Friday, September 05, 2014

La Malquerida #9: 9/4/14: Dazed and Confused and A Little Clarity

Hola Amiguis! Oh, noes it's happening. The ending scene said it all, but never fear I will tell you everthing that happened in between. What is happening to our Esteban and what is happening to Acacia. Here is a little earworm for Y'all,  Clarity  Shall we begin?

Acacia is ministering to Manuel and Juliana is running her mouth and saying Ulises beat up Manuel, she saw it with her own eyes!

Esteban is wanting an explaination from Ulises, he swears that Manuel was the one that hit him. Esteban doesn't believe him and makes him go.

Juliana is whining on the phone with Norberto. Acacia now knows Ulises was made to go and he is not welcome back. Rubio gets Manuel up.

German and Alejandra in that little cabin. He gives her bedding, which she doesn't want, but will accept it. He has also brought her stuff for sandwiches. He wipes a smudge from her face and she doesn't step back. She is inches from his face.

Acacia has a talk with Luisa, she feels bad. Luisa has given up hope of ever getting Manuel. Luisa thinks that Rosa and Juliana are right. She isn't an equal.

Rubio, Juliana and Esteban bring Manuel to the Finca. Norberto is pithed. Ulises did this, he is the green project guy. Advises Norberto to get Manuel to make a declaration against Ulises. Rubio looks at Manuel and knows what really happened.

Ulises is texting Acacia and tells her he is innoncent. Acacia tells Cris.

Manuel wants Rubio to keep his mouth shut. Of course Rubio wants to be paid and or he'll tell Acacia all about what happened. Manuel gives Rubio an expensive watch.

Alejandra has put up the picture Carlos drew of the family before all the bad stuff happened. German wants to know about it. She won't tell.

Cris and Acacia have a talk about Alonzo and Esteban. Esteban is listening at the door Cris says she loved Alonso with all her heart, but after he died. Esteban was so very sweet and it just happened that they fell in love. Esteban comes in and tells Acacia and Cris that Manuel has a fracture. Esteban also tells Acacia that Ulises is no longer welcome in their home.

Juliana and Norberto are talking about Manuel and Acacia. He wants them to marry and punto! Juliana wants to know why. German comes in and they tell him about the fight that Manuel was in and who did it.

In the bedroom Esteban and Cris are talking, and Esteban has his shirt off. Cris is disenchanted with Ulises.

Luisa is in bed crying when her Grammy Rosa comes in. She tells her not to cry. Luisa says she had illusions and Rosa tells her to resign herself to the kitchen. What is it with this woman? Luisa tells her, her place is far from this Hacienda.

German comes to talk to Manuel and wants to know about the fight. Manuel tells him Ulises is crazy and he's Acacia's novio.

Ulises and Acacia pine for each other.

Rubio and Chucho are with the horses, and Ulises comes. Rubio tells him he can't be there. Rubio starts a fight with Ulises and gets a bruise on this cheek. All Ulises wanted to do was talk to Acacia, but Rubio told him it was forbidden.

Norberto comes to wake up Manuel,who would rather sleep all day. Norbie wants Manny to take his medicine and put Ulises in the jail house.

Juliana also comes and wants the same thing. Here is her reasoning. If he makes a declaration against Ulises, Ulises will end up in la carcel and Acacia will be free and clear. Manuel doesn't like this cause Ulises is his friend

Acacia is tossing and turning in her bed and hears rocks being thrown against her French Doors. She opens them and sees Ulises. He just wants to talk to her. He just wanted to let her know that he never hit Manuel and that Manuel hit him. He takes his leave.

Meantime, Rubio has told Esteban that Ulises is there and that he hit Rubio and that he is looking for Acacia. Esteban takes off.

Ewwww, why do I always get Danilo, yuky! He is talking to Perla. He is needing more merchandise as in woman, double yuck! He is also going to hire Rubio's cousin, whose name is Memo. Is Perla still on board? He wants to find Turquesa. Run Ale Run! Later Danilo gives Memo a bunch of jewelry. He can make some money if he hooks up with Danilo.

