Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 189, Tues., 8/5/14: Murder and Meningitis and Vengeance, Oh My!

Someone has finally noticed the elephant in the room, says I.

I have a confession to make. As tragic as Monday's episode was, I saw it as the awakening of Aguazul, and not its downfall.  I've been waiting to hear someone say the problem out loud, as Alejandro did in his conversation with Victor...

Ese miserable [de Pedro Medina] está jugando con todos, colocándonos en situaciones que sacan lo peor de nosotros mismos.  Quiere que peleemos entre nosotros mismos para debilitárnos.

(That bastard is toying with us, putting us in situations that bring out the worst in us.  He wants to pit us against each other to make us weak.)

...and then to propose its solution:

Y tenemos que hacer todo lo contrario; necesitamos estar más unidos que nunca.

(And we have to do exactly the opposite -- we need to be more united than ever.)

When Alejandro stood up to Pedro Medina and refused his Faustian bargain and then later forgave Victor, refusing to see him as his enemy, and when Refugio did the same thing by refusing to compromise his integrity even while looking down the barrel of a gun, I was sure that this show had turned a moral corner.  

After tonight's episode -- crap!  Was I wrong!

Another Indecent Proposal:

Pedro Medina's soft voice, oddly free of his speech impediment, startles Dimitrio as he stands before Mónica's remains in the churchyard:

Tienes toda la razón, Dimitrio -- el Alacrán no solamente existe, sino que está muy cerca de ti. 
(You're exactly right, Dimitrio -- the Scorpion not only exists, he's very close to you.)

Then Pedro remembers to stammer a bit:  "That bastard owes me...everything and he's betrayed me once too often.  It's time for him to take a fall.  And I think I'll give you the pleasure of killing him with your own hands."

"Who is the Scorpion?" asks Dimitrio.

Not so fast, says Pedro.  His information comes at a price: Dimitrio's honor.  Medina will give up the Scorpion's identity only if Dim agrees to be his mole in the Marina and help him destroy Alejandro.

Panic at La Escondida

Everyone hears the shot. Before anyone reaches the office, Adolfo manages to grab Ezequiel's letter, push himself to his feet and hobble to a hiding place behind a screen.  Esme bursts inside the office, a crowd of dancers and customers behind her, and rushes to Refugio's side.  ¡No, no, no te mueras! she cries.  Don't die!

Panic at the Almonte Beach House

Montserrat tells Alejandro about José Luis's phone call.  "You should have let me speak to him," says Ale.  "I need to warn him -- Pedro Medina's men have been following him and they know exactly where he is."

That's the last thing Montserrat needed to hear -- now there are two madmen standing between her and her baby. "He'd kill José Luis to get Romina and then use her to force me to give him Victoria!" 

Alejandro tries to redial JL's number, but JL has turned off the phone and he can't get through.

Goodnight, Refugio

"Call an ambulance," shouts Esme.   Then she sobs over Refugio's unconscious form, begging him to wake up.  He turns his head slightly, opens his eyes and begins to speak: El Alacrán es...

"No, don't talk -- save your strength," begs Esme.  Te amo, he whispers.  Then his eyes close.  He lies very still, the burn mark of a bullet hole marring his blue uniform jacket just at the level of his heart.

Adolfo, like a vile creature who avoids the bright light of day, now judges it safe to come out from his hiding place.  He hobbles over to Esme, kneels down beside Refugio, and checks for a pulse.  There is none.  He puts his arms around Esmeralda.  He is the good friend.  The rock.  "The Scorpion killed him!" she wails.

Paint it Black

Everyone gathers around Refugio's grave, even the children Laurito and Victoria, whose white clothing stands out against the traditional mourning garb of the adults.  Adolfo is there too, wiping away a single tear.  (Just enough to be credible; not enough to draw attention.  A tear shed for a friend.) Padre Anselmo prays over Refugio's grave.  Esmeralda leans on Dimitrio.

After the burial, the mourners join Esme at home.  Each one, including Adolfo, takes a turn offering Esmeralda sympathy and support.  

"Another family destroyed by the Scorpion," says Dimitrio grimly.  Adolfo slips past Dimitrio and out the door, muttering that he needs some air. 

"Who says it was the Scorpion?" asks Victor.  "It could have been Pedro Medina or any of his men."

"Refugio mentioned his name before he died," Dimitrio tells him.  "I'm going to catch him and kill him -- I don't care what I have to do!"

Josefina follows Adolfo outside.  He didn't want anyone to see him like this, he tells her.  She feels for him -- he is so sensitive.  She didn't know Refugio that well and isn't that close to Esmeralda.  "But even so -- imagine being left alone with a two-year old, a little boy who will grow up without his father..."

In Mexico City, a little girl who will grow up without her mother (if her crazy father has anything to say about it):

José Luis sits on a bench in the park, Romina resting passively on his lap.  "What's wrong?" he asks her.  She isn't interested in him or his lollipop or his stuffed toy.  "Mamá" she repeats over and over, her huge eyes disturbingly blank.

Suddenly JL notices that two burly men wearing shades and dressed head to toe in black are looking right at him.  [They might as well be sporting a couple of Hello, I'm Pedro's Goon! badges.]  He hustles Romina away.  The goons follow.


We hear his voice before we see him.  We see Padre Anselmo's furious reaction as he stands and asks:  "How many more lives, Adolfo?   How many more families are you going to destroy?  When are you going to stop?"

"It wasn't the same this time, father," says Adolfo. "I didn't want to hurt him.  I begged him to keep his mouth shut..." 

Adolfo kneels, with some effort, at the priest's feet.

"...but he said he didn't make deals with murderers."

Padre Anselmo has had a bellyful of Adolfo and his cowardly denials.  He has to take responsibility for himself, he tells him.  He's the only one who can get rid of the damned Scorpion that lives in his heart.  ¡Entrégate, Adolfo!  "Turn yourself in!"

"I can't," Adolfo whines.

"Then you leave me no choice.  I can't carry another life on my conscience.  I'm going to break the seal of the confessional!"

[Cue the Male chorus of doom.]

"I don't care if they condemn me if I can save the lives of other people."

Adolfo pulls himself to his feet and kisses the priest's hand.  "Then I'm going to kill you, father." 

[Gasp!  Did he really say that?]

Back in the hotel room in Mexico City 

JL needs to know if those men in black are the authorities or Pedro Medina's men.  [Can someone remind me when we started making a distinction between the two?]  He turns on his cell, calls Esmeralda, and asks for Refugio.  It's urgent, he tells her.  

"My husband can't take your call," she says.  "He's dead.  The Scorpion killed him."

José Luis is stunned.  He drops the phone and then turns his attention to little Romina.  "Mamá," she babbles.  He touches her face and realizes she is burning up with fever.  He gathers her up in his arms and rushes out.

Why Victor will never be a Rhodes Scholar and why Adolfo is going straight to hell, [for those who are still collecting evidence]

Victor pays a visit to Adolfo, now back in his own house because of his reluctance to overstay his welcome in the house of the man whose fiancée and best friend he has murdered.  Victor uses the limited tools that God gave him in an attempt to make sense of Refugio's murder: 

a) Adolfo admitted to Victor that he was the Scorpion; 
b) He claimed the only person he had ever shot was Pedro Medina.  
c) Yet Esmeralda heard Refugio name the Scorpion as his killer.  

How can that be?

"Esmeralda made a mistake," says Adolfo.

What was Adolfo doing in La Escondida anyway?  

"I was sitting at a table watching Esmeralda dance when I heard a shot.  We all went to the office and found Refugio lying on the floor.  Ask Esmeralda -- I was with her the whole time!  I even gave a statement to the police!"

"I want to believe you."

"It's Pedro's work.  He's framing me.  You have to believe me.  I'm innocent!"

Victor will always be grateful for everything Adolfo has done to keep his family together.  "But if I find out that you have blood on your hands, (si descubro que tienes las manos manchadas de sangre), I'll turn you in myself, even if it breaks your sister's heart."

"I swear I'm not a murderer."

Nadia makes the mistake of paying a visit to the sick bed, the very sick bed, of the now moderately glammed up Graciela.  

First Graciela dismisses Refugio's death at the hands of the Scorpion as irrelevant (why should Nadia care about someone she wasn't even close to?).  

Then she tells Poor Blind Nadia that if her brother works for Pedro Medina -- and he does -- he is a hitman (sicario).  And Graciela should know.  When María Zamudio, may she rot in hell, killed Sandro Narváez, Pedro Medina sent Adolfo to clean up the crime scene.  Not only that, Adolfo threatened her at gunpoint when he was after Benjamín's will.  ¿No sera que Adolfito es el Alacrán?  (Isn't it likely that Adolfito is the Scorpion?)

Tears stream down Nadia's face as Graciela's words hit home.

A Hospital in Mexico City

Oh God.  Romina has meningitis!  (Really, writers?  She couldn't have an ear infection, maybe?  Sheesh.) The doctor promises José Luis that he will do everything possible to save the child.  Tests are being done to confirm the diagnosis, and he's starting her on antibiotics.  

He asks José Luis to step out of the room for a moment...

JL uses the time to call Montserrat to tell her about Romina.  His voice is breaking as he says:  Nuestra hija no está bien.  Se puede morir. (Our daughter isn't well.  She could die.)

Rosario and Alejandro know from Montserrat's expression that she has just received devastating news.

