Monday, August 18, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 8/18/14 #21

Capitulo 21: Call of the Mild, the Wild, and the Child

Zoológico de Zacango: Big family day at the zoo. León and the kids are having a good time looking at the animals. Ana is wearing I Dream of Jeannie Hair as Fernando decides it's time to channel Major Nelson and kiss his magical lady.

Lascuráin Mansion: Manuela uses alcohol fumes to revive Isabel. She comes out of it seemingly in a daze, talking about a dream about a waterfall. As she sways back and forth describing it Bruno is beginning to look seasick [or is he just sick of dealing with this tarantula?]
She asks how long she was out and he tells her only a few minutes. Manuela goes to get her a glass of water while Bruno tries to make sure she's alright. He should be suspicious. Very suspicious.

Zoológico de Zacango: Luz and the twins interrupt the almost-kiss talking about the face-painting booth, which they drag the adults to.
After painting Luz to look like a cat, the lady begins painting Fernando's face, which he volunteered for but it seems he's not altogether down with. Ana tries to get him to relax and do it, he says something like “if you will” which we know she won't be too upset with. Fanny and León lead Sebas, Alicia, and her friend Briana until the latter realizes that Nando is not with them. Alicia tells Sebas to keep mum about the fact that Briana has it bad for Nando
They walk ahead and Briana spots Nando with his cell phone sitting on a bench. He's not only reading a book by Stephen Hawking, Briana knows it and starts a conversation about the man's theories. Looks like she's the right chick for this rooster. They continue walking as Nando answers her questions and the conversation continues.

We catch up with the adults and the younger kids and the face painting is so ridiculous I'm glad I never had to escort kids this age to the zoo. What isn't ridiculous is that the kids are aware of the attraction between Ana and Fernando because Alicia asks Ana if she digs her dad. The question catches Ana a little off guard but she is saved by a distraction of Fernando playing a chase game with the younger kids and a need to find Fanny and León. Off they go.

León and Fanny are sharing a soda near the lake [How 1950s is that?] and he realizes something is bothering her. She finally tells him that she doesn't know what she wants to do with her life and would like to take a year off to make the decision. Except that her dad wouldn't like that.

Lascuráin Mansion: It seems that Isabitch decided to slink off because Manuela is thrilled that she and Bruno have the place to themselves.

He's not, though, because she's trying to disrobe him in the living room. He looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. He asks her about her decision, she vamps him.

Finally she has him trapped on the couch and he's saved by the bell. The phone, that is.

It's his mother. He seems supremely embarrassed as he gestures to Manuela to keep quiet.

Zoológico de Zacango: León tells Fanny she needs to talk to her father. She's afraid to upset him, but León points out it's not a good idea to spend years studying things that don't interest her. She definitely doesn't want the corporate life.

She starts talking about it but León is distracted at the sight of a family he sees beyond the perimeter of the outdoor café. In his head he hears a boy's voice (his own?) calling out “Papa!”

Two te amos and a kiss later they are spotted by Fernando and the younger kids. Dad is a little upset as the younger kids get into growling like the animals their faces are painted as. Fernando is not too pleased and moves to interrupt, but Ana holds him back. She's happy for Fanny and León and wants Fernando to give them their space.

She says “we're staying here” with such a heavy accent he doesn't understand [nor did I] but she succeeds in stopping him from interrupting the moment.

Lascuráin Mansion: Bruno tries sneaking out with the phone but Nicolás is having a smoke outside. As he continues the conversation with his mother we and Nick find out his secret.

He has fooled his mother into thinking that he is the owner of the mansion and the father of seven kids. It also seems that he and his mother haven't seen each other in a loooooooong time. Long enough for her never to have met “mis nietos.” Bruno is startled when he realizes that Nick overheard the conversation and is even more so when he tells him that he should see his mother ASAP. When Nick says something about how quiet the house is Bruno tells him that Fernando took the kids to the zoo. Nick is pleased at this, commenting that Fernando is changing. And Love is what is doing that. Bruno starts to go along with him, but gets increasingly antsy [if that's possible] because he knows he can't hide the truth forever from his mother.

Bruja Central: Yolanda is not liking the numbers she sees in the household accounts and tries to talk to Isabobo about it. However, that has to wait while the creepy-crawler takes a nausea break. She says she's not feeling well and runs into the bathroom.

Lascuráin Mansion: Bruno seems to have poured himself a stiff drink before sitting at the kitchen counter. Manuela asks him why his mother makes him so nervous. He doesn't want to talk about this. She tries to distract him with sex but he is so not interested.

