Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Mi Corazón Es Tuyo, Tuesday August 5. Wrong Kind of Fire, Fernando.

An episode mostly composed of cute but pointless little vignettes…until the end where Fernandolt takes complete leave of any senses above the beltline.

Skipping the repeats:

Via telephone: Fanny and León Exchange sweet nothings while León irons jeans. He gets so caught up in the flirtation that he leaves the iron sitting there. If he scorched a hole in his britches, it would serve him right for ironing jeans, the adorable weirdo. Fortunately, he also seems to have forgotten to turn the iron on, so no harm is done.

Next morning, garden: Nicolás does tai chi (aka chai chi) with Luz, Guille, and Alex. They all have special outfits for this. FF>>

Now it’s evening again. Sala: Fernando is all giddy because Lolana has agreed to see him. Nic wishes him luck.

Casa Johnny: Fer arrives and is greeted by a VERY slinky seductress in long curly hair, a painted-on skimpy red dress, and a mask. Fer and Fauxlana slither all over each other, Fer nearly drooling, until he gets her to take off the mask. He tries to hide his reaction, but you can nearly hear the downer slide whistle. So much for that little crush. He asks her about the whole Italiana bit and she says that’s just an act to entice her prey.

Anyhoodle, menos blablabla y mas glug glug glug, she says, going to pour some drinks. Suddenly he remembers he needs to leave. She gives him a hard time, gropes him a bit more, and blocks the door, but he makes his escape. Ana, Jen, and Johnny come out of hiding in the bedroom and they all have a good laugh…then Ana looks sad at not getting to seduce Fer for real.

Big house: Guille has a nightmare about an ogre dragging him into the refrigerator and wakes everyone up screaming. Fer is charmed when she soothes him with a “magic” anti-nightmare spell. Out in the hallway, Ana says she’s surprised Fer got up. He says there are many things she doesn’t know about him. Apparently that he can hear his child screaming and get concerned is one of them? He asks if she’s ever done something she felt ridiculous about…because he did. He lost his head over an illusion and feels like an idiot. She says don’t take it so hard, you’re just looking for something and it may be closer than you think. He thanks her for taking care of everything and says she is La Mujer de la Casa….erm, um, well, you know what I mean.

Back in her room, Ana calls Jen and says she feels bad about tricking Fer.

Nerdroom: Nando is burning the midnight oil to finish Ximeana’s report. In the morning, Ana finds him asleep on top of the blankets, still fully dressed. He’s running late and she rouses him and shoves him into the bathroom, peeved at how he is slaving away for the undeserving Ximeana. “If you aren’t changed in ten minutes, I will do it for you! It will be embarrassing!”

La Costeña: Isabela tells her mother on the phone that she’s going on a business trip with Fer and not to worry; she is following the plan. Isa hates that her mother underestimates her.

Fer’s home office: Fer is trying to finish some last-minute stuff before leaving on his trip, but Ana wants to talk about the kids. Summary: Nic is going to the school meeting, Ana should take Alicia to the orthodontist, and Bruno interrupts before she can tell him what’s up with Nando. When he throws her out, Ana sarcastically tells him to have a good time.

School: Nando falls asleep taking an exam. After class, Ximeana thanks him for writing that report that she didn’t bother to read. I hope he either wrote a terrible report, or one so good that the teacher will never believe she wrote it. It probably wouldn’t take much. She reminds him he still needs to do her math, so take some vitaminas! She kisses him, then is all “gross!” after she turns to leave. Fanny and her other friend catch the end of this and Fanny is not happy about how Xim is using Nando.

But no time to worry about her nerdy brother! León the Peón is here with his motorcycle and half-dead sheep eyes (fun idiom: ojos de borrega a medio morir-a lovesick expression).

Ana’s Casita: Ana and Jen have a new sofa! Ana swoonily tells Jen about the chat with Fer in the hallway…HOWEVER. He’s her boss, he has a harpy novia, and she is still nominally dating Johnny. Jen tells her to decide whether she loves Johnny or not. Sounds like the easiest bit of self-examination ever.

