Thursday, June 26, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #106 & 107, 6/26/2014

De que se usan, se usan

Episode #106

Tad Wins the Telenovela Disease of the Month Lottery
Last time we saw Tad, he had collapsed in front of the restaurant where he had unsuccessfully tried to steal a hair sample from Natalia, and was bleeding profusely from his nose. Nat calls Irene, who tells Nat which hospital the ambulance should take Tad, and then Irene calls Tad’s doctor. At the hospital, the doctor reveals to Irene that Tad has been hiding the leukemia diagnosis he got in NY. The best place for him to get treatment is the hospital in NY. Irene informs Nat, asks her to take over at Eskenda, and immediately packs Tad up and takes him to NY.

In NY, Irene is informed that Tad’s only hope is a bone marrow transplant. His chances of finding a match are slim because he has no living relatives… Tad seems less worried about this, and more concerned about how happy Irene will be if Nat turns out to be their daughter. He and Irene are really sweet and loving with each other in the hospital. Irene’s upset, but she’s staying strong. You go, Irene! Tad doesn’t tell her about Nat possibly being theirs, since he doesn’t want to get her hopes up. (Dude! Tad, this could save your LIFE! Spill the beans, already!) He calls P.I. McShady and puts him on the case to get Nat’s DNA, then calls his maid and asks her to get hair out of Irene’s brush and give it to the P.I. She at first thinks he’s trying to work some voodoo love spell, but does as she’s told.

The Line to Kick El in the Shins Stretches Around the Block
El has gotten fall-down drunk, but is sober enough to convince the bartender to call Carmen to come retrieve him. Carmen, still ticked off that he jumped to conclusions and decked Big Abdul, refuses to go. Then she changes her mind. She bumps into Big Abdul on her way to the bar, and he decides to take her so that he can explain to El that there is nothing going on between them. The bartender must have decided to call the second most dialed number on El’s phone, because suddenly Kimberly’s well-manicured hand is sliding up El’s chest, and then their tongues end up down each other’s throats. Just in time for Carmen to get an eyeful, get teary, get mad, and turn and leave, holding Big Abdul’s hand. El sees them and thinks he’s having a drunk hallucination. He continues to play tongue hockey with Kim anyway. Some time much later, in his bed and naked, Kim and El talk. Now that he’s sober, she wants to know if this is for realzies this time. He thinks back to all the times he and Carmen have argued about her baby daddies, and answers Kim by taking it to the sheets with her. (Why, El?! Why?!) Carmen says she will NEVER forgive El this time. *sigh*

The Crab and the Two Abduls
The Crab Lady has latched herself onto Big Abdul after he walks into her cantina/brothel. Tall, well-built, foreign, rich…what’s not to love about him? Knowing this is the bad woman who’s leading his son astray, Big Abdul decides to play along and expose Jaiba to Abdul Jr. He catches on quickly that she backs off whenever Jr. comes within sight, and that she tasks one of her Crabette’s with duping Jr. into walking her home, so that Jaiba can have some grown up sexy time with Big Abdul. Big Abdul leaves Jaiba high and (very) dry, and takes off following Jr. Jr. spots the car following him and jumps in front of it to confront the mystery driver, but Big Abdul drives off. The next day, Jr. scolds Jaiba and the Crabettes for dressing too scantily and for being too flirty with the customers—it encourages the men to disrespect them, which then means Jr. has to show off his nice muscles and put those jerks in their place. Poor Jr. doesn’t know he’s a bouncer in a fifth rate brothel. Jaiba seems to be tiring of playing a good girl.

Big Abdul and Carmen confer over his plans to seduce Jaiba to show Jr. just who she really is. Carmen warns him that this could backfire and cause Jr. to hate him, but Big Abdul is determined. He has to be careful not to be seen hanging out with Carmen by Jaiba or her Crabettes, so they don’t catch on that it’s a setup.