Like a class nerd running away from the captain of the girls' hockey team, he tries to wriggle out of her amorous advances. In a classic case of good comic timing that's when the boss and his family return. Sebastian has talked to Fernando about his dance classes! Fernando tells him he can dance but only at home; he will even teach him. He still wants him to do sports. Fanny and León exchange a look and she asks Fernando if she can talk to him about something. He says, “Of course”. The younger kids say they're thirsty and Fernando agrees so Ana leads them to the kitchen.

Where they catch Bruno and Manuela. A few kid shrieks and an uncomfortable disengagement later Fernando asks “What's the meaning of this?”

The servants look mortified. Fanny and León are amused; she holds her hands up in imitation of a heart. Sebastian laughs and we detect a wry look on Fernando's face under the silly paint job.

Bruja Centra: Isabitch's nausea seems to have passed; she starts eating all the potato chips in sight. She tells her mother they'll have to go food-shopping and heads for the door. Yolanda isn't so sure Isababy is sick to her stomach.

Lascuráin Mansion: Bruno tries to distract Fernando by commenting on the face-painting, but Fernando isn't falling for it. He tells them they're going to talk and they leave the kitchen. The kids head straight for the pitcher of red deliciousness [is that pomegranate juice?] while Ana sort of congratulates Manuela.

In the library Fernando begins wiping off the paint while Bruno starts explaining that Manuela wanted to leave for another job.

Food Court: Isabobo sits down to an enormous burger, fries, a large side salad, something else on a third plate, and a pitcher of orangeade. [Looks like about 5,000 calories to me.] Yolanda isn't eating anything; she's not up to it and Isababy's appetite disturbs her. For the moment we're spared any lectures about it.

Lascuráin Mansion: Ana and Fanny talk in the living room about her problem. She was hoping to catch her dad in a good mood like he's been in lately. Ana tells her that it still won't be that easy because it will affect him.
Meanwhile in the library, after wiping off the ridiculous dog-face paint job, Fernando talks to Bruno. Bruno tells him that he was afraid that Manuela would quit to go to work for their neighbor. He doesn't want her to leave. Neither does Fernando. However, Fernando realizes that Bruno was pretending to accept Manuela's advances. Bruno says he isn't interested in her. Fernando doesn't quite believe him. He just wants any courtship they have to not take place under his roof [He must have been watching too much British TV.]. As far as he's concerned, love is in the air. He is completely happy with how he feels about Ana. Just as the soldier looking at his fiancée's photo in the WWII movies is about to be the next one killed, this declaration is a sure omen of a disaster waiting to happen.

Bruja Central: It's probably a couple of hours later; Isababy is reading a magazine on the couch as Yolanda enters with a white paper bag from the pharmacy. It contains – por supuesto – a home pregnancy test.

Lascuráin Mansion: Out on the patio Fernando is teaching Sebastian dancing to the strains of Johann Strauss (the Disco King of 19th century Vienna).  Hip-hop wannabe Sebas is visibly disappointed that Dad is Strictly Ballroom.  The other kids watch from a position by the perpendicular wall. Ana starts talking to the kids about how their dad is changing. Luz says it's like she has a different father. Fanny is hoping he'll be as open-minded with her, but Nando expresses his doubts. Someone says she feels like they're spying, but Nando says “We're investigating; that's different.”

Later in the library Fernando keeps on dancing, most likely imagining he's dancing with Ana. Fanny enters, interrupting the fantasy of being at the ball. She fidgets a little once she has his attention.

Ana and Luz sit on the steps with their fingers crossed for Fanny. Her phone rings. It's Jennifer about to give her a heads-up about Johnny.

Fanny tells her dad she wants to quit school for a year. He tells her “No way.”

Bruja Central: Yolanda looks at the stick and says “No!” Isababy gets nervous. “What, what?” she yells. “You're pregnant!” she exclaims. “You're going to have Fernando Lascuráin's baby!” Isabitch doesn't look like she likes this but Mama Bruja thinks they've won the lottery.
Isabobo tells her she needs to assimilate this. Mama says “What's to assimilate? This is our golden child.” She almost kisses the test wand but realizes that would be disgusting. [But then again, so is their scheme.]

Lascuráin Mansion: Fanny tells her dad she doesn't think she'll be good at business administration because she doesn't like it. He asks why she never told him before because it's been a year and change into college. She tells him it wasn't a good time because of her mother's illness. He seems to understand and accept that, but asks what she wants to do with her life. She isn't sure and wants a year's sabbatical to figure it out. He's not happy with this at all, but he doesn't lose his temper. He tells her she needs to learn and that he's perfectly happy with his work. She tells him that the only time she's seen him happy in ages was that afternoon at the zoo with the painted face.
She walks out just as Ana comes to the door. No continuation of the Fanny topic; Ana's just coming in to tell him she needs to attend to a personal emergency about Johnny. He tells her not to worry and she leaves. But he's worried, which is important.