Hacienda Lascurain: Fernando’s and Isabela’s business trip is to a conference held at Fernando’s family hacienda. It’s BEAUTIFUL. The others aren’t coming until the next day. Fer wants to get to work preparing, but Isa wants them to relax. A bit later, Fer finds Isa lounging in swimwear by the pool. Again, he tries to get her to work, but she wants them to have fun instead. It takes a hell of a lot of confidence to refuse to work on a business trip! I think he should fire her. Fer does not listen to me.

Back to the school: In Nando’s daze, he has left his school stuff behind. When he goes back to the classroom to fetch it, the most loserish gang of bullies torment him and try to make him admit he has a galán. The leader of the bullies throws all his stuff on the floor. Nando cries after they all leave.
Later, but still in the afternoon, Ana finds Nando sleeping on his bed amid a lot of crumpled tissues. “Don’t let them hurt you!” she says sympathetically.

Casa Johnny: Johnny worries to Jen that he is afraid he will lose Ana because she’s falling for Fer. Jen halfheartedly assures him Ana can’t get with Fer because he’s her boss.

Girls’ room: Ana puts the little ones to bed and wonders where Fanny is. It has started to rain.

León’s Den: León and Fanny arrive, drenched from the rain and laughing, and wrap up in towels. Fanny quite neutrally says “so this is your place?” and León gets uncharacteristically defensive about being poor and pathetic while she’s used to fancy things. Miss Fancy immediately apologizes, and so does León. And then Fancy pours on the flattery and reassurance, telling him that he is talented and awesome and nearly done with school and works hard and she admires him SOOO much! And they’re right back staring into each others’ eyes.

Back at the big house: Johnny the moron is trying to climb onto the balcony with a ladder, but the ladder falls and he is left clinging and squealing. Ana comes out and hauls him over the rail and they are both drenched in the rain so they go inside to dry off and warm up in Ana’s room. He gives her a crucifix necklace, one that won’t even turn her neck green!  

Johnny wants to get busy, but Ana is horrified. Not in her employer’s house! (Or with Johnny! I add mentally.) The power goes out and Ana uses her cell phone as a flashlight to sneak him down the stairs to the back door. They have to hide in the kitchen when Bruno comes in for some mysterious phone call in which he tells someone he has the money. Then, INSIDE THE HOUSE, Bruno is struck by lightning and the editors go mad with their “hilarious” special effects. Who knew glow-in-the-dark skeletons were so into disco dancing? Anyway, he’s fine aside from a little soot so this was pointless, though Ana’s fussing over him leads to more teasing when Fanny finally walks in the door as the lights come back on. Ana scolds her for not sending a message about where she was.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: Fer is hard at work, and Bela is workin’ it hard. She slithers in wearing lingerie and Eau de Skank, offering wine. He wants them to get some prep work done; she just wants them to “relax” (as the kids are calling it these days) as usual. Why hasn’t he fired her yet? She can’t get him to drink, but he does weaken when he looks her up and down and then she kisses him. He walks away.

But you can’t shake off a predator that easily. Bela follows Fer and wraps her tentacles all over him. He does not look remotely into it mentally, but his hormones are heating up a tad. Bela unbuttons his shirt as he clenches his fists. He lets her talk him into “relaxing” and she drops her robe, but he still looks a little put off even as they are smooching. They get hot and heavy and horizontal. The camera very subtly averts its gaze to the blazing fire in the fireplace.

Later, Isabela is dozing contentedly in the afterglow, while Fer looks more like he’s festering in gloom. He gazes out the window, looking depresses and thinking of happy bonding moments with Ana. INTERESTINGLY, one of those memories is when he is twitterpated after talking to Lolana on the phone…so at some level he realizes they are the same.

Back at the mansion, Ana is snuggling with Luz and thinking of Fernando.

