Thursday, September 04, 2014

Hasta el Fin del Mundo Recap #13

Sofia is missing her shoe and Chava has a uh oh. He is scurrying and helping her look for it. They go to buy another pair of shoes in the interim.

Alexa and Greta have a heart to heart; Greta isn't clothes-minded. She was young once! Alexa lets it out that she is 6 months behind on her rent. Greta subtly blows a gasket and Alexa then says that is exactly why she didn't want to tell her. Alex says she has a lot to tell and it will never end; Greta can't help her. Alexa doesn't wanna face Sofia and ask for help monetarily.

Chava and Sofia talk about the call she made to him the other day; it was accident. Chava is OK with that since he was filled with glee and he is glad he met her.

Silvie was called in by Pat and she sees he has left info pertaining to the DNA test he has in store against Sofi. Silvie thinks Pat is behaving strangely when he gets a call from the mansion.

Sofi is in such a rush she opened the door herself and as she scurries off, Chava compliments her new shoes; he know he must find the missing shoe.

Over the phone, Greta is making a deal with Pat pertaining to Alexa.

Silvie is remembering that Pat and a stranger went to Maestro's house and knows something is up.

Alexa and Greta discuss their woes and such some more.

Fausto and Dani are discussing the woe of the stolen dress.

Lucas is playing the guitar when Miguelina come in and she asks about the wonderful job he said he had; you said things would be different! Miguelina has a Dona Mati and talks about how she is close to dying and he needs to be independent.

Chava drives around looking for the shoe; lo and behold, he found it? No, it's a dirty shoe he gallantly throws in the recycling bin.

Pat comes to Silvie and they discuss Alexa as the Chica Ripoll. Silvie claims she grew.

As he brings things in for her, Greta is lecturing Armie on art and she said art critics are boring. IrkMe has called him BUT he ignores it (who wouldn't?) and goes to bring more things upstairs.

Chava has successfully found the shoe!

IrkMe is angrily lamenting that Armie doesn't answer her calls. As he brings more packages, the phone rings and Greta says if he doesn't anwer the phone, someone is going to suffer an anxiety attack! He ignores it and Greta throws her 2 cents in; she says IrkMe must be demanding or jealous.

Sofi and Chava are a hoot once more.

IrkMe is leaving a message; forgive me babe.

Armie and Greta talk about how he isn't a cheater; Greta says he is a stand-up guy and Alexa is gorgeous. She can see why his wife would be jealous.

Chava lets a little white lie about how he found it; he was pricked by the heel while finding it in the car LOL.

Alexa asks Armie to take her to the Ripollery and he is skeptical at first but is reassured and happ to oblige.

Dani gets a call from Lucas and then a text; Risitas Hablamos. Fausto comes in stating dinner is ready. Would you like to eat downstairs or up? 'Niela asks Fausto for advice for a friend who is really her. Fausto recommends her "friend" help the boy and not to get mad if things don't work out because she is really trying to help him. He will bring her food up so her HomeWork groove isn't interrupted.

Lucas at work with his mobster boss.

Chava awaits outside for Sofi who is in a restaurant; she calls Chava to tell him to come in with her.

IrkMe sees Armie driving by with Alexa in the car. He helps her out and the sentimental music kicks in while Alexa walks into the Ripollery.

Matty catches Silvie and lets her know one of the machines is having difficulties when he is preempted by Alexa. Matty hits on Alexa and then he lets Silvie know about the machine for real this time and she says leave a memo; he gets a hit off of her sardonicism.

Chava is inside with Sofi since a woman and her baby didn't come in (I'm guessing Sofi is looking for a new Chica Ripoll.) He is about to leave because of the subtle discomfort when she pulls him in and tells him to stay.

Matty finds Armie and thanks him for taking him home. That's what friends are for. He lets Armie about the machine and La Chica Ripoll.

Alexa is in Pat's evil lair and they wheel and deal. I don't have a good feeling about this.

Chava and Sofi politely get their grub on and he is overwhelmed by the abundance of utensils. Sofi advises him the least used ones are for the appetizer and the most used are for the entrée. Eat calmly. Chava asks if she would like to talk about anything and Sofi says she would like to hear about his life.

Lupe is looking for a CD and exclaims to Marisol she has found it! With that CD she can make kids, adults and something I didn't catch dance! She busts a move and in a silly way gets down with Marsiol (after shaking her head back and forth.)

Pat is laying it on thick that Alexa is grown and blossomed now. She says La Chica Ripoll isn't in her anymore and receives a call; it's Alan and he is being a jerk saying if he doesn't receive the money they need, he will tell Sofi everything!

(End of Capitulo)


Sofi and Chava talk some more and he claims they're from 2 different worlds.

Armie saves Lexi from killing herself but she twists her ankle.

Lucas tries to steal from Sofi when Chava is right there and tells him to let it go.

IrkMe yells at Armie for bringing Alexa home and curing her ankle.


CorazonSalvaje - Muchas gracias. You filled in the gaps I had watching this last night.

So Greta thinks it's a good idea for Alexa to strike up some kind of Ripoll deal with Patricio? Is she loca? Why do something behind Sofia's back? Why was Alexa dressed in a dominatrix bra and gauze for a business negotiation? Kudos to Patricio for keeping his gaze on her face during their conversation.

Thanks Corazon!