Peter Pan Central: Jennifer points to the inebriated occupant and tells Ana that he's been drunk all evening. He's slumped against the pool table and he's wearing the sweater Ana had given him.
Ana tells Jennifer that she no longer is to address her boss as “Don” Fernando and Jennifer is excited for her at this progress. Ana has to get back to the mansion and Jennifer has to get to work, but that latter doubles over in pain on her way out. She tries to brush it off as she exits.

Johnny wakes up just as she leaves and goes on to Ana about losing her because she is the love of his life. [So why did you cheat on her, jerk?] She tells him she's sorry but after all this time she realizes she doesn't love him. He tries to work a guilt trip on her and she looks more and more like she'd rather be anywhere else.
Then he steps over and grabs her. She starts yelling at him to let go. He throws her back onto the couch and resumes his seat. She stares at him as though he were a different person altogether. As in Señor Hyde.

Lascuráin Mansion: Nando and his dad play chess. It looks like Nando has shed the neck brace but not the flat cap [¿¿¿???]. Fernando confides in his namesake that he is thinking about marrying Ana. This pleases the boy very much and it also pleases him that he's confiding in him about it. They agree to do something together on the weekend and Nando suggests to his dad that he should try to understand Fanny. He seems to listen to this.

Peter Pan Central: Ana stays on the couch and tries to get her overgrown manchild ex to keep his distance. He sits on the trunk that's where a coffee table should be and gets whiny, then grabby. He won't let go of her hands as he starts talking about how the two of them are the same and not like Fernando. She gets loose and heads for the door. By this time he's on his knees and can't get up fast enough to stop her. As soon as she's out the door he picks himself up and heads for the pool table. There he starts throwing things, including a framed photo of her.
He finally collapses and cries. [Give us a break.]

That Night
Lascuráin Mansion: Luz and Alicia haven't yet gone to sleep. They talk about how happy their dad is and how it's all since Ana arrived. Luz thinks he should marry Ana. Alicia is fine with that. To Luz it's like a fairy tale when the princess marries her prince and they have their felices para siempre. Little do these two nice girls know what's brewing across town.
Ana is in Fanny's bedroom and they talk about Fanny's talk with her dad. She's disappointed at her dad's reaction. Ana tries to explain that her dad's career is important to him and he enjoys it. He also wants her to be happy. “Fernando is a marvelous man – “ she continues and Fanny gets the confirmation of her suspicion that Ana is in love with her dad. She teases her but Ana evades the whole thing and tells her she's going downstairs for tea just as Fernando arrives.
She walks out with a backward glance. To Fanny's relief, her dad has actually thought this out. He explains to her that all parents have plans for their children and all good ones want them to be happy.
He has hit the realization that if her plans are going to be different he will have to accept it when she spreads her wings and flies. He is going to start letting her go. She's happy about this. However, he has conditions for this. She will have to work while she figures this out because she is not to be lazy. She's OK with that.

Bruno is having another moment of weirdness as he stares into the mirror in his room. He's got a pencil in his teeth and guacamole all over his face. He's got his mother on his mind.
Manuela enters unseen and when he turns around he sees that she has removed her robe and is vamping him. She walks up to him, kicking off her fluffy slippers and lowering the straps on her nightgown. Are we in for some food fetish porn? [Where's the brain bleach?] She intrudes on his space (and peace of mind) until he's backed up against the mirror.

Ana is in the parlor with her tea, then thinks of a reason to walk into the library as there threatens to be assault in the servants' quarters. Manuela continues her comic seduction as Bruno slips out and goes to the other end of the room.
[Really, Bruno, if your bosses saw this they'd send you to a shrink for turning down a hot number like Manuela.] He stutters so much it's impossible to figure out what he's saying.
He tries to kiss her but doesn't. Finally he says he'd like to be with her but not “at the office.” Excited, she asks “Where?” He tells her everything has its time and its place. This is not to happen in the boss's house. Manuela crosses her arms and says “Oh, very well,” and turns around.
However, she pulls a total fake-out because she comes right back, grabs him, and starts kissing him. [When did this become a 1960s Italian movie?]

Downstairs in the library Fernando looks at a photo of himself with Fanny that looks a few years old.
Ana comes in with tea for two and encourages him to talk about Fanny. Or not, if he doesn't want to. It's a little awkward. She wishes him good night and tries to get up, but he calls her back. He's trying to propose and it's not easy for him. The conversation goes into a couple of different directions until he makes a reference to the almost-kiss.
For a Mexican second (vs a New York one) it looks like they will finally kiss, but he stops himself and says “Good night.” She turns to leave but doesn't have time for Manuela's fake-out. Unlike Bruno Fernando understands the concept of carpe diem.
He stops her, turns her around, and they finally kiss.
Luz appears in the doorway and silently cheers.