Guitar Boy pays an Empathy Call

Eric has come to see Esmeralda.  He couldn't leave without saying goodbye and telling her how sorry he is about what happened.  She shrinks from his attempt to comfort her with a hug.  She wishes she had never met him, she says. 

Estoy arrepentida de haber perdido contigo tanto tiempo que le pude haber dedicado a Refugio.
(I'm sorry I lost so much time with you that I could have given to Refugio.)

"We were separated for over a year.  He asked to come back home so many times and I wouldn't let him.  And now he'll never come back and I'll never be able to get back the time I wasted away from him because I was proud and foolish.  I'll never be able to hug him or kiss him again.  And I miss him.  I love him.  And now I can't have him."

Eric listens quietly to Esmeralda's words of raw anguish.  He sits down with her and tells her gently that he understands how it feels to lose someone you love and to live with regret.  He'd turn back time too, if he could.  He'd undo his errors, he'd save his brother -- but it's not possible.

Although Esme thanks him for coming, she makes it clear that she wants him to leave Aguazul.  He refuses to go -- not as long as she needs him.  She is unwilling (or unready?) to accept his help, even as a friend.

What did the doctor say?

José Luis repeats what he has just been told.  Montserrat is livid.  "Look, you fool, if I lose my daughter because of you, I swear you'll regret it, José Luis!  Is that what you wanted?  Are you satisfied?"

José Luis listens in silent misery.  Alejandro takes the phone from Montserrat, asks JL where he is, and jots down the name of the hospital.  

Meanwhile Montserrat repeats the diagnosis to Rosario: acute meningitis!

Alejandro tells José Luis they are on their way.  He warns JL to watch out for Pedro Medina's men.

Dimitrio seeks advice from a man of God

He explains his dilemma to Padre Anselmo.  He needs to find the Scorpion, the man who murdered Mónica.  The only person who can give him that information is Pedro Medina.  But in return, Dimitrio would have to betray the Marina and sell out Alejandro.

Padre Anselmo tells Dimitrio that if he accepts Pedro's terms, he'll be a criminal himself. He should give up his quest for vengeance and learn to forgive, lest he turn into the same kind of person he is pursuing.

Dim doesn't care.  He has nothing left to live for.  The padre disputes that.  He reminds him that his sister and her children need him, and so does his mother.  

And speaking of the devil, it's time to forgive his mother.

Dimitrio isn't willing to do that -- not after everything she has done to him.

"The root of your pain starts with your mother," says the padre, "and you have very little time to make your peace with her." 

The root of Dimitrio's pain makes her way to the living room, kvetching bitterly that no one is paying attention to her.

In mid-kvetch -- she's Hungry Angry Lonely Tired and her legs hurt -- she falls to the floor.  Rosario and Carlota help her up.  Rosario offers to get her something to eat.  Graciela wants to know where that nurse is that Alejandro was going to get for her.  Rosario explains that Alejandro has other things on his mind right now -- Romina is very ill in a hospital in Mexico City.

That's too bad, says Graciela, but realistically, if the kid dies, Alejandro and Montserrat will be much better off without her.

Rosario and Carlota are horrified.  How can she say such a thing?  Graciela doesn't back down.  That kid is a thorn in Alejandro's side.  She's a constant reminder of José Luis.

"May God forgive you," says Rosario.

"May God forgive YOU," retorts Graciela.

"Why does everything that comes out of your mouth have to be so hurtful?" asks Carlota (though you'd think she would have stopped asking this question thirty or forty years ago).

[And really, Graciela's behavior is so dreadful, so egregious, even for her, the normal social constraints so lacking, that it makes me wonder if there's something wrong with her head -- like a brain tumor, por ejemplo...]

She Reads Souls.  Okay, Maybe Just Dimitrio's.

Josefina stops by to see Dimitrio.  How has he been feeling?  

"Well, Refugio was insufferable, I couldn't stand him, and even so, I was his friend and I loved him and now he's gone...that's how I feel." [Which I think is a damn good answer showing a great deal of self-awareness, though Fina clearly does not.]

Josefina tells him to stop pretending he doesn't feel anything. He may not shed a single tear, but she knows when he's hurting.

"It's not that I don't feel anything -- it's just not the moment for me to stop and think about what I'm feeling.  I know you can read people's souls..."

"No, I can't," says Josefina.  But for some reason, I can read yours."

"I have to finish what I started, and I'm going to catch the Scorpion."

"I know you're going to find him and put him in jail."

"No," Dimitrio corrects her.  "I'm going to kill him."

Poor Blind Nadia needs to talk to her husband.

She repeats Graciela's suspicions about Adolfo -- that he is practically Pedro's right hand man and may even be the Scorpion.

Victor works his jaw a little (but only a little -- EZ took that secret to the grave with him) and says nothing for several seconds.  Finally he tells her:  "You have to talk to your brother."

Do it for yourself

"Everyone wants me to forget Mónica and start over again.  And I need you to..."

"You need me to what, Dimitrio?" asks Josefina.

"Nothing.  Forget it.  And my mother is dying of a brain tumor..."

"Oh, Dimitrio, I'm so sorry.  I didn't know."

"And the padre wants me to forgive her because she's dying -- after everything she did to me my whole life..."

"No, you don't have to forgive her.  It's your decision.  But I agree with the padre.  It's the only way to heal your own heart. Think about all the things you'd like to say to Mónica, but you can't because she's gone.  And right now, Esmeralda -- don't you think she has a ton of things she'd love to say to Refugio that she'll never get to say?  

"It would be terrible to live with the regret of not saying 'I love you' at least once, while there is still time."

"You're saying that for..."

"I'm saying that for you, Dimitrio.  Don't close up your heart.  Remember what happened with your father.  You never told him you loved him when he was alive.  Don't let the same thing happen again.  This is the time to fix things...if you want to."

Josefina stands up to leave.  Before she goes, she touches Dimitrio's tattooed forearm.  "Forgive her -- she's your mother."

Ciudad de México: José Luis gets his comeuppance.

Montserrat walks up to José Luis in the hospital waiting room and slaps him in the face.  "Is this what you wanted?"  She goes off to see Romina in the ICU -- only one visitor at a time is permitted.  Meanwhile, the doctor comes out and tells Alejandro and José Luis that Romina is much better.  Her fever has come down and she's responding to the antibiotics.  She is out of danger!

José Luis puts his head on Alejandro's shoulder. (We've seen him do this before, haven't we?  It's a little creepy.)  Ale gives him a reassuring pat on the back.

The Baby-faced Killer sits on the front steps of the Almonte Beach House beside his sister, Poor Blind Nadia.

She asked him to come so they could talk.  

"About what?"  

"About the Scorpion."

[Cue the Chorus of Doom]

"What did Victor tell you?"

"Victor has nothing to do with this.  It was Graciela -- she says you're still working for Pedro, that you cleaned a crime scene, that you threatened her with a gun..."

"It's a lie."

"Really?  She said she'd repeat it all to your face if you denied it.  She's here in her bedroom.  Do we have to go and see her?"

"It's sad that you believe that woman and not your own brother.  You know me -- we grew up together!"

"And you made plenty of mistakes."

"I know I was a slacker, a player (un vago, un vividor) -- but from that to a murderer is quite a stretch, don't you think?  Since you came back to Aguazul, all I've done is help you and your family.  I'm disappointed in you.  How sad that you believe a woman like that, a woman who has hurt her own children all their lives, a woman who has always been a liar, a woman who made up a name and a social position that weren't hers.  Are you going to believe in her intrigues?"

Poor Blind Nadia proves she and Clueless Victor are the perfect match.  She apologizes to Adolfo.  What was she thinking?

Adolfo smiles with relief.  He gives his sister a big hug.

Montserrat passes the night at Romina's bedside.  

In the morning, José Luis knocks on the door of the hospital room.   He was waiting outside all night  -- and he sure looks it -- but he didn't want to bother Montse.

"Forgive me, Montserrat," he says quietly.  "I've loved you and hated you for so long, and I know I've made mistakes.  But I'm asking you to try to understand me."

"Oh José Luis, I'd like to be able to understand you, but I can't.  I can't."

"Romina is all I have left.  She's my reason for living, and I don't want to lose her.  I can't settle for seeing her for two hours a day -- she's my daughter, our daughter."

"Let me correct you, José Luis.  You had two hours -- now you have nothing."

"I understand, and you have every right to react like that.  You know what?  I don't want us to keep fighting, Montserrat."

"Neither do I."

"Then you can rest easy.  I'm going to withdraw my petition for custody.  I'm not going to take your daughter away.  I really want you and Alejandro to be happy."

"I don't believe you."

"I swear it, Montserrat.  I don't want to cause you more problems.  That's all I wanted to say."

Previews:  A montage of old and new scenes — all bets are off from now until the end!


For me, Fina is the only one with any brains in this novela. And I still think its child abuse with regards to the child actors on this set. I'm afraid that with Peddy threatening everyone, the kids will be exposed to his madness especially in light of their patents' ineptitude and stupidity.

Thanks, NovelaMaven. This episode was also difficult.

Now we need to worry about Dimitrio regressing and betraying Alejandro, which would ultimately destroy Monserrat as well. That would leave him with nothing in the end because killing Adolfo would not only land him in the slammer, it can't bring Monica back.

And there is still the emotional vampire that is Graciela / Gaudencia. She was at her most vile last night, wishing death on her own grandchild. She is not far away from the mistress of Foxworth Hall in Flowers In the Attic. It's time for her downfall.