Mañana: Fer gets yelled at by Ana and Fanny.


That was so stupid! Where did Johnny get the ladder Did he bring it with him through town to the rich neighborhood? Or does he know his way around the mansion so well that he knew exactly where to get it from? And if that's the case, why didn't he just come in and go upstairs? The door is never locked. That was so totally unnecessary!

Excellent Julia, "León the Peón is here with his motorcycle and half-dead sheep eyes"

Clumping right along, everything fine, then they throw something stupid from the cheap seats. The fridge monster and twins, Juan and the balcony, and Bruno and the lighting strike. René Casados should fire his manager.

Ximena - ugh, hate the taste of nerd in the morning

Juan - that chain ain't big enough to hold her

Isabela - come here little mouse

Fernando - what'd think would happen

Nando - backed into a corner, what will come out?

Fanny - is the bathroom at least clean

Nic - ah, grasshopper

Ana - you want him, clean up your act

Twins - separately or one check

Leon - if you know where your're going doesn't matter where you've been


Julia, thanks for the great detailed recap.

tofie: "Ugh, hate the taste of nerd in the morning." Very funny!

Ana needs to give Johnny the old heave ho. The burning fire cutaway was so good and hokey as well as Bruno's electrifying experience which was also very cartoonlike. Ana and Fernando were cute mooning over each other.



Great title Julia. The recap shone.

“He gives her a crucifix necklace, one that won’t even turn her neck green!”; “And But you can’t shake off a predator that easily. Bela follows Fer and wraps her tentacles all over him” and “Later, Isabela is dozing contentedly in the afterglow, while Fer looks more like he’s festering in gloom” were my favorites.

Disappointed in Fernando for oh so obvious reasons. Thought it was clear he was into the physical aspect only. If it was so apparant to us, how could Isa not have noticed?

And Anon, yes, I had to laugh at the thought of Johnny trudging through the town, ladder hoisted on his shoulder (if he didn't pilfer it from the garage).

Jarifa, I never understood what Ana saw in Johnny. I see uncouth, vulgar, unappealing. Nada. Zip.

tofie, we are always being told there is dignity in all work but had to laugh, Rene is certainly not being used to his best advantage here. "Ximena - ugh, hate the taste of nerd in the morning" had me laughing.

Great job Julia.


Oh my stars! Having a crummy start to the day at work, and decided to jump into Caray, have a cup of caffeine and lo and behold---feeling so much better. This recap was a Hoot Julia. Eau de Skank almost made me spit the coffee out.

I missed parts last night while catching up with the gossip with my son who's been in and out all week. Appreciate the detail so I got what I missed dialog wise.

Frankly, I don't think Isa cares whether Fer is THAT into her or not. I think her sole purpose is to get him into the exact type situation he's found himself in and then reel him in. Do we cue the "I'm pregnant" story line yet? ( Most likely fake, but he'll fall for it). Poor slob. I still think there is something up with her because she's had this plan from day one.

I'm really not liking the story line with Nando. I know it can actually serve as a good PSA to the kids watching, but it's sad and painful to watch. I wish if Ana is aware, as well as Fanny, that something is done sooner rather than later. Even with the love of a family, keeping that torment and sadness to himself is not healthy for that young man.

My guess is, knowing what a crack up Rene can be in real life, he's probably fine with doing the comedy right now. He's been in some heavy TN's recently. Maybe he wanted to just be goofy. The lightning thing did seem rather lame, and that's one scene my son just looked at me and said "really Mom?" Yeah, son, this is what I watch.

Have to say, she started out a little questionably, but Fanny seems to be alright so far. Not a bad big sister after all.


Great job, Julia. As a major perfumista I almost spat out my coffee at Eau de Skank.

Fernando has a lot to learn about women, that's for sure. You'd think he'd be able to spot a golddigger like Isabella a mile away. I suspect her biggest orgasm of the night wasn't about him but his bank account and mansion.

Cue the Fake Pregnancy for Entrapment storyline.