Those poor people are in for a nasty surprise.


I'm not a fan of Broadway musicals, but this one is a great period piece I'd cast our leads in.  Check out this song, as it suits the occasion:


Thanks, Urban! Great screen shots!

What a bummer that Isa is actually pregnant. This will throw a major wrench in the Fer-Ana relationship.

And what's up with these galans continuously not wearing a condom for their casual hookups? Fer is old enough to know better too.

I completely agree, Vivi. Of course, I don't think Isabitch actually wanted to get pregnant or maybe she didn't think it through (which is not a good trait in a business pro).

To a question someone asked in the previous episode discussion: I don't have a new style for this one. Contemporary novelas that don't come from a history of being a novela de epoca haven't lent themselves to this yet. There may come an episode down the road where I will try it, but I can't predict that.

Is Fanny the oldest of the seven kids ?

Yes. I figured out their ages (bold numbers are confirmed):

Fanny: 20
Nando: 17
Alicia: 15
Sebastian: 12
Twins: 8
Luz: 5

Loved the screen shots, Urban, and your very fine recap. Also, Isabobo. Thanks!

Vivi, I so agree about the unexpected pregnancies. They are a pet peeve of mine in these novelas because they are always part of the plot.

I liked: face painting at the zoo with Fernando being the dog and Ana the princess;Fernando's " Un 'chido' al año, no hace daño" (one "cool" a year won't hurt) and "amor-con 'A' de Ana" (love with an "A" for Ana.); Fernando waltzing around; faking Ana out with the kiss.

Yolanda was so animated yelling "¡Premio gordo, premio gordo! (Jackpot, jackpot!) thinking that with Isabela"s pregnancy with a Lascuraín her money problems will be gone.

Now we know Bruno has a big secret in letting his mother think he is some sort of investment guru with the mansion and seven kids. If she really does come for a visit, it could be fun.

Ana needs to leave "blah blah way too touchy Johnny "alone in his drunken misery.



Great recap, UA, well done. Hey, I like this style just fine... thank you very much... nicely detailed, crisply written, and liberally laced with humor.

Thanks to everyone of you for all of the excellent recaps last week. I just caught up this afternoon. Sorry I've neglected to comment for awhile.

Two things occurred to me in this episode.


"León is distracted at the sight of a family... In his head he hears a boy's voice (his own?) calling out “Papa!”

or perhaps his big secret is that he already has a child?

and when:

"Isabitch doesn't look like she likes this ... Isabobo tells her she needs to assimilate this."

it looked to me that she was doing bit of calculating counting silently on her fingers. Maybe another daddy candidate out there?

My guessing has been terrible lately but just a couple of thoughts to get back into the conversation here.


Thanks, Urban, for a solid recap and some great screen shots.
Jorge S. was a good sport about the dog face painting. Not sure Fernando C. would have agreed to that.

I usually like Rene Casados, but just can't get into the Bruno character. Carmen Salinas worked for me as the neighbor in in PEAM, but doesn't quite click as Isabela's mother. And, the kids are a little too precious for me at times, but I'm hanging in with this one.

Don't like the pregnancy-forces-a-mistaken-marriage gimmick. If not for this interruption, I guess we could unite Ana and Fernando very quickly. Voila! end of TN, as the main couple lives happily ever after in 30 episodes.

Ugh! So sick of the Bruno/Manuela antics. They are just not funny. Beyond annoying. Can't stand this part for Rene Casados. And you'd think Manuela's uniform would be in keeping with the elegance of Bruno's and Ana's nanny outfit. It's just so DISCORDANT!

Can we possibly be spared 180+ capitulos and just have Sourbella fall down a flight of stairs?

I've never seen Silvia Navarro do comedy before and I think she's so good at it and nice to see more smiles from her than in other TNs I've seen her in, e.g. Manana es para siempre and Amor bravio. I'm a real fan. I've never seen Jorge Salinas in anything before, but like him in this and think he plays it to perfect pitch. I don't think Carmen Salinas is right for the part of Isabel's mother - they don't seem to fit. Does anyone know how many episodes this will run? Love to know...Thanks!

UA. Perfect I didn't have to read far. "Call of the Mild, the Wild, and the Child" "I Dream of Jeannie Hair" "but gets increasingly antsy [if that's possible]"

Carlos, I too thought both. Leon has a kid already and there is another possible papa.

