Friday, August 08, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #150, 8/7/2014

De que lo denunció, lo denunció

Vicente pays a visit to El at the police station and squeals on Rod. He tells El that Rod killed Alberto, and that it was his (Vicente’s) fault for not putting a stop to Rod sooner and for enabling him. El graciously tells Vicente that only Rod is to blame for his actions. It really seems that Grumps has finally seen the light, until he makes his condition for turning Rod in known. He thinks Rod was damaged by the 2 year coma, and that’s what’s turned him into a homicidal thief. He wants the police to declare him mentally ill and charge him as such. El is just gearing up to tell him hell no, when his boss comes in and mistakenly thinks that El has reopened the case all on his own, and is harassing Vicente. Vicente actually speaks up and says he’s there to turn in his grandson himself.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Diego and Rosa try to distract Rod and keep him away from Grumps’ empty room. Rod yells for Lala to serve them some dinner, but she’s with Grumps, so Diego and Rosa lie and stall some more. Lala, meanwhile, sends a detailed text to Rosa about where they are and what Vicente is doing. In a rookie move, Rosa leaves her cell phone on Vicente’s bed—the perfect place for Rod to see and read all about how they have been trying to get one over on him. He erases the message and tells Diego he has to leave to see a client. Instead, he goes to Caprico to transfer the last of the company’s funds into his bank account.

The cops come to the mansion with Lala, who mentions the text. Diego quickly realizes that Rod must have seen the message and that he has fled. The police arrive at Caprico just as Rod has finished his transfer, and he sees them through his office window. By the time El and his team burst into his office, Rod has made his escape—he’s running across Caprico’s roof. Diego calls El, and informs him that: 1) Rod knows; and 2) he’s (Diego) on his way to Caprico. (Is it really a good idea to head right into a situation where armed cops are searching for and gunning for your IDENTICAL TWIN? Yeah, the cops who stopped Diego and demanded identification didn’t think so either.) El heads to the roof and gives chase. Both he and Rod do some athletic jumps off a neighboring roof and take the chase to the streets. El yells at Rod to freeze, pointing his gun at his retreating form. Diego hears and runs right towards them!

While El is busy trying to catch murderers and whatnot, Carmen is daydreaming about having some quality nookie time with him. She wonders if he figured out her word puzzle. She soon believes she has received an answer when she gets a romantic note for a meeting at 8 that evening. She should have known it wasn't from El since the note arrived via a gay mime. I’m not kidding. Carmen leaves the fonda early, telling everyone happily that she has a date with El. Nat is headed to stay with Irene a few days, but stops to help Carmen pick a perfect date (and nookie) outfit.

Instead of a hotter than hot El at the restaurant, she’s greeted with an ice cold bucket of drippy water, aka the Mushroom. Her disappointment is palpable. He convinces her to stay anyway. Then he launches into some blah blah about how happy he was with Carmen, how he was a coward, and how he now wants to take Carmen to Paris and introduce her to his friends and family. He asks her to marry him, and the color drains right out of Carmen’s face (and not just because we’re going to commercial).

El is just about to put us all out of our misery and shoot Rod, when Diego jumps El from behind and knocks him to the ground. The shot goes wild, and Rod goes free. At the police station, Diego tries to justify his actions by saying he couldn’t let El kill his brother. El’s not amused. Morales comes with good news. He caught the huge transfer Rod just made to his Cayman Island account. It’s totally illegal and they’ve frozen all his accounts. The next step is for Vicente to formally bring charges against Rod for the fraud. Vicente sadly, but readily agrees.

Once alone, Morales and El cement their reconciliation by apologizing to each other. El compliments Morales on his work, and admits that Morales did him a favor with Kim—he’s happy for the two of them. Morales then helps El with his word puzzle from Carmen. Turns out Morales was NOT a good choice. He arranges the words to say: “Negro, how can I say yes, when you aren’t the love of my life?” El gets ticked off that Carmen is breaking up with him this way, and rushes over to Casa Garcia. Lupita informs him that Carmen is out with HIM! He storms off, more ticked off than before and runs into Carmen who is just arriving home from repeatedly rejecting the marriage proposal of Mr. Mushroom and extracting her hands from his sweaty grasp. El rants at her and doesn’t let her explain what her message really said, and then drives off. (OK you two. Time to start acting like the 40+ adults you are!)

Rod goes to a No Tell-Motel to hideout for the night and is haunted in his dreams by the ghost of Big Al. Bwahahaha!!! The next day, he tries to get cash and transfer money, and finds that all his accounts have been frozen. Bwahahaha!!!

Diego drops Grumps off at home. He makes a weak apology for allowing Rod to become a monster, then asks Diego to come back to Caprico. With Rod’s embezzlement and fraud, he needs Diego now more than ever at Caprico. (Until I see Grumps reveal his own fraud, claiming ownership of Caprico when it’s really the twins’ and Irene’s, I can’t buy his redemption.) Diego agrees. Diego then goes to Casa Tad-Irene to inform Irene and Nat (who are wearing really similar black dresses with gray flowery inlays- Tad would not be pleased with these mourning colors), that Vicente has declared against Rod. He asks them to come back to Caprico, but they are not so easily convinced. They’ll think about it.

