Thursday, October 02, 2014

Mi Corazón es Tuyo #53, Wednesday, October 1. Meet Encreaky, aka Enfrique the Elder.

(Didn’t catch a name, so that’s what you get, old man)

As much as I hate to have anything in common with Isabruja, this is going to be fast, loose, and dirty:

Where we left off, Ana overhears Isabruja’s rants and marches in to assure the patrones that she will start sleeping in her own house straightaway.

Poor little Mau is having a hard time understanding that mama isn’t coming back.

Bruja is happy Ana is moving out. Fer not so much.  Ana tries to convince herself it’s better this way.

Bruno woke up on the lucky side of the bed and is on cloud nine until Yomama gooses him. She thinks there’s a chance for some frisky business between them and barely lets him escape with his clothes and his breakfast. Bruno flees to the kitchen and can’t find Manuela. Luz walks in.

Diego visits with Ana’s private investigator and wants to do everything possible to find her mother. He wants all her info so he can get another P.I. on the case. No offense, but she hasn’t exactly gotten results.

Ana joins Bruno and Luz. No one knows where Manuela is. Bruno is SO embarrassed when Ana teases him about it but he confesses that he and Manuela are sweaty-handed novios.

Alicia tells Isabrat she wants to have her quince at El Palacio, aka THE BEST CLUB. This weekend, mind you. Isa says no prob, she’ll take care of it. She’s sweet to Lichita but, in her usual kindergarten fashion, makes faces when Alicia isn’t looking.

Ximena shrieks at her mother on the phone from Fanny’s room for never being home. I hate you I hate you I hate you! An innocent pillow suffers in proxy. Fer, Ana, and Nando overhear from the hall.

Johnny is dressed to impressed (someone, though not me) and is off to a meeting. He pretends to be happy that Jen’s rendezvous with Nico was a raging success.

Nando bootlessly attempts to calm and comfort wailing and flailing Ximena.

Fer watches Ana sending the younger kids off to school, clearly loving the way she’s so affectionate and in tune with the kids and aware enough to take away Guille’s and Alex’s water guns. Once they’re out the door, he thanks her profusely for everything she does for the family but as usual neglects to back that up with a raise or a less ridiculous uniform or a divorce. He does try to inch closer to her, but Ana is conveniently armed with two water guns. Whoopsie!

Isa tries to book the club and is SHOCKED that it isn’t available for the coming weekend. Unacceptable. She abuses the person on the phone but that gets her nowhere.  I think she really thought dropping “Lascurain” would get her anything she asked for.

Yomama stalks her prey in the kitchen, but fortunately Manuela finally arrives. I wonder if the kids got any breakfast. Manuela tells Bruno she had to go give thanks to the Virgencita that he finally fell into her trap. I wonder if the Virgencita gets tired of helping everyone else get some.

Encreepy looks at nonsensically stupid prop graphs and Isabimbo calls to demand a favor. Beatriz glares at the phone.  There’s probably poison in that coffee she’s handing him. Go, Bea.

Unlike the Lascurain children, León is getting a home-cooked breakfast, and also griping to Ma about not only getting fired but also seeing Fanny with that skeezy old geezer.

Ana tells Nico that she’s really into Diego, BUT…Fernandolt. Can’t stop; won’t stop. Should stop caring about him, right? Indeed.

Johnny goes to Televisa and tries to convince the receptionist he’s super great buddies with Sr. del Prado, who apparently isn’t in or doesn’t want to admit to being in for their scheduled meeting. Some Mauricio Clark person gets accosted by shrieking fan women who look far too old for the teenybopper mob scene they’re staging. Televisa needs better security.

Nico asks Fer why he won’t let Ana be happy with Diego. Jealousy, duh, and yes, he knows that isn’t fair. Nico reads him the riot act. You chose Isa. Suck it up. And now do you understand how much it hurt Diego when you married Estefania?

Enfrique is at a nursing home effusively greeting a very out-of-it old man and calling him Papá. WHAT?! Was there a little truth in there with all his lies?

Nando’s missing class to take care of Ximena. Fer’s not super happy about it but resigned.

