Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #156: our loving couple is reunited and a pilgrimage is planned

Lupe brings her rose to Mati, who's glad to see her all better already. Mati asks how the divorce is going, answer: nothing. They find out from Carmelita that it was Alejo behind the terrible contract Tizoc signed, which MA bought him out of.

Diego visits Rita, he says he's glad he saw Leo but they are of different worlds and he's still planning to leave town. Rita suggests they could go off together and start over someplace else.

Insufferable Minerva (but what a wardrobe) flounces into MA's office and says haughtily, "Tell me everything about the business - but make it simple because I don't understand anything about finance." "First, remember, I am president, not you, not your mother." She launches into a tirade: "You are sexy, but a cretin. You just use me!! Error!" He reminds her the two of them were dating when she went off and married Alejo.

Lupita arrives with a blue note for MA in time to hear Minerva say: "That trick about you and me in bed, that was all Alejo's idea." At last! Lupita barges in and asks her to repeat it. Lupe chases her out of the office and apologizes to Mike for believing Mine. She doesn't want to be separated from him any more. "Give me a kiss" "I'm afraid," he jokes. "Ah, come on, now." She gives him the blue paper and leaves. Then she goes to get a makeover at Wendy's. The only difference is, her hair is less curly afterwards.

Mati goes to see Alejo who unctuously and piosly suggests: "I know you'll let me spend more time with my dear son." She's giving him "time off" to make the divorce move forward. "Oh, you'll take away my inheritance?" "No, but from this moment, I don't want to see you here any more." "You can't keep me away! I have the shares my grandfather gave me." "Yes I can. And admit it - you were behind that business with Tizoc." Ooo, busted. Mati reams him out some more: "The only reason I don't denounce you is for your last chince, for Emiliano. He will be so disappointed with his father. Hurry up because my patience is running out. And as of tomorrow you don't work here any more."

The blue paper, after telling MA he's the best man in the world, directs him to get a tortilla at the most traditional joint in the Nopalera. He goes and there's Carm with another note. This one sends her to Wendy's, "where we spent our best and our hardest moments." Smiling and commenting "How cursi you are, Guadelupe!" Mike reads ecstatically: "Come up." There are candles and asi as Frida would say. Lupita's behind a net curtain. They kiss and asi.

Minerva enters Alejo's office while he is still stunned from Mati's visit. He tells her about it but she doesn't care because "I am a millionaire now." "No, it's your mom who has the moola. And consider this: the whole world knows you were MA's lover when you married me. Nobody of our level will ever want you, you floozy."

The society bats are lunching and scold Isela: "His body is barely in the tomb and you're not in mourning." Isela wants to be new president of the foundation. "Ani Chofi is one of the candidates, but with all her scandals..." "I am going to struggle for this post." Minerva calls and Isela sighs. "Guarding my interests. She has to consult me about everything."

The Menchaca family is planning a pilgrimage to the Virgin of Sorrows. They have a lot of thanks to give her. Perla has also a lot of requests. Rita is going too. Tomas comes in and they invite him too.

After the love interval at Wendy's, the newly reunited couple leave holding hands. MA says he's working to get Emi's trust back. She agrees she will try not to let Alejo or Mine's tricks get to her any more. He agrees to meet her at the last minute before the pilgrimage.

Fri comes to a place that arranges adoptions and tells the director, "I got pregnant for love." She hopes to find the best parents for her baby but she's so conflicted.

MA is amazed Mati fired Alejo. She's sad about it. He says, "What about keeping your enemies close?" Mati knows how important his work is to Alejo (though we have never seen him do any) and hopes this will force him to get with the program. MA is afraid: "He's still thinking about that clause." Mati says she is not eternal and she hopes to work things out with Alejo before she dies. "I tolerated your grandfather for a long time, I can do it."

Minerva is alone at the office when her mom arrives with a million packages, none of which are for Minerva, who wails about her work: "I don't understand anything." She points out that her mom and she used to do the shopping together and warns her mom "You are share-rich but cash poor so control yourself."

Isela is high and mighty: "You are here to work for my interests." "You used to say OUR interests, mommy!" Isela leads Minerva back to her chair. Minerva calls her Cruella deVille, the worst mother of the world. "Worst? I don't think so. I could have gotten an abortion but I didn't, so you should be grateful."

RP dinner. Ana in good humor and even made the dessert herself, creme brulee. She invites them all to accompany her next day to "an event of quality." Leo is first to beg off: "I'm having an emotional dilemma, I can't come." Mati says it wouldn't hurt for the family to support AS, who is touched by the support.

MA says he can go for only a short while because he's going on a pilgrimage with the Menchacas. "Change of plan," says AS, she says she wants to show gratitude to the Menchacas herself. Does she say she wants to go on the pilgrimage too? Mati warns MA not to be gone long, with Minerva mischief-making at the office. AS is aghast to learn about Isela's rapid ascension into wealthy widowhood.

