Wednesday, October 08, 2014

La Maluerida #32 10/7/14 Victims Of Love

Hola Amiguis. This will be a short and sweet recap. It sucks to be Ale and German. Ale is done with German becauase he seems to have gotten it into his head that there is more to Ale and Dans scenerio. Ale is peeved. Next German wants to know what iis up with this Dans. They arebidnez Norbie warns German thhhst he is go stop painting or else will be kicked offt the Finca.And what does Ale think of his painting oh, she supports German Norbie tells him toget rid of her bAd ubfluence. I kept yelling shut up Norbie. Here is an earworm Victim of Love.

Cris and Acacia will be going on a Mother Daugter vacay. no Este no Abuelas. Etste isn't too happy he likes it when Cris, and Acia are with him. Cris rhinks it is time to deal with Acacia herself as mother should. She also told Este that when Acia lived in San jacinto Cris felt that Elena was more a MAMa to AcAcia, Later when Cris tells Acia, She thinks that Cris and Este are sre mad at each other.

Rosa AND Luisa are still disscussing Louisa's reaLiltyLouisa gets it. Later Cris sets ROSA STRIGHT about Manuel calling Louisa a sirventa they have been plaYing together since hey were kids and Manolo has never called Louisa that. sounds more like Jules. Ale. Acacia have meeting of the broken hearts club, they are done with thier guys. I was hoping to have Dans free epi. NO such luck. Dans is abusing Perls with his cane and calling her trator cause she knew where Tuguesa was all this time Memo comes in and the abuse ends

Uli has a chat with Nuria Seems Uli wants to go to the hacienda to go see Acacicia. She offers the use of her SUV or she'll take him. But he's going to ride bike. Uli gets to the hacienda Este is sbout to run him off when Cris comes and tells him the young will work this out.


Fitting and picture perfect title Madelaine. Look forward to hearing the earworm later.

Although the recap was sweet, I thought the episode was harrowing.

I started yelling "no" as soon as I saw that Perla had inadvertently let on she knew who Ale was. Danilo would have come close to choking her had Memo not appeared. His physical abuse is terrifying as it just seems all too real to me. I have to remind myself this is a show. Otherwise, I couldn't continue to watch.

The most upsetting thing to me was that Perla fought back with the small piece of hatred she has for him in her heart, yet almost immediately afterward, was kissing him with the unfathomable need she feels. I think the only reason he didn't kill her is that he is thrilled that he has Ale back, which overrode his anger.

Could someone please tell me what was said during their conversation? Were they discussing marriage? Just the thought of that makes me ill.

And German rightly suspects Ale and Danilo have a past but he oh so wrongly hasn't the faintest idea of the horror. I simply dread what will happen. If Ale doesn't tell Danilo now, all will be lost.

The 3 girls coming together in their sorrow was sweet.

When is Uli going to realize Nuria is a stalker? He cannot get away from the woman for a moment. Talk about no boundaries?

Cris gave Este the cold shoulder and that is about all he got. And that is all that he deserves.

I know I should never stick up for Rubio. But, I have to say, his serenade of Luisa was rather sweet. Yes, he is an idiot, but I did feel a little bad for him when she disdainfully hurled it at him. I am sure I will get over it. :)

Cris seems to be the only voice of reason here. I'm glad she told Rosa the truth about Norbie and Julie. And, it looks like she appears in the nick of time to prevent Este from making Uli leave. It appears Acacia isn't inclined to listen and this will be yet another lost opportunity to make things right.

So, I look forward to tonight with equal parts anticipation and dread. I can't recall ever feeling this way about a TN (or any) show. This has drawn me in, for better and for worse.

Thanks again Madelaine.


Welcome back, Mads! Thanks for the quick recap. You covered the major plot points.

Glad the girls were there for each other and had their pajama party to talk and make each other feel better. Also glad that the talk with the girls convinced Luisa to get an education for herself, not for a man, and that Ale is trying to contact a lawyer to help with the Dan situation.

German is no fool. He knows there's something more going on with Ale and Dan, and he's seen the way Dan looks at her. But Ale found the perfect reason to break up with him- jealousy. Seems like she'll appear to go along with Dan's orders, while quietly trying to bring him down.

Loved Cris putting her foot down with Este (she's not taking his crap), and took charge of her daughter. Loved how desperate Este got when Cris said she was going away, alone, with Acacia for a few days. Get a grip, Esteban!

Diana- Danilo is stringing Perla along with some vague promises of marrying her, getting out of the brothel biz, and allowing Perla to run another legit biz-- she was thinking a beauty or nail salon. I'm thinking drug laundering front. In any case, it's obvious that Dan is so done with her, and that Ale is the jewel in the crown he seeks. Had Memo not taken the blame for being the one who let the Turquesa-Ale connection slip to Perla, he would have killed her with no remorse.

Diana- I thought the Rubio song was funny, and a bit cute. It might have had more effect on Luisa had the song not been about her now knowing her "place" and realizing that she and Rubio are right for each other.

