Monday, June 02, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: La Impostora, week of June 2, 2014

Sometimes it's fun to look back and see what we were watching (and recapping) a year ago. In June, 2013, there was only one Telemundo y Más post a week and we were watching El Señor de los Cielos I! In addition, Pasión Prohibida and La Patrona were on. At the end of the month, we made the transition to Monday postings to better accommodate Friday recaps and comments. So thanks for looking back with me and now on to the weekly coomments for La Impostora, which I see is in its "Capitulos Culminantes."

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Oh, such a short time ago, we were enjoying the talented Monica Spears on Pasion Prohibida. Rest in peace, beautiful lady.
J in O

Monday nite--funniest line: Mariana refers to Simona as Miss Ex-Ironing Board.

Biggest gasp: a tie between seeing Ivan shoot another employee....and seeing Manuel Landeta without his shirt! Woo-hoo!
J in O

Lost opportunity Adriano should have told the three dolts I'm merely asking your mother which one of you is my son. That might have shut up snotty Chris, vapid Jorge and questioning Ed.

Looks like Mariana's world is beginning to unravel along with Raq's now that Rafa is refusing to give her any information.

Looks like Val may be coming out of her zombie state or is getting ready to snap out of it.

One more big clue that Ed is the son - Raq saying that Adriano AND Blanca were not going to take away her son.

I thought finally Blanca and Hugo would get to spend some quality time but alas she gets a brief reprieve and gets to run amok and try to confirm another quickly crafted lie to get her out of a jam.

And because of her selfish disregard of any consequences of her actions she gets a guy killed she batted her eyes at and her 10 year old brother kidnapped and faces death.

Jorge done flipped again

Poor Val. Adriano professing love and wanting to find their son and she knows her 20 years of torture and love was for what? A guy that cheated on her with her sister and abuser.

JnO yep all the foolishness was worth "and seeing Manuel Landeta without his shirt! " really is in love with Raquel? Huh.

Does anyone find that under eye concealor distracting on Christian Bach's face? It glows.

Hadn't notice the concealer.

Manuel Landeta is a talented singer and dancer and even at his age maintains a true dancer's body. I'm surprised nobody commented when we saw the almost nude scenes when he was prison.

Sorry but I don't see Adriano as an abuser of any kind and any cheating was years and years ago with the older predatory Raq making the moves. The good thing about her obsession is that now it can be used against her.

When the three dolts were sitting on the couch with flipper Jorge blaming Blanca - again — it's getting tedious-I could help but think. Here we have See no Evil Ed, Hear no Evil Jorge and Speak no Evil Chris. Apparently it is going to take a load of bricks to fall on these guys for reality to get through to them. And I want it now!

So now Chris is just protecting his brother by not telling him Mariana is a mafia murderess, that Sofia is not his child. He may think it is protecting him but considering how devastating many of the lies that have already come out, it doesn't look like protection, just Altamira secret keeping.

Can't blame Blanca for the actions of the obviously psycho Ivan. He had absolutely no way to know that the guy knew anything about Blanca. He reacted the same way as he did with poor loyal Richie. And his going off on Hugo just because the tough little boy said his family were honest people was actually a little scary. His world is also becoming unraveled and can't wait to see tonight. I like how fast Blanca came up with the Raq doesn't love you story and I think Ivan has always suspected it with his constant questioning her about her feeling fro Adriano.

My Lord isn't Melania the butt kissing waste of space. Going though someone's purse and then ratting out Katrina as a betrayer. She really does think she is a member of the family and she is high on my hate list with a death wish for her.


Loved "Here we have See no Evil Ed, Hear no Evil Jorge and Speak no Evil Chris."

Mariana has also attempted to sow doubt with Ivan so what Blanca suggest is not farfetched and she knows Raquel's obsession with Adriano. Well so does Ivan


The three dolts just don't want to hear or know anything that might support Adriano and Blanca's claims. I laughed last night when one of them insisted that Adriano was crazy because he had been innocent and sent to prison. Their answer for anything that doesn't fit their imagine of things is that the person is crazy. They don't see crazy Mom as the one who set off the chain reaction of things when she had her sister committed to an asylum and torture all those years ago.