Natalia Has the Power to Drive All the Carceres Men to Distraction (Vicente Included)
Natalia shows up at Caprico in her black and white color block dress to be the boss at Eskenda. Brat’s not happy about it, but Nat basically tells her she can put up with it or get out. Rod tells Brat pretty much the same thing, and that she’s not the kind of girl you get serious with-- but Nat is. Diego is getting along with his would-be murderer Rod, much better than I ever could, and they’re talking business in Rod’s (formerly Diego’s) office when Nat walks in. They are both pleasantly shocked. Somehow Rod looks sexy in his tie-less dark shirt and sports coat, and Diego’s eyes look super sparkly and blue, while he sports a light colored suit and blue tie. In a series of scenes where they talk business, Diego shows that he has taken the advice Alonso gave him earlier—he’s quit acting like a desperate a**hole. Instead, he treats Nat with respect, like any other employee. Nat reacts by getting annoyed that he isn’t paying enough attention to her, so she starts paying more attention to Rod. She’s an idiot. Grumps shows up and throws a fit that Nat is there and tries to kick her out. Nat tells the twins that one of them is going to have to put the old man in his place. They both immediately jump out of their seats and run out the door to tell Grumps off. Nat smiles at her newly discovered power.  

Rod wonders if the reason Grumps is trying so hard to push Nat out is because he knows the secret about Nat being Irene’s daughter. He fishes for the info, but Grumps doesn’t bite. He just wants that woman out of his grandsons’ lives!

Diego decides to just be the sweet, goofy guy Nat fell in love with in the first place. While she’s staring him down trying to look all businesslike and fierce, he crosses his eyes at her. She can’t help but giggle. They share an office, and he continues with the goofy charm, winning major points…until he asks her out to lunch, and Andres shows up (wearing a lavender suit straight out of Gino’s closet). Nat latches on to Andres’ arm and says she’s going to lunch with her BOYFRIEND, Andres. Did I already say she’s an idiot?

Episode #107

Nat Uses Andres and Brigitte Follows Suit
Nat and Andres go to the fonda for lunch. She thanks him for going along with the boyfriend lie, reminds him she only sees him as a FRIEND, and proceeds to talk about Rod and Diego non-stop. Just stop it, Nat.

Andres asks Carmen if she thinks he has a chance with Nat. She doesn’t know, but she sure hopes that with time, Nat will choose him. In the kitchen, Carmen tells Angela of Andres’ fake noviazgo with Nat and his newly won wealth, and Brigitte the Brat overhears.

Diego is bummed about Nat and Andres, but Alberto sets him straight: 1) Nat was not the one who called Rod about the divorce, nor did she make a deal to continue seeing him-- that was a Rod lie; and 2) Nat is a one-man kind of woman—no way has she already moved on to Andres. This gives Diego hope, and he swiftly throws out the giant bouquet of flowers Rod sent to Nat’s office, and reminisces about his early days working with her at Caprico, while enjoying an instant noodle soup.

Andres drops Nat off in front of Caprico and Rod laughs in their faces when she says Andres is her novio. She practically sticks her tongue down Andres’ throat for five solid minutes to prove to Rod that Andres is her man. Rod laughs all the way back into the office, but then accosts Brat to find out if it’s true Nat and Andres are an item. She doesn’t deny it.

Diego sees the kiss too, and loses all hope. When he goes back to treating her with professional indifference, Nat gets upset again and wonders why. Nat, you are an idiot. She’s unhappy to learn that Diego saw the kiss too.

Brat gets Andres’ number from Nat, lies to Alberto that she’s meeting up with girlfriends, goes to dinner with Andres, lies and cries about what a rotten boyfriend Al is, and leans in for the kiss. Stay tuned tomorrow to see if Andres falls into her trap.