Enreeky gleefully tells Daddy-o that he is now VP at Fernando’s company and he is taking him DOWN, just like he did to Dad! Muahahahaha!!! Papreeky turns red and freaks out, probably because Enreeky is making scary vulture faces at him and shaking him. I think he might be trying to say “Nooo” but it’s hard to tell, the way he’s paralyzed and his spawn is clawing at his face.

At the office, Fanny can tell Fer is out of sorts. He tells her he’s worried about Nando missing school and trying to deal with Ximena’s problems. Fanny says she will talk with Nando. I want to know where Fanny gets her necklaces. Fan remembers seeing Leon get fired and tells Fer about it. She asks him to hire Leon back. He tells her she is as noble as her mother but is relieved when she says they are never ever ever getting back together.

Johnny finally gets his visitor badge.

Isa’s needing to do something about Alicia’s party, but her sMother Dearest doesn’t care. She wants to use Adelaida’s, or whatever her name is, that kid’s party to do something evil to la nanaca. Isa gloats that she managed to get Ana thrown out at night.

Ana visits Jen at the garage to dither about her love dilemma. Jen is in favor of getting some where the gettin’ is good.  Ana says she’ll give Diego a chance.

Johnny takes a lot of selfies with pictures of famous people on the wall. His new buddy Mauricio (not little moppet Mau) is nonplausibly welcoming to him.  On a soundstage, talkshow “Laura” is being filmed. The usual tripe where the ladies are lambasting some desgraciado who done somebody wrong. Johnny walks onto the set by mistake and of course is taken for the desgraciado in question. Again, Televisa needs better security. Hey, anyone want to drop by and walk into a scene on our favorite show? I’m taking one with Diego!

Yomama nags Isa about getting fat. Look at the donkey… She’d forgotten about the little bundle of bank account zeros on the way.  But whatever. Yolo wants to get revenge on Guille and Alex, and Isa agrees. That’s right. This soon-to-be-granny and her “high-society super classy” (snort) daughter are doing battle with the Garanimals set. Well, to be fair, this is reaching way above Yolo’s and Isababy’s emotional maturity level. Maybe they’ll learn something. Guille and Alex aren’t prone to tantrums.

At the auto shop, Ana and Jen catch Johnny on the show which is apparently live. Johnny finally gets across that he isn’t mama-stole-my-novio Everardo and gets yelled at a lot for crashing. The staff gets yelled at, too. Does this harridan have a real show? Ugh. Fishwifery pays better than it used to.

Bruno and Manuela bore me. He’s in a hurry to go somewhere.

Fanny and Nando videoconference. She warns him to be careful not to let Ximena drag him down.

Leon asks the Virgencita for help taking care of Mauricio. At least he admits to her his faults, unlike most of the characters who demand thousand-dollar prizes for nickel prayers.

Enreeky’s heading in to see Fer. Isa calls and he tells her he’s solved her little nightclub problem. Now she owes him and she knows how she’ll be paying! Bea hears his end.

“Hiii! Who happened to you, Nando?” Ana asks Nerdando in her rapidly improving and odd, though oddly accurate, English. What’s on his mind? Black holes. You know, like Ximena. Ana warns him that some relationships can be unhealthy and suck out all your energy, when a romance should make you happy. He thanks her for the advice.

Manuela frets to Ana that Bruno left on another of his mysterious outings, carrying luggage.

Oh em heck, what in tarnation is this? Bruno is wearing a derby hat and driving a sporty red antique car and being chased by police. He tries to escape.

At the office, Fer tells Diego he can’t stand in his way with Ana. He hopes they’ll be happy.

Avances: Isa and Fer get in a fight.


UGH! They can get rid of Bruno, Manuela, Yolanda, Ximena and Johnny - or just relegate them to background noise and I'd be happy. I don't think we would miss ANY of the story arc if they did that.

Julia you are a trooper giving us a silk purse out of that sow's ear of an episode last night. Many thanks.

As I watched last night, the majority of the time my thought was "What the heck is this mess?"