Can't help thinking how funny it is that Raqhell goes on one of her rampages about her sons running after the naco girls in the barrio just like her sister did with Adriano and somehow manages to forget her doing the same thing albeit with no success.

It really bothers me though when Adriano gets all up in Raquels face like they are bout to start macking on each other.

I think he does it to intimidate her a trick she uses herself. H doesn't do it with anyone else. Then again maybe like the no bare arms clause in Christian's contract she has one that says all hot men have get up in her face. LOL

oh god that's gotta be it

I think it's just the writers' way of teasing us---it's almost like foreplay, but with guns and gritted teeth.
J in O

Okay, Adriano says to Ed: "Sofia is a lovely child. It's too bad your father isn't alive to get to know his granddaughter." Ed agrees.
Well now, I am coming down squarely in the "Ed is the son" camp.

Is Raq supposed to be an irresistible and sexy woman? Because to me she's an aging harpy with disappearing lips. Thank goodness they stopped treating us to bedroom scenes with her and her bra.

J in O


Another reason for the Ed son is Sofia has developed a nice relationship with Adriano since he saved her and she now announced he was her friend.

Somebody called her a brat the other day while i thought she was just spoiled and being led astray by her mother but tonight she was just a brat.

Ed now joins Jorge as a flipper. Marian I'm not going to marry you because i love Blanca. Hours later it's let's get married and i never want to hear her name again. None of these guys can pick a side and stick to it.

A small shower of anvils hit Raq if she just knew it. Ivan pulls the stolen money out of the shipyard and no longer wants to do business with her. Alas the Altamiras are now ruined like the Etcheverias. Ain't life grand

Loved the trap Adriano and Blanca sprung on overly confident Raq. Loved him wiping off his mouth after she left. Too bad poor Val didn't get to see that and only heard more of Raq's I'm so much hotter than you taunting.

Smart moves on Adriano's part speaking to each of the boys and offering them something so that they will cooperate and give their DNA when that bomb falls.

So poor Simona is headed back to the barrio. The sheets in that apartment never have time to cool off before Raq throws the latest tenant out.

I've really enjoyed this novela which has avoided the cliche of the galan falling into a bottle of tequila when he loses the girl and spending days feeling sorry for himself. Ed had the one night and that was it. And I didn't miss the chronically weeping protagonist who loses the guy and spends weeks crying over him and moping. Blanca barely shed a tear.

Obviously however sappy Ramon stands in for both characters swilling tequila and drowning in his tears. What a wimp he turned out to be.

Hugo gets a new baby-sitter which will protect him from Raqhell.

Hard for me to look at Ramon now and even if Blanca has talked to Cat don't see how she can have any respect for that mess he turned into. yuck I think she is headed back to Chris she still wears the ring.

Adriano, thank god you used your head for once to snag Raquel but why not just tell them you think you might be daddy war bucks

Finally, Simona and Rafa get thrown out of the apartment. jeez

Ed, thank you for listening to Sofia about Vicki and though Mariana is not wife material either I hope you guys do leave town and away from this mess.

Wondering who froze the business accounts? Did Chris have anything to do with it after Adriano talked to him? Was it Ivan because he's ticked at Raquel? Guess I looked away

I guess I am getting tired and just want to find out who belongs to who and who goes to jail. It's like prolonging the agony with the assault made by adriano on the altamira's with a gun that had no bullets in it. Totally out of character for him and silly. Then the cat and mouse scene that Raq and Adriano played. Made me uneasy. Seems like Raq loves to play with men that have guns. I did like the trap Adriano layed for Ivan in order to free Hugo. I missed the first half of yesterday's episode. Was Hugo freed? I did not see that part.

I am wondering if maybe when everyone goes to trial it will be Melania who tells all. Perhaps to get a good deal, or do they make deals in Mexico. She probably knows more, because she is secretive and in all parts of the house, then all of them put together.

Yeah, Kind of think Adriano will be the new grandpa. I was thinking Diego cuz he hasn't had a chance to mess up, but it seems the Adriano relationship with Sophia was established earlier on when it really didn't make sense. Of course, now it does.

I believe that Ivan froze the accounts. Chris discovered it. He did so because of the rage he has for Raq. for kissing Adriano. He does not know it is a trick. I am surprised she did not get the Ritchie-guard treatment, but then I was surprised Rafa didn't either.

