Monday, May 05, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of May 5, 2014

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Enjoy the week.

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Decie---ooh, I forgot about Raq ordering Sofia's puppy killed. There's no doubt, Raq gotta die hard.
J in Oregon

So the Altamira boys are all unlucky at love. Well if you didn't choose an impostor, a mafia murderess and the port skank you might have better luck. On the other hand considering who their mother is they might not be able to do any better. Am I the only one who thinks it odd that the boys use their mother's name, and never mention Papa? I guess the poor dude was nothing more than an inconvenient sperm donor for the black widow that is Raqevil.

So we move from a sadistic men's prison to a sadistic woman's prison. Yawn so cliched.

Raq really can't resist gloating. One hopes it comes back to bite her.

Mariana runner up in the mother of the year contest keeps making Sofia lie. I'm hoping the little girl accidentally tells Dumb Ed that the kidnapper and mommy are pals and there is a nasty man that keeps coming to see her.

Apparently a lightening bolt hit Blanca and made her realize that one Raq played her and oops probably did the same thing to Adriano. At least she had the sense to apologize to him.

Costume designers not doing the men any favors either. Did anyone note those skinny pants on Jorge that made him look like a stork?

Two things I desperately DO NOT WANT TO SEE, Ed going back to Mariana and Blanca being pregnant.


Decie G, perish the thought of Blanca with child and those boys do pick winners don't they.

Blanca - apology a day late and a dollar short

Ed - honeymoon suite deposit is non reimbursable

Rafa - boo hoo nobody wuvs me

Hugo - suck it up kid you're on your own

Sofia - kids remember everything

Raquel - victory dance

Cat - just make copies

Ramon - you're asking a lot from her

Salvador - love sick puppy

Jorge - VP of Wine & Dine

Domingo - when on the lam the last place to visit for a chat is the jailhouse



I too thought Domingo was crazy to show his face in the prison but it if Telenovelaland after all.

We often laugh about the horrific mockery of the Mexican judicial system but last night was the topper. Jorge the Whiner telling the court that Blanca's sister had lied about a pregnancy. As if that had anything to do with anything. I guess the idea was to plant it in everyone's mind that the whole family is nothing but a bunch of low life liars. And then he goes on and talks about how ambitious Blanca is. To his credit he did say he didn't think she was capable of murder. I wonder what he will do when he finds out how capable of murder his dear mother is.

I am amazed that all of you have such good memories and I seem to forget everything. I completely forgot about the puppy pet departure, and now that I remember it I also remember thinking how sadistic the woman was. There have been some other things others have brought up that once mentioned they were important and I had forgotten. Thank you for the memory jogs.

In real life the Ramon/Catalina relationship would not work but this is a story and I hope they do get together. It has been noted that he is a good photographer and with the right connections he could probably do well. She has connections and a desire to work. I hope the writers see fit....

So we definitely know for positive sure that Raq. killed her husband.

Sophie keeps telling the wrong people about the kidnapper. It's tough to be a little girl and no one listen. This is real life. Once when I was small a man told me my aunt was sick and my mother told him to find me and take me to them. I knew it wasn't true and when he saw my dog he let me walk away. Mom did nothing when I told her. Later when I was older I told her again and asked her why she didn't do anything, and she told me I was a child and didn't think much of it. If she had known she would have called the police. I know how Sophia feels.

Wonder what happens to Adriano if he does escape and gets caught. More prison time?

It is horrible to think that Ed is unknowingly leaving his child in the hands of a murderess. I agree...Sophia will need psychological help for a very long time.

Decie, about the "trial" scene, which seems more like a back and forth dialogue between the accused and the witness (Eduardo) simply standing up in the middle of his testimony and saying, "this is too hard, I can't do it any more", and walking out of the witness box.
I sure hope this is just poetic license on the part of these writers, I can't imagine a U.S. TV show taking so many liberties with the judicial system...
J in O

the whole trial thingie with Ed was just his feeble attempt at closure

What a depressing episode. I can't get the ending off my mind.

Whaaaat the heck? Huh?
They can't just do that to Adriano...can they?
Somebody else is going to have to be the first to say it. I can't say it.

