Friday, September 26, 2014

Mi corazon es tuyo, #49 - Thursday, 09/25/2014 Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you

(Joey Adams, American comedian)

I’m back home this week for my brother’s wedding, so this recap has been written in bits and pieces whenever I had the chance to run away from my noisy (although lovable) family. I hope I didn’t forget any important details. If I have, please add whatever you think is significant in the comments.

Off we go...

Do you still have to write thank you cards for the wedding presents if you get a divorce three days after the wedding? Do you even have the time to do that?
Fernando is telling Bruno that he is still in love with Ana, but it’s not like he’s harboring any type of hope of a future reunion. He is married and she is involved with Diego, who is his brother AND is truly in love with her. She is unlike any other women that Diego has ever been with, so Fer truly believes that this time his feelings are for real - so he can’t get in the middle of that and hurt his brother. Besides, Diego is handsome and a good guy, he is the best candidate to win Ana’s heart.
Bruno doesn’t believe that all hope is lost. With all due respect, he doesn’t understand why Fer had to marry Isabella; he could have taken care of the child without making her his wife. (Viewerville is applauding Bruno for calling it as it is, even if he is trying to be very tactful about it).
Yes, but Fer wants his new baby to feel like it’s part of a real family.
OK, then, Bruno insists, but there is always divorce… There are plenty of kids out there with divorced parents that are OK. Because as far as he’s concerned, this marriage was un grave error. (Viewerville cheers, Bruno might be getting a honorary member card). Fernando goes hmmm… Could he have a light bulb moment?
After they finish their chat about Ana, Fer invites his only friend, el majordomo, to join him to watch Johnny's stand-up. Isa is not home yet, so... boys night out?
But Isabella IS at home and she hears the first part of their conversation and runs to her mother’s bedroom, kicking and screaming after. She knocks on the door and is very loud, Diego sees her but doesn’t stick around to figure out what happened. He goes downstairs where Ana is waiting for him so they can go to the bar to watch Johnny's show. Their banter downstairs about taking the moto is really cute, Ana is at least warming up to him.
Upstairs Isabella is still crying like a little child over the fact that Fernando doesn’t love her because he still loves Ana. Yola doesn’t want to comfort her daughter, she just points out the fact that having all these loving, human feelings are only getting in the way. Their purpose was the Lascurain fortune, which they now have, so Isa needs to stop crying, because that won’t solve anything.

Three lawyers walk into a bar…
...and that bar is our beloved Chicago, where everybody who is anybody is meeting up tonight, to witness Johnny's first stand-up performance.
Don Nico has come to see his fiancee who is happily showing off her new ring (making Johnny pout when he hears the good news).
Ana, the star of the pole, has come accompanied by her latest beau, handsome photographer Diego.
And, right before the show ends, el mero-mero (the top dog), Don Fernando Lascurain, is gracious enough to honor the crowd with his esteemed presence, while in the company of his faithful confidant, Bruno.
The only problem is…. Johnny’s show is kind of lame. For one reason, all his jokes are about lawyers, so the three lawyer guys who came to watch chicks dance leave in a huff, making Doroteo frown menacingly.
As bad as the jokes are, Johnny is tenacious enough to keep going; Ana is laughing her heart out (mostly trying to attract some laughter from the other people in the room). It’s a tough crowd, I don’t think that any of the sleazy looking patrons were gleefully anticipating a stand-up performance, unless it involved some half naked girls standing up and giving them a lap dance.
When the show is over Johnny thanks his lucky stars for making everything go OK (poor soul, he actually thinks this was good). Later on Doroteo accepts not to pull the plug on the whole thing, so I guess Johnny is a better comedian than he is a stripper (which wasn’t that hard to begin with).

In the meantime, though, Fer does see Ana at the club, too, but thankfully this is one of the days when she doesn’t have to perform, so Fer won’t get to see Lola again. Diego thinks that she should just tell him the truth, but she thinks that too much time has passed and he will never forgive her. She is just praying for her contract with the club to end as soon as possible.
They end up sitting at the same table with Fer and Nico, while Bruno is near the stage, enjoying the 4 girls who are dancing. Doroteo shows up and Ana gets terrified, thinking that the big boss will say something about her working there, but when Johnny pretends to re-introduce Ana to him, as his ex-girlfriend, he decides to play along (I wonder how he’ll use this information later on). Fer notices that she is nervous, but he thinks this is because she’s not feeling well being in such a place (yeah, because normally she’s not sitting at the table, stirring in her martini, she’s sitting on the table, stirring up all the guys around her.). Diego is in a great mood, so he starts toasting everyone. One toast goes to Jenny, his future madrastra; one to Fernando, the brother that he cares so much about; and another one to Ana, the woman that he loves. Everyone feels rather uncomfortable and those glances that Fernando and Ana keep throwing at one another are obvious enough even for Diego.

