Friday, June 06, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #109 06 June 2014... So close... and yet so far...

Sorry, I was having trouble with my tv’s so I missed the first 5 minutes or so… someone please fill in.

Alejo tries to get the straight truth about the origin of the polo stick from Emi, but Emi will not say, even when Alejo promises to keep the secret. Lupe comes in to Emi’s rescue.

Nepo gets mad at DA, DA tries to tell him the money was used for some art lessons. Nepo not quite good with that. You must be deeply in love. DA is about to explain that yes, it is love, but… Nepo won’t let him speak. Nepo won’t let DA give up futbol and send his life to the fregada… leaves Trofeo to try to convince DA.

MA and Saul… Saul tries to get MA to hide here until they get the laptop… not such a bad idea to stay locked in with an awesome rubia…. MA not so convinced… MA tries to get Saul to stay but Saul says his usual farewell gingle (quedo de uds muy atentamente SB) and takes his leave… to Mini’s delight.

The cops outside watch Saul as he leaves, and he even says hi to them.

Perla and Gwendy… Perla not sure why Gwendy wanted her to come to the farmers market. They end up at Nepo’s stand. Nepo is not a happy camper, says it is because DA wants to give up futbol. Nepo thinks DA wants to take dance classes instead Perla does not understand the reference to the dance classes… Perla offers to try to talk to DA to find out what is going on. Nepo accepts. Perla is sure she can convince DA of anything. Nepo very thankful. Nepo even had thought up a nickname for DA ‘el chichaDieguito’, which Perla loves.

Alejo talks to Vilma, he says he was surprised to see MA’s stick at the Menchaca house. Vilma says when Alejo was there, she thought she saw his cousin Leonardo. Alejo cracks up laughing, that is impossible!… Alejo tells Vilma that the pawn broker in the neighborhood gave Emiliano MA’s stick. (smart Emi!) Alejo wants Vilma to find out the status of the deed papers on the Menchaca property. He will investigate about Salomon Landino.

At mini’s, she is lighting some candles. Wants MA to come sit with her. The food came in, your favorite restaurant’s sushi. And everything he loves… MA very thankful but says he feels very uncomfortable. Mini tries to be sweet. Friends support friends. MA starts scratching as if he had hives…

At Fonda, Lupe is telling Carm that she is very anxious for not having news from MA… she has her heart in her sleeve…

Back to Mini’s, she says MA has been real quiet… Mini undermines the Menchaca house as a madriguera/cueva… MA does not like the insult, says the Menchaca house is very clean and warm. It is a HOME. Mini keeps comparing where MA used to live with her to the Menchaca house. MA keeps insisting that is in the past… didn’t you get along very well with my cousin Alejo??

Chuy and Leo are eating with Mati, they comment that AS lays in bed and whinning/moaning all the time. Chuy says Leo and AS should be looking for a job to keep busy and not wait for things to fall from heaven on their lap. Leo asks what could he do, all he knows about is art, pinturi, esculturi… they mention DA, and Tizoc still believes DA is a future international futbol star.

Back to Lupe and Carm… Carm is worried that Lupe will work herself out and kill the shredded chicken while at it. Carm suggests Lupe and her take a few days off. Lupe not so sure.

DA is looking at some ballet web pages. Nepo comes in, tells him that the team will have a game with some other town’s team and Nepo is assuming DA will be playing with the team. DA says what part of I don’t want that do you not get? I want to spend my time with the arts and there is no return. Nepo says then you can say goodbye to asking me for money for anything…then Nepo insists… ‘that is your destiny! To be the new Chicharito!’

Mini keeps trying to deny her relationship with Alejo, or at least claims that was before her and MA… MA says don’t want to argue about it, it was just a comment I made. Mini claims marrying Alejo was her life’s biggest mistake. MA says it would not matter… besides, remember I have a relationship with another woman. Mini admits she saw them on the day of Leo’s marriage at the hacienda. Mini walks away to get more wine.

