Wednesday, September 03, 2014

La Malquerida #7: 9/2/14: The Mini Piecart Hits Danilo

Hola Amiguis! Well, what do you know? The mini piecart has hit Danilo. Want to know more? Please read on.

German and Manuel are talking about Alejandra and how much German likes her, he really likes her.

Cris' parents come to see her in the hospital they are leaving a bit later but will spend the evening with her. Everyone has a problem. Juan Carlos has to attend to bidnez, so does Esteban and Cris wants Acacia to go with Esteban.

Juliana and Norberto are talking. Norberto says he knows Alejandra from somewhere, but forget about it, she's a friend of Acacia' and that is good news, because German is interested in her and well, they could be looking at grandkids soon. Oh, the horror. Juliana is too young be a grandma. Norberto tells her to get a grip!

Esteban and Acacia are back at the Hacienda. Esteban has some bidnez to take care of, would she like to go along?

Norberto and Manuel are having a convo. Norberto tells Manuel that German is really interested in Alejandra and that he better get a move on with Acacia.

Esteban and Acacia are discussing the little gifts he used to give her when she was young. Esteban also tells her he is very happy with her Mama. They go riding over the Hacienda, and he shows her what he's done and he introduces her to the workers. They get back to the house and Esteban tells Acacia that El Rubio is his right hand man. Acacia goes off and Esteban tells El Rubio one day this whole place will be Acacia's.

Norberto goes to work and tells Alejandra he'd like a word. Poor Alejandra gets the deer in the headlights look. Norberto thinks he knows Alejandra from somewhere, but can't quite put his finger on where. Well, that's neither here nor there, how about some coffee? Alejandra goes to get it and she almost drops the cup, that's how scared she is!

Acacia and Ulises are smooching it up in the hallway and Esteban sees. He doesn't interrupt them. Esteban goes to his home office and talks to Cris. Acacia is mad that Esteban didn't let her talk to her Mama. He tells Acacia that she was busy and he didn't want to interrupt her. He knew Ulises was with her.

El Rubio, is doing his best to pith off Rosa, with his feet up on the table, the guy has no manners and he is chasing Luisa again, with I want to marry you, and he still can't figure out why Alejandra hit him on the head. Acacia comes in and he get all subservient with her and Acacia tells Rosa that she is having lunch with Esteban and Ulises, will wonders never cease?

Esteban is letting by gones be by gones and offers Ulises his frienship and apologizes to Ulises, will wonders never cease? After they leave though Esteban gets with El Rubio and wants some info on Ulises. Hmmmm......

Acacia finally takes the gift that Esteban left for her and , and he thanks Acacia. He tells Acacia one more time, he married Cris for love and he'll prove it to her.

Ulises has gone to see Manuel to return German's drawings. Ulises really likes German's drawings and Manuel tells Ulises to keep his voice down, Papa doesn't like German drawing.

Perla and Danilo are whining again about the theft of those drugs and the disappearance of Turquesa, when Danilo gets a visit from the head honcho of the syndicate. Danilo makes Perla leave, even though she whines all the way. The guy Marcos shows Danilo his gun, and Danilo whines again about the theft of his drugs and how the girls did a runner. Marcos feels that Danilo doesn't have the avocades to run this end of the bidnez .

Alejandra tells Acacia that she ran into an old client and is scared he will eventually remember her. Acacia goes and Luisa thanks Alejandra again for saving her from El Rubio and Luisa says she hasn't told Acacia.

Cris is still in the hospital when Esteban comes to visit. He sees Acacia asleep on the chair in the room and after Acacia puts a robe on he comes in. Cris is on the mend and is coming home soon. Cris takes Esteban's and Acacia's hands and puts them together and wants them to promise to bury the hatchet, and to finally be a family! Cris also wants Acacia to start working with Esteban to learn all about running the Hacienda.

There is much screaming and wailing at Perla's den, and Perla comes running out. Danilo is on the stairs with lots of blood on him. Perla gets him into a room and examines him. She needs to see where he's hurt she says and he's been shot. I think in the leg. The doctor is send for and removes the bullet, as Danilo bites down on a cloth covered thingy, ya know, like you see in old Westerns. I'm surprised they didn't give him a belt or two of whiskey! He screams and cries.

I think Alejandra wants to change residences, and German is offering Alejandra his little art cabin on his Hacienda.

Juliana has come to see Cris and Juliana asks her how much she knows about Alejandra. Cris says that Alejandra's parents are dead and her caretaker abused her.