The next day at the mansion, Diego tells Grumps that he has one condition for coming back to Caprico—Irene and Nat come back too. Grumps whines about Irene not visiting him while he was in the hospital. Diego informs him that Irene was there the whole time, tenderly watching over him, but he was asleep most of the time. And the reason she hasn’t been around lately is because her husband fell ill again and DIED. That’s enough to snap Grumps out of his self-pity. He decides to visit Irene right away. El arrives as they are leaving and says his men are searching the garden for any evidence. Grumps tells them to have at it.

El posts a cop at Tiburcio’s door, just as Hilda was convincing him that it’s safer for them to take off. Later, other officers come and take Tib’s official statement about Alberto’s death. Tib is speaking fairly well, if slowly! Morales calls El and tells him that Rod tried to get cash from his accounts.

At Casa Tad-Irene, Nat and Irene are once again wearing similar color schemes—black and aqua-green block dresses, and like the last time, Nat’s has a shot of white in it. They are discussing Tad and the re-launch of Eskenda. Tad’s agent/art dealer calls about the final prep for his art show. She just needs to pick up his final piece (the Nat-Irene painting). She’ll come that night. The last photos they took with Tad arrive and Nat and Irene look through them and note how happy Tad looked. The maid announces a visitor. It’s Vicente (with Diego). Vicente tells Irene that he heard about Tad, says how sorry he is, and holds his arms open to receive Irene in a hug. She is more shocked than we in the audience by this caring fatherly gesture.

Tomorrow: Nat decides to dump Andres, just as Diego decides to give it a go with Simona.  


I'll be out and about all day tomorrow, so I won't get much time to read and reply to comments. I just have to say how glad I am that things have finally started to crumble for Rod. Yay! And Tib is getting better. Yay! And there was no Brat this episode. Yay!

Vivi in DC was this Mexican episode # 170?

Thanks Vivi for this thorough recap. You write so well and I appreciate the time you put into this, knowing how busy you are right now.

Just couldn't get into the episode last night. And was thoroughly annoyed by yet another misunderstanding between El and Carmen. Cute (possibly) between 16-year-olds. Not cute between 40-year-olds.

Although...come to think of it, a friend went through a torrid romance (which ended in a happy marriage) at 68. And along the way, they did have some adolescent like disputes and stomp-off-mad scenes. Okay, I take it back.

Thanks for the recap Vivi!

Hi, Vivi,

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to do your usual great job of recapping this for us.

I especially liked your take on whether Vicente is yet eligible for redemption, and agree with you; not until he comes clean about his own crimes.

So El sent his message to Carmen in the form of an interlocking puzzle which could only be put together one way, while she sent word cards in reply that could be arranged in a multiplicity of ways. Cute plot device, writers, but like JudyB, I am getting a little tired of the high school responses.

Also, Vicente's allegation that Rod's current state of mind are due to his coma experience is so self serving. YOU did it Vicente with your rotten personality and your enabling ways.

JudyB, you "...Okay, I take it back," made me smile.


Vivi, thank you for this splendid recap. Doing it despite your very busy schedule is noted and appreciated.

"Instead of a hotter than hot El at the restaurant, she’s greeted with an ice cold bucket of drippy water" made me laugh appreciatively. "the color drains right out of Carmen’s face (and not just because we’re going to commercial)" was also great.

As you noted, Irene and Nat’s choice of dresses have been more sister/sister than mother/ daughter. Similar prints in different patterns in contrasting colors – black/white. Reminds me of Project Runway where collection pieces have a similar theme, which would make perfect sense as they are indeed designers.

Umm, does Grumps truly believe the coma affected Rod? Also, I had forgotten that Grumps has not come clean regarding the true ownership of Caprico. Thanks for the reminder Vivi.

Morales does some excellent detective work and then spoils it but his misinterpreting the puzzle. So frustrating. I must excuse it as there had to be yet another delay in Carmen and El getting back together.

Still missing Tad and Alberto.

I hesitate to ask this, but where is Karina? I certainly don't miss her but am sure she will pop up at the most inopportune time.

I guess Angela is gone for good?

Vivi, thank you!


Morning all! Just dropping in briefly. Thanks for the early comments. Judy- love the story about your friends. :)

Victoria- Yes, I believe this was #170.


Thank you Vivi.

"She should have known it wasn't from El since the note arrived via a gay mime. I’m not kidding."

"Her disappointment is palpable."

Again, 3 coppers detain Diego and as their back turned Hot Rod makes a run for it. El & Carmen don't get me started.

Paul - go home Paul

Carmen - Paris sounds good, if you promise not to tell El, he's not going anywhere

Mali - you way over estimated El's intellect

Nat - what did Andres tell you?

Irene - hail, hail the gangs all here

Diego - Rod killed the wrong college bro

Alonso - give her a call, you want to

Vicente - can't blame me for asking

Lupita - haven't seen you in days and barely two words spoken

Hod Rod - noting like cold hard cash


I just had a thought.