Have only seen three TNs. Betty Le Fea, Theresa and this one. They are all so completely different. Loved all three of them. This one, however, seems to have a lot more suspense.


Hugo has not been freed.

This my first Telemundo TN and usually watch Televisa only because I get Univision and not Telemundo so have to watch this online. Doesn't really matter because all are full of misunderstanding, idiots, lying, redemption, questionable parentage, an absent middle class, stupid love, gun play, prison, cheating, creeping and an omnipresent bad guy or girl. Gonna try to watch La Gata when it starts later this month but don't know if I can hang. We'll see


I'm passing on LG sight unseen. Cannot stomach Maite Perroni. In addition to being a terrible actress she has the supremely annoying habit of always tilting her head. The last time I saw her in anything we constantly laughed about her tilted head. In any event I'm tired of Televisa novelas which always seem to go on forever, people constantly rehash everything. Say what you will about this one and some other Telemundo novelas they move so fast you can't look away.

I'm bored with the I hate Vicky, Vicky is bad and the endless references to anyone who isn't a Altamira as being crazy. I want some more of the shocks that are headed their way to begin. And since tonight is episode 99 with only 21 to go it should start soon. I think we got a foreshadowing of that last night with ivan freezing the accounts.

So agree with you about super wimp, self pitying Ramon. It looked to me like Cat was really going to tell him off and not go back to him. And to think that early on some of us thought he might be the lost son until Ed became the better candidate.

Geez when Has Mariana become so whinny?
She certainly didn't like it when Rafa wouldn't help her and when Ed said no marriage. Her plotting and scheming seems to going away.

I'm starting to think that rather than the car crash scenario I had for Ivan and Raq, they are going to face off with guns and blow each other away. I loved the look on her face when ivan confronted her. I guess she isn't such hot stuff after all.


that's funny about Maite and will be on the look out for the tilt.

Ramon I am disappointed and was one that thought he could be the missing son and I agree it didn't look like Cat was there to make up.

I have a close friend from Mexico and she only watches Telemundo so we discuss La Impostora. She likes Telemundo because some shows are more like a romantic fantasy so easier for her to disconnect from the stupid things the characters do and say. She said Televisa shows are boring and get ridiculous.

I for one am very disappointed the writers passed up the opportunity have Val be a super-heroina during the etapa culminante. Instead it looks like she will be a passive victim to the end, awaiting rescue by Adriano. Too bad! She could have been a real superhero role model for poor little Sofia.
J in O

I agree but we aren't over yet and she is showing some signs of life. I too want her to get in on the revenge because if anyone deserves it more than Adriano it is Val.

Somehow, someway, it's going to be Valentina that kills Raquel.

I hope, hope, hope Val opens a can of woop ass and is the one that takes Raquel out. Please marginalize Blanca, if she takes Raquel out she'll really suck the oxygen out of a room when she enters filling that big head.

I doubt Val will be the one to take Raq out although it would certainly be beyond justified. Killing your own sibling would be very hard to live with even if deserved. I doubt that Blanca will do it either. It would be hard for Ed to get over after having spent most of his life thinking Raq was his mother.

If Raq dies and I don't think she will, I see life in the manicomio for her, I've come closer to believing that Ivan or Mariana will do it.

I don't think Raquel will die either. It could be a lot like La Patrona where she ended up crippled, depending on caregivers who didn't like her, and her son never came to see her.

I'd like to see her in a prison jumpsuit, just like Adriano and Blanca have been saying throughout the novela. And, without any influence and money, maybe she could be guarded by that psychopath who enjoyed torturing Blanca so much. Can't remember her name.

I know I haven't commented in a while and I have now clue what is going on, but I had to comment on Decie Girl's comment:

Say what you will about this one and some other Telemundo novelas they move so fast you can't look away.

This is so true. I can miss WEEKS of a Televisa production and come back and still know more or less what's what. That just doesn't happen with Telemundo TNs.

Now that I have Telemundo (and not online) I want to jump right in on whatever replaces LI.

Can't remember the name of it but it stars Eugenio Siller. I can't enjoy him. Thinking maybe I'll jump over to La Gata on Uni. I've never seen the actress with the tilting head but maybe it won't bother me. Siller, on the other hand, drives me up a wall...
J in O

Yowza anvils all over the place.

