Monday, June 23, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of June 23, 2014

Here's the weekly page.  Enjoy!

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Ricardo and Camila have decided to start over, slowly. She tells Ernesto about this right away.

Mondriana tells Elena that the photograph of she and Mónica Serrano with the word vengeance written on it just appeared between the sheets of her bed. Elena asks if that’s all that has happened. Mondi tells her that she was in the studio the night before and she heard the voice of a woman whispering in her ear. Mondriana pretends to be really scared by this. Elena wants her to spy on the others in the house and find out who’s doing these things. She promises big bucks. Mondriana suggests that maybe Camila and Emiliana should go somewhere else until all this is settled.

Elena tells Gerardo she’s going to talk with the lawyers so they put a stop to the sale of Larrea Wineries.

We see Luz Marina in a trance and then having spasms in front of Selma. She speaks, and the voice that comes out is Esteban!

Some guy with a huge long lens is taking pictures of Mondriana and Gerardo as they both arrive at the Lake House. Mondriana now kisses him passionately and says she can’t live without him! She tells him to hurry up the sale of the business so they can leave together.

Elena comes to work and finds Carlos in her office. She’s furious he’s gone through her stuff, but he’s found the papers to sell the winery.

Playing her cards well, Mondriana notices that Gerardo looks worried at her desire for him to sell. She pulls away, saying she knows that he changed his mind. He says things got complicated and it will take a while. She tells him aghast that he was the one who was pressuring her to leave right away and now…

Elena again tells Carlos that selling the business was only a ploy to gain time. He says that the papers say differently and grabs her. He says he’s smarter than she and Gerardo put together. He threatens to spill the beans about them killing Mónica Serrano, falsifying her will and that they colluded with Figueroa. She looks him right in the eye and says that his façade isn’t working. He snarls that he owns 30% of the business. She says that the 30% share belongs to Raúl Camacho, not you, Carlos! He gets a shifty look on his face and asks her what she called him. She replies that she called him by his real name: Carlos Ricalde, the famous trafficker of women who is being sought by the FBI and the Mexican police.


Mondriana tortures Gerardo some more. She says he was lying to get her in bed. Maybe he wants to have two women at the same time without committing to either. “Show me you love me. Sell the winery immediately and let’s leave right away!” Gerardo tells her he left the hospital early so as to get the papers together, but then Elena changed her mind. Mondriana: “What difference does that make? You’re the owner!” He says there’s a lot of paperwork and asks for time. Lots of passionate kisses ensue. He’s hot to trot, but she says that, although she wants him too, she wants to wait until they can be in love without fear. Gerardo: “¿Que?” His eyes sort of bug out with sexual frustration. Mondriana manages to fend him off and gets him to leave. The photographer again takes pictures of the two of them when they leave.

Elena shows Carlos the printout of a wanted poster with his picture on it. She tells him she can call the FBI and tell them where he is. He’s had some extra time as a free man thanks to her. She tells him she wants him around specifically for his lack of morals, his tendency toward violence, and that she can use these things. She wants him to be loyal. Carlos asks why she needs a matón if she and Gerardo are selling the business. She tells him Gerardo is the one who wants to sell, and that Gerardo doesn’t know who he really is. She offers him his freedom in exchange for his loyalty to her. Oh, and by the way, if he touches a hair on Gerardo’s head, she’ll finish him off. He smirks that Fonsi is her weakness, and she replies that he doesn’t know the half of it. She also tells him she’s left instructions in the case of her death that the FBI will find out where he is.

Jorge confronts Lorena about Elena saying she didn’t know anything about her father. He says what we’ve suspected here at Viewerville, that they had something back in the day. He wonders if he’s Elena’s father, but she denies it and insists that E’s father is dead.

Elena tells Ernesto about how she’s changed her mind about selling the winery. She says she’d rather burn down both the house and business rather than give it up.

Diego tries to convince Mondriana to see a doctor because of her having fainted. [But he’s probably trying to get a multiple personality diagnosis instead.]


Ricardo tells his mother in the kitchen at Casa Serrano that his new job is going well. He also tells her that he and Cami are back together. Marta starts up with the same boring refrain of all telenovela servant mothers that the two of them come from different worlds.

Elena tells Ernie he must have Cami eating out of his hand by now. But he tells her that Ricardo showed up and…boom! He also tells her about Camila having asked Jorge for work for Ric. She starts ragging on him about being outdone by the son of a servant. Oh, please! Now she tells him he has to take her to bed by force.

Cami has caught up with Ricardo on the way out and they are kissing. Mondriana looks on fondly. Camila gets snotty with Mondriana when she sees that she’s watched them kiss. When Mondriana just says she’s happy to see Cami this way, Cami wants to know why Mondriana talks to her like a 50-year-old, when they are practically the same age.

When asked by her mother about how it’s going at work, Eileen replies that today she was slapped twice and kissed once! She says she doesn’t know if she’s an actress or playing at semana inglesa (5-day work week). I thought this usage was odd, but oh well. Selma then lies to Eileen about not having seen Luz Marina again.

Elena tells Ernesto that he has to drug Camila’s drink, take her to his apartment, make her think they had a fabulous night of passion and then make sure Ricardo finds out about it.

Emiliana tells Mondriana that Cami loved their mother very much and just didn’t know how to get closer. She also tells her that Camila felt terrible when her mother died and that she couldn’t say goodbye or ask her pardon. Emi then tells Mondriana that she’s sure that Diego is her boyfriend.

After flirting with a young girl, El Pachuco tries to force her into the van, but the puppy gang shows up and drags him off.

Jennifer tells Gabriel she’s three weeks late and sure she’s pregnant.


Leonor IS free! She goes home with Ignacio to his high rise apartment, and she's lived such an abusive life in prison, she needs a little tenderness. They make love.

Bert is home, greets his Mom, they hug tearfully, Chacorta tries to rain on his parade, Bert later visits his grandma Alba, they hug tearfully, Chacorta tries to rain on his parade again.

Victorcito tells Rutila he's NOT gay. Yeah, right.

Mati tells Lai that Tijeras is getting released from prison. Lai wants revenge, since Tijeras and Cabo killed her brother. In the prison, another guy tells Tijeras that Ponte is a cop (in Colombian slang, he's a "tombo"). Tijeras starts to beat him up, Ponte's friends separate them, and Ponte says how could I be a cop, I've been here 5 years, no cops ever visited me. Tijeras isn't sure, but stops his beating for now.