No woman with any common sense tries to seduce a boss or work peer. This is professional suicide.

UA, thanks for the mention about Isabela seducing her boss. I was thinking this morning how uncomfortable the whole thing has been and Fernando didn't stop it especially at work. He hired her to do a job but turns out he hired her as an accessory to wear. No boundaries at all, very unprofessional of her and especially him. What a contrast to the employer/employee relationship between he and Ana. They rarely even touch.


I loved the recap, Julia. Thank you for the hilarious one-liners: ". . . one that won't turn her neck green," ". . . hot and heavy and horizontal" (nice alliteration!), and ". . . Fernando takes complete leave of any senses above the beltline."

I agree with you about the upcoming pregnancy, Urban; however, do you think it will be fake or real?

My heart breaks for Nando. I long for his metamorphosis!

Although I am no telenovela expert, I detect some major male-gender bias. Apparently, it's fantastic for Nic to pursue a very young chica. The producers present this relationship sympathetically, suggesting Fer needs to relax and let his dad have some fun. Are there telenovela instances in which the role is reversed: an older woman pursues a very young chico? If so, is her pursuit presented as fantastic or creepy? Just wondering . . .

I for one think Nic's pursuit of Jenny, silly, just as I would in real life. Good for her she put the breaks on it but I also find it distasteful to watch Isabela stalking Fernando and he acting like a possum and freezes.

Julia! Awesome recap!! Missed your humor since you did some recaps for our Tal patio…
Favs: León the Peón is here with his motorcycle and half-dead sheep eyes
nominally dating Johnny… Sounds like the easiest bit of self-examination ever.
back at the ranch: Fer is hard at work, and Bela is workin’ it hard She slithers in wearing lingerie and Eau de Skank (ROFLOL!!) …wraps her tentacles all over him… He does not look remotely into it mentally, but his hormones are heating up a tad.
Tofie: "Ximena - ugh, hate the taste of nerd in the morning" had me giggling


the way i saw the preview was that Ana calls the office mad about him spending so much time with Bella Bea'ch and not with his kids... then Fanny nags at him angrily about him not spending time at home with his kids... so Fernando puts two and two together about Ana being the one that told Fanny and he yells 'AAANNNAAAAAAA!!!!' from his office in the house.

It seemed like a fluff episode with not a lot going on.

Fernando is a moron. If he's half as good a businessman as everyone thinks he is, he should have shut Isabela down definitively well before it ever got to the point of his brain having to argue with his netherparts. Like DAYS ago. And he shouldn't have taken her to the hacienda alone for "business". But if he did the sensible thing, I guess we wouldn't have DRAMA. And apparently her mother is in on the scheme. So many mothers pimping out their daughters in Telenovelaland!

I agree, Isabimbo doesn't care whether Fer is into her. She just wants to trap him.

The scenes of Nando being bullied are painful to watch. I want someone to turn on that bully and make fun of him for apparently never developing past a junior high level. Or send him to a manicomio. What a jerk. It disgusts me that so many of the other students enable it. Realistic, but horrible.

"Ximena - ugh, hate the taste of nerd in the morning" - Haha! Very funny! Why is Ximena even attending university if she isn't going to learn anything? And how did Fanny ever become friends with her?

I can't offhand think of any shows where a much older woman pursues a younger man. In Sortilegio, there was a young man/older woman romance, but he pursued her. Same thing in Cuando Me Enamoro.

Oh, wait! I thought of one! In Amar Sin Limites, the Tialoving Abuelokiller and his, well, tia (by marriage). She was older and it was creepy, mostly because they were related (though not blood relatives) and she would not let him go when he fell in love with someone more appropriate and wanted to end things.


Thanks, Julia, for answering my question about December/May romances in the tns.

Thinking about the possibility of Fer/Isa pregnancy, how will Fer ever explain THAT to his kids? Ana will have to teach the kids about contraceptives, using Fer as an example. "See kids? You don't want to end up like your dad!"