J in O

This is just crazy!! The one thing that I was looking forward to was for Adriano and his Valentina and son to end up happily ever after. If the good guys keep dying left and right then this may be the worst novela ever. I think Ramon may be next. What a waste of my time not to have the ones you are rooting for come out on top. :(

Tori in Texas

It is the next day and I am still depressed after that ending. NOOOOOOOOO! Adriano was one of the main heroes! ...Catalina sides with corrupt Daddy. Ugh! I hope there are a lot of complaints!

I'm sure that Adriano will survive. I'm always amazed that people have these great falls and don't even break a bone. As has been said i'm looking forward to Val and Adriano and their child being reunited. If they kill him off well I may just take a hike like I've done on other shows. While this is supposedly the love story of Blanca and Ed in reality it is Val and Adriano's love story we want to see.

It is time for Raqevils's house of cards to begin to fall. With 40 episodes to go she needs to begin being hit with her well earned anvils.

What was with her talking to Rafa the Rat about DNA again? Loved how she swans into Ivan's, was told he didn't want to see anyone, snapped that doesn't include me and then caught him with two young honeys. She is bound to take that as a betrayal so perhaps the two of them will begin to have a falling out.

He thinks she is jealous but he doesn't' know her as well as he thinks. I'm actually hoping she falls into bed to Rafa again and gets caught so that ivan who doesn't seem to mind betrayal in business but is death on personal betrayal might just take out a gun and blow her away.

What is with this trend lately in novelas of just piling it on. Adriano has ben dumped on every possible way, Blanca is getting the same treatment. Don't the writers realize that enough is enough.

I thought Cat had told Clemente she would try to stop Ramon but in the end when Ramon told her he must she didn't try to stop him. Raquel told Rafa they needed to make the DNA results disappear. I understood that to mean it no longer would be available proof Rafa was Adriano's son since they already have the money.

I still don't feel one bit of sympathy for Blanca and likely she will get Leticia, Socorro and Salvador killed. That girl is toxic waste to me. Ramon probably has signed his own death warrant if he takes the doctored documents to the authorities.

I'm with some of the rest of you and don't care one bit about the Ed & Blanca show and hope Adriano pops up, brushes himself off and does something stupid again. Otherwise, there is no reason for Cat or Ramon to pursue justice or for a son to be found or for Val to wake up and we're left with 40 more episodes of Ed's whining and moping and a soggy Blanca. No thanks

Sofia - your momma sure got lots of men friends in and out of her apartment

Hugo - guilt by association

Leticia - 30 years for sleeping with Raquel's husband, hope it was worth it

Blanca - should have quit when you were ahead

Ed - good god man you only knew the girl a couple months and sell the house, the business and want to kill yourself

Raquel - jealous, whos jealous, my bras nicer than theirs

Ivan - dammit, next time I'll get 3 girls

Adriano - well that plan didn't work

Ramon - no way out of this unscathed

Salvador - cruisin for a bruisin


It's interesting to me that the once feisty Blanca has briefly shown up in prison. I hate to say it but i'm betting she is pregnant and will lose the baby, after the abuse she has taken she should. Then she can honestly say that Raqevil has taken everything from her.

Ed is actually surprisingly less mopey than most galans. He is selling his new house, his business and doing everything he can to forget Blanca. He is not falling into the bottomless bottle of tequila most of them resort to. Of course when he learns what a murdering beyoch his mother is and how everything was a set up that bottle might come in handy.

Sofia may be the one to start the unraveling when she told Chris about Rafa and her mommy, but she really needs to spill about Ivan. I detest Mariana for making the child lie and I'm not crazy about the way Sofia treated Hugo.

Cat needs to pick a position and stick to it. She gets all elf righteous with Clemente but then tries to get Ramon to back off. Either you have ethics or you don't.She should try to convince daddy to turn on Raqevil.

Oh that suit with the skinny pants looks horrible on jorge and doesn't Telemndo have a budget for razors. Enough with all the stubble on the men folk.

If her character runs true Raquel must now kill Ivan because he betrayed her, and pin it on someone else.

To think, none of this would have happened if the priest had just gone to the authorities with Tuertos tape rather than got to Raquels office first to tell her what a bad person she is. She already knew that. The orphanage kid told her. (one of my favorite scenes is when the orphan boy told her how bad she was). Of course the story would have been over if he had done the right thing.