At Gwendy’s salon, she is doing the hair for some young women about to graduate. The girl says Gwendy is the Alfredo Palacios from La Nopalera (I remember him playing himself at El Privilegio de Amar). Perla comes in, Gwendy asks her if DA and her are a couple. Is that what Nepo was talking about? Perla thinks so, otherwise what romance would he be talking about? Gwendy says better make sure.

MA does not believe Mini… She takes it in offense, but says she wishes they will be able to keep a deep friendship and leaves …

Lupe and Carm. Lupe wishes they could, but it would be tough to close the Fonda in holy week (semana santa). Carm says there is very little business that week. Lupe says I do have some savings but want to make another payment to Nepo.

MA calls Lupe… He says he was so eager to hear her voice. She says ditto. MA lies to her saying he ate the sandwiches she gave him. He won’t tell her where he is… but … too late!... Lupe hears Mini shouting to MA, and Lupe gets a bit upset, asks him where he is (but she can guess it, I think). Min realizes he is on phone and even though he tries to cover it, she keeps on shouting. MA has to admit to Lupe that he is staying at Mini’s. Lupe asks with her, which is the same house as your cousin?? I don’t get it! Explain!

Perla and Gwendy… Perla tells her her own version of her minutes with Diego, but Gwendy not so convinced. Perla insists ‘se le ve, se le ve, se le nota!’ he just was so shy he did not dare say it directly. Gwendy remembers the poem DA wrote. Perla still has it. Gives it to Gwendy. Gwendy reads half way through, realizes it is an acrostic and has the name of ‘Sopas Perico!’ (dang!)… Perla gets anxious. Gwendy wants Perla to see the reality. (I don’t think she ever told Perla the acrostic is L E O N A R D O).

Tizoc and Leo are talking in front of Frida. Tizoc wants Leo to offer classes of painting and art to other folks at La Nopalera… Mati agrees with that plan. Those folks don’t deny the art, they just don’t know it. Leo tries to whistle, but Tizoc mocks him and shows him how. Chuy and Carm in another table, Chuy says now all kids want to be artists, like DA.

Lupe is angry on phone… I do understand, but don’t expect me to be happy about it!!! MA swears to her that it is the last place he would like to be. I ended up in her car so we ended up here… He is very uncomfortable at his cousin’s house… Lupe says just want for that desabrida (bland girl) to let you go! MA swears to Lupe that the only woman that fills his life and his heart is lupe… Lupe says I love you too. Take care. TTYL.

Alejo and Vilma talk, if MA and his family did not go to Italy, where did they hide? Vilma says they could have gone and then came back. Alejo says with what money? Besides, you said you saw Leo at the colonia (neighborhood). You are more useless each day. You have not finalized my divorce, have not found MA and now cannot tell for sure who you saw. Are you going to cry again? Or are you going to say it is a hay in the eye again? Alejo babbles something about possibly calling the police to say MA is there, but then he offends her saying he justs wants her to go away and that he is about to come to a Napoleonic conclusion. She leaves upset.

Carm and Lupe, Carm suggests Lupe trust MA, he has been very sincere with you. Lupe says yeah but I get my stomach twisting thinking he is with that woman there. I see that the only choice I have is to suck it in (pechugarlo) and support him no matter what! (she takes it physically on the chicken / food she was working on).

Mini is personally inspecting his bed… the satinized Egyptian cotton sheets… then Mini gets sensual talking assuming he is getting aroused by her… but MA is as cold as ice… she ends up again offering anything and MA thanks her. You go ahead and rest and dream with angels… those blonde blue eyed and wavy hair ones like me… (she leaves and he immediately locks the door LOL! He even looks worried)

Next day, Tomas visits the Menchacas, they have an appointment TODAY to go sign the papers for the deed of the house in the name of Jesus Menchaca!! Don CHuy is very grateful to Tomas for everything he did. Tomas tells them that they all need to go to the notary/registry. Lupe says she could not make that, she has an appointment at Alejo’s office to let him visit with Emiliano… She is concerned that Alejo would interfere. Perla offers to go in her place. Lupe reluctantly accepts Perla’s help. Just be careful about Alejo! Perla says we should not be so concerned at this moment, we should be celebrating. Chuy agrees, they cheer together.