Ulises is having trouble raising the capital for his project and he goes to the Hacienda. Luisa lets him in.

Acacia and Esteban talk over Cris' coming home and he informs Rosa Cris is going to need lots of help. Rosa is very happy that Esteban and Acacia are getting along so well.

Alejandra is out at German's little cabin and German is showing it to her.

Ulises and Acacia have a makeout session and Esteban goes to his office to work. Ulises tells Acacia he needs to go to San Jacinto.

Manuel is also visting Cris in the hospital. Acacia calls Cris and talks to Manuel and tells him to come over tomorrow.

After Acacia hangs up she is gushing about Ulises and Luisa finally tells Acacia what El Rubio tried to do to her. Acacia goes right to Esteban's office and demands he fire El Rubio, the guy has got to go. Acacia tells Esteban what El Rubio did to Lusia and if it hadn't been for Alejandra it would have been really bad.

Meantime, Alejandra is checking through German's artwork and asks if he drew this picture? I think it's the one he drew of Alejandra on the first day he saw her in the park.

Esteban chews out El Rubio and El Rubio begs and pleads for his job and somethinig about secrets? Esteban makes it known that Luisa is a good girl, not some plaything. Later Esteban tells Acacia he didn't fire El Rubio. She is not happy.

German is asking Alejandra about herself, but she really won't say anything.

Ulises and Manuel have a fight and Acacia calls Ulises a liar.


Good Morning Y'all:

The recap is up. Please enjoy! I may have missed some stuff, please let me know if I did.

Thanks for the recap, Mads!

Well, Acacia finally thawed and gave Esteban a chance, although Esteban refusing to fire Rubio may send her right back to hating him. I like that he apologized to Ulises, and that she apologized to Este. I am curious Mads, if you still did not pick up on the vibe that Este is attracted to Acacia as a woman, because they were implying that pretty heavily this episode. I think Rubio picked up on it too.

Rubio basically blackmailed Este by saying if he fires him, he'll be forced to tell Acacia that Este had him following and investigating Ulises. I think it was stupid of Este to let this go. Either way, Acacia would hate him. Either she'll hate him for investigating her boyfriend, or she'll hate him for not firing the slug who accosted her best friend.

One thing Rubio said really quickly to Este-- that it's no surprise Acacia has men like Ulises all over her (Este definitely was freaked out by the possibility that Acacia and Ulises getting hot and heavy was leading up to a sexual encounter), because in her younger days Cris also had a bevy of suitors. I think Este was jealous of both mother and daughter with that remark.

In the conversation between Ale and German, she's relieved to find the drawing he did of her the day he first saw her, because that means he was just interested in drawing her, and not interested in her as a woman (a bit of a punch to the gut for German). He asks what would be wrong with that and Ale made a point of saying she has no intention of EVER falling in love. German really has his work cut out for him, but I'm confident he can get through Ale's defenses. I like that they will be in close proximity. But I hate that she will also be close to Norberto. He's bound to remember her soon!

Norberto seemed relieved that German is interested in a woman. I guess he equated being an artist to being gay. What an idiot. And Juliana mistakenly got the impression that Ale has an inheritance (that her guardian wasn't managing well).

Manuel and Ulises were talking to each other about the girls they are in love with, without realizing they are talking about the same woman! Guess they will realize that tonight.


Thank you kindly, and I am so glad you filled in the missing pieces for me. Especially the secret that El Rubio was going on and on about. Esteban should have made those inquires himself. El Rubio is no one to trust.

I too think Acacia will not take kindly to Esteban not firing El Rubio, especially if he tries something with Luisa again.

I'm still not decided about Este being attracted to Acacia. I think El Rubio is one of those guys that always has his mind in the gutter, and Este may be worried about Acacia making a mistake with Ulises. It could be that Este is jealous of both Mother and Daughter in that regard. I'm still not decided yet.

German does have his work cut out for him, but I'm glad he is using the slow approach with her. I think he'll win in the end.

Juliana is all about the money isn't she? Leave it to her to think of an inheritance. I'm hoping that Norberto never remembers where he has seen Alejandra before or it will be a long time until he does. Oh and Norberto thinking art and being gay go together, what an idiot.


Norberto = Nepo (only uglier)

And, yay! The higher ups beat the snot out of Danilo and shot him in the leg (knee cap?). I thought he got off way too easily last episode, but I guess his mafia bosses aren't as understanding as he thought they'd be.

For a second I thought that all the blood meant the mob guys went for Danilo's avocados. Is it sadistic of me to say I was disappointed. Can someone please keep El Drunkio away from his assault victim?