I agree that Raq won't take what ivan did lying down, pun intended. In the end I can see the two of them having a falling out and going after each other while somehow Val the missing escapes, Adriano lives, Chris who appears to be the only Altamira boy who has big chunks of information starts to develop a spine and the barrio folk just keep twittering away.

I was really ticked at Snoopy's attitude about Blanca's prison sentence. She is just useless and her disloyalty is right up there with Rafa. The two of them want life on easy street without having to work for it, know nothing of family loyalty and are so selfish they deserve rotten endings - he'll get one but she probably won't. More's the pity.

Yah, Adriano must survive. We've seen people survive worse, right? (In other shows, I mean)

April, oh I remember the orphanage kid telling Raq off. I wonder if they will bring all the kids back to the Casa-Hogar at the end?

Decie: When Raq waltzed into Ivan's room, she didn't even stop to have that shocked moment of surprise (refer back to Catalina in same situation).
Had to laugh...the two floozies on the bed had bright shiny purple/red bras. We need a giant bra smack-down finale!!!!

J in O

Yeah, Cat is all over the place. She's not stupid and has to know that whatever she provides Ramon is going to be used. Why is she doing this really? When Ramon in the pen she acted like she liked him but now they talk and act like brother and sister. Is she really trying to right a wrong and pissed at dad or is it all for Ramon?

Clemente seems to believe Cat and Ramon an item because he assumed Ramon at her apartment when he visited to ask her about being in his office.

Totally different subject but I thought it funny when Chris and Jorge were discussing the company and their inheritance and I thought what company since Ivan is knee deep in it and the inheritance money is Adriano's.


And to think Jorge thinks Blanca and her family are money obsessed. This from the dude who pretended to be a poor artist and later had a passing fling at being a priest. And Chris of all people should know how bad the family finances are since his poor decisions brought them to this point in the first place, at least according to his mother.

Do all the bros know that Mama was sleeping with Rafa?
Didn't Chris tell at least one of them?...
J in O

I think Chris only told Cat about finding Raq revolcando en la cama with Rafa.

Ramon ended his romantic relationship with Cat over her "betrayal" for not telling him something she knew (about her dad putting him in jail, I think), much to Cat's chagrin. Then he relented to get her help in getting to the bottom of Memo's death to clear Adriano. She accepted to stay near him. Thus the "brother/sister" behavior. Neither knew the investigation would come right back to Cat's dad. Ramon wanted to go to the officials right away. Like the good daughter, she tried to persuade Ramon not to, but didn't you all note, she didn't try very hard? I think she wants to be with Ramon more than she wants to be with her Daddy.

I've been away and am hurrying to catch up. Sorry, but I shed nary a tear over Blanca's treatment in prison. She has the same look on her face that she had when she was free and had Ed's love to make her smile--Not.

So, I left the agile duo climbing a tower and getting ready to drop into (or out of) a prison yard. The whole caper was so laughable, as if he could get out.... There is Adriano hanging by a fingernail when the guards pull out their pistols and train them on the orange jump suit. Why on earth didn't he take it off and escape in his skivvies? My guess is the bullet is going to find long-haired guy first.

Glad to know you all think Addie will probably live. Will go check it out now.


Oh, I was going to comment on their effective way to reduce the prison overpopulation. Kill them off, let visitors kill them and/or let other inmates take each other out. Frees up cell space right away.

Jorge has certainly turned into a self righteous prick. Lecturing the skank about never forgiving her. This from someone who spent months lying to everyone about who he was. Perhaps he is developing a conscience — oh wait conscience and Altamira don't go together.

Raq's little kingdom of evil is slowly, very slowly beginning to come apart. She sends her thugs to get rid of Ramon but said tough guys are routed by a girl with a bottle. Hilarious watching her lead henchman running. I think the fact that she sent them right into Cat's place will be the trigger for Cat and or Clemente to spill the beans.

I was mystified about what Ivan's plans are involving Sofia. Can anyone clue me in?

Can't help wondering if Ed will accidentally pick up his mother's phone and see Blanca being tormented in prison and wonder why his mother would have the picture.