Alejo is visiting Salomon personally, asks him why he gave Emiliano the stick. Salomon does not give any presents to anyone, he does have a lot other fine merchandise!! (ouch! What if Alejo recognizes something else??)

Chuy and Lupe are celebrating when Alejo’s driver comes to pick Lupe and Emiliano to take them to the Office. Lupe sends Perla with Emiliano instead. Lupe is still concerned about that, Chuy is still celebrating.

Salomon is showing Alejo some stuff. Playing some bidding games with Alejo, Alejo is utterly bored until Salomon gives him the story of a family that wound up in the hole… a reputable family who lost everything. Alejo is really interested in seeing that merchandise now. Vilma calls him. He is miffed that she interrupted him. But she says she discovered something that could be really important.

At the registry/notary, the notary has the good news for CHuy… the property is finally his! Chuy and Lupe are happy … Chuy is about to sign the papers to seal the deal when Vilma walks in and says that they all are about to commit an illegal transaction. BUMMER!!!!

Previews show that Perla is about to tell Alejo who Lupe is in love with now.


Marta, this is the missing beginning.

It starts with Vilma telling Alejo's driver to get out of the car and keep asking who might have seen MA. She then thinks she saw Leonardo.

Alejo wants to know who Emiliano got the polo stick from. Emiliano says he got it from Don Salomon Ladino.

Saul meets with MA at Minerva's. They ask her about the laptop that they need urgently. She assures them she will get it from Isela's place tomorrow. Minerva is thirsty so she goes to get refreshments and leaves MA and Saul alone. Saul says that MA did end up going back with Minerva after all and that her/Alejo's place is the best place to hide because nobody in their right mind would think of looking for him there.

Diego tells his dad Nepo that he is quitting soccer.

MA and Saul continue with MA wondering if Minerva is lying and doesn't really have the computer and just wants to keep him there with her. Saul tells him whether it is true or not he needs to stay and wait because the computer could have information that will give him the best proof for his defense. Then, Saul adds to MA's shock, MA can turn himself in.

Nepo is getting increasingly agitated and obnoxious. He wants to know why Diego is thinking about leaving soccer. Diego says he likes it but he doesn't want to do it his whole life. He wants to do other things. He wants to fulfill his own dreams and not Nepo's. Nepo makes a particularly nasty comment when he asks how Diego could do this to him after all he had given him since his mother abandoned them. Diego says it is more important that he is what he wants to be and not what Nepo wants him to be.




Thanks so much for this superb recap. You rock!

I am loving Diego for standing up to Nepo, it's about time. Diego will work though, so he'll be able to have his dream. Why was Nepo calling Trofeo, Brandon? Is that like when Nepo is in a temper he calls guys Brandon?

I hope Leo teaches classes but really well this time, not like he did with Diego. He never really gave Diego much time.

It was a bad mistake to send Perla with Emi. Ahole will bamboozle her and she'll forget herself and spill the frijoles.

I don't think that deed signing is in anyway illegal. I think Ahole still thinks he has that power of attorney over Dona Mati, but she is not out of her mind and can fight Ahole over it. I know it will be a danger to her, but maybe they can work some way to expose Ahole and his medicating of Dona Mati.

One little thing. Vilma was the one that wanted to call the cops, Ahole told her not to. He still needs to convince Lupe, through Emi, to cave into his wishes. That would ruin it he told Vilma.

I had to laugh at Mini, practically draping herself all over MA, and then that scene on the bed, I kept thinking, MA lock that door when she goes, and he did. I laughed so much, the poor guy.