Kissing 1.01 - Eyes wide open ♪ eyes wide open ♪ (it will avoid you a world of problems) Back at the house, Isa is going crazy, looking for Fernando. She is sure that he went out with Ana, even after she gets a text from him about going out with Bruno.
When Fernando gets back she pretends to be asleep, which is just fine, because Luz barges in, asking papa about Ana. Fer thinks that Ana is in her room and accepts to take Luz to her.
In the meantime Ana is in bed, texting with Diego. He wants to come to her door for one last kiss. She says no at first, but she kind of likes the idea (which is great improvement over most tn heroines). In order to convince her, Diego suggests she keep her eyes closed to make it more exciting (alert, alert alert!!!)
Sure enough, as soon as Ana is done texting she hears a knock at the door and she thinks that Diego was there all along, waiting for his goodnight kiss. So she takes a deep breath, closes her eyes and opens the door…. planting a big, wet one, on Fernando. He is shocked at first, but he quickly gets into her game, while Luz looks on, smiling from ear to ear.
Sadly, Luz is not the only witness of the smooch; Diego arrives, too, and his heart breaks  into a million huggable pieces just in front of our eyes.
Ana soon realizes that she is kissing Fernando and tries to explain the confusion to Diego, but he has run off to his room. She takes Luz to sleep, while Fer just stands in the hallway, still in shock over what has happened. To make matters worse, Isa has apparently seen / heard about the kiss, because she shows up, too, screams at Fernando and leaves.
Ana comes back to her room, she and Fernando have a little staring contest, but then both walk away without saying anything more.

Once Fernando is out of sight, Ana goes to Diego’s room. He’s packing the rest of his clothes for the move. She tries to explain what happened, but he is upset and unwilling to pretend not to see what is going on: she is still in love with Fernando and he’s had it. She reminds him that they decided to go slow. Yeah, but what if Fer got a divorce, what would she do then?
Ana says that the whole thing has hurt her too much, she could never just go back to Fernando (yeah, riiiight). They had a chance once, but that chance is long gone and she’s trying her hardest to forget him. She understands why he had to get married, especially since she is an orphan, but she wishes he would have fought for them instead. It is very hard, because they live in the same house and she doesn’t know if trying to be with Diego to forget Fernando is the right thing to do.
She apologizes one more time and leaves.
Fernando is in the girls’ room, explaining to Luz that the kiss was an accident and she shouldn’t get her hopes up over it. Luz is reluctant to believe more in his deceiving words than what her own eyes have seen.

Isa goes to sleep with Yolanda, who is dreaming about Bruno.

Fanny and Ximena talk about how much Leon has hurt Fanny. Yes, he is not married anymore, but she can’t forgive the lie, she is afraid that he will do it again. Ximena thinks that he deserves another chance because unlike all the guys who have lied to her, Leon loves Fanny.

At the same time Leon is talking with his mother about how things will be a little rough for them because he has to pay back the loan he made for the funeral and he has to pay his son’s school, too. His mom asks him to move in, save some money on rent and Leon reluctantly agrees, but he will pay rent to his mother, too. He makes it clear that he is responsible for his son and things will stay like this.
The next day he starts looking for a job, but nobody wants him because he’s too young, too inexperienced and has no degree.

Isa tells her mom about the kiss and Yolanda is shocked. This means war, apparently.

Prompted by the talk she had with Fanny, Ximena goes to Nando’s room and sets up what can only be a sexy rendez-vous with him for that night, at her place.

Fernando asks Bruno about his wife, who hasn’t slept with him in the same bed. Well, she went out very early on.

The twins wake Luz up and they all search for the tooth under the pillow and find some money instead. Luz runs to Ana, happy with what the tooth fairy has left for her. She offers to give Ana the money to find her mom, but Ana would rather Luz bought something nice for her.
Fer is looking at his daughter’s tooth and then he remembers the kiss.
The twins discover that one of their toys is missing.

Manuela fights with Bruno because he didn’t invite her to go out with him and the boss. Huh?? To make her shut up, Bruno decides that it’s time to tell her why he’s so afraid of love.

But where is Isabella?  She is visiting Enrique and asking for his help in destroying Ana once and for all.

Diego declares his love for Ana while talking with someone on the phone. Ana listens on in amazement (although I don’t know why she’s so surprised, since Diego pretty much said the same thing to her face a million times).
The twins put a blue liquid (paint, maybe) in Isa’s shampoo bottle. You can imagine the rest.