Niecie, I thought that outfit of Alexa's was very weird. Clearly she's crying for attention in more ways than one. Did anyone else get the feeling that Matias and Alexa had some kind of relationship before, when she was the Ripoll girl?

I'm thinking Alan is not Alexa's boyfriend, but some kind of mob enforcer or drug dealer. I noticed he never asks how Alexa is doing, just demands money. Hmmm....


Corazon Salvaje:

Thanks for this fab recap.

They used a Spanish slang, I haven't heard since La Reina del Sur, Pasta! Pasta is the slang word in Spain for money. Cool beans. I don't blame Alexa for not wanting to resurrect the Chica Ripoll thingy. She is grown now and wants better acting jobs. But then again, it might open the door to other acting jobs.

I had to laugh at Irkme and her constant calling and then leaving a voice mail to say she was sorry. Yeah, right!

Greta is something. I'm glad she wouldn't give Alexa the money and is making her earn it. She may be an enabler but, she will only go so far. I liked the chat she had with Armando. I wish that Greta had answered Armando's cell and told off that jealous Irkme. Now that would have been a hoot.

Poor Mattias gets no respect. I hope Sofia sees his potential.

How cool were Sofia and Chava? That search for that wayward shoe was too funny.

I am also liking Lupe. All the dancing. I like that she was teaching Marisol to dance.

Thanks again Corazon Salvaje.

Thank ypu so much for the great recap, CorazónSalvaje.

I wasn't too pleased with Fausto's advice for Daniela to help Lucas out. So far he has just been a lazy kid with criminal leanings headed for the big house.

Also, I was not too happy with Greta willing to enlist Pato's help to go behind Sofía's back. Interesting that the six months rent was only one of the many debts she had that added up to her needing so much cash. Funny that they haven't shown/told us that amount.

Too bad so sad for Alexa that Pato could not just transfer the cash without it being noticed. She sure didn't like his plan to make it all above board. I agree with those of you that something weird/traumatic happened to her as a child because she almost went into a panic when Pato (or anyone) mentioned "La chica Ripoll".

My favorite parts of the episode were Chava finding Sofía's shoe and telling Sofía it must have been stuck somewhere under the seat and when at the restaurant Sofía tells Chava to tell her about his life.


Off topic: For those of you who like Hispanic film and live in an Hispanic area, I recommend the movie Cantinflas that just came out last Friday. Luckily for me it was playing at my local AMC. It is bilingual with English and Spanish subtitles depending on which language is being spoken. It is very entertaining with Spanish actor Óscar Jaeneda doing an outstanding job in the title role of Mexico's comedic treasure.


CorazonSalvaje, this was great fun. Thank you!

So many wonderful lines but "Sofia is missing her shoe and Chava has a uh oh";
"IrkMe has called him BUT he ignores it (who wouldn't?" and "Chava and Sofi politely get their grub on" had me smiling away.

IrkMe may be a little too late. Alexa and Armando have been thrown together and Alexa's vulnerability is clearly getting to him. I don't think Armando (who is indeed honorable) has any intention of getting involved but Irk's overt jealousy and shrewish screaming are not helping...

Niecie, Greta has made it perfectly clear she strongly dislikes Patricio. She must have been desperate to help Alexa if he is her life line. She doesn't trust him so why would she entrust Alexa's future to him - especially as Alexa is in such a depressed state. Beanie time.

Agree with you and Xint that Alexa's "interview" outfit was out there.

Liking the Chava and Sofia chemistry. His enthusiasm and good personna are clearly winning her over.

It would be nice if something good happened to Mattias. He tries so hard and has such a kind heart. I'd like to see him paired up with someone but not sure who would be a good match at this point.

Thanks again Corazon.


Thanks Corazon!

Yeah, Alexa must have done some really stupid things in Spain. She tells Greta that she's 6 months behind on rent and tells Pato that she's a year behind. And Alan is breathing down her neck and making threats. Hmmmm...

No one in the family, not even Greta, can access that large of a pot of Ripoll cash without Sofia's consent, or the head of finance for the company-- Pato. That's why they needed his help. It was actually a pretty good idea Pato has to to make the financial transaction legit by hiring Alexa as a spokesperson/model again-- the Ripoll Girl, like the Ripoll brand, is all grown up and sophisticated now. Pretty good idea for celebrating the 30 year anniversary of the company.


xInt and Vivi:

I agree with you both about what Alexa has been up to in Spain. Hmmmm.... Will we be seeing Alan soon?


I too want something nice to happen to Mattias. He is so very sweet. He needs a hug.


That was a stroke of genious to resurrect the Chica Ripoll. I bet they have a children's line at Ripoll and now they have the gourmet line. I think Alexa ought to go for it.


Thanks for the heads up about Cantinflas. I don't live in a Hispanic area but will get the DVD when it comes out. He was a great treasure.


Maybe Alexa needs to get the money for Alan without anyone (HIS gangster bosses??) finding out she's in Mexico and that's why she freaks out at the idea of going so public with an ad campaign where her face is front and center.

Thanks for the recap, Corazon!

Sofia and Chava were very cute, but I was so perplexed by why they were eating crostini with a fork. :p

I think Chava was confused too. The only thing he (or Sofia) could pick up with a fork was the olive. That was really finger food. Kind of unfair to make Chava think he needed a knife and fork for it.

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