Esteban goes to Acacia's room. She says that Ulises was there, but isn't now. He told her the truth and he wasn't violent with Manuel. Esteban cares about her security. Esteban tells her that Ulises hit El Rubio and what does Acacia do? Goes into Estebans arms and he rubs her back a bit. Acacia breaks the embrace and apologizes to Esteban. Both look rather dazed and confused. He wants to know if she is going to work with him today? Yes, she'll be ready in a tic.

Rubio goes to the kitchen and Luisa is there. She doesn't want to go anywhere with Rubio, he tries to threaten her with he can get Esteban to make her marry him.

Ulises has gone to the Finca to explain what happened. Juliana tries to get rid of him, by calling him liar and to forget about it, but German decides to talk to him. German asks who hit who? Ulises tell him just as it happened. Ulises insists he is a good person.

Acacia talks to Lusia. She is trying to save their friendship. Acacia will help Luisa.

Esteban bring Acacia a flower, which she puts behind her ear. He smiles and Acacia is looking confused.

German is back with Ale and she asks if German is okay? He wants to go to work. She asks after Manuel. He tells her that Ulises hit him.

Poor deluded Luisa goes to the Finca with a flan. Juliana of course opens the door. Juliana won't let her see Manuel and Luisa tells her to give her greeting to Manuel and shuts the door in Luisa's face. Wanna bet she threw that Flan in the trash? What a beyotch. Poor Luisa cries and goes.

Acacia has gone to visit Manuel. He says it's okay if they are just friends. She mentions having talked with Ulises and Manuel isn't happy. Manuel is swearing that Ulises hit him first. Manuel is insisting that he told Ulises that Manuel was Acacia's novio and that's how it happened.

Ulises has gone to see Juan Carlos and Elena. He has come to tell them his side of things. He doesn't want to lose Acacia, but Juan Carlos and Elena won't interfere. They wish Ulises luck.

Acacia was offended by her visit to the Finca and Manuel. Acacia hugs Esteban again! Rubio comes and goes on and on about Ulises hitting him.

German comes to visit Manuel again. He wants the truth out with it. Manuel finally tells German about being beaten up at the pool place. German says so you've been lying. Don't tell Papa, Manuel says, he'll kill me. So in fact Ulises is innocent. German wants Manuel to tell the truth to everyone. Yeah, good luck with that.

Esteban and Cris are talking about Acaia. Cris tells him to respect Acacia's decsison. Cris wants a kiss from Esteban, he's just worried about Acacia. Hmmmm......

Ulises has gone home and visits with his Mama. She wants to know all about his novia. He shows her a picture of Acacia on his cell phone. He is going to focus on his work. A friend comes to visit Ulises. German calls Ulises and says he has an oppurtunity for him. It's about the commercial center.

Luisa and Acacia talk. We find out that Luisa would like to be a top chef. Acacia will see what she can do to help her. Luisa notices the flower behind Acacia's ear. She admits it's from Esteban. Rosa comes in and Luisa says she has a surprise for her.

Outside, Esteban said he left another gift for Acacia. It's a brand new cell phone. This way Ulises can't be bothering her. He doesn't mean to offend her, but is trying to help. He begs her pardon.

Rosa is sewing and Luisa comes in. She tells Rosa about her plans to go to chef school, and Rosa asks her who is going to foot the bill? Luisa tells her the Patrona offered to. Rosa isn't having it, no way, no how. Poor Luisa.

Cris and Esteban in their room. She is feeling much better with the rest and the diet. Esteban is about to kiss Cris and stops because he sees Acacia instead of Cris. No, No, No.





Good Early Morning Y'all,

Please enjoy the recap;

Perfect title Madelaine. The recap was wonderful.

