Tuesday, September 23, 2014

La Malquerida, capitulo 21. 09/22/14.

I apologize for not having done a recap last night.  I had a bad migraine .  If anyone wants to summarize I can post it.  Otherwise, please discuss.  Thanks.


Gloria- Oh, no! I hope you are feeling better now. Rest up. I was able to watch last night, but my house guest kept asking questions so I missed some of the dialogue, but I’ll give it a shot.

Racap Part 1:

After the Fire:
-Acacia is carrying a lot of guilt and feeling really stressed. She feeling guilty about Manuel’s injury. She feels guilty about failing Esteban. She’s crazy stressed about finding and buying enough cotton to fulfill her obligation to deliver to her buyer. Alejandra researches other cotton growers in the area and burns up the phones trying to find replacement cotton. Between the cotton Norberto promised her, and the cotton Ale managed to find, Acacia has enough to fulfill the order. But it’s a race against time and she calls the client to tell him the order will be late because of some inconvenience, but it WILL get there today.

-German went against Norberto’s wishes and called Juliana—looking 10 years younger and foxy with her new hair and clothes. First Norbie is ticked off, but then he realizes he can kill two birds with one stone. 1) Go get Julie to come back to him and the boys; and 2) Kick Acacia while she’s down by visiting her buyer and telling him Acacia is an irresponsible liar who lost all his cotton in a fire, and there’s no way she’ll be able to fulfill the order. The guy is royally ticked off. BUT, Norbie can save the day and sell the guy the cotton he needs. His only request is that the buyer not reveal to anyone that he proved the cotton. Esteban is SO powerful, and would retaliate against him. The buyer promises to keep quiet. Just so we see where Norbie’s priorities are, he makes the stop to the buyer, BEFORE he goes to pick up his wife to bring her to their hospitalized son.

-Acacia is in a panic, as Norbie won’t answer his phone. Finally, when he returns to El Soto, he informs German that the cotton had already been bought before the fire. He gives the name of other buyer. German than thinks he was mistaken that his dad started the fire, since his cryptic words about their economic situation being solved shortly must have referred to the cotton sale he had secured BEFORE the fire. Later, Juan Carlos (who also suspected Norbie of being the fire starter), assumes he was mistaken for the same reason and tells Elena.

-The fire investigator says the fire was started with a cigarette. No way to tell if it was intentional or a stupid accident. The workers are questioned and no one owns up to smoking near the cotton (because that would be dumb). Rubio skulks in the background, as if he’s certain it was started on purpose by someone.

-Norbie’s maid finds a near full pack of cigarettes and matches in the trash in his bedroom, fishes them out, and put them on his nightstand.

-After learning she won’t receive Norbie’s cotton, Acacia travels to San Jacinto to tell the buyer in person, accompanied by Juan Carlos and Ulises. Primed by Norbie, the buyer rips into her and basically calls her an incompetent idiot. Acacia is destroyed.

The Long Road to Recovery:
-Manuel is in pain and he’s angry. The doctors tell Norbie that he may never again have use of his hand. Luisa skips school to hover over him, nearly kiss him, and feed him the sandwich Rosa made for her. He angrily throws the sandwich across the hospital room, tells her again that he doesn’t even remember their drunken kisses, and that he doesn’t see her that way—he sees her as a friend. Plus, all he can think of right now is his recovery. Although hurt to the point of tears, Luisa is not dissuaded. She insists on staying to care for him.

-Juliana comes and cries over him, and loses it when she sees him shrieking in pain as the nurse does therapy on his arm. She and Norbie continue to yell and scream at each other, tossing blame around. She is also nasty to Luisa and makes her leave the hospital. Ale and German take Luisa home.

-Norbie comes to give Manuel a pep talk, and in the course of their conversation/argument, Norbie basically admits to starting the fire. Manuel is beside himself. His father did this to him!