The Venezuelan General (I'll call him VenGen) tells AC he knows his identity, and will keep quiet for a bigger slice of the drugs and more money. It almost KILLS AC to give in, but he agrees.

Tatiana, Tatiana, Tatiana! Yes, we now know that the girl AC and Monica/Lola were kissing is named Tatiana. Monica tells her that they don't trust the new guy (Gidardo?), so keep an eye on him. While AC and Monica make jungle love, we see Gidardo down by the river, calling Tostao, relaying the news that these guys are now working with the Venezuelans. He earlier told Tostao that a Mexican is half running the operation. Tostao has been reporting back to Chema, I think, and/or Tijeras.

Tatiana catches Gidardo on the walkie talkie, and pulls a gun on him, you're toast, buddy! He sweet talks her, tells her he's unarmed, then pulls a knife and stabs her to DEATH. He dumps her body in the raging river.

Remember that moto heading for candidate Juan? Shots ring out in the restaurant, Juan is killed, Pedro (the governor) and Victoria, his daughter, a lawyer, are okay. Vicky just KNOWS that Elsa is behind this (which she is), and at the funeral, reams her out (but they can't prove anything, of course). Elsa is running for Mayor (Presidente Municipal), but eventually wants to be governor. Chema and Elsa celebrate, he asks if it hurts. What? Well, he replies, they always say the first murder is painful, then it gets easier. Hmmm.

The fun continues!

En Otra Piel

thanks so much novelera,
another wonderful recap and some new words!

interesting that Monica hears through the secret peep hole that Elena insists that they DON'T sell the winery, and then she puts the pressure on Geraldo to sell it NOW, I think she has these two figured out.

did Elena mention that Earnesto has a 10% stake in the company?

nice to see the local dog pack do something right for a change, but I hope the bad guys don't get to know each other and make a deal.

I was kind of getting from Elena that Lorena won't tell who her father is because there were different men and... but Lorena keeps saying her father is dead, this would indicate that she most definitely knows who it is, but since she isn't talking... and Jorge is the only guy around.

Jorge is still having Monica investigated, isn't he?



thanks Hombre!
nice summary with lots of confirmations on who's who, what's what.

so now that Tatiana is dead we know her name, smart move getting rid of the body.

does Tostao's operation include a drug thing as well.

Aurelio in the jungle without HIS guys is really draining on him.

yes, I think Chacorta's life will forever revolve around 'raining' on Bert's parade, since the day he slept with Matilde.

I noticed in the captions in referring to Elsa they use the feminine, 'presidenta' municipal.

and thanks Kelly for throwing out Luz Maria's name earlier, as we occasionally see her.

didn't Matilde hear the rumor about Tijeras, and used her scissors fingers to hint it was him, and was Lai asking the General for a favor?



Deb, the way Ernesto would "get" 10% of the Larrea Wineries was (according to Elena) by marrying Camila. Seems like Elena is back living in the 50's in that she thinks a man takes control of a woman's assets through marriage. Plus she doesn't know they're living in California. If you marry someone with assets they are yours alone and only what increases during the marriage is joint property. Not to mention that Camila is hardly the type to let her husband run things!

Tks Hombre, slept through the whole thing last night.

They give nice manicures in the slammer. Did you notice Leos?

The mole told Tatiana he had some kind of papers, step closer & he would show her, which la tonta did.

Alma told Beto if she had known he was coming, she would have made a capirotada

Looks delicious.


What if Lorena is saying that Elena's father is dead because he IS dead? Because he's JULIAN. Lorena, despite practicing her lying skills for Elena, still isn't very good at it. Yet she sounded pretty convincing when talking to Jorge. I can't remember if she knows about Julian and Elena, but that would be one more reason to not let Elena realize that she had an affair (or tried to) with her own father.

And how is drugging and raping (or pretending to have sex with) Camila going to help? This doesn't seem like the type of show to push the whole "we had sex therefore we must get married" plot line. And Camila sure as heck won't fall for that. She may lose Ricardo, but she will hate Ernesto and never forgive him. Not sure how this helps Elena, et al.



Would someone just shoot Chacorta and soon! Sure he blames Mathilde as well, refusing to let her see her only child. But he doesn't have sense enough to realize that someone like Mathilde constantly working on seducing a young man, an adolescent really, would absolutely be impossible to resist.

I loved the way Victoria got right in Elsa's face at the funeral.

It would be nice if Leonor would love Ignacio back, but I think she's going to continue to try to bring down Aurelio Casillas.

Poor Tatiana. She signed up for the revolution and then got basically sacrificed by Mónica.

The situation with Tijeras in prison is odd, but then I guess prisons are different in México. He's leading a privileged life with full access to cell phones. I guess he calls Tosta'o in Colombia and Tosta'o then keeps Chema informed. Chema REALLY wants to know who that Mexican is that is running a big lab in Colombia.

I am fairly confused about the two Colombian "guerrilla" groups. It appears that Macario's group actually may be trying to overthrow the government, and using the drug operation to fund it. The other group, run rather cruelly by Tosta'o, seems to me to be 100% devoted to being a drug producing operation.


Deb, you are correct, Lai and Matilde asked the General for help in locating their "friend" Tijeras because they haven't seen him in years since he has been locked up. We all know the reason they want to locate him is so they can kill him. Matilde overheard Chema talking to him on the phone and telling him he was going to get him out, hence the colombiana's (Mati and Lai) urgency in catching him before he disappears.


Maybe Macario's group is FARC. FARC was recognized by Hugo Chavez as a legit party, which might be the Ven Gen's connection. Can't find out his name but he reminds me of Sylvester Stallone.


Variopinta, I also noticed Leo's manicure once they got to Ignacio's place but she did not have them done in the trial/hearing so I'm assuming she did them or got them done on the way to Ig's.

I know I know... I'm way too observant... Don't judge me haha


Byway, I'm not too fond of capirotada... Yuck... Not my cup of tea.