"Wanna bet she threw that Flan in the trash? What a beyotch" and "So in fact Ulises is innocent. German wants Manuel to tell the truth to everyone. Yeah, good luck with that" were among my favorites.

As you noted "Oh, noes it's happening. The ending scene said it all..." Indeed it did. And in episode 9 no less! I thought it might be played out a little, but no such luck. Well, maybe it's best things are out in the open. Or not. If the ill-mannered, lying but not unobservant Rubio has already sized up the situation, when will poor Cris realize what is happening?

"Ewwww, why do I always get Danilo, yuky!". You have my total sympathy, Mads!

So frustrated I can’t listen to your earworm until tonight. I’m eagerly looking forward to hearing it, I don’t believe I am familiar with “Clarity”.

“Luisa says she had illusions and Rosa tells her to resign herself to the kitchen”. Umm, really? In this day and age? How about encouraging her to find her life, her voice, her vocation? Guess culinary school is out thanks to Rosa’s staunch dismissal. Maybe Cris can weave her magic?

Ulises insists he is a good person. Am I being naïve but I believe him! I like the fact he went to Acacia's grandparents, he seems stright up to me. I don't believe he has ulterior motives. Was the man who showed up his brother or a friend? He's cute. Wonder what his backstory is.

Still worried for Ana. German is sweet but there will be a lot more man power needed to defeat Danio. I also can't see Norberto getting behind the couple when the truth is revealed. Not looking forward to that.

Thanks again Madelaine. Superior summary.

Happy Friday all!


Thanks Mads!

Well, well, well. Now Este is hallucinating Acacia in place of Cris. Rubio also came clean and told him Ulises didn't beat up Manuel. Este's response was to say Acacia can't learn the truth and to buy her a new phone so that Ulises can't call her. He's wandering into bad guy territory now.

At least German knows the truth. If Manuel doesn't come clean soon, I think German will do it.

Norberto admitted to Julianna that they are having serious financial trouble. So it's not just his same old desire to get his hands on Benavente lands, but also that they need access to Benavente money, asap. Hence the pressure to get Manny and Cas hitched.

Diana- Seems to me that Ulises is a good guy too. The guy was his brother. They were discussing the last infusion of money Ulises needs to get the green project going. Houses did not want to ask his mother to mortgage the house to invest in the project, but she insisted in that scene, and his brother was also supportive. It seems that bro has some sort of catering or party planning business (that's where the flower arrangement came from), and I immediately thought of him as a new love interest for Luisa, the future chef (but not if Grandma has anything to do with it).

Ulises not Houses. All of a sudden tablet decided to change his name. Odd.

Thanks for the info Vivi.

I didn't realize Rubio told Este the truth about Manuel and that Este wanted to bury it. I think this is all going way, way too fast. And of course Este seeing Acacia in Cris' place was startling and grim.

Hmmm. I suspect (no spoiler) that we might wish to find someone for Ulises as well should Acacaia be somehow unavailible down the line? ;)

As Mads said "Oh, noes it's happening". Indeed.


It seems that this episode was a combination of Mexico's #10 and #11, which contributes to the feeling that some of this stuff is happening too fast. I'm annoyed with Uni for doing this, but hope they stay at this pace and don't start doing a complete hack and combine job.

But we are missing little scenes here and there, and being the romantic that I am, I decided to look to see if anyone made a compilation of Ale-German scenes. Of course they did! Someone named nica93 put them on DailyMotion. Take for example the scene we saw the other day when Ale visits her new apt/German's art studio and finds his sketch of her. We did not get to see the very last bit of the scene where they just talk and start building their friendship. I think we are missing lots of these kind of scenes that show us how people's relationships with each other are progressing. I feel like we did not get to see some Acacia-Esteban scenes that show us how/why his attraction is growing.

Alejandra Y German scene (with the ending we didn't see):

Vivi, thanks for the link. Uni's scissors at work (again) certainly would account for some of the fast forward.