Cassandra G.

Madelaine, if only it were not a "mini" piecart!! He needed the large, rolling, dessert overladen cart! Very clever title though...

Drank in every word of this wondrous recap.

"El Rubio, is doing his best to pith off Rosa...the guy has no manners and he is chasing Luisa again, with I want to marry you, and he still can't figure out why Alejandra hit him on the head" was great and one of my favorites.

I'm not going to apologize but Danilo's bloody, gory self did not elicit an iota of sympathy from me! (Like you Cassandra).It's reserved all for Ale. "Norberto says he knows Alejandra from somewhere, but forget about it, she's a friend of Acacia' and that is good news...". Well, we must be thankful for small favors that her secret is safe for the moment. I suspect (no spoiler) that somehow Danilo will find her. And heaven help her when that occurs.

Este should have fired El Rubio. Period. As you noted Vivi, Acacia will hate Este regardless due to the investigation and/or lack of firing. It's inevitable. He can't win.

Madelaine, I'm not completely sure if Esteban truly is attracted to Acacia. At this point. Many of his facial expressions are the same to me, and it appears one look can cover quite a few emotions - inquisitiveness, appreciation, anger, confusion, etc. When he entered Cris' room and Acacia did not have her robe on, I didn't think there was any inappropriate staring. I'm steeling myself for the fact that once it becomes obvious, I'll need to accept it, right? I mean, he is one of the good guys??

I feel Ale is the true hero here. She lived an unspeakable nightmare yet is a kind, compassionate, caring person. I hope she gets the fairy tale, happily ever after she deserves.

Thank you Madelaine! Fantastic as always.


Diana...I'm with you...steeling myself against a possible Esteban/Acacia affair. People can call it what they like, but that would be incest which broadly defined means engaging sexually with a family member. That's one. Additionally, the betrayal of Chris by both of them would be espantoso.I want to keep watching this TN, but that would 86 me out of doing so.

Just because they may become attracted to each other, doesn't mean they'll have an affair/act on those feelings. It would be really awful to ruin a loving mother-daughter relationship and marriage like that.

Many of the times that Este has done his creepy staring at Acacia thing has been when he's looking back and forth between Acacia and Cris-- like in the hospital room when they were asleep, or when they took the picture together. It's like he can't get over the likeness-- but Acacia is the younger version of Cris that he never met.

The last comment on yesterday's recap was wondering if the moral of the story was that a man will throw over his wife when a younger, thinner pretty woman comes along. If that were the case, then we'd see Este giving Alejandra or Luisa the eye. He hardly gives them a second glance. He also does not react at all to Julianna's flirty signals. I think this is all about Acacia being a version of Cris that is drawing Este to her.

Dona Gringuita, I can't imagine how things will be handled. I thought Cris' illness might be a factor but the diagnosis appears to indicate this isn't an incurable disease.

Although I think Acacia can be a brat, I can't see her betraying Cris and breaking her heart.

Where the writers will go from here I have no idea...


Vivi, "I think this is all about Acacia being a version of Cris that is drawing Este to her".

Interesting. I had to read this a few times and digest it. I think you uncovered one of the few palatable explanations. I'm glad you didn't put the word "younger" in the sentence. Him being drawn to "a version" of the woman he loves makes sense.

As long as he doesn't act on it.


Thank you so much Madeleine for this wonderful recap. You rock! I snoozed off during part of it and came to Caray to see what I’d missed.

I’m struggling with this novela because it must have the most annoying protagonista ever. She’s a pinch-mouthed little snot most of the time, and the rest of the time we’re supposed to think that she’s kind and big-hearted. I’m finding it hard to buy that. I mean … “I abandoned my hacienda that I LUV and the lands that I LUV and the mama that I LUV so that I could go sulk for years, and don’t forget that all this that I LUV(and abandoned) is mine all mine!”

Also, I’m still noticing the end of scenes being chopped. Characters barely get the last word of their dialog out when wham! – On to the next scene.

I may have missed earlier discussions about this… is San Jacinto a real town?

Vivi and Diana:

It is very true. He hasn't made any moves on Acacia or even Alejandra or Luisa. Vivi, you may be right, he may be seeing the younger Cris in Acacia.


Thank you kindly. I too am seeing Alejandra as the real hero. She has been very courageous despite her horrific childhood. I'm with you too Diana. I don't get that vibe from him either.We'll have to see.

Maggie- It seems that Uni is chopping off parts of this. Giving us what amounts to 1 and 1/4 episodes each evening, so that accounts for some of the choppiness.