En Otra Piel
Thanks, novelera, for another excellent recap. I thought I finally had an idea to contribute, but Kelly beat me to it. I agree with what she said about Julian perhaps being Elena's father. That makes very good sense for a number of reasons. One is that I hate the thought of someone as decent as Jorge having such a b*tch for a daughter. Also, if I recall correctly, Vicki commented earlier that although Monica loved Julian con toda la corazón, Julian was not faithful to her. Perhaps his infidelity involved not just Elena but also Lorena. And it would somehow be fitting (in a telenovela sort of way) for Elena to have as her father the man she slept with and killed.

En Otra Piel
I also agree with what Kelly said about the pointlessness of Elena's plan for Ernesto to drug and rape Camila. It may stretch this already stretched telenovela out even further by souring Ricardo, but it's unlikely to accomplish much else. I'm hoping the plot won't make use of this very tired plot cliché, but I'm not optimistic.

I noticed some heavily tattooed faces in la cárcel with Tijeras. Wonder if they are Mara Salvatrucha?
They are an extremely brutal gang & do work for some of the cartels, Sinaloa being one. I saw a movie "Sin Nombre", first I had heard of them. They are also in the US, even started in LA.


Many thanks, Hombre, once again. I was pleased to see that for once I heard correctly (about Leo's being free).

I have to say I hate knowing that they're planning a third season of Cielos. ¡Ya basta! I'd like to think that many of the main characters will get their just deserts by the end of this season, but a planned third season makes this unlikely.

VRO, I suspect capirotada is too sweet, verdad?

I'm on the Julian as Elena's father bandwagon too (YUCK) but poor Lorena
I'm having a hard time sympathizing with Mondriana because arrgh she should just stop wasting time and give Adriana's body back, It's all just taking too long. At the very beginning I started watching because I thought it was going to be a body swap (like Freaky Friday) and when Monica's body really died and Adriana was left out in the cold I was so disappointed I stopped watching
But -- I stopped really watching the otra tn I was into right now and I need my fix so I'm giving it another shot but arrrrgggghhhh Monica!! It's her body! I don't know leave her a letter or something asking for her help and explaining but this is just unfair.

OOps that last comment was for En Otra Piel



En Otra Piel

Sneaky Two Shoes, I think the writers have successfully established why Mónica is resisting giving Adriana back the body.

In the scene where Elena injects her with the heart-stopping medication, whatever it was, the last thing Mónica heard was Elena saying she wasn't exactly the motherly type and would likely get rid of Camila and Emiliana also.

After having overheard Elena out and out say she killed Mónica (saying it to Gerardo) from her vantage point in the secret room, Mónica remembered Elena's threat that happened right before she "died".

So Mónica feels she has to prove what Elena and Gerardo did or somehow neutralize them to save her daughters.


Gabriel is delighted about Jennifer being pregnant. But later the test proves negative. They’re both upset, but he asks her to marry him.

Upon hearing about Mondriana fainting, Maite and Valeria jump to the conclusion that Diego got her pregnant.

The photographer we saw taking pictures at the Lake House was hired by Jorge and he later confronts Mondriana with the pictures. She goes on the offense about his spying on her. Later she quotes something about life being like music that was a saying of Mónica’s. And she asks him to trust her.

Elena remembers that Diego was the guy she almost shot outside Mondriana’s Guest House. She goes to see him in the utility shed just as he’s about to raise up the lid of the way to the tunnel. [He dropped something through the slots in the door.] At first he basically says he doesn’t have to answer questions about his personal life, and is about to quit. But he ends up telling her they met in San Francisco two years ago.

El Pachuco gets badly beaten up by Rottweiler and the puppy gang for messing with the women in his neighborhood. He says his boss will pay big bucks for him. Of course, what we’ve feared came to pass. Carlos shows up and convinces the puppy gang to find young women for him. He first offers $2K, but Rotty insists on $2.5K. Of course this is a pittance to Carlos. Carlos basically tells them they can get girls from other neighborhoods.

Gerardo tells Elena he cancelled the sale.

Eileen stops by the bookstore and finds Cami and Ricardo kissing. She takes it with good grace and, in a comic touch, gives them each some vegetables from her grocery bag.

Gerardo has come to Jorge’s house to sign the purchase contract. [Don’t they need Carlos’ signature?] Jorge starts giving him the same lecture about morals that he earlier gave Mondriana. Of course, this is all because he loved Mónica and resents what he perceives as betrayal of her by her husband so soon after she died.


Variopinta, yes you are correct. Very sweet! Don't get me wrong, you may like it but I'm not big on fruits.


En Otra Piel
Many thanks, Novelera, for your brief but very helpful recap. I didn't realize that Diego was about to open the lid that leads to the tunnel. Nor did I realize that Carlos told the puppies that they could find girls for him in other neighborhoods. I wonder whether that includes the neighborhood where Camila, Emi, Mondri, and Jennifer live.

En Otra Piel

thanks novelera!

weren't Carlos and Pachuco talking earlier about getting maybe $40,000 per girl or something like that, less now with this new guy, so he was quite the shrewd guy, I hope he offs Pachuco for punking out and giving up his name.

ah yes, a love lettuce from Eileen for Camila and a carrot for Ricardo.

I was waiting for Monica to tell Jorge that Elena killed Monica, of course she can't tell him she is Monica, but maybe it's smarter the way she is doing it, easing him into it with little things he would remember about her.



This was the episode where we're supposed to feel maybe a little bit of empathy for AC. Not me! He calls out Gildardo, accuses him of betrayal, but Gil says Tatiano who? Macario lays down the law, I take care of all security matters, so I say this guy is okay. AC isn't happy, he tells Monica things are looking bad, they're going to move to Spain. And don't get mad, he adds, but Lai is coming! Monica is furious, of course, by AC explains that he actually loves Monica, even more than Xime, and all those other women mean nothing. He even wants to start a new family with her. This is good, because we also see Monica, alone, get a bit nauseous - pregnancy alert!

Back in Sinaloa, Bert gets a call from Ignacio, come to Mexico City, there's someone you should meet. We know it's Leonor!! I think Ig wants to show Leonor that people can change. Before Bert departs, he leaves the letters from AC in a suitcase, and catches Xime reading them. He tells her he isn't surprised, she still doesn't trust him, and he surmises she also wants to know what's up with her ex. So read them, he says. Later, she does, and in one of the letters to Bert, AC also says he wants to start a second family with Monica!

Victoria's accusations to Elsa go nowhere, but these two ladies both vow to take down the other. Elsa sort of wants another hit, but Andrews tells her to cool it.