As for MDA, I can't blame Monserrat for not believing him. He needs to prove this to her. He also needs to gain Dimitrio's trust and take care of The Scorpion.

BTW, I can't access the article.

I really hated how Adolfo had the nerve to check the pulse and to even come to the funeral..How did Adolfo even know that the Letter of Doom and Gloom was in the Escondida? Adolfo has no more sympathy for me but i dont want Dimitrio to kill him ,it could have a huge impact on his Marine career ,i want to see Dimitrio to arrest Adolfo but before he does that i hope he beats Adolfo to a bloody pulp!

What irked me the most was that Nadia went to that Witch Graciela instead of going straight to the Noble Padre ..
Robo has gotten so lame i loved watching it before ,now its just provocations and violence instead of coherent plot development like Amores Verdaderos..
The 7 years timeskip was completely unneccary,they could have handled JL differently,when he went to burn the money..


Is it time to play musical chairs?

For MDA followers:
Has he now redeemed himself by calling Ale and Monse and by saying he will withdraw his petition for full custody?

For those at and not at the Gracie is faking it table:
Do one or two good deeds, or the act of dying, make up for a lifetime of cruelty and narcissistic behavior and thus deserve one's forgiveness?


Is that really true about Hitler?

Victoria,If you mean what is said in my avatar,yes he supposedly lost one testicle in WW1 while Pedro has none:)

Thank you. I'm continually amazed by the wealth of knowledge of Caray, Caray bloggers and amount of trivial information one learns while reading the comments.

How you ever knew that fact boggles my mind!

My gratitude NM for this thought provoking recap. Your right, there is no upward movement. Everyone is talking forgiveness, but we have yet to see it. Hopefully there will be at least a coming together.

Looks like MDJL at least is making the effort. He needs a new bromance and I guess it will now be Ale. (That hug was awkward.)

With every new episode, I just want Adolfo to shut the hell up and go away already. His constant excuses for killing people, his cowardice and lying is enough already. Maybe the writers want us to stop feeling any pity for this guy so when his anvil falls, we'll be understanding with it. They are succeeding.

So we see Eric and Esme now becoming a couple through the end? Still baffled why this is so important--unless it's another "you can find happiness with your second love in life." Thanks, we got that message too.

If they destroy the character of Dim by turning him dark and having something happen to him, well, just keep breakables away from me. After everything he's been thru, how he's tried to be there for everyone, they want him to go in league with Pedro? I still expect him to be Adolfo's downfall, but I can get that as an officer of the law. Nothing else is necessary writers.

Ok, now I do think something is up with Gracie. If she was sick and dying and regretful, she couldn't be....well, Gaudy/Gracie that we know and despise. I may be slowly dragging my chair to the table with the "faking Gracie" table. Something is up here.


One or two good deeds from a narcissist can only be seen as self-serving.

It is the supreme talent of a narcissist to fool people into thinking them extraordinary, good, attractive, charming, and a whole list of other things solely and absolutely for only their own benefit. Gracie handing the will to Monserrat was only to convince her that she is on her side when she is only on her own.

Thanks for the witty and complete recap, NovelaMaven. "Poor Blind Nadia proves that she and Clueless Victor are the perfect match" was my fave. I, as you, had sensed a turn in the plot when Ale "noticed the elephant in the room" and was successfully working to get it out but alas it was not to be!

Adolfo's hit list is growing with each episode. I wish he would do us all a favor and take out Pedro and kill himself. Come to think of it, at this point, killing himself would be enough. If not will he kill Padre Anselmo? What if Poor Blind Nadia sees the light, so to speak? Would he kill her? Clueless Victor? Half of Aguazul maybe? Graciela? If only he would only kill the latter . . .

Graciela's latest well crafted cruelties telling Poor Blind Nadia all about Adolfo and explaining to Carlota et al how it would be a good thing for Romina to die are just further proof to me that she is faking her illness. The level of Graciela logic with its inherent cruelty and her willingness to bestow this "wisdom" in the service of the destruction of others have never declined in quality or waffled. She sounds like she is at the top of her game. Her fake illness gives her a captive audience and Graciela loves an audience.

So on we amble to the end!


Urban, great points re narcissism. I always enjoy your take on our comments and you help me think of things from a different angle during the dark days of this novela.

NovelaMaven, I devoured this, savoring every single word. It was fresh, spicy and savory. You fed our hearts and souls yet when I finished, I still yearned for more.

"Murder nad Meningitis and Vengeance" was inspired. Your conversation translations and witty asides were wonderful and so appreciated.

"Victor works his jaw a little (but only a little -- EZ took that secret to the grave with him)" and "Why Victor will never be a Rhodes Scholar and why Adolfo is going straight to hell, [for those who are still collecting evidence]" were my favorites.

Admist the murder and mayhem and the devastating aftereffects, the most heartrendering emotion may have been regret. Esme is wracked with guilt and rightly realizes she squandered time with Refugio she can never recover. Now she must console herself with their last words and kisses instead of a year's joyous memories. My heart ached for her.

Victoria, yes, I think Jose Luis has redeemed himself. He has made grave mistakes but is now reverting to the honorable man he once was. He is now willing (and I totally believe him) to surrender his daughter whom he loves. I am really hoping this will be enough to save him but with the mounting death toll, I am very uneasy.

I do believe in forgiveness if someone, at their life's end is truly contrite for their past sins. We are always being told we must be able to forgive, and I think it is something we should and must do as human beings. However, I do not think Graciela is truly sorry for the many terrible acts she has committed. Looking at her attitude toward Rosario, she continues to bite and to sting. Her not caring if her granddaughter dies was still shocking to me after all this time. Monse has a good heart and if she was able to forgive her, I applaud her.

I am still strong in my belief Graciela is dying. But, I'm wrong almost all the time so if all of the Crackpot Theorists are right, I will concede graciously with an admiring tip of the hat.

I know Dimitrio wants justice but I really hope he will drop his quest for vengence. UA, do we really need to worry about him too on top of everything else? Sigh.

As a Catholic, I was brought up to respect the sanctity of the confessional but I am relieved that the Padre has threatened to turn Adolfo in.

I would be very happy if the death toll count would stsop. I despise the fact there may be several more potential deaths looming. I had always thought JL would bring Pedro down. I'm not sure now but someone has to, right? I mean Pedro cannot be the last man standing.

NovelaMaven, thank you for your riveting summary.


Jarifa, that's the perfect analysis of Gracie. The fake illness is her ultimate con. She has all the cash that rightfully belongs to Alejandro and there is nothing more she can get in the way of money. There is no wealthy, unattached man to fleece even if she weren't in her early 60s by now, so all that is left is to drain her children dry emotionally.

May the fate she wished on Benjamin be hers. Since she is also guilty of murdering him she needs to be in prison.

" When Alejandro stood up to Pedro Medina and refused his Faustian bargain and then later forgave Victor, refusing to see him as his enemy, and when Refugio did the same thing by refusing to compromise his integrity even while looking down the barrel of a gun, I was sure that this show had turned a moral corner.

After tonight's episode -- crap! Was I wrong!"

Wow. Once again you've spun gold out of straw...and pretty moldy, cruddy straw at that.

Lots of love in this recap, if not the episode. Here are just a few gems I noted:

Adolfo, like a vile creature who avoids the light of day

the transition point of Refugio's son growing up without a father and Romina growing up without a mother (If J.L has anything to do with it!)

They might as well be sporting a couple of Hello I'm Pedro's Goon! badges

Why Victor will never be a Rhodes Scholar...and he "uses the limited tools God gave him"

The root of Dimitrio's pain makes her way to the living room, kvetching bitterly that no one is paying attention to her.

And possibly my favorite: Victor works his jaw a little (but only a little -- EZ took that secret to the grave with him) and says nothing for several seconds.

I've noticed quite a bit of EZ jaw working lately. Refugio did it on one of those endless discussions with Esmerelda and now Special Needs Victor is grinding his teeth as well.

Well hey, maybe men do this in real life...dunno. The ones I know just rant and rave when they're angry.

Sounds like the writers are throwing in everything but the kitchen sink for the final weeks. And I notice Pope Francis is asking young folks to give up trivial occupations like watching soap operas and hanging out on the Internet. Do you think this applies to us old codgers on Social Security!?

Anyway, loved the recap NovelaMaven. Not sure I can stomach watching the actual episode. But if I do, don't tell the Pope!

And thanks to all for the warm sympathy over the losses in my life. This is such a good and comforting place to come when feeling down.


NovelaMaven, ABSOLUTELY spot on, perfect introduction. It was so well said; so VERY well said!

Gaudencia is irrelevant. I have believed for many episodes now that she is playing her ultimate and final con.

Dear Diana, even if we at the "Graciela is Faking It" table are right, no need to tip the hat. I don't see it as a competition, but just voicing a feeling on a vile, despicable, and sorry excuse for a mother and a woman.

Agree with your comments and observations re Gaudencia, Urban.

I fully understand the need to forgive. I fully understand Padre's persistence in asking Gaudencia's children to forgive her. I am glad that his request forced Dimitrio to assess how he feels about her. At least, he says out loud how his mother has impacted his life. Montserrat just brushes it off. We will never see the end results of her feelings about her mother, but we all know that the treatment these two received as children and as adults by their own mother will haunt them for the rest of their lives even in the face of receiving appropriate counseling.

I am amazed how quickly they forget what happened to Fabiola. If ever there was a more pathetic creature, it was Fabiola and Gaudencia destroyed and killed (albeit indirectly) her own child.