Chris coughs up the truth to Ed who of course doesn't believe a word of it and flipper Jorge doesn't either although he provided the blood type confusion.

Ed drops one on Mariana but somehow didn't mention her being a mafia killer because he hadn't asked Chris about the killer statement.

Ivan drops one on Raq letting her pretty much know he's on to her. Typically she blames Blanca for telling him something and he isn't telling her what he now knows.

Poor Sal is getting his hopes raised even as Blanca tells him she just wants to get her life back and that doesn't include Ed.

Danger ahead for Hugo now that Sofia mentioned he was at Ivan's. Proving that he is really Blanca's brother Hugo is loitering and hearing the revelation about Sofia.

It's all over for sappy Ramon and Cat, Simona is back in the barrio getting ready to start turning tricks, Mariana and Raq are going after Ivan thereby signing their own death warrents.

A weeks worth of reveals in one hour. Doesn't get much better.

Yep, Cat and Ramon are DOA. She was being nice and he just drunk with no prospects

Cat drops everything and rushes to help support Chris. In the sack soon I suspect

Ed should just get a DNA test and quit listening to women in his life, not one tells him the truth so understand the confusion

Adriano won round one but think Raquel won this last one

Sal if you don't know what it is like having the rug pulled out from under you, soon you shall

Hugo - please don't mistake being used as a pawn by everyone (u 2 Blancbot) with caring

Simona to get to 1000 men you have to start with one


I've said from the beginning Sal needs to back off and give Blanca space. She is trying to get justice (revenge) and to get Ed out of her system so don't crowd her. Until last night she had given him no encouragement on the contrary she kept rejecting his not too subtle advances. Even last night she only said she wanted her life back and maybe. So what does he do rush out and buy a bag of God only knows what. We all know he hasn't got a snowballs chance in hell and try as I might I won't feel too sorry for him because he is crowding her and trying to force her to love him. Nice guy but not for Blanca. Maybe he should look in Cat's direction.

Amen, Decie Girl!

And, of course, Sal doesn't back off because that's the standard scripted role for the kind, second banana guy in telenovelas who doesn't get the girl.

In fact most males in telenovelas don't back off - whether they are the second banana guy or the evil villain who wants the heroine and will stop at nothing.

oh god the second banana guys. Sal ain't the only one so is Ramon and guess so is Ivan.

I do wish Cat would have explained it a bit more to Ramon but she had to run to Chris which will make Ramon think it about Chris. Bottom line is Ramon would never have a shot at someone like Cat. I still don't get the Jorge/Karina thing either or the Chris/Mariana pair.

Sal will have to die to clean up the Blanca mess so she won't look bad but hope she does sleep with him before and Ed finds out. That would make me happy

She won't sleep with and he won't die. He's the good guy type that shows up at the wedding and miraculously some gorgeous young think gets introduced to him and we all know HEA.

Chris and Mariana was just sex on his part which temporarily turned into obsession and he was just a tool she latched onto when Ed was involved with Victoria. The Jorge Katrina thing made some sense because she was the hot easy piece in the barrio while he pretended to be poor. Jorge seems like the weakest of all the Altamiras and just takes what's on offer.

The second banana guy is usually the best buddy of the galan or some guy who grew up with the heroine until the galan showed up not so much secondary characters who don't have an emotional link real or imagined to the protagonist. Ramon and Cat was a not a chance from the get go as most of us have been saying from the start. Clemente was right on this one.

For me the saddest second banana was the bakery guy in "Corazon Valiente", and of course he got killed off heroically at the end. Too, too triste. I'm afraid I don't have high hopes for Sal's survival. Too bad there's not some kind of spreadsheet that tracks the writers on these shows and what kind of endings we can expect from them.

By the way, what's with playing the opening credits 5 mintues before the show is over?

J in O
PS I'll be leaving Sunday and away from TV for 2 weeks, but will be following the action right here on Caray Caray!



Don't know why they bothered with the credits so late. I've actually seen them not show them at all on occasion.

Wonder what erroneous conclusion Ed is drawing from finding out that Hugo is staying with Ivan.

Couldn't figure out what Val's gestures were, rejecting Adriano or preparing to get up and fight.

Poor Sofia I wonder how many DNA tests she is going to have to have. And surprise surprise Marian said she lied. Sp what else is new.