I am in awe of your recap. That you were able to write such detail while being with a noisy family is incredible.

Will comment more later.

Thanks for the wonderful recap and so apporpriate title, Adriana.

The ugly truth was clarified by the Fernando/Bruno and Diego/Ana conversations. I especially liked Bruno telling Fernando he never had to marry Isabela for the child to be okay and Diego telling Ana the same. The crux of the matter was expressed by Ana vocalizing what she knew: that Fernando caved and never fought for her. Now, will Fernando follow Bruno's suggestion and just get a divorce? Sooner rather than later? Probably not. At least Diego us smart enough to tell Ana he is just tired of it all.

Another ugly truth was Doroteo telling Johnny that his condition at the club was one of slavery.

I laughed so hard at Isabela fleeing to Yolanda's bed and stealing the covers. Yolanda was at her nasty best moaning that Isabela had cold feet smelled like a pig. Poor Yolanda earlier realizing that all is in jeopardy because Isabella has gone beyond their original goal of getting access to and enjoying Fernando's money and actually fell in love with him. Her advice was less tears more action.

So many questions: what will Luz buy with her tooth mouse money? what does Ximena have in store for Nando? will León find a job? will Johnny get over Jennifer? will Bruno and Manuela finally go out to dinner since he admitted to being reluctant in love and supposedly told her why? will Enrique help Isabella make Ana disappear from the face of the earth?



Great work, Adriana. Especially under battle conditions! (BTW, this is episode 49).

There is no getting away from the fact that Ana and Fernando will end up together at the end. They will also make more mistakes before they get there.

As to how much longer she's stuck working for Doroteo, I think it's at least another year, maybe two.

How long was it between Isabruja's hire and the one time Fernando boinked her? If it's less than a month, then only about three months have actually passed since the opening episode.

Have to get ready and go out but will be back later.

OFF TOPIC: FYI: Xfinity is currently offering a "Latin Freeview" through Oct. 2. It started Mon. The collection of programming available is fantastic . I have already seen several great movies from Argentina, Venezuela, Chile and Mexico. There is a lot of vintage María Félix. I am currently watching "La otra familia" with Jorge Salinas and Luis Roberto Guzmán (José Luis from LQLVMR) as a gay couple with Carmen Salinas as their maid and cook. Very interesting!


Thank you Adriana, for this funny, detailed recap with the wonderful titles and subtitles. Your title actually might summarize this whole novela -- at least until our lovebirds are decisively reunited at the end.

I was glad to see some reality injected into the proceedings, but unless Enrique falls in love with Ana, too, what follows could be nasty.

Once again I think that some of these actresses look so much prettier without the heavy makeup. Mayrin is a beautiful woman, but she looked fresh and pretty when she arrived at Enrique's. She was made up, but with a light touch. I thought the same thing about her in Mentir para Vivir.

Johnny mooning over Jenny just has to end. I hate that this could ruin her suit relatinship with Nico, at least for a while.

Poor Johnny -- twenty lawyer jokes plus a few others. He definitely needs to owork on his repertoire. I sigh when he appears on screen, but the actor is doing a good job with the role.

I was never very good at understanding Spanish jokes, especially the raunchy ones, but Johnny's made absolutely no sense to me. I hope he will go away soon.

Your title...indeed! Love your recap Adriana!! And have a fabulous time at the wedding. Best wishes to your brother and his future wife!!

I think that comment from Ana about Fer not fighting for her was our indicator that they won't be hooking up any time soon...maybe until the end because though she loves him, she's not sure how strong he feels, or really trust what he says versus what he actually actions. we're right there with you Ana.

I am now intrigued to hear Bruno's story. Could this be our answer as to whether there might be a possible connection to Ana between the two. So many "lost" or parentless children in this story.

I give Leon some kudos for taking responsibility for him and his son and even insisting that he help his mother. He may have screwed up in his own love-life, but he is putting his child's welfare first and it will be tough being a young single dad. Both these gents have some learning and growing to do.

I read an article updating the Pablo Montero issue. Since it's spoilery, I won't post or comment, but you can go to The Latin Post if you want to see the latest and greatest.

I hope kids are getting a good PSA, since this is family hour viewing and Osorio so wants to set a good example, on how unattractive and stupid it looks throwing temper tandrums and talking smelly feet. They're just using two grown women, which is highly unattractive.

Reeky will agree to anything I bet to Isa but will have no intention of deviating from his own plan.


Your title...indeed, so true! Love your recap Adriana!! And have a fabulous time at the wedding. Best wishes to your brother and his future wife!!