Lai is on her way to Colombia, but first she stops at the prison where Tijeras is, and meets with him. This should be interesting, since she wants him dead!

Tijeras still doesn't trust Ponte, and Leonor visits Ramos, the weak willed general, demanding he do something to get Ponte out. Elsa hears that Leo is out, and calls immigration.

Matilde meets with HER general, the Mexican one who was a sheriff in La Patrona, and having told her where Tijeras is, he wants Mati! She says she'll give him any of the other girls, but she's off limits. I'm not sure he'll agree.

I think Chema's on his way to Colombia, too. If so, we could have some fireworks there! We know his guy, Tostao is ruthless, after catching a worker stealing coke, he rubs his face in it, then sends him off, possibly to be killed. Tostao is just about ready to attack Macario, is just waiting for Gildardo's signal.


Also, Ernesto asks Chacorta's man if Ernie can join the drug gang, he needs a job. Huh? The padre won't like this.

En Otra Piel

Thanks, Novelera, for the recap of Monday's episode and the brief highlights of Tuesday's.

It was inevitable I suppose that Raul/Carlos and puppy gang would hook up. No prizes for guessing where they are going to start abducting women - the other gang's territory where Valeria and Maite live. I really don't want to see any women abducted but I don't think I am going to get my wish.

The scene with Selma and the medium was weird. Was "Selma" all that Esteban said or did he impart some information? In the next scene, Selma was back home lying to Eileen as if nothing had happened.

What exactly do we thing is Mondriana's plan to protect her daughters and expose her murderers? So far, all she has done is make Gerardo's life really complicated and intermittently scare Elena. But when Monica's spirit isn't playing tricks, Elena bounces back to her usual nasty self - she isn't falling apart.


thanks so much Hombre!
I missed a lot of this.

I really have a hard time keeping track of which general is which, could they put them all in the same room for once.

I would have thought Matilde could shoot a gun by now, but... there seems to be no end to how repulsive she can be.

I don't know why Aurelio is out in the jungle in the first place, (hiding out?) with no perks, no one to wait on him, and no one he can kill, but what's in Spain? and why is Lai going too, and traveling alone she looked a little nervous when the cabbie started asking her questions, been here before?

and Chacorta looks impatient every time Aurelio calls him, (what do you want this time), so I didn't get what he wanted this time.

Ernesto was working hard on getting a job, for Chacorta no less, but didn't he say his father worked for Ximena's dad, don Cleto, when Chacorta asked about what he said the guard just kind of shrugged it off, curious.

Rutila sure is a know-it-all snot, I somehow don't think Chema is going to leave this stone unturned.

I'm wondering why boy Andrews (our new comedian) is still in the DEA, does he ever do anything for those guys?



Good recap Hombre!!

Deb, the original plan for AC to move to Colombia was to do (2) things: hide out from Mexican authorities and everyone else that believes he is dead AND to build one of the biggest labs in Colombia.

The reason Lai can help AC move to Spain is because Lai was married to a rich man (don't remember if he was a businessman or drug dealer) from Spain, so she has connections in Spain.

AC calls Chacorta and asks him to get them some new passports so they can move to Spain.



thanks -VRO


EN OTRA PIEL, Wed. pt. 1

Jorge wants to talk to Ger and mentions “personal carácter”. He makes it clear that he doesn’t think Ger has any. But he doesn’t want details of what is going on; he just wants the business in the family’s hands. “Okay”, says Ger.

Lorena is going to meet some of Monica Serrano’s fans and Emi is going with. Mondriana approves this, and they leave as Camila enters. Cami APOLOGIZES to Mondri. Mon is just happy to see her happy with Ric.

Jenny kicks Gabe out of the house but not before he gets a couple goodbye kisses, giving Marta time to catch them. She lays into them but Gabe drops that they are going to get married. Susanna overhears this and doesn’t look pleased.

Vale and Maite talk about Mondri being pregnant. Vale is sure of it because she sees it in Diego’s eyes, which seems much better than peeing on a stick. Maite, realist as always, questions this and points out all the good that Mondri has done for them. Vale mopes.

Vicki is super excited about Gabe and Jenny’s news! She’s the only one, Marta thinks it’s too soon and Susanna just looks pissed. Marta heads out and Diego comes in, and Susanna breaks the news.

Diego is happy too, much to Susanna annoyance. They asks Diego, who they’ve only known a few months, to be there padrino de bodas.

Pachuco is teaching the dog gang how to get girls. A$$h^le.

Elena talks to Ernesto about moving on to Plan B: The Rape Plan. She tries calling Ger but can’t get through. She asks the receptionist about the meeting with the Japanese, but the receptionist tells her he cancelled that meeting to meet with Jorge Larrea. Busted!

Also busted is the secret passage from the shed. Diego finds it and goes down as Mondri is going in from the office. Why doesn’t she use this back way? Seems like it’d be safer, or it was until everyone found it.

Jorge gives Ger the contract for the sale with a no-cancellation clause. Then Carlos shows up to spoil things. He tells Jorge that he owns 30% and Ger can only legally sell his share.

Diego finds Mondri and surprises her as she’s in the safe. The dije falls on the floor. He wants to know what this place is, and Mondri begs him not to tell anyone as she feels faint.

Elena asks Ernesto about the sale and he can’t help her. He tells her this is something she needs to work out with Ger. She threatens him. He tries to calm things down and she tells him he should’ve been a diplomat. But she’s still worried about Ger.

Marta goes to see Rod about this marriage nonsense.

EN OTRA PIEL, Wed. part 2

Ger blames an economic crises for having to sell part to “Raul”. Jorge ups the price to own 100%, against the advice or Ric and Tomas.

Diego keeps pushing Mondri about how she knew about this place. She tries to tell him she found out from the owner, but she’s stil about to pass out and yelling at him not to touch her.

Cami interrupts Elena and Ernesto and wants to talk to Elena alone. Ernie excuses himself. Elena talks up Ernesto but Cami isn’t interested. She tells Elena that she and Ric are back together. Elena can’t understand this and thinks Ric isn’t the guy for her, but she “accepts” that Cami is an adult and can make her own decision. She’s faking.

Mondri finally passes out and Adriana is back! She kisses Diego, who says he missed her, etc. Then she passes out for real.