Also liked Saul telling the cops hi, too funny.

Thanks again Marta for this rocking recap : )


Thanks so much for the beginning of the episode, I missed it too.

Is Univision still giving this in it's entirety? They aren't cutting it?

Marta, thank you for the great recap. You are always so fast. I still don't know how you do it so well in real time. Technical difficulties are always a pain. : (

Mostly I just felt sorry for characters last night:

MA being under "house arrest" of sorts with Minerva and a bleak future with or without Vilma's laptop.

Diego having to deal with that obnoxious father of his Nepo. Diego is strong enough to deal with him though.

Lupita having to accept MA hiding out at Minerva's.

Emiliano lying to Alejo about the polo stick.

Vilma realizing Alejo's true feelings/lack of feelings for her. Since she is myopic she couldn't recognize "mirreyzuki" Leonardo was only one of his insults.

Don Chuy's dream being destroyed at the last minute by Vlima.

Madelaine, I agree that that it was a bad bad decision ro send Perla with Emiliano to Alejo's office. Tizoc would have been a bad choice too. Only she, don Chuy or Carmelita should have gone and I would have expected her to know that. Don Chuy could have gone alone to the signing of the house papers.

We keep on seeing the avances with everyone at the beach. I hope they make that trip soon!


Angie Velez:

As far as I know they aren't cutting a thing. This TN will run in it's entirety. Welcome to the blog. I haven't seen you comment before.

From Thursdays Recap:


Your prediction came true about Solomon, but he dodged the bullet for now. I also got a kick out of the pucker up Ana Chofi, too funny, I'm still laughing.


I too vote for Option C the stomach cramps so funny, thank you!

Ann C:

Wouldn't be a hoot if Dona Mati ended up on that board with the "Zombies"! I just love those guys, they make me laugh every time and I love the stink eye they are constantly giving Ahole every time he opens his mouth!

I don't know who said it last week, but Ana Chofi and Solomon would be the perfect couple. He tends to her needs, as in the elixir, and what ever else she wants. Whats not to like? Course she'd have to pucker up a lot and help him discern what are quality goods and what are not. It would be interesting ; )

Madelaine, it was me. I have always thought AS and don Salomon could be great together. I think he would treat her as the queen she thinks she is. Maybe by the end she will see him differently.



I've been wondering which family, Ruizpalacios or Menchaca, the title of this novela refers to. It fits both. The Ruizpalacios are pobres who were once tan ricos and the Menchaca have always been pobres but their family values and their love for one another make them ricos in what money can't buy.

I always think of the title referring to the Mechacas. Like "What great poor people these are - they have everything!" I guess it could work the other way around as in "what a bunch of losers these rich people are!"

Marta many thanks for your wonderful recap for Friday and thank you too Jane, Ezra, Mads and Julie for the last two weeks especially. I was in deep woods in northern New Mexico for a meditation retreat so missed the whole dramatic enchilada of the wedding of the swindlers. I watched last week but was able to read your wonderful recaps for the wedding week and then reread this weeks episodes. I could see AnaSofia was a total sot which finally culminated in hilarious delusions as she addressed her Mexicans who had come to pay homage on her birthday. She hasn't learned much still. The acting was such fun and the actors seem to be enjoying the hyperbole and high jinx to the fullest.
I missed one small part and I wonder if it was cut or just not emphasized: how did Leonardo get out of the marriage. Someone suggested annulment but has that begun or is it just speculation on likely outcomes? It was fun to see Mariana Karr haming it up. Some may remember that I visited her at her restaurant CarayCaray in San Angel about 5 years ago and have talked to her on the phone a couple of times. She is a delightful person who struggles with losing her voice when she moved from Argentina to Mexico City then kept smoking so that DF+smoking made her permanently hoarse. She plays the aristocrat so well as in Alborada. It was like a quaint refrain to see her as the estafdora/condesa this time.