Emi calls Alejo, complaining: "I'm still waiting to get out of my dump of a school like you promised. And MA offered to take me to a polo match." "Your mom is making things worse, you have to be patient, and it's MA's fault that your grandma has fired me. Many are against us." Emi promises to be on his side.

Saul STILL finds no evidence that Alejo is a criminal. He congratulates MA on his happiness with Lupita but is sad for himself, will he never have a woman? I think MA says he should go on pilgrimage too and have faith.

The Menchaca bus has had a makeover too, now it says LUPITA over the windshield. Emi doesn't want to go on the pilgrimage and says he's old enough to be alone. From the bushes Alejo's stooge Beto is watching. [Oh dear, if Alejo wrecks the bus he could take them all out at once.] Beto is instructed to take millions of pictures if MA shows up.

Tomorrow: more tiresome broncas about the custody of Emiliano.



Thanks so much for this very fab recap. I had to laugh at Mini being money conscious. Too funny, when she used to spend it like water. I forgot to mention yesterday, I'm sad that my favorite Zombie died, Don Lauro. He always was giving Ahole the bidnez, too funny.

I don't like what Ahole is getting up to, taking pictures of MA and Lupe, poisoning Emi against his Great Granny and against MA and Lupe, again! I hope they drag Emi with them to the Lady of Sorrows.

That little interlude with MA and Lupe was sweet, I liked the little scavenger hunt Lupe sent MA on.

I am so glad that Mati fired Ahole, but I really worry about her too. As many of you said yesterday, I'm not liking her talking about death all the time. I am still waiting for Vilma to kick it up a notch against Ahole. I hope that happens soon.

Oh, about the wi, wi comment. I really believe that it isn't meant to mean pee, pee. It's actually oui, oui, as in the French word for yes. The way MA used it this episode was exactly that instead of saying si, si, he said oui, oui.

I think when Frida was talking to the lady at the adoption agency she said she was checking for her "friend" and not herself.

I like Rita going along with the Menchaca to this pilgrimage. Maybe DA will go too. I hope AS does go. I noticed she really hasn't taken a drink since she was in the hospital. Could she be turning over a new leaf? Now that would be something!

Oh, and at last Lupe finally knows the truth about what Mini and Ahole did as far as MA goes with that staged bed scene. I liked Lupe getting in Mini's face and the nice kiss with Mini and MA. Too cute.

Thanks again Jane, for this fabulous recap.

Jane, thanks for the wonderful recap of a fun episode.

I was so happy that Rita extended the invitation to Diego to come visit her in the U.S. rather than just going to work in León.

It was a good day for physical comedy with MA's imitation of Minerva to his "sambita de felicidad" (his little happy samba) to his "tap de felicidad." I also liked him praying for a girl for Saúl who might know what he is saying. Very funny.

Lupita was so cute in her romantic date with MA when she expressed concerns about her surgical bandages. Of course MA gave her the right response talking about how he was in love with her person inside of her body.

I cannot wait until they go to "Las Chinampas de Xochimilco" which are located just outside of Mexico City. Just in case you are not familiar: The "chinampas" are a series of islands (floating gardens) that were constructed on the lake for agricultural purposes back in Pre-Columbian times. The creation of these islands has resulted in a series of canals where you can rent a boat (which is more like a barge) and go traveling around the canals as people have done for centuries. Supposedly this is what the whole valley of Mexico was like back in the 16th century before the Spaniards drained it so they could start building Mexico City. It is a popular family and tourist spot.

The pilgrimage to Nuestra Señora de Dolores is evidently in Xochimilco and is the real reason for the trip. I just love when the Menchacas are out and about on the bus.

Can AS be finally changing with her wanting to go on the pilgrimage with Las Menchacas on the bus? Her talking to God and actually having good thoughts about the Menchacas was strange. Maybe she will actually change for the better by the time this all ends. I am happy Rita is going on the pilgrimage.

Sure did not like Mati saying she was not eternal and would be going one of these days but hopefully not before fixing a few things. : ( . I did like that she put the screws to Alejo and told him exactly why.

On we go floating through Xochimilco!



Thanks Jane! It was so nice to see Lupe happy again, and to see her and MA back together.

Her hair actually was different. About 6 or so inches of extensions had been added! She now has a sleeker, sexier look.

I need Mati to stop talking about death, and to step up the pressure on Alejo. He still has plenty of time and room to make Lupe's life difficult.

AS had some plan to make herself look saintly to strengthen her candidacy for president. I think the pilgrimage ties into that somehow.

Gracias, Jane! Glad you got another happy one again. The anvils can't be far away.