Isabela - timing IS everything

Fernando - premature celebration

Ana - hold on let me get my baggage

Luz - Into every life some rain must fall

Bruno - gag, that's an order

Manuela - I'll get the chips

Fanny - maybe I can work with Ana

Juan - cry baby pimp

Jenny - better get that checked

Nando - Sheldon meet Amy Farrah Fowler

Leon - be honest


Thanks Urban! I little Dean to start my day. Cool...ok, so I show my age.

Hand raised in agreement on the pregnancy plot. Figured they would go that route few episodes back, but well, I guess I was holding out hope they wouldn't. Somehow they had to keep the beyotch in the plot and break up the lovers for awhile. And yes on the non-use of protection. THAT would be an interesting conversation Nando or Fanny should have with him.

I too love Rene, but this Manuela schtick is boring and her character grates. As does Johny...oh, I know. Let's get Johny and Manuela together and they can leer and lust somewhere else.

Are we setting up Fanny to want to be an artist too? But I enjoyed the father-daughter career discussion.



I am so with all of you on being tired of the pregnancy entrapment thing. It's a pity that Fernando doesn't have a good friend his own age who can tell him "You don't have to marry her because she's pregnant. Two parents who don't belong together aren't good for a child."

Which should be one of the the lessons taught by this plot point. This one should also be teaching that fooling around with someone at work is beyond foolish.

Not to mention contraception. Nando is certainly old enough for someone to have that conversation with him.

Carlos, you have raised a great question about the possibility that Isabitch could be pregnant by someone else (What is Lisardo Guarinos doing in this novela?).

What we are virtually guaranteed with this plot point is that Isabitch will move into the mansion and try to drive Ana out. The kids will rally around Ana, of course. She already behaves as though she is their mother.

Wow! Thanks, Urban, for the first-class recap con imagenes (sp?). You even incorporated figurative language:
1. Like a class nerd running away from the captain of the girls' hockey team, he tries to wriggle out of her amorous advances. (simile)
2. brain bleach (alliteration)
I love it! (Sorry, I'm a nerd.)

First, all of you tn experts really called the pregnancy scenario. (What?!? Educated adults never heard of contraceptives?) For Pete's sake, Fer has SEVEN KIDS; he should know how babies are conceived, AND he should also be aware he DOES NOT SHOOT BLANKS!

Second, I am VERY happy Johnny did not rape Ana. I had a sickening feeling the writers were going to craft a drunken rape scene and another pregnancy. Gag. Kudos to the tn writers for sparing me that nausea.

Third, Isabruja just needs to learn how to budget. It's not as though she's unemployed!

There are some people in this world who can manage client budgets much better than their own. Unfortunate, but true.

I am having problems with Carmen Salinas as Isa's mother. She is breaking stereotype which, while not usually a bad thing, is not very believable. I just found a photo taken when she was much younger which MIGHT make this more believable. However, I think she'd be more believable as the abuela of Maite Perroni.

Urban, excellent as always. The screen shots were delightful.

"Call of the Mild, the Wild, and the Child" was perfection. "Ana is wearing I Dream of Jeannie Hair" and "Just as the soldier looking at his fiancée's photo in the WWII movies is about to be the next one killed, this declaration is a sure omen of a disaster waiting to happen" were among other favorites.

Along with everyone who's posted, I am perplexed by the lack of precautions - and yes Vivi, Fer is certainly old enough to know better.

Carlos, I hadn't thought there may be another possible baby daddy. Good point!

Jarifa, getting his mother to think the kids are "Bruno's brood" would certainly be fun. Can the character get any more manic? Guess we will find out :)

Ecuador Bound, you noted what I was fearing – that “Señor Hyde” would indeed attack Ana. Johnny has a dark, devious side. I hope Ana noted and will be on her guard and not be alone with him. He was frightening.

UA, now that Robo is behind us, I am really enjoying this far more lighthearded fare. Your humor and comments are fantastic here.


To all of the novela experts out there: have you ever seen a novela, that did not have an unexpected pregnancy?



Urban, loved your recap. Witty as ever and great screen caps. Loved the I Dream of Jeannie reference!

Carlos, it didn't occur to me that Isa was preggers by someone else, OR that Leon was a Papa already. I'm am hoping for the former and against the latter.

My thought is that when the pregnancy is announced it will be Ana that encourages Fer to marry Isa. She just seems like that kind of person-- trying to put what she thinks is the well being of a child above her own well being. Of course ITA with Urban when you say that sticking people who don't belong together for the "benefit" of the child will likely not benefit anyone.

I like the actor playing Bruno but find the scenes with Manuela throwing herself at him to be silly and over the top. That said, I'm really impressed by SN's range. Whatever she's doing you really believe her.