What if when Diego shoved El's gun out of the way as he was firing, then the bullet went right between Rod's shoulder blades. El would turn to Diego and say, "Why did you do that? I was just going to fire a warning shot."


Vivi thanks so much for your recap. You have such a fun sense of humor (the gay mime) and an accurate memory (its really important to me as well that Grumps has not come completely clean).

In spite of Judy's hilarious story about friends, I'm tried to Carmen/El plot. And if this last blow up has her look at Paul, I'll just FF unless I'm recapping.

tofie, enjoyed your list and like you I want Paul to go home.

Something I've been meaning to comment on since Hilda first appeared. Doesn't she and Lupita look a lot alike?

Gracias, Vivi! Busy day for me as well, but I wanted to make sure I got a chance to read the recap and thank you for your hard work and your humor :D

"Is it really a good idea to head right into a situation where armed cops are searching for and gunning for your IDENTICAL TWIN?" Word! And further upheld by his actions once he did get there. We could have been done with this already, Diego!

Ugh, a mime! And how is that not soooooo stereotypically French that Carmen didn't think it was MM?

"OK you two. Time to start acting like the 40+ adults you are!" Yes, please!

"Rod goes to a No Tell-Motel to hideout for the night and is haunted in his dreams by the ghost of Big Al. Bwahahaha!!!" I think that's exactly what my laugh sounded like when I was watching this scene. I LOVE IT when Big Al shows up to torment Rod!

"She is more shocked than we in the audience by this caring fatherly gesture." I was creeped out. He smiled. And held his arms out. Creeeeeeepy! Every time he smiles lately, I shudder.

Excellent recap, Vivi. Thanks.

In defense of Vicente:

Rod might have been naughty before the coma but he wasn't running around trying to kill his family, attempt to rape his cousin (2x), killing folks and embezzling money from Caprico either. The only thing Vicente can point to is before the coma, Rod was just an asshole. After the coma, he's a murdering asshole.

Anon207 - great insight into Grumps and funny too!

Rod was put into a coma while trying to rape somebody so that argument doesn't hold true.

Nobody in the Caceres camp knew that Rodrigo tried to rape Natalia at the time of the incident...I don't even know if Vincente knows about the incident. Irene & Diego know but I don't know if Vicente knows.

Still doesn't change the argument: Rodrigo was not known as a murdering rapist before the coma. And we saw Rodrigo having fun at Diego's expense before the coma, but he woke up plotting Diego's murder AFTER the coma.

I'm not blaming the coma for Rodrigo's actions but a case could be made that Rodrigo was just a jolly asshole before the coma but not murderous. After the coma, he tried to rape & kill:

Rodrigo Body Count:

Had Diego held captive & drugged

Tried to Rape Natalia

Held Captive and Threatened to Kill Irma (btw, where IS Irma?)

Killed Alberto

Embezzled Funds From Caprico

Tried to Kill Tiburcio

Tried to make insane/kill Vicente

Plotting to "get rid of" Diego & Irene

Whereas before the coma:

Stole Diego's clothes

Put Diego in blackface

Stole His Identity

Tried to rape Natalia (but, nobody knew about this until at least 3 years after the fact and Vicente still may not know).

Not buying Vicente 2.0. Maybe he is sincere after his mortality wake up call however he was too nasty far too long and would never give someone like him a thirteenth chance. He took Irene & Tad's child and and let everyone believe the child was dead while threatening Tib to remain silent. Just because he's a tiny, frail, disheveled old man means nothing.

But he's not disheveled anymore, tofie...and he smiles now. He's like Stepford Grumps. Scary!

As for Rod, he was bad before the coma. He's just worse now. And worse in a way Grumps recognizes. He brushed off everything else, but when he realized Rod was trying to kill him...and steal from him...well, now it's on! Not well done of him. I saw his wanting to have Rod tried as mentally incompetent as a last-ditch effort to assuage his guilt over (1) helping Rod get away with stuff and (2) turning him in. I will give him credit for going ahead with the charges even after El told him that it would be up to Rod's lawyer to ask and a judge to grant it.

'm back!

Grumps and everyone else know Rod tried to rape Nat three years ago. That's how Nat ended up in jail. Grumps put her in jail for putting Rod in a coma, and then he was able to blackmail Nat and Diego into dropping their attempted rape, fraud, and attempted murder charges against Rod. Grumps made a conscious decision to ignore Rod' s bad behavior and get him off the hook. Like Kat said, it wasn't until HE was the victim that he changed his tune.

Great recap Vivi, you get A+ from me. If I tried to point out favorite lines, it would be a cut and paste of the entire recap.

I enjoyed the different views & comments also.

Anon207 ITA agree with your take on Rod's behavior before and after his coma. For me it's a matter of whether one sees the situation as shades of grey or as black and white with no wiggle room in between.

Tofie, your lists are hilarious. On every list you have a way of depicting Irene and Alonso as 2 lustful dogs in heat. Keep it up!!

Rod 2.0 is definitely worse than Rod 1.0. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't have been on that same path without the coma. If the guy was already capable of rape, then he was already pretty twisted.

Vivi: "If the guy was already capable of rape, then he was already pretty twisted."--amen!!!

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