Simona certainly has a one track mind. gotta to get a list of rich guys from Mariana so she can make her fortune. What a waste she is.

Poor (not) Raqhell. She got two major shocks in one day. Ivan telling her they are finished forever and then hearing that he is Sofia' father. She really didn't like it when he threatened her sons an she knows he is capable of living up to his word. Too bad he didn't just give her the Richie treatment.

Sal is still making mistakes with Blanca pushing her and being obviously jealous. SMH


Ed needs to stop insisting Sophia is his and take the test. He must have a bit of doubt somewhere or he would take it and stop the doubt of everyone else.

I bet Sophia is Richie's, not Ivans by the way she answered Ivan when he asked her about it.

It seems Ivan thought he had been betrayed, now Raq feels betrayed. Those two never let a betrayal go without punishment. It would be something if they killed each other at the same time. I wonder....

Interesting how Raquell suddenly became very friendly with Sophia when she wanted her to accompany her to Ivan's house.

I too wondered about the hand gestures of Valentina. Disgusted with Adriano for being with her sister...that could be a bit disgusting, tired of hearing Adriano go on about his sons rather than her, or, just disgusted in general.???


It might not have been disgust, it might be her just getting to smell him but at first I thought the same thing. She seemed to be inhaling and not rubbing off his touch as he did with Raq.

Adriano has always talked about being with her and their son and she too is obsessed with knowing which of the dolts is hers. She more than anyone else knows what Raq is capable of and what a liar she is but the constant I have your son and Adriano would be very wearing after a while. I really want her to get out of the chair, get up and get one of the boys or Adriano to get her out of the house. I think she keeps silent because she knows that Melania is always around snooping and reporting back to Raq.

Ooh yes! Get up Val! I felt bad that she heard and understood all Raq's little digs about Adriano's affair with her (Raq).

The avances for tonight *(which cannot be mentioned) appeared to promise some excitement.

THat was me commenting above "ooh get up Val!" By the way I realize that since Blanca has been impersonating a maid, a schoolgirl, a guy, and various others, there has been no call for disparaging comments about her wardrobe!
J in O

Okay, this show may have a punk wardrobe department, but the writers are showing some real style. Woo-hoo!

Maybe just me, but Hugo seems less like a little wooden boy this week.

I love the way Eduardo can just walk into Ivan's stronghold...but Hugo can't walk out.
J in O

Hugo probably doesn't want to walk out, he's got stuff to play with and he isn't afraid of Ivan or for that matter his goons.

My isn't Melania an efficient servant, goes through guests purses, keeps Val sedated, forges letters, and now is a dab hand at poisoning a bottle of wine. She is sure to end up in the cell next to Raq.

Can't wait to see what happens when Raq and Mariana go to get rid of the body and gasp it isn't there. That should add to the fear that Raq admitted feeling. I couldn't believe Ivan didn't call for his man or use his phone to get help or for that matter use tht gun on Raq.

Chris is a no good rat, there is no getting around it. He knows about the gun running and has the evidence and yet he tells Ed he hasn't gotten any information yet. You just can't trust this guy.

Even with everything he has learned about his mother Ed still doesn't get why Blanca wants justice for her father's death and wait till all the rest of the witch's evil deeds come to light.

I wonder what Simona will do with the information she overheard. No matter what she does she will be in over her head.

Poor Adriano is certainly beating himself up over his dalliance with Raq when he was so young.

Ramon has slipped further into self pity and has become a really unaattractive character. Give it up guy Cat is gone for good and whinning aaround her won't get her back.


I feel really sorry for Val and believe she is in there and hears every gory detail of the tryst between Raquel and Adriano the man she has suffered 20 years for. I kinda makes me angry Adriano tries to justify it by saying men are weak and Raquel seduced him, threatened him so he ran away like a coward. Val deserved a better life.

Good move by Raquel but Ivan ain't dead and hope he kicks ass now. I actually think it would be best for Hugo and Sofia to live with him in Spain.

Sal, what a dupe and second banana. You come with a gift and Blanca runs for Ed. Blanca rebuffs his advances and she test Ed if there is any love left for the poor girl.

Ramon should step in front of a truck and end it and have no idea why Cat even talks to him anymore. Self respect is totally absent in the guy.