I've been watching novelas for a long time and I can't think of one. In novelas de epoca you have to expect it but there really is no excuse in contemporary ones.

Especially now that we all know that getting married or staying together for the sake of the children doesn't work.

Fernando was somewhat taken by surprise. However, he has to know that he doesn't shoot blanks and one would think he would have had a vasectomy after Luz was born.

If Leon is already a father maybe he should be the one to have that talk with Nando.

Anyway, someone pointed out a year or so ago on this blog that Mexicans don't usually have such large families anymore. Why on earth...

Haven't had coffee yet; be back later.

Real or fake unexpected pregnancies? I can't remember any real pregnancies in Hasta Que el Dinero nos Separe. Vicky got Rafa drunk and then lied to everyone that they did the deed and she got pregnant. But it was all a lie. I actually don't even remember any kids in that tn.

"I am so with all of you on being tired of the pregnancy entrapment thing."

Add me to that club.

Leon already a daddy? Hmmm... it certainly had that vibe. I hop it is something else though. Am I asking for a miracle of the writers to think of something original?

The Johnny scene: I just kept repeating (silently) "kick him! kick him". This is not a good person.

Yuckeevision once again censors a character saying something so offensive that it would make Stitch's blood curdle. Who is the offending character? Who would forego any kind of decency and blurt out the offensive word?

Why, none other than our adorable Luz!! She said "I have to ". What horrible and offensive act did she refer to that Yuckeevision had to spare its audience? We will never know;-)

And for those wondering about birth control with the leads... well, it is one of the Novella Commandments: Thou shalt not use protection, for the writers will have nothing to write about if you do.


UrbanA: This is a great read, once again and you and I were really tracking on this episodio! Except that I do like face painting--on others. I enjoyed seeing Luz's and thought she was really the "cat's meow".....

"Call of the Mild, the Wild, and the Child" --What a great title!! Spot on with that one!

The double split screen takes are terrific, too! You've caught all the high points on film really well.

"[Really, Bruno, if your bosses saw this they'd send you to a shrink for turning down a hot number like Manuela.]" But dried avocado mask? Blehhhhh!

"Like a class nerd running away from the captain of the girls' hockey team, he tries to wriggle out of her amorous advances." --Snicker! How true and--how weird!

"He just wants any courtship they have to not take place under his roof [He must have been watching too much British TV.]" --Yup. Like I said, it's Sat. AM fairytale tv........ Tho' that kiss at the end between JS and SN are worth wading through the rest of this silliness.

"Mama Bruja thinks they've won the lottery" and they just may have!!

Salvador- It would seem pretty original to me to have one of the young leads already have a child out of wedlock with someone else! It would take a huge leap of maturity on Fanny's part to accept the role of step-mom.

Can't you just imagine Leon's kid playing all the dirty tricks Fanny played on the nannies on HER, because they don't want a replacement for their mama? A bit of poetic justice, no?

I'm probably all wrong but I saw Leon's looking at the scene as one of yearning for his own father.

I'm always wrong so...


Diana- His yearning for a missing father would be the more standard/expected storyline, so there is a huge chance you are right. The single dad angle would be different and unexpected.

I just recall what Leon's mother said right after she met Fanny, "have you told her yet or does she know or something like that" It could be he has a kid already & he became way too distracted at the zoo.

UA, what a great title and the recap right behind is brilliant~!!

here are some of my favs along with a couple extra details...

They repeated JS mimicking a chimp with his arms and head at beginning of the ep… too funny!
Ana is wearing I Dream of Jeannie Hair as Fernando decides it's time to channel Major Nelson and kiss his magical lady.
(Briana and Nando) Looks like she's the right chick for this rooster.
Like a class nerd running away from the captain of the girls' hockey team (what a picture!)
As far as he's concerned, love is in the air. He is completely happy with how he feels about Ana. Just as the soldier looking at his fiancée's photo in the WWII movies is about to be the next one killed, this declaration is a sure omen of a disaster waiting to happen.
Johann Strauss (the Disco King of 19th century Vienna).
Later in the library Fernando keeps on dancing, most likely imagining he's dancing with Ana. Fanny enters, interrupting the fantasy of being at the ball.
She almost kisses the test wand but realizes that would be disgusting. [But then again, so is their scheme.]
He tells her not to worry and she leaves. But he's worried, which is important
Señor Hyde. … a.k.a. overgrown manchild ex
Fernando confides in his namesake that he is thinking about marrying Ana. (I did not hear same, they were talking about one of the promises Fernando made to him was to go camping them alone… but Fernando does not think camping would be that feasible so they settle for going to the same property Fernando and Isa did the deed… (Can’t remember the name.) Nando jokes asking if it has internet, then tells his dad he is joking, that he is good with that plan… (I did not hear about Fernando and Ana at all in that conversation… maybe I missed that part).
Fernando and Ana’s convo at the end… they started talking about that since she came to their lives he has changed, that he feels ‘free-er’, more outgoing… she starts listing all the versions of Fernando that have changed… like the stiff boss, overly strict father, ‘Mr Hielo’… and he says ‘yeah, I am already melting..’ this was a great convo… (this is right before they approached and he broke it with ‘good nite’).
By this time Luz had made it downstairs and when Ana had given up on it and said good nite and was leaving, Fernando grabbed Ana, whispered her name and went for the kiss… and Luz was pumping her fist up in victory… previews show she yells at her siblings that Dad and Ana are kissing!! And there is a family meeting where Fanny asks Fernando directly ‘why don’t you go ahead and marry Ana?’ to which Ana and Fer look at each other in amazement…
Carlos, interesting interpretations of the scenes… I would agree.
I agree with La Paloma that Carmen S was a better actress/character match in PEAM and here it is awkward.