I am in complete agreement with Diana that Esmeralda's regret was so painful and sad to watch.

Thank you so much, NovelaMaven. We have had so many thought provoking and wonderful discussions during this TN. I shall miss it so very much.

I want to repeat what our wonderful JudyB said this morning: "This is such a good and comforting place to come when feeling down."


Nope Judy, I would have to explain to his Holiness that I have earned the right as an old-codger to indulge in a couple mindless soaps and hanging on the internet. The perks of growing old gracefully.

Diana, I think we are getting set up for Pedro or Gaudy Girl to be the "last man standing". They were our main villians, despite Adolfo shooting everyone in sight for years. I'll stick with my hope for Pedro--killing outright is too good for him. He needs a nice slow, mind-numbing death by whatever. And as for Gaudy, if she is faking, first lord help her. I love that scene in Teresa when everyone, including her family, turns their backs to her at the party. First, that would be so fitting for Gaudy since she's always wanted everyone to "understand her". But boy, would I love if she does has her wits about her to have to scrub a few floors, cook for herself (does she know how??) and break a few nails for the rest of her life while all alone. A full circle back to poverty. Either that, or if she isn't faking, when she dies, she dies alone and the no
one forgives her.


Great recap NovelaMaven!
I may be heading toward the dining hall but I still refuse to sit at the "faking Gracie" table…I would have preferred the tumor take away Graceless Gaudencia’s ability to speak and then let her live a few more years. She deserves nothing less than slow torture.
I would personally like to see Nadia take out Pedro with a “shot in the dark” since she endured so much. I am looking forward to the range of emotions when Dim finds out about Adolfo…betrayal, hatred, disgust, etc.
With Adolfo’s list growing longer; it does make for a more intimate wedding but does he realize that fewer wedding guests represent fewer gifts?

daisy, I love your idea that Graciela will be subjected to the shunning that Teresa (Angelique) experienced. To be alone and worst of all IGNORED would be a fate worse than death to her.

Fatima, thank you for reminding us about Fabiola. While not so innocent, her death was tragic nevertheless and Graciela must answer for her not insubstantial role in her death.



This recap is a gem, a sparkling gem, much better than the episode!

I actually liked the hug between JL and Ale. It was awkward, but I think Ale, who I must say I am impressed with now, understood how much JL was hurting for what he had done. Ale as the voice of reason, who knew!

May Fofito's anvil hurry up. I can't stand the way he was "consoling" poor Esme. He used to have a conscience! Now he can go straight to hellz!

I did have a moment of levity when Dimi went to see the Padre and he was saying something about himself and Monica in bed and the Padre was saying something like TMI, too funny. I wasn't expecting that. But then again, Dimi hasn't had a one on one with the Padre, I don't think.

I don't think His Holiness would be bothered by Gracious Ladies watching TNs. After all, one of his nuns, was on the Voice of Italy!

I too ached for Esme, the poor thing. I was hoping for a miracle and that Refug would live.

When Guady was spewing her crap to PBN, I wished that PBN, could see! Just the expression on Guady's face, ugh! I am beginning to think that Guady is much like Peddy. She manipulates people with her words and actions. Guady so enjoys twisting the knife, and what she said about poor little Romina, unforgivable!

Thanks again NovelaMaven for this wonderful rendition of a very sad episode.

Thanks NovelaMaven. I've come to expect such reliable excellence in your recaps and once again you've managed to exceed that expectation. Well done. There are so many quotable lines that no doubt will deservedly crop up in the admiring comments over and over. Here's a sly wry gem that caught my fancy:

"And really, Graciela's behavior is so dreadful, so egregious, even for her, the normal social constraints so lacking, that it makes me wonder if there's something wrong with her head -- like a brain tumor, por ejemplo..."


My very favorite scene of many good individual scenes last night was that between Dimitrio and Padre Anselmo (convincingly very well acted), and my favorite moment came as Dimitrio was sincerely trying to explain his relationship with Monica:

Dimitrio (with all innocence and candor): We fell in love, we began a relationship, we loved each other, we had an incredible connection, and in bed...

Padre Anselmo (uncomfortably interrupting and fluttering his hands): Son, spare me those details...

Those who are fast forwarding through this episode should pause and watch this cute scene as well as the sweet scene between Dimitrio and Josefina.


I dearly hope that Carlota plays the blabbermouth one more time by telling Monse and/or Alejandro what Gracie said about Romina. There had to be a reason for that other than telling us that Gracie is still a monster.

One doesn't need a brain tumor to behave as Gracie does, just a humungous sense of entitlement.


You continue to write beautifully while telling us all we need to know and adding in those rich vocabulary-laden Spanish phrases which I always love to read. I am most appreciative of your dedication as a recapper and also for your sense of huomor.

There was one very funny exchange last night which you forgot to include, and I am hoping to be able to prevail upon you to peek back and review it for me to make sure that I got all of it.

It was when Dimitrio was talking to the Padre and he began filling him in on his relationship with Mónica. He said they fell in love, and then he started to describe their relationship in bed, and then el Padre told him to spare him the details, but Dimitrio continued on, and mentioned something about the naturaleza, and ended up saying something like - "Oh, I guess you don't know about these things?"
and the Padre just gave him such a priceless look. I thought this
dialogue was clever and fascinating, both great actors ... so hope you can fill in what I missed. I may be looking for a comparison of relationships between Dim & Jose and Dim and Monica.

Hay mas ...I loved the exchange between Josfina and Dimitrio. He seemed to be groping and probing to see what Josefina feels for him and what he in fact feels for her.
What did he start to say to her?
Was his relationship with Josefina more spiritual than his relationship with Mónica. He knows her soul, and she knows his.
I think there is a deep love between them which will eventually erupt in physical passion to add to the equation. Ojalá!

If Adolfool wanted to kill the Padre, why didn't he do it right then and there?

I keep wondering if PBN will regain her sight at the end of the novela as has been done with several other characters in this situation.

Thanks again, NovelaMaven,
NovelaMarvel and to all recappers who have managed to stick with this atrociious, senseless story.


Hey, I just realized something -- I'M FREE! This was my last full Robo recap. Wow, I wish I had thought about this last night. It would have cheered me on no end (or would it have distracted me? Ni modo.)

This has been a wonderful show to recap. Even the episodes we despise tend to be rich visually and linguistically; and the acting -- with only a couple of exceptions -- has been extraordinary. If only it had not gone on so very very long...

The conversations here have often surprised me by their thoughtfulness. And then there is the inspired silliness and wit -- not to mention the kindness and openness of this community. It's your wonderful comments that energized the blog and kept the recappers inspired. Thank you so much to every single reader and to everyone who has ever taken the time and effort to leave a comment here.

I'm proud to have been on this team with Mads, Urban, Gloria, Eli, Julia Rold, Elna June and Elvira. See you at el gran fin!


You continue to write beautifully while telling us all we need to know and adding in those rich vocabulary-laden Spanish phrases which I always love to read. I am most appreciative of your dedication as a recapper and also for your sense of huomor.

There was one very funny exchange last night which you forgot to include, and I am hoping to be able to prevail upon you to peek back and review it for me to make sure that I got all of it.

It was when Dimitrio was talking to the Padre and he began filling him in on his relationship with Mónica. He said they fell in love, and then he started to describe their relationship in bed, and then el Padre told him to spare him the details, but Dimitrio continued on, and mentioned something about the naturaleza, and ended up saying something like - "Oh, I guess you don't know about these things?"
and the Padre just gave him such a priceless look. I thought this
dialogue was clever and fascinating, both great actors ... so hope you can fill in what I missed. I may be looking for a comparison of relationships between Dim & Jose and Dim and Monica.

Hay mas ...I loved the exchange between Josfina and Dimitrio. He seemed to be groping and probing to see what Josefina feels for him and what he in fact feels for her.
What did he start to say to her?
Was his relationship with Josefina more spiritual than his relationship with Mónica. He knows her soul, and she knows his.
I think there is a deep love between them which will eventually erupt in physical passion to add to the equation. Ojalá!

If Adolfool wanted to kill the Padre, why didn't he do it right then and there?

I keep wondering if PBN will regain her sight at the end of the novela as has been done with several other characters in this situation.

Thanks again, NovelaMaven,
NovelaMarvel and to all recappers who have managed to stick with this atrociious, senseless story.


Our comments crossed paths.
You especially enjoyed the two scenes I mentioned. They were both thoughtful and funny.

Floridia, here are a few lines from the scenes you mentioned. Did I get the ones you wanted?

Dimitrio and Padre Anselmo

D: Father, you know I'm not religious, but I have nobody to talk to. I don't trust anyone. You won't repeat what I say to anyone, right? It's like a secret with God or something?

PA: If that's what you're asking for, then yes.

D: Please. [Sighs] Before you returned to Aguazul, I was planning to marry Monica, a captain I met in the Marina. We fell in love, we started a relationship -- we loved each other, we had an incredible connection. In bed...

PA: Son, spare me those details.

D: Father, truly, I could understand the concept of God when we were in bed; we were connected to nature; it was...You never...?

PA remains silent.

D: Well. The Scorpion killed her in an operation; and since then, I've been looking for him

Dimitrio and Josefina, 47"

D: Everyone wants me to leave the past behind and forget Monica; they want me to start again and give life a chance. And Josefina I...I need you to...(Yo necesito que tú...)

J: That I what? (¿que yo qué? )

D: No, forget it. I'm sorry, I'm in bad shape, I don't feel well.