Carlos turns down Jorge’s offer. Then Jorge asks him to name his price, and Carlos again turns him down and behaves like a jerk as he does.

Marta talks to Rod about Gabe and Jennifer. Rod reminds her that they had nothing when they got married. He’s taking their side because he’s a romantic. (Who apparently doesn’t remember that he’s divorced).

Elena takes a call from Carlos while she’s talking to Cami. It’s good news. The sale is off. Elena makes up some other good news for Cami’s benefit.

Gabe interrupts his parent’s conversation and Rod demands to know why the heck he didn’t tell him he was engaged? Marta still thinks it’s a locura. She’s worried about what the dog gang will do. In the end, she agrees to support him but won’t celebrate this decision.

Susanna chats with Jenny about the engagement. She sure does hope they don’t end up like who cousin: 25 and divorced twice. Then she says something about the baby that she assumes they are having. Close, Susanna.

Diego is trying to help Mondri when she finally wakes up. He has to go because Jenny is yelling for him, but he tells her not to move. Jenny gives him some instructions from Marta and then he runs back to the secret basement.

Jorge wants to talk to Ger alone. Ger asks for a week a arrange things, and Jorge just wants that fulano (Carlos) away from his nieces. What isn’t clear is why Ger can’t just sell him the 70% right now. (ok, it is clear. If he sells part then he can get push out Carlos and the story ends).

Diego returns to the secret room and Mondri is, naturally, gone.



En Otra Piel
Thanks muchly, Kelly, for your great recap. I especially enjoyed your remark that Valeria is sure that Diego has made Mondri pregnant because "she sees it in Diego’s eyes, which seems much better than peeing on a stick."

I was a bit surprised that Carlos didn't accept Jorge's offer to name his price. Did he fear that he couldn't legally prove that he was Raul Camacho, or whatever alias he's been using? Surely the megabucks Jorge seemed to be offering would have been a lot surer and easier than many trips across the border with altered wine. (I confess that while I detest Carlos the character, I am enjoying the actor's portrayal. He does slime exceptionally well.

En Otra Piel

Thanks so much, Kelly. I'm short on time this morning. May comment more later.

I think Carlos would have wanted to accept Jorge's offer of money but he didn't dare double cross Elena. If that deal had been signed, he was likely facing a visit from the FBI before he could get the check cashed.

En Otra Piel

thanks Kelly!
it's always fun to read your recaps.

hmm, what was Monica doing in the safe, was she getting out the 'dije', or did she just bump it by accident when Diego startled her?

wow, Geraldo was sure caught off guard by Carlos, (and here I was expecting a ranting Elena to come through the door instead), the business end was a little confusing but the awkward position of all was well played, Geraldo was willing Carlos to burst into flames, while Carlos just smirked and Jorge spun in confusion.

I guess some options were that Geraldo thought he could have done the deal as a majority owner (I once owned some stock in a local company, that was bought by a big company, and got cashed out for my few shares but I had no say in the deal) or, what they were pushing now was that Geraldo could sell just his shares to George (as Carlos kept calling him) but Jorge wanted the whole company, and now I hope he will investigate the company and the owners and hopefully come across Elena's part in this.

it is amazing that Diego's love for Adriana is so strong he is willing to bend everything to make it work.



Several of our couples are making a little love progress. Ximena friend Santiago is biding his time, but makes it known he wants something permanent, when Xime is ready. He also says Xime should tell Bert that AC killed his grandfather, now that AC's dead, this would be closure, right? Xime doesn't want to burden Bert (and besides, AC ISN'T dead).

Immigration (called by Elsa) knocks at Ignacio's door, demanding to take Leo into custody. Leo's ready to be deported, but Ig "saves" her, by saying he's her fiance. This REALLY angers Elsa. And Ignacio does propose to Leo, but I think she said no (my broadcast was interrupted to tell me of a storm watch, as if I couldn't hear the rain anyway). But then Leo wants to save Ponte, and somehow, the deal is she has to immediately go back to Colombia, and then Ponte can be freed, for diplomatic reason or something like that. However, that could mess up Ignacio's other plan, which is to have Leo meet Bert. He's already spoken to Bert, who is arriving in Mexico City just about now.

Our third loving couple is AC and Monica. While Tostao prepares to attack as soon as Gildardo gives the signal, Tatiana's body is discovered. Sure enough, she was killed by a knife which match's Gil's. AC tells Macario NOW do you believe me? We have to interrogate this guy. Macario still doesn't like his authority questioned, but does end up trying to question Gil. Gil won't talk, but at the end of the episode, AC starts threatening to cut off an ear, an eye, etc. This could be persuasive.

AC also has some kind of new plan, maybe moving the production headquarters to Venezuela before they go to Spain. Lai had fun threatening Tijeras in jail, and he wanted to deal with her, but unwittingly revealed that he's working with Chema in Colombia, which Lai immediately told AC.

There's also some plan with Mati getting Chacorta some contact with a TV guy, Pepe Johnson. I didn't understand this one.

I did understand that Rutila, Ernesto, Victor and Cristina are bound to get in trouble in some abandoned building Ruti has found for fun. Oh, those kids!


wow, great summary Hombre!

this Santiago guy keeps reminding me of Turco, and we all know this will never work out, Ximena does sad and lonely very well.

love comes to Leo as if there is no tomorrow, and when tomorrow comes, she's gone, or tries to be. I think she made a call to HER general and decided to return there and free Ponte through diplomatic channels, thus freeing her from Ignacio, but she is still there.

I guess Ignacio had to call in a quick favor from governor Pedro, who earlier asks when Victoria will have a good man at her side, and she says he will know it when it happens.

and Elsa reels in Max again for some help while his dying wife has to quietly watch.

I have to side with Macario somewhat, Aurelio is constantly undermining his authority over the troops, and thankfully Monica keeps dragging him away, and when she is alone, she rubs her belly.

Lai was definitely the sly one at the prison meet with Tijeras, he cooly impressed her with his Colombian connections, didn't he let slip Tosta'o and his band of unmerry men, which she immediately told Aurelio who I think got what Gildardo is all about, and didn't it look like he thought they might be attacked.

interesting to watch narco kids sneaking off, (with a couple of cars full of bodyguards), I guess she is working on making Victor a man, what did the sign say over the door, Ruti knew this place and had a key.