I think whoever said Ana would push Fernando to marry Isa given her own orphan background has a great point... at least she won't be cheating or trying to push her own agenda... she certainly won't argue against it if Fernando tries to 'do the right thing'.

they did run over last night by about 3 minutes after a network fluke where we saw a black screen and we could hear the production technicians talking... (??)... we were brought back to the Bruno/Man avocado scene.

It would actually not be unexpected if Leon has already sired a child when we consider how many parallels happen in TNs. Here it could be a dad and his daughter's novio and somebody having to be understanding.

How old is Leon, anyway? They haven't told us.

Marta, I can certainly see Ana pushing Fernando to marry Isa in view of her background. I'm also fairly sure that Ana might try to leave for a while. And we will be calling Fernando a selfish brute for wanting her to stay.

I think, Fernando's decision to marry a preggers Isabela will be made easier when Juan tells, or threatens to tell, Fernando Ana is a stripper. Juan isn't gonna let this lie. Not only has she slipped away romantically, Juan has been living off her proceeds. He'll be broke

will be calling Fernando a selfish brute for wanting her to stay
absolutely!! throwing things at him...

btw, wasn't JS lovely in his facial gestures sucking his lips while he was reacting with surprise during the time he was face-painted as a dog?? he was hysterical in his facial expressions!...

I think that is a very likely blackmail scenario, although Ana isn't a stripper. However, I think Ana is done with Juan romantically. He cheated on her and has embarrassed her in public more than once. He would have to blackmail her into marrying him, but is he smart enough?

Wow, you guys, 35 comments already and it's still morning here. Thanks UA, you outdid yourself with all the pictures.

My first thought when Leon saw the family with the baby was the same as Carlos'. Maybe his secret is he has a baby with someone too. But I hope it's just that he is thinking about his lack of a father growing up.

I despise (I really mean that strongly) the way Manuela throws herself at Bruno. He's never even showed her any interest. It's disgusting, not funny, and sooo annoying to me. Maybe he's gay and isn't ever going to be interested.

Yes to everyone who is tired of the pregnancy ploy the writers use. But I can see Fernando, while not expecting to be having sex during the conference, having not had sex in who knows how long, could succumb to the urge without protection. But now I can see Ana, who was an orphan, stepping aside so that Fernando does the right thing by his child and marry her. Not sure how this will work out to keep Ana as the nanny though.

I am also very tired of Jonny and his theatrics. Let's be done with him now please.

What is wrong with Jennifer? Cancer? Appendicitis?

We'll know soon, I'm sure.

Appendicitis is acutely painful and usually needs to dealt with ASAP. It happened to one of my friends a couple of months ago. It is a very serious emergency.

yes, if it had been appendicitis and it had been a few days since her first sharp pains, she would be dead by now from peridonitis (sp?) (fecal matter spreads in her abdomen and causes infections)

make that peritonitis.

UA - Beautiful recap and any mention of Major Nelson puts a smile on my face. (Gotta be a certain age to catch that reference.)

Excellent kiss at the end, like our Don (or not Don) Fernando meant it.

I don't like Carmen Salinas much -- overused in novelas and starting to show her age quite a bit (aren't we all). But I have actually got a kick out of her interaction with Mayrin.

The Bruno romance is too much. Just way over the top on the part of both actors and Rene is usually very good.

Anvil arriving special delivery. Ugh.

you kiddin? 'I dream of Jennie' was my fav sitcom as I was growing up... (I was so small i don't know if i started watching it dubbed to spanish or in english on cable once i got to middle school).

Traveling Lady... ITA on Excellent kiss at the end, like our Don (or not Don) Fernando meant it.
and i am afraid that after tonight's ep, they might come very seldom and far between for our favorite mismatched couple.