Who the blazes is this Johny actor and why does Osorio think he's the next best thing to slice bread. EVERYTHING about his storyline last night was just horrendous to me, didn't add to the plot, and if that was an actual show (Laura) he landed on, that woman made every female TV host in the world just want to shriek at her awfulness. Can't the goddesses make him go away?

Normally, I love Lisardo and his overall sliminess with the characters he plays, but that scene with his father was one of the worst acting jobs ever. I remember mentioning back when he brought this up that I did bet there was some truth to it. Well, hello. So I guess Fer's ruthlessness in business now has to be dealt with too. And I also think maybe the poor man was trying to tell him he was on the wrong track. He seemed agitated at the news...and not in the way Enrique probably expects.

Yolanda chasing after Bruno I guess was supposed to be funny. Sure...ok. I don't see it but whatever.

And Ximena. Why does this have to be Nando's "love story"? One PSA that should be told, he cannot deal with this alone and if she truly has bi-polar issues that are severe, she needs medical help and not moving into someone else's home. This could be an good plot point for viewers, but the actress is just coming off shrieky and spoiled instead.

I did enjoy Leon's enlightenment. He's a good guy at heart but has a tough journey ahead. Like everything Diego. Let's see if he gets some results. And the off to school scene was adorable ( did Dad know any of the stuff happening for his kids that day...that would be a no.)

Boy I hope tonight is a better episode and we stop with the filler humor.


Didn't get to see it yet, due to Hulu + being minus the epi. Thanks for getting this up and all that goes with it!!

DaisynJay, i agree about the apparent emotional reaction of Enfreeky's dad to his 'yeah, dad!! we're on the way according to OUR plan!!'
i agree that he seemed more agitated and even scared at the news that Enfreeky was a good ways into his plan than anything else...
here is my theory. Maybe some movement/deal Fernando made did result in the ruin of Enfreeky's dad's business... but it was not illegal or intentional of Fernando.
However, losing his business caused this guy a massive stroke where this is how he ended... and Enfreeky saw his 'inheritance and legacy business' evaporate... so the big revenge idea is Enfreeky's and he is using his dad's 'state of mind and body' as his excuse.
so yes, some of what he told Fanny happened to be true... but he skipped the parts of the story that would make her take off running.
not sure who is more bipolar and more 'gone to the dark side' between Enfreeky, ISa or Ximena.
wow, and the Lazcurains have to (or feel like they have to) deal with it: Fanny, Fernando and Nando respectively.

a bit detail... when Isa was on the phone with 'THE CLUB', she offered them three times whatever the other party that had the place reserved was paying... and they turned her down...
so i wonder what Enfreeky did to 'get it' for Isa. Good grief!!

also the previews show that Fernando and Isa's argument over the phone is over money... Fer says stte of 'so now i have just realized that you are after money'

So many great lines but "As much as I hate to have anything in common with Isabruja, this is going to be fast, loose, and dirty"; "An innocent pillow suffers in proxy" abd "sMother Dearest" were among my favorites.

Excellent recap Julia.

One of the things that bothers me most is Isabel's using Lichita in such a devious manner. Her dislike of the child is really cringeworthy. The best thing that could happen would be for Ana to leave (temporarily) so Isa could fall flat on her face. Everything would come quickly to light - she is a shrew and has absolutely no mothering instincts at all.

daisy, Lisardo's scene with his father stood out with me as well, and not in a good way. Hard to describe - too manic, too overacted? Hard to say. But I agree that at least part of his vengence motive is real. What a debilitating stroke his father had (I'm assuming it was a stroke).

Although I could easily live without some of the storylines, I have to admit I am rather enjoying Johnny's escapades. I loathed him at first but have softened I suppose.

Conversely, I have not softened toward Leon, even though I love his son and mother.

This was great Julia.


What is the name of the actress who played the part of the receptionist at the TV studio?

Julia, than you for a most excellent recap of an excellent episode.