I wonder what Chris gains by not telling anyone about the arms shipments except if Ed knew he would run and confront mama.

Tofie, I wondered if Chris wanted solid proof before telling anyone about his suspicions.

Honestly, I too found myself wondering if Ivan could be redeemed and end up as a dad to somebody. But then remembering those cold blooded killings...maybe not. Last night was the first time I didn't notice his squint, it made for a more compelling performance (Medium squint=don't bug me. Severe squint=I'm really mad now. Slitty-eyed squint plus gritted teeth=you've done it now, someone's gonna die).
J in O

I am still for the Ivan killing Raq and Raq killing Ivan at the same time scenario. It would be so fitting.

At this point I am turned off of Cristobal...ever since he held Mariana as sort of a sex slave. That is pathetic and just disgusting. He is probably keeping all a secret because he wants to gain favor with Raq.

The writers have made their point. Adriano has repented over and over for his misdeed. The only one now he has to tell about it is Val. It is up to Val if she accepts it or not. Since they were not married at the time I am thinking she will accept and keep on loving him. As someone said she knows Raq.

I would never let Ivan raise or be the father of anybody. He is a cold blooded killer, in the Mafia and has no scruples. His kids would end up in the Mafia. For now he just likes the idea he could have a child.

I am still thinking Malania will be the one that tells all in order to make prison life easier for her. Poor Ed.

The Ramon Cat story could have been such a good fairytale story inside of the main story that is going on. The writers have chosen to take a strong character and make him a drunken idiot. Now there is no Karina and no Cat. Hope we see Ramon sober up and move on. He had such potential. Cat does not deserve a rat like Christobal.

Decie girl you have done good detective work on finding the hints about Eduardo and Blanca.


Ivan and Mariana as parents makes me shudder but then you have the master of all evil Raq who raised three kids, one passive, one semi shady and one a weakling. Of the three only one may have inherited some of her criminal tendencies - Chris.

Somehow I don't see Melania ever confessing anything. She is a complete slave to Raq and goes above and beyond in her spying and tattling. She is repulsive.

I never found Ramon to be a particularly strong character, just inoffensive. Back when he caught Katrina and Jorge he flipped out but when Jorge dumped her Ramon was willing to pick up sloppy seconds . He has always been on the self pitying side with his I'm just an orphan with nobody in this world. Considering his most recent behavior maybe that is a good thing.

Hated not getting previews to mull over during the weekend.

Oh dear, just as I was hoping Ivan really was Sofia's dad (after that nice "father and child reunion" at the Altamira's house), the she-devil in a seductive, gauze covered gazebo, poisons his wine and watches Ivan's gasping for breath. How cruel. Honey Pie, you were wearing your gun, why didn't you just do a Richie on her???? Could it have been LOVE?

Were those hiccuppy cries of Raquel's really LOVE is Lost or self-delusional crocodile tears.

Whoa, wait a min. we just saw Ivan's fingers move and his eyes flicker, so maybe there's still hope he can get rid of Raquel for us and still get to be Sofia's daddy. Why did Raquel say to Ivan's ex-henchman, now her henchman, I'll be right back? Surely this was a done deal--dead and dumped. She and he should have gotten in the car and driven away.

Can't wait to find out how Ivan managed NOT to be poisoned to death. We did overhear Raq giving Melania instructions--and she assuring Raq that everything was according to plan (don't quote me on this, but that's the gist).

About Ed the Father of the Year. He did a fantastic job with Sofia for 9 years, but I don't think he deserves her now. He's just about as wishy-washy in his reasoning, changing his mind regarding family and non-family loyalty as often as he changes his shirts, love and marriage (and DNA tests), and attention to work as his brothers and Mariana.

I liked him better as the owner of the bar.

What on earth was Simona wearing? It looked like someone had tied her up like a package to mail.

I can't wait for this whole TN to be over, if only to get the image of Blanca out of my mind. She started out with such promise and still looks good in the credits, but as for the rest---why didn't they get a better actress. It finally dawned on me what it is about her that bugs me. She speaks in a monotone and has a face to match regardless of danger, happiness or a roll in the hay.

Had to get that off my chest. Now, I'm off to read the latest posting.

Oooh, I missed Raq asking Mariana to help dispose of the body. My DVR cut off in the middle of somebody's sentence. Thanks for the heads up.