I guess we don't know what Chacorta is up to yet, but Matilde didn't shoot him, and she may get to see carlitos (is it, and how was he named?), who in another 10 years they may stop talking about who his dad is and do the test.

hmm, what is Chema up to with Bigotes?

and Chema throws out boy Andrews file on Mexicans in Colombia, it has to be Aurelio, but Aurelio's dead, DNA doesn't lie, Andrews says yet again.



An appeal, please. Jean is off to Spain and I am hosting my book club tonight. Doubt I'll even see the novela, much less post anything about it.

Would anyone be willing to do a quick and dirty, just the facts recap for tonight's episode of EOP?

El señor

I thought the building the kids broke into ws the school where Victorcito's mother worked. Could there be something there that sheds light on, I don't know, something?


En Otra Piel

Thanks, Kelly.

I also think Jorge will investigate Raul/Carlos. He wasn't at all excited about his demeanor when they met...and Camilia hates him. Now if only the photographer would obtain incriminating evidence without being seen.

I wish Andriana would say "something" to Diego to give him a clue, but apparently the writers are holding off.

spanish student

En Otra Piel

Monica should have told Jorge that she was trying to get close to Gerardo because she suspects the will is fake and asked for his help. The woman needs to ask SOMEONE for help because she sure isn't very effective on her own, at this point I don't care who she asks but she needs to tell someone her suspicions (actually not suspicions cause she knows) and tell Jorge to protect the girls from Elena at the very least

Also Yay! Adriana got her body back, if only for a minute

And I guess I missed it but does Mondriana not know the low rent scarface Carlos is in the company leering at her daughter?

TELEMUNDO- news (maybe)

"En Otra Piel"-
Wednesday was the final day of filming.

"Los Miserables" (now being filmed in Mexico)
Aarón Díaz will do a cameo in this one, (after his across-the-room romance gone psycho with a stunned/stunning Gaby Espino in "Santa Diabla", I'm interested to see what else he can do)


In Otra Piel
Novelera -
I guess you're right, but I thought Elena just meant sending Emi to boarding school or something, besides Mondriana isn't doing that good a job of looking after Cami seeing that Elena is planning her rape.

Thanks, Hombre, for another very helpful recap. I doubt I could continue watching this novela without them.

I'm not at all sure, but I think Chacorta wanted Mati to find him a rich, high-profile contact, and I got the impression that he wanted such a person to drum up a larger market for drugs among the rich and famous. But I could be way off here.

EN OTRA PIEL... Thursday

Diego returns to the secret room but no Adriana, he goes on a frantic search, no one has seen her.

Ricardo calls Camila, they meet, he tells her Camacho owns 30%,
she flips out.

Geraldo crashes into Elena's office, tells her he knows it was her that sent Carlos, (interesting these intense conversations interspersed with "mi amors"), he leaves disgusted, she has a tear in her eye.

Jorge calls Elena, she avoids the call, next he shows up at Selma's with the Monica/Geraldo photos, who is this woman?, he demands, Selma slides, but could he excuse her, she has to take a call, he leaves.

Camila goes to Elena's office, what's the story on Camacho? Elena hates to blame it all on Geraldo, but Camila's mother left the company in such bad financial shape, they needed an investor, but why Camacho, Camila wants to know.

Diego catches up to Monica out in the garden, he wants to know, she avoids him, he grabs her, and seen by Geraldo as he is returning home, he steps in, Monica breaks them up (I think she believes Diego is there because he needs a job).

the news of Gabriel/Jennifer wedding is spreading, he is worried about his mom, Rodrigo assures him she has a heart of gold.

Lorena and Emi return from a fun day with Monica's fans.

Eileen is depressed, Selma picks up on it and they talk about Ricky, but Eileen has to go study, she has 1500 scenes to get ready for the next day, what? Selma asks, they make novelas fast these days, Eileen says.

Monica returns to her cabana, Geraldo is inside waiting, he wants to know what's the story with Diego, yes we know each other but there is nothing going on, and as he persists, she asks what's the story with Elena, it's complicated he says, and did you close the sale, ah no, and Monica finally just tells him to leave.

Ernesto swings by Cami's office, peering through the glass, with his darkened gonna rape you look, she sees him and motions him in, did you know Camacho is an owner, she asks, ah no, I'm just an employee.

Camila crashes into Carlos' office and confronts him, he gets into her face in his own intimidating way, but she doesn't even flinch.

Diego is called to Geraldo's home office, Geraldo drops down 3 months pay with compensation and never wants to see Diego again, Diego is not liking this, as Geraldo moves closer, face to face, but out of nowhere appears Elena and jumps between the two bulls...



I don't know about Ignacio's plan,
what could go wrong here?


En Otra Ciel
Great job, deb! Your description of Ernesto peering through the Camila's office window "with his darkened gonna rape you look" was perfect!

When Camila got in Carlos' face, I think he snarled at her that if she knew what was good for her, she'd stay as far away from him as possible, or something equally threatening. It wasn't clear that she recognized the seriousness of the threat.

deb, I was and remain totally mystified by Ignacio's "plan." Bringing Leo to where he was going to meet Beto was the epitome of stupid. Perhaps Ignacio didn't know that Beto had killed Marco (and the other guy earlier, whose name I've forgotten), but even so. Bringing Leo there and giving her a gun destroyed Beto's trust and jeopardized his life. It also seems to have thrown him back into his old world, since he was desperate enough to call Chacorta for help.


Even though AC stabs Gildardo in the ribs, Gil won't talk. Monica says he's been trained not to talk, but Macario should thank "Pancho"(AC). Then she feels faint. Back in the cabin, she's afraid to tell AC she's pregnant, but he's happy, says he'd LOVE to have LOT of her kids. He also misses his kids, especially Bert.

Ah yes, Bert. Ignacio has the brilliant plan to prove to Leo that she's not a killer, and to prove that someone can change, but giving Leo a gun, and having Bert come to a deserted alley alone. Not so smart, Iggie. Leo is enraged, recalling Bert's killing Marco, and another earlier killing. Bert flees, also outraged at Ig. He hides out, does escape, calls Chacorta for help. For her part, Leo has also disappeared, although a stunned Ignacio tells his assistant Diana that Leo probably went to visit Ponte at the jail in Juarez. This is the one where Tijeras is, too, and another guy pretty much proves that Ponte's a cop. Uh oh.