Fer won't think of this, but Nico should. Make sure the baby is his before committing.

UA: thanks for the wonderful recap. Love all the screenshots and the “I Dream of Jeannie” reference.

Again, with the nobody knows what “birth control” means.

I agree that Fer should think before marrying Isa. As long as he’s in the child’s life, he doesn’t have to marry her. In marrying her he makes nine + people unhappy. Not marrying her, he makes two people unhappy.

I also wondered by Isa’s reaction if she wasn’t sure that Fer was the father and also if Lisardo would turn out to be the father. Then when she told her mother she needed to assimilate the news, I thought “ok, that makes sense.” However, now I’m not so sure. I would have thought considering she loved Fer, she would be happy she now had an in.

I’ve seen Nando without the brace before. He must only have to wear it a certain amount a day or under certain circumstances (like walking a lot at the zoo).

Ecuador: I was afraid that Johnny was going to rape Ana, too. I so didn’t want this comedy TN to go dark like that. He’s a volatile character. This isn’t the first time he’s gotten rough with her.


I doubt the baby is someone else's. She's never been with another man that we know of, and I think if that were a possibility, we would have seen her at least talking to another man.

Thanks, UA!

The show ran over time and my recorder didn't get the end! Curses on you, Lunivision! I assume they'll show that bit again tonight, though.

Is Manuela's pursuit of Bruno supposed to be cute or funny? To me, it is anything but. She's made her interest clear. For whatever reason, he has not returned the sentiment. So at this point, the way she assaults him is just WRONG. She is harassing him and creating a hostile work environment, and he shouldn't have to put up with that. I mean, if he is not interested, he should grow up and stop acting like a bashful junior high kid and make that CLEAR, but it's still no excuse for the way she gropes and kisses him without his consent. I find them tiresome.

As far as the comedy goes, I thought Fer trying to have serious conversations while his face was painted like a silly dog was much funnier and more realistic than, say, Bruno getting hit by lightning.

LOVE that Briana is into the same stuff as Nando! She may be a bit younger, but that relationship will be way better for him than any fantasy he had about Ximena. And it was sweet of Alicia to drag Sebastian away and give Nando and Briana some time to get acquainted.

It was also funny when someone said that Nandito had peed in the hall and Nando quickly made it clear that they were talking about the ferret named after him!

I also watched Friday's show last night, and was delighted that the twins used tailor's chalk to mark the sleeve before hacking it off with scissors.


"She's never been with another man that we know of..."

I'm guessing that you mean not recently rather than never... she really didn't strike me as virginal.

I was guessing that there might be another because she took a moment to do a little mental and digital calculating.

As for Manuela, I have to confess, I'm smitten. Yes, everything you folks say about her is so true and yet I find her so beautiful and so sensuous. I'd rather watch her than any of that pole dancing. I do get a little nervous whenever she picks up one of those big knives after seeing her as Marta (PEAM).


I also thought Fernando's dog face with the tongue sticking out was very funny. Which made his serious talk with Bruno even funnier.

Haha, Carlos, obviously I didn't mean virginal. But we haven't seen her with anyone else since she's worked for Fernando, that's why I think it will be his baby. But I also can't see him actually having a baby with her when the time comes, so something must be going to happen to either Isabela or the baby.

I'm hoping Isabruja actually just has a tumor that's whacking out her hormones and giving her a false positive.

I loved the dog face and especially the little tongue sticking out and hoped for something cuter for Ana to complement.

What's the time frame? Did she seduce Fer soon after she started her job? It's possible she had a relationship right before and the time is close enough for her to not be sure. But I can't remember what kind of time passage we've had since she started working there.

Not much time passed between her start date and the seduction. It hasn't been but about two or three weeks since the seduction. I'm thinking we're in maybe a month and a half.

Urban! Thank you for the recap, it was a great help as I missed the episode last night!

I hate it when women in telenovelas throw themselves at men who do not want them, have some pride ladies!

I'm curious to know how Isabovine got into such financial straits in the first place. She has a job that would pay really well, and it seems like she's familiar with the executive life and probably had a similar job before she came to Fer's office. Was she unemployed for awhile? Or just spends recklessly and beyond her means? What has she been spending money on, besides extravagant proposal dinners and gifts for kids who don't like her?

Julia - As I understand it, they blew through a fortune with extravagant spending. Others may have more details.


I think Yolanda burns through some cash but now champagne taste on a beer budget

I LOVE this novela. IT is so fun and entertaining. I have a question if anyone can answer. My daughter is dying for the black/white kitty hat that Fanny wore to the zoo. Does anyone know where I can get one?

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