Recap Part 2:

Near Misses:
-Juliana arrives at Andres’ office. Just as his secretary goes in to tell him Juliana is here to see him, she gets the call from German about Manuel. She rushes out just as Andres comes out of his office looking for him. He is so shaken up by the near meeting that he tells Carmen the truth. Seeing the writing on the wall, Carmen breaks up with him. But it’s not definitive. After/if he works out these issues with his ex, then the two of them can have another chance.

-While Ale is burning up the phones trying to find cotton at the Association office, Perla comes strolling in. She’s shocked to see Ale working there, and flat out accuses Ale of being Este’s lover, because that must be how she got the job. She threatens to reveal Ale’s past to him. Ale counter threatens, informing Perla that she is BFF with the Association president’s stepdaughter. And she’s itching to call them (or the cops, friend was talking) to tell them about Perla. Ale picks up the phone. Perla backs down.

-Despite her strong stance with Perla, Ale is clearly disturbed the rest of the day. German picks up on it, but she says nothing is wrong. As the two of them leave El Benavente, she hallucinates and imagines a departing rancher is Danilo. She becomes frozen in panic and begs German to get her out of there. The hallucination only breaks when the man approaches and asks who’s in charge at there. She shakily points to Rubio (who is chatting up a maid), and then nearly collapses as German guides her to the car.

Honeymoon Interrupted:
-Cris and Este continue their honeymoon, blissfully unaware of all the drama going on back home. At one point, while she’s on the beach alone, a young stud comes over and flirts with Cris. She tells the guy she’s married, but he’s not deterred until Este actually walks up to stake his claim. Esteban is turning green with jealousy, but Cris assures him that he’s the only man for her.

-Late that night, Este is sporting white linen pants, and waiting for Cris, when there’s a knock on the door. He flin

Sorry for the typos. One thing I forgot to mention, Ale tells German that she's moving back to Benavente because Acacia asked her. The real truth being she and Acacia think she'll be safer there. German tries to change her mind. He has grown accustomed to spending time with her in their place. Their late night chats and their early morning coffee and breakfast. But he accepts her decision.

I just realized that last sentence got cut off. Here it is:

-Late that night, Este is sporting white linen pants, and waiting for Cris, when there’s a knock on the door. He flings the door open, expecting it to be Cris, but it’s Acacia! She falls into his bare arms in tears.

Gloria, so sorry to hear about your migraine. Please try and get some rest - hope you feel better quickly.

Vivi, thank you for your excellent recap. I was really confused as to what was going on with the cotton and so appreciate your explaining the events as they occurred. Norberto concocted a brillant plan that certainly set Acacia up for disaster.

Acacia should have been honest with the buyer from the start. Still, she truly felt the situation could be salvaged. My heart ached for her, especially having to endure the buyer's angry tirade in front of her grandfather and Uli. Her confidence is obliterated and she is decimated.

Enjoyed your razor sharp perception and sly humor: "Just so we see where Norbie’s priorities are, he makes the stop to the buyer, BEFORE he goes to pick up his wife to bring her to their hospitalized son". Exactly! Sigh.

Carmen absolutely did the right thing by calling it off with Andres. He has to come to terms with his past before he can move forward. Smart of her to release him, rather than hang on.

I felt sorry for Juliana until she unleashed yet another bitter tirade at Luisa.

If Juliana's scorn weren't enough for Luisa, she is so blinded by her feelings for Manuel, she refuses to believe he feels only friendship for her. My heavens - what else does she need to see or hear? I can't blame him for losing his patience. The man is in the hospital with a grave injury for heaven's sake.

Having been in a very bad accident years ago and undergoing rigorous and painful physical therapy, I felt for Manuel last night. How can he forgive his father? I know we can't.

Glad Ale is moving back into the house. Yes, she is safer there.

Perhaps it's better Perla knows where Ale works. Perhaps she can work to keep Danilo away. Still, how long will it be before he finally finds her? Dreading it.

Acacia flies into Este's arms in the preview, grief stricken.

Vivi, thank you for taking the time and providing this fantastic summary.