I was wondering when we saw that prisoner apparently being taken out to a mental asylum if Blanca will fake being nuts, and get sent to the manicomio at the end of the earth where she and Val can get together and bring down Raq. If I were writing this that's what I would do.

One more reason I think Ed is the missing son. Raq constantly disses Adriano to him feeding him lie after lie to make him hate the other man. She doesn't focus as much attention on doing that with the other two.

Rafa! No redemption for him. I just want someone to put a bullet in his head and I don't care who. He is such a craven coward, he has betrayed absolutely everyone — except Mariana and that can't be far behind. He really is a loathsome character.


Oh, boy. Adriano ain't dead yet, I believe Blanca did get a clue to her escape and feign cray,cray, Sofia on a gun running road trip to make it look like a family outing, Salvador threatens to call the Human Right Commission and Cat without hesitation takes on two bad dudes threatening her boo.

Jorge - a walking, talking contradiction

Salvador - she'll never look at you like that

Blanca - please stay right where you are

Sofia - just think of all those roadside attractions

Ivan - like to dig your eyes out with a rusty fork

Ramon - now that can't be no surprise to ya

Cat - still on the fence?

Ed - try Escort it sounds a little better

Raquel - uh, I was at a friends slumber party, didn't I tell you


Thinking about poor little Sofia and the horrendous shocks waiting for her. Can't help but think if they aren't careful in ten years they'll have PSMA's Aranaza on their hands.

Ed is still digging his heels in trying to get info on Valentina. Can't help wondering if this is the famous "call of the blood".

As things stand now Sal does have a chance albeit a slim one of winning Blanca. She has said repeatedly she would have nothing to do with the son of the woman who killed her father so it is put up or shut up time. Obviously Ed is going to rip into her and I can see her eventually strolling out of the prison and finding Sal waiting for her and her leaving Ed temporarily in the dust.

oh yes, Sofia will be one mess. Mother contract killer & drug runner, men just showing up unannounced day and night, father meets, introduces and humiliated at the alter all within the span of a couple months, everyone lies to her and pretends she hasn't any eyes or ears, grandma wielding power over the whole town with a chainsaw, great grandpa complicit in drugging his own daughter, uncle in love with her mother, road trip with a kidnapper, no wonder the little girl ain't eating.


Does Ed know that Chris is lusting after his ex? Or is Mopey Jorge the only one who knows. Sofia knows something but i'm not sure she gets it but I don't think she mentioned it to Ed. What I really want to see happen is for Sofia to mention Ivan but at this point she has no frame of reference for him he is just another guy. If Ivan somehow appears in the context of the family she might say something which should set off alarm bells with Ed but then again who knows.

humm, hadn't thought of the Ivan angle and he is pressuring Raquel to introduce him as her bf to the family. Instead she is creeping

I always assume characters know more secrets than actually do. I think Sofia did tell Chris that Rafa wanted to be her Mama's boyfriend. And everyone now knows that Rafa is not Adriano's son. But Rafa told Ed that Adriano put Rafa up to the lie. Am I right?
J in O

I don't remember Sofia telling Chris that about Rafa but it could have happened. I do know that Rafa did tell Ed that it was all Adriano's idea so there would be two potential entries into the shipping business. Via Blanca and Rafa as the long lost son of Val's.

Big night tonight. Poor Soccoro. By the time this soap opera finishes there will not be anyone alive. (said sarcastically). Heart jumped when I saw Raq. in Adrianos room. Was waiting for the syringe to come out. Glad it was Ramone dropping by instead.

Odd that upon entering Cat's room to get to Ramone that the henchmen and friend did not go and look for Cat or to see if anyone else was in the room before threatening Ramone. It was Cat's place not Ramon's. This time there were two of them. What ever happened with the police report from when Cat called the police. Cat. You have Raqs attention. Not a good thing.

I wonder why Sopia called Chris instead of Eduardo to come and get her? Would really like to know what she tells Chris and the police.

PS. Rafa also told ED he did the lie because Adriano threatened him that he would harm his family and Tita was all he had.

Nooooo...not Soccoro, I really liked her most of the time.