I meant to say "estafadora". I was also amused that in Alborada as auntie Isabel, she (Mariana Karr) secretly owned all the assets which she could eventually endow her favorite nephew (TMBMOE) where in this PTRicos, she owns nothing but has been reduced to pilfering in the treasure chest, aka guest closet, and acting aristocratic. Great fun.

I like how everyone is beginning to change and grow except ASofia, Aholé and Nepo but they are in the pie cart tracks with their feet stuck in the rungs so let's hang on to our foil beanies for the comeuppance that is surely on its way!

Had to look it up just for old times sake... notice, I have returned to using an avatar of Willa in her fetching pirate kerchief...

Marta thanks so much for your recap. And thanks Jarifa for filling in the first moments.

Mads, from yesterday, the zombies do remind me of the hecklers from the Muppets. That description made me chuckle all day, so thanks.

Cheryl, so nice to see you around!! Thanks for the reminder about Mariana Karr. Happy to know she's a nice person as many of characters are

The wedding wasn't actually annulled. AS just gave Macarena the last of her borrowed money to get rid of her. The Ruiz-Palacios were so traumatized by what happened that they haven't bothered with those "little" details. I hope she (Maca) doesn't come back to haunt them when (if) they get all their money and properties back!

Hey, thanks Marta, what a revealing episode. So finally someone knows Diego's secret. What will Gwendy do with that info? I hope she talks to Diego about it first.

Isn't the computer at the hacker? MA isn't going to be getting that laptop just yet. And didn't Vilma say that there wasn't any real incriminating information on it anyway? It just seems like MA will never get the proof ever to clear himself of the charges.


How long before the bad guys start turning on each other?


Thanks, Marta! I think your title applies to so many of our characters.

I don't think Vilma said there was nothing incriminating on her laptop, just that stolen evidence would be inadmissable in court. This is why I think he needs to turn himself in. It's going to be hard to get evidence he can use if they're sneaking around stealing things and no one can openly look for anything or demand records.

So now Guendy knows Diego Armando's secret. I wonder what she will do. She is a gossipy blabbermouth, but she is also always a supportive mother figure type to Diego. I think she will defend him from the ballistics Nepo is likely to unleash whenever he finds out.

Thanks, Marta for your enjoyable recap.
We're in some perilous times now! MA is at the mercy of that blonde tarantula, Minivera! Guendy has discovered DA'a secret love, which is soon going to be an open secret! Alejo is getting uncomfortably close to evil domination of the Menchacas and their home ownership dreams.
We do need a vacation or some kind of a break for the good guys.

It seems that I am starting to wait for all of the carefully placed dominos to start to fall. A nice trip might push that eventuality off for a few episodes.


O... M... G.... !!! Did Lupita send Emi with Perla Ivette??!!!!

I would not trust Perla to boil an egg!. She is a golddigger that does not know how the meaning of discretion.

One characteristic that Mini and Perla share is that they both believe that they have great bodies and can get what they want that way.

Just thinking of what damage Perla can do while at the "editorial" give me the willies.

Emi is making his transition to the Dark Side very nicely. Now he has lied to his Daddy Dearest and was quite good at it, not budging even when the Sith Lord tried to get him to talk.

Unfortunately, I see Perla as a good candidate as Alejo's apprentice. She would jump at the Dark Side if i meant not working and just modeling.

PS: Recappers. I know full well that stuff happens that poses an impediment to recapping the novela. I'd be happy y volunteer to recap the episode. Just let me know :-)

What does Guendy mean when she says - sopas perico - after reading Diego's poem?
Thank you so much for the recaps!

Marta, Thanks for the great recap. I love how you are always so thorough. Also, Julie, Jane, Ezra and Madelaine---I appreciate all the work that you do as well. I hope you know your efforts are enjoyed. I wish I was able to comment daily.