J: What were you going to say, Dimitrio?

D: Nothing. I'm not doing well...and besides, my mother has a tumor in her head...

Thanks for your interesting comments, Victoria Gomez, Urban and Countx.


I'm delighted that you found the recap "thought-provoking." We've certainly been thrown lots of bones to chew on.

BTW, I stopped feeling any pity for Adolfo a long time ago. He has more than enough pity for himself -- he really doesn't need the Patio to spare him any.

I would be terribly disappointed if Dim turned dark. That is definitely outside the Playbook and not in the Patio Contract I signed.

At least our hero Alejandro is starting to act like one. [sigh]


I'm so glad you enjoyed the recap.

What if Poor Blind Nadia sees the light, so to speak? Would [Adolfo] kill her?

Hah. I think he would. I think he has no limits whatsoever.

So on we amble to the end!

Indeed. It's been a looooooong haul, but a long more enjoyable with you as a traveling companion!

Dear Diana,

Thank you so much for your, as always, lovely words. I was really struck by this line in your comment:

"Amidst the murder and mayhem and the devastating aftereffects, the most heartrendering emotion may have been regret."

Yes! And Esmeralda's scenes were so beautifully played that they were almost unbearable to watch.

As for the burdensome secret that Padre Anselmo carries, I had a fleeting hope that he would play a sort of spiritual matchmaker by revealing Adolfo's secret to Dimitrio, sparing Dimitrio the temptation of making a Faustian bargain with Pedro. If he reveals a confessional secret, he'll be ex-communicated, so why not a two-fer? Save one or many lives (Adolfo's future victims) and save a soul (Dimitrio's).

ivennu LankanNovela:

My goodness. It is your last? THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Your wit, thoughtfulness and dedication, along with all the recappers, has been so appreciated.

Yes, Carlos, I actually tuned up the Hulu during my lunch break and re-watched those Dim scenes last night since I wasn't able to appreciate them. Wonderfully done by all actors--too bad we didn't have more of this type of interaction throughout the show, but nice to be able to watch again and see all the aspects of acting/directing and writing come together in such gentle scenes.


Ok that was interesting. The secret word info carried into my comment...I am now officially creeped out. Think I better get back to work.


Thank you Novela Maven for the recap. I came to enjoy them much more than the show. I can only take so much oy. Plus, I truly hated some situations because they hit close to home so I abstained. Anyhoo, thank you so much for helping me keep up.


Thanks for the wonderful recap! I especially enjoyed your transcription and translation of some of the dialog. Thanks also for the vocabulary lesson on "sicario." I had no idea that it meant "hitman."
I appreciate your amazing work and attention to detail, and congrats on this recap being your last full one.

My comment on last night's episode is that citizens of Aqua Azul need to mind their own business as far as Dimitrio and Graciela's relationship goes. I'm annoyed that Josefina and others keep telling Dimitrio to forgive his mother. They haven't been in his shoes, dealing with Graciela all these years. It would be really hard to overlook her sins. But I feel like they're trying to push him into a close relationship with Graciela when he doesn't seem to want that. They just need to understand him and accept what he feels like doing. If he decides to keep his mother at arm's length, that's his right.

We can see the negative effects of the Aqua Azul peer pressure with Montserrat. Everyone pushed her into marrying Jose Luis (Carlota, etc) when she didn't really feel like it. That decision forces her now to deal with an unshaven, baby-kidnapping, jealous monster.

Dimitrio needs to stand his ground and do what's right for him, regardless of what the citizens of Aqua Azul think.

I also don't believe he's going to take Pedro's offer. I think he's smarter than that.

Thanks again, NovelaMaven!

My dear Novela Maven, thank you for this most entertaining recap. We have all recognized that the crappier/sillier/more bogus the episode the better the recap. Yet you still manage to surprise me with your powers of observation and word play. Well done! My favorite Mavenisms have been mentioned, however I laughed hardest at "crap! Was I wrong!" So funny!! Especially after your thoughtfully optimistic introduction.

I used to think Adolfo was kind of torn up about being a hit man, but now I don't think he has a conscience at all. I agree with NM that even Nadia is not safe around him.

I don't love JL, but I am a little worried about his fate. He now has two big strikes against him living a long life, 1) he has "seen the light" regarding his relationship with Montse, Romina and Alejandro, and 2) he is extremely inconvenient to have around. It's that inconvenience thing that is the most dangerous from a telenovela plot point of view.

Graciela has surprised me again with the depth of her selfishness and meanness. Daniela Castro is a terrific actress. Sometimes I wonder if she is following the script and direction exactly, or if she is throwing in some of her own ideas. That scene a few episodes ago when she stumbled in to the dinner table and stole Rosario's plate and glass without missing a beat was pure brilliance. It doesn't seem like the writers are clever enough to write something like that into the script.

Novelamaven, thanks so much for a wonderful recap of yet another depressing episode. Yikes and H.E.L.P.

I need this show to just stop. Just when you think that it cannot get any more painful to does.

Fofo is one of those people who just keeps making things worse...and worse...and worse. I always try to clean up as quickly as possible when the stuff hits the fan and things start flying, but I know that some people seem to turn the fan on a higher speed.....that's our Fofo.

I was packing last night during this episode, so I was confused when JL was suddenly calling Mony and everyone was in the hospital. We have a tiny thumb sucker in our family, so I could relate to little Romina self comforting by sucking her thumb as she missed her mommy.

As for Grrrrrr (thanks, Novella lover for that spot on nickname). .....there are no words. I feel nothing but pity and disgust for anyone who would speak so heartlessly about her own grandchild. At this point, I am unsure if Grrrrrr really has a brain tumor, but I do know that she has a stone cold heart. What a terrible waste of life to be so cold , vicious, and heartless. Her on,y joy, besides her love of $$$$$ , seems to be saying hurtful things to the people around her. To quote my favorite Beatles ' lyric . "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make". Grr will leave this world without one speck of love because she has given none. How extremely sad. She is a lesson to us all to watch our words and try to be kind especially to those we are closest to. Someone once said, "I did not hear the words she said, I only heard the love." In Grr's case, her words reveal her hatred of everyone. Grr is an equal opportunity hater. What a sad existence . Being Gracie is it's own form of punishment because it is tragic to be so full of malice and negativity. Despite everything that they have endured , Mony, Carlotta, Nadia, Fina are still positive and kind.

Dear JudyB,

You are so unfailingly generous to me, and your praise means so much. Thank you!

"I've noticed quite a bit of EZ jaw working lately. Refugio did it on one of those endless discussions with Esmerelda and now Special Needs Victor is grinding his teeth as well."

Hah! As shortcuts to displaying emotion, the clenching of jaws and grinding of teeth are far less annoying than the wide-eyed look that Refugio relied on so much. (But EZ, my gosh, he was a champ. His control over his facial muscles was freaky -- he was like one of those people who can wiggle their ears.)

Judy, I so admire your resilience. You are a wonderful example for me and for all of us here. How lucky for us that you are back!

Dear Fatima,

Thanks so much for your comment. I'm delighted you liked the introduction. I really was starting to feel a certain optimism -- and then BAM!

Speaking of optimism, you are sounding more like yourself today. I hope you are well on your way to moving past that ghastly day you had.

I'm also going to miss our conversations here when this is all over.

Dear PBN:

I don't recall seeing your comments here before. Welcome! I actually love just about everything you wrote, but I'll single out my favorite line of wishful thinking:

"I would have preferred the tumor take away Graceless Gaudencia’s ability to speak and then let her live a few more years.

YES! If ever a wicked tongue needed silencing...

Well okay, one more: how about this one?

"With Adolfo’s list growing longer; it does make for a more intimate wedding but does he realize that fewer wedding guests represent fewer gifts?"

Of course when you marry the fabulously wealthy Fina, you don't have to worry about a bunch of chintzy blenders and tupperware.

Dear Mads:

Thanks so much for your kind words. I see you were on the same page as Carlos and Floridia about that TMI scene between Dim and the padre. I added some additional detail in a comment, at Floridia's request. It WAS a cute scene, wasn't it? I'm so glad you folks thought to bring it up here.

Dear Carlos:

I'm so grateful for your comments. They buoy me along sometimes, reassuring me that I have managed to make some kind of sense when I'm not quite sure of that myself.

As I'm sure you know by now, I especially enjoy your sense of humor and your delight in the absurd. Fortunately for both of us, the absurd is never in short supply in our stories!

Thank you, Carlos!

Dear Floridia:

Thank you for the lovely words. I hope I answered your question above.

"Was [Dimitrio's] relationship with Josefina more spiritual than his relationship with Mónica? He knows her soul, and she knows his.

Dimitrio had the whole shebang with Josefina -- the spiritual and the sensual and a real KNOWLEDGE of each other. Maybe he and Monica would have gotten to that place over time; but in my opinion, they never had the chance to get there.

I'd love to see a reconciliation between Dim and Fina. Will these bloodthirsty writers allow us that pleasure?

Susanlynn, "Someone once said, "I did not hear the words she said, I only heard the love." That brought tears to my eyes.