Adriano in the hospital was giving me flashbacks to "Corazon Valiente" when "Adriano" actor Manuel Landeta was a wrapped-up mummy in the hospital for weeks. That was because Landeta was having serious medical problems and couldn't be on set for a month or so.

Raq did say to Adriano that she wanted him to be alive to suffer knowing how he had ruined both Blanca's and Val's lives.

Blanca manages to maintain a perfect manicure with the mummy-gray polish.

Hospital allows folks to wander in and out of hospital room of a convicted prisoner? Don't think so.

Did Sofia say to Chris on the phone, when she called him to come and get her, not to tell her Papi? Can't remember why, though.

J, Still Reeling in Oregon


JnO, yep, that is what Sofia told Chris. Don't tell papa

I tell ya, being around Blanca is like living next to a toxic waste dump, Adriano's a prisoner in the pen for murder and nary a guard to be seen, Rafa speeding in a car with guns on board and a marriage proposal from Ivan. I laughed all the way through.

Cat - go ahead tell it to the world, won't ya

Ramon - Orphan this, orphan that, tell me something I don't know

Hugo - inconvenient afterthought

Sofia - National Lampoons Mexican Vacation

Mariana - not asking you to lie just don't tell the truth

Raquel - "I luh ya papi, I luh ya papi"

Ivan - made for each other

Adriano - good seeing ya but looks like you been rode hard and put up wet

Blanca - "You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit into the wind. You don't pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger..."

Socorro - get close to flame a body gets burned

Karina - thinly veiled excuse


Isn't it a universally known truth that when you are in prison with corrupt, sadistic guards, you don't go around confronting them, demanding your rights, slapping at them and telling them what to do? Yet Blanca has done that over and over. And each time she sinks down in tears as if in shock. She doesn't call the shots anymore. Blanca never gives a thought to what her friends have done for her. When she got into the prison, she said to Letitia "you've go to help me get out of here!" Well, did Blanca even give Letitia a second thought sfter visiting her in prison previously, and learning that Letitia had been framed by Raquel?
J in O

Too much Bad Girls Behind the Bars and not enough Adventures with Mama and Pappi-Not.

I was watching Blanca's fashionista nails very closely. Probably I'm the only one that noticed when Blanca was so sick, she still had her up-to-date mummy grey nail polish on...BUT when she was taken to the infirmary and given the antibiotics by the conveniently friendly doctora, she grabbed the cup with perfectly polished clear nails. Immediately upon being returned to her cell, her nails went grey again.

Will check back in over the weekend, I'm off by train to the Opera at the Met in NYC today.

JSRinO--Sofia has been going on and on about how sad her real pappi is. If she told Cris not to tell Ed about her mis-adventures with Raf & Mar, it was to keep him from getting upset.

Yeah, I wondered too, why Raquel's henchman--who is supposed to be so slick--decided to corner Ramon in Cata's apartment. Doesn't he know who she is and if this goes down, Raq will have to answer to Clemente--who either is or is not getting a stiffer spine--even though he acquiesced to Raq in eliminating Ramon.

I too found it insane that a would be escaped prisoner in the hospital has nary a guard in sight and people swanning in and out of the room. But what the heck it is fun to watch.

Raq just can't stop gloating which is going to come back an bite her in the rear big time. Yeah Adriano is going to live so he can suffer for what he did to Blanca and Val - nope Raq what you did, Blanca is in prison being tormented by sadists and Val is loco. Oh and Ivan and I will live happily ever after. Nice handiwork Raq but when they get together and they will your goose will be cooked.

Chris has manage to develop a nice relationship with Sofia and I agree she doesn't want to upset Ed, she just wants to get away from the odious Rafa. I'm dying to know what half assed excuse Mariana is going to come up with for him being with them on the gun running vacay. The cops should just ignore the family drama and demand the car be opened or do it themselves.

I too have been watching the coming and going of the corpse gray polish. SMH

So Jorge who is still on his high horse somehow feels he has to go with the skank to get her out of the big house . I was glad to see her cut him off after all the lecturing he has been doing. Like Cat he needs to pick a side and stick to it.