La Jaiba Plays Abdul Jr. and Big Abdul Plays La Jaiba
Big Abdul romances Jaiba with talk of wanting a fun gal to share his enormous wealth with. She conveniently forgets she has a boyfriend, Abdul Jr., who is back at the cantina fretting about flirty, underdressed waitresses, and customers getting fresh.

Lupita Jumps Off the El-Carmen Merry-Go-Round
Lupita is hanging out with Madrina Luz in Luz’ apartment, when El and Kimberly arrive, practically joined at the hip. Kim wants to get those wedding preparations moving. Luz still looks like she’d prefer to get a root canal than have Kim for a daughter-in-law, but agrees to get going with the wedding plans. Lupita returns to her apartment and shuns El. He runs after her, and tries to explain his grown-up stupidity to her little person intelligence. She’s done with him and doesn’t want him as her papa anymore, she says through tears.

Later, Luz comes to visit Carmen to talk about the wedding prep, and Lupita’s attitude with Kim. She wants Carmen to help her prepare the food. Carmen gulps back tears and accepts. Later, Lupita and Carmen cry together. Lupita seems to have another brilliant idea for getting El and Carmen back together, but Carmen’s not taking him back. They resume crying together, and Nat finds them in this state when she gets home.

Paolo’s Got Game
Paolo drops Mara off at home/Angela’s place. His teenage boy hormones take over, and he leads Mara to the couch for what looks to be a very enjoyable make-out session. She puts on the brakes and prepares to send him home, but then the lights suddenly go off and she jumps right into his arms (like high up off the ground—good thing he’s strong). She’s scared of the dark since her crazy mom used to lock her up in a dark closet as punishment. Paolo doesn’t take advantage of this situation, but instead holds her close and comforts her. *sigh*

Abdul Jr. Don’t Got Game
Abdul starts a fight with one of the customers for getting too handsy with one of the girls. How long will it take him to realize that he works in a brothel, all the Crabettes are hookers, and his girlfriend is a madam? Jaiba breaks up the fight and tells Abdul to let it be—the girls can take care of themselves. Abdul stalks out angrily. He runs into Angela, who once again tries to talk sense into him. Before she can get far, Jaiba jumps between Angela and Abdul and starts an extension/hair pulling fight with Angela. Abdul looks on, clueless and impotent.

Neither Does Alonso
Alonso’s sister, Ana, comes back from her conference early. (She didn’t die!) Karina’s come over for her evening out with Al and Mateo, and meets Ana. She doesn’t set Ana straight when she assumes Karina is Al’s girlfriend. When he gets back from the grocery store, Al doesn’t expose Karina’s lie by omission right away, he walks Karina out, but doesn’t confront her about her lie, and later tells his sister the whole truth, including the Irene saga, when they’re alone. Ana just doesn’t want him to end up a lonely old bachelor.

Rod Plays Detective But He's Already a Dick
Rod bugs poor, sick, mute Tiburcio and asks him if Grumps knows Nat is Irene’s daughter. Mr. T lies and blinks no. Rod then decides he has to keep Grumps in the dark about Nat’s identity. He calls Rotundo, aka P.I. McShady, to get an update, but since he hasn’t paid McShady lately, he’s not telling “Diego” anything. Later that night, Rod stalks Nat all the way home and wonders why she hasn’t gone to her bedroom yet. Creepy. He sees McShady also skulking around, and wonders if that means he knows Nat’s true identity.

Tomorrow: Nat and Diego go on an Eskenda photo shoot in Acapulco and things get hot and heavy!


Lots of folks using other people for their own purposes or deceiving them tonight:

Nat using Rod to make Diego jealous.
Nat using Andres to make Diego and Rod jealous.
Brat continuing to use Al and now trying to use Andres.
Big Abdul deceiving Jaiba.
Jaiba using and deceiving Abdul Jr.
El using Kim to forget Carmen.

These folks need to stop it. Although, I don't mind Big Abdul using Jaiba. I just think it will backfire on him.

You got such a crap episode, Vivi!