I think the name San Jacinto, like the name of the family and ranch- Benavente, are in honor of the author of the story, Jacinto Benavente. The tn is being filmed in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato,and Tapalpa, Jalisco.

Anon 12:07:

Very true. At least NEPO from Pobres was able to be reasoned with Norberto, I highly doubt it.

Cassandra G:

I was hoping for that too, but damn the bad luck. I agree about El Drunkio. He needs to keep his hands to himself. I'm hoping that if Acacia sees him trying that stunt again, she'll take care of him, and he won't be liking it.

Dona Gringuita:

Welcome to this TN. I am glad you are watching. Maybe this is all about longing and never doing anything to do the deed so to speak. I have a feeling about his triangle, so to speak, but I won't say. I see it from a different angle, we'll see as it goes along.

Anon 10:04 Yesterday:

Esteban has done nothing untoward with Acacia. He is treating her the same as he always has. He has made no moves on her and as Vivi said, he hasn't put the moves on any of the other young girls on the Hacienda and even ignores Juliana's not so concealed advances. I think he truly loves Cris and I don't believe he is looking to trade her in. That's how I see it.

Rain, from Yesterday:

Thanks about what happened to La Tempestad. I recapped that one and had a heck of time with the editing and the choppiness. It actually was a good TN. Sometime I'll have to look for it to watch it in its entirety. There were a lot of mad viewers here in the US that let Univision know how they felt about all the chopping.


Thank you kindly. Yes, they are chopping it, but not badly. I know what you mean about Acacia. It' stupid to have given all that up and I'm surprised she still wants the place. At least Esteban is getting her off her duff and working with him, so she can see how the Hacienda operates. I'm hoping this truce with Esteban holds. There are two San Jacinto's in Mexico far from each other. So in that sense it is a real town.


Mads- Those San Jacintos are small towns. The town they are calling San Jacinto here is really San Miguel de Allende.

I respectfully disagree with Vivi. The other girls do not compare to Acacia. Acacia has got that something special. She has got whatever it is" that drives men wild. That being said,not every woman is every man's type. Acacia happens to be creepy Este's type as we can clearly see by the way he drools over her whenever he is in the same vicinity as her. Shame on Este for his inability to keep from undressing her with his eyes. I think anyone who claims otherwise is living in Lala land. I hate to touch on this topic as I am in my 30's and no spring chicken myself, but men are more attracted to younger women. Period. If Este is able to control himself forever, his lustful thoughts won't cause much harm. If he continues on his creepy path, if he acts on his desires for a younger "hotter" girl, I will not be surprised. I will be disgusted but definitely not shocked.


Thanks. I do like the town they are showing. My favorite town out of all the TNs I have seen has got to be the one from Destilando Amor. So quaint and beautiful.

Anon 3:37:

Thanks for the male point of view. We are hoping for the best here, and I don't think Este looks on Acacia lustfully. Most of the time he looks dazed and confused, just my point you understand. Cris is beautiful and not fat at all. If the roles were reversed and it was Acacia that put the moves on Este and he tried to fend her off, what would you think of that?

Madelaine – Thanks a bunch. Always a pleasure reading your recaps.

I was hoping Danilo’s women would accidentally hit his leg or chest as they fussed over him, so he’d hurt even more. No luck.

Up till now I didn’t think Esteban was stupid. He’s been shrewd in dealing with Norberto. But caving to El Rubio’s blackmail was just dumb. Plus Esteban has told El Rubio several times before not to get drunk, so he must’ve already known that his capataz is capable of doing some stupid stuff.


Thank you kindly. I too wish that those woman of Danilo's had put him in the hurt locker. He should have suffered way more than he actually did. I was hoping the doctor would have to probe some. I know, I know.

Este was stupid, you are right on Niece. He has foiled Norberto time and time again, and who is gonnabelieve El Rubio if he were to be fired? No one that's who. Esteban just gave him creditability more's the pity.

Wow, Vivi, you are really well informed. Thank you so much for the info.

Madeleine – oopsies! I meant I fell asleep during the show, not during your recap LOL

It was the first day of preschool for the 4-year-old, so I just got the chance to read your excellent recap, Mads, and watch this episode.

I think that Estebonbon is falling in love with Acacia and very jealous of Ulisses . I have a feeling U is a player who is lying about his "green" project. we have U and Manuel as rivals for Acacia with Este watching and lusting in his heart.

I thought that Ale and Luisa would be enemies, but Ale saved Lu from creepy, smarmy Rubio.