Cat and Ramon are playing a dangerous game but they have managed to hold Raq off for a while. So we get more heavy handed hints about the poor orphan Ramon and how his parents dumped him. I'm not buying it because back in the day the story was that if the truth about who the son was came out it would tear the Altamira family apart. If it is Ramon that would have no impact on them at all.

Socorro will be fine and at least she is out of the firing range for a time. I'm also wondering why someone who was sentenced for six or seven months is in the the hard core crowd.

Decie--maybe only one jail in Acapulco? Like Ramon being in with the hardened criminals. I'm surprised they don't have the men and women in the same jail.

Sad to say, Soccoro looked pretty dead to me. Always annoying when a death doesn't further the plot, as this one doesn't.

Cheers to Cat for cornering Raq at work and demanding her to leave Ramon alone or she (Cat) will spill the beans about Raq's corruption. She also made some statements out loud in front of Raq's staff, as insurance.

So, the routine roadblock has derailed Mariana and Rafa's "family vacation", I assume there are guns in the trunk? My guess is Chris' arrival will get them off the hook.
J in O


Chris may get them off the hook but he will probably start using his big head and wonder what was going on. I'm trying to remember if Raq knows about the Mariana Ivan connection and is she in on the gun running thing. I think any of that stuff happened while I was too drugged out to remember.

Socorro did look pretty dead to me but I though I heard something about her being in the hospital. Her death definitely would not advance the plot other than to leave Blanca with one less protector.

As much as I loath the RIM (Raq, Ivan and Mariana)crowd I hate Rafa even more. I wonder how Tita managed to raise such an amoral, selfish bastard.

Raquel does know about the Mariana/Ivan connection and at one point wanted her to set up an introduction.

Cat saying it out loud in front of the staff will not stop Raquel and she'll devise some plan to either threaten her or Clemente to get her to back off because I doubt Ramon will.

Decie, I'm so sorry your medical issues kept you out of action for so long, but certainly glad you are back amongst the snarking! That is the great thing about this site, we can always count on somebody to remember all the stuff we missed...
J in O

Wow, Socorro gets killed gangsta style. A damn shame, too. I liked the broad.

Blanca is so selfish, in two days' time, she's going to forget all about Socorro, and start rje "woe is me" cries.

Okay now they have a beauty supply in the prison? rouge, lipstick? Yah, I'm bummed out about Socorro too.
The best excitement of the night: Chris finds Mariana's stash of guns. Doesn't that look like a pretty small potatoes for an arms runner? Not that I would know...just guessing.
J in O

Really sad about Socorro but Raqevil was not going to let Blanca have any allies — beyoch.

Actually prisons do have commissaries where prisoners can get stuff but i'm surprised they would have let Blanca. On the other hand she needs props to sell her loco plan.

I was fascinated by the conversation between Raq and ivan. He was cross examining her about her feelings for her kids and was focusing in on Chris. Since he already knows that Chris got in the way of the arms run I'm guessing since Raq doesn't care much for her second son that he is toast.

Speaking of toast would someone please bitch slap that ingrate Snoopy. I had to deal with a jealous younger sister but even my sis would have gone to visit me if i was in prison and would never believe that i was guilty. Snoopy thinks only of herself an she should be sent in a car over a cliff with the love of her life Rafa.

Oh my Decie girl...over a cliff? Simona really got to you. Rafa needs to be tortured in jail like Blanca has been. My question is with all the betraying he has done with both ppl that can't stand betrayal, and all the mess ups he has done why is he still alive? He may be wondering that himself.

Love the expression on Chris' face when he opened the trunk...priceless. I could watch that scene over and over. I guess they had to keep the stash small because that is what would fit in the wheel well. Then the surprise Salvadore wasn't expecting. Great body language. Too bad these actors could not impart some of their skills to the stick.

How did Cristabal know to keep going after not finding them at the restaurant? I have been wondering that for several days. Interesting how the pay phones work in Mexico. Is that a phone card they insert, or, a credit card? I have never seen that.

I had been wondering about the makeup on Leticia's eyes for several days too. Glad someone was able to clear that up.

Now I can't wait for Monday...sigh!


Simona has always gotten to me.She is a selfish brat with no redeeming value that I can see. She is a liar, money hungry, all the things she accuses Blanca of being.