Diana- I really felt for Acacia too. She's so young, and it made me think of times when I've made big mistakes on the job. We all do at some point and we learn from them. I could recall that feeling like the bottom has fallen out of your stomach, as I watched Acacia. At least she had really supportive friends and family around, and I'm sure Este and Cris will react the same way. But that buyer really shattered her confidence when he ripped into her.


I hope you are on the mend. Get some rest.

Norbie and Rubio can't stand a woman being in charge. Norbie is doing exactly the things he did to Cris that he did to Acacia. Norbie tried to buy Cris's ranch for a pittance and Then he tells Juliana she didn't have "permission" to leave. Norbie knew poor Acacia is inexperienced she is just starting to learn how to run the ranch. Rubio wouldn't listen to Acacia either until Juan Carlos reminded him that Acacia is his patrona. Did anyone notice Rubio's face? Also both men manhandle women. Norbie grabbing the arm to get his point across and Rubio manhandling Luisa.

When Norbie said he caused the fire I thought about instant karma. Now his son is suffering the consequences. I'm hoping his illicit crop burns up.

I hope Acacia tells Esteban how the buyer was so rude to her and what he said. Esteban has a lot more pull than Norbie does any day. Norbie is going to be outted sooner or later, how he just conviently came up with the cotton the buyer needed. Hmmmm...

Thanks again Vivi for this fabulous recap. You rock.

Oh, and I forgot to mention how pleasant it was to find Esteban green with envy when that younger guy hit on Cris and there seems to be a lot of love left there.

I also liked Ulises and Juan Carlos defending Acacia. As Vivi said I had one of those moments too when I was younger when I screwed something up and the bottom fell out of my stomach too, but I found out it wasn't as bad as I'd thought. But I too learned from it and was fully prepared in case it happened again, which it never did.

As bad as that scene was with Luisa and Manuel, I'm glad he told her, he wasn't into her. Jules however will never lose that pissy face. I think it is permanently plastered on her face. I wonder if even Andres can wipe that look off her face.

Madelaine, Este being jealous that Cris received some handsome and young :) male attention was great! Lest we forget Acacia may be the apple, but Cris is still the tree...

Yes, as you and Vivi both pointed out, we do learn from our mistakes. But, that doesn't mean they are not excruciatingly painful when it happens as we've experienced. And yes, they weren't that crucial but certainly seemed so at the time.

Yes, Norberto and Rubio both like to manhandle women and do not acknowledge or respect any female authority.


Gloria - Take care. Hope you feel better pronto.

Vivi - Thanks for giving us a recap on the spot. I am amazed by your total recall and capture of the actions and feelings from last night.

Kudos to Juan Carlos for demanding respect for Acacia from El Rubio and the cotton buyer. He's a great mentor to his nieta and her boyfriend.

I sure hope Luisa isn't still throwing herself at Manuel by últimas semanas. How many times does he have to say "no way!" Still, I was hurt for her when he hurled her sandwich against the wall and yelled she was risking his arm getting infected.

I cracked up when Esteban looked put out when Mr. Muscle Beach was hitting on Cris. Maybe she should've gotten his number, just in case.

The writers are having fun scaring us with Danilo. I was yelling for Ale to let the wind blow her hair and cover her face so "Danilo" wouldn't recognize her. Good casting of a guy that looks something like Danilo.

Niecie- OMG, I loved how fierce Juan Carlos was in demanding that Rubio and the buyer respect Acacia. He is such a great grandpa. I also like how he has Norberto's number. Unfortunately, like German, he put aside his doubts about the fire when Norberto seemed to have a plausible explanation for the sale of his own cotton-- diminishing his motive for starting the fire. I wonder if Manuel will tell German that he got confirmation?

Mads- ITA. Rubio and Norberto are cut from the same cloth. I don't like Julianna, but I want her to get far away from Norberto.

However, I don't want her with Dr. Andres, although I want them to resolve their issues so that he can move on. Of course, when he learns they have a son together, things are going to get messy. Carmen might be waiting for a while.

Niecie, still chuckling over "I cracked up when Esteban looked put out when Mr. Muscle Beach was hitting on Cris. Maybe she should've gotten his number, just in case".