I hate to admit that I am glad that Danmilo got a taste of his own medicine, but now he is really going to be mad a hornet and anxious to punish poor Ale. Yikes

It was the first day of preschool for the 4-year-old, so I just got the chance to read your excellent recap, Mads, and watch this episode.

I think that Estebonbon is falling in love with Acacia and very jealous of Ulisses . I have a feeling U is a player who is lying about his "green" project. we have U and Manuel as rivals for Acacia with Este watching and lusting in his heart.

I thought that Ale and Luisa would be enemies, but Ale saved Lu from creepy, smarmy Rubio.

I hate to admit that I am glad that Danmilo got a taste of his own medicine, but now he is really going to be mad a hornet and anxious to punish poor Ale. Yikes

Susanlynn: I though Ale and Luisa were gonna be enemies too, or at least Luisa was gonna be jealous towards Ale, but I'm really glad the writers didn't let it go into the that direction. Petty jealousy between females are cheap in novelas and too often it gets tiring.

Cassandra G.

I have no idea where this will go. Usually it is clear who the leading lady and galan are , and they usually end up together at the end. However, it feels muy icky for Este and Acacia to end up together. Those two appear to be the leading actors. Este seems very distracted by and attracted to Acacia. I do not think that he would act on these feelings, and I do think that he truly loves Chris. Of all the women in the show, I think that Victoria R. And the actress playing Alejandra are the most beautiful, but the actress playing Angry Acacia appears to be the leading lady who should end up with the galan...Este.

Madelaine, thanks for the recap.

Been watching from the beginning, but my first comment on this TN. I have to agree with Vivi, I too see Este being attracted to Acacia. He does not seem like a run around, and he does not flirt or stare at the other young ladies, so it's just something about Acacia. I remember that he did not recognize her when she came back. She "caught his eye" from that moment. Vivi, it is possible that Este is seeing a version if his wife. I do believe Este loves Cris, but he is feeling something for Acacia.

Ulises is cute, but I can't stop staring at the gap in his teeth. It's annoying, and so is his voice at times.

Hasta luego!

I live in NY so am I the only one who see a shirtless Este and Acacia in an embrace while the opening song is playing. If another version is played somewhere else then sorry for the spoiler so I know they'll act on Este creepiness. I am disgusted of such a thing really(full disclosure: Mr. Romy is my second husband and I have a daughter) I think novela or not this is every mother's nightmare for their spouse and child to start bumping uglies, ugh. But if we, who think Este WILL act on his creepiness, are wrong then that's a battle I am happy to loose.

Well, we often complain that we want Televisa to do something different, daring, not a remake. Well, here it is. Let's see how it actually plays out. I have been drawn in despite myself. But the main character I'm rooting for is Alejandra. I SO want a happily ever after for her and German, and hope they go off into the sunset hand in hand at the end.

Vivi, I feel drawn to this story in spite of the complicated premise, too. One of my favorite tns in recent history was Pasion Prohibida, where the galan fell for his uncle's (father figure) wife. That tn had me glued to the screen for about 100 episodes, so imagine how much I'm enjoying this story.
I've been watching tns for most of my life, I'm sooo over the rosa clishes - LM truly is something new, that keeps me guessing what will happen next.

Susanlynn, I totally agree with you that Esteban is starting to fall for Acacia. I think his face of half stupor half confusion is because of the fact that he's fighting his feelings so much. He obviously loves Cristina and the last thing he would want is to fall for her daughter, too. But the heart wants what the heart wants.

As for Acacia giving up the farm, her land, her inheritance, I think this is a very unrealistic situation - she wasn't even a teenager when she decided she wanted to leave home. I could understand going away for a while, like the summer vacation or something, but Cristina allowed her to stay with the grandparents just because....
Of course had Acacia been raised with Esteban, his twisted feelings for her now would be even worse, but seeing her as a child and then as a woman is somewhat different.
Bottom line, Cristina should have never agreed to be separated from her daughter - she created the little monster of entitlement that Acacia has become. JMO

Alejandra and German are the only two really good people in this tn, as far as I'm concerned. I think we are supposed to root for the two of them and I think many viewers are doing so, but the main entertainment for me remains the incestuous triangle. Ha!

Oh, and Madelaine, thank you so much for your recap. I have a theory about how the story will progress, but I really hope I'm not right, so I'm keeping it to myself for now.

Juliana and Norberto do seem to make quite the pair, huh? She is no innocent, abused little wife. If Esteban would as much as smile her way, she would forget about comadre Cristina faster than I can blink.

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