlas, Ileana's parents, Mau & Andy and Edgar & Gabi.
Esteban is being sucked into the fArts world by Aranza so he perhaps is lost.
70% Death
20% Prison
10% Disfigurement
50% Death
50% Prison
50% Prison
33% Death
17% Banishment
40% Death
40% Prison
20% Disfigurement (which seems a bit redundant to me)
43% Prison
29% Madness
29% Death
67% Helplessness*
33% Banishment
Both Art and Aranza got 100% Banishment
Not long before we know whether we've called it correctly.
~ FeVier fan ;)
*Helplessness will be defined as being paralyzed in such a way as to require constant help from others who are in a position to control their lives. This strikes me as a particularly galling punishment for control freaks and puppet masters.
20% prison
10% disfigurement"
^ omg 70% dying?! :( nooo! Well, at least it's better than him ending up being bullied in prison cuz THAT I do not want to see! :/ As for 10% disfigurement, eh don't really see that happening to him & it wouldn't be the proper punishment for him cuz it seems pointless when he's already been somewhat disfigured in the beginning after he escaped prison. So he's already been disfigured and he's already been in prison so I guess the proper "punishment" left for him is death, I guess. :/ So if that's he case, then let me be the first to say: R.I.P. FeVier, the greatest telenovela villain ever! You will be missed. ;(
~ FeVier fan ;)
Did you notice that *both* times, first when Arturo discarded Isabel and then Dafne, he used the phrase, "This is how you pay me back?" He clearly thinks those around him owe him something for being in his mere presence. Art has an overblown sense of self-worth that he's passed on to his not-so-darling daughter.
~ FeVier fan ;)
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