We do know that ivan has loads of guns, we saw them in the warehouse. I thought the load he was having delivered was probably a reasonably sized load. If you're talking about running guns to some war lord the load might be bigger but to some rebels or drug dealers that would be different.

Okay, thanks, I learned alot about prison makeup supplies and gun running this morning!

I agree Simona is among most annoying characters. So far she has tried to play Rafa and Jorge to further her own ends, but other than that, she really serves no purpose to the plot. Or for any other reason.
J in O

Okay, thanks, I learned alot about prison makeup supplies and gun running this morning!

I agree Simona is among most annoying characters. So far she has tried to play Rafa and Jorge to further her own ends, but other than that, she really serves no purpose to the plot. Or for any other reason.
J in O

It seemed that Jorge was leaning in to kiss Karina. He is so idiotic.

I am thinking that both Ramon & Eduardo are Adriano's boys. With the way Raquel taunted Ramon outside of Adriano's room at the hospital. He must be Valentina's. Then how Raquel bad mouths Adriano to Eduardo. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Adriano was with both sisters long ago. But really hoping fake son Rafael bites the dust. Can't stand this character. He always skirts by. Why does he get so many chances?

I am changing my mind all together. Raquel made a point of telling Chris he would never have favor in her eyes just as she never had favor with her Dad. Then Ivan asking about Chris...does Ivan suspect something? Chris has always been to the rescue with Sophia, endearing the child to him. There has to be a reason the writers keep reminding us that Cris is the least liked by Raq. If he were the son of another that might do it. The only thing that would negate it would be his undying love for Mariana. Like...of all the women to pick.

Raquel would not be able to kill Ramon now without killing Cat. If she killed Ramone Cat would know it was her, and tell everyone, so for now I think Ramone is safe.

Simona had oodles of money and still doesn't have her DDs! Obviously she has never learned to budget. :-)


It's possible Adriano the father of Ed with Raquel and Ramon with Val. That would be something Raquel would want to keep from him and not tell her favorite son. She did have the hots pretty bad for Adriano and extremely jealous of Val. I also thought Raquel laid it on Ramon pretty heavy about being an orphan but she berates everyone from the hood.

Blanca - how dare Socorro die I need help

Socorro - should have been more discriminating with whom you lay your life on the line for

Ed - you would sing a different tune if you didn't have the benefit of your name

Jorge - I was just in the neighborhood

Chris - there's more where that came from

Salvador - keep on using me, til you use me up

Ramon - definitely traded up

Cat - defiantly happy

Sofia - hello I can hear you

Raquel - hell you'll have someone killed if they look at you wrong

Ivan - so Ed is your Achilles heel


Ooh yah, I forgot about Sofia overhearing Chris and Mariana talking...everyone keeps telling the poor kid she misunderstands or didn't hear right, and on top of that asking her to her dad, to the cop. Poor kid.

I still don't see the point of Socorro's death except to rack up Raquel's body count. Like in Corazon Valiente, they would bring in random characters so they could kill them off the next week. I have never, ever seen a novela with a higher body count than that one.

J in O

half the town could have been spared had Raquel killed Blanca right off or Blanca hadn't butted in when Adriano slipped in the first Vicki replacement at the hotel. Everyone she comes in contact with and trying to bail her out ends up dead.

Socorro had a lot of money, more that Raqhell. I wonder who will get it? Adriano seems a good bet.

Keep thinking about comments that there are two sons. I'm not buying it and I'm not buying the heavy hints that it is Ramon. Raq is obsessed with Adriano, even ivan worries about it so I can't see her hating on Ramon like she is. I'm still on Team Ed thinking that in her obsession with Adriano she has convinced herself Ed is hers and Adriano's not Val and Adrian's.

Even before Blanca crossed paths with Raq, the woman was offing people. The nurse, Memo, her husband that we know of. Who knows how many others that we never knew about. However Blanca's appearance and her fear that her secret will come out have upped her murder count.