WIll we ever see Diego again? Or Letitia, for that matter? Letitia is the biggest unanswered puzzle...Though I guess at the end it will be revealed how Raq hubby really died.

I had a hard time swallowing the "we're men so we have a harder time being faithful than you women" that Adriano (and Sal) were spouting. Usually Adriano is on the moral high ground (regardless of waving pistols around), and I don't fault him for giving in to temptation. But that was too much!
J in O

RE Adriano Shirtless. I was going to comment (with tongue in cheek), that Adriano reminded me of Mr. Clean. He only needed a gold earring. He even folded his arms the same way.

Decie, I agree. Who would want Ramon now anyway? He is too far gone. He's going to need therapy, or an infusion of Adriano's cash to get him back into photography. If I were Catalina, I'd bar the door, he's just a Debbie Downer and can't possibly add anything to the story at this point. He should disappear, just like Fernanda and now Clemente.

Hey Tofie--I see we agree about Sofia and Ivan. It was nice you added Hugo. I'll go for that.

I was actually somewhat surprised at Ivan's interactions with both children. He obviously kissed up to her as Raq's granddaughter and he did act a bit threatening to Hugo but then because the little boy stood up to him seemed to take a shine to him. He may want children of his own but Sofia isn't and never was his.

Mariana admitted it and since she was so besotted with him at one time I can't see her never having used Sofia to trap him. What did surprise me with both children is that they react favorably towards ivan. My father said children and dogs always have a good read on people so perhaps way down deep Ivan has some good quality not that it outweighs his cold blooded murder aspect.

Can't wait to see if ivan somehow gets help and destroys Mariana and Raq both of whom have obviously committed the cardinal sin of betraying him not only in business but with his emotions.

Didn't really have a problem with Sal and Adriano and men are weak chat. Adriano was barely out of his teens when Raq hove into his bed. He hates himself for his weakness and betrayal and isn't just blaming her as men since the time of Adam have done. He is taking responsibility for his actions and God knows he has paid a terrible price for his weakness.

Ed is becoming as big a wishy washy character as Jorge and that is saying something. Just get the damn DNA test. Saying she's yours and not doing anything to prove it seems to signal that he has doubts.

Anita - what bugs me about Lisette and her portrayal of Blanca is that she makes the woman humorless. She never laughs or smiles. Actually the same is true of Christian yet I've seen still picturews of Lisete Chritina and Sebastian and they are all laughing about something and the two women look much more human.

J - Diego really has served his purpose as the one warning Chris not to toy with his sister. He would serve no purpose coming back now other than to give us some cleanshaven eye candy. Letty on the other hand would serve a pupose by helping to get the truth about the murder of Raq's hubby out in the open so we still have a shot at seeing her again during this final month.

Raq went back to Mariana's after poisoning Ivan and told her she - Mariana - must go get rid of the body. But---right after the poisoning, didn't Raq instruct Ivan's bodyguard, who came walking up out of nowhere, to dispose of the body?
In any event, I hope Ivan comes back loaded for bear!
J in O


After ivan collapsed St. Raq screamed for the body guard and then took Ivan's gun, pointed it at him, told him he now worked for her (he did not look pleased) and ordered him to move the body. Obviously have the corpse of your fiancé lying in the garden offended her.

Next we see Ivan laid out under a tree somewhere and the guard leaving. Couldn't tell of Raq was in the car. Then we saw the finger movement and Ivan open his eyes. For the screaming life of me I don't understand why he didn't call for the guard himself or better yet pull out his gun and blow Raq away in the first place. Can't wait to see how it shakes out and we know that when Mariana and maybe Raq show up the body will be gone and both of them will go BSC and Blanca will be the least of their worries


Lisette lost me after the first week and what an awkward walk. She's gotta be someones gf, either an exec producer, director or something. I just can't look at her and not alone. Talking to one of my friends from Mexico and she said she doesn't like her either nor does her husband and all her friends husbands don't like the way she looks nor can she act. Their focus is always on Julieta Grajales and the husbands get all worked up over her. I always shoo mine out of the room when she's on screen.

I agree once Hugo broke the Ivan ice he warmed to the little guy and thought it precious how Ivan and Sofia interacted together (way better than even she & Adriano).