Maybe she should have! :)



I too am laughing about Mr. Muscle beach, but Cris is so very beautiful she could pick and choose if she were free.

I almost forgot to mention. I looked at the ratings for the week of September 16th for this TN. Not bad really, not bad. 2.2 Million peeps are watching this. I got the ratings from TV By the Numbers at zap2it.

Uni also appears to not be cutting this anymore. Fingers crossed that they continue to leave it alone.


I'm so glad they stopped cutting. I think they may have cut a lot of the sex trafficking cause that was really hard to take, they didn't need to cut the Ale and German scenes. I'm glad we will be able to see more of the relationships.

So sorry that you are not feeling well, Gloria. I hope that you feel better very soon.

Vivi...You are remarkable. You are always riding to the rescue. Thanks so much for taking the time out of your day to provide us with a recap.

I watched this episode after I got home from work. Well, I guess the honeymoon is over. Now, Acacua and Este will be thrown together to clean up this disaster. That will not be good.

Gloria- I hope you feel better soon. Migraines are so awful. I'm sorry you had one.

Vivi-thanks for the recap. I've only watched 20 minutes of it, but this will help me with my comprehension for the rest.

I have to say, at least Manuel is being honest with Luisa. He's not stringing her along.


Gloria---I hope you are feeling better. I have heard that a migraine is something that no one ever wants, the big hurt.

Thanks Vivi for a super great fill-in. The La Malquerida peeps really needed you---you're a trooper.

Poor Luisa wants lazy boy so badly
but he just isn't into her. Juliana looks super nice with her new look but she still has a rotten personality. Again I say poor Luisa, she gets yelled at by
both Manuel as well as Julie. Don't go near my son again you lowly servant girl. Ouch!

Acacia got the trial by fire during the last two episodes. I can only imagine how she feels. I mean her first big chance and now this, plus she gets a big insult from the byer. It's no wonder that she rushes to Este's arms.

So Norbie slipped up and now Manuel knows the truth about the fire. The question is, being a loyal son, will he keep quiet now
that he knows what happened even if his arm/hand may never be the same again.

A close call for Ale. How long will she be able to dodge the bullet or in her case Dan Evil?

Must see tv tonight. Will Manuel tell German what he now knows or will he keep silent for fear of his father.

Will the housekeeper reveal the pack of cigarettes at some important future moment?

I think that Carmen will end up loosing the doctor. Julie will be turning on the charm.
the gringo


If Manuel keeps quiet that will mean he's slipping toward the dark side. I fear that's what we're in for.

Is Norbie a known smoker? Is he the only one around who smokes? Those cigarettes and matches just don't seem that incriminating to me, but it is Novelaland.

Sara- I don't know if we've seen Norbie smoking before or not. But it IS unusual for anyone to throw away almost a complete pack of cigarettes and matches, unless he's making some point about quitting smoking cold turkey.

That's true. I loved the obvious "look! There's only one missing!" close up.

Gloria, so sorry to hear about your migraine. Get better soon!

Vivi, thanks for the recap. Great job, you got everything.

I can't comment today. My mind is super occupied. I just found out that my 11 year old nephew is in the hospital, being tested for meningitis. Please say a prayer for him. Thanks!

Hasta pronto!

AuntyAnn- LOTS of huge prayers going to your family and your nephew! Please check back with us at some point to let us know he's ok.

Aunty Ann..So sorry to hear about your nephew. I am keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.

Vivi & Susanlynn,
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. So far all I know is that he has bacterial meningitis, they are keeping him isolated and on observation. I don't have words to tell my sister. I just let her know that I am here for her. Please continue your prayers for John Moses. Thank you.

AuntyAnn...I certainly will keep John Moses in my prayers along with you and your family. Life brings so many trials. There are no words. And sometimes, there is nothing to say or do. You just have to be there. I have a good friend who is nursing her husband who had a stroke this past summer, and another close friend whose daughter-in-law has colon cancer. Life can be rough.

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