Diana, I am not a Johnny fan either but I did enjoy his plot line in this episode. I think what I dislike most about him is his being a slave to Doroteo. As I have said before, all of that is way too serious for this show. Nevertheless, seeing him as the guy who was stolen by his girlfriend's mother was cute being hated and ordered out by the audience was cute.

Funniest scene: Yolanda telling Isabela that she hoped her "bubis" wouldn't fall like hers had after having her baby. Then Yolanda reminding her that she had planned to take revenge on the twins, didn't she. When Isabela does not answer enthusiastically enough, Yolanda tells her that that is her problem that she is "baba pura de perrico" --pure parrot slobber---and that "perros que ladran no muerden" --barking dogs don't bite. So it looks like a plan for reveng on the twins is on! I wonder what they will do.

Sweetest moment: Manuela was late for work because she had to stop off at a shrine and thank the Virgin for answering her prayer that Bruno would notice her. When she tells him that, he answers her saying how could I not have noticed you. Awww . . .

Creepiest scene: Enrique with his poor paralyzed father at the nursing home. His dad seemed afraid of his own son and sure wasn't liking the "plan."

Best Description: Ximena as the black hole. Nando is in a tough spot on that one.

Best thing closest to an apology Diego will ever get from Fernando: Fernando actually admitted to realizing that he had greatly hurt him with Estefanía and that he had no right to stand in his way with a woman as marvelous as Ana and that he wanted him to be happy with her. It sounded good but that is about it.

If Bruno is arrested who will bail him out?



Great work, Julia. There was so much cringeworthy stuff in this episode I don't envy your getting it.

Poor Bruno, Nando, and Alicia. I'm not pitying Beatriz because she dodged a cannonball (vs a bullet) and she is probably figuring that out as I type this.

Enfrique is getting scarier by the minute. I don't think his father (whose last name seems to be Lobos) wants him to get revenge, which is likely to be over a misunderstanding (shades of Bruno vs Rogelio in LQNPA).

Jarifa, thanks for the vocab notes. I had thought about adding some but it was late and I was tired so I just blazed through the action with no extras.

I thought it was a fairly boring episode with not much happening. My favorite part was Ana seeing the kids off to school.

Enfrique is unhinged. I didn't get why he was doing a Hulk impression for his dad. I think it's entirely possible that he greatly misinterpreted whatever situation led him to his quest for revenge. Papa Wolf looked scared of the monster he had created!

Is Ximena's depiction of bipolar disorder realistic? The few people I have known with that condition seemed to go between super up, happy, high energy ambition, and depression such that they didn't want to do ANYTHING, even move or talk. I've never seen shrieky tantrums as a symptom. Not that my anecdata means anything, but to me she is coming off more as a spoiled drama queen than as sick. I wonder if she was misdiagnosed and that's why the meds aren't helping.

Julia, there is no need for explanations. If had to write a recap there would be no way/time I could get into interesting vocabulary/expressions, usage of the language, etc. which is my particular interest. As I have said before, I do not know how you recappers do it : produce such consistently high quality recaps day in and day out. In addition you are all such good writers. It is appreciated.


Julia, I agree with you on the Ximena bi-polar portrayal. That's why I feel like she's coming off all wrong if this is what they want to convey. Depending on the severity, it very much is a case of extremes fluctuating between almost unusual glee or aggressiveness (high) to debilitating low's or depression like behavior. This is the most dangerous stage where some individuals can become suicidal. My cousin and mother would want to do nothing but sleep during their low episodes and would be lethargic and not caring about anything around them, including children or commitments. No amount of "positive" help from anyone would make the difference. Highs would be almost manic but could also involve negative behavior as well, yelling, arguing, overeating, etc.

The medication helps even those fluctuations but doesn't "eliminate" them. Just helps the person try to manage their emotions,health and behavior better. I wish they had encouraged diagnosis and meds back in the day.


I suppose it's also possible that Ximena is using her diagnosis as an excuse for aspects of her behavior that are not caused by bipolar disorder or affected by medications.

you might have a point there about her using her 'condition' to 'justify' her being so rude and totally disrespectful to her mother who was just letting her know she was coming to Mexico (per what she told Nando or Fanny) so she believes she can get away with yelling and talking her mother out of coming to visit... yikes!