I am also annoyed we are missing pivotal scenes explaining the building and maturation of Ale and German's relationship.

Not sure if I should be upset or relieved some of Acacia's and Este's scenes are being cut? Sigh.


Diana- Here's another vid with some Ale-German scenes that were cut last night. He speaks of how he sold 10 of his painting to Ulises for the new restaurant, and his plans to eventually make enough from his art that he can move to the capital and become independent. He offers to frame Ale's brother's drawing for her, they decide to decorate her bedroom with his art pieces of her choosing (which turn out to be his favorites), and he also says he will paint a Jesus painting for her, instead of having her purchase one, as she had decided to do with her first paycheck. All good stuff.

Thanks Vivi! Looking forward to viewing the link...



Thank you most kindly. The earworm I chose is a recent song. It says it all. I think German will be man enough. Look at Manuel he is a sissy boy. Afraid of Daddy and Mommy too for that matter.


Thank you kindly for the missing parts and also for the research you did. I knew there was something wrong when it was going at warp speed. I did read an article that this one is not doing well in Mexico, what with the child sexual abuse, trafficking and also the triangle. It also isn't doing well here either. Hence the cutting and pasting. It makes you wonder what the reaction was when the play was released in 1913. I too wanted them to leave in the scenes with Alejandra and German, that blows they are cutting those. Thanks for the link too Vivi.

Thanks for the recap and the ear worm! I'd forgotten how much I liked "Clarity." Why is Grandma so pushy on Luisa staying in the kitchen? It's sad, if my future was looking like housework, Juliana-esque snobs, and Rubio for a husband I'd run far far away as fast as I could. I wonder if Esteban's hallucination at the end will progress into a series of hallucinations, like he'll actually go crazy.

Cassandra G.

Thanks, Mads... I have not had a chance to see this episode yet. It has been a rough morning here. My daughter discovered that she had a dead battery and had to borrow my car to go to work. Then, we had some tears On the second day of preschool. However, things have calmed down now that hub has charged the battery. we have had a little lunch, and we are settled in to watch Cinderella.

I like the guy playing Ul and hope that he is a good guy. I wonder if Este and Acacia will actually become involved.yikes


Susanlynn, I know you are such a source of comfort for your family.

Cinderella? I can't think of a nicer way to spend the afternoon...


Susanlynn- Your daughter and grandkids are so lucky to have you!

Cassandra G:

Thank you kindly. Yes, I agree what is up with Rosa. You'd think she'd want to see her granddaughter do well. I think Rosa must be old school. Don't accept the Patrona's help. Oh, Esteban's little fantasy is in his mind's eye. I was curious to see that twice Acacia put her arms around him, hmmmmm.....


Thank you most kindly. I too think Cinderella is a fab way to spend the afternoon. I know how heartbreaking it can seem to leave a child at school. My daughter cried like a little baby the first couple of days. I cried too! But your daughter is very lucky to have you and I bet your granddaughter is loving spending time with you. You are one great Mom and Grammy. Your family is so lucky.

I don't know if they will become involved Acacia and Esteban. I'm hoping not. I hope it is just a fantasy on both their parts. Ulises is starting to look like a stand up guy.

I can see sort of why Esteban isn't telling Acacia the truth about Ulises. He has never liked him since the beginning with that green project. I think that is a reason too, besides being jealous.

So Norberto and familia are in trouble financially! I wonder how long, it seems they always have been. I too hope one day, German goes to the capital, takes Alejandra with him and becomes a very famous painter and he gets to thumb his nose at Daddy. Now that would be great!

Thanks a bunch. Great work Madelaine.

Wow! Acacia wraps her arm around, hugs Estabon not once but twice and now Este is seeing visions of her when he is looking at Cris.
I wasn't ready to believe it before but I am starting to. Is he going to trade Cris in for a younger sexier model?

Yeah looks like Ulises gets the shaft. Can he convince Acacia of the truth? Will she accept it? Is she starting to fall for Esteban?
Will German set things strait?
What the heck is going on here?