My distaste for Blanca (and Lisette) blinds me even to Raquel's shenanigans. She forgets totally about Hugo but then wants to keep Ed involved so ask him to pull strings so the kid can visit, Socorro is murdered for helping and protecting her and the first thing out of her mouth is why did you leave me I need you to help me. Well we wouldn't want to inconvenience Blanca with a little thing like dying would we? Now Blanca is snubbing Leticia who has been in prison for 20 years and keeps telling her don't tease the cat and she won't help her escape. Some how Leticia will end up dead trying to help the twit and already warned her today is the day she'll die. Salvador is all sweet eyed and Blanca blatantly playing him and the dude don't care. Boo Hoo I'm in prison so you have to get me out and how dare you lose your job because it would be so much easier on me. Let Blanca rot or better yet please, please let Oriana succeed.



My major problem with Blanca is the way she has done a 180 in the brains department. In the beginning she was smart, caring, concerned with friends and family. Suddenly after she hooks up with Ed and moves into the big house she becomes a complete self centered dope. I can only conclude that there is so much evil in that house it sucked the life and brains out of her and turned into into a bigger version of her sister and Rafa.

As for Lisette and her total lack of acting chops I could ignore that and have with others in novelas if I ever got the feeling she was at least trying. Instead we have an actress just phoning it in. Can't imagine there will be much call for her in lead oles in the future and she is too old for them anyway.

Tofie, Decie: I am in the "Meh to Blanca" club. The actress phoning it in...yeah, that's an excellent description. To me she is like a one-trick pony--she knows how to make that face with the big sad beautiful eyes. That about sums up her versatility as an actor, and it's not enough, especially when so many minor characters are acting their fannies off.
Sorry, must rant, now done.
J in Oregon

Decie, JinO, Tofie--Count me in on the Meh to Blanca Club. Might I add the Meh to BLANDA Blanca in the name? I think we are the only four watching at this point. I have never seen such a wooden actress. Even Blanca Soto has several different facial expressions that keep her from being totally wooden.

Eddie isn't helping either. I wonder if they could have gotten more out of Lisette if they had paired her with Ivan.....mmmm, nope, he would have shot her before she had a chance to show him her bra.

I wish we had been privy to more of the gun running incident. It was funny, except for the way Sofia was being treated. Remind me, didn't Cris and Ed just get word that Sofia is "very sick" with anemia and has to be put on medication right away? Why on earth would Cris ever agree to accompany them on that trip. Glad he found the guns, even if it didn't lead to anything right away.

Are Cris' eyes are being opened--hope his brain is too--regarding Mariana? Her insistence for continuing the trip and in that specific rental car should ring hollow to him if she didn't know anything about the guns, as she claims.

It wouldn't surprise me if Clemente had an accident on his yacht. He knows too many of Raquel's secrets. But, so do Cat and Ramon. If Socorro can so easily be eliminated, why not everyone, Blanca included. The last one standing will be Valentina.

I think we'll see more of the gunning running. Chris might be having his eyes opened but since he is an Altamira one never knows.

When Sofia got ill all I could think of is please God don't let her have the TN cliche disease — leukemia. Although I did think it might be a chance for Adriano's DNA to show up but they avoided it.

I hate to admit it but I'm enjoying this one for all its craziness and horrific lack of chemistry between the leads. There is always something outrageous happening and we don't have to sit through endless discussions of what happened. The age difference between some of the men and the women they are playing opposite contributes to the problem. An actress that is a year or two older then the guy doesn't make a difference but 8 and 10 years do especially in this case.

Anita - interesting you should mention Blanca Soto since i just read she has signed a contract with Televisa.

"...didn't Cris and Ed just get word that Sofia is "very sick" with anemia and has to be put on medication right away? Why on earth would Cris ever agree to accompany them on that trip." Yes, and Ed was all in favor of calling Mariana to bring Sofia back, but Chris said let them have some fun, it's only for a couple of days. But then Sofia called TioChris and told him Rafa was along on the road trip, and she wanted to come home. That is when Chris followed them and joined the caravan. Although, I think Mariana sent Rafa back to Acapulco?
J in O

She did send him back where he told Ivan what happened precipitating the conversation with Raq about her feeling for her sons. By getting in the way Chris has pretty much signed his death warrant with Ivan.

As someone who was just diagnosed as anemic a couple of days is not going to kill Sofia but Ed and Chris should have told Mariana that the child is sick which I don't think they did.

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