Ximena didn't actually blame the bipolar disorder for that snitfit, I guess. That seemed to be an assumption that everyone else made, especially Nando as he felt compelled to stay home from school to take care of Ximena. So maybe, either consciously or unconsciously, Ximena has figured out she can get attention and affection by acting out and if she's "sick" then people won't tell her she needs to quit it?

Thanks Julia, great job as usual. I've gotta dash off to work again, stoopid job, but just a quick check in here.

I think that the writers probably don't really know what the symptoms of Bipolarity is, so I'm guessing this is what they think the symptoms are.

My take on Enrique's scene is he looked a bit like a crazy man when he talked to his father, he is acting crazy with his revenge issue so maybe he actually is, and his father just got upset at the mention of Fernando's name and with his disability, that's how this actor portrayed his being upset.

With regards to the avances, perhaps Fernando saw the bill for the club for the bday party. She offered triple and they turned her down, how much did Enrique offer them?

Ximena has figured out she can get attention and affection...
exactly, or bypass discipline/reprimand/some folks removing their support in this case.

thanks for this Julia

Ricky is just nasty and oozes ick and agree the scene with his pop weird and thought he was gonna shake the guy or burst a blood vessel in his forehead

I wish Jenny would shut up trying to push Ana toward Diego, Ana is telling everyone the truth, she is struggling. She fell hard for Fernando and while I think she should stay away from him (Fernando continues to make inappropriate advances and disrespectful) the Diego thing just looks way too forced and Jenny should know. It also bothers me that the guys (including Jen) discuss who gets Ana like she is chattel and has no say.

I am glad Ana is leaving the house at night and want Fernando to crash and burn. Sick of the namby pamby.


Julia, I just read the recap and cannot stop laughing. Enfrique the Elder? Fast, loose, and dirty? I love the wit!

I'm with you all on Enfrique; he's loco. He looked like he was going to crush his father's skull. Papa Enfrique seemed terrified of him.

Regarding Xi's condition, I don't like the way the tn writers portray it. I have several friends who are bipolar. When they are manic, they are super high. When they are depressed, they are super low, often refusing to even get out of their beds. Medication definitely keeps them on more of an even keel. Since all three of my friends are married, apparently successfully so, I suppose Nando and Xi can make their relationship work, too. Rather than over-dramatizing Xi's depression, making her appear insane, the tn writers should use this as an educational point, enlightening the audience on the disease. Further, they should educate the public about its treatment and how people manage to live successfully with it.

Really, Yomama? Revenge on eight-year-old kids? What? More voodoo dolls?

Thank you, Julia, for the fast and funny recap. I am late to the gate today but no less appreciative.

It has all been said about this creepy episode. I do want to share my thought that in these comic novelas, the sidestories often get even crazier than the main one. Johnny on Laura -- pleeze!! I had to FF on that one. Yomama chasing both Bruno and Nico -- again, enough.

If we could just stick to the principal stories that make at least a little sense, I would be a happy camper.

Isabela has not had a good week, despite Ana moving out. Fernando has admitted that he doesn't love her and love has not arrived as Isa hoped. She had a blue-shampoo and it looks like complaints about overspending are about to start. And, getting Ana out of the house at night will not lessen Fernando's fascination with Ana nor make the kids better-behaved.

OT: UA: a couple of Dark Shadows movies on TCM this month.

It is obvious that Lisardo is not a very good actor when it comes to emotional scenes. He is so good at portraying cold and calculated that his epic FAIL in that scene was somewhat shocking to me. I literally (and I hate using this word when it doesn't apply) FF'd thru his vein-popping venganza dialogue. It was so bad!

Missed the episode, thanks so much Julia for the great recap!
Ecuador Bound ITA about the TN writers' portrayal of mental health issues (by the way, October is Mental Health Awareness Month). Another TN several years ago portrayed a young "bipolar" woman as going on murderous rampages. Some actual information, rather than plot advancement points, would be so useful.