I think that comment from Ana about Fer not fighting for her was our indicator that they won't be hooking up any time soon...maybe until the end because though she loves him, she's not sure how strong he feels, or really trust what he says versus what he actually actions. We're right there with you Ana.

I am now intrigued to hear Bruno's story. Could this be our answer as to whether there might be a possible connection to Ana between the two. So many "lost" or parentless children in this story.

I give Leon some kudos for taking responsibility for him and his son and even insisting that he help his mother. He may have screwed up in his own love-life, but he is putting his child's welfare first and it will be tough being a young single dad. Fer had done that too, but he should have been older and wiser to know how to react to the responsibility. Both these gents have some learning and growing to do.

I read an article updating the Pablo Montero issue yesterday. Since it's spoilery, I won't post or comment, but you can go to The Latin Post if you want to see the latest and greatest.

I hope kids are getting a good PSA, since this is family hour viewing and Osorio so wants to set a good example, on how unattractive and stupid it looks throwing temper tandrums and talking smelly feet. They're just using two grown women, which is highly unattractive.

Not liking this Ximena/Nando progress at all. Hope he says no if we are leading to what I think we are...they are so not great together.

Reeky will agree to anything I bet to Isa but will have no intention of deviating from his own plan.


Sorry about the double at work and can't delete it right now. Hate technology some days..


There is another article about PM in LaOpinion that is more in depth and a terrible spoiler. After reading both, I think Osorio is such a .......

Wow Adriana. I missed a bunch trying to watch on my phone while traveling and your cap did the trick.

Jarifa, thanks for succinctly stating the issue we all recognized. "The crux of the matter was expressed by Ana vocalizing what she knew: that Fernando caved and never fought for her"

I think marrying Isabela was the easy way out for Fernando to clean up two messes. One was his dilly dally with Isabela resulting in a pregnancy and the other, falling for a woman that was not his social equal, uneducated, rough around the edges and not wife material.


Adriana, this was wonderful. A perfect title and so many marvelous lines. "Diego arrives, too, and his heart breaks into a million huggable pieces just in front of our eyes" was among my favorites.

Yes, I felt for Diego but it's better he accepts the truth and that he and Ana not engage in a relationship that will mean further heartbreak for both.

My main issue with Fernando is that he did not take time to critically evaluate the situation. He should have spoken with Ana - they were (are) in love and he could/should have pledged his love and support to his child without marrying Isa, as Bruno noted. As I recall, when she told him of the pregnancy, Isa did say she did not need him. Advice he should have taken. As Ana said, he didn't fight for her.

Looks like another bruising night for Ana. Isa looks loaded for bear.


Thank you Adriana, I love the title too, I never heard that saying but I love it and I will use it sometime.

Can we all guess what Enrique will do to help Isa get rid of Ana? He will find out that she pole dances and Isa will threaten to tell Fernando.

Well if that spoiler is true, it certainly changes the story.

I wonder who Norma Herrera's character is going to be? Perhaps Ricky's not so dead mom?

I wonder what the plans were for the Tamara character? She WAS in the credits so I'm assuming the writers had more storyline in store for her. Ximena's had more lines and screentime than Tamara, yet isn't in the opening credits.

Thank you, Adriana! I appreciate all the detail and the title is awesome.

I think perhaps Johnny should go back to stripping (preferably offscreen). That "comedy" routine was LAME. Ana was a heck of a supportive sport to try to sell it with all the loud laughs. I don't know how the three tightass dudebros even managed to take offense at such weak jokes.

Poor Diego. How is Ana still hung up on Fernandon't with Diego as an option?

Poor Isa, too (*snort*). How terrible to hear of your husband accidentally kissing the nanny as you arrive home from boinking his VP.

Well, at least Nando has something to look forward to.

I couldn't agree more Anon, but I don't hate all parts of the spoiler. I'm ok with the new characters/actors...especially the one cutie. But I think this pattern of Osorio with his antics on set is going to garner a reputation of a set to stay away from. I was still not okay with him making the kids go on diets...that made me go WTH?? If it was only encouraging healthy eating on set...that would be one thing, but knowing him, it overstepped it's bounds.

Being I still don't see a commitment to number of episodes, I'm starting to think they are writing this as they go. Sometimes ok, lot of times, disaster after a while.

They could decide they don't have a clue what to do with Johny anymore and make him go away. THAT I would be ok with. I'm tired of his hot and cold "I'm suddenly in love...slobber slobber" with women. Yuk.


Please don't post the links to spoilers. For those of us who can read Spanish, the words used in the link are spoiler enough.

Honestly the only child that needed to go on a diet is the Sebastian actor. (and he looks like a perfectly healthy growing boy---this person is never going to be skinny). The other children are thin.