Our 4 kids have some fun in the abandoned place, which was Rutila's old house she grew up in! She pushes Ernie into the pool, her pulls her in, soon they're down to skivvies. She shows him a secret hiding place, and they're shocked to find wads of cash, a brick of drugs and a gun. Ernie wants to take it, they can start a life together, but Ruti says no way. They both think Chacorta may still be using this house as a depository.

The other two, Victor and Cristine, are making out, but Cris feels something is wrong (this is supposed to tell us Vic is gay, I guess). When the kids show up the next morning, the Padre and Xime aren't happy.

Meanwhile, Santiago is ready to employ Bert, to continue his changed life. But thanks to Iggie's ill-fated plan, this seems like a non-starter (although they don't know it yet).

We find out Charcorta's plan with Pepe Johnson, the TV guy (and coke addict). They'll give him a brick of coke per month, and he has to sell it to all his actor friends. Or else.

We also find out the Venezuelan general's name - Montoya. AC wants to build a huge lab in Venezuela, which will net the General 10 times more than they're making now (but with more risk). Montoya considers it.

Lai and Mati talk, but their Colombian slang is all vowels to me, no consonants, especially when they drink (which is all the time). So I think Lai wants a baby too. But maybe it was a drug deal, one or the other :)

Elsa has sex with Max, and he can't understand why she's so obsessed with La Colombiana (Leo). Is it something personal?

Chema is shown a body in a freezer by a guy named Torito, and it's supposed to be dead AC, but Chema's sixth sense says no. He's going to Colombia to see just who that Mexican is!


thanks so much Hombre!
yep, either a baby or a drug deal, this happens to me a lot.

I was thinking Ignacio's plan was to demonstrate that people can change, Heriberto a reformed narco and Leo not really a murderer, (were they going to have tea later), but I think he totally under-estimated the ruthlessness of the narco life, and the equal ruthlessness of the people that hunt them, (tolerated by governments, but later discarded), wow, so now Elsa (along with her guy Chema), Heriberto and the Casillas, and now Leo, hate him, and the double security didn't keep Leo out, nor Heriberto off his doorstep.

I was thinking the guy-in-the-freezer was Ronnie, Aurelio's earlier double that he killed at Turco's place in LA., did they go off for some meat tacos?

Ernie looks more-than-ready for a life of crime, but it was interesting that Ruti was backing off, and Victor was pawing away on Cris before she broke it off.

Aurelio always seems to be ahead of the game, moving to Venezuela would protect him from Tostao, but I remember reading about Pablo Escobar, these big labs in the jungle involve thousands of people, houses, mess halls, schools, and at one site they built the houses on wheels, so when they pushed them back there appeared a runway.



"Dueños del paraíso"- (Kate del Castillo's upcoming novela)

Mario Cimarro is casting as Conrado San Miguel,
(google translation)
Ex soldier, was in the Vietnam War where he lived the worst experiences of his life. A man with an explosive temper, very loyal to his friends, defender of freedom and faithful representative of the times in which he lives, the '70s.

Manager, illustrious neighbor and occasional seller of marijuana, Conrad lives with his wife, Erica. They have no children. His goal is to consistently beat a system that he considers unfair. Work little, talk a lot.

Becomes an object of desire and whim of Anastasia Cardona (Kate del Castillo)



THANKS SO MUCH, Deb, for pitching in with a Thursday recap. I did end up staying up late and watching my recording of the novela after all.

Diego is pretty annoying most of the time. Last night was seriously bad writing for his role. Unless the only point was to have the two jealous guys facing off - a telenovela staple. What do I mean by bad writing? Well, Diego had boned up on multiple personality disorder, was convinced Mondriana had it, and was thinking about ways to get her to a doctor for the diagnosis. SO, when she exhibits exactly the traits of MPD: being one person (the Adriana who loves him and kisses him passionately) and then quite suddenly a different person (Mónica, who thinks he's a nice person but isn't in love with him), he just grabs her by the arms and rants at her about how could she disregard those passionate kisses of 5 minutes ago. He appears to have zero memory of what he told Rodrigo he was sure of after all his reading. Bah!

Carlos Ricalde was very threatening to Camila. He called her a badly behaved spoiled brat. And he told her she didn't want to ever see his bad side. Gosh I hope they don't go with his trying to sell her in China as he gloated over with El Pachuco.

I think Gerardo's cold fury and removing her hand from his shoulder sent a spark of fear into Elena. I hope he sticks to his coldness. I want her to suffer!

I've got a bad feeling about Susana. She's irrationally upset about Gabriel and Jennifer. The most that ever passed between she and Gabe when he was being sort of a mujeriego was a kiss or two. I fear she's going to do something to try to hurt Jen, especially since she heard about the puppy gang being after her.

En Otra Piel

thanks Juanita and novelera for adding some color,

ah yes, I just remembered Monica's confusion knowing that Adriana had taken back her body and so she had no knowledge of what had occurred with Diego, and when Diego was insistent about what had happened, she was, and still is, reeling with the possibilities.


En Otra Piel

Thanks, Deb. I also loved the comment about Ernesto's "darkened gonna rape you look." He really did look pathetic and I think he pops his collar more than he speaks. He's clearly out of his league and can't handle Elena's demands.

Very tense scene with Camilia and Carlos, now if only she would tell somebody (Jorge or Monica) so Carlos can be investigated.

spanish student

En Otra Piel

Good point, Spanish Student, about Camila's needing to tell Jorge about Carlos' behavior.

Considering the all out effort he made looking into Mondriana, I'm sure he could find out all about "Raúl Camacho" and who he really is quite easily.


I just received a CD, unsolicited in the mail "Suleimán El Gran Sultán". It starts 7/1 8PM on MundoFox.

Must be because I get People en español & TV y Novelas. odd

En otra piel

Exactly, Novelera. Shouldn't be hard to get the same info that Ernesto's detective uncovered. Plus, if he ever talks to Monica, he'll learn that Carlos was at the Perv's campaign event when the video was played. Of course the Perv was connected to Elena.

Spanish student


Another very, very brief one.

Susana listens to happy discussions of the planned wedding of Gabriel and Jennifer looking sulfurous. She worries me a lot.