Vivi, thank you so much. I did not realize Memo took the blame but did think Danilo seemed uncharacteristically "lenient" in not beating Perla to a pulp.

Yes, I did see Dan's eyeroll and realized he is done with her so to speak. And "Ale is the jewel in the crown he seeks" captures his intent perfectly.

Ahh, now understanding what Rubio's lyrics were, I applaud Luisa for the not so subtle put down. ;)


German was having a really bad day. First his father verbally and physically abuses him in public, then he has to watch Dan slime all over his mom and girlfriend, his girlfriend breaks up with him for being jealous, but refuses to acknowledge or admit to what's really going on, and then his dad says his girlfriend is a bad influence for encouraging his art, orders him to break up with her, get rid of his art and stop painting, and threatens to throw him out of their home if he doesn't obey.

He should move in with Uli, and they should have a pity/slumber party like the girls did.

Uli realized he could be in big trouble with Acaia when Carmen told him she had gone by the previous night to see him. Good idea not to take that offer of a ride from stalker Nuria.

Hi Mads, I see the energizer bunny inside you hasn't run down. Thank you, for all your dedication.

I occasionally drop in on La Malquerida and the conversational posts. I particularly like keeping my eyes on Esteban and his latest hijinks.

Your recap is the only way I have to keep up today.

It seems Comcast was having a really bad day, could have been the rain, but I got El Chivo on both Uni channels and the HD channels in my area. Grrr.

Madelaine – Great to see you back in the saddle again. Thanks for the mini-recap.

Diana, I felt bad for Rubio too. He’s no good, but his feelings for Luisa are genuine. At one time, I thought their might be a possibility for him. But once he got in with the prostitutes and Danilo, I realized he was hopeless.

Nuria is getting on my last nerve. I was PO’ed when she told Ulises to go ahead and answer his cell cause it no doubt was Acacia calling. Woman, mind your own damn business. I’m so glad it was Carmen alerting him that Acacia had come to see him.

Cris’s instincts are leading her on the right path. Alone time with Acacia is just what they need.

My goodwill toward Esteban during the honeymoon has evaporated. He doesn’t even seem to be trying to rein in his inappropriateness with Acacia. Every time he goes to snuggle Cris, I gag.

Thank you most kindly for all of your kind words. I too like that Cris is taking Care of Acacia. and taking the reins from Este. He needs to be working Benevente!

I want Cris to stop beating herself up about those years Acacia lived with the Abuelos. But I do like her instincts about taking Acacia away for some alone time right now. Anything to keep Esteban away, is all I care about!

Thanks, Mads. I am glad that you are feelng better. I missed you. Este has to get a grip. Control yourself. Damdan is creepy scary . I am most interested and worried about Hot German and poor, sweet Ale. Help.

Madelaine---I am sooooo glad that
you are back. Stay well and don't let any bad thing on Halloween get you.

Very short today---I don't know if I can take Alejandra going back to that disciple of satan Danilo. That's going to turn my stomach.

Esteban is getting on my nerves too. I am getting to where I can't take him anymore.

I don't feel sorry for Rubio one little bit. I hope that Luisa insults him a few more times.

Get stalker out of the way and let Acacia and Ulises work things out.
the gringo


Norbie and his wife remind me of Jamal and Leila Al-Fayeed from FX' Tyrant: evil, cold-hearted and sadistic people, who rather thrive off of watching ordinary folks to suffer.

I'm a little late to the discussion, but thanks for the recap!

I think German is going to make it hard for Ale to break up with him. He obviously doesn't know that she's not breaking up with him because she doesn't love him but because she's trying to protect him.

I don't feel sorry for Rubio quite yet. Maybe I will eventually...who knows? I don't think he and Luisa would be good together regardless of the fact that they have the same social status. Rosa has said she's afraid that Luisa will sleep with Manuel and get pregnant....foreshadowing, maybe? We shall see.


Happy to have you back and gracias for the recap.
I have been away for awhile. I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers for my nephew. He was in the hospital for a week with meningitis. Thankfully he is much better, but still taking antibiotics thru an IV. He has awesome teachers that have visited him at home (and brought him homework to keep him busy). Once again, thank you for your positive thoughts and prayers. I must ask once more for them. My dad fell in the yard yesterday. It turns out he had a mild stroke. He is in the hospital undergoing a series of tests. Please keep him in your thoughts.

Forgive me for going on about my personal life, but sometimes it helps to talk about it.


AuntyAnn- Thank you so much for updating us on your nephew. I have been thinking of him and your family. So glad to hear that he's on the mend. I will keep the positive thoughts and prayers going for him and now your dad. Anytime you want to vent or share, we're happy to listen here.

I hate that Ale is being "forced" to break up with BigSexy. I am loving Arturo! He is a sweet guy. Luisa better wake up!

Hasta luego

Vivi, thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate them.

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