I don't know too much about this producer. I hope he doesn't screw things up.

I didn't mention this yesterday but I hope Bety doesn't become funky towards Fanny because of Ricky.


Sebastian is about the age at which my brother and most of my male cousins got chubby for awhile before suddenly growing a lot in height and getting thin again. I don't think he needs the diet, either.

I hate this producer's casting shenanigans, but I wouldn't mind adding a few new characters. Johnny can go away. He's boring. I think we need a new love interest for Fanny, and more action in the search for Ana's mother.

I think Fanny and Leon are endgame but I wouldn't mind another love interest for Fanny. At this point both Fanny and Leon are too young minded to get into a mature relationship, and you must also consider the child's well-being. That's heavy stuff for a 19 year old.


Anon 207

To my mind Osorio has a problem with handsome men. I saw one of his novelas where he fired the galan, brought in another hunk and then got rid of him too. You can only imagine what an unholy mess the story became.

I suspect he is very hard to work for and many of his novelas to me always have a touch of sleaze. I did read something about this one but since it is a spoiler i'll shut up and wait to see how it unfolds.

I roll my eyes at Isabruja's assertion that she fell in love with Fernando. She does not love him. She is just selfish and doesn't want to share her new toy. Throwing a tantrum because he isn't making everything all about her the way she would prefer is not love.

Too bad Bruno didn't have that talk with Fernando before he got married.

Ximena probably wants Nando to move in with her since she's alone a lot.

Not sure why Diego is so upset with Ana. He specifically told her to open the door with her eyes shut and kiss him. Maybe Fer and Diego kiss alike and she couldn't tell it wasn't him?

Agree about Isa saying she's in love with Fernando. If you're in love with someone, would you still sleep with someone else?

I forgot to add, Luz was soooooo cute when Fernando and Ana were kissing. Then after too in her room talking with Fernando about it.

Okay, I'm a sucker for spoilers. I also read the last page in murder mysteries before getting to the end. Guess I just hate "wondering".
Anyway, I have always like P Montero, but it IS distracting to be reading about an actor's personal life while trying to focus on the character they portray. And it's sad to think of all the drama and problems going on behind the scenes of the production. That is what I find more disturbing than finding out what's coming up.

J in Oregon

Adriana, thanks so much for the great recap. i liked your description of Diego's reaction to the 'accidental' kiss too.

also i thought the 'paint' on Yomama's face was put there by the kids, but i guess when she gets drunk she puts on mascara to go to bed LOL!!

i thought Johnny's material was ok and it definitely picked up toward the end of his skid... loved how supportive Fernando was of it.
Julia, loved your "Fernandon't"

Adriana, don't forget to add the mcet label to the recap so it shows on the list for the novela. that is why i could not find it until i checked directly on Caray/Caray page.

cathyx, good comment about the conversation should have been before the wedding.


Diego should have understood how that kiss STARTED. He told Ana to close her eyes, and she was expecting him to knock.

However, I think Diego saw that it went on far longer than it should have taken her to realize it wasn't Diego. There are distinct differences between the two brothers she should have noticed...facial hair, for one!

What were Guille and Alex looking for? I had the impression they were going to do some detective work on the cheese since it looked like such a large bite for a mouse or something...and they wondered why the mouse didn't eat more of the cheese. So were they looking for something like a magnifying glass? If it's been taken, who would have taken it and why?

Side note, those bed platforms in some of the bedrooms REALLY bug me. Fanny's and Nando's rooms have them. WHY would you put a trip hazard in the middle of a bedroom?!?!

Seeing the kiss, I think Diego had to admit what he already knows. Ana loves his brother and would never love him the same way. One thing about Ana I really admire is she refuses to lie to herself and where it concerns others feelings, refuses to lie to them.

Anon 207

Please tell me the name of the Osorio novela where he fired the leading galans so I can make sure never to watch it!


I pretty sure the twins did say they needed to get their magnifying glass.

Do they have a tooth Raton in LA instead of a fairy? As a kid, a Raton (mouse/rat) burrowing under my pillow at night would be horrendous and nightmarish!

If he was ever going to fire a galán, it should have been Fernando Colunga in PEAM. He was one insipid, boring, tedious, self-righteous dude. His facial expressions were paint-by-number. And he wouldn't dance when the part CLEARLY called for some dancing. Ugh.


The gods were not amused with Johnny. They are trying to decide what to do with him.

Ana really needs to confess to Fer about her dancing job before inoDoro tries to use the secret against her. I really don't want him to have even MORE power over her.

Julia, I think she needs to confess to Fer before Isa learns of it. She's way more dangerous.

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