In Amorcito Corazon, Beba, a senior citizen-age lady, was in love with hot young thing Willy. She pursued him, he was in it por interés, which she didn't realize until later. That was uggo just because he was using her and aside from this breech of judgment, she was a sweet lady. Then evil granny, Beba's similarly un-young friend, went after him too. She tried hard to get him, but he didn't go for it.

Certainly neither of these was played as a real romance, though Willy did have some affection for Beba. He just wasn't in love with her.

As much as I hate what Fer is doing, I must give kudos to the actor for so effectively conveying the split emotions. He's simultaneous lonely and horny, since his wife died a year ago, but also not that into Isa and disgusted with himself for caving, and that all showed at once.

Thanks Julia, great job. I can't believe Fernando did it with Isabela. Now they'll probably get engaged.

I couldn't comment yesterday, but I just wanted to thank UA for such a thorough recap and also about Nando reading Don Quixote. He said that he read it before, so he was probably just skimming passages for the paper he had to write.

Sometimes when Ana is dancing, it doesn't always look like her to me. I'll bet the woman who was her double is actually a dancer too, and helps with the scenes.

Lightning striking in the house. How realistic, NOT.


I don't know why they feel the need to throw in those stupid cartoon bits. The show is funnier without them. With the stupid effects, it just looks like it's trying too hard to be funny, which suggests that it is not funny enough or that they are insecure about their ability to make it funny. SO PATHETIC.

Fanny is probably going to go ballistic if Isabeast is pregnant. I don't think she'll have any kind words about her father's choices or lack of control. After all, she and León are legitimately into each other and I don't think they have even kissed yet! They come close, but never do! Which must seem so romantic for Fanny, after dealing with her pushy selfish ex-novio.

Cathyx: I've thought that from day one--that SN has a double to do the really gymnastic moves on the pole. The way they cut away from her face made me think it. That's usually a signal that a double is doing the work. Not to take away anything from SN if that's true. She is truly doing an awesome job of dancing off and on the pole.

Thanks mucho for the recap as I missed last night. I'm still confused .. does Fer really now know that Ana is Lola? and there was no reaction? I would think with Fer's ideas of how a nana "should" behave, he would have kicked her to the curb despite the fact he fell for Lola. Having a friend like slimy, pimp Johnny is what really should be the judge of character. And didn't Fer remember Johnny from the dinner party.

I think it will be fake.

Isabella would be an idiot to get knocked up and ruin her figure. Not to mention that Fernando already has seven children.

He is the type to decide to marry herright away if she tells him she's pregnant. No need for the truth until later.....

No, Fer doesn't know that Ana is Lola. He didn't see Ana at Johnny's place when he went there for the rendezvous. He only saw the other girl who pretended to be Lola, then he was disappointed when she took off the mask to find that he wasn't so attracted to her.

I think he feels the connection on a subconscious level, which is why his memories of the two of them mix together in the warm part of his brain, but he hasn't made the logical connection.

I don't know why Fer didn't recognize Johnny as the same guy who played waiter at the dinner party. My guess is that he doesn't look that closely at short-term help, there was kerfuffle over drink serving and tray dropping and he was distracted by that rather than looking Johnny in the face for long, and also he was flustered by Isabeast's flirting and canoodling and so didn't take much notice of who Johnny was. Plus, people don't notice a lot of details. I probably wouldn't notice if a waiter who served me one night turned up somewhere else a few days later in a different context.

Now I have that 80s "Who's Johnny?" song stuck in my head.

Now I have that 80s "Who's Johnny?" song stuck in my head.

LOL!!! good one! i remember that.

Julia, thanks so much for clearing up my confusion about the Fer/Lola meeting. And you're right, Fer didn't put 2&2 together and come up with Johnny. Too much distraction.

Julia~thank you so much for helping me out and for putting up a wonderful recap, I owe you big time!

Fernando is the typical pig man bouncing from one woman to another. Enough already.

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