While I will not disagree with bloggers who said THEY found the embrace of JL with Ale disquieting, e.g."José Luis puts his head on Alejandro's shoulder. (We've seen him do this before, haven't we? It's a little creepy.) Ale gives him a reassuring pat on the back."; "(That hug was awkward.", there are others who felt it was understandable, e.g. "I actually liked the hug between JL and Ale. It was awkward, but I think Ale, who I must say I am impressed with now, understood how much JL was hurting for what he had done. Ale as the voice of reason, who knew!"
I think the hug was an indication of how damaged and emotionally devastated JL is over the way things turned out with Monse, Ale, and his most recent loss, Refugio. Everything in his life is gone and he has no one - woman or man-to comfort him. And he turns to Ale. Now that shows that all along, despite his hatred of the circumstances of his life and the way fate has dealt him a losing hand,he still wants and indeed needs Monse and Ale in his life. Not creepy at all.

Dear Daisynjay:

I thought you were sending me a secret message or giving me a special name. Frankly, I'm a little disappointed it's just a spooky captcha glitch.

You are so very welcome! I've enjoyed reading every single one of your thoughtful, articulate and often very funny comments!

Dear Romy:

The pleasure is entirely mine!

Dear Tracy H:

You know I was thinking of you when I got on a bit of a Spanish roll last night. "Sicario," alas, comes up a lot in novelas I've seen.

I used to marvel at the number of ways I could say "woman of ill repute" or the establishment in which she worked; now I am collecting words to describe murderers. Ugh.

"We can see the negative effects of the Aqua Azul peer pressure with Montserrat. Everyone pushed her into marrying Jose Luis (Carlota, etc) when she didn't really feel like it. That decision forces her now to deal with an unshaven, baby-kidnapping, jealous monster."

Excellent point!

Dear Sylvia:

Will you be insulted if I tell you that you are so predictable? I know how much you love the sudden drops from high to low register, from the pedantic to the vulgar! Hee hee.

I love your observation about Daniela Castro's scene at the dinner table. I can certainly imagine the actress improvising the plate steal. Even if the writers weren't clever enough to write the scene that way, at least they had the smarts to leave it in.

"We have all recognized that the crappier/sillier/more bogus the episode the better the recap."

-- from The Recapper's Credo

And yes, JL has become "inconvenient." Woe is he!

Dear Susanlynn:

Thank you so much for your kind comment today and all days, especially when you made an effort to stop by even when you loathed an episode.

"some people seem to turn the fan on a higher speed."

Nicely observed!

"I did not hear the words she said, I only heard the love."

I see Diana and I were both moved by this quote. Thanks, Susanlynn!

Gracielas only tumour is her Bully tumour,there is no cure but one,an imediate evacuation of the building because this Witch is on Acid,Acid! And Gracie is quite a nice Halloween spook isnt she?,DEQoIYJ :)



Thanks so much for retrieving all that dialogue. I appreciate all of your recapping, past, present, and future.

What was NOT SAID was intriguing.
Re Not telling a person, "I love you," Josefina stressed Dim's not
saying that to his father, and Esme not telling Refugio, and possibly Dim's not telling his mother before her demise ...and NOT SAID was Dim saying, "I love you to Josefina." ..which I hope will eventually happen.

Jose was advising Dim to make peace with his mother not for the benefit of his mother, but knowing his sensitive soul, she wants Dim to find peace for his own good.

OT: UA, have you ever seen the movie Now, Voyager?


Thanks for writing this recap. Another sad episode with Refu's death. This one caught me by surprise.

I have had enough with Adolfo. He needs to go!

Gracie is a fake, fake, faker!

I have yet to read any comments, but I plan to do so later this afternoon. Thanks again NovelaMaven!

Back to lunch...hasta pronto!

Anon 1:16:

You put up how I feel about JL better than I could. Throughout this TN I have felt for him, all the pain and anguish he went through, all the losses in his life, and for the writers to add more on and write him as a man with no nobility or honor just stuck in my craw. I am so glad he is coming back now, I'm crossing my fingers, to the noble honorable man he was. I think it had to do when he called Esme and found out that Refug had died, and combined with the fact that Romina was sick.


From your comment yesterday. I loved the adventures of Esme and Refug throughout this whole novella. I hated it when they separated and I was shocked when Refug died. It was heartbreaking and I will miss his bromance with JL and his foolishness, but most of all his great love for Esme, sigh.


Thanks so much for the whole line by line of the convo with Dimi and the Padre. All I really caught from that scene was cama (bed) Monica and the Padre with that look on his face and telling Dimi no, just no! I loved that whole scene, I made me smile and laugh out loud.

Just a general observation. I think someone either on this Blog or someone famous once said that hate and venganza only hurts the person that does the hating. It doesn't effect the object of the hate at all. Could that be what Fina meant in her little talk with Dimi as Floridia said? I too hope that Fofito goes to jail along with Peddy and they have to share a cell forever and ever! Now that would be great karma!

I think offering forgiveness is more important for the forgiver than the one being forgiven. Forgiving someone who has betrayed or hurt frees the forgiver. Hanging on to the hurt , anger, and pain just continues to keep the forgiver hurting and prevents him or her from moving on with his/her life. It's about the quality of life of the forgiver not the the forgiven. I had a friend who had a very strained relationship with her overbearing mother. When the mother had cancer, I was worried that my friend would carry the hurt long after her mother died and encouraged her to forgive her and move on. In my life,I have forgiven a few people who have hurt me, and I am currently working on one more..however,progress in this particular ongoing case is very, very slow...and perhaps will never happen. I can feel how the animosity that I feel is hurting me...not the person. I think that is because it is harder to forgive a person who has hurt a person or people whom you love than one who has hurt you directly.

NovelaMaven, Such a wonderful recap of a very eventful episode! I was shocked that Refugio died. I honestly didn't think that would happen, first, because he and Esme had just made up and second, because if Refugio died Esme would never accept Erik due to guilt. At least I was right on the second part.

This episode actually left me with more questions than answers. Ale and Montse saw Pedro's henchman carry off Maria's body, yet no one has ever expressed concerned about what happened to her body or if she even got a funeral/burial. I know Ale hated Maria, but he did grow up with her. Hard to believe he would be that uncaring about her final resting place.

Did Graciela unwittingly tip off Nadia to Gracie's role in Sandro's murder? Gracie told Nadia that Adolfo cleaned up the crime scene. But how would Gracie know that unless she was involved? PBN is probably too dense to question this.

If I'm not mistaken, doesn't Ale still have to uncover Gracie's role in Benjamin's death?

Unfortunately we will see more bodies fall. My hubby refers to this as "thinning the herd." At the rate we're going Aqua Azul will have tens of people residing within its borders by the time this is over.

JudyB: "Special Needs Victor". OMG, I'm still laughing.


Beautifully stated Susanlynn. I had a very difficult relationship with my mother in her later years as well and discovered many hurtful things she had done behind my back. But I had always taught my sons to just move on when relationships don't work or someone is vindictive. Being full of hate makes them win in a sense. So though I can't forget what she did or said, I forgave her in her misguided deeds. It does make one feel a weight off, a deep breath of sorts and the ability to not be consumed by feelings that really won't do YOU any good.


This line summarizes the entire JL storyline " I've loved you and hated you for so long."

Novela Maven, I must call out this line ..."mid kevetch" I got a good giggle out of your description of Grrrrrr as " hungry, angry, lonely, tired..and her legs hurt. " Uh oh, that reminded me of my own kevetching after a long teaching day !!! Yikes, I have something in common with awful Grrrrrr.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Dear NovelaMaven,

I can't believe this is really your last recap for this TN! I admit that I've been counting the days for this TN to be over, but now that the end is in sight, I know I will miss the weekly pleasure of reading your wonderful work with all the great details, stylish writing, smart asides, and helpful grammar and vocabulary. Today, I had an especially huge laugh at your analysis and retelling of the conversation between Victor and Adolfo! So funny!

Many, many thanks for giving us such great work to read over the past nine months and for being such a wise, witty, generous, and wonderful presence on the comments page, too.

Best to you and to everyone,
Julia R.

Re Now Voyager: No, I have not.

As to the issue of Forgiveness, I have very strong opinions.

xlntperuvian, I don't think Alejandro knows that yet. I don't think Maria ever told him and I'm not sure if anyone else knows.

I also agree that Nadia isn't connecting the dots about Gracie's connexion to Sandro's murder. I don't think this is about intelligence so much as about her paranoia over what could happen to Victoria right now.

One more thing: When EZ was writing those "In the event of my death or disappearance" letters he should have written one to Alejandro telling him that Pedro was the "accident victim" and that he held him responsible for the loss of the combo plate. In fact, since he was determined to bring Pedro down in the first place I don't know why he didn't tell Alejandro this a long time ago.

Unless that would have erased half of what happened after.

Daisynjay,,,Amen, amigo. We live and learn and move forward if we want a happy life. I think that I became much wiser about what is important after my mother and dad passed away. My mother was certainly not a bad person , and her family was her whole world. However, she did try to control her family members and she did often make unedited comments to her family and she was not a very positive person with a few anger issues due to frustration over things in her life that made her unhappy. I still always loved her even when I did not like things that she said. At the end, I cried and cried at her bedside. My last words to her in the hospital were " My mommy." And hers to me were " My Susy." I am glad that I could forgive her sometimes hurtful words. The are always reasons for people being who they are. We are all so flawed. Life is very short. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. And you cannot be happy if you do not let go of painful past events and people. We are always hurt the most by those we love and whom we want to love us. Sometimes those we love teach us how we should not be. So much is out of our control, but we can control our actions and thoughts. I always try to remember the good and let the bad fade away as much as I can. Life is short. We are what we think. We create our own reality.

NM: Stellar recap. Thanks for much for the vocab.

Hope they don't mess with Dimi's redemption.