Carlos and El Pachuco have sold four frightened looking girls to some Danny. OK, this plot is thin. When Carlos owned the brothel in San Diego and had guards, he had control over kidnapped women. But this nudie bar is in Los Angeles. It appears open to the public. What's to prevent those girls from screaming kidnapping at the tops of their lungs the minute the gags are off?

Catching Ricardo and Camila kissing at the front door, Elena pretends to be happy for them. Ric doesn't look like he's buying it.

After the night before's scene where Diego and Gerardo face off over Diego grasping Mondriana by the arms, we see some flashbacks. Gerardo remembers seeing Mondi and Diego at Esteban's funeral and Elena telling him that Diego was Mondriana's lover.

He storms into the Guest House, half crazed with jealousy. Mondriana is already in bed and conveniently in her shorty pj's. She explodes too, telling him she wishes she loved Diego, who is pure, kind, and good. She tells him she hates loving him, etc. Of course, telenovela classic, he grabs her and force kisses her until she responds. They end up in bed together, disappointing me.

Carlos muses to El Pachuco at the nudie bar about being sure he'll find Adriana and get revenge for her scarring him and burning down the brothel.

After the apparent wild passion, Gerardo is over the moon, post-coitally pleased. But Mondriana looks very depressed. She asks him to leave and is disgusted with herself.

Gabriel has again spent the night with Jennifer. He tells Emiliana about the wedding and wants her to come. He can't see how hurt the poor kid is. Elena confronts Gabriel when she finds him there.

Mondriana is walking Pacho and is internally telling herself she has to make Gerardo and Elena pay.

En Otra Piel

thanks so much novelera!

and I guess the witch Elena saves Diego's job, for now.

and while Carlos and Pachuco celebrate their good fortune (getting more girls faster, while doing less) doesn't Carlos talk about how Elena could bring done the house with her info to the FBI, Pachuco wants to kill everyone or go back to Mexico, but Carlos is willing to let it ride, for now.

and I seem to remember a conversation between Monica and Selma, that Adriana is getting stronger and more persistent and that Monica's time is getting short, so doesn't Monica say something about making a video or something where she puts together the truth of what has happened in case she is gone.

hmm, could this open the way for Adriana's return, what would the story be like then?



Leo does got to Juarez to meet with Ponte, Ignacio goes, too. But they're too late, as Tijeras and crew, with some complicit guards, hand poor Ponte! Tijeras even gloats at Leo as he is released the same day. She later puts two and two together, tells Ig she knows that Tijeras did it. But he's long gone, partying it up now in Mexico, heading to Colombia.

Elsa confides in Lucilas some of the terrible things she's done. But she also tells Luci that the two of them will rise way up. I think Luci may have returned Elsa's affections. But that means that later jealousy could cause betrayal.

Monica meets with a guy Pantaleon to help with AC's latest drug plan. It looks as if she has to sleep with the guy to seal the deal, which she does not relish at all. Macario has just about had it with AC, and AC since Montoya agrees to the new lab in Venezuela, it's another reason for AC to move on. But Tostao is getting ready to attack.

Ernesto sells drugs right under the Padre's nose. The Padre knows something's wrong, but hasn't caught Ernie yet. Ximena calls Cristina's Mom, finds out that Ruti lied, but Ruti just says, sorry, Ma, but we (she and Ernie) LOVE each other!

Bert wants a gun and some cash. Chacorta tells his guy Manotas to give it to him. Mati tries toying with Bert again, but he's immune to her charms now, even when drunk. AC calls Bert from the jungle, Bert has mixed emotions about this.

Victoria has Ignacio's assistant Diana give her all the files on Elsa, she's going to try to find out where Elsa has strayed.

Lai seems to be ignoring various warnings about going into Colombia. In fact, with Chema, Lai and Tijeras going to Colombia, and AC, Monica, Macario, Tostao and Montoya there, we could have what I always like - bad guys taking out each other!


I really should proofread. They don't "hand" Ponte. They hang him!


What Bert's doing with the gun is trying to break into Ig's place to kill Ignacio for betraying him, and maybe kill Leo. So far, there's too much security, but Bert tells Manotas he's going in anyway.

Gracias Hombre, too much for me to understand.

I am so upset that Ponte was killed. Damn, he spent 5 yrs, I think, in prison to end up like that?????!!!!!!
What was the point of his part?

En Otra Piel
Thanks very much, novelera. I saw Friday's episode but was away for the rest of the weekend and just got back. Not much to add. I share your bad feeling about Susanna. I suspect she'll alert the nasty gang to Jenifer's whereabouts or the location of the boda.

Many thanks, Hombre. Damn, so they did in Ponte, too. He was one of the few decent and sane characters left.

Perhaps I fell asleep at the key moment, but I thought it turned out that Mónica didn't have to sleep with Pantaleon. Indeed, he didn't want her even to touch him--he just wanted to watch her undress. Did I get this all wrong?


Juanita, you may be right, I can't remember exactly what happened with Monica and Pantalaimon. Maybe they'll reshow it a little on Monday.


Thanks, Hombre. This just gets darker and darker. I now 100% hate Tijeras. His repartee with Cabo was lots of fun in the past. But since he apparently switched sides and became Chema's prison buddy, he's just horrible.

Ignacio, Ignacio! What an idiotic thing to do! It's turned Heriberto completely back to the bad. I think he's plotting killing someone in Iggy's family, since he said something about getting him where it hurts the most.

Yes, Juanita. I think the writers came up with Pantaleon having some kind of a fetish where he only wants to look at Mónica naked in order to spare us the spectacle of her bedding him with a bun in the oven.

I don't expect Ernesto to last much longer. He's just a dummy. He tries to get a job with the Casillas gang. If I remember correctly, this did not go over well with Chacorta. And now that he's stolen part of Chacorta's stash, his life expectancy just went way down. It was refreshing to see that Rutila has some scruples. Ernie told her to take the money, but I think she left it, or am I mistaken?

Variopinta, you asked what the point of Ponte's role was, if they killed him off. I think the point may be to prevent this novela from being criticized for glorifying the narcotraficantes. I recall such criticism being levelled at La Reina del Sur (wrongly, IMHO) and a bit also at Cielos 1. Two of the three good guys who worked hardest against the narcotraficantes (Marco and Ponte) have now been killed off. It would seem that no matter how decent or brave one is, no one is immune from the violence.

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