I stopped caring about the characters in the story so getting what I can out of the mess and don't care who did what when as long as it's a good interplay between actors (not including at some future point Sebastian & Lisette macking on each other). I even liked the run up to Raquel poisoning Ivan but for me would have been better had she not boohooed about loving the guy so much. In the car she looked like a wet cat.

It's difficult to watch Sebastian embarrass himself as an actor and don't believe it when Ed threatens Ivan. He's a kid and know why he doesn't shave because if he did he'd look 17. Jorge & Karina, yawn. Chris, nope. Sal, I look at him as a pouty clown with a trimmed beard not painted on. Ramon, turns my stomach and cannot envision he and Cat in the same room much less bed.

Adriano completely lost me with the men can't help it speech and tried to rope Sal in to support his statement of fact. Very presumptuous of him expecting Val just to run back into his arms just because she had his child. Bottom line he impregnated the ugly sister saying he loved her while lusting and banging Raquel then running away. Guy got no boundaries but a lot of gall.

Right now I want Val to wake up kick Adriano to the curb and kick Raquel's butt. Therein lies the beef in this TN. The struggle between the sisters not some idiot moonie eyed half baked barbie doll that likes to play dress up.


Funny tofie your obvious loathing for LI mirrors mine with name changes for PSMA. I came to hate every character by the time Bruno brought Ally from Spain. She was treated so rudely I threw in the towel and never watched or read anything about it again. Talk about boring protagonists, bad acting don't get me started

In any even LI does something i've rarely seen in novelas. It sticks to the basic story line which is Adriano finding his child and Val and Blanca looking for justice for her father. We don't get side tracked with long complicated story lines about minor characters, or a long police chase looking for the killer of the diplomat, the killer of the guy at the club, the run away Blanca and the list goes on.

We have also been spared the usual advice giving priest character which shows up constantly in Televisa stories.

The story moves along, we are spared characters rehashing everything ad nauseum and best of all it is short. I don't know if I have it in me to sit through another 180 plus chapters novela.

Decie--You are right...a nearly Priest-Free telenovela, at least since whazzhisname's demise. Even then, he didn't sermonize, he stuck to business taking care of the orphans.

Whatever happened to Jorge taking care of the orphanage financial affairs, etc.

Tofie--Your characterizations are a hoot. Especially the one about Eddie looking like 17 if he shaved.

Do you think they keep harping on Adriano's "indiscretion" with Raquel as a callow youth because it is important to the end of the story (a second son) or just filler (it hardly qualifies as a PSA).

I felt compelled to read the Wikipedia overview of the plot and description of the characters. It's worthy of a few guffaws. They describe Blanca as a cheerful and resourceful girl with a big heart and Eduardo as SHY. There are no spoilers, so if you want an extra dose of LI before Monday night, go at it, folks.

With you on PSMA but I didn't throw in the towel and watched and complained the whole way beginning with Bruno the clown. We began calling Art fArt and everyone disappointed when the intended pairs ended up together.

I agree LI moves quicker and has a few twist I'm not expecting and not giving up but this thing could have been dynamite. Again for me perhaps is is all Lisette's fault.

I actually recorded and watched Friday's episode. Raq's crockofbull tears were hilarious to me. Since this is nearing the end I want at least watch the capitulos culminantes (even if I'm a little lost.)

I actually enjoyed PSMA because of the gawd awfulness of it. We had a great recapping crew and great commenters.


We all my not agree with each other's take on the characters but we seem to universally agree that Lisette is a terrible actress with her flat affect and lack of chemistry with Seb. I can usually deal with a lack of chemistry between secondary characters but it irks me when there is none between the leads. We're supposed to care about them but when they don't seem to care about each other it takes some of the zing out of the story.

Counting the hours until the body dump? tonight.

Lisette's character doesn't even have any chemistry with her own family and friends.

Touche! I can't wait to see where Ivan turns up.

While i was making lunch i thought i wonder if the bodt guard who was obviously less than thrilled with Raq oedering him around could go back and get the body dead or alive and get Ivan help.

and Raquel was making the assumption that every employee of Ivan was now hers (including Mariana). They were not married and she has no right to his money IF he were dead. Ivan's CFO still lives and there was a comment by Mariana she was tougher than Ivan.

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