I'm about to head to bed, but I'm looking forward to savoring this with my morning cup of coffee tomorrow.

Thanks, Vivi, for that great recap.

It does not appear that Abdoll the senior has passed on any of his smarts to Abdull the junior.

I still like looking at El , but this storyline of he and Carmen resisting each other is getting really old. Basta.

Nat has become increasingly stupid. Brat continues to be her greedy, grasping self..such a charmer. Uff I hope that Andres isn't gullible enough to buy what she is selling.She will go through his winnings swiftly

Have you noticed that the actor playing the twins knits his eyebrows together to form a ridge at the top of his nose when he is playing Rod ?

Thanks Susanlynn. Yes. Juan Diego puts a lot more tension into his face in general when he's in Rodrigo mode, and relaxes his face, while also smiling more, when he plays Diego. His Diego smile is warm and goofy, and his Rod smile is smirky and smarmy.

"Rod Plays Detective But He's Already a Dick" You win, Vivi! The recap was full of fun that the episode sorely lacked, but that was my favorite line :D

I share your frustration with Nat. You don't get to stick your tongue down someone's throat and then say "Come on, man, you know I don't like you like that." Seriously, Nat?

Eleazar and Carmen both racked up an MLC tonight.

Such a fun recap! I was so annoyed with Carmen and Eleazar tonight that I couldn't bring myself to watch the second hour. Harumpphed off to read a book instead. (But at least it was in Spanish! I always defend my addiction to crap TV by saying it's my Spanish homework.)

" Big Abdul leaves Jaiba high and (very) dry,..."

Whoa girlfriend! Wicked.

Also loved every snarky heading, P.I. McShady, the observation that Natalia has the ability to drive the Caceres men crazy "including Vicente" and.....the all-time winnah!


Writers, we all agree. This merry-go-round romance with Carmen and Eleazar is getting old. OLD! OLD!

Oh my, and we still have more Big Abdul to go.

Susanlynn...thanks for Abdoll and Abdull.

Just hoping, since we will no doubt have to endure Brigette's dad as well, that he'll be that sexy actor that played the villain on la Tempestad.

Great recap, Vivi. You haven't lost your touch. Hope your gaggle of galanes appreciate your terrific wit, in addition to your fab dancing skills.

Vivi excellent. killer. "answers Kim by taking it to the sheets with her" "Poor Jr. doesn’t know he’s a bouncer in a fifth rate brothel" and a classic
"Rod Plays Detective But He's Already a Dick"

I'm torn about the MLC transgression by El and argue exasperating circumstances.

I also see bit of a self important haughtiness outta Nat that I knew always lurked

Andres - both sisters think you a disposable in a clown suit

Big Abdul - you're liking this a little too much

El - throw in the towel

Carmen - karma's a bitch ain't it

Diego - she married your brother and macking with another

Mara - good girl

Angela - don't forget, he threw you over for a whore

Lupita - impossible dream

Tad - don't sacrifice for a secret

Irene - when the cat's away the mice will play

Brigitte - golddigger

Grumps - shut up old man


Vivi: You did a wonderful job of making what was one of the less interesting episodes very entertaining. Your marvelous wit was very much in evidence with "Tall, well-built, foreign, rich…what’s not to love about him?, "How long will it take him to realize that he works in a brothel, all the Crabettes are hookers, and his girlfriend is a madam?". "Rod bugs poor, sick, mute Tiburcio" made me laugh in spite of my sympathy for the poor man.

Of course, you nailed the fact there is a lot of using and abusing going on. I wondered how long it would take the Brat to find out about Andres newfound wealth and move in. Happily, she never disappoints.

Loved the lavender suit Andres sported. His outfits are beginning to rival those the newly departed Sandho over on Robo used to sport. No small feat!

Susanlynn, still chuckling at "Abdoll the senior" and "Abdull the junior". Very funny.