J in Oregon

It looked more like roid rage than legitimate emotion. He should stick with cold and manipulative! As an actor, I mean. The character can go die in the fireswamp.

Thanks for this excellent recap, Julia. Well done.

It's been awhile since I last commented but I've been keeping up with the TN, excellent recaps, and spirited opinions. With the exceptions of Luz, Manuela, and Yolanda, I having difficulty warming up to any of these characters. The torpid dancers do manage to make me smile... college cheerleaders are more enthusiastic and stimulating than these girls.

I enjoyed Johnny's little adventure at the TELEVISA Studios. One of the first shows I saw on Univision was a show very similar to the one that he wandered into. It was hosted by Carmen Salinas. She berated the guests in much the same way that Laura was doing.

As for Ximena, I'm not prepared to diagnose her as bipolar from what I've seen so far. I more inclined to think that she is a spoiled, immature, manipulative, self-centered child. I can't even imagine Fanny having her as a close friend.

And for the infantile collaboration between Nando and his grandfather... I'm appalled and disgusted. Next!


“Getting revenge on the twins? They're only eight years old!”

“Calm down, Persephone,” said Hera. “We're not going to let her harm them.”

“I'd like to make her really look like a witch out of one of those Grimm stories mortals read to their children.”

“So would I, but it's much too soon for that,” said Aphrodite. “We need to wait for the end of her pregnancy. We also need to wait until Fernando realizes who she really is.”

“What can we do to make him smarter about her?”

“Let's see, there are the bills from her credit card, the trouble she's sure to cause Alicia, and the way she treats everyone else. She's barely lived there two weeks. It's only a matter of time.”


Why can't we see more of Fanny's nice friend, Laura? Or Alicia's nice friend Briana? We are being overloaded with the problem people.

I'm appalled that Nico was so embarrassed and refused to go into the pharmacy to ask for condoms! He should have set a better example. And then insisted that Nando go and buy his own to be sure that he can manage to get the task done, perhaps, but how did he get to his age and have two children and a wife (QEPD) if he can't handle such a simple task?

I'm curious how Manuela got away with showing up late to work! When she and Bruno headed out the night before, Fer reminded her that he expected her in the kitchen at the usual time and she said no problem. Did he notice that she wasn't there? Did Ana give the kids Lucky Charms and Fer was avoiding her so he didn't go in the kitchen? Can a family possibly get going for the day without a selection of three different freshly-squeezed juices and four or five different bread items?

Not this family, apparently.

Getting back to Ximena, I see her as a narcissistic brat who will do whatever it takes to get attention. Poor Nando will have a very hard time if he decides to stay the course with her.

DaisynJay -

Totally agree with you about last night's episode. It was so bad I almost turned it off, but kept thinking something interesting will happen. i.e. Isa gets to get up in the night with a group of sick kidlets....when the flu is going around. I was completely bored and the Laura scene was ghastly - had to turn down the sound. Odd idea of humor to me.

But Julia, thanks so much for taking the time to do the recap. Very grateful!!

I suffer the worst case of Bi-Polar disorder, Bi-Polar Type I with lots of other mental issues to go along with this terrible mental disease which, in its worst form, takes over one's life.

I admit that I don't know all the reactions other people with BP might exhibit, but I find Ximena's symptoms to be unrealistic; and as others have stated, more like those of a spoiled child.

The producers of this show are passing up many great opportunities to perform much needed PSAs for everything from mental illness to unplanned pregnancy to sexually transmitted diseases (too much for a Latin American audience I guess).

BP disorder often leads to suicide, especially as the symptoms are most often confused with depression and improperly medicated. It took over 20 years and two major nervous breakdowns for my doctors to properly diagnose me. Five different drug regimens later, I am finally stabilized and my life has turned around. Electro-shock treatment usually is the last resort for BP Type I.

And yes, Nando is way too young and immature to understand what "black hole" may be awaiting him with Ximena. It is a shame the producers are using this storyline to such a detrimental effect.


I also wonder whether mood altering medication is effective on Ximena. How old is she supposed to be? The son of one of my friends was given anti-depressants when he was 15 and those only made him worse.

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