Mads, I agree about the oui-oui. I think someone else suggested that a while back, and it always fits. I don't know why some of the characters pronounce it "gwi-gwi" but then my own French (and Spanish for that matter) pronunciation is pretty bad.

Yes, Frida was telling the adoption lady about her "friend," but the adoption lady has surely been doing her job long enough to know allll about these young women who show up to talk about their "friends."

I felt like we had our old Jaime back last night. He seemed much more animated than he's been in a while.

I was wrong (obviously) when I said they were going to Chihuahua to visit the Virgin of Sorrows. I took Wikipedia's word for it. I didn't know there was one in Xochimilco. Wonder if we'll catch a glimpse of the Isla de Muñecas?

Jarifa, the way AS was talking last night I wondered if she was actually considering joining a convent. Is that ridiculous? OK, but isn't AS ridiculous anyway? So, maybe??

I did like Lupe's new hair but it wasn't the big change I expected. I was expecting a real "cut."

Great concise recap, Jane!! love how you described the scenes of MA and Lupe and Isela and Mini.

Emi's phone call to Alejo' he did not say MA invited him to the polo match, he asked Alejo to take him to a polo match, and Alejo said he was too busy to take time off to do that... and quickly changed the subject... as usual.

I have Xochimilco in my bucket list trip to Mexico... basically the only places i have there are Guanajuato, Puerto Vallarta, Oaxaca and Xochimilco.
In the cruise i am taking i am going to Conzumel, which also has Mayan ruins, i plan to take that tour. But the mexico trip stays in my bucket list...
I saw some floating flower baskets in Epcot Center (WDW) during their garden festival in the spring... can't wait to get into one of those 'boats'.
Mads, i bet you mean the kiss of MA and Lupe, not Mini. right?


I loved MA's first line to Lupe... 'I don't know whether to embrace/hug you or reprieve you for not being home resting/recuperating' and she cut him off and appologized.

I like her makeup... although i would have gone easier on her blush... but eyes, lips and hair i was good with.


Yes! I did mean the kiss between MA and Lupe. I must have had Mini on the brain, lol!

Julie, La isla de las muñecas is just creepy. I have only seen it in pictures and a horror movie and that was enough. As for AS, who knows where she could end up? She might actually enjoy being nice after awhile.

As for "a wi wi". I have wondered where this term of agreement (sure!, yeah!) comes from also and it has been almost impossible to find out any info on it. The best I found was that it was a sanitized version of a very vulgar expression that also shows agreement(Sure! Yeah!). Sort of like when people say "oh, fudge" rather than use the "f"word. So, who knows?

I liked Lupita's makeover. She looked like herself just a little more polished.

Last comment: I loved hearing that old standard "Somos novios" when MA and Lupe were together.


the last comment was posted by Jarifa

Thank you for the recap, Jane.

Here is my favorite rendition of "Somos Novios." Click here. The other guy is Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

Julie, I was thinking the same thing about Jaime. Maybe he was getting excited, gearing up for start of filming on "Jane the Virgin."
Paula H

I miss Zuria's gorgeous curly hair (not the look for this novela, but her naturally curly locks, as she had in Mar De Amor, for example).

Isela has completely lost it with her inheritance and will probably wind up alone.

I think this is all part of AS' plan from the previous episode when she expressed to Chabelita and Beba that she's going to be her "true" kind self.

Jarifa - I know the Doll Island thanks to Heridas de Amor, which is (technically) my first TN because it came on at 7pm before La Fea Mas Bella. During the last week of Heridas, the villain took the villainess there to terrorize her and collect her tears (or was it her sweat), which he believed to contain the essence of... fear, I think. Yes, he wanted to bottle fear.

I went online to find out more about that creepy island, and the backstory is very sad.

Did anyone else think that Tomas and/or Perla seemed like they were about to announce something to the family just before MA and Lupe showed up? Are Tom and Perla novios now too? (And if so, WHY??)

Paula, I just looked up "Jane the Virgin" on Wikipedia and I am intrigued. How does one become "accidentally artificially inseminated"? Interesting.

I'm going to be the wet blanket here. I thought the whole love scene thing felt forced and like a PSA. MA telling Lupe he loved her for what was inside her body not outside. I felt that it was sending the message to women who have had breast cancer that they are beautiful and for God's sake she had a biopsy not a mastectomy.

Hate to say this but she is playing right into Ahole's hands being seen and photographed playing kissy face with MA. She is still married to Ahole and he very likely could take her to court, sue her for adultery and take Emilhole away from her.

So AS changes her plans and now intends to go on the pilgrimage. That should be fun. She hasn't been drinking, she wants to change her image and she is still eating all that "naco" food so there is hope for her.