I am still trying to figure out which twin I am looking at most of the time. I don't quite have the facial nuanaces down pat.

Poor Lupita! And stoopid El! I thought he had unloaded Kim the albatross and now here she is back, firmly hung on his neck once again.

C'mon Tad. You've been one of the few characters consistenly using your brain, Nat may be able to save your life. Irene is strong, she could handle the disappointment if Nat isn't hers (because we know the DNA sample will likely be tampered with). Hasn't she endured much worse??

And please. As Judy just mentioned your "gaggle of galanes" (excellent!), any more tidbits about your recent dates are always appreciated!

Thank you Vivi!


This is superb, Vivi! So much better than the episode. I have to agree that the "...but he's already a dick" header is great. I also loved the litany of "Nat is an idiot. "

I'm really done with El and Carmen.

Why would Mr T lie about what Vince knows?

Could someone explain MLC? Thanks!

Oh good...I thought I was the only one who didn't understand MLC. Move over, Sara!

Diana...Kim as an albatross hanging on his neck. Wow. Great image.

Thanks for the early comments everyone. I have to run to an early morning meeting, but MLC is Make Lupita Cry-- it's the standard by which we measure villainy in this tn. :)

Mahvelous, recap Vivi in DC!! Much, much better than what we saw. Like my amiga, JudyB, I left the story early and just had the TV on for "noise" and did some chores.

The whole thing was so frustrating that I felt just like our precious Lupita. I also found myself asking: "how in the heck did Carmen end up with so many different men?!" Honestly, it's not funny anymore.

Nothing seemed good last night. I was HUGELY missing Gino and C-Tina.


"how in the heck did Carmen end up with so many different men?!"

I asked myself that one from day one, have no problem with someone getting their groove on, agree the men contributed (those dogs), but did she marry any of them? You would think after the first or second child's daddy ran off, she'd give pause. I think El an absolute fool.


Thanks, tofie. Glad I am not the only one wondering about Carmen. Also wondering why El is sticking around. Seriously, how many men would do that?! On the other hand, why does El behave like a wimp?

Sometimes, I am lost.


I think we see a foolish lack of birth control use all over tns, so I'm not surprised that Carmen got pregnant from each of her romances. It's foolish to us, but I don't think it's shocking in a context where people would abstain from birth control for religious reasons. I think we're more shocked that she let herself get pregnant four times, while the Mexican audience might have been more scandalized that she had sex with four different men in her lifetime-- not a big shocker to us.

But I don't think she has to apologize for either of those things because: 1) she provided a loving home to all of her kids (plus an extra), and was attentive to each; 2) the kids didn't seem to be suffering for lack of a dad; 3) she started her own business without help of a man and provided for her family; and 4) she never whined about being without a man/was happy with her life. If she and her kids don't have a problem with the situation, why should anyone else?

As for El, he only recently told Carmen how he felt about her (and still hasn't been brave enough to tell his mom). He acts like she's been jilting him for 30 years, but he NEVER declared his feelings/intentions in all those years. She didn't know he was waiting/pining for her. In her mind, their romance is only a few weeks/months old. He's the one who let four dudes cut in front of him in the line, and then complains to the cashier about the long wait and lack of inventory when he gets to the register.

"He's the one who let four dudes cut in front of him in the line, and then complains to the cashier about the long wait and lack of inventory when he gets to the register."

Great line, Vivi, great line!

It has also been over 7 years since Carmen's last man Chato left. What has El been doing this whole time? He had seven years to declare himself, but instead HE was sleeping around with bimbos like Kimberly, and leaving them before he had to make a commitment. If El were a woman, he would have likely had 10 + kids by now, by people he never really cared about. It's a good thing that the bimbos (or El) used birth control, otherwise El would also have a litter (there might be some he doesn't know about).

Which is worse-- Carmen falling head over heels in love four times and having sex with those four men; or El sleeping with dozens of women he can barely stand?