The sympathy I had for Adolfo is gone. He's such a coward. He would never have had a simple life with Fina. He knows that, yet he still kills.

I did feel like his crying at Ref's funeral was sincere and that he didn't really want to comfort Esme, but was kind of forced to.

UA: Now, Voyager had a narcissistic mother in it. Not as bad as Gracie, though. Is any as bad as Gracie?

Vivi: so it was CME with baby crying on the bed. Do you remember who's baby it was?

Gracie might be the all-time worst. While her rap sheet (in terms of what she could go to prison for) is not as extensive as many others', the hurt she has caused her children might be greater. Compare her to the examples in the link in my 2:52PM post. There are spoilers, though, if you haven't seen the novelas named in it.

Novela Maven, you know me VERY well amiga! I find my predictability comforting; sometimes it makes me feel you are writing something just to make me laugh.

Nanette, Now, Voyager is one of the all-time great films. (I was going to add "on the subject of the damage a mother can do", but it is a great film, period.) So glad you mentioned it.

"Murder and Meningitis and Vengeance, Oh My"-They certainly threw everything in there didn't they? Thanks NovelaMaven for such a witty recap. Last night's episode was just too sad, but many of your lines brought a smile to my face this morning. Judyb has already mentioned most of the ones that I enjoyed, so I'll just say ditto to all she said!

The most powerful scene for me was last night, watching Esmeralda and her regret tormenting her. I almost cried right along with her. Just when they had chosen to give themselves a second chance. My sympathy for Adolfo is now over as well. He is destroying the lives of so many to try to give himself the life, that deep down he knows he can't have.

Highlight of the night was JL realizing his errors. Like Ale said at the beginning, they can't allow Pedro to pin them against each other. They have to unite, and with JL, Ale and Dim banding together, I have hope they will find a way to bring Pedro down. Enough is enough! And I don't believe Dimi would ally himself to Pedro. He is too smart for that. Plus he needs to be there for Fina when she finds out about Adolfo/El Alacran being the same person.


Beautiful recap, I missed the episode but reading this I know that nothing was missed and as always the recap I'm sure was better than the episode itself!

NovelaMaven, thank you for recap. I love the title.

Susanlynn, I really like what you wrote about forgiveness. Very well stated and very true. I heard someone say that holding on to unforgiveness is like you drinking poison expecting the other person to die.

I too think that the JL/Ale hug was really awkward. I actually think that scene showed some really great acting. Now that they have hugged it out maybe they can get to work on taking down Pedro.

Adolfo... I have really enjoyed the actor's interpretation of this character. However, I am over Adolfo. I thought he had stooped to low at Refugio's funeral and "consoling" Esmeralda. But he hit rock bottom when he threatened Padre A. Time for his anvil for sure.

Graciela hit a new low for me last night. The lack of concern for her granddaughter was appalling. I don't know if she is faking her illness or not but whatever will be her downfall can't come hard or soon enough.


When Dimitrio finds out that Adolfo is The Scorpion he will freak. Adolfo was also at Monica's funeral.

Everyone will need shrinks.

I must admit that I was appalled at Graciela's ill wishes toward Romina last night. Yikes! And remember how she encouraged JL to hurry up and get Montserrat pregnant in the first place. Double yikes!

As much as I like Alex Sirvent, how in the heck did he wander into this particular TN? He just seemed sleazy last night. While I'm sure he meant well... well he didn't help. Remember when we used to award Mr. Inappropriate for each episode during CME? I believe we could have awarded a winner for every episode of this. Last night there were several contenders, but my vote would have to go to Erik. I'm sure we're all glad that he's willing to be there for Esmeralda... Gack!


NovelaMaven---As you know I came to Robo late in the storyline but want you to know that your recaps
were/are so refreshing, so talented and so catching. A few of your lines that were catching this time around were---the now moderately glammed up Graciela. My
thought, she needs to get glammed up on the inside not the outside.

And speaking of the devil, it's time to forgive your mother. When I read about the things that Gracie has done it hard to believe that Montse has forgiven her. That's why I call her St. Montse. Will Dimitrio become St. Dimi before this is over?

But realistically, if the kid dies
Alejandro and Montserrat will be much better off without her. QUE!!

It makes me wonder if there's something wrong with her head like a brain tumor.---Maybe but she could be faking it.

I didn't know that this will be your last recap---I will miss them

WOW! Tracy H.---You said it well.
That decision forces her now to deal with an unshaven, baby kidnapping, jealous monster.

Very sad that Refugio died. Some of us were hoping that he would pull through but it wasn't meant to be. Margarita Magana as Esmeralda did some super great acting. Even though it really wasn't real, she made me feel her pain. I wanted to cry with her. GREAT JOB Margarita.

Fatima---I don't know your situation at work but this is my
story. I once worked with a control freak tyrant. You wouldn't
believe the things that this guy did. Everyone despised him, even other managers. The personal Manager said that a guy like that should never be put in charge of people. Anyone that crossed him even in the slightest way would soon find themselves on their way out. This guy however was in solid with one of the companies owners so if you wanted to keep your job all you could do was put up with his yelling and I do mean yelling and screaming whenever he would go off. Maybe like Gracie he had a brain tumor, I don't know

Anyway Fatima, stay strong and hold your head up high. From what you have told us I know that you had great parents especially your father who taught you to think things through. Maybe that is why so many of us enjoy reading your comments each and every day. As I said, stay strong and remember you have the Caray people behind you.
the gringo


Hi Carlos, how well I remember our Mr. Inappropriate awards. What fun. I will second your motion for Erik to be Mr. Inappropriate. Even Esme no longer wants him around. I hope he leaves town soon. I guess he popped into this one because his music is in it. He's not his usual hottie self though.

Carlos..Yes, Erik is Mr. inappropriate, but I have a funny feeling that he will end up with Esme. Perhaps he will be playing the guitar and singing to accompany Esme's twirls around the pole as they both express their artistic souls. Yikes for sure. The writers have made such a big deal about Esme's true calling.....pole dancing at the Hideout.

P.s. I liked your alternative to "yikes,..."Gack"says it all. ...Susanlynn, doing anything to avoid packing. GACK

Good Lord, Novela Maven:

I cannot believe you caught this ever-so-dark capitulo. Lo siento. I applaud your optimism regards the TN turning a moral corner, however, as you noted, it is as dark and subversive as ever.

Why did Refu die? Why did they have to put Romina's life at risk? To grab a few more viewers for the last few bloated episodes? I think so. Neither of those things advance the plot but they are both sensational.

I loved your translations of the more idiomatic sentences:

Ese miserable [de Pedro Medina] está jugando con todos, colocándonos en situaciones que sacan lo peor de nosotros mismos. Quiere que peleemos entre nosotros mismos para debilitárnos.

This was masterfully done:

'Cue the Male chorus of doom.]
"I don't care if they condemn me if I can save the lives of other people."
Adolfo pulls himself to his feet and kisses the priest's hand. "Then I'm going to kill you, father."
[Gasp! Did he really say that?]'

Your narrative recap was superb. I join the chorus of those who sing your praises to the skies, dear Novela Maven.

Elna June

Carlos: was Alex Sirvent in CME? I thought it was Amor Bravio. Or it could be both (except CME is not listed on his IMDb page, though they have a tendency to translate them into English so I may have missed it).

Sylvia: as a film historian I have many favorite films so it is hard for me to pick one. If pressed to choose one, I always say Now, Voyager. I have the biggest crush on Dr. Jaquith--and Claude Rains.

“Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find."

Susanlynn, I doubt that Esme will be able to return to La Escondida. In her mind, it will be forever associated with Refugio's death. Though maybe not -- maybe she's not squeamish that way.

The Hungry Angry Lonely Tired thing (HALT) is an acronym they use in AA. If you feel an urge to drink, stop and ask yourself what need you are really trying to fill with alcohol. (Nothing about aching legs though!)

Hey Sylvia, what makes you think I'm NOT writing it just to make you laugh? :D

BTW, I'm also a fan of Now Voyager.

AuntyAnn, you're welcome! Thanks for stopping by. I always appreciate your comments here. I have the sense that you are a person of boundless energy, a sort of living Energizer Bunny. :-)

xintperuvian, I'm delighted you enjoyed the recap. I admit I was hoping that Refugio would survive, but I guess neither of us should be surprised at his fate.

"My hubby refers to this as "thinning the herd." At the rate we're going Aqua Azul will have tens of people residing within its borders by the time this is over."

Good one! Hahaha

Dear Julia R:

It's especially sweet to read an appreciation from a talented writer and a teammate. I'm glad you liked my Victor/Adolfo analysis. That was actually fun to write. Thank you so much -- the pleasure is all mine!


Thank you!
"Hope they don't mess with Dimi's redemption."

I know, I know.

As for Adolfo, I believe he is capable of suffering and that the tears he sheds are real. The problem is that he is always crying for himself.

EJ: "Why did Refu die? Why did they have to put Romina's life at risk?"--I think it was to bring JL around to the good side. He needed something major to shake him out of his massive self-absorption and grand pity party.

NM, "...the tears he sheds are real. The problem is that he is always crying for himself." That is a very astute observation. There are a lot of excellent comments today, that's for sure.

I forgot to say I was quite tickled by today's title. I just love any and all Wizard of Oz references.

Nanette, that is a beautiful excerpt. I had forgotten where the title came from.

Nanette...excellent point. Let's hope that those two unfortunate events are FINALLY enough to make JL I snap out it.