MA also talked Saul, who is giving up on finding a woman of his own to go to the pilgrimage, and pray for one. Saul doesn't believe all that stuff but i'm sure he will go and I'm dying to see how the obvious cute meet will take place. A pretty girl tripping getting on or off one of the boats and falling into his ams? Eyes meeting across a couple of boats? Will be curious to see how it goes down.

The one thing with everyone hustling off to Xochimilco is that DA and Leo may have another chance to talk and maybe Frieda will finally tell Tizoc the truth. Should be a good episode tonight.

And enough already with Mati talking about not being eternal. This is getting repitious and no one wants to see this character not around for the grand finale.

The frequent foreshadowing seems to indicate Dona Mati is a goner. Although it would be a strange way to end a comedy.


Jane thanks so much for your recap.

Like Mads, I'm vexed Alejo continues unencumbered and menaces Lupita. Also really concerned for Mati.

Julie, re: "Jane the Virgin." Jane goes to the doctor for a pap test. The exhausted doctor has many more procedures to complete, before the end of her shift. The nurse hands the doctor a stack of charts and says, "Remember, you're doing the pap test in room 12, and the artificial insemination in room 13." Hijinks ensue.

The show starts October 13, on CW. It will be Camil's first ongoing role in an English-language series. For the first time, his character is of the other generation - the age of the parents of the starring couple.

Paula H


Thanks Jane, nice upbeat episode for a change.

I hate to be a debbie downer, but I fear that Alejo will kill Mati he's done it before, so ending her life, letting him fulfill the clause, and then Emi finding out that he did that. I really hope I'm wrong though.

I looked up the pronunciation of Xochimilco for those of us who have no idea, and it's pronounced like this: so-chi-milk-o.

Also, I always assumed wi-wi was oui- oui. It is always used as an affirmative when they say it like you would say yes, yes.

Thanks, Paula. And kudos to Camil for taking an age-appropriate role.

Alas, since this is coming from the CW network, it's hard to believe it will be a big hit.

(See what I did there? I just tempted Fate to make a fool of me. Let's see if it works!)

Que buena fuera, Julie. But it's hard to imagine the show lasting more than one season. Picture this - a show about a pregnant virgin, "now in its fifth year"!

Paula H


If you ever watched the old daytime soaps there were pregnancies that went on for much more than nine months so why not a five year one. LOL

Just a few years ago, I remember a character on General Hospital complaining, "I feel like I've been pregnant for almost a year!" She had.

When MA and Lupe were meeting for their big love scene with the veils, was the love song playing in the background sung by Tizoc? It sounded like him.

A double-barreled thanks to Jane for last night and to Julie for Monday night's recaps. Two great summations.

I, too, miss Don Lauro and hope we're not forced into missing Mati. I like her forceful, yet cheerful, personality. Caught her the other night as the Mother Superior (?) on Amorcito Corazon. Had to check the face under the wimple, but recognized the voice immediately.

One thing I enjoyed in MA/Lupe's love sceen was the gauzy drapery in place of rose petals everywhere. Added a note of mystery and innovation.

Looking forward to the pilgrimage and the resulting events. I thought Vilma had a trial about now? Maybe we'll catch up.

I don't know who was singing it last night, but I can't hear that song without thinking of Steve Martin, "It's Impossible... to put a Cadillac up your nose..."

The term a wi wi, I believe is actually a shortened form of saying "ha huevo" which basically means yes or getting someone to forcefully do something out of their own free will. This I know because my husband, his family and friends all talk like the Menchacas and could easily be from La Nopalera which is probably why we enjoy this novela so much.

Jane, thanks so much.

At least Lupita's hair did change this time! Remember when she went to Guendy's for a haircut and it looked exactly the same afterward?

Yay, another trip on the bus. I'm excited. I suppose if they're only going as far as Xochimilco they won't do the whole camping thing, but still seems like fun.

Jarocha told us awhile back that "a wi wi" is a sanitized little kid version of the huevo expression which is vulgar.

I hope Mati survives until the end; she isn't that old and she's still hale and hearty now that the drugs have worn off. But grannies have died in comedies before, like in Una Familia Con Suerte. I'm STILL peeved that the lead characters in that didn't name their new baby Regina after dear departed granny, instead opting for the utter stupidity of naming the poor child after her two SISTERS.

GoBlueFan, i thought the same thing about wondering who was singing that song... and i too thought of Tizoc.

Anonymous 4:10, thanks for actually writing the "huevo" expression. I didn't know how far to go with that one wthout possibly offending someone.

Paula, the videoclip was great satire.

I think the Jane the Virgin comedy has great possibilities for beyond one season. It is based on a Venezuelan telenovela. LOL. Guess nooriginal ideas in Hollywood either.


Paula, please remind us closer to the start date so we can check it out, thanks for the heads up. will try to remember to look for it in dvdr guide.

How many more tricks does Alejo have up his sleeve?

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