Yes of course Luisa's flan ended up in the trash. Nose in the air Juliana wouldn't tell Manuel about it. No flan from the servant girl is allowed, punto!

A lot of snakes in this one. It seems that the dark side out numbers the gud people.
the gringo


Thank you most kindly.

I think this thing with Esteban and Acacia is like a two way street. I think they are both having feelings for each other. We'll see how it goes from here. I don't want them to act on these feelings.

I am still rooting for German and Alejandra. They seem to be the only good ones here at the moment.

Found out leaving town at the last minute. Should be back late Saturday night. Will do the recap after church Sunday.

Gloria- Would you like me to fill in for you so that you don't have to worry about it?

Well, I still have not had a chance to watch the episode. Our little one seems to be getting a cold and isn't feeling well...stuffy appetite. Poor soul. We are waiting for mommy to get home from work. Then , maybe a can check out the episode. I think that this show is going to get messy and hard to watch. I have never seen the actress playing Julianna play the part of a villain. She was so different as the feisty, fun Tia in LT . In FELS, she was one of three sisters. She was in love with Pablo Montero in that novela and the guy playing Norberto was her evil stepdad.

Low ratings is the reason why Uni is editing LM episodes for time. This shouldn't be a surprise. After "La que no podia amar", no other novela managed to get decent ratings.

JoseAngel- Actually, Lo Que La Vida Me Robo had amazing ratings both here and in Mexico. This one is struggling in both countries, although I saw that the recent ratings are climbing.

I think it's worth watching because the storyline is so different, the setting is beautiful, and the acting is top notch. But I do think it's time for us to stop complaining that Televisa (and thereby Univision) only does remakes or typical tns. Time after time when they do make a different kind of tn like this, the ratings suck. They obviously know their audience.

Clarification: Recent ratings are climbing in Mexico, not here.

If the cutting gets worse, I assume the ratings here will only continue to plummet. But I love rooting for the underdog. :)

There really was no reason for Uni to choose this tn if it was determined to cut it from the beginning. There are a few other tns that are on in Mexico that did better than La Malquerida- El Color de la Pasion, for example.

Madelaine – Fab recap.

I’ll give El Rubio points for not letting Manuel’s watch buy him off. I think he told Esteban the truth about Ulises to see his reaction and boy did Esteban fail. So if Esteban can’t have Acacia, nobody can? He’s sliding down a slippery slope.

I got a kick out of Danilo telling Perla that he needs to build a stable of young’uns, not old’uns like her. I’m scared of, disgusted by, and amused by Danilo all at the same time. The actor must be doing something right, or I need help.

Sorry to hear they’re trimming this. Vivi, thanks for the clips. Alejandra was so badly damaged that it would be nice to see all the tender moments of her softening up with German.

Don’t like Juliana, but I’d like to think she sucked up that flan all by herself, without a word to Manuel. Can’t stand the thought of good flan being wasted.

Poor Luisa, now we see where she got her low self-esteem. Thanks, abuelita.

Vivi, that would be great! Thanks!!!

You're welcome, Gloria.

Madelaine, thanks for the awesome recap. I really appreciate your dedication to this blog.

Thanks for the links. I'll definately have to check those out. I really like the Ale & German, aka Big Sexy, characters. Too bad the Uni scissors are back. Grrr!

Interesting ending last night. Este is going to drive himself crazy now that he saw Acacia in Cris' place. The big question is will Acacia start to have feelings for Este, plus will either act on them?

I have to admit that even though Manuel seems to be a scoundrel, he is a handsome one. I had never watched a TN with Brandon Peniche, but he is easy on the eyes, and his hair does not bother me. I am still looking for the resemblence with his father, Arturo. He does seem to be a good actor like his father. Maybe that's it.

I think I heard Juliana say that they are in a financial crunch because Norberto likes to gamble. Like father, like son.

Hasta luego!

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