Novela Maven...I had no idea about HALT and it's AA connection. I just thought that you had selected some good adjectives to describe Grrrrrr....and my demeanor when returning home after class. Well, those days may be gone because I just checked and one of the full time teachers has commandeered my two classes. She will get them unless the enrollment does not go above 15. Ah well, C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?

Speaking of adjectives and tipping my hat to LT..that was a DamGood final recap, NM. Thanks for all your wonderful, clever, insightful recaps of this novela. Now back to the DamSuitcase.


"Carlos: was Alex Sirvent in CME?"

No, I don't think so. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. In CME, so many of the male characters acted so inappropriately, so often, that we entertained ourselves by making nominations for the title of Mr. Inappropriate for each night and usually there was stiff competition for the title every evening. Erik forcing himself into Esmeralda's mourning and offering to "... be there for her... even if just as a friend..." reminded me of that, considering the circumstances.


"Hey Sylvia, what makes you think I'm NOT writing it just to make you laugh? :D"

In each of your recaps I always find at least one comment or line that seems as though it was written specifically for me and I'll bet everyone here feels exactly the same... that's just how talented a writer you are.



Yes, they did throw everything but the kitchen sink at us last night. After a while, it is just TOO MUCH. That's why I had to write almost the entire recap from the safety of the Bunker of Ironic Detachment. Even in the Bunker, though, Esmeralda got to me last night.

I hope you are right about Dimi!

Thank you for your kind words and for all your thoughtful and generous comments over the months. I really appreciate them.

Hey Eli!

Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad you liked the recap. It was a good episode to miss!


You are very welcome. I'm happy you liked the title. And I certainly agree with you that Graciela hit a new low last night.


Double yikes is right. (And thems strong words.) I love the idea of Mr. Inappropriate. I'll keep the title in mind when I watch tonight.

"In each of your recaps I always find at least one comment or line that seems as though it was written specifically for me and I'll bet everyone here feels exactly the same... that's just how talented a writer you are."

Or maybe I'm thinking of you when I'm

Dear Gringo:

What a lovely comment. I'm really flattered that you enjoy my recaps so much.

I think St. Montse is an inspired name. Will we get a St. Dimi before all is said and done? I dunno. :)

My dear Elna June:

I'm fear there are more dark chapters to come. I don't think anyone on Team Robo will escape untouched. Do you?

"Why did Refu die? Why did they have to put Romina's life at risk? To grab a few more viewers for the last few bloated episodes? I think so. Neither of those things advance the plot but they are both sensational."

I can almost buy into Refugio's death as, if not intrinsic to the plot, at least important in its effects on JL and on Dimitrio, not to mention the Esme subplot. But I thought the meningitis thing was detestable.

Did you like my translations? They are so much fun to do. It's a real challenge to be true to the essence of the original but convey the right idiomatic nuance in English. It's so easy to sound stilted or to come up with something that is "correct" but that no one would ever say.

Thank you so much. You know how much I value your opinion!


That was dam good of you to remind me of our glory days in La Tempestad. At least there, the local joint had a great band AND a parrot. Thanks for sweet words, amiga!

Bummer about the full-time teacher co-opting your classes. We'll have to keep our fingers crossed that enough students enroll so you can be in the classroom, even if you come home HALT and with aching legs. :D

Dear Novela Maven. ...I think that we need something more than the bunker at this point in time. The Patio needs an Olympic sized pool . We need to be floating on rafts sipping our favorite tropical beverages decorated with little umbrellas. ...with a few swaying palm trees and steel drums playing while the scent of Coppertone gently wafts over us. We need a Damluau to survive the angst of these final episodes. I feel like the walking wounded.

ooh, a damluau on the Patio. I like it, Susanlynn. Do you think Sweet William would come if we invited him?

Yes.if we build it...he will come. Hmmmm where have I heard that before ?

By the way, when hub and I went to see "Get On Up
" , they showed previews for the movie "Addition" with our very own DamWilliam in it. It looks h.o.t.

From the beginning, I have not liked JL and, indeed, have participated in all the name-calling (whiny, sweaty, oily, grungy, drunk, etc, etc) that has been perpetrated against this character. But last night, with the death of his best (and only) friend and the near death of his daughter (and only family member), I felt that the title tune is, and has always been, about him. Sure, EVERYONE in the story, even all the bad guys, has had life steal something from him/her, but none has lost as much as Jose Luis. I hope he doesn't also lose his life, although with the darkness of this tn, I wouldn't bet that he doesn't. So sad. The title song now makes me cry for him.

This novela has gotten so bad! I am not excited about the upcoming novelas either!!! What will I watch??

Yo Susanlynn...Ah me...just came back from teaching a hot sweaty class in a hot sweaty gym and your Luau/Olympic sized swimming pool is just the right fantasy. And yes, yes, yes, the fragrance of Coppertone wafting over our heads, little drinks with even smaller umbrellas, brought by bronzed hunkalicious waiters with poor eyesight who think we're gorgeous! Bring it on!

No is not a movie about math..the title is "Addiction"..susanlynn, hurrying to get to the grocerystore

Judyb...hey...the bronzed nearsighted hunks were a nice addition to my fantasy. Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Carlos: thanks for clearing that up. I do remember the Mr. Inappropriate tltle now. I get why Erik thought he would be the person to comfort Esme because he had been through the same type of regrets situation. However, not the right time, dude.


I was just reviewing all the fabulous comments from everyone and saw your response to my earlier one:

"You know I was thinking of you when I got on a bit of a Spanish roll last night. "Sicario," alas, comes up a lot in novelas I've seen. "

I just wanted to say that what you wrote really brightened my evening! And I want to tell you again how much I appreciate all your work and the special attention you take in your recaps that benefit all the readers (vocabulary, grammar, humor, irony, intelligent insights). The work of all the recappers, as I've said many times, definitely elevate the telenovela-watching experience.

You and all the recappers are amazing! It's so fun to see the Spanish (all the lines that you've so diligently transcribed from last night's episode) and realize what an extraordinary language Spanish is.

Thanks, NovelaMaven for all those little details that I'm sure are quite time-consuming for you to provide but that I value so much!

I was watching unimas today and they were showing a special of BDO and Amor real on Tras la Verdad and honestly remebering those two TN im sort of baffled at what the writers have done to the original story i mean at first LQLVMR was good and interesting a lot of people criticized it because it took place in present day but i thought the adaption was good but then everything went way down especially after the plane accident about capitulo 115....

Tracy H:

What a lovely thing to say! Thank you so much. Now you've brightened MY evening!

Nanette- Sorry, I have been offline most of the day. I just saw your question about the CME baby. Haven't read further down in comments yet, so maybe someone else answered. The baby was Alfonsina's, the vine expert (whatever the fancy word is for that) who was married to Ezekiel, the vine expert for the competing vinyard. It was after she was left a widow, after Agustin, his boss, hanged Zeke. She was a bit overwhelmed with a new baby (her lover's), her guilt about her affair, her preteen son, recently widowed, and she had just found out Zeke had some past criminal record in the States that he had kept secret. So a crying baby was the least of her worries, although one of them, from what I remember.

Whew! OK. I've finally finished with all the comments. Since it's unlikely anyone will see this so late, and so much has already been said, I will just say thank you. Thank you, NovelaMaven for all the work and wit you put into every single recap. You never phone it in, and I we are so lucky to have you recapping for us. I hope you plan to take on another tn soon, so that was can continue to read amazing work.


I thought that Alfonsina's baby was Zeke's after all since Dr. Nesme was found to be sterile. Or am I remembering wrong?


Carlos- True. But I think they found that out much later, no? Didn't Zeke die not knowing the baby was his, although he had already accepted her?

When Karina finally accepted being courted by Laz, she still thought that SHE was the one who couldn't have babies, since Doc Demented had convinced her the problem was her, not him.

NovelaMaven, I didn't get to your recap earlier in the day--sorry! I'm also sorry to think about this being your last one for Robo. I don't feel deprived about the TN finishing, but will miss the excellent recaps and comments.

I guess I won't re-quote the many lines that made me laugh, except the summation of Gracie's behavior "that...makes me wonder if there's something wrong with her head -- like a brain tumor, por ejemplo...] Also liked the visit to "the sick bed, the very sick bed, of the now moderately glammed up Graciela."

You've given us stellar blocks of plot summary laced with stabs of snark and and studded with jewels of grammar. And, you make it all seem so effortless. (It's late and this may be as awkward as JL and Alejandro's hug.)

Good point in a comment that Fofito's tears are all for himself. Gracie's pain may be real, but so is her venom.

Dear Vivi and La Paloma:

I don't know if you will see this, but just in case --

Please know that I appreciate your kind and thoughtful comments. We recappers are so lucky to have smart, generous readers like you.

Thank you so much. The pleasure has been entirely mine.

P.S. I'm going to be recapping the insanely silly "Reina de Corazones" over on Telemundo, sharing Tuesdays with Elna June.

Pedro Medina's method of making his dirty bargains in exchange of getting something was by now wearing thin. Was was he, a more evil version of Rumplestilskin?
What a pity about Refugio, just when things were getting better between him and Esmeralda. Esmeralda should have seen his point of view, what man would want his wife to be ogled by other men? It was a sad episode

LOL Amina. SS next role should definitely be of Rumplestilskin! Medina was definetly a strange man guided by revenge(He lost his testicle?) but mostly because of greed. And cause he enjoyed instilling fear on other people.

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