Holy Cow, Vivi in DC! I am/was not bashing Carmen. I have NO argument with your excellent points/defense of her.

In the middle of the chaos, I simply honestly wondered how in the heck one woman ended up with so many different men? It was not an insult nor meant in any negative way.

I appreciate you setting me straight. I need that from time to time.


Preach it, girl!

Er... That was for Vivi. My comment crossed with Fatima. Lol

Fatima I don't think anyone saw it as a super harsh criticism. This is one of those culture clash moments I think. I know that as much as I love Carmen I sometimes wonder the same. It's a BC issue for me. I don't care about the number of men. Then I remember Mexico is a Catholic country.

Fatima- What Sara said. I really wasn't reacting badly to your comment. I find these cultural differences fascinating and like to break them down. I just get wordy when I'm writing out my thoughts. :)

I love your cultural break downs. Makes me feel like my addiction to novelas is intellectual. :)

Sara- Yes. It's definitely the birth control issue for us Americans. Like, how could she let herself get pregnant out of wedlock 4 times?! I know that was my first reaction, but then I think of the cultural context. In that context, what everyone is asking is how could she have sex with four different men she never married?! That makes her practically a virgin in the U.S. though. :)

whew, thanks Vivi, then I really was a virgin when I married

Tofie- You can get it certified, lady! :) I was practically an alien when after 4 years of college I was still a virgin. I went to Peace Corps right after and the PC nurse was ALL about the sex talk to all of us. The assumption was that we all would be having sex, all the time (drinking and sex are the way people cope with loneliness and homesickness), and we needed to protect ourselves. We had more sex talks than talks about preventing malaria or dengue. And each time she would hand us like 50 condoms. All mine ended up down my outdoor cement latrine. Apparently, I was the first virgin this Peace Corps nurse had seen in all her years of service overseas. :)

OK. No probs. :)


Vivi...Regarding El complaining to the cashier about the long line (HA..I LOVE this analogy )...perhaps El needs a flashing blue special.

tofue...You always give me a giggle.

I am so tired of the seesaw that El and Carmen have been on for so many years. Life is short, and I get upset when people waste their lives and do not get down to the business of building the happiest life they can.

Susanlynn- LOL about the flashing blue specials. Perhaps he needs a greeter as well, to help steer him to where he needs to go.

Vivi...I love it that you made history in the Peace Corps!!!!

Judy- At least in Peace Corps-Haiti! I have to give the nurse credit that part of the reason she was so vigilant about the sex talk and condoms was because we were in a high HIV/AIDS zone. She wanted us to be prepared at all times.

Hmmm.."tofue" pushy friend Ipad is playing fast and loose with your name again, tofie. Grumblegrumblegrumble

Susanlynn, I buy fried tofue at the Vietnamese market and great with a stir fried vegges.

Thanks for the recap Vivi. Kind of a bummer couple of eps you had to do.

Talking about angry eyes. I have them. They made Lupita cry.

El and Carmen: yawn.

Nat making Rod and Diego jealous while using Andres: despicable and----yawn.

Rod’s smirk: annoying and, yes you guessed it, yawn.

Carmen tells Abdul, Sr. that his plan might backfire. Ya think?!

I did like the scene where Diego made faces at Nat to get her to laugh.

Brat is an effing piece of work.

Alberto, the only mature one of the bunch (excepting his infatuation with Brat) deserves someone great—like Al’s sister.

Speaking of which, I was hoping that was Alberto at the door. Nope, it’s clueless Karina.

Ana doesn’t want Al to be a lonely old bachelor. Shut up Ana! Now he’ll start up with Karina.

Was that really Diego in Acapulco?

I know it seems like I don’t like this one, but I do. I love it. It’s just the TN clichés and same old same old are getting a bit tiresome. Just need an infusion of something “whoa!” I’m sure it’s coming.