I felt bad that Emi was put in the position of telling his dad lies right after having been punished for telling his mom lies (as well as running off without permission). I think it was a very tough place for Emiliano to be and it was great he was so quick with a smart answer. I hope he doesn't continue to have to make choices like that in the future.

I don't think Tizoc would have been a bad choice to go with Emiliano. There is no way he would give up anything to Ahole though I could see him getting into a fight with him over one thing or another. Perla wasn't a good choice, I agree. She's not a bad person, just young and a little lazy. She is too impressed with fame, beauty and money and would be easily swayed by these things which puts MA and the Menchaca family in danger.

Also, I don't think Perla thinks she has a great body. Even though she is really pretty, she has shown us how unhappy she is with her looks. She thinks how one looks is very important but is insecure about herself. A lot of her talk about herself is false bravado and bluster. She is in a fantasy world about her and Diego however.

Now Mini is confident she is "all that and more". It's one of the things that makes her so much fun to watch. That along with her determination and smarts. She also is in a fantasy world about her and MA.

I'm not sure it's been verified before but DaVinci is owned by Sylvia Pasquel (Ana Sofia). Here is a recent article about them:



Stephanie, "Sopas perico!" (Literally "Soups parrot!") is an expression of amazement or surprise like "Yikes!", "My goodness!", "Jiminy cricket!", etc.


I've been thinking about Perla Ivette overnight (can you believe that?!) and how she dealt with the modeling rejection in the beginning of the show. Probably she's just a somewhat average girl about how she feels about herself and is more superficial than she should be. But she's young and has time to grow.


I agree with Jarifa on the meaning of 'Sopas Perico!' sort of like shouting 'Holly Molly!!'

also agree with Ann about the interpretation of the title of the novela, it could indeed apply to both families but it matches the Menchaca family better... for the reasons Ann posted.

Mads, I too agree with
Ana Chofi and Solomon would be the perfect couple. He tends to her needs... she'd have to pucker up a lot and help him discern what are quality goods and what are not. It would be interesting ; )
yeah i can see her attending the counter with him and someone comes in to pawn some expensive or fake item... which she could identify instantly... and she would get into an argument with the customer, and Salomon would have to interfere to settle it and calm her down... and hear her ranting afterwards... too funny.

I also agree that Mini thinks she's 'all that' and more, while Perla has some self-image issues that she keeps fighting with.

Thanks, Marta. I really needed this to refresh my memory because I could not remember a thing from Friday night. It's like a repressed memory. Even the funny stuff was spoiled for me by this gnawing feeling that things are about to get really ugly for Lupita.

Salvador: "I would not trust Perla to boil an egg!" Well said. She is very distractible (she lost track of Mati pretty fast that one time) and not especially observant ("L E O N A R D O"). I doubt she'll notice any red flags around Ahole until it's too late.

Barbara, I do think Tizoc could be vulnerable to Ahole if Ahole ever tries to tempt him with "connections" (real or alleged) in the music industry. Emi's already told Ahole about Tizoc's band. If Ahole finds out that Tizoc is now bandless, Tizoc could be an easy mark. Especially if Ahole appeals to Tizoc's hurt ego and convinces him that he can be more successful than his old band.

Also, maybe I'm wrong, but I could have sworn that I heard Pelambres (the kid in the band who was related to the agent) mention an Uncle Beto. If so, and if it's the Beto who works for Ahole, that could get very interesting.

Julie, I also agree that Tizoc would be ripe for the picking with Alejo.I think that Alejo would see right through Tizoc and tempt him with what he wants most in exchange for helping Alejo get what he wants most: Lupita. Unfortunately, I think that is what he is going to do with Perla.
You are so right that things are looking pretty grim for Lupita right now. Interesting comment about an Uncle Beto.


Could be that I just heard it wrong. You'd figure Beto would have recognized his own nephew at the wrestling show/concert when he was there with Vilma. Maybe the band wasn't playing yet, though.

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