Piggybacking on Nanette:

Am I the only one who thinks that it's time to wrap up the Nat/Diego/Rod and Carmen/El stories and move on?

There's the Nat's real parents story and the inheritance story...both of which interest me more.


tofu stogie..You really know how to make lemons into lemon meringue pie . Now, I am hungry for my mother's lemon meringue pie. Sigh...I have never had tofu, I eat a lot of fruit and veggies and do not like meat very much. Maybe I should try tofu.

Ooops. I wasn't done...

I realize the Nat/Diego and Carmen/El lovelines were the basis for this, but they weren't written in such a way that merits so much airtime. Get on with it!

tofu stogie?????hmmm...I believe that I typed tofie girl..I give up.

Tofu stogie...LOL! Auto correct is a trip.

Sara- I also want to get at least one of these couples settled for good, and move along on either the inheritance or Nat's identity. Although we did have some movement on the Nat thing when Tad got that info from the P.I. I'm hoping his illness is what gets the writers to wrap that up.

I think we are in the typical doldrums of a long tn, when there are 30-50 episodes left, and over 100 behind us. The story just naturally sags at that stage until the last few weeks when the writers step on the accelerator.

I guess that's one good thing about the edits and 2 hour episodes: it's made the doldrums a little less annoying since we got to them so quickly (which didn't give us time to settle in to a certain pace) and will be out of them just as fast.

I promise what I just said made more sense when I thought it up.

tofu stogie, I'll ask for some next time I'm at the market. Should I emphasize a syllable or fake an accent. Oh, I'll try Amazon, bet they got it.

Vivi, I agree with your explanation of Carmen's situation. 4 confirmed sexual partners in a 25-year span for Carmen vs. 3 sexual partners for Rod in the 2 months he's been out of his coma...Carmen's practically a nun! And El at the cashier...priceless.

I would also be happy to get these poor excuses for "romance" resolved and move on to the really juicy stuff like the businesses, the inheritance, and reuniting Nat with her parents. And maybe if they were to do that, I'd get dazzled by the smoochies again and forget how terribly they've all treated each other.

I was going to give Carmen a pass last night, since Lupita's crying was sort of leftover from what El told her, but then she made Lupita cry on her own, so she and El are both toast. I cannot forgive them an MLC! Or a MRCWF (making the recapper cry with frustration!)

Actually, let me amend that so it's more MVCWF "making the viewer cry with frustration."

Ranks somewhere below an MLC and is probably a pardonable offense if they don't rack up too many of them.

Kat- "making the viewer cry with frustration" Perfect!

Re "auto correct". I wrote a short note to a friend about going to San Clemente the other day. They wrote back ask where in the heck was "San Fomented"! Holy Cow! I didn't even check it out when I hit "send". I'm still laughing at "San Fomented".

Re Carmen and her multiple love interests; my bottom line on the whole deal is that I have CLEARLY led a sheltered life.


"I have clearly led a sheltered life"

It ain't over till it's over...there's still time make fun mistakes :D

Fatima- I'll take a road trip with you to San Fomented, and we can make some fun mistakes together! :)

Count me in for that road trip, Fatima and Vivi.

Thanks Vivi for a great recap leaded with great "one liners".
Everything I'd like to comment on or say has already been said. Basta ya! of the love triangles. Time to move on.

No matter how hard I try I can't keep up with these 2 hour epi's. It's always around midnight when I get to the recap. So I'm sending a belated thanks to 5ft and Sara, I do read and appreciate the time and effort you guys put into making this novela so likeable.

Whatever the Brat is planning with Andres is boring already.
I'm almost hoping that everybody ends up with nobody.

5FT, Vivi in DC, and Susanlynn, I am MORE than ready to make that trip to San Fomented to start enjoying some mistakes!!!

We would have a blast. I just know it! :)0


"When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did."

I kinda of admire Carmen, she can accept her way of life, enjoy her kids & not regret